HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-04-12SELECTMEN'S MEETING ' APRIL 12, 1938. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Giroux,_ Messrs. Potter, Ross and Rowse were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 P.M. the Tovrn Treasurer and Mr. Raymond A. Bond appeared before the Board. Bids were opened on the loan of X9900.00 for the betterment streets. The following bids were received: Estabrook & Co. - .011 - 100.348 Bond, Judge - .01� - 100.129 . Solomon Brothers - 01 100.51 Tyler & Company - .014 - 100.43 Mr. Ross moved that the bid be awarded to Tyler & Company. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that on February 27th the Board voted to charge the Briggs Class y5.00 for using Cary Hall on February 13th and 20th but when subsequent uses were granted, no mention of charge was made or else they were granted free of'charge. He asked what the Board wanted to do on the ' matter. Mr. Rowse moved that the Briggs Class be charged $5.00 for each time they used Cary Memorial Hall. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that on February 8th the question of erecting some "slow" and "thickly settled" signs on Lincoln Street was taken up and at that time Mr. Raymond recommended that to accomplish what the person who requested them des- ired, eight signs would be needed at a cost of $70 or $80. Mr. Raymond recently talked with Mr. Conant, who made the complaint, on another matter and he brought up the subject of signs agaih. The Chairman asked him what his recommend- ation would be and he said that he did not believe in signs anyway. Mr. Rowse moved that no action be taken until further complaints were received. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that street lights for Hayes Lane and Laconia Street were approved at the last Town Meeting. A resident of Ridge Road had requested another light there and inasmuch as street lights were approved for this street last year, he wanted to know if the Board wished to do anything on the request. Mr. Raymond recommended that six lights be installed on Laconia Street, one on Ridge Road and one on Hayes Lane. Mr. Ross moved that ' the recommendation be approved. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. 307 Bond bids Use of Hal l Lincoln Street signs Street Lights. TRO Guthrie vacation. Playground Project. Mr. Raymond said that for some time the Welfare crew had been pretty much broken up with only 18 or 19 reporting for work. There have been two foremen on the job, Ferry and Guthrie. This week he put the crew on the Moth Project and he told Mr. Guthrie to lay off and said that he would take up with the Board the matter of a two weekts vacation for him. Guthrie has been working for the Town almost one year. He said that at the end of a couple of weeks he would drop either one foreman or the other unless it looked as though the Welfare crew was going to pick up. Mr. Rowse said he did not understand why Guthrie should'_,be considered a regular Town employee, nor how he was entitled to a vacation. Mr. Raymond said that any man employed by a Town for thirty-two weeks in twelve months was entitled to a vacation, according to the Statute. Mr. Ross moved that Guthrie be laid off for the present and that he be paid two weeks vacation. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that the Center Playground project was re -opened on April 7th and it was necessary to spend some money for materials if the project was to be kept open. He wanted to spend about $1600. for pipe, lumber, etc. He said that if the money was not spent, the Town would be spending money for labor and not accomplishing anything. There will be sixty men reporting for work there Monday morning. The Chairman asked how long this material would last and Mr. Raymond thought it would last about two months. He said that he planned to take the excavated material from the Brick Village development betterment streets to the Center Playground. The Clerk stated that the money for the betterment streets would not be available until after May 1st so that work could not be started now. Mr. Raymond said that if the money was not available to start these streets and excavated material could not be moved from there to the playground, it would be necessary to purchase filling material. The Chairman asked how much money it would cost to purchase filling material to keep going until May 1st. Mr. Raymond said that if the men continued to work, it would cost about $1200.00 for fill. The C hairman suggested that the matter be left until the morning and that Mr. Raymond find out if the money for the betterment streets could be made available before May 1st and if not, to discuss the matter with the W.P.A. authorities to see what arrange- ment could be worked out. Mr. Ross moved that the needed materials costing approximately $1600.00 be approved. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said he would life to start the East Street water main job tomorrow and would need 800 feet of Pipe for 12 inch pipe at $2.25 per foot. He said he would need to East St. spend an additional $200. or so for hydrants and other stock. Mr. Ross moved that the purchase of the required materials be approved. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and It was so voted. 1 1 1 309 Mr. Rowse asked if the work that the Water Department had to do was being apportioned so that the Water and Water Sewer Departments would not be coming in at the end of the Dept. year asking for more work to keep the men busy. Mr. Raymond said that there was not enough work to keep the Water and Sewer Department busy all year anyway. The Chairman stated that the Water Department men wanted to know why they did not have work when the Highway Department men did. Mr. Raymond said that if he could see some money in the Water Maintenance Account at the end of the year, he would come in then and ask for some of that money for a construction job. Mr. Raymond said that Mr. Grindle wanted a man from the the Welfare crew to work at the Adams School during Man at the coming summer and asked if it would be all right. Adams Mr. Ross moved that the request be granted. Mr. Rowse School seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond reported that he wrote to Miss Sarah E. Holmes and told her how badly the "Birthplace of American Liberty" signs needed painting. Miss Holmes wrote back Signs and sent him a check for .4.100.00 and told him that she earned all of her money and thought that if the Town had taken the proper care of the signs this large expenditure would not have been necessary. The Chairman suggested that Mr. Raymond write to Miss Holmes and tell her that the ' Town could not do anything on the signs as it does not own them. Mr. Raymond said that he had talked with the Town Counsel about the Highway Betterment Assessment on.the Barnes Barnes property and he said that the only thing to do was property to abate it. Mr. Rowse moved that the Board approve the abatement abatement in the amount of $111.09. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond asked approval to purchase a carload of sewer pipe, part six inch and part eight inch, to be paid Sewer Pipe out of the Sewer Stock Account. Mr. Ross moved that the purchase be approved. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond submitted the following bids received from dealers on motor equipment: Bids on Car for the Welfare Department. Motor Calvin W. Chil7s or V-8 X662.55 net Equipment F. K. Johnson, Inc. - Chev. Master Coupe -678.75 " F. K. Johnson, Inc. - Chev.Sport Coupe - 698.75 t/ ' Pick-up Truck for Water Dept. Colonial Garage,Inc. - oG.M.C. 695.00 net Calvin W. Childs - Ford V-8 aton638.04 " it it it - Ford V-8 1 ton - 756.02 F. -K. Johnson,Inc.-Chev. 3/4 ton - 679.00 _ 310 St.George drainage Dum Truck Chassis for Hi hw Colonigl Garage, Inc. - G.M.C. 2 Calvin 1U. Childs - Ford V-8 2 ton F. K. Johnson - Chevrolet 2 ton Dept. on, - 090.00 net ' - .874.30 - 851.50 Mr. Rowse asked if prices were asked from out-of-town dealers.. He said that there was a dealer of Fords in Somerville that lived in Lexington. He wondered if it was quite right to restrict the buying, to Lexington dealers. He asked how much discount the Town got off the list and Mr. Raymond said he did not know. Mr. Rowse said that the.Tel- ephone Company got 18 discount. He wondered if the Town was paying the list price or if it was getting competition. Mr. Ross asked if a Somerville dealer could sell Fords in Lexington or if this Town would be out of his territorg Mr. Rowse said he did not think it would be. Mr. Ross said he thought the automobile business should stay in Lexington. The dealers here have to pay taxes on their plants, equipment and stock and he thought they should be given the business. Mr. Rowse said that he still thought that the Town should get prices from local people doing business out of town. Mr. Ross said that if the Board was going to authorize the purchase of three automobiles he would like to see each dealer get one and have the business divided up. Mr. Ross asked if Mr. Raymond had decided on what kind of a trudk he wanted and he replied that, either one of the two ton jobs would do the work. Mr. Rowse said that it was better for any owner of a fleet of cars to have uniform equipment. He said he knew that Ford and Chevrolet dealers would give good service and the Town men could repair the cars. Mr. Ross moved that the car for the Welfare Department be purchased from Calvin W. Childs at his, bid ,of w662.53. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Ross moved that the 3/4 ton G.M.C. truck for the Water Department be purchased from the Colonial Garage, Inc. at its bid of 0695.00. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Ross moved that the two ton truck for the highway Department be purchased from F..K. Johnson, Inc., at their bid of $851.50. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that last week he was instructed to have the pipe leading to the St.George cellar on Reed Street rodded out unless the Town Counsel objected, which he did not. The Town men went up to Reed Street,this morning and dug up the pipe. The St.George house is on the west side of the street and the pipe was dug up on the east side. They were able to rod it to the center of the street only and so started in on the other side of the street and rodded it from that side. They ran water through it from a hydrant and it went through very nicely. The men.tried to rod in toward the house and were able to rod only about four feet 1 1 311 At 8:32 P.M., hearing was declared open on the applica- tion of James Gaudet for permission to maintain a one car Gaudet garage at 3 Daniels Street. No persons appeared in favor garage or in opposition. Mr. Ross moved that the permit be granted hearing.- subject earing:subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. At 8:34 P.M. hearing was declared open on the applica- tion of Marion M. Poitrast for permission to maintain a one Poitrast car garage at 3 Daniels Street. No persons appeared in garage favor or in opposition. Mr. Ross moved that the permit be hearing. granted subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond asked if the Board would approve a change in the location of the gas main in Lovell Street which they Gas main - approved some time ago. He recommended that the Board Lowell St. approve the change. Mr. Potter moved that the recommenda- tion be adopted. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. ' Mr. Ross said that it so happened that his fift had the contract to do the trenching work in Lexington for the Approval Gas Company in 1938. He wanted to know if the Board would of gas give Mr. Raymond authority to a pprovd the location of gas main mains rather than requiring the approval of the full Board but after persistent effort were able to get some flow started. There was a great deal of sewage, sludge, etc. in the pipe, which they were able to free. Mr. Raymond ' thought perhaps this came from a cesspool in the front yard, but Mr. St.George knew of no such cesspool. There was still water in the cellar about an inch deep and they were able to get the water away by removing a stone in the cellar wall. Mr. Raymond thought that the pipe went under the cellar from a cesspool. Mr. Raymond said that he was very doubtful as to whether the work the town did was _that going to help the condition of the water in the cellar. The Chairman asked if he felt then that the condition was the Town's fault. Mr. Rq mond said that he did not and that St.George probably would have a better outlet than he had before. The Chairman asked if Mr. Raymond thought the Board should authorize anything more on the matter, and he replied in the negative. He said he thought it would be better to let the case go to $rie.l if they wanted to take it to Court. Mr. Potter moved that the matter be laid on the table. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. At 8:30 P.M., hearing was declared open on the appli- cation of Sidney G. Leslie for permission to maintain a one Leslie car garage at 191 Woburn Street. Mr. Leslie appeared and garage presented plan of the proposed garage. No persons appeared hearing. in opposition. Mr. Ross moved that the permit be granted ' subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. At 8:32 P.M., hearing was declared open on the applica- tion of James Gaudet for permission to maintain a one car Gaudet garage at 3 Daniels Street. No persons appeared in favor garage or in opposition. Mr. Ross moved that the permit be granted hearing.- subject earing:subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. At 8:34 P.M. hearing was declared open on the applica- tion of Marion M. Poitrast for permission to maintain a one Poitrast car garage at 3 Daniels Street. No persons appeared in garage favor or in opposition. Mr. Ross moved that the permit be hearing. granted subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond asked if the Board would approve a change in the location of the gas main in Lovell Street which they Gas main - approved some time ago. He recommended that the Board Lowell St. approve the change. Mr. Potter moved that the recommenda- tion be adopted. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. ' Mr. Ross said that it so happened that his fift had the contract to do the trenching work in Lexington for the Approval Gas Company in 1938. He wanted to know if the Board would of gas give Mr. Raymond authority to a pprovd the location of gas main mains rather than requiring the approval of the full Board 312 CM as the Board merely adopts Mr. Raymondts recommendations. He said that last year the Chairman objected because if , asked why the Ross equipment was on a certain street, he would not be able to give the answer. He said that it would be very _helpful if the Board adopted this suggest- ion; that he was held up a great deal. It was decided to hold the matter over until next week. At 8:35 P.M., Mr, William Coakley appeared before the Board. He said that his object in coming before the Board was to discuss a matter that came up during the period he was acting as Temporary Plumbing Inspector. He said that it was the Wells job. He said he had been informed that the Board had the impression that he discriminated against a plumber in the Town. He said that at the time the incident occured he wrote a letter to the Board and explained it. Before he did anything on the matter, he discussed it with the Arlington Inspector who recommended that he get in touch with the State Licensing Board. He then discussdd the matter with Chairman Ferguson and asked his advice. Mr. Ferguson told him to follow the Law as that was what he was supposed to do. He said that if this was so, he would have to take the matter up with the State Licensing Board. He telephoned them and two men came out and he told them the story and aaid that if there were no merits to drop the matter but that if there were, to investigate the matter. Mr. Coakley read the letter to him from the Selectmen and ' his reply. .Air. Coakley said that the State Board informed him that the only information they could get was that Air. Ernest Lindstrom took the contract to do the Wells house and was busy and Bot a man named Johnson to do the labor. Mr. Ross asked if Johnson was a master plumber and he answered in the affirmative. Mr. Coakley said that Messrs. Glynn and Malone of the State Board said they could not understand why Lindstrom had another man take out the license inasmuch as he had a master's license. Mr. Rowse asked where the violation was. Mr. Coakley said that all master plumbers had licenses to do work and when one takes a Plumbing contract, he is supposed to do the work. That is a sacred Inspector. rule and is always abided by. Mr. Rowse said that Johnson used his own license and did the work but that Lindstrom contracted with Dr. Wells to do the job. Mr. Coakley said that what Lindstrom really did was sub -let the job. Mr. Ross asked if that was legal and he replied in the affirmative but repeated that when a man took a contract, he should do the work. . Mr. Potter said that as he understood it, Dr. Wells let the job to Lindstrom and thought.that.Lindstrom would do the work and asked if this was true. Mr. Coakley said that it was. Mr. Rowse asked if Lindstrom loaned his license to Johnson and Coakley replied.i n the negative. The Chairman asked if it would have been all right if , Lindstrom had taken out the permit and then had Johnson do the work and Coakley said it would have been. The Chairman said that the local plumbing regulations provided that there should be a vent; he asked if Coakley inspected the job at ' the Old House where there was no vent. Coakley said that if there was no vent, he did not know it. He said that there was a wet vent in that job. The Chairman asked if he meant that the job was properly vented and he said that he did. The Chairmen asked if Mr. Coakley allowed Vernon Page to do some inspecting for him and he said that he did. He said that he was only a temporary man and was not supposed to let his regular work go. He said he had a right to have a licensed master plumber inspect the work. He had agreed with William Cann to do a job for him but was Acting Plumbing Inspector when it came along so Cann got McKay to do the work and Coakley got Page to do the inspecting. Before he did this, he got permission from Mr. Ferguson to do it. The Chairman asked if cement set -tubs had been put in during his term of office and he replied in the affirmative. The Chairman asked why he did not stop it as the By -Laws forbid it. Mr. Coakley said that that had been going on for several years and he did not want to make any radical changes while he was merely Acting Inspector. He said that a cement wash tray was used in every community. Mr. Ross asked why they were not allowed here then and he said he did not know the reason. The Chairman said that as long as he was so careful in the Wells case and in the 'rage case, he thought he should have been careful in other matters. Mr. Coakley said that it was not customary for a temporary man to revise ' laws. However, if he was appointed permanent Inspector, he had in mind recommending several changes in the Plumbing Laws. The Board told him that it would discuss the matter further and he retired. Mrs. Annie Bornstein appeared before the Board and asked if she could continue to rent her barn to her nephew for the storage of junk. She said she received $10.00 per month rent for it and needed the money badly. The Chairman informed her that the Board had no right to allow her to use the barn for the storage of junk. She retired. Letter was received from the Building Inspector in regard to the matter and also from the Fire Department in which it was stated that no fire hazard existed on the premises. Mr. Potter moved that no action be taken on Mrs. Bornstein's request and that Boynton be ordered to dis- continue the use of the barn for the storage of junk. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. John F. Downey appeared before the Board. Mr. Downey is on the eligible list of Police Officers. The Chairman told him that he understood that he was here to answer anp questions, and asked him how long he had lived in Lexington and he said he had been here two years. He pur- chased his house on Farmcrest Avenue then. He is twenty- eight years old, married and has two children and is working four days a week and is just getting by. He lived in Somerville all his life until two years ago. Mr. Ross asked Boynton junk Downey re: Police Appoint- ment. 314 Permit for stand where in Somerville he lived and he replied that he lived on Lowell Street. Mr. Rowse asked if he worked in Somerville, and he replied that he worked for the Dad's Cookie Company for four years and has worked for nine years with the Colonial Beacon Oil Co. driving a truck. He is working forty hours a week but would like the police appointment as it would be more secure. The Chairman asked Downey if he drank, and he said that he did not. The Chairman told him that the Board was not sure when the appointment would be made but that he would be given consideration. The Chairman remarked that Downey did not take the last examination, and asked him why he did not take it. Downey replied that he should have taken the examination, but he just did not get around to it. He repeated that he would like the job very much, if there was any possible chance of it. Mr. Ross asked where he stood on the old list, and he said that he was second man. Mr. Ross asked what education he had and he replied that he had one year in high school. He retired. Mr. John May of Taft Avenueappeared before the Board and said that the Mass. State Guard Veterans wanted per- mission to conduct a stand in Lexington Center on the 19th of April. The Chairman asked if this organization had the approval of the Veteran's Council for selling on the 19th and May replied in the affirmative. Mr. May said that they would like the stand at the corner of Mass. Avenue and Merriam Street. The Chairman said that the Board did not think it would be a good idea to have the stand on the Buckman Tavern grounds. Mr. May said that he would try to get a location and let the Clerk know where it was. The Chairman said that the Board would approve the location if it was suitable. He retired. Mr. Ross moved that the permit be granted the Mass. State Guard Veterans to operate a stand on the 19th of April subject to a satisfactory location. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that he had received prices this week Curbing on granite curbing. One company sent a man to Lexington to bids. try to find out what the prices submitted last year were and some prices came in as though he did have some advance in- formation. Mr. Raymond recommended that all these bids be rejected and that sealed bids be requested. Mr. Potter moved that the recommendation be approved. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that four companies were requested to submit prices on broken stone delivered and at the plant. Crushed The General Crushed Stone C.o. was the low bidder on delivered stone stone but fiiled to quote a price for stone at the plant. He bids. talked to the company on the telephone and it submitted a price which also was low and the company said that it would confirm the price. Mr. Ross moved that the bid of the General Crushed Stone Co. be accepted provided the plant price was received in writing. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. 1 1 n 1 313 said that the local plumbing regulations provided that there should be a vent; he asked if Coakley inspected the job at the Old House where there was no vent. Coakley said that if there was no vent, he did not know it. He said that there was a wet vent in that job. The Chairman asked if he meant that the job was properly vented end he said that he did. The Chairman asked if Mr. Coakley allowed Vernon Page to do some inspecting for him and he said that he did. He said that he was only a temporary man and was not supposed to let his regular work go. He said he had a right to have a licensed master plumber inspect the work. He had agreed with William Cann to do a job for him but was Acting Plumbing Inspector when it came along so Cann got McKay to do the work and Coakley got Page to do the inspecting. Before he did this, he god permission from Mr. Ferguson to do it. The Chairman asked if cement set -tubs had been put in during his term of office and he replied in the affirmative. The Chairman asked why he did not stop it as the By-laws forbid it. Mr. Coakley said that that had been going on for several years and he did not want to make any radical changes while he was merely Acting Inspector. He said that a cement wash tray was used -in every community. Mr. Ross asked why they were not allowed here then and he said he ' did not know the reason. The Chairman said that as long as he was so careful in the Wells cane and in the Page case, he thought he should have been careful in other matters. Mr. Coakley said that it was'not customary for a temporary men to revise laws. However, if he was appointed permanent Inspector, he had in mind recommending several changes in the Plumbing Laws. The Board told him that it would discuss the matter further and he retired. Mrs. Annie Bornstein appeared before the Board and asked if she could continue to rent her barn to her nephew for the storage of junk. She said she received $10.00 per month rent for it and needed the money badly. The Boynton Chairman informed her that the Board had no right to allow junk her to use the barn for the storage of junk. She retired. Letter was received from the Building Inspector in regard to the matter and also from the Fire Department in which it was stated that no fire hazard existed on the premises. Mr. Potter moved that no action be taken on Mrs. Bornstein's request and that Boynton be ordered to dis- continue the use of the barn for the storage of junk. Mr. Ross seccnded the motion and it was so voted. ' Mr. John F. Downey appeared before the Board. Mr. Downey is on the eligible list of Police officers. The Chairman asked him how long he had lived in Lexington and he said he had been here two years. He purchased his house on Farmcrest Avenue then. He is twenty-eight years 314 Permit fo r st and old, married and has two children and is working four days a week and is just getting by. He lived in Somerville all his life until two years ago.Mr. Ross asked where in Somerville tae"lived and he replied that he lived on Lowell Street. He worked for the Dadas Cookie Company for four years and has worked for nine years with: the Colonial Beacon Oil Co. driving a truck. That is his present occupation. He is working forty hours a week but would like the police appointment as it would be more secure. The Chairman asked Downey if he drank and he said that he did not. The Chair- man told him that the Board was not sure when the appoint- ment would be made but that he would be given consideration. Por. Ross asked what education he had had and he replied that he had one year in high school. He retired. Mr. John May of Taft Avenue appeared before the Board and said that the Mass. State Guard Veterans wanted per- mission to conduct a stand in Lexington Center on the 19th of April. The Chairman asked if this organization had the approval of the Veterants Council for selling on the 19th aad May replied in the affirmative. Mr. May said that they would like the stand at the corner of Mass. Avenue and Me[°riam Street. The Chairman said that the Board did not think it would be a good idea to have the stand on the Buckman Tavern grounds. Mr. May said that he would try to get a location and let the Clerk know where it was. The Chairman said that the Board would approve the location if it were suitable. He retired. Mr. Ross moved that the permit be granted the Mass. State Guard Veterans Guard to operate a stand on the 19th of April subject to a satisfactory location. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that he had received prices this week on granite curbing. One company sent a man to Lex - Curbing ington to try to find out what the prices submitted last- Bids. year were and some prices came in as though he did have some advance information. Mr. Raymond recommended that all these bids be rejected and that sealed bids be requested. Mr. Potter moved that the recommendation be approved. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Ratmond said that four companies were requested to submit prices on broken stone delivered and at the plant. The General Crushed Stone Co. was the low bidder on delivered Crushed stone but failed to.quote a price for stone at the plant. stone bids. He talked to the company on the telephone and it submitted a price which also was low and the company said that it would confirm the price. Mr. Ross moved that the bid of the General Crushed Stone Co. be accepted provided the plant price was received in writing. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. 1 J The Chairman stated that the Town Office Building had been annoyed by peddlers and solicitors. He asked if the Board would instruct Mr. Raymond to have a small sign placed on the front door so that these people would be kept out. Mr. Ross moved that Mr. Raymond be so instructed. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. 315 Sign re peddlers Mr. Raymond said that he had received the following Bids on bids on street sis; Street Arthur Thyng - 2.20`including lumber; $1.45 without lumber signs. Paul Wood -.$3.00 including lumber; $2.25 without lumber. Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Thyngts bid be accepted. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond read a letter from Supt. Paxton relative OtOonnorts to the car allowance being made to John OtConnor. Mr. Ross car moved that the matter be held over for investigation. allowance Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond stated that he had received a request Request tc from Mr. Lowell to rent the grader on Candlewick Close, rent Mr. -Ross moved that the use of the grader be disapproved. grader Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Chairman said that he would like to have the Board meet to decide what At wished to recommend on Vine Brook and what votes it wished to present at the April 25th ' Town Meeting. It was decided to meet on Sunday afternoon, Meeting April 17th, at 4;00 P.M. to discuss the matter. The Chairman asked if it was the Board's idea that it was going to submit that part of the project tknt could Vine Brook be done under the W.P.A. as a.'W.P.A. project or as part contract and part W.P.A. or straight contract. The Board felt that it all should be presented as straight contract. Mr. Raymond said that the Town would not save any money doing a part of the project under the W.P.A. and the chances were that it would cost more. The Clerk was instructed to send the name of Ejnhard Plumbing A. Lindstrom into the Civil Service Commission as being the Inspector appointee of Plumbing Inspector. Mr. Ross moved that no action be taken on the matter Police of appointing a police officer. Mr. Potter seconded the Officer motion and it was so voted. Commitment of water miscellaneous charges in the Commitment amount of $110.00 was signed by the Board, and abatement and of water rates in the amount of $100.00 was also signed. Abatement. Letter was received from the Planning Board advising that that body would be pleased to assist in establishing Chap. 211 regulations in connection with the acceptance of Chapter 211 of the Acts of 1936. The Clerk was instructed to advise the Planning Board that the Selectmen would be very glad for any assistance. 316 Petition was received from the Boston Edison Company and the New England.Tel. & Tel. Co. for a joint pole Pole location on Mass. Avenue, near Barnes Place, of one pole Locations. ' Petition was also received for a joint location of ;a one pole on Mass. Avenue, 210 feet north of Independence Avenue. Mr. Ross moved that these permits be granted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Sealer of Notice was received that the examination for the Letter was received from the Appropriation Committee position of Sealer of Weights and Measures would be held Request for stating that William R. Greeley had stated that the funds for Planning Board would like to engage an engineer during ' Chap. 211 the summer to do work in connection with Chapter 211 of work. the Acts of 1936. Mr. Greeley requested the Appropriation A surety bond in the amount of $1,000.00 covering Bond Committee to transfer $300.00 from the Reserve Fund for Letter was received from the Appropriation Committee this purpose but the Appropriation Committee denied the relative to the Board's decision to pay the Town Physician Town request and suggested that an article be inserted in the Physician. case and the services of a substitute physician. The Warrant for the April 25th Meeting. Appropriation Committee disapproved of this inasmuch as Mr. Potter moved that the Board insert an article to Article cover this item in the Warrant and that Mr. Greeley salary voted was for full compensation. No action was , should present the vote to be adopted under it. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Bedford The Board signed the petition to the County Commissioners Street requesting the relocation and repair of Bedford Street. Invitation was received from the Town of Belmont to participate in the Sesquicentennial Celebration to be held Invitation on April 18th and 19th. The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge the letter and state that because.of the activities in Town it would,be impossible for the Selectmen to participate in the Belmont celebration. Petition was received from the Boston Edison Company and the New England.Tel. & Tel. Co. for a joint pole Pole location on Mass. Avenue, near Barnes Place, of one pole Locations. ' Petition was also received for a joint location of one pole on Mass. Avenue, 210 feet north of Independence Avenue. Mr. Ross moved that these permits be granted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Sealer of Notice was received that the examination for the Weights & position of Sealer of Weights and Measures would be held Measures. on May 28th. Letter was received from Lila G. O'Keefe thanking Barnes the Board for allowing her to remain at 1557 Massa Avenne property. until June 1st. Mrs. O'Keefe said that she would be willing to pay the water rates, including the last month: A surety bond in the amount of $1,000.00 covering Bond Fred Longbottom as Building Inspector, was approved. Letter was received from the Appropriation Committee relative to the Board's decision to pay the Town Physician Town a salary of $750.00 per year, plus $35. for each maternity Physician. case and the services of a substitute physician. The Appropriation Committee disapproved of this inasmuch as this action would make the $750.00 voted for salary a retainer fee and the Appropriation Committee felt that the salary voted was for full compensation. No action was , taken on the matter. 1 1 1 317 Request was received from the Girl Scouts for per- mission to sell lolypops on the lawn of the Congregational Permit. Church on April 19th. Mr. Ross moved that the permit be granted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Ross, it was voted to grant the following licenses: Licenses Sanborn+s CeLect Ice Cream, 1781 Mass. Ave. -Common Victuallers James J. Waldon, 1732 Mass. Ave. - Common Victuallers William Viano, 1494 Mass. Ave. - Overhanging Sign Sanborn's CeLect Ice Cream, 1781 Mass. Ave. -Overhanging Sign H. P. Hood & Sons, 1729 Mass. Ave. - Overhanging. Sign C. E. Barnaby, 1804 Mass. Ave. - Bowling Alleys Mrs. Harriet Farnum, 462 Marrett Road - Board Infants The Common Victualler's license granted to James J. Waldron was granted subject to the approval of the Building and Health Inspectors. The Chairman stated that last year we had some trouble with trailers at the junction of Concord Ave. and Waltham Street. He said that the West Lexington Civic Improvement Association had complained about people living in these Trailers trailers. A letter from the Town. Counsel dated November 290 1937, was read stating that the Zoning By -Law might be contended to allow trailers under "garages for storage and repair" but he thought that the By-law related to ordinary dead'storage and not for occupation as living quarters. Mr. Potter'moved that the Town Counsel be instructed to proceed to take the necessary steps to eliminate the use of the trailers as living quarters. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Messrs. Mitchell and Morse appeared before the Board Welfare in regard to Welfare matters. The meeting adjourned at 11:40 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk.