HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-04-05Juror SEL CTMEN' S MEETING APRIL 5, 1938. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was hild In the Selectmen's Room, ,Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Clark, Ross and Rowse were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 P.M., Mr. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, appeared before the Board for the drawing of a juror to serve at the Criminal Session at Cambridge on May 2nd. Samuel Borella, barber, of 22 Garfield Street, was the juror drawn. L 1 Mr. Raymond appeared before the Board. He stated that a fire insurance policy under blanket schedule in the amount Insurance of $1300.00 expired through the office of George H. Gibson on April 25th. Mr. Rowse moved that the policy be renewed through the office of Louis J. Reynolds. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond reported that he wrote the Town Counsel about the tree on the Leary property on Fletcher Avenue and sent him a copy of Mr. Garrity's letter concerning it. He Removal of asked Wrightington to advise,him of the procedure to be tree. taken in order to have the tree removed. He said he was not clear as to whether or not the Statute applied to the situation but thought that the Selectmen could make a finding that a tree whose branches overhung the way was dangerous. Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Raymond be instructed to remove the tree. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond reported that one of the W.P.A. engineers Winning had requested a letter relative to the maintenance of the Farm Winning Farm mosquito ditch. Mr. Raymond had an agreement Project. signed by the Winning Home to the effect that it would main- tain the ditch. Mr. Potter moved that the W.P.A. be in- formed that the Town would guarantee the maintenance of the mosquito ditch. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that last week the Board voted to settle the claim of Walter H. Lennon in connection with the damage to an electrical fixture. He wrote the Town Counsel and asked for approval of the settlement. He received a reply stating that this was a very small claim and it obviously Lennon would be cheaper to settle it, but he felt that the Select - Claim. men should establish a precedent with relation to these small claims. Mr. Raymond talked to Mr. Wrightington and told him that he had failed to approve the settlement of this claim and Mr. Wrightington said he would approve it if the Selectmen so wished. Mr. Potter moved that the claim be paid. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Barnes, The Board discussed the matter of continuing to allow property the O'Keefe's to rent the Barnes roperty. Cdr. Potter ?o moved that the family be allowed remain there until L 1 Letter was received from the Board of Retirement ad- vising that John J. Collins would be retired as of July 1 rather than as of April 1st. Collins Retirement The Chairman said that he had received several com- plaints from neighbors in the vicinity of the Town Office Building requesting that the fire whistle be stopped after 6:,00 F.M. inasmuch as it interferes with getting their Fire children to sleep. Mr. Clark moved that the Board of Fire whistle. Engineers be written on the matter and their recommendation •requested. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Clark also suggested that the Fire Engineers be requested to blow the siren as little as possible after 6:00 P. M. Letter was received from the Town Counsel stating that the Trustees of Public Trusts had forwarded to him a pro- Simonds ' batb notice because of a provision in an indenture of trust Trust for Caroline A. Simonds and others, to pay $300. to the Trustees of Munroe Cemetery for the perpetual care and upkeep of the Simonds lot. The coneratrix of Caroline 285 Messrs. Aquaro, Vitale and Benjamin Santosuosso appeared before the Board with a petition for the extension of the ' sewer in Bow Street, Rawson, Rindge and Albemarle Avenues, signed by 95% of the abutters. Mr. Aquaro said that they had presented a similar petition before but nothing had been done. Vitale said that the matter had been discussed with Mr. Raymond. Mr. Ross said that nothing could be done at the present time because there was so much money involved and he thought it would be necessary to insert an article in the Warrant. Mr. Vitale said that there was no drainage there and that the condition was creating a health menace. Mr'. Ross said that this should be the start of the North Lexington sewer. if the sewer was extended down Bow Street, it would involve a cost of about $22,000.00. The Chairman said that there probably would not be a meeting after the April 25th meeting until late in the Fall as there would be no money available for transfer. Aquaro said that he had one cesspool and two overflows and Santosuosso said that he Bow St. had four cesspools and they were still overflowing. Sewer Mr. Ross suggested that Mr. Stevenson make an invest- igation from the health angle and that he make a written report to the Board on the matter. The Chairman asked how many houses were affected by the condition in this area, and they said that 22 individual owners had signed the petition. The Chairman said that the Board would get a report on the matter and see what could be done. ' It was decided to get the construction costs from Mr. Raymond and discuss the matter next week. The bond of the Clerk of the Board in the amount of $1,000.00 and of Constable Patridk J. Maguire in the same Bonds amount were approved. Letter was received from the Board of Retirement ad- vising that John J. Collins would be retired as of July 1 rather than as of April 1st. Collins Retirement The Chairman said that he had received several com- plaints from neighbors in the vicinity of the Town Office Building requesting that the fire whistle be stopped after 6:,00 F.M. inasmuch as it interferes with getting their Fire children to sleep. Mr. Clark moved that the Board of Fire whistle. Engineers be written on the matter and their recommendation •requested. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Clark also suggested that the Fire Engineers be requested to blow the siren as little as possible after 6:00 P. M. Letter was received from the Town Counsel stating that the Trustees of Public Trusts had forwarded to him a pro- Simonds ' batb notice because of a provision in an indenture of trust Trust for Caroline A. Simonds and others, to pay $300. to the Trustees of Munroe Cemetery for the perpetual care and upkeep of the Simonds lot. The coneratrix of Caroline Simonds has requested that the trust instrument be set aside. Mr. Wrightington asked if the Board wished to have him sustain the trust. Mr. Ross moved that he be requested to appear and sustain the trust. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Slaughter The Board signed a statement regarding the appointment Inspector of Matthew Stevenson as Slaughter Inspector. Upon motion of Mr. was voted to appoint the Police Officers for one Arthur J. Rocque Edward J. Hogan George A. Knight Frank Peters Chester Neal John J. Collins Alex Ohlson John J. Garrity John Campbell Charles A. Manley Jacob Haid Charles M. Blake John Fopiano Leonard Jellis Edward W. Taylor Charles E.Moloy Edward L. Meany Roland E. Garman Special Charles Brenton Police John A. Murray Ralph I. Dale Arthur N. Maddison William G. Potter Archibald R. Giroux Philip M. Clark Albert A. Ross Ralph H. Marshall Robert T. Person John H. Raymond, Jr. A. Edward Rowse, Jr. Michael E.MoDonnell Charles A. Tracey Arthur N. Lee Ross, seconded by Mr. Clark, it following persons as Special year beginning April 1, 1938: 41 Grant Street Cambridge Water Basin, Lincoln Middlesex Co. Sanatorium rr n n n n n Woburn Street 88 Bedford Street 9 Hw cock Street E.E.I.Co.,39 Boylston St, Boston 67 Woburn Street Pleasgnt St. & Concord Ave. 59 York Street 61 Muzzey Street Ward Street 49 No. Han cock Street Webb Street Met.State Hostp.1m Lexington Stone Building 13 F7e tcher Ave. Town Office Building 58 Hancock St. 15 Winthrop Rd, Walnut Street 6 Strat ham Rd. 41 Hancock St, 200 Waltham Street 1844 Mass. Avenue Old Belfry Club Slapt. of Public Works. 38 Somerset Rd. Cary Library Post Office Parker School Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by Mr. Clark, it was voted to make the following appointments for the ensuing year: Dental Clinic: Mrs. Frederick B. J*mes Mrs. Frank Hudson Mr. Thomas S. Grindle 1 u D C CIS Posture Clinic: Burial Agents: Mrs. Edith M. Kelley Mrs. Steele Lindsay Mrs. Robert H. Moore Miss Margaret Kettell Miss Margaret Noyes Ralph H. Marshall James F. McCarthy Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by Mr. Clark.. it was voted to grant the following licenses: 287 Appointments Morris Motors - 404 Waltham St. - 2nd Class Agents License Town Paint & Supply Co. - 1749 Mass. Ave. - Methyl Alcohol Licenses Arthur H. McLearn - 1387 Mass. Ave. - Auctioneer Louis J. Reynolds - 1736 Mass. Ave. Leslie J. Wood - 62 Webb Street Frederic B. Hubley - 5 Washington St. - Boston Edison Co. - 1727 Mass. Ave. - Overhanging Sign Theatre Pharmacy, Inc. - 1792 Mass. Ave. - It " Louis J. Reynolds - 1736 Mass. Ave. F. K. Johnson - 39-41 Bedford Street Edgar J. Thivierge - 1752 Mass. Ave. Edith H. VanAmringe, Inc. - 1711 Mass. Ave.- Paul F. Mooney - 1837 Mass. Ave. Calvin W. Childs - 409 Mass. Ave. Water Liens in the amount of $68.90 were signed by the Board. Commitments Commitment of Water Rates in the amount of $5653.88 and commitment of Water Miscellaneous Charges in the amount of $1685 were signed by the Board. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. A true record, Attest Clerk. SELECTMEN'S MEETING APRIL 50 1938. 1 !J 1 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was h&ld in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Clark, Ross and Rowse were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7;30 P.M., Mr. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, appeared Juror before the Board for the drawing of a juror to serve at the Criminal Session at Cambridge on May 2nd. Samuel Borella, barber, of 22 Garfield Street, was the juror drawn. Mr. Raymond appeared before the Board. He stated that a fire insurance policy under blanket schedule in the amount Insurance of $1300.00 expired through the office of George H. Gibson on April 25th, Mr. Rowse moved that the policy be renewed through the office of Louis J. Reynolds. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond reported that he wrote the Town Counsel about the tree on the Leary property on Fletcher Avenue and sent him a copy of Mr. Garrity's letter concerning it. He Removal of asked Wrightington to advise him of the procedure to be tree. taken in order to have the tree removed. He said he was not clear as to whether or not the Statute applied to the situation but thought that the Selectmen could make a finding that a tree whose branches overhung the way was dangerous. Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Raymond be instructed to remove the tree. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond reported that one of the W.P.A. engineers Winning had requested a letter relative to the maintenance of the Farm Winning Farm mosquito ditch. Mr. Raymond had an agreement Project. signed by the Winning Home to the effect that it would main- tain the ditch. Mr. Potter moved that the W.P.A. be in- formed that the Town would guarantee the maintenance of the mosquito ditch. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that last week the Board voted to settle the claim of Walter H. Lennon in connection with the damage to an electrical fixture. He wrote the Town Counsel and asked for approval of the settlement. He received a reply stating that this was a very small claim and it obviously Lennon would be cheaper to settle it, but he felt that the Select - Claim. men should establish a precedent with relation to these small claims. Mr. Raymond talked to Mr. Wrightington and told him that he had failed to approve the settlement of this claim and Mr. Wrightington said he would approve it if the Selectmen so wished. Mr. Potter moved that the claim be paid. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Barnes The Board discussed the matter of continuing; to allow property the O'Keefe's to rent the Barnes property. Mr. Potter moved that the family be allowed to remain there until 1 !J 1 D L June 1st provided they paid the water rates. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond asked if the Board wanted to start things going so that the money for the construction of Taft Avenue, Loan for Cary and Cherry Streets could be raised. Mr. Ross moved Taft.Ave., that the Town Treasurer be authorized to take bids on a etc. loan of $9900.00, the notes to be for a five year period and dated April 1, 1938, the bids to be received at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, April 12 th. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond reported that he had received the follow- ing bids for steam shovel hire for the ensuing year: Thomas Quinlan - $6.00 per hour Steam Peter Salvucci - 6.00 " " shovel R. H. Stevens - 5.00 " " bids Mr. Potter moved that the bid be awarded to -the low bidder, R. H. Stevens. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond reported that he had received bids for road gravel for the ensuing year as follows: Spread -SbremisiSa dVia shed Washed Washed CnzshedRmgh ing find coarse 2 in. #1 #2 Bank Bank Charge sand sand Pea- stone stone Gravel Gavel stone' Acme Sand & Gravel Co. .90 .90 Boston Sand & Gravel Co. (2% dis) 1.25 1.25 Clematis Brook Sand & Gravel Co. .30 1.00 1.00 Greenough Bros. .70 J. H. McNamara R. H. Stevens ,30 1.10 1.10 .20 .85 .85 1.33 1.17 1.65 1.30 1.20 1.30 1.25 1.20 1.10 1.17 .57 1.65 1.20 1.00 .60 .85 .50 1.25 1.20 .65 1.10 .90 .40 Mr. Raymond said that the Lexington Sand and Gravel Co. was requested to bid but failed to do so. The bidders were requested to include a spreading charge. Mr. Raymond recommended that the Board award the bid to R. H. Stevens, he being the low bidder. Mr. Ross moved that the bid be awarded to R. H. Stevens. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Clark asked if the Town used over again the sand used on icy streets in the winter and if not, if it was possible to use it again. Mr. Raymond said that it was not used over again except for filling and he did not think it could be used over again. He thought it would give a muddy surface rather than a gritty one. Mr. Clark asked if it would be worth trying and Mr. Raymond said that if it had not been tried, it could be. Mr. Ross said that it would not be practicable. Mr. Raymond said that he would look. into the matter. Bids f or road gravel. Use of sand over again 290 V Mr. Raymond said that in regard to the complaint of flooding made by St.George of Reed Street, he supposed the Town might have done something which might have accentuated the flooding. He thought that probably the flooding was worse than it was before the street was constructed. The Chairman asked if Mr. Raymond thought the Town should do anything to rectify it. He said he did not really know. The shoulder of the street was raised some inches, maybe six or eight, for a distance of fifty or sixty feet, near the old culvert that went across the street. In place of the old culvert,'the Town put in an 18 inch pipe. He did not St.George know what the dimensions of the old culvert were. He said flooding - the water probably came out onto the street before the Town Reed St. did the work so that it did not rise up as far on St.George's lawn and get as near the house as it does now. There is a drain from his cellar - three inch pipe, he thought - that went across Reed Street and had its outlet into a ditch within the limits of Reed Street. That ditch was filled in after the Town had laid the 24 inch pipe in it and the eleva- tion at the top of the pipe was about the elevation of the original ditch. At the point where the three inch drain came from St.George's cellar, they left a part of the piece of pipe open and placed some washed gravel around it'so that the pipe did not have a free vent into the drain but there was an opportunity for water to get away and that is the manner in which it is getting away now. Mr. Raymond thought ' that the way to eliminate the trouble was to block up the pipe and put an electric pump in the cellar. Some peo2)le in town have electric pumps for pumping out seepage water. Mr. Raymond said that St.George did have some trouble before 1937. The man told him that in 1937 he had had trouble but not until someone across the street had done something in the way of pipes from their land into the ditch. The water meter reader cannot recall that there was water.there before 1937. He was not sure that conditions in the way of rainfall and run-off and the combination of snow on the ground had been more frequent in the winter of 1937-1938 than they were in 1935-1936. Last week Mrs. St.George stated that they did not have any water before the big flood of 1935, but she probably meant 1936. Mr. Raymond said that if the electric pump was not put in, the only thing to do was to excavate around the house on at least three sides and put in a play cut-off wall, fill in the corner of his lot and put in a larger pipe across the street and make some additional modifihations in the drainage system. Mr. Ross suggested that St.George stop emptying his set -tub water into the cesspool and that rods be ruse into the pipe. He suggested that this be done if it did not entail any expense. He thought that this would satisfy St.George. Mr. Raymond asked if the Town had the authority to go ' into that cellar and do the work. Mr. Clark suggested that the matter be referred to the Town Counsel and said 291 that he would approve rodding out the pipe if Mr. Wright- ington approved it. Mr. Ross moved that Mr. Raymond be ' authorized to clean the pipe out, subject to the approval of the Town Counsel. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that it would cost approximately $48,000.00 to lay sewer mains to serve the Bow Street area. The connecting sewer from the manhole on the new relief sewer at the Town line going across Cataldo's land over. to Rindge Avenue would be needed and it would cost about $25,000.00. The sewers in the following streets, Albemarle, Rindge, Winn, Rawson and Melrose Avenues and Bow Street, would cost about 23,000.00. The Chairman read a letter from the Health Inspector to the effect that the sewage conditions in the area were Bow St. a definite health menace. Sewer Mr. Ross said he thought that if the State Inspectors came out to this locality, they would compel the Town to sewer it. The Chairman asked if the Board wished to submit this problem to the Town at the April 25th meeting. Mr. Raymond said that the line from the Metropolitan sewer across private lands could be done as a W.P.A. project and by so doing, the Town would save about $10,000.00. This portion of the job would cost about $15,000. plus land. takings. Mr. Rowse said he thought the project should be started with the money obtained at the last Town Meeting for Labor and Materials. Mr. Ross said that the part through private lands would be all that would be done this year. He said that the Board could get the authorization from the Town to do it and let the second portion go until next year. Mr. Rowse asked if it would jeopardize the town's chances of getting the first part done with W.P.A. help if the second part was to be done entirely with'Town labor. Mr. Raymond said that it would be necessary to state in the application that this was a budgetary job. Mr. Ross moved that an article be inserted in the Warrant to extend sewers in the streets named by Mr. Raymond Article and that the first portion of the extension be submitted as a W.P.A. project. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Potter said that Thomas Whiting was waiting to see the Board. Mr. Raymond said that following the breaking of glass on Hibbert Street, he had not hired Whiting to do blastings as he thought he was too dangerous. The Chairman Whiting said that the Board held Mr. Raymond responsible for this re work.and he thought the Board should follow his recommenda- blasting tions. Mr.. Whiting appeared before the Board. He said that he had been doing blasting in town for fifty years and his ' family had paid taxes in the Town for over 90 years and he thought he should be given consideration. The Chairman told him that the Board would discuss the matter and he retired. Mr. Potter moved that the matter be left with Mr. Raymond. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. 292 Barnes property Signs. A Highway Betterment Assessment of $111.09 is due on the Barnes property and the Clerk asked if this was to be abated. There is also a water bill due. The Chairman suggested that the Supt. of Public Works take up the matter with the Town Counsel and the Assessors and report on the matter of the abatement next week. The Board felt that the O'Keefe's should pay the bill for water rates and requested the Clerk to write them to that effect. The Board discussed the "Birthplace of American Lib- erty".signs at the entrances to the Town. Mr. Potter moved that..the Supt. of Public Works be instructed to do what he could so that the signs might be painted by the 19th of April. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. It was suggested that he contact Sarah Eddy Holmes, who donated them to the Town. The Chairman stated that the Briggs Class wanted tc Use of Hall.use Cary Hall on Sunday, April 24th, for about an hour. Mr. Ross moved that the use of the hall be granted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Irving Currier and a Mr. Eldridge appeared before the Board. Mr. Currier presented a sketch of a sign that he wished to erect. The Chairman explained that Mr. Currier had had two of these signs made up to cost $500.00 and Currier said that they had expended about $100.00 already. The signs signs are six feet by eight feet and the Town By-laws allow a sign to be only twenty square feet. The Chairman told Mr. Currier that the Selectmen did not have any authority to allow a variation from the By-laws. -Mr. Eldridge asked if there was any law as to what kind of a sign he could put on the roof. The Chairman told him that it would be better to take the matter up with the Building Inspector. They retired. Major Edward L. Child appeared before the Board. He said that the April 19th Committee was spending $500.00 -to get the parade up to the Common and he Wanted to make sure that the crowd at the Common could be handled satisfactorily. The Chairman said that he had suggested that a rope might be sufficient to hold the crowd back,but the Committee wanted to know if snow fence could be provided. The Chairman told Snow Fence him that the Board would discuss the matter and he retired. at Common The Chairman said that the Town had always taken care April 19th. of the Common and this year Mr. Raymond had turned down the request to do so because the Park Department approp- riation had been cut down so much. He talked with Mr. Raymond, however, who agreed to take care of the Common but said that he would not recommend that the snow fence be erected. Mr. Potter thought that as long as the $500.00 had been appropriated, the snow fence should be erected. Mr. Potter moved that the snow fence be placed. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. CI 293 The Chairman said that the different members of the Board had received complaints relative to the storage of ' junk on Mass. Avenue opposite Sylvia Street. Mr. Potter Junk moved that the Building Inspector be instructed to check up on the matter and order the removal of the junk. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Clerk said that last week the Board approved pay- ment of $5.00 to Mary Hiran in settlement of her claim but Hiran did not say what it was to be charged to. Mr. Clark moved claim that the bill be charged to Unclassified. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Board signed the deed of Lots 51 and 52 Rockville Sale of Avenue to Martha Yntas. Lots The Board signed the radio contract with the Town of Radio Arlington for the year 1938. Contract .Letter was received from the Town Counsel stating that he had arranged with the City of Cambridge to settle the Harrington claim in the Eva Harrington case of x,80.46 which is the bill face of the bill without interest or -costs. Mr. Potter moved that the settlement be approved. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Request was received from the' Sacred Heart Church for ' permission to hold a carnival on Mass. Avenue opposite Carnival Sylvia Street the week of June 13th and 19th. Mr. Potter moved that permission be granted. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. A request was received from H. M. Lawrence for per'. Sound car. mission to operate a sound trailer in Lexington one day, Saturday, April 9th. Mr. Potter moved that the application be disapproved. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Fire Engineers relative to the Boards request that they consider the matter of discontinuing the blowing of the fire whistle after six Blowing of P.M. Since 1933 the Engineers have eliminated as much as fire possible, the blowing of the whistle and since the whistle whistle. has been moved to the Cary Memorial Building, the time of elimination has been set one hour ahead so that the sound- ing of the whistle is discontinued after eight P.M. The Engineers felt that they were taking some risk in doing this and felt that they had gone their limit in their endeavor to eliminate both noise and confusion. With reference to the Slowing of sirens on apparatus, the Engineers said that if the Selectmen could so control the highways that after six P.M. there would be no traffic, they would guarantee ' to cease blowing all apparatus sirens. Letter was received from the Town Counsel relative to Chap.211 Chapter 211 of the Acts of 1936. It was decided to hold the matter over for one week. 294 Five & Letter was received from Mr. Raymond (a copy being ten year furnished each member) listing the projects needed by the needs. Town within the next five and ten years. It was decided to hold this over until next week. Application Letter was received from one John F. Coyne applying for for the position of janitor at the -Barnes property. The Position. Chairman said that he would refer the matter to Mr. Raymond. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Town of Lexington WHEREAS, the Town of Lexington at a Town Meeting duly called and held on.March Olst, 19383, duly adopted under Article 20 of the Warrant the following vote: 1 Letter was received from Henry S. Raymond of Clark Street stating that children were doing a great deal of Belfry damage on Belfry Hill and advising that he would be glad Hill. to watch'the place if he was given an appointment as a Special Police officer. Letter was received from Mr. Garrity advising that it was his intention to have the grounds around the Belfry cleaned up for the 19th of April. Mr. Garrity said that he did not believe it vas necessary to have Mr. Raymond appointed a Special Police officer. He said that Belfry Hill was part of the park system and he thought that the children should use it as much as possible provided they did not do any damage. Mr. Potter moved that the appoint- ment be refused. Mr. Ross seconddd the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from Mr. Worthen stating that some time ago he appeared before the Board with reference to placing historic bulletin boards, one on the Common Historic and one near the entrance walk to Buckman Tavern. Mr. bulletin Worthen said that the Lexington Rotary Club had agreed boards, to provide both of these markers and it was hoped to have them in place by April 19th. He said the only request made of the Town was the cooperation of the Park Department and of the Engineering Department in drawing the map and having the prints made. Mr. Ross moved that the services of the Park Department and Engineering.Department be offered in connection with this matter. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Ross moved that a sewer be extended in Edgewood Road for a distance of approximately 50 feet, the cost to be charged to the Sewer Construction, Sundry Streets Edgewood account. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so Road voted. Sewer The Board signed the order for the construction of Order. the sewer as follows: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Town of Lexington WHEREAS, the Town of Lexington at a Town Meeting duly called and held on.March Olst, 19383, duly adopted under Article 20 of the Warrant the following vote: 1 295 "Voted: That the Selectmen be authorized to install sewer.mains in such accepted or unaccepted streets as may ' be applied for during the year 1938 in accordance with St. 1897, Ch. 504, as amended, or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain the necessary easements therefor, and for the purpose of said installation the sum of $1,0000 be appropriated and transferred from the Sewer Assessment Fund', and at a meeting of the Board of Selectmen held on April 5th, 1938, it was voted to authorize the extension of the sewer in Edgewood Road, from present end to a point southeasterly and distant approximately 60 feet, under the 80 provisions of General Laws., Chapter , VOTED: By the Selectmen, acting as a Board of mater and Sewer -Commissioners under the authority conferred by Statute 1897, Chapter 504 and Acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto, and of votes of the Town of Lex- ington pursuant thereto, that a sewer be constructed in Edgewood Road, from present end to a point southeasterly and distant approximately 60 feet, substantially in accord- ance with plan made by John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer, dated April 4, 1938, and entitled, "Plan of Proposed Sewer in Edgewood Road, Lexington, Bass. Scale l in. - 40 ft., April 4, 1938, John T. Cosgrove, Townlhgineer". Betterments will be assessed for this improvement in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 221 of the Acts ' of 1926. The area which it is expected will receive benefit or advantage other than the general advantage to the community from such improvement is described as follows: That portion of those properties on each side of Edgewood Road from present end to a point southeasterly and distant approximately 60 feet. The said area comprises the several lots shown upon the plan hereinbefore referred to which are designated in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. We estimate the betterments that will be assessed upon each parcel of land to be as shown in the schedule which is hereto annexed and made a part hereof. Witness our hands at Lexington aforesaid this fifth day of April 1938. Archibald R. Giroux William G. Potter Selectmen A. Edward Rowse of Albert A. Ross Lexington Philip M. Clark 296 COMKONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex ss. Lexington, Mass. April 5, 1938. Then personally appeared the above named Archibald R . Giroux, William G. Potter, Philip M.' Clar3g, Albert A. Ross, and A. Edward Rowse and severally acknowledged the foregoing in and statement b them subscribed to be their instrument ruinent y free act and deed and the free act and deed of the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners of the Town of Lexington, before me, James J. Carroll Notary Public (Mar. 14, 1945) SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED BETTERMENTS REFERRED TO IN THE FOREGOING ORDER. EDGEWOOD ROAD (From Present end to a point southeasterly and distant approximately 60 feet). Owner as of January lst, 1938 Assessment. William H. Shurtleff $235.00 ' The Board discussed the appointment of a Plumbing Inspector. Letter was received from the Commissioner of Civil Service advising that the requirement that the persons taking this examination be a licensed master plumber with at least ten years practice or experience was referred to the full Board of Commissioners. He said that inasmuch as under Chapter 142, section 11 of the General Laws, it is required that inspectors of plumbing be practical plumbers and shall also have had practical experience, either as master plumbers or as journeymen continously during the five years next preceding the date of appointment, the Full Board did not recognize the requirement as set up by the By-laws of the Town of Lexington. The Board was of the Plumbing opinion that the requirements as set up by the by-laws Inspector were too restricting for the position involved and they were, therefore, not recognized. The letter stated that the poster advertising this examination stated that applicants must be either a journeyman or master plumber. The eligible list was received containing the following ratings: Name and Address Date of Birth PerCent Kinneen, Timothy, 156 Vine St. 8/2/99 79.98 Coakley, William A., 22 Kendall Rd. 9/16/82 89.28 Lindstrom, Ejnhard A., 63 Farmcrest 6/18/96 88.96 Avenue ' Mr. Clark moved that Mr. Sinneen be appointed Plumbing Inspector. Mr. Ross seconded the motion. Messrs. Rowse, Potter and Giroux voted in opposition so that the motion ' was not carried. Mr. Potter moved that William A. Coakley be appointed Plumbing Inspector. The motion was not seconded. Mr. Rowse moved that Ejnhard A. Lindstrom be appointed Pltuhbing Inspector. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Clerk was instructed to send notice of this selection to the Civil Service Commission at once. 297 Complaint re Willis' dog. Upon motion of Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Potter, it was voted to grant the following licenses: Licenses Waverley Hardware Co. 1756 Mass. Ave. - Methyl Alcohol Minute -Man Golf Club_ - Concord Ave. & - Common Victuallers Pleasant St Ernest C. Martin - 1793 Mass. Avenue - Overhanging Sign Waverley Hardware Co. - 1756 Mass. 11ve.- " It Eugene H. Partridge - 1709 Mass. Ave. E. A. Pero - 1786 Mass. Avenue Chin Lee - 1784 Mass. Avenue Western Union Tel. Co. - 1736 Mass. Ave. " It Liggett Drug Co., Inc. - 1721 Mass. Ave. Garbiel Baker - 1741 Mass. Avenue ' Eugene Derby 11 Waltham S reet Colonial Garage Inc.- 1668 bass. Ave. Mike_& Christy Hallos 1715 Mass. -Ave. - rc Letter was received from Mrs. Joseph H. BryantJr. kotary of 6 Colony Road, which bad been sworn to before a Public. Mrs. Bryant comprained that a dog owned by Charles. Willis of Colony Road was a vicious dog and said further that the dog had bitten her child.. -David Bryant. She said that after the biting, the dog was placed in quarantine and was not supposed to be out except on a leash. However, he did get out one day and was in Mrs. Bryant's front yard. Mr. Willis promised that he would keep the dog restrained from then on but the dog has been out alone several times since then. Mrs. Bryant said that she did not dare let her son out of her sight. She requested that the Board take steps to have the dog removed permanently. She said .that other neighbors had had trouble and had given her permission to use their names - Mrs. Craig Wark and Mrs. Ashton Little. ' A report was received from the Dog Officer stating that he talked with Mrs. Bryant about the statements made in her letter and had called at Mr. Willis' home and seen the dog. He said that the dog was a very nervous type and that in his opinion, his disposition would not be improved.by confinement. Mrs. Bryant re -told her complaint to the Dog Officer. Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Willis be notified to dispose of the dog within ten days. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. 297 Complaint re Willis' dog. Upon motion of Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Potter, it was voted to grant the following licenses: Licenses Waverley Hardware Co. 1756 Mass. Ave. - Methyl Alcohol Minute -Man Golf Club_ - Concord Ave. & - Common Victuallers Pleasant St Ernest C. Martin - 1793 Mass. Avenue - Overhanging Sign Waverley Hardware Co. - 1756 Mass. 11ve.- " It Eugene H. Partridge - 1709 Mass. Ave. E. A. Pero - 1786 Mass. Avenue Chin Lee - 1784 Mass. Avenue Western Union Tel. Co. - 1736 Mass. Ave. " It Liggett Drug Co., Inc. - 1721 Mass. Ave. Garbiel Baker - 1741 Mass. Avenue ' Eugene Derby 11 Waltham S reet Colonial Garage Inc.- 1668 bass. Ave. Mike_& Christy Hallos 1715 Mass. -Ave. - rc 298 �o Tax title The matter of disposing of property acquired by tax property title was held over for one week. , Application was received from C. E. Dudley of Lowell Request for permission to sell pop corn on the 19th of April. Mr. for permit.Ross moved that the application be denied. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Chairman informed the Board that the State Auditor had suggested that it would be a better idea to call the Town money paid Dr. Newell a retainer fee rather than a salary Physician. in view of the fact that he was to be paid extra. Mr. Potter moved that the Town Physician be paid $750.00 as a retainer fee and that the Board approve payment of any additional charges as it sees fit. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Potter.moved that the following increases be approved as of April 1st, 1936: Mr. Raymond Supt. of Public Works - Increased to 4600.00 per year; Lawrence G. -Mitchell - Public Welfare Agent - Increased to $45.00 per week; Gertrude E. Mitchell Public Welfare Dept. - Increased to $19. per week; Salary Mrs. Mary Casey - Public Welfare Dept. - Increased increases. to $12.00 per week; ' John Litchenberg - Engineering Department — Increased to $20.00 per week; John W. Rycroft - Police Department - Increased to 45.00 per week; John C. Russell - Police Department - Incrdased to X45.00 per week; Thomas F. Fardy - Permanently employed in the Welfare Department at a salary of .18.00per week. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Chairman asked if the Board wished to pay for Reviewing decorating the reviewing stand which will be used on the Stand. 19th of April. Mr. Ross moved that the Town pay the bill out of the Unclassified Account, it being understood that the charge will be approximately $10.00. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Board signed an order for the construction of Taft Avenue as follows: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Town of Lexington At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington held on the 5th day of April, 1938, it is. ' ORDERED: Whereas the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, having determined and adjudged that common 299 convenience and necessity require that a town way be laid out in the location hereinafter described and having complied with the requirements of law relating to notice, did on the 8th day of March, 1938, lay out as a town way the way known as Taft Avenue, from Massachusetts Avenue a distance of approximately 1037 feet southwesterly, accordingly and duly filed their report of such laying out with the boundaries and the measurements of the same in the office of the Town._ Clerk on the 14th day of March, 19380 and whereas at a town meeting duly called warned and held on the 21st day of March, 1938 and adjourned to the 28th day of March, 1938, in accord- ance with the provisions of law applicable thereto, it was VOTED: That the Town accept the layout as a town way of Taft Avenue, from Massachusetts Avenue a distance of approximately 1037 feet southwesterly, as laid out by the Selectmen, under the Betterment Act, and shown upon a certain plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated February 180 1938, and to take by eminent domain the necessary easement therefor, and for the purpose of constructing said street the sum of $7500.00 be appropriated and assessed, said sum to be raised by the sale of notes or bonds of the Town issued in accordance with law and payable in not more than five years from the date thereof. PTOW, THEREFOR, we, the undersigned, being a majority of the Board of Selectmen of the said Town of Lexington, duly elected, qualified and acting as such, do hereby under and by virtue of the provisions of Chapter 79, of the General Laws and of any and every other power and authority us hereto in any way enabling, take the right or easement to use for all the purposes of a town way for the use of said town of Lexington, the land in said town bounded and described as follows: The westerly line of Taft Avenue begins at a point in the southerly line of Massachusetts Avenue, said point being easterly and distant 27.71 feet from the westerly terminus of a curve of 1337.53 feet radius, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 23.72 feet radius distant 46.98 feet to a point of reverse curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 255.92 feet radius distant 97.17 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 150 001 52" W distant 389.06 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 248.50 feet radius distant 229.72 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 67 591 08" W distant 99.10 feet to a point of curvature, thence.bearing to the right with a curve of 175.85 feet radius distant 144.44 feet to a point. The easterly line of Taft Avenue begins at a point in the southerly lihe of Massachusetts Avenue, said point being westerly and distant 88.62 feet from the easterly terminus of a curve of 1337.53 feet radius, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 71.71 feet radius distant 69.95 feet to a point of compound curvature, thence bearing to the 300 leftwith a curve of 215.92 feet radius distant 102.02 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 150 001 52" W distant 389.06 feet to a point of curvature,.thence bear- ing to the right with a curve of 288.50 feet radius distant 266.72 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 670 591 08" W distant 99.10 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 215.85 feet radius distant 178.86 feet to a point. The above described lines are parallel with and distant 40.00feet from each other with the exception of the curved intersections at Massachusetts Avenue. The above description is intended to conform to a plan entitled, "Plan of Taft Ave., Cary St. and Cherry St., Lexington,_ Mass., Scale 1 in . - 40 ft., Feb. 18, 1938, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer", which plan is on file in the Town Clerkts office in said Lexington and a copy of which will be recorded with the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds with a copy, of this order. All trees, if any, upon the land taken are included in this taring. Taft Ave. Order. Betterments are to be assessed for this improvement. The area which it is expected will receive benefit or advantage other than the general advantage to the community from such improvement is described as follows: The same being lands now or formerly of Evelyn M. McVetty, Harry E. Johnson, William T. and Florence E. McCarthy, Bernard C. and Melita M. Nickerson, Joseph C. and Marion L. Brownell, Johanna E. Sullivan, Cora E. Davies, Harry E. Johnson, Charles C. and Josephine L. Paul, Eric G. Sahlberg, Paul E. Laurent, Kenneth J. and Mildred T. Draper, Faith E. Ousback, George W. MacMullen, Daniel L. and Agnes C. Duan, Esther R. M. Hedberg, as shown on a plan entitled, Plan of Taft Ave., Cary St. and Cherry St,, Lexington, Mass., Scale 1 in. - 40 ft., Feb. 18, 1938, John T. Cosgrove, TowniEngineer". The said area comprises the several lots shown upon the plan hereinbefore referred to, which are designated in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. We estimate the betterments that will be assessed upon each parcel of land to be as shown in the schedule which is hereto annexed and made a part hereof. We determine that no damages have been sustained and none are awarded. 1 1 D WITNESS our hands at Lexington aforesaid this 5th day of April, 1938. Archibald R. Giroux Selectmen William G. Potter of the A. Edward Rowse Town Albert A. Ross of Philip M. Clark Lexington COMMONWEALTH OF MASSAC3USETTS Middlesex, ss. Lexington, Mass. April 5, 1938 Then personally appeared the above named Archibald R. Giroux, William G. Potter, A. Edward Rowse, Albert A. Ross, and Philip M. Clark and severally acknowledged the foregoing instrument and statement by them subscribed to be their free act and deed and the free act and deed of the Board of Selectmen and Public Works of the Town of Lexington, before me, James J. Carroll Notary Public Mar. 141, 1945. SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED BETTERMENTS REFERRED TO IN THE FOREGOING ORDER Owner as of Jan. 1, 1938 Lot No. Approximate ' Assessment. Evelyn M. McVetty 2 $415.00 Harry E. Johnson 3 .345.00 William T. & Florence E. McCarthy 4 345.00 Bernard C. & Melita M. Nickerson 5 345.00 Joseph C. & Marion L. Brownell 6 345:00 Johanna E. Sullivan "7 345.00 Cora E. Davies 8- 355.00 Harry E. Johnson 9 395.00 Charles C. & Josephine L. Paul 10 490.00 Eric G. Sahlberg 28 360.00 Paul E. Laurent 29 345.00 Faith E. Ousback 30 565.00 kenneth J. & Mildred T. Draper 31 345.00 George IN. MacMullen 32 595.00 Daniel L. & Agnes C. Dugan 33 470.00 Esther R. M. Hedberg; 39 385.00 Harry E. Johnson 44 65.00 The Board signed an order for the construction of Cary Street as follows: 1 301 302 COMMIOP adEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesexx, ss. Town of Lexington At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of ' Lexington held on the 5th day of April, 1938, it is. ORDERED: Whereas the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, having determined and adjudged that common convenience and necessity require that a town way be laid out in the location hereinafter described and having com- plied with the requirements of law relating to notice, did on the 8th day of March, 1938, lay out as a town way the way known as Cary Street, from Taft Avenue a distance of approximately 250 feet westerly, accordingly and duly filed their report of such laying out with the boundaries and the measurements of the same in the office of the Town Clerk on the 14th day of March, 1s38, and whereas at a town meeting duly called warned and held on the 21st day of March, 1938 and adjourned to the 28th day of March,.1938, in accordance with the provisions of law applicable thereto, it was VOTED: That the Town accept the layout as a town way of Cary Street, from Taft Avenue a distance of approximatdly 250 feet westerly, as laid out by the Selectmen, under the Betterment Act, and shown upon a certain plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated February 18, 1938, and to take by eminent domain the necessary easement therefor, and for the purpose of constructing said street the sum of $1200.00 be appropriated and assessed, said sum to be raised by the sale of notes or bonds of the Town issued in accord - Cary St. ance with law and payable in not more than five years from Order. the date thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, we the undersigned,,being a majority of the Board of Selectmen of the said Town of Lexington, duly elected, qualified and acting as such, dohereby under and by virtue of the provisions of Chapter 79 of the General Laws and of any and every other power and authority us hereto in any way enabling, take the right or easement to use for all the purposes of a town way for the use of said Town of Lexington, the land in said town bounded and described as follows: 'The northerly line of Cary Street begins at a point in the westerly line of Taft Avenue, said point being north- erly and distant 23.36 feet from the northerly terminus of a curve of 248.50 feet radius, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 20.22 feet radius distant 34.67 feet to a point of tangency, thence N 660 441 08" W distant 222.79 feet to a point. The southerly line of Cary Street begins at a point in the westerly line of Taft Avenue, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 22.50 feet radius distant 38.02 feet to a point of tangency, thence N 660 441 08" W distant 227.42 feet to a point. 303 The above described lines are parallel with and dis- tant 40.00 feet from each other with the exception of the curved intersections at Taft Avenue. The above description is intended to conform to a pian entitled "Plan of Taft Ave., Cary St. and Cherry St., Lexington, Massa, Scale.l in. - 40 ft., Feb. 18, 1938, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer", which plan is on file in the Town Clerkts Office in said Lexington and a copy of which will be recorded with the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds with a copy of this order. All trees, if any, upon the land taken are included in this taking. Betterments are to be assessed for this improvement. The area which it is expected will receive benefit or advantage other than the general advantage to the community from such improvement is described as follows: The same being lands now or formerly of Bryant W. and Clkire G. Patten, Sue M. Curtin, Minnie S. May, Harry E. Johnson and Lary Blight, as shown on a plan entitled, !Plan of Taft Ave., Cary St. and Cherry St., Lexington, Mass., Scale 1 in. - 40 ft., Feb. 18, 1938, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer". ' The said area comprises the several lots shown upon the plan hereinbefore referred to, which are designated in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. We estimate the betterments that will be assessed upon each parcel of land to be as shown in the schedule which is hereto annexed and made a part hereof. We determine that no damages have been sustained and none are awarded. WITNESS our hands at Lexington aforesaid this 5th day of April, 1938. Archibald R. Giroux Selectmen William G. Potter of the A. Edward Rowse Town of Albert A. Ross Lexington. Philip Al. Clark COMMONATALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Lexington, Mass. April 5, 1938 Then personally appeared the above named Archibald R. ' Giroux, William G. Potter, A. Edward Rowse, Albert A. Ross and Philip M. Clark and severally acknowledge the fore- going instrument and,btatement by them subscribed to be 304 w their free act and deed and the free act and deed of the Board of Selectmen and Public ';Yorks of the Town of Lex- ington, ex ington, before me, James J. Carroll, Notary Public (Mar. 14, 1945) SCHEDULE OF ESTIMA'T'ED BETTT'R1ENTS REFERRED TO IN THE FOREGOING ORDER. Owner as of Januar 1,, 1938 Lot No. Approximate Assessment. Bryant W. and Claire G. Patten 34 $345.00 Sue M. Curtin 35 345.00 Minnie S. May 36 450.00 Harry E. Johnson 37 325.00 Mary Blight 38 345.00 The Board signed an order for the construction of Cherry.Street as follows: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ' Middlesex, ss. Town of Lexington At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington held on the 5th day of April, 1938, it is. ORDERED: Whereas the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, having determined and adjudged that common con- venience and necessity require that a town way be laid out in the location hereinafter described and having complied with the requirements of law relating to notice, did ori.: the 8th day of March, 1938, lay out as a town way the way known as Cherry Street, from Taft Avenue a distance of approximately 193 feet westerly, accordingly and dully filed.: their report of such laying out with the boundaries and the measurements of the same in the office of the Town Clerk on the 14th day of March, 19381,, and whereas at a town meeting duly called warned and held on the 21st day of March, 1938 and adjourned to the 28th day of March, 1938, in accordance with the provisions of law applicable thereto, It was VOTED: That the Town accept the layout as a town way of Cherry.Street, from.Taft Avenue a distance of approx- imately 193 feet westerly, as laid out by the Selectmen, ' under the Betterment Act, and shown upon a certain plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated February 18, 1938, and to take by eminent domain the necessary easement 305 therefor, and for the purpose of constructing said street the sum of $1200.00 be appropriated and assessed, said sum to be raised by the sale of notes or bonds of the Town issued in aeeordanee with law and payable in not more than five years from the date thereof. NOW, THEREFOR, we, the undersigned, being a majority of the Board of Selectmen of the said Town of Lexington, duly elected, qualified and acting as such, do hereby under and by virtue of the provisions of Chapter 79 of the General Laws and of any and every other power and authority us hereto in any way enabling, take the right or easement to use for all the purposes of a town way for the use of said town of Lexington, the land in said town bounded and described as follows; The northerly line of Cherry Street begins at a point in the westerly line of Taft Avenue, said point being southerly and distant 67,00 feet from the southerly terminus of a curve of 255.92 feet radius, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 20.00 feet radius distant 31.42 feet Cherry to a point of tangeney, thence N 740 591 08" W distant 170.50 Street feet to a point. _ Order The southerly line of Cherry Street begins at a point in the westerly line of Taft Avenue, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 20.00 feet radius distant 61.42 feet ' to a point of tangency, thence N 740 59+ 08" W distant 176.19 feet to a point. The above described lines are parallel with and dis- tant 40.00 feet from each other with the exception of the curved intersections at Taft Avenue. The above description is intended to conform to a plan entitled "Plan of Taft Ave., Cary St. and C herry St., Lexington, Mass., Scale.1 in. - 40 ft., Feb. 18, 1938, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer", which plan is on file in the Town Clerk's Office in said Lexington and a copy of which will be recorded with the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds with a copy of this order. All trees, if any, upon the land taken are included in this taking. Betterments are to be assessed for this improvement. The area which it is expected will received benefit or advantage other than the general advantage to the community from such improvement is described as follows; The same being lands now or formerly of John T. and ' Christine G. Clancy, Harry E. Johnson, Victor F. and Ida C. Erifson and Karl and Mary Schmid, as shown on a plan . entitled "Plan of Taft Ave., Cary St.', and Cherry St., Lexington, Mass., Scale 1 in. - 40 ft., Feb. 18, 1938, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer". 306 CM IWC The said area comprises the several lots shown upon the plan hereinbefore referred to, which are designated , In the schedule herdto annexed and made a part hereof. Vie estimate the betterments that will be assessed upon each parcel of land to be as shown in the schedule which is hereto annexed and made a part hereof. We determine that no damages have been sustained and none are awarded. WITNESS our hands at Lexington aforesaid this 5th day of April, 1938. Archibald R. Giroux William G. Potter Selectmen A. Edward Rowse of the Albert A. Ross Town of Philip M. Clark Lexington COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Lexington, Mass., Apr. 5, 1938 . Then personally appeared the above named Archibald R. Giroux, William G. Potter, A. Edward Rowse, Albert A. Ross and Philip M. Clark and severally acknowledged the fore- ' going instrument and statement by them subscribed to be their free act and deed and the free act and deddd of the Board of Selectmen and Public Works of the Town of Lex- ington, before me,. James J. Carroll Notary Public (Mar. 14, 1945.) SCHEDULE :07 __ESTIMATED BETTERMENTS REFERRED TO IN THE FOREGOING ORDER Owner as of Jan. 1, 1938 Lot No. Approximate Assessment John T. Sc Christine G. Clancy 40 $455.00 Harry B. Johnson 41 445.00 Victor F. and Ida C. Ericson 42 495.00 Karl & Mary Schmid 43 460.00 Commitment of Water Liens in the amount of $52.80 was Commitment. signed by the Board. Messrs. Mitchell and Morse appeared before the Board to Welfare. discuss Welfare matters. ' The meeting adjourned at 10:35 P.M. A true record, Attest: CleCle k.