HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-03-14261 SELECTMEN►S MEETING MARCH 14, 1938. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, C]a rk, Ross and Rowse were present. The Clerk was also present. Mr. Raymond appeared before the Board. He asked approval to start the enclosed field W.P.A. project. He said that they probably would be at the point on April 1st where they would not be able to take care of the W.P.A. quota, unless this project was started. He said that this was a 50-50 proposition with the Federal Government paying one-half the cost and the Town the other half. Mr. Clark asked what the ratio would be on a brook project and Mr. Raymond said it would be about three to one. Mr. Potter said that the benefit derived should be considered; that Lexington is the only town around that has not an enclosed field. They figured that if the field was enclosed, probably $1200.00 per year would be collected. The Chairman asked if the W.P.A. authorities would abeept projects to complete projects already started, and �Mr. Raymond said that they would. He asked why Mr. Raymond recommended the playground project rather than others. Mr. Raymond said he recommendad this because of the large amount of labor it would require and said that it would take care of about forty men who would be working on drainage. He said that the $5000. needed for the fence did not have to be spent right away. He said that if the project was not finished now, it would grow up to weeds, briars, etc. This W.P.A. is the only project that will take care of the present quota. .Mr. Clark said that despite how worthy the project was, his point in opposing it was that the town was spending too much out of its appropriation on one project. The Chairman asked if he would recommend that the Board approve it not including the ±enee at the present time. Mr. Clark said that he would subscribe to some project whereby the Town would pay on the ratio of three to one but not one on which the town would have to pay two to one. He said he would rather put the men on something more worthy and stretch their time out. The Chairman asked how many jobs Mr. Raymond was awaiting approval on. He replied that he was waiting approval on the East Street and Bowser Road culverts, North Hancock Street Drainage, and Winning Farm. The Tree Ttimming Project cannot be done as the W.P.A. authorities have ruled that it is a maintenance project. Mr. Clark said he would rather see the Vine Brook project started under W.P.A. Mr. Rowse asked if Mr. Raymond thought the Town would save0a great deal of money if Vine Brook was done by the W.P.A. Mr. Raymond said that in his opinion, the Vine Brook D ainage project would cost the Town just as much if done by contract as it would if done under W.P.A. 262 Mr. Potter moved that the Board approve starting the enclosed field project but that the expenditure of $5000. for the fence be not approved at the present time. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Clark voted in opposition. Mr. Raymond informed the Board that he had received an application from two property owners just over the line in Arlington who live off what is known as Patricia Terrace. The H.O.L.C, owns a lot near their lots and the two houses are served with water through a pipe that crosses that lot. Agreement The H.O.L.C. is requesting that the pipe be removed. Arlington re water. is willing to lay a pipe to the Arlington -Lexington line and put in a meter so that the two houses can be served if Lex- ington will buy the water from Arlington and then bill it to the two property owners. He asked if the Board would approve making such an agreement with Arlington and Install - Ing a meter at the line. Mr. Potter moved that the agreement be made and that the meter be installdd. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Park Dept. Mr. Potter moved that the salary of the Clerk in the Clerk. Park Department be approved at $14.00 per geek beginning April 1st. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was"so voted. Mr. Rowse and Mr. Clark voted in opposition. Mr. _Raymond said that he had read Mr. Beach's letter requesting an increase in salary and in car allowance, ' and felt that everything Mr. Beach had said was true and not exaggerated. Mr. Ross said that he knew the man and Beach's the work that he did and thought that it was more important salary. than that being done by some other employees who were being paid a higher wap. Mr. Ross moved that Mr. Beach's salary be increased by $2.50 per week beginning April lst, this money to be paid from the appropriation for labor and superintendence on welfare projects.* Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Messrs. Clark and Rowse vot d to ouosWo.n. * tit Ming underst� d th4tt if hese he be pro�jec s w e s opped, no ease wou oppe , Mr. Potter moved that the Town Meeting Members be Use of Hall, allowed to use Cary Memorial Hall on Wednesday evening if Estabrook Hall is not large enough. Mr, Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the State Dept. of Public Works advising that Dr, Harry. B. Osgood of 297 Bedford Street called at that office to inquire about the settlement Osgood of damages caused by a takingof his land for State Highway claim for purposes in 1926. At the tine of the taking, the State damages. Department appraised the damages at $65.00 but Dr. Osgood was unwilling to accept that amount. He has now agreed to settle the case for $55.00. When the State Highway was , laid out, Lexington signed an agreement to indemnify the State against all claims for damages. The writer requested that settlement be made with Dr. Osgood as soon as possible. Mr. Clark moved that the claim be be inserted in the Warrant for the it provided it was all right. Mr, and it was so voted. 263 settled and that an article next Town Meeting to cover Article Ross seconded the motion The Board reconsidered the application of the Shell Union Oil Co, for a permit to erect an overhanging sign at 1085 Mass, Avenue. The Building Inspector informed the Board that it should not have granted the license as the only overhanging sign licenses the Board can grant must be in business zones where the structure abuts the sidewalk. He said that the Shell people should not be allowed to erect a sign unless it was back twenty feet from the street. Mr. Rowse moved that the Board rescind its vote of March lst granting the permit. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from Mrs. Martha Yntas of 40 More- land Avenue,, offering to purchase lots 51 and 52 at the corner of Rockville and Williams Avenues for the sum of $50.00. Mr. Potter stated that the woman wanted to keep some hens and these lots adjoined her property. The lots are off Wellington Lane and there is no street leading into them. No 'car can get in there and no one could build on the lots as there is a ledge on one of them. He thought they were twenty feet wide. Mr. Ross moved that the lots be sold for the sum of $100.00. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Shell sign permit. Sale of Lots. Tetter was received from Mr. Kelsey G. Reed, District Scout Commissioner, inviting the Chairman to attend a Boy Invitation Scout review on March 25th. Mr. Clark moved that the Chairm atte d nd re reset the Board. Mr. Potter seconded the mo��on and. i� was Ro vo�ed. Application was received from the New England Tel. and Tel, and the Boston Edison Co. for permission to locate' joint poles on Shade Street easterly from a point approx- Pole imately 100 feet westerly from Weston Street, ten poles. location Mr. Ross moved that the locations be approved subjeetto Mr.'Raymondts approval. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from one Lucia Robinson represent- ing a New York Company of actors, who wished to hire Cary Request Memorial Hall to run a stock company from June 15th until for use of the last of August. They wished to do it on a percentage Cary Hall. basis to be agreed upon by both parties. Mr. Clark moved that the application be disapproved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Ross moved that the vote in the article in the ' Warrant provide that the sum of $1,000. be transferred from the Sewer Assessment Fund to the Sewer Construction Sundry Streets appropriation. Mr. Potter seconded the Budgets motion and it was so voted. Mr. Giroux informed the Board that this would leave 264 $1600, in the'Sewer Assessment Fund and wanted to know -if the Board wanted to transfer this to the Sewer Maintenance appropriation. Mr. Ross said that he wished to protest vigorously as the money in the Sewer Assessment Fund was supposed to be used for construction purposes and not for maintenance purposes. He said that this would be establish- ing a precedent and in following years the Appropriation Committee would wish to transfer funds from this -account for maintenance purposes. Mr. Rowse moved that the vote provide that $1600.00 be transferred from the Sewer Assess- ment Fund to the Sewer Maintenance Account. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Ross voted in opposition. Application was received from Faulkingham and Cr#ig of 97 Mass. Avenue for the transfer of their Second Class License, Agents License to a First Class Agents License. Mr. Potter moved that the transfer be approved. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Town Clerk to which was Bond. attached his bond in - the amount of $1,000. for the ensuing year. Mr. Ross moved that the bond be accepted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Rotary Club inviting the Selectmen to attend its victory dinner and hockey game on , Invitation March 15th. Mr. Potter moved that the invitation be accepted with thanks. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion end it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by Mr. Potter, it was voted to make the following appointments for the ensuing year: (Expires on Board of Appeals C. Edward Glynn (March 31, 1943) Board of Appeals Erroll H. Locke (Associate Member) Board of Health Agents Eleanor M. Lowe Dr. Solomon H. Gagnon Bridge Charitable Fund Trustee - Clarence S. Walker (Mar.1944) Building Inspector Fred W. Longbottom Clerk, Selectmen Eleanor M. Lowe Appointments Constables Charles E. Moloy Roland Garmon Fence Viewers Frank P. Cutter Bartlett J. Harrington Gammel Legacy Income, Trustees - (Acting with Dept. of Public - Mrs. Kenneth P. Blake Welfare) Lawrence G. Mitchell Health Inspector Matthew Stevanson Health Officer Dr. Harold J. Crumb , Measurer of Grain Albert Bieren Measurers of Wood, Bark John E. Kelley and Manure Harold I. Wellington Milk Inspector Matthew Stevenson Odorless Cart, Charge of Old Age Assistance Bureau Old Age Assistance Bur.,Agent Park Superintendent Public Welfare Agent Agent of the Selectmen to Administer Soldiers' Relief, Military and State Aid Registrar of Voters Supt. of Streets AssIt. Supt. of Streets Supt. of Water & Sewer Dept. Town Counsel Town Engineer Town Physician Wire Inspector Weighers (Public) 1 265 Peter Canessa William G. Potter Luther R. Putney A. Edward Rowse Lawrence G. Mitchell John J. Garrity Lawrence G. Mitchell Lawrence G. Mitchell Leon H. Truesdell' (Mar.31/41) William C. Paxton, Jr. John F. O'Connor Appointments Joseph A. Ross Sydney R. Wrightington John T. Cosgrove Dr. Howard W. Newell Louis W. Bills William E. A. Mulliken John E. A. Mulliken Jacob Bierenbroodspot Harold I. Wellington Albert Bieren William Bieren Peter Stevens Rupert H. Stevens John E. Kelley Lillian McClure Leo Dumas Paul M. Wagner Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Morse appeared before the Board relative to welfare matters. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. A true record, Attest: L Clerk. Welfare