HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-02-17SELECTMENIS, MEETING February 17, 1938 special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the eleetments Roomo Town Office'Building, at 2:00 P.M. Chairman Ferguson and Messrs. Potter, Ross and Giroux were present. The Clerk was also present. The matter of James J. Waldron's application for a C -i on Victualler's License at the corner of Mass. Ave. and Depot Park was discussed. Mr. Giroux moved that Mr. Waldron's request be refused under the powers vested in the Board of Selectmen, as advised by the Toft Counsel* Mr. Ross seconded the motion, and it was so voted, The following action was taken on budgets: 221 Waldron Common Vict.Lic. Assessors - Personal Services - Other Clerical was redueed1 from300; to 150; automobile allowance was reduced Assessor's from $250, to 1100. The Total approved for Expenses Budget was $675.00, Highway Construction,'Chapter 90 - The Woburn Street project Ch. 90 was eliminated, Con. Drainage - Mr. Raymond appeared before the Board, and the Chairman asked him if -any of the drainage projects were vital, and if so, why. Mr. Raymond said that if there mas a very bad rain storm this summer, the water would go in the cellar windows on Raymond and Muzze7 Streets. He said that the culvert in bass. Avenue at Hibbert 'Street was the most important project. It was voted to eliminate the Charles Street projeet from the drainage appropriation 3500., as this is included in the construction estimate for the street. The Raymond and Muzzey Streets project was eliminated. Mr. Raymond said that if the Town voted to construct Taft Avenue, it *could be necessary to put in an ' out- let in Mass. Ave., which would cost about.$2800. It was voted to approve this project provided the town voted to construct Taft Avenue, and to approve the Rt, of Way t6 Hill Brook project, only. Total app- roved, 03800.00. Highway Maintenance- Personal Services - Extra Clerical item of $150,00 was eliminated. The other items approved were as follows: Wages & Expenses Office Supplies $150:00 Contractor's Supplies 7000'00 Fuels 300:00 Equipment Rentals 180000 Trans --Asst. Supt. 360;00 Vacations 1000.00 $4310.00. Drainage Highway Maintenance 222 Forward 6413106,00 General Work 140500.00 Maintenance of Road Total approved 013,885.00 Surfaces 171800,00 Drainage Maintenance3.500;00 Sergeants increased from $43.75 per week to 145.00 Sidewalk Maintenance 10500;00 Gravel walk Maintenance 3000'00 Granolithic 500:00 Personal Services 50410000 Total approved $47.0626.00 The Clerk reminded the Board that the Appropriation Coaanittee wished the Selectmen to consider the matter' of Salary reducing salaries 7 for at least six months of 19380 reduction and also a reduction in wage scale for laborers, Mr. Ross moved that the Board be opposed to any such action. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. UnclassifiedUnelassified - Reduced from $500.00 to $300.00. I Park Department - Wages and Expenses reduced to $10;037.00 Personal Services approved for 30848.00 Total approved 013,885.00 Police Department - Personal Services - Salaries f three Sergeants increased from $43.75 per week to 145.00 er week, The total amount approved for Sergeants was I'Police 4809.82, It was voted to approve the additional patrolman. from May-lst; making the total amount approved Dept, for patrolmen, 629,444.00, The total amount approved for Personal Services was $34,403.82. Expenses - The item of $125:00 for Convention Expenses was eliminated, making the total amount approved, $4195.00 Public Works Building - Wages and Expenses Public Wks. reduced to 6654:00 Light Light & Power approved for 500:00 Builth Operation Coal & Gas reduced to 850:00 Other Expenses approved for 300000 Total approved $8304.00 Reg. of Voters Registrars of Voters - Salaries of Registrars reduced fr m $300.00 to 0200.00. Street Street, -:Lights - Mass. Ave. Ifierease eliminated$360.00. Lights Total approved, $22,840,00, , UnclassifiedUnelassified - Reduced from $500.00 to $300.00. I 223 Insect Suppression - Personal Services - Reduced from $600. to §300. Wages and Expenses approved for $3545., and Insect ' the total amount approved, including the new sprayer Suppression Was $4600,000 Shade Tree Labor reduced to $2,000, Tools, etc. reduced Shade Trees to §3509jand Trees approved for 6'100. The total app- roved was $2450,00, Traffic Regulation and Control - Mr. Raymond having informed the Clerk that the budget would have to be increased by $1000 to pay for the' operation of the warning sig -Traffic Reg, mals at Fletcher Avenue, it was voted to approve the & Control budget in the amount of $1900, Military Aid --Letter was received from Mr. Mitchell advising that it would be -necessary to increase Military .Aid Military Aid from $500, to 11000,, because of an additional case. It Was therefor voted to approve this increase. Soldiers' Relief Mr. Mitchell recommended that this be in- Soldier's creased to 06000., and it was voted to approve the Relief recommendation. Insurance - Mr. Raymond informed the Board that this could be reduced by $,900., because of the fact that public ' liability was to be carried br the Water and Sewer Insurance Departments only. This budget was approved for $'7140,00, The meeting adjourned at ,5:30 P.11. A true record, Attest: C l erk