MINUTES of Commission meeting January 10 , 1972.
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman Dr. Kassler, with
Commission members Mesdames Frick, Pease and Rawls and Mr. Mazerall
(ex-officio)present, as well as Associate Members Dr. Friedman,
Mrs. Nichols, Mr. Smith and Mrs. Solomon.
Minutes of the January 3. 1972 meeting of the Commission were ap-
proved with the following amendment Page 2, paragraph 3, should
have the following inserted to replace sentences 4 and 5, the last
sentence to become another paragraph under the same heading:
"The discussion entered around the Shawsheen River water-
shed in Bedford and Lexington, and the possibility that,
particularly in Lexington, the use to which this land is
being put is affecting Bedford' s wells along the Shawsheen
River. The more rapid runoff after storms was mentioned,
as was the decreased capacity of this land to hold water
since so much of it has been filled. There has not yet
been proof that Lexington' s dumping operation is causing
pollution, but the Bedford Conservation Commission spoke
of the possibility of using water samples from various
locations to try to prove such pollution exists. It appeared
to Mrs. Rawls that the Town of Bedford would, if necessary,
take legal action to stop the spread of Lexington' s dump.
They determined, however, to try to settle the problem
amicably first, through meetings between Selectmen of the
two towns. Mrs. Rawls felt that much of the watershed
land in question would require Hatch Act permit before
filling and. subsequent use and was alerting the Commission
to the possibility of action in this area. "
Goals and General Policies. Dr. Kassler recommended that the
Commission' s 1972 program be made public and discussed openly as
soon as possible. Agreed by all present that publicizing specific
articles would have to wait until the articles' inclusion in the
warrant is certain - essentially until publication of the Warrant.
Dr. Kassler advocated building increased understanding of conserva-
tion beginning with "Goals and General Policies" , a document first
presented, discussed and revised in September (9/20/71) . The
Commission reviewed, revised and adopted the document as attached,
and agreed to its general circulation
Utica Street Land. Dr. Kassler recommended, and the Commission
agreed, that Michael Weinmayr should be asked to prepare a prelimin-
ary plan for partial recreational use
Photos of 1972 Conservation Program lands. Dr. Kassler has asked
a local amateur rhotograoher to walk with him through some of the
lands involved, with the possibility of providing views of those
areas of Town and the beauty to be found there
JAN 31 F ,
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Conservation Commission Minutes 1/10/72 Page 2
Great Meadow joint committees of Arlington and Lexington met
last week and agreed that the land of the Great Meadow should
be protected as soon as possible, perhaps by zoning. They
recommended that the land should. be left open as a wildlife pre-
serve and outdoor classroom. At this time, also attention should
be paid to the problem of flooding. In Lexington, this would
mean the building of a small damm at Fottler Avenue. If at a
later date the Town of Arlington wishes to pursue a municipal
golf course , the joint committees should remain in existence to supervie
Thus supervision would be channelled through the Lexington these ple
Conservation Commission, of which the Great Meadow Committee
is a subcommittee. A formal statement of all this will be forth-
coming after the committees have agreed upon exact wording.
Ford Foundation. Several Commission members have received a
brochure and application forms for applying for Ford Foundation
grants. Up to $750 could be granted without requiring matching
municipal funding. Dr. Kessler asked Dr. Friedman to prepare a
list of projects which might be eligible for this kind of
Hatch Act. A Commission member discovered what looked like
discarded iron equipment dumped on land owned. either by Mr.
Tillinghast or by the Town of Arlington. Mrs. Frick will make
inquiries. DNR will be written for information on what con-
stitute proper and improper fill.
Environmental Protection Committee. Agreed that such a committee
should be part of the Commission' s job and that such a subcommittee
should be formed. Dr. Kessler asked Dr. Friedman and Mrs Solomon
to he in charge of this effort
Recommended that the committee
possibly include some members os the former Air Pollution Com-
mittee. Reported that $3,000 is in 1972 Town Budget for recycling.
Executive Session was declared from 8 15 until 8 30 and from 9 35
until 10:45.
Next Meeting with Planning Board will be arranged by Mrs. Frick.
Cooke Option. Mr. Smith will call Mr. May for latest information.
Naming Conservation Lands. A Committee of Mrs. Pease, Dr. Kasslert/Rawl
and Dr. Friedman was appointed to begin the naming effort by drawing
up guidelines for nomenclature. It was suggested that outstanding
features within conservation lands, such as ponds , knolls or groves,
might also be given names.
Environmental Program in Schools. Teachers in the program have
asked how they could participate more in the conservation program.
Recommended teachers become acquainted with lands under considera-
tion as soon as the Warrant is published, and possibly that a high
school group could mark boundaries of conservation lands working
from plans.
Conservation Commission Minutes 1/10/72 Page 3
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CLC Meeting on Thursday, January 20th, will focus on transportation
problems as well as on the schools' program in environmental edu-
Highway and Road Salting. Commission members inquired about facts
on road salting in Lexington. It was reported that less salt had
been used this year, partly due to the warm weather.
A New Map Showing All Town-Owned Lands now stands atop the file
cabinets. All Commission members admired it and complimented
Mrs. Nichols, who made it. They asked if it could be reproduced.
She said that reproductions would not come out in color and that
the map would have to be put on mylar in order to be easily re-
producible. This "preliminary working map" was referred to many
times during the meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 11 00 p.m. , until Monday, January 17 , at
7 45 p.m.
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Mrs. Erna S. Greene
Secretary to the Commission