HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-01-18178 SELECTMEN'S MEETING JANUARY 18, 1938. ' A regular meeting of the Board of Seleetrmn was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:00 P.M. Messrs. Ferguson, Potter, Clark, Giroux and Ross were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:00 P.M. Mr. Raymond appeared before the Board. He said that he talked with Archie F. Bullock relative to Bullock the water betterment assessment made against John Bullock, water et al for a lot on Sheridan Street. Mr. Raymond pointed assessment. out that it would cost at least $63.00 if a water connection was to be made with the Grant Street main, and corrected Mr. Bullock's belief that such a service would be cheaper than a service made from the Sheridan Street main. However, Mr. Bullock was still of the opinion that the betterment should be abated. Mr. Ross moved that the matter be held over for one week. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond reported that the Middlesex County Farm Use of Hall. Bureau had requested the use of Cary Memorial Hall on January 27th, from six to twelve P.M. for a banquet and ' dance. No admission is to be charged, and the fee last year was $15.00. Mr. Giroux moved that the use of the hall be granted subject to a fee of 15.00. Mr. Clark seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Giroux said that there were ten flags for the Community Community Fund drive and he would like permission to put fund drive. them up along the main street and in front of the Cary Memorial Building. Mr. Ross moved that permission be granted to place the flags along Mass. Avenue. Mr. Clark seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that twice he had been requested Snow plow to plow Eastern Avenue, which leads off School Street. service. There are two families living there who are on welfare. Mr. Clark moved that the matter be left to the judgment of the Supt. of Public Works. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that he had received a request to plow Slocum Road Extension. Walter Black informed him " that this street had been plowed prior to 1935, but at that time he had some trouble with one of the Town officials, and it has not been plowed since then. The ' street serves Morang's garage and Black's mill. The Board felt that the plowing of the street would not be for the convenience of the general public and was not a ' necessity. Mr. Ross moved that no action be taken. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond reported that Stanley Hill Post, A.L. wanted to use Cary Hall on February 1st for a bridge. Mr. Ross moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Clark seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond read a letter from V1. C. Paxton, Jr. relative to filling, of drivew"s by snowplows. It said that the majority of complaints received concerned fill- ing of driveways after they had been shovelled by the abutters. Paxton said that the abutters could clean the drives for much less cost than the Town could. He suggested that if the Board decided not to clean driveways that a notice be printed in the paper stating the position of the Board in the matter., or that a form letter be prepared and sent to every person complaining about driveway conditions. Mr. Raymond said that if the filling of the driveways happened four or five days after the storm, he thought that the town should help the abutter out, as hard lumps of snow would be left; but as the streets are plowed ' within twenty-four hours of the storm, he thought it unnecessary for the Town to lift the snow from driveways. Mr. Ross moved that Mr. Raymond be authorized to draft a letter explaining the Board's position and why it had not authorized the lifting of _snow from driveways, and have the letter published in the local paper. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that he had written a letter to the Town Counsel suggesting possible methods of correct- ing the drainage conditions at the Cataldo farm, and said that there were funds to do the work under W.P.A. if approval was given. Mr. Wrightington and Senator Cotton both thought that the situation should be taken care of by the W.P.A. Mr. Raymond said he thought he could get the project opened up. Mr. Raymond said that Miss Moakley had given him a letter from the VJ.P.A. authorities requesting that white collar projects be submitted. The water meter project was turned down, and the topo survey is the only one left other than the card index, which is a very small project. He is working up a tree census project, calling for a total expenditure of X14,000., but he thought that was a great deal of money and that possibly it could ' be cut down. He was considering a second project, a sidewalk survey project, but he thought that that was not as desirable as the tree project. 179 Use of Hall. Li f ting snow from driveways Cataldo claim. White coli ar projects. Z! Mr. Giroux moved that the Board authorize the Supt. " of Public Works, with the permission of the Town Meeting members, to present the data on the Vine Brook project on the Town Hall floor. Mr. Ross seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 8;00 P.M., hearing was declared open upon the Pole petition of the Boston Edison -Company and the New England locations. Tel. and Tel. Co. for joint locations of poles and fixtures on Prospect Hill Road, two poles. The n ctice of the hearing was read by the Chairman. No persons appeared in favor or in opposition. Mr. Clark moved that the petition be granted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Morse :appeared before the Welfare. Board to discuss Welfare matters. At 8:05 P.M., Messrs. Waldron, Palmer, and Foster representing the April 19th Committee appeared before April 19th the Board. Mr. Palmer said that the Allied Veterans' parade. Council had a meeting on Monday, End the question of changing from a morning parade to an afternoon parade came up. If the parade .was held in the afternoon, the expenses would be cut, as it would not be necessary then to serve a lunch. After talking over the matter, it was decided best to have the parade in the afternoon. They V C F1 Mr. Raymond said that he found the Selectmen had Sidewalk made an agreement with the State Department of Public plowing. Works stating that the Town would assume responsibility for plowing sidewalks on State highways. The Chairman said that he had received a call from Lifting a doctor in town who was very much put out because the snow from snow was not lifted from in front of his driveway. doctors' The doctor said that he was apt to get an emergency call drives. in the middle of the night, and might not be able to Set out. Mr. Giroux moved that the matter of keeping open the entrances to driveways of the doctors of medicine and surgery be approved, and the method left to the Supt. of Public Works. Mr. Ross seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman stated that the Town Counsel called Udine Brook him and talked in connection with the letter,of qual- Drainage. ifications that R. L. Ryder sent in after the agreement was signed. The width of the taking for Vine Brook Drainage was one of the matters mentioned, and Mr. Raymond talked with the Vine Brook Drainage Committee, and that committee had no objections to establishing a narrower width if, in Mr. Raymond's opinion, a narrower width was all right. He requested Mr. Raymond to write the Board a letter on the matter. Mr. Giroux moved that the Board authorize the Supt. " of Public Works, with the permission of the Town Meeting members, to present the data on the Vine Brook project on the Town Hall floor. Mr. Ross seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 8;00 P.M., hearing was declared open upon the Pole petition of the Boston Edison -Company and the New England locations. Tel. and Tel. Co. for joint locations of poles and fixtures on Prospect Hill Road, two poles. The n ctice of the hearing was read by the Chairman. No persons appeared in favor or in opposition. Mr. Clark moved that the petition be granted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Morse :appeared before the Welfare. Board to discuss Welfare matters. At 8:05 P.M., Messrs. Waldron, Palmer, and Foster representing the April 19th Committee appeared before April 19th the Board. Mr. Palmer said that the Allied Veterans' parade. Council had a meeting on Monday, End the question of changing from a morning parade to an afternoon parade came up. If the parade .was held in the afternoon, the expenses would be cut, as it would not be necessary then to serve a lunch. After talking over the matter, it was decided best to have the parade in the afternoon. They V C F1 181 1 I am hereby tendering my resignation from the Police Department of the Town of Lexington, to become effective at the discretion of the Board of Selectmen. Respectfully submitted, (Sd.) John M. Barry Mr. Potter moved that no action be taken on the resignation of Officer John M. Barry at this time, but that he be given one hundred and twenty (120) hours extra duty without remmuneration, in addition to the extra duty now pending, for failure to comply with the Rules and Regulations of the Police Department of the Tovvm. of Lexington, expecislly Rule 7C, 7D, and 7F. Mr. Ross seconded the motion, and It was unanimously voted. Letter was received from Harold B. Needham, Chairman of the Precinct One Town Meeting Members. The letter .expressed appreciation of being allowed to have a copy of the budgets as originally submitted. That precint's attitude was unfavorable to any upward adjustment of salaries or wages at this time. The matter of construction of Charles or Oak Street was referred to the Liberty Heights Improvement Association. Letter was received from one Marion McLeod of 55 Waltham Street advising that she was struck on the left ' hand and arm by one of the Town men who was sanding the sidewalk. The accident occurred in front of Scribner's store on January 13th. Mr. Giroux moved that the matter be referred to the Town Counsel. Mr. Ross seconded the motion; and it was so voted. Case of John M. Barry - Police Off icer. Prec. 1 attitude on budgets McLeod claim. voted to ask for an appropriation of $750,00 if the arade was held in'•the-morning, and for. -an ,_.appro.priation of,, 675. if the parade was held in the afternoon. The Chairman suggested ' that a letter be sent to the Board explaining what amount would be needed for a morning parade and what amount would be needed for an afternoon parade. Mr. Palmer asked how the Board felt about changing to an afternoon parade. Mr. Ferguson said that he preferred the morning parade; Mr. Giroux preferred the afternoon parade; Messrs. Clark and Potter saw no objection to having the parade in the afternoon; and Mr. Ross preferred the afternoon parade. The following letter was received from Officer John 24. Barry: Lexington, Mass. Jan. 18th, 1938. The:Honorable Board of Selectmen, Lexington, Mass. Dear Sirs: 1 I am hereby tendering my resignation from the Police Department of the Town of Lexington, to become effective at the discretion of the Board of Selectmen. Respectfully submitted, (Sd.) John M. Barry Mr. Potter moved that no action be taken on the resignation of Officer John M. Barry at this time, but that he be given one hundred and twenty (120) hours extra duty without remmuneration, in addition to the extra duty now pending, for failure to comply with the Rules and Regulations of the Police Department of the Tovvm. of Lexington, expecislly Rule 7C, 7D, and 7F. Mr. Ross seconded the motion, and It was unanimously voted. Letter was received from Harold B. Needham, Chairman of the Precinct One Town Meeting Members. The letter .expressed appreciation of being allowed to have a copy of the budgets as originally submitted. That precint's attitude was unfavorable to any upward adjustment of salaries or wages at this time. The matter of construction of Charles or Oak Street was referred to the Liberty Heights Improvement Association. Letter was received from one Marion McLeod of 55 Waltham Street advising that she was struck on the left ' hand and arm by one of the Town men who was sanding the sidewalk. The accident occurred in front of Scribner's store on January 13th. Mr. Giroux moved that the matter be referred to the Town Counsel. Mr. Ross seconded the motion; and it was so voted. Case of John M. Barry - Police Off icer. Prec. 1 attitude on budgets McLeod claim. 182 Request was received from the Follen Church Alliance Use of Hall. for use of Cary Memorial Hall on Friday evening, February ' 4th for the purpose of holding a show. Mr. Giroux moved that the use of the hall be granted subject to a fee of $15.00. Mr. Ross seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from John J. Garrity recommending the following rules and regulations for the control of Hockey hockey playing on skating areas in the town be adopted; rules & regulations.Kinneen's Pond:- Hockey allowed every afternoon from 2 to 4 except Saturday and Sunday. Hockey allowed on Saturday and Sunday mornings from 10 to 12;30. Center Playground; Hockey allowed every afternoon from 2 to 5 except Sunday. Hockey allowed on Sunday morning from 10 to 12;30. Mr.Giroux moved that the regulations be approved, and that a copy be sent to the Chief of Police. Mr. Ross seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Parking Mr. Giroux moved that the Chairman find some parking space - area near Kinneen's pond to provide a suitable place Kinneen's for parking. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was Pond. so voted. , Letter was received from the Town Counsel advising Pierce vs. that he had settled the case of WI lbert H. Pierce vs. Cook. Roy A. Cook for $38.75 and he enclosed his bill f cr $5.00 for services. Mr. Clark moved that the bill be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Cummings Letter was received from the Town Counsel advising case that he had completed the settlement of the claim of settlement. Theresa B. Cummings and had recorded the deed from Mrs. I Cummings to the Town. Letter was received from the Town Counsel realtive Workmen's to W. C. insurance covdrage to persons receiving welfare Compensation aid, who are required to work as a condition of receiving insurance aid. He said that in his opinion welfare workers were for welfare not employed and the town would not be liable to pay workers. Workmen's Compensation to them. If an injury was due to the negligence of a town employee such as the Super- intendent, they could doubtless recover as could a member of the public unless the character of the work was such that the defense of "public officer" applied. In his opinion the Town is not an employer of welfare workers and therefor they are not entitled to Workmen's Compensa- tion and the insurance coverage should not apply to them. Cummings Letter was received from the Town Counsel advising case that he had completed the settlement of the claim of settlement. Theresa B. Cummings and had recorded the deed from Mrs. I Cummings to the Town. 183 Letter was received from the Town Counsel stating ' that the deed conveying the Barnes property was recorded Barnes on January 14th. He enclosed 050.00 representing one- property. half month's rent, and said that the tenant had been informed that in the future his rent was to be paid to the Town. Mr. Wrightington also discussed the matter of water rates, and it was decided to hold the whole matter over for a week. Letter was received from the N.P.A. office advising that fifteen additional workers had been authorized. W.P.A. Letter was received from Edith Nourse Rogers stating that Mrs. C. H. Cutler had written her that a sign on her farm was destroyed by men working in the Cutler vicinity of the new highway. Mrs. Rogers said that the claim. matter was taken up by the W.P.A. officials, but Mrs. Cutler was not paid for the damage. Mrs. Rogers asked for suggestions in the matter. Mr. Ross moved that the matter be turned over to Mr. Raymond for investigation and report. Mr. Clark seconded the motion, and it was so voted.. Letter was received from the Town Accountant stating that it had been the custom in the past to charge special Special fees in tax title cases to the Foreclosure and Redemption fees, tax of Tax Titles. In his opinion, it would be best to title include these fees in the Law Department - Personal Services, cases. Mr. Potter moved that the suggestion of the Town Account- ant be adopted. Mr. Ross seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Clerk reported that about $350.00 would, be needed, exclusive of the fees in the Ryder cases. She was instructed to ask the Town Counsel what these would amount to. Letter was received from the Citizens' Public Cele- brations Association advising that House bill 131 would be discussed at a hearing to be held at 10:30 A.M. on Tuesday, January 18th. This bill would make it mandatory for the Governor to issue an official proclamation for each annual Patriots' Day, the 19th of April. Mr. Ross moved that the Board go on record as being in favor of the bill, and that the Senator and Representatives be requested to record Lexington as being in favor of the passage of the bill. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Patriot's Day. Letter was received from Lawrence T. Ingram of Letter 44 Reed Street commending the Highway Department for the commending efficient manner in which the streets had been cleared snow plow after the recent heavy snow storm. Service. A petition signed by several property owners on Marrett Road was received requesting that the sidewalk Plowing 184 M recently constructed be plowed from Mass. Avenue to Waltham Street. Mr. Giroux moved that the plowing of ' this sidewalk be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from the County Commissioners Mid. T.B. advising that Lexington's assessment toward the support Assessment. of the Middlesex County Sanatorium for 1938 would amount to $8,230.94. Mr. Ross moved that an article be inserted in the warrant for the annual meeting requesting an appropriation of this amount. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mass. Reports Mr. Potter moved that the Massachusetts Reports and to Selectmenla other valuable books now stored in the downstairs vault Room. be moved to the new bookcase in the Selectmen's Room, and that they be thoroughly cleaned first, possibly by a Welfare worker. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Abatement of $2.00 for the American Legion Auxiliary Abatement. was signed by the Board. Commitment of miscellaneous charges in the amount Commitment. of $12. was signed by the Board. Mr. Clark moved that the following licenses be granted; ' Licenses. Collins - Shell Station - 1095 Mass. Ave. - Methyl Alcohol Harold L. Tyler - 27 Maple Street - Past. of Milk Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. The following annual reports for 1937 were received; Reports. Town Physician Cemetery Commissioners Posture Clinic Chief of Police Animal Inspector Dental Clinic Committee Middlesex County Extension Cary Memorial Library Librarian Service W. P. A. The meeting adjourned at 11;15 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk. 1