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r _ (' rl'OWN„OF =LEXINGTON , MASSAOY8EmTS _ Pfr CON,gE yATIQN COMMISSION MINT TES of Commissioh meeting of Aug o " '� of two Hatch Act Hearings Sdheduled for , ct F ,e The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Dr Kassler at 8 00 p rn , with all Commission members present Others were present during all or part of the meeting or hearings as Aig indicated below 'U13LIC HEARI'NG ,R.EGARDING NOTIOE OF INTENT OF G ARNOLD HAYNES, T00 .A TO ALTER CERTAIN, INLAND WETLANDS IN LEXINGTON ON' WALTHAM SET AT THE, L-EXIt GTON-WALTHAM LINE °Th -hyear :e: i:ng Was opened by Dr. Kassler immediately after calling the :Commission meeting to order He read the duly advertised, 4= posted and written notice of this hearing, held in accordance with the provisions of G L c 131 , Sec 40 (Hatch Act) as amend- ed under Chapter 1020 , Acts of 1971 In addition to all six members of the Commission, Associate Mem- begs: Mesdames Laura F Nichols and Susan S Solomon and Admini- strative Assistant David Hughes were present , as well as Eric Clarke and Intern Allan Ennis, representing the Planning Board, Iris Wheaton and Frank Sandy, representing the Citizens for Lexington Conservation and Frederick Frick William L King, project manager of G Arnold Haynes, Inc , represented the .Ap- plicant In his Opening statement Mr King noted that his firm does not Own the parcel of land on the Lexington-Waltham line and that the proposed project had been planned for several years and al- ready has been approved by the Board of Appeals. Reason for de- lay was lack of sewer line along Waltham Street Principal changes in the land are the culverting of the brook (which flows from the wetland of the Ballou Conservation Land)/along the undound easterly side of Waltham Street to an existing culvert near the southwest corner of the Haynes land Several drains ranging in width from 24 inches to72-18" (the one planned for the south side of the building, reporthias wet by Commission members) will carry water westerly to the proposed 36-inch culvert This area drains into Waltham near Hardy' s Pond According to Mr King the developer would install 177 parking spaces blacktopped as soon as the pro- posed office building is built and eventually, with completion of the building, 318 parking spaces would have to be provided When asked what percentage of the total land area would be either -building or black-top, Mr King replied that about 10% of the land would beleft untouched (total area about 51 acres, With approxi- mately 620 feet of frontage on Waltham Street , including n ex- isting house) Mr King explained that the most excavation would be in the northeast corner of the parcel, and that some filling would have to be done for driveway and parking south of the building (where also there would be a steep bank at the rear) He also indicated that trees would be left standing along the top of the bank at the rear lot line (bank begins within 3 to 4 feet of this line) 3ank would be 2 to 1 slope, he indicated 6 ,4 �X.r1;&.ct' ittc? ^2 1 /7 Pap 2 ,ts:. e i' that pima seamed to i te1a. > hank ei'�t'y._ ! '" r. K:. `-:itn S` �s1r-1 Fr tt.i ng about' •i3mtem. s„ 'P . �, ^ff rte_ r p ,.n j�a�S .o.�1 ,s . M. .,,a,, 4 ,r4t 1, .i' . Ki 'g vep 3 3 ad t�Orat i' and or ah±ps' , ",. ",or Te% t as fellows t < .U 4y, !on 31{;Da"1cxet. fer the- parking asking lotss? °: no, 10 :WeT.k9 '':it ouild'a g be moved e,V the left, if it was dete ' . ur'atpaa th0; filling, and budding in the wetland would be deter .r. Metal? A Yea, but another ' oai'ad of Appeals hearing would probably be Aeccs harry . Q. iloutd it be possybte to have strips st grassy areas be. twee' parking areas? A. Yes. Mr, Sandy recomw:et?dcd that the Commission get in touch with the Board of appeals on the pc.:rmit that was issued, Br. Kessler asked if anyone pvesent wished to rneo °d himself as in favor or, against the proposed charges. There being no one, Dr. Kessl.er declared the hearing ended at 3 30 p.m. 01se1a ton Otatille lea.En . Communication from Flaming Board, read-b3 ':r, 6_at;siora br a'ught out the following points (1) that the proposed project is in a 70-acre drainage area, (2) that drainage slam seem adequate; ()) that plans should be approved by To Engineer; (4) that use of 10-year storms base for calcu- lations is questioned; (5) that grease traps should be added to the parking lo;, drainage plans. Communisation isation from Epi inecni.ng Dept. Plans will be reviewed soon. Communication from featik Department also real. Commission discussed parking lot problems and agreed that (11 derive ay and blaf:ktopped area to the right (S) of the building should be eliminated (2) All entrances should be moved to the /efl of the building, and that if it becomes necessary to provide parking to the right of the building, that area should be left as a swamp as long as possible. (It was poe.nted out that it Teuld be practical for the developer to ac€uiplivh all his "earth work" at once. ) (3) There shoul& be some grassy ares between parking areas; some ?say to hatdle tthe water according to good engineering practices and act to slow down the rate of runoff by' allowing water to fie. tiwougk the v?ou'i ej in some places es (4) Grease traps should be addeU to the plans. W fit �y [( yy ; yye�ss,F�� yy--�� `Y//s� htf n OT rp f.y A /� 1 '2pur�'.�y-A.0 #fi'arip 1NG .L>ayuFA.i+a1JL V [�--r) t 0 .OF �-1,L"FW ©h VOIAN A SOC1ATEJ h'o, .EI m -!a'['P .N:T�.ki�j�, TLtr4?a O11' ft:AR'TWL'LT,L Atr ;�fsi;, ttXXNGTOP8 fe 'hk' "mtfao op3nc z.T Shu .9 i -0 tl m< by' the Ghali g- ©T the,� Con-• )04004-We 1100 04 14004”, stip read the cit„t.S adv rtised.,, , , W w Otn4Otie0,of thio heDint , hold L acorm ace wastv$f4oGL ,F 1r Se0 (0a4b £Cas 04 40004: t 4P2Q, Scto .bt 2371. 4 44S04404.7“406 all at menber* of the Ccnser'mtien Comm2seien end 44a ate members L;wa P. floholc and St sr„i S. Solomon. Be-.. eses mag the Applicant were H,A.. Ste/ahem and John E. Meafr_#.ns -0- Varian Aa,soc.iates, John : rscbner, of Carlson Corp. of Framingham, wad. Charles Clark of J.W. tc vre Co, at r edtori, e€ girzeere. The following Town officials were present: Etc Clarke of the lianing Bard, Alla, Ennis, Planning Inte o, end David. Hughes, Admini ttrative Assistant. Others present we ams; Iris M. Wheaton and Frank Sandy of the Citizens for Lexington Conservation and. Frederick C. Frick. r f irschner explained that at first it was thought; no hatch Act permit would be required. irawever, in this course of ouild- ing; it was discovered that a swale would have .o be cut to allow drainage under Hartwell Avenue, across land near the road, which otherwise Would be left in its natural state. uch underground water was €oUnd on the site, including what ap,eared to be an old well at the northeast earner of the buildin A Commission member expressed concern about of"'fact of drainage on the adjacent land Response from applicant We will take care of our Deus water.'" Erosions control came under discussion in a lett re from the health Officer who commented on earth slippagr during construc- tion A Commission, members asked about control of the steep slopes around the building Reply "Grass an: ,Pachysrandr°a. ° Applicant told the Commission he would °©nide° the Commission' s suggest-on that the Sand near Hartwell Ave be placed under conservation restriction and a small section of it p® used as a possible water collecting area. Varian peo' tc asked if there were precedents and if tax abatement tbuid be arranged. Como mission Chairman rt'eplind that conservation rertriction wordixtge are now being worked out Wad that tax abate:Se t will be explored with the 'own Counsel and Assessor. 1',r Clark re Orter3 that his calculations for "'fatnr flow capacity under uartwel.l ser' based upon a 25-year stcrB, and calculations for a 10O-year storm indicated sufficient c, ( .city. The water flews into :,he brook near the sanitary land.; '.1. .. Dr. icassier asked if anyone wished to recoil himself as in favor or against the propooe:d protect. "here bez_a; no one, the hearing was declared elossd,, ih4 -fir F A 1wl' "� " + 0147 AIVa +a3in�, I� to*W, iaj f r f 3�4' t"c;Qr-,.' ' 1t`3�i'* i rt `G ,iz i °"'ya jW'.t, (444,4 44ts LV'Sra w z tipd ,std } 1,0 ,#04- C� vT 'C r yrt4t� Ii 3W� 1 ` K. pA `fit .b tip. if.3".. 'Am G Yn `B Jtts .'.„ ( k' �, '4" 4) .fy, Xr�` I*4.L20t. `':c_kwe . .Y :