HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-09-21SELECTMEN'S MEETING SEPT. 219 1937. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectments Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Ferguson, Messrs. Clark, Potter and Giroux were present. The Clerk was also present. At 8:00 P.M. hearing was declared open upon the application of Edith B. and Norman L. Snowden for per - Snowden mission to maintain a one car garage at 37 Downing Road. garage Mr. Snowden appeared and presented plan of the proposed hearing garage. Letter was received from Irving W. and Viola Yelland stating that they had no objection to the granting of the petition. No persons appeared in opposition. Mr. Clark moved that the permit -°be grantgd subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. 'Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. At 8:02 P.M., hearing was declared open upon the Douglass application of Mary E. Douglass for permission to main - garage tain a one car garage at Sheridan Street, Lexington. Mr. hearing. and Mrs. Douglass appeared and presented plan of the proposed garage. No persons appeared in opposition. Mr. Clark moved that the permit be granted subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond reported that the Water Department had Charge for rendered bills to the Public Works, Labor, Material and rental of Expenses account, for rental of the gasoline pump, equipment. compressor and tractor, and he told Mr. Ross that he would not approve them previous to July of this year. For July and August, the bills amount to about $390.00. Mr. Raymond asked if the Board would approve having the appropriation charged for rental of this equipment and said that he approved it. Mr. Giroux moved that the account be charged for rental of the equipment. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Board discussed the projects for construction in 1938 under the provisions of Chapter 90 which Mr. Raymond submitted last -week. Mr. Potter asked if Mr. Raymond Chapter 90 thought it would be practicable to do Walnut Street only work. to the entrance to the hospital. Mr. Raymond said that he did not believe the State and County would approve stopping there but he thought it could be stopped there as well as not. He said. that if these projects were included in a two year etogram, that Walnut Street would not actually be started until the Spring of 1939 but the money would have to be appropriated in 1938. Mr. Giroux moved that the following projects be submitted to the E D County Commissioners on Sept. 30:- Woburn Street; Bedford Street; Walnut Street; Chapter 90 Maintenance, all on a basis of a two year program. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond stated that fire insurance policy under blanket schedule in the amount of $21,000. expired on October 18th, 1937 through the office of George W. Taylor & Son. Mr. Potter moved'that the policy be renewed through the same office for a five year period. Mr. Clark seconded Insurance the motion and it was so_voted. Mr. Raymond reported that fire insurance policy under blanket schedule in the amount of.$6,000 expired on Sept. 6th, 1937 through the office of Jay 0. Richards. Mr. Richards did not send a notice of this expiration. - Mr. Clark moved that the policy be renewed through the office of Robert Sturtevant. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond reported that three of the mats for the aisles in the Cary Memorial -Building were badly ..cracked Matting and he was afraid sonieone would stumble on them. He said for aisles' that he could replace them with thinner matting at a cott of about $70.00. Mr. Potter moved that the matting be re- placed. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Board discussed the matter of increasing the valuation on town buildings and Mr. Giroux moved th-at the Insurance Supt. of Public Works get in touch with the various•com- increased. panies and ask them to raise the valuation of all town buildings a flat,10% with the understanding that lir. Raymond would analyze the account and pay the increased premiums as far as possible this year. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that he had received a request for a street light on Taft Avenue. He said that the Town Meeting approved the installation of street lights an Taft Avenue last March and asked the Board's approval of the=installation. Mr. Giroux moved that the installation Street of the street light on Taft Avenue be approved. Mr. lights. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. - Mr. Raymond said he thought a street light should be installed on Daniels Street, and Mr. Giroux moved that an article be inserted in the warrant for the next Town Meet ing for the installation of this'light. Mr. potter --seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that he had received a request from William Devine for the installation of a street light on Waltham Street at Brookside Avenue.. Mr. Devine suggested that this light could be installed and the one which is on the next pole near Clematis Brook could be removed. This new light will shine down on Brookside Avenue and Loa Overhanging Application was received from Forrest E. King for sign. permission to transfer his overhanging sign from 1788 Mass. Avenue to 6 Waltham Street. Mr. Giroux moved Mr. Raymond thought it should be installed. Mr. Potter moved that the installation of the light be approved. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond informed the Board that the plan showing Ryder what the Engineer and he thought were the proper ease - plans. ments from the Ryder property had been completed and he thought that the Board should give him further instructions as to what it wanted done with it. It was decided to take no action on the plan until after the Town Meeting. Mr. Raymond asked for authority to close Waltham Street for a day or so if it seems advisable when they Closing of are putting the surface on. He said that the traffic Waltham could be detoured around Concord Avenue to Blossom Street Street. and then back onto Waltham Street or could be detoured down old Concord Avenue and over the turnpike and Spring Street to Marrett Road. The State Engineer thought that the street should be closed and perhaps it would not take more than one daffy. Mr. Giroux moved that permission to close Waltham Street be granted Mr7 Raymond if he sees fit to do so. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that the Board has asked him to Collins give his recommendation upon the request of Mr. John Retirement. Collins to be continued in employment another two years. Mr. Raymond said that Mr. Collins was doing his job well and he would recommend that he be kept on. Mr. Giroux moved that the Seledtmen recommend to the Retirement Board that Mr. John J. Collins be continued in service until April 1st, 1938 in view of the fact that he is doing his job well. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Board reconsidered the request made by Robert White H. White that he be continued in service for two years. Retirement. Mr. Giroux moved that Mr. Robert H. White be continued in service as Consulting Supt. of Streets until April lst, 1938, in view of his value to the Town in this capacity. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Board reconsidered Mr. Charles E. Hadleyls re - Hadley quest -that he be continued in service as Sealer of Retirement. Weights and Measures for two years. Mr. Giroux moved that if it is determined that Mr. Hadley may become a member of the Contributory Retirement System that the Board recommend that Mr. Hadley be continued in service until April lst, 1938. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Overhanging Application was received from Forrest E. King for sign. permission to transfer his overhanging sign from 1788 Mass. Avenue to 6 Waltham Street. Mr. Giroux moved 1 that the permit be granted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that he had investigated automatic filters for automobiles and he would recommend that they be purchased for the Town cars at a total cost of about $257. Offhand he thought that they would pay for themselves in six months. Mr._Giroux moved that the purchase be approved if the money is available. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond informed the Board that in estimating the Engineering work to be done to make up an accurate estimate of Vine Brook drainage and be ready to take bids, he had thought to do the work with the present engineering forde with the exception of another field party. About 600 man hours will be required plus 120 to 140 man hours for the Town Engineer. He felt that the Town Engineer should not be asked to put that time in without compensation. The men will be working three or four nights a week. He said that the statement had been made that this would be es- tablishing a bad precedent but he thought that this was a special matter and that Mr. Cosgrove should be paid for it. The Board felt that it would not be necessary for the Town Engineer to oversee the men all evening and that he could tell from the work done whether or not they were working steadily and were putting in the hours reported. The Board also felt that the Town Engineer could do his work more or less as he pleased, that is, take a day off now and then when he wished it, and felt therefor that he should not be paid for overtime. No action was taken on the matter. The Chairman asked how long it would take to get the engineering data together and Mr. Raymond said that the best he could expect would be December 18th and he did not think that bids could be taken then. Mr. Raymond reported that he had received a request for a granolithic sidewalk from Mr. John F. Ballard on Glen Road. Mr. Ballard has purchased the vacant lot be- side his house and would like to put a granolithic walk in front of it inasmuch as he has one in front of his house. Mr. Raymond asked if it would be possible to in- crease the appropriation to be requested for this work from $500. to $625.00. Inasmuch as there were no funds available, Mr. Raymond was instructed to inform Mr. Ballard that the request had come in too late. Mr. Raymond asked the Board if it desired to discuss Mr. Wrightington's letter relative to private water mains but they did not wish to act on it at this time. Mr. Raymond asked the Board's approval of the loca- tion of a gas main in Shade Street for a distance of 800 Automatic filters. Engineering work on Vine Brook Drainage. Sidewalk Private water mains. a] feet. He said that he approved the location. Mr. Giroux moved that the location of the gas main be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Gas mains. Mr. Raymond said that he had received an application for the extension of a six inch gas main in Cedar Street for a short distance and he disapproved the location since it was on top of the 12 inch water main. Mr. Giroux moved that the location of the main be disapproved. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that the "Slow" signs on Mass. Ave. ITolow" and Bedford Street approaching Merriam Street could be signs. erected for about $25.00, but he did not think that they were worth it. He said they could not be seen and he would not recommend them. Mr. Giroux moved that no action be taken on the matter. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that there was an article in the warrant about "Welcome to Lexington" signs. There are Signs. none of these as far as he knows, but there are five signs that say "Birthplace of American Liberty", and he understands that there was some sort of a controversy about these signs when they were repainted about five years ago. The Chairman said that in view of this, it would be nec- essary to ask for indefinite postponement. Mr. Raymond said that Mr. Ross had asked if the Work at Town would do the work of reconstructing the sidewalk and Catholic driveway out in Mass. Avenue in the public way at the Church. Catholic Church. Mr. Raymond told Mr. Ross that he did not think the Town ought to do it as the Town had a good driveway there now and he thought the church ought to stand the expense. The Chairman stated that the change was due to the church reconstructing their own drive and he thought that it was part of their own expenses. Mr. Giroux thought it would be justif_lablej inasmuch as it was a community affair. The Chairman_ suggested that Mr. Raymond talk with Father McCarthy and to use his own judgment in the matter. At a meeting of the Selectmen with the Appropriation Committee last evening, the Board voted to approve the installation of concrete posts with 600 watt lights in Lights at front of the Catholic Church. The Chairman said that he Catholic wondered if it was fair to do this inasmuch as the Lex - Church. ington Trust Co. pays the difference in the cost of the light bill between the extra watt lights and those that the Town uses. He wondered if the Town should not request the Church to do the same thing. He thought that it would be establishing a bad precedent if no charge was made.. He thought that if they did pay the difference, it would be all right. The Chairman said that he would talk with Mr. Ross on the matter. 11 Letter was received from Harry Johnson requesting the installation of water and sewer mains in Daniels Street. Water and Mr. Giroux moved that the following votes passed May 18, sewer in 1937 be rescinded: "Voted: That the Taft Avenue sewer and Daniels water job be completed and that the job then be shut down; Street. and Voted: That in the future Mr. Johnson is to do the digging for whatever water and sewer extensions he desires and further that he is to be charged the usual betterment rates". Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Giroux then moved that Mr. Raymond be authorized to proceed to have *meter and seder mains' inst5.11ed in' Daniels Street. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Burbrec Nurseries, Inc. stating that their water bill for the quarter ending June 30, 1937 was $323.02, some $250. more than a normal Burbrec amount. The excessive consumption was due to a break in Nurseries an underground pipe, which break was not detected until water bill. the June meter reading was made. The highest bill for the water which the company has had for this same period is $117.00. Mr. Potter moved that an abatement of $100. be authorized. Mr. Giroux sedonded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from Mr. D. J. O'Connell request- ing a hearing on the claim of Theresa B. Cummings for Cummings assessment of damages for taking of land on her premises Claim. in Lexington. It was decided to invite Mr. O+Connell to appear at next weekts meeting. Letter was received from M. Bowman Judkins tendering his resignation as Town Meeting Member.in Precinct 3. Mr. Judkins also tendered his regiination from the Board of Judkinst Assessors as of October Ist because of the fact that he resignation would be away Brom Lexington. Mr. Giroux moved that Mr. JudkinsAl resignation be accepted with regret. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from Elmer A. Lord & Co. advis- ing bf the expiration on October 18th of policy covering Insurance $10,000. hold-up insurance in the Town Hall. It was deciddd to hold the matter over for one week. Letter was received from Robert L. Ryder in which he Ryder discussed the proposed agreement in the Vine Brook drainage cases. cases. It was decided to take no action on the matter until the next meeting. Letters were received from the Town Counsel relative to the proposed agreement in the various Ryder drainage n cases. The Board decided to hold the letters over until the next meeting. tai Letter was received from the Town Counsel advising Colonial that he had engaged Mr. Harry A. Gilbert as an expert ' Garage to advise the Board with reference to the damage claim claim. of the Colonial Garage against the Town for the Jan. 1937 sewer easement. Mr4l wrightington enclosed copies of the pages in the report which Mr. Charles Gleason, real estate agent, made for the Colonial Garage. Letter was received from the Appropriation Committee Highway with reference to the request of the Board that $105. Dept. - be transferred from the Reserve Fund to the Highway Personal Maintenance Personal Services account. The Committee did Services not feel that there was an emergency at the present time Account. inasmuch as there are funds in the appropriation. They suggested that the $133.91tt:betransferred from the Fletcher Avenue warning signals appropriation be transferred to the Highway Maintenance Personal Services account. Mr. Potter moved that the suggestion be approved. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from Mr: Edgar Harrod of Harvard relative to the requd.st of the Health Inspector that he clean out the privy on his premises on Mass. Ave. Mr. Harrod stated that he had received no rent from the tenants In the house for some time and that he did not feel that he was in a position to expend money on the premises by connect- ing with the sewer. Mr. Giroux moved that Mr. Harrod be ordered to abate the health menace with a period of two Letter was received from the Appropriation Committee Vote re suggesting that the vote under Article 2 for the Sept. Vine Brook 27th Town Meeting shall include estimates of the cost of Drainage. land takings and that the vote be clear that the approp- riation was recommended with the understanding that it did not imply that the Town bound itself to proceed with the project. Mr. Giroux moved that the Chairman discuss the matter with the Town Counsel and if it was all right with him, to word the vote as suggested by the 'Appropriation Committee. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from Mr. Robert T. Person, Chair - Special man of the House Committee of the Old Belfry Club, request - Police. ing that he be appointed a Special Police Officer. Mr. Giroux moved that he be appointed a.Special Police Officer. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Mothersingers, P.T.A., requesting permission to use Cary Hall on the following Use of Hallsdates: Thursday, Oct. 14th;and to use Estabrook Hall on the following dates= Monday, Sept. 27th, Thursday Oct. 7th, Monday, October 4th. Mr. Potter moved that the use of the halls be granted free of charge. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from Mr: Edgar Harrod of Harvard relative to the requd.st of the Health Inspector that he clean out the privy on his premises on Mass. Ave. Mr. Harrod stated that he had received no rent from the tenants In the house for some time and that he did not feel that he was in a position to expend money on the premises by connect- ing with the sewer. Mr. Giroux moved that Mr. Harrod be ordered to abate the health menace with a period of two weeks. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Welfare Agent discussed welfare matters with the Board. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk. 1 Is