HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-08-31566 Fill for playground. WPA Form #4816 SELECTMENIS MEETING AUG. 31, 1937 A regular meeting of the Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 300 P.X: All members of the Board of Selectmen were present. The Clerk was also present. Mr. Raymond asked if the Board wanted the material excavated from Waltham Street trucked and spread at the playground. He said that they would need about $850.00 to settle the extra cost if this was done. If it was not done, he thought the best place to dump the material was on a vacant lot near Clematis Brook, on which the Town had foreclosed. He expected to pay fifteen cents per yard for filling material;,for the playground, plus the cost of hauling and spreading it. Mr. Raymond said that the Town had appropriated $4,700. for Waltham Street, but since the County cut its allot- ment to $4,000., the Selectmen had decided to spend only this amount. He thought that,perhaps the Board would agree to spend the remaining $700, for removing the fill,. Mr. Potter moved that the material excavated from Waltham Street be trucked and spread at the playground, and that any additional cost because of this be charged to the Waltham Street job. Mr. Ross seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr: Raymond said that he'had received a request from the W.P.A. authorities to sign a statement to the effect that the Town would contribute $12.00 per month per worker toward the cost of materials for the sewing project. There are seventeen workers on the project, and the W.P.A. would like a check in the amount of $6124 covering the months of October, November and December sent right away. Mr. Beach has taken up the matter with Mr. Mitchell, and it has been estimated that, should these women go on Welfare, the expense on the Welfare Depte would be .$400, above what it would cost the other way. Mr. Raymond said that from a financial point of view, it looked as , though it would be best for the Town to pay $12.00 per worker per month. Mr. Rosa moved that the Board approve payment of $12.00 per month per worker on the sewing project, and that a check for $612.00 be mailed to the government. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Clark wished to be recorded in opposition. Mr. Raymond said that he understood that this signified the Board►s approval of his signing foam #4591 and #4516. Mr. Raymond said that the Town Accountant, as a member of the Contributory Retirement Board, had re- quested the Highway Department to check up on past pay 1 1 ' rolls, And it was not possible to do this with the present force. While Miss Corcoran was on her vacation he hired a Mrs. Hammerton to do the work at a salary of J12.00 per weer. The Town Accountant did not approve of paying her from the Highway Maintenance -Expenses- appropriation, but insisted that she be paid from the Highway Maintenance - Personal. Services appropriation. Mr. Raymond asked if the Board would approve paying her from the Personal Services Account, and of transferring funds to this account to take care of the salary. He thought that it would be necessary to hire her for at least one week more. Mi. Potter moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer $75.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Highway Maintenance - Personal Services - Account, and that Mra. Hammerton's wages be paid from this account. Mr. Roo$ seconded the motion, and it was so voted. C 1 Mrs Raymond informed the Board that the Town Counsel disapproved of the Town installing hydrants connected to private mains. The Chairman said he thought that this was penalizing the owner for trying to save the Town money. Mr. Raymond remarked that if hydrants were not allowed to be connected in some of these cases, it would be endangering all the houses around. The Town Counsel thinks that the Town should take over these mains. Mr. Ross said that in Arlington and Belmont the Town was deeded the pipe and hydrants by the owner, but did not pay any money for them. He suggested that the Supt. of Public Works check with the Town Counsel to see what the practice was in other towns. Mr. Raymond asked approval of buying about twenty- five I 'inch water meters at a total cost of about $400., and 2,000 feet of j inch copper tubing at a cost of approximately.$360.00. He can get a very favorable price, and can save about three cents per foot if he buys the 21000 feet of pipe. There are funds available. Mr. Giroux moved that Mr. Raymond be authorized to buy this stock and to charge the expense incurred to the tater Services and Water Stock accounts. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond informed the Board that A. Ross & Son had asked if they could have the filling material on those streets where some day there would be widenings. The only two streets he knew of were Spring Street and Pollen Road. No action was taken. Mr. Raymond stated that the article in the warrant for the annual meeting regarding sidewalks called for the construction of "granolithic" sidewalks, and he thought in the future it should read "granolithic or bituminous concrete". Mr. Giroux moved that in the future the grticle be worded in accordance with Mr. Raymondfs suggestion. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. N Temporary Clerk - Highway Sept. Hydrants connected to private mains. Purchase of meters and pipe. Ross request for fill. Bituminous cone, side. walks. Mr. Raymond read a letter which he had received from Mr. Raymond reminded the Board that at the last McAvoy meeting it apl:roved payment of one-half the bills for claim* damages to McAvoyls car. He wrote the Town Counsel on the matter, and enclosed a suggested form of release. Mr. Wrightington approved the form of release and also the settlement. Rowse re- Mr. Kitson, relative to his supervising the changing of Mr. the stone under the statue of the Minute Man, He said Repairs to that his expenses would amount to $50.00, and that the Minute Man last time the Field and Garden Club paid his expenses. Statue Mr. Raymond said that there was about $300, in the Capt. buy Parker Fund now, and about $400* more is needed. He material, said that he would get an estimated cost tomorrow of a felt bronze casting. Mr. Giroux asked Mr, Raymond if he thought it would be necessary to have Kitson come down to here, and Mr. Raymond said he did not think it would be worth $50. Mr. Giroux moved that no action be taken on Mr. Kitsonts coming to Lexington. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Giroux moved that an article be inserted in the warrant for the next town meeting to appropriate and transfer funds for the stone for the statue, Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond informed the Board that the Arlington Gas exten- Gas Co, had applied for permission to extend gas mains sion, Glen in Upland Road for a distance of about 135 feet and in & Upland Rds. Glen Road for a distance of about 65 feet. He did not see any reason why the permit should not be granted, Mr, Giroux moved that the Board approve these extensions. Mr, Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond stated that he heard (unofficially) Waltham Ste that,through the efforts of Senator Cotton, the use of the penolithic type pavdment for Waltham Street had been approved., Mr. Raymond read a letter which he had received Outstanding from the Supt, of the Water & Sewer Department, in which water and he listed several accounts which had been outstanding for sewer bills. several years. Mr. Ross wanted to know what the Board could suggest so that he could get the accounts off the books. Mr, Giroux moved that the accounts be turned over to the Town Counsel, who could either collect them or recounend that they be abated. Mr, Clark sedonded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond reminded the Board that at the last McAvoy meeting it apl:roved payment of one-half the bills for claim* damages to McAvoyls car. He wrote the Town Counsel on the matter, and enclosed a suggested form of release. Mr. Wrightington approved the form of release and also the settlement. Rowse re- Mr. Raymond said that Mr. Walter Rowse had seen quest for some of the sidewalk work that the Town had done, and sidewalk wanted to know if he could buy some of the material material, from the Town. The Board felt that inasmuch as it had always been the policy not to interfere with private J 1 Ll 1 1 L contractors, no action should be taken on the request. Mr, Raymond said that he had received several com- plaints on the drainage in Sheridan Street Extension. J. L. Douglas is planning to build a house, and wants to start'right away. He has agreed that if the Town will lay'the pipe and install the catch basins, he will give the'town the Right of Way, and do the excavating from the street line to the brook. The drain will cost about $300. Mr. Raymond said that he proposed to ask for drainage in Grant Street next year, and the Town can. get out of it much better if it has this outlet. There are funds in the Sundry Street drainage appropriation for this work. Mr, Ross moved that the drain be laid. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. me Sheridan Street drain. Mr. Raymond stated that there was periodic flooding in Raymon& Street for a distance of one hundred feet or more. Lust year a day was spent cleaning out the drain, and in trying to clean it this year, they have found a piece twenty-five feet long that they cannot get through. Without allowing for any street repairs at all, he felt that a suitable pipe could be installed for about $1700. but it would mean that a request would be made next year for resurfacing Raymond and Muzzey Streets. There is about $2500. in the drainage account. Mr. Raymond said that he would also recommend that the 4 inch water main in Raymond Street be replaced next year. Mr. Ross asked if he was planning to do this work rather than the drain- age work in front of the Catholic Church and he replied that the Raymond Street drainage was more important, The Chairman stated that he would rather have the drainage work in front of the Catholic Church completed, inasmuch as this 'had been planned in the budget, Mr, Clark'meved that no action be.taken on the Raymond Street drainage. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr.,.Raymond said that there would be a hearing on Sept.', 30th relative to Ch. 90 projects for 1938. -He said he had in mind doing Woburn Street from Mass. Ave. to Utica Street, andincluding drainage, curbing, and sidewalks. The Chairman suggested that he list the most important work and submit an estimated cost of the work to the Board. Mr. Ross suggested Bedford Street, and'Mr.'Potter suggested Walnut Street. Mr., Raymond informed the Board that J, L. Douglas had applied for a water connection to the new house he proposes to build on Sheridan Street, but the man who own$ the lot next door will not sign up to pay the betterment assessment, It is proposed to install an eight inch pipe. Mr. Ross moved that an 8 inch main be extended in Sheridan Street from Grant Street for d dis- tance of approximately 160 feet. Mr, Giroux seconded the motion., and it was so voted. Raymond Sty drainage, Chap.90 work for 1938. Extension of water main, Sheridan Bt. 570 Mr. Raymond asked if the Board had any objections ?? to the removal of Frank P. Cutter from his duties on the Cutter from W.P.A. He thought that the Engineering Dept* could take W.P.A. work. care of the work from now on. Mr. Potter moved that the Supt. of Public Works be authorized to use his own judgment in the matter. Mr. Clark seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond asked if the Board approved of renting Mr. Raymond reminded the Board of the Anderson ' Highway service, Lee Avenue, which was leaking, and which the Grader. $25.00 per day plus the wages of the operator. Mr. Town requested Anderson to rebuild or pay the Town for Giroux moved that the use: -of the grader be allowed. Anderson relaying it. A meter was installed at the street line. service, The first quarter, of which the last two months were wanted to know if he could borrow or rent the old wheel Lee Avenue, registered through the pit meter, showed an excess hire the grader, the rate to be set by Mr. Raymond, charge of 25.00, and this quarter's bill shows an excess of 53.00. Anderson paid only the minimum charge on last quarter's bill. Mr. Raymond asked the Board what it thought he7rhould do in the matter, Mr. Ross moved that the Supt. of Public Works consult the Town Counsel and act in accordance with his instructions. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond informed the Board that Eustis Street Eustis Sto was in very bad shape. Last year the Board approved replacing the old water main in the street, and it was the intention to scarify and reshape it this year, and install drainage. The project was in the budget as originally submitted, but in paring down, it was removed. Mr. Raymond did not think that the street should be let go any longer. It would cost $500. to scarify and re- shape the street, but -he thought drainage should be installed -first, and that would cost $1600. There is about $500o left in the Highway contingent fund, and Mr. ' Raymond thought it would cost about $4000' to patch the street. Mr. Giroux moved that the Supt. of Public Works be authorised to proceed with patching the street. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond asked if the Board had any objections Removal of to the removal of Frank P. Cutter from his duties on the Cutter from W.P.A. He thought that the Engineering Dept* could take W.P.A. work. care of the work from now on. Mr. Potter moved that the Supt. of Public Works be authorized to use his own judgment in the matter. Mr. Clark seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond asked if the Board approved of renting Rental of the highway grader to residents in the vicinity of Highway Harbell Street for grading the street, at the rate of Grader. $25.00 per day plus the wages of the operator. Mr. Giroux moved that the use: -of the grader be allowed. Mr. Clark seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that Tony Cassella of Avon Street, Rental of wanted to know if he could borrow or rent the old wheel wheel grader.grader. Mr. Giroux moved that Cassella be allowed to hire the grader, the rate to be set by Mr. Raymond, Mr. Potter, seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Giroux said that Roland Garmon told ..him that the heater at the Stone Building needed cleaning. The Chairman said that all the other janitors cleaned their own heaters. Mr. Raymond said that he had a Form #4516 for the enclosed field project, in which the Town has set up as the sponsor's contribution some $17,000., and he asked if the Board would approve his sending the form in. He said that at least X3,000. will be needed out of W.P.A. Labor and Materials if this project is approved. From a labor standpoint, Mr. Raymond thought that they would be in a tight spot if this project was not approved. Mr. Ross moved that Form #4616 be signed for thisproject and sent in. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Clark voted in opposition. 571 Cleaning of heaters. Form #45163, enclosed fields Use of Seleotments Room. Fuhrmann claim. OtRiordan land. Special Police Mr. Giroux asked if the officers of the Middlesex County Selectmen's Association could use the Seledtments Room on Wednesday evening, September 8th for a meeting, and the use of the room was granted. Letter was received from Ira F. Fuhrmann of 4 Eustis Street reporting an accident sustained on Saturday, August 28, at about 11;00 A.M. by Mrs. Verna R. Furhmann. He stated that while walking on the crosswalk on Percy Road across Eustis Street, Mrs. Fuhrmann slipped or ' stumbled on the stones which had been washed onto the crosswalk from the trench that remained unrepaired since the water main was installed last winter. In falling, a severe injury was sustained to her right knee. Mr. Fuhrmann said that he reported to the Police Department the details of the accident, and an officer was sent to his home to investigate. Mr. Giroux moved that the matter be referred to the Town Counsel. Mrs 41otter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that he would have some pictures taken. Letter was received from the Town Engineer in which he reported that no encroachment had been made upon the thirty-four acre parcel of land acquired by the Town and located off Westview Street. The letter stated that those1who were excavating for sand or gravel had con - Pined their operations entirely to the northeast side of the railroad near Westview Street. The exact limits of the parcel have not as yet been determined. Mr. Ross moved that the Supt. of Public Works make some tests and report to the Board as to the nature of the soil in the hill. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion, and it was so voted. ' Mr. Giroux moved that John W. Raymond, Jr. be appointed a Special Policeman to serve until April 1, 1938, Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 571 Cleaning of heaters. Form #45163, enclosed fields Use of Seleotments Room. Fuhrmann claim. OtRiordan land. Special Police 572 Letter was received from the Planing Board with Donald, Board respect to the petition of Robert C. onald for the of Survey approval of a plan of land at #433 Marrett Road. The layout - letter stated. that that Board was opposed to the layout, disapproved. because it was definitely opposed to establishing further street entrances at or near this curve, on the grounds of a dangerous location. The Board submitted a tentative layout. Mr. Giroux moved that the Board of Survey disapprove the layout as submitted by Robert C. Donald, Mr. Ross seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Dolly Be Taylor of Dor. Sale of Tax cheater who was the former owner of Lots 1 and 20 Block title prop- 33, Meagher, on which' -the Town has foreclosed. She erty, would like to buy back the property for the amount out- standing, $20.59. Mr. Clark moved that the lots be sold back to the former owner for the amount outstanding at the time of foreclosure, plus interest from that date. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Auditors' convention. Drainage, Sheridan St. Bids on V.B.Drainage Committee Report. Letter was received from the Town Accountant advising the Selectmen that the Municipal Finance Auditors' Association was going to hold its national convention in Boston during the week of September 12th. On Tuesday, September 14th, a sight-seeing trip will be arranged so that the delegates and their ladies will come to Lex- ington. Mr. Russell asked that the Chairman greet the guests, also as many other members of the Board as could attend. Mr. Russell asked if the Board would be willing to approve an expenditure of funds so that light refresh- ments might be served. He thought that $50, would be sufficient. Mr. Giroux moved that an expenditure not to exceed $50.00 be approved from.the "Unclassified" Account, and that the Chairman be authorized to greet the body officially. Mr. Ross seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received -from the Health Inspector rel- ative to the water draining from Grant Street onto Sheridan Street Extension. Inasmuch as this had been taken care of while Mr. Raymond was present, no action was taken on the matter. Bids were received as follows on the printing of 5900 copies of the Vine Btook Drainage Committee reports Hancock Press - $46:55 Fleming, Printer 48.00 Adams Press - 71.75 Mr. Ross moved that the contract be.awarded to the Hancock Press, that concern being the low bidder. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. 1 1 Letter was received from Alfred W. Hayward in which ' he informed the Board that because of business reasons he would be unable to serve as Deputy Clerk in Precinct One. Mr. Giroux moved that Mrs. Edith Kew of 705 Mass. Avenue be appointed Deputy Clerk toserve in Mr. Hayward's place. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so vote.. Letter was received from the Building Inspector in which he reported that a Mrs. O'Keefe was occupying the Barnes place. She and a Dr. Healey intend to run a convelescenthome there, and had been led to believe it could be used for that purpose because of its former use by Dre Barnes. Mr. Longbottom told her that such a -use would require a Board of Appeals hearing# and she said that no doubt she would apply for such a hearing. Letter was received from Pierre A, Northrup relative to the Barnes property. Mrs. Barnes authorized him to mkkke an offer to sell the entire property, including the two lots on Pletcher Avenue, to the Town of Lexington for the sum of $29,000, plus abatement of 1937 taxes on the property. It was decided to hold the matter over until the next meeting of the Board. on Deputy Clerk, Prec, 1. Rental of Barnes house. Letter was received from J. O. Richards stating ' that last gear he was not given the privilege of renew- ing the Worlmen's Compensation insurance for the Town of Lexington, but he did not know the reason why. He said that he would appreciate a renewal. The Clerk was in- structed tofind out whether or not Richards was a licensed broker now, as that was the reason he was dropped last year Offer for Barnes property Richards re: Insurance. Letter was received from the Town Clerk advising that'the County Commissioners would hold a meeting on Waltham Sept* 7th to discuss repairs to Waltham Street. Mr. Street Giroux moved that the matter be turned over to the Supt. of Public Works. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the State Dept. of Public Works advising that the County hearing at which future Chap. 90 Chapter 90 projects would be discussed, would be held projects for at East Cambridge, September 30th. The letter requested 1938. a list of tentative projects prior to that date, Mr, Giroux moved that the matter be turned over to the Supt, of Public Forks, Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. (Letters were received from the State Dept. of Public Works stating that the allotments for Chapter 90 wofk for 1937 were as follows: 574 Invitation was received from the Executive Committee of the 1937 Convention of the 101st Infantry Association to review the parade to be hold -on Sunday. Sept. 12, 1937 Mr. Giroux moved that the invitation be accepted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Robert Whitney stating Whitney re: that he would be glad to obtain a quotation from the insurance. National Appraisal Co. for the revision of the 1935 fire insurance appraisal. Mr. Whitney said that he would be pleased to discuss with the Board the definite increase in insurable values since the appraisal. It was decided to request Mr. Whitney to casae before the Board on September 14th to discuss the matter. Letter was received from the Constitution Day Constitution Committee inviting Lexington organizations to take Day Parade* pars in the parade to be held in Boston.. Mr. Giroux moved that the matter be turned over to the Lexington Allied Veteran's Council. Mr. Clark meaonded the` motion and,:it- was so. voted, The meeting adjourned at 5:45 P.M. A true record, Attest& Clerk. 1 u 1 Town State Chap, 90 �C.o,.u.�nt Waltham Street $4;C�0S. allotments. Ch. 90 Maintenance 3,000. 30000. 2,100, Watertown Street 1;000. 1,000. 10,400. Met. Mater It was decided to refer the letter from the.Boston System. Municipal Research Bureau held over from last week to the Supt. of Public Works for his recommendation. Letter was received from the 101st Infantry Assoc. Convention iation Convention requesting that all men who served at Woburn. with,the 101st Infantry and employed by the Town of Lexington be granted leave with pay for three days beginning. Sept. 10th, to allow them to attend the annual convention to be held in Woburn on those dates. Mr. Ross moved that such leave be granted any men so effected. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Invitation was received from the Executive Committee of the 1937 Convention of the 101st Infantry Association to review the parade to be hold -on Sunday. Sept. 12, 1937 Mr. Giroux moved that the invitation be accepted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Robert Whitney stating Whitney re: that he would be glad to obtain a quotation from the insurance. National Appraisal Co. for the revision of the 1935 fire insurance appraisal. Mr. Whitney said that he would be pleased to discuss with the Board the definite increase in insurable values since the appraisal. It was decided to request Mr. Whitney to casae before the Board on September 14th to discuss the matter. Letter was received from the Constitution Day Constitution Committee inviting Lexington organizations to take Day Parade* pars in the parade to be held in Boston.. Mr. Giroux moved that the matter be turned over to the Lexington Allied Veteran's Council. Mr. Clark meaonded the` motion and,:it- was so. voted, The meeting adjourned at 5:45 P.M. A true record, Attest& Clerk. 1 u 1 SELECTMEN'S MEETING 1 AUG. 31, 1937. iA regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held 'in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at '1,-.30 P.M. Chairman Ferguson, Messrs. Potter, Clark., Giroux and Ross were present. The Clerk was also present. The Welfare Agent appeared before the Board to dia- cuss Welfare matters. At 800 P.M. hearing was declared open upon the application of the Boston Edison Co. and the New England Tel. & Tel. Co. for permission to locate one pole on School Street, easterly side from Stimson Avenue, approximately 51.6 feet southerly. No persons appeared in favor or opposition. Mr. Ross moved that the location be approved. Mr. Clark seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 8:02 P.M. hearing was declared open upon the application of the Boston Edison Co. for permission to set one pole on Curve Street near Massachusetts Avenue. Mr. Roland N. Hayes appeared at the hearing, but after looking at the Edison Colso plan, he said that he had ' no objection to the location. Mr. Ross moved that the petit on be granted. Mr. Clark seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Claude Palmer and Mr. Roland Garmon appeared before the Board and wanted to know what the possibilities were of getting an article in the warrant to obtain $75.00 for bills which were still owed by the 19th of April Committee for 1937. The Chairman told them that he did not believe there would be sufficient funds for such an article. 575 Pole location, School Street Pole location, Curve Street Funds for 19th of April Harvey case Letter was received from the Chief of Police stating that in the Salem Court on Friday, August 27th, 1937, Henry H. Harvey was found guilty of drunkenness and operating an automobile while under the influence of intoxicating liquor. On the former complaint, he was fined five dollars, and on the latter fined one hundred dollars and one month in the House of Correction. He appealed both and was held in $600. Por the Superior Court* The Chief appeared before the Board, and said that Harvey had been on the force since 1923, and had been off duty since August 18th. He thought it would be the middle of September before the case would come up again, He was informed by the Civil Service Commission that there were two men on the list available Por service, John F. Downey and H. A. Pauley. Downey did not want temporary work, but Pauley did. The Chairman said that 575 Pole location, School Street Pole location, Curve Street Funds for 19th of April Harvey case 576 �c if it became necessary to hire another man permanently, another examination would have to be held, because there had to be three men to pick from. Mr. Giroux moved that H. A. Pauley be appointed a temporary member of the Police Dept., with the provision that the Chief employ him when he saw fit. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman told the Chief that the Selectmen had received a bill in the amount of $9.00 for services Doctor's rendered Officer Knapp, and asked him what he knew of bills for the affair. He said that Knapp took his vacation, and Officer one additional week, and said that he had hurt his foot Knapp, and was unable to return to work before that. He said that he had had no official report that Knapp was injured in the performance of his duty. The Chairman requested him to investigate the matter and report to the Board. Mr, W. H. Ballard appeared before the Board relative to the Kinneen property on Burlington Street. He Article re; presented a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Kinneen requesting Kinneen land that an article be inserted in the warrant for the next town meeting to appoint a committee to consider the advisability of purchasing some more of the Kinneen land to add to that already owned by the Town. Mr. Giroux moved that such an article be inserted in the warrant for the September 27th meeting. Mr. Ross seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Worthen appeared -before the Board relative to Billboards the erection of billboards, 2' 6" x 31, one in front of for the Buckman Tavern and the other one on the Common tourists, near the ancient monument, these to be for the assistance of tourists. He said that there would be no expense to the Town, but wanted to know if it would be all right to erect such signs. The Chairman said he thought that these might require a Board of Appeals permit, and it was suggested that the Clerk write the Town Counsel for his opinion in the matter. Letter was received from Mr. R. L. Ryder in which Ryder he listed corrections and suggested changes in the casese proposed agreement in the various Ryder drainage cases. Mr. Giroux moved that the matters be referred to the Town Counsel for his'consideration. Mr. Ross seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Elmer A. Lord & Co, rel - New credit, ative to Workmen's Compensation insurance. The letter W*Co. Ins. stated that that concern had secured a credit of 45.4% ' from the Workmen's Compensation rates as shown on the schedule of declarations on this policy. The last previous credit was 34.4%. Mr. Hill thought that the town was very fortunate in obtaining this credit. 577 Application was received from Paul F. Mooney for Looney ' permission to maintain an overhanging sign at 1837 Mass, overhanging Avenue. Mr. Giroux moved that the permit be granted. sign. Mr. Clark seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Commitment of water rates in the amount of $7285.64 for Section One was signed by the Board. Commitment Application was received from H. L. Andersen of Trans. of Carlisle for permission to transport garbage through garbage Lexington. Mr. Ross moved that the permit be granted. lieense. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from Harold W. Burbidge Peddler's of 34 Butler Avenue for a Peddlers License, Mr, Ross License. moved that the license be granted. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Old Age Assistance abatements in the amounts of $16,76 and $606.44 were signed by the Board. Abatements. Board of Health abatement in the amount of $22.25 was signed by the Board. Permit was granted the Boston Edison Co. and the N. E. 'del. & Tel. Co. to remove one pole on Follen Road Pole ' approximately 55 feet west of Lexington Avenue, and set relocation one pole on Follen Road approximately 85 feet west of Lexington Avenue. %T40 Clerk was instructed to ask Mr. William E. / Bennett, Chairman of the Committee appointed to study Report. the ad isability of accepting the Act combining the Planning Board and Board of Survey, and request a copy of the report. The Board discussed the articles to be inserted in Town the warrant for the town meeting to be held on Sept.27th. Meeting. Litter was received from the Town Treasurer ad- vising,that he had received from the Lexington Trust Co. a rate of one per cent for a $2400. note or notes, to be issued for a period of one year for the construction of Watertown Street under the provisions of G. L. Ch, Loan. 90, for which reimbursement is to be received from the State and County. Mr. Ross moved that the rate be accepted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The meeting adjourned at 9;35 P.M. ' A true record, Attest; Clerk.