HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-08-03SELECTMEN'S MEETING ' AUG. 3rd, 1937. A (regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 3:30 P.M. Chairman Ferguson, Messrs. Potter, Giroux and Ross we're present. The Acting Clerk was also tpresent. 537 Dump. Water Dept. Funds . Raymond reported that he had investigated the dump at the Arlington line about which complaints have been received, and found that three-quarters of an acre in Lexington were being used as part of this dump. He stated that the Town of Arlington has some kind of an arrangement with the Leary heirs to fill in the land which is very low and of no use. He said that complaints were received about the smoke and about the material being burned within the limits of Lexington. These complaints come In, however, only when there is a southeasterly wind. Mr. Ross moved that Mr. Raymond write the Arlington Dept. of Public Works notifying them of the complaints that had been received and asking them if there was anything they could do to remedy the situation. Mr. ' Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond reported that in 1936, $1271.62 was deducted from the Water Maintenance appropriation to pay the additional Metropolitan tax rate for that year. In some manner, that was reported to the Director of Accounts as having been an overcharge for 1936. Actually the funds were available for it and were transferred from the Water Maintenance account to the Metropolitan Tax account. Through some ruling of the Commissioner, it had to be left in this year as an overcharge and the Town Accountant deducted the same amount for the same purpose in June, 1937 from the 1937 Water Maintenance appropriation. The Metropolitan Tax is several hundred dollars more than was estimated for 1937 and the money will be needed in the appropriation. The money went back to Water Dept, Available Surplus, and he felt that it should be trans- ferred back to Water Maihtenance some time this year, probably at the next Town Meeting. Mr. Ross moved that an article be inserted in the Warrant to transfer the sum of $1271.62 from the Water Dept. Available Surplus account to the Water Maintenance Account, Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond reported that he had received a com- plaint from Mr. Toeio of Crescent Hill Avenue about water running over the sidewalk and washing out his driveway. He stated that a little work was done there last year, 537 Dump. Water Dept. Funds Tocio complaint re dbainage. Fence at Parker School banking up the gutter, but the drainage in the street is rather poor. Mr. Raymond said that he looked up the history and found that when the street was accepted and built, a ten inch drain was put in with six catch basins, two at the lower end, one of which was to be an overflow catch basin. There is an eight inch connection across to the bank in front of Tocio ls. Three or four acres of land in Arlington drain into the first basin. He stated that the pipe near Haskell Street was stopped up with gravel off the lots and off the street in Arlington. He said he didn't think the situat ion• could be improved unless a drain was put in Haskell Street to connect with the drain installed in Lowell Street a couple of years ago and a special inlet built In front of Tocio+s with a connection going across the atbeet to the ten inch pipe . Haskell Street is an unaccepted street,but he felt that money spent for drainage now would be much more effective than later. He estimated that it would cost approximtely $1600.00 to build the drain and put in the special inlet, and he recommended that an article be put in the next warrant, or if the money can't be found this year, that it be included in next year's draina-ge program. Mr. Ross moved that an article be inserted in the next warrant for a town meeting to cover this work if money was available at that time. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond reported that he had received a com- plaint from Mrs. Frank Johnson of Bedford Street that the children at the North Lexington Playground and School go over into their orchard and she requested that a fence be put up to stop them. The total length of the fence necessary would be 800 feet from Bedford Street to the brook. 270 feet of that is alongside of the School ground as far as Mr. Raymond could ascertain, and there would be approximately 615 feet a1 ong Park property. He estimated that the cost for the fence the whole length would be approximately $1000.00. He thought that one-third of the cost should be paid by the School Dept. and two-thirds by the Park Department. Mr. Potter was of the opinion that the fence at the center, playground should be put in first. Mr. Potter moved that the matter be taken under- considdration and if there are funds available, to submit it to the Town at the next Town Meeting. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond reported that where Fottler Avenue Fence at crosses Mill Brook, the road is quite high and there Fottler is a drop which is dangerous as many children play there. Avenue He stated that it was intended to have a guard rail there and it was planned to have a pipe rail, but that was not substantial enough. He recommended using concrete posts with cables which would cost approximately $150.00, 1 1 He suggested that this method be used, and the cost charged to Public Works Labor and Materials. After discussing the matter, Mr. Ross moved that the Supt's, recommendation be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Ross moved that the extension of 150 feet of eight inch water pipe be authorized in Sherburne Road, subject to the assessment of betterments. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Board voted to adopt an order for the con- struction of a granolithic sidewalk at 23 Bloomfield Street., as follows; BLOOMFIELD STREET August 3rd, 1937 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; That the Board of Selectmen and Public Works of Lexington, Massachusetts, in regular session duly assembled on the 3rd day of August, 1937, did adopt an order f'or the construction of a granolithic sidewalk on the northwesterly side of Bloomfield Street, a public way in said Town of Lexington, at property at 23 Bloomfield ' Street, and as designated by Engineer's stakes, in form as follows; It is hereby adjudged by the Board of Selectmen and Public Works of the Town of Lexington that public con- venience requires that a granolithic sidewalk be con- structed on the northwesterly side of Bloomfield Street, a public way of the Town of Lexington, at property at 23 Bloomfield Street, and as designated by Engineer's stakes,1 It is therefore ORDERED that a granolithic sidewalk be constructed on the northwesterly side of Bloomfield Street, a public way of the Town of Lexington, at property at 23 Bloomfield Street, and as designated by Engineer's stakes, and that one/half' of the cost thereof be assessed upon abutting estates, all under the provisions of Chapter 83 of the General Laws, and of any amendments thereto so. far as applicable. Now,q THEREFORE, this statement of their action is now made to be recorded in the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds, that all assessments made.or charges ' imposed'. under Chapter 83 of the General Laws and any amendments thereof upon any land which abuts upon said =1 Sherburne Road Water. Bloomfield Street Sidewalk Order 540 sidewalk, shall constitute a lien upon such land from the time this statement is recorded in said Registry of Deeds. Given under my hand and the seal of the said Town this 3rd day of August, 1937. Elinor Moakley Acting Clerk of the Board of Selectmen of Lexington. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss. August 3rd, 1937 Then personally appeared the above named, Elinor Moakley, Acting Clerk of the Board of Selectmen of the said Town and made oath that the foregoing statement subscribed by her is true, before me, James J, Carroll Notary Public (Term - March 11, 1938) SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED BETTERZ NTS REFERRED TO IN THE FOREGOING ORDER. 23 Bloomfield Street Opener as of Jan_. 1st, 1937 Assessment Mabelle C. Tower $140.00 Mr. Raymond reported that there were no more funds in the sidewalk appropriation and he felt that there should be an appropriation made of $500.00 for this Sidewalk work. Mr. Potter suggested that it might be well to wait funds. and see bow many requests come in before the Town Meeting wqs held. Mr. Ross moved that an article be inserted in the Warrant for the next Town Meeting for funds for sidewalk construction, the amount to be determined later on. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Ross moved that W.P.A. Form #4516 in connection W.P.A. with the East Lexington Skat Ing Rink Project., be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted, Mr. Raymond read a letter which he had received Appleton from the Town Counsel in connection with the Appleton claim. claim. Mr. Wrightington stated that inasmuch as she is going to claim an injury to her heart, the Selectmen should consider whether or not they wished to have her examined by a heart specialist. Mrs. Appleton tripped and f ell on the sidewalk in front of the Fruit Store at the corner of Waltham St. and Mass. Avenue and has 1 1 1 ' made a claim for a substantial amount. Mr. Ferguson felt that Mr. Wrightington s hould use his own judgment in regard to the matter and if he feels that it is necessary to have an examination, that it be done. Mr. Potter moved that the Chairman's suggestion be approved. Mr. Rosa seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr, Raymond reported that notice had come to the Selectmen's Office stating that a permit for a billboard Billboard at 11-19 Mass. Avenue bad been granted by the Division of Outdoor Advertising. Mr. Raymond stated that this is an existing billboard. Bir, Raymond reported that Mr. Sherman of Metcalf and Eddy is prepating a paper about experiences with concrete standpipes and he has requested that Mr. Raymond furnish him with any data available about the cost of repairs to our standpipe. Mr. Potter mcv ed that Mr. Raymond be authorized to furnish the information to Mr. Sherman. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Reymond reported that there was no blaster on the local W.P.A. rolls whom the W.P.A. authorities would approve. He stated that there was one man who had ex- perience but has no license and they will not approve ' anyone who has no license. He stated that they were ready to blast boulders in the ditch at Clematis Brook and wondered if a blaster could be hire d and the expense charged to the Public Works Labor and Materials account. He had Thomas Whiting in mind as he was on the W.P.A. at one time but is not on it now. He stated that if the Town hired the man to do the blasting, it is not necessary to have a licensed man. Mr. Ross moved that the recommendation be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond stated that if there were a pair of hcrses helping to spread the material at the Clematis Brook project, the project would go along better. He stated that he could hire a pair of horses for 01.10 per hour, including the driver. Mr. Potter moved that the Supt. be authorized to hire the horses. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond stated that he intended to hire Dalrymple's horses, and Mr. Ross suggested that Mr. Dailey be contacted to see if he had horses for hire. Mr. Raymond reported that at the corner of Patriots Drive and Merriam Street, there is a Maple tree about twelve inches in diameter which is in the way of rounding ' the corner. He stated that ifa curbstone were put in, it would come inside of the tree, and already in excavating the soil to put in a gravel foundation they had torn up a number of the roots. He stated also that Standpipe data. Blaster on Clematis Brook Horses on Clematis Brook Pro j eat. 542 °' the tree would be an obstruction to the view of people coming out of Patriots Drive and will affect the light ' on Merriam Street. Mr. Raymond felt that the tree would be run into if left where it is and that it should be removed. Mr. Ross moved that the tree be removed in accordance with Mr. Raymond's recommendation after proper posting and hearing. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond reported that there was an Elm tree on Mass. Avenue just beyond the corner of Clarke Trees. Street, about 18 inches in diameter which has only two branches to it and the bottom of the tree is beginning to decay. Mr. Garrity thinks the tree is in bad shape and should come down. Mr. Giroux moved that the'tree be removed after proper posting and hearing. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that Mr. Garrity also reported that the Beech tree on the Town Hall property near the police drive is in very bad shape. They have done all they could to save it, having spent about $100, on -it last year, and there is nothing further they can do with the tree. Mr. Ross moved that it be removed after proper posting and hearing. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond reported that there were two hearings going on Friday evening, one in the Selectmen's Room , and one in the Conference Room. The Planning Board is Chairs for having a hearing in the Conference Room, and it is fcand hearing. that there will not be enough chairs to accommodate the number of persons it is expected will attend. Mr. Raymond wanted to know if the Board would approve borrowing chairs from the Cary Memorial Building. Mr. Potter moved that the Board suggest that they use Estabrook Hall for the hearing, and if they cannot do so, then'Mr. Moloy could be instructed to bring the chairs over from Cary Memorial Hall'. $r. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond read a letter from Mr. Garrity stating that the Edison Co. and the New England Tel. & Tel. Co. would like permission to bring their tree pruning crew into town to prune the branches which interfere with their wires. They do this work every two years, Pruning and would like to get an early start this year while Trees there is a heavy foliage. They would like to plan to coarse to Lexington August 9th. Mr. Potter stated that there had been criticism every year in regard to the manner in which this work was done. The Chairman suggested that the work might be done subject to the supervision of the Supt. of the Moth and Tree Division ' or some man appointed by him. Mr. Giroux moved that the request be granted subject to the Chairman's suggestion. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. u 1 543 Mr. Raymond reported that Mr. Grindle asked him if the welfare crew could go up and clean up the addition to Parker the Parker School grounds, that is clear off old apple School trees, etc., before school starts. Mr. Giroux moved grounds. that the request be granted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond reported that itiere sidewalk maintenance work was being done on Hancock Street, he had a request to put the same kind of a top on the front walk going up Sidewalk to one of the houses and he approved It because it would work - r,ot be possible to do it later on for the same price. He private wanted to know whether or not the Board approved of doing property this.work. Mr. Giroux moved that no work should be done on private property. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Ross moved that the sidewalk already done be approved, Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Application was received from the Lexington Grange for the use of Cary Memorial Hall on September 17th, Use of 1937, for a fair. Mr. Giroux moved that the use of the Hall hall be granted subject to the usual fee of $15.000 Mr. Pouter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mx. Giroux asked the Board how it would feel about letting the local paper print Mr. Raymond's weekly report on town work. He felt that it would be a good thing for the toegnspeople to read. The Board of Selectmen all felt that there would be no objection to having the report printed in the paper. Mr. Giroux therefor moved that the Selectmen furnish the Lexington Minute -Man with a copy of Mr. Raymond's weekly reportsfor publication. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Giroux stated that there was an accident in front of Dr. Tilton's house on Elm Avenue last week., and he suggested that it might be well to put a red disk on the tree located on the triangle at the end of the Common,' Mr. Raymond was requested to investigate -the matter and report to the Board. Mr. Ross brought up the question of making Forest Street a one way street. Mr. Raymond said that this would have to be advertised as a change in the traffic regulations and approved by the State Department of Public Works. The matter was discussed by the Board, and it was suggested that it might be well to have a "stop" sign put at the end of Forest Street. Mr. Ross moved that Mr. Raymond investigate the streets in town where it might be well to have "Stop" signs placed and bring in his recommendations on the Publishing Supt ' s . report. Disk on tree. "Stop" signs. 544 c� x matter at the next meeting. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Giroux reported that someone had spoken to him about the settlement of Mr. Fred Emery's will, unddr Emery Will. which money was left to the Town in conjunction with work to be done by the Field and Garden Club. The Chairman said that he would take the matter up with Mr. Wrightington. Letter was received from C. H. Tobey stating that Fernaldts he 'wished to withdraw his complaint against Mr. Fernald's dog. dog. He stated that he had taken the matter up with Mr. Fernald who agreed to keep the dog confined nights. Letter was received from the Acting Plumbing Wellts Inspector in regard to the complaint made of plumbing plumbing. work at the home of Dr. Ralph H. Wells. He stated that there was no complaint about the work. The complaint was made in regard to the permit which was issued to Floyd A. Johnson but the work was done by Mr. E. A. Lindstrom. He stated that he had taken the matter up with the State License Board who have called a hearing on the matter. Mr. Giroux moved that a copy of the letter be sent to Dr. Ralph H. Wells. Mr. Ross seconded the ' motion and it was so voted. Deed to Letter was received from the Town Counsel to which lots. was attached the deed to be executed by the Selectmen in connection with the sale of lots 73, 74 and 75 Fottler Avenue to Edward Carlson. The Board signed the deed. Fence at Mr. Giroux moved that an article be inserted in Center the next .Warrant requesting funds to build a fence at Playground. the Center playground if funds are available at that time. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Application was received for the re -admission of Waddleton Herbert Waddleton of 48 Brandon Street, Lexington, to application. the Middlesex County Sanatorium. Mr. Giroux moved that the application be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Application was received for the admission of Sheffres Theodore Sheffres of 14 Lisbeth Street, to the Middlesex application. County Sanatorium. Mr. Giroux moved that the application be .approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Health Inspector stating that he had received complaints about an outdoor privy back of the brick building on Mass. Avenue owned 1 U 1 by Edgar Harrod. He stated that the manager of the store in the brick building stated that the odor from the privy is very bad, and Mr. Stevenson felt that it was a public health menace and recommended that the Board should order Mr. Harrod, the owner of the property, to have the house connected with the sewer as soon as possible. Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Harrod be instructed to have the house connected with the sewer. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Chairman stated that he had written to Mrs. Barnes stating that the Board had noticed a "For Sale" sign at her property at 1557 Mass. Avenue and again offering to purchase the property for the sum of $25.,000. in accordance with the vote of the Town. Letter was received from Pierre A. Northrup, Mrs. Barnes? attorney, stating that the offer of $25,000. was inadequate and would not be accepted. He further stated that the heirs were willing to reopen negotiations with the Town with a view to agreeing on a price more consistent with the acutual value of the property if the Town so wished. No action was taken on the matter. Letter was received from the Commissioner of Civil Service informing the Board that the term of William A. Coakley as provisional temporary Plumbing Inspector had expired;. Mr. Ross moved that Mr. Coakley be re -appointed for a period of three months or until a permanent appoint- ment is made if the examination is held prior to that time. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it wqs so voted. Letter was received from James H. Russell, Secretary of the Appropriation Committee, thanking the Board for the copies of the Report of the Vine Brook Drainage Committee. Giroux suggested that the Board of Selectmen meet some evening to discuss the report. No definite date was decided upon, however. The Board discussed the matter of changing the name of Elm 'Avenue to "Harrington Way". .Leltters were received from May S. Harrington and Leroy P. Brown, abutters, informing the Board that they were in favor of this change. Both of these persons, however, preffered the name of "Harrington Road" to "Harrington Way". Letter was received from Florence S. Tilton in which she stated that she and Dr. Tilton were not in favor of this change but would make no public objection if the remaining abutters were in favor of it. Mr. Ross reported that he had talked with Mr. Leroy S. Brown In regard to the matter, who was very anxious to 545 Complaint Barnes property Plumbing Inspector Drainage Report. Elm Ave. name changed. M Tax title property* have action taken on the matter as soon as possible inasmuch as he is writing the history of the Harrington family and would like to know what was going to be done in regard to naming the road. Mr. Giroux moved that Elm Avenue be changed to Harrington Road, subject to the approval of the Town Meeting, and that an article be inserted in the Warrant for the next meeting in regard to the matter. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Town Treasurer to which was attached list containing fifty-six parcels of land which were foreclosed through the Land Court whereby said properties are now owned by the Town of Lexington. The suggestion was made tbat it might be well to advertise Hese properties in the local paper, but the Chairman was of the opinion that there may be certain parcels that it would be to the advantage of the Town to keep in connection with proposed new highways, etc. He suggested that the list be turned over to the Town Engineer to be checked upon for those lots that the town should keep and then the rest could be advertised. The Acting Cldrk was requested to make a list of all the properties which have been foreclosed and are now owned by the Town for each member of the Board and to request the Town Engineer to make a study of them and make a recommendation to the Board in regard to the matter. n 1 1 Application was received from Clifford D. Thompson for a transfer of his Motor Vehicle Agents' License from License. Rear of 1709 Mass. Avenue to 97 Mass. Ave. Mr. Ross moved that the application be approved. Mr. Potter seconded -the motion and it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by Mr. Potter, it was voted to grant the following licenses: Licenses. Louis Barbuto - 1733 Mass. Ave., Overhanging Sign Augustus J. Silva - 643 Waltham St. - Past. of Milk. Last week the Board voted to grant a Slag ghter House license to Henry Halloran at 76 Laconia Street. The Health Inspector Informed the Board that Mr. Halloran Slaughter did not own this property, that it was owned by Mr. House Edward Casey and therefor Mr. Potter moved that the License, license issued to Mr. Halloran be revoked. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Potter then moved that a Slaughter House License be granted to Mr. Edward Casey at76 Laconia Street. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Insurance It was voted to take no action in regard to an appraisal. insurance appraisal until the next meeting of the Board. n 1 1 ' The Acting- Clerk reported that Mr. Kimball, Clerk of the Planning Board had, requested that the Board pass a formal vote authorizing the Planning Board to prepare a map for the Town Meeting Members which was approved at the March town meeting and also to prepare the Zoning Laws to be reprinted, the money for which was included in the Selectmen Is Appropriation for 1937. Some time ago, the Board authorized the Planning Board verbally to attend to these two matters, but Mr. Kimball would like to have the authorization verified in writing. Yr. Ross moved that the request be approved and that the Planning Board be written a letter authorizing them to attend to these two matters. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. The matter of appointing the Election Officers for the ensuing year was discussed. It was decided to con- tact the Warden of each precinct in regard to the matter before any definite appointments were made. Each member of thelBoard took one precinct to discuss with the warden, and it was decided to hold a special meeting next Tuesday ,.afternoon at 3:30 P.M. to make the appointments. Letter was received from the Town Counsel in regard to the maintenance by the Town of a free employment ' bureau. He stated that he knew of no authority which authorizes a town to maintain such a bureau. He stated that the law did provide for the establishment of free employment offices by the State Dept. of Labor and Industries. These may be established in cities, are controlled by the State and are too elaborate for the purpose the town desires. However, the Commissioner furnishes weekly to town clerks printed bulletins show- ing demand for employment, etc. and he suggested Mr. Carroll be contacted to find out if he receives such information. He stated that he understood what the Selectmen had in mind was to receive from citizens requests for the names of possible employees and to furnish this information to welfare recipients. The only expense would be a matter of advertising and getting the information to the citizens and he sug`ested that some public spirited taxpayers be contacted to see if they would be willing to contribute small sums to take care of the expense. Utter was received from the Supt. of Public Works in regard to Hibbert Street, construction, water and drainage. He stated that he desired to call the attention of the ',Selectmen to certain matters pertaining to Hibbert Street'} He stated that a few weeks ago, Arlington ' requested Lexington to take over the old water main in that portion of Hibbert Street within Lexington. This is a 6 inch main which comes to a dead end near the southerly side line of Mass. Avenue. It was suggested 547 Town Map and Zoning Laws Unemployment Bureau Hibbert Street 548 that Lexington take over this main and that a gate , be installed at the Town line and the main then connected to the Town of Lexington 16 inch main in Mass. Avenue. There is one house in Arlington serviced from this main and one house entirely in Lexington which is serviced from the main within the Town of Arlington. Arlington could bill the town of Lexington, and Lexington , could bill the owners of the house in Lexington, and Lexington could bill the Town of Arlington and Arlington could bill the owners of the house in Arlington for the use of the water. Mr. Raymond stated that he could see no objection to the Town of Lexington taking over the main and billing the water as suggested. Mr. Raymond also called attention to the proposed grade of the street and to the pavement to be placed on the surface. He stated if it were reconstructed and a comparatively uniform pavement placed on the surface, it would probably be necessary to sand the street every time there is even a very slight snowfall. Mr. Raymond also called attention to the drainage in the street and estimated that it would cost about $1900.00 to install the drain and a connection to the drainage system in Mass. Avenue. Also in order to remedy flooding, he stated that it would probably be necessary to provide an improved outlet for the drainage system consisting of an extension of the 30 inch pipe under the railroad and over the , new trunk line sewer to the new channel of Mill Brook at an estimated cost of $10000.00. The meeting adjourned at 5:15 P.M. A true record, Attest: 1 Orz—� Acting Clerk. 1 ' SELECTMENtS MEETING AUG. 3, 1937. A regular meeting of the Selectmen was held in the Selectments Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P. M. Chairman Ferguson, Messrs. Potter, Giroux and Ross were present. The Acting Clerk was also present. Father Sullivan of the Sacred Heart Parish appeared before the Board and stated that his parish would like to conduct a carnival some week in September on a vacant lot on Mass. Avenue opposite Sylvia Street. He stated that he understood the only deterring: elements might be the objection of the neighbors or the traffic problem that might arise.. He stated that the only house on the right 'hand side from the Arlington line was occupied by Mr, Murphy, on whose property they desire to have the carnival and of course, he has no objection. He stated that it was their intention to have adequate police protection and see that everything was conducted in an unobjectionable manner. He stated that they had looked at other locations but felt that this.was the best one, as Mass. Avenue is wide at that point and there is considerable parking space at the foot of Taft Avenue. He said that the same company that ran the carnival in Arlington Heights recently was putting this one on and he would like to know whether or not the Board would grant the permit so he could hire them as Septee er is their busy month. He retired. Mr. Giroux moved that the permit be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. At 8:00 P.M. hearing was declared open on the application of George T. and Louise Faulkner for permission to maintain a two car garage at 193 Pollen Road. No persons appeared either in favor or in opposition. Mr. Giroux moved that the permit be granted subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Permission for carnival. Faulkner garage hearing. Sahlburg garage hearing. Pole location At 8:02 P.M. hearing was declared open on the application of Eric G. Sahlburg for permission to maintain a one car garage at 4 Daniels Street. Mr. Sahlburg appeared and presented plan of the proposed garage. No persons appeared in opposition. Mr, Ross moved that the permit be granted subje at to the approval of the Building Inspector. Mr. Giroux ' seconded the motion and it was so voted. At 8:05 P.M. hearing declared open the was on application the Boston for of Edison Co. a pole location on Shade Street, approximately 350 feet Permission for carnival. Faulkner garage hearing. Sahlburg garage hearing. Pole location 550 southeast of Cary Avenue. No persons appeared in favor or in opposition. Mr. Ross moved that the permit be granted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mrs. Peter Nicoli appeared before the Board in regard to the purchase of lots 278,-279, 280, 281, 282 and two lots on Cummings Street. She offered to purchase, these lots for $180.00 and the Board did not accept this offer but offered to sell the property for the sum of $252.50, which was $20, per lot plus the Sale of outstanding water assessment of $112.50. Mrs. Nicoli lct s. said that she could not pay this sum for the lots, but that she could pay $200.00. The Board informed her they would consider the matter and she retired. Mr. Ross moved that the lots be sold to Mrs. Nicoli for the sum of $200.00. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Acting Clerk was requested to find out what should be done in connection with charging off the water charge, that is, whether or not it should be paid from the sale price or abated by the Board. Mr. Morash, who desired to develop the land in the vicinity of Allen Street, appeared.before the Board. He stated that he desired to have the water extended ' in Allen Street, approximately 773 feet to take care of the first three lots in his development. There are no houses there now as he did not want to build unless he was sure of getting water. The Chairman informed Morash re Mr. Morash that the only thing the Selectmen could do water, would be to insert an article in the warrant for the next town meeting to see if the town would vote to make the extension. He also informed him that he cou]d put the water in himself, if he so desired, as it might be possible that the Town would reimburse him later when there was a suitable return on the investment. He suggested that Mr. Morash talk to the abutters to see if he could interest them in regard to the matter also. Mr. Morash said that he would write a letter to the Board requesting that an article be inserted in the warrant for the extension. He retired. Mr. Jacob Bornstein appeared before the Board and requested that the Board give him consideration in connection with the granting of a Junk License. He stated that he had not been doing anything for the Bornstein past two years and that he was very much in need of Junk some way to support himself. He stated that he had License. lived in Lexington for thirty-five years, and that he would like a chance to prove to the Board that he , could carry on a respectable business and promised that they would not have any trouble with him in ' the future. He felt that he must have some sort of work to earn a livinC- or it would be necessary for him to ask the Town for aid. The Board considered the matter and decided to take no action on the matter for one week. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M. A true record, Attest: 1 1 41m e' e. Acting Clerk,