HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-06-22496 Welf are taxes. SELECTMEN'S MEETING JUNE 22nd2 1937. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Ferguson, Messrs. Potter, Giroux and Clark were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 P.M., Mr. Mitchell and the Board of Assessors appeared before the Board relative to payment of taxes by welfare recipients. Chairman Steeves of the Assessors said that last year on account of welfare people, the sum of $473.55 was taken out of the Overlay and so far this year $227.50 has been abated. Tax Commissioner Bong says that these taxes should come out of welfare and not out of the Overlay. He asked what the Board wished the Assessors to do in these cases. The Chairman said that he did not think the tares should be paid from the Welfare appropriation. Mr. Steeves.said that there was one tax assessed against a'welfare family and if' it was not abated, the family would have to move and the Town would have to pay at least $25. per month rent to house them. Mr. Giroux said that Mr. Waddell's office was very much opposed to charging taxes to welfare funds. Mr. Spencer slid that the Assessors were appointed by the Selectmen and if the Selectmen thought that the taxes should be abated, they should so instruct the the Assessors. The Chairman said that the Selectmen had no jurisdiction over the Assessors after they were appointed. The Chairman repeated that he thought the taxes should be abated by the Assessors. Mr. Giroux suggested that the matter be taken up with the Town Counsel and said that he was in favor of charging the taxes to the Overlay. The Assessors retired. At 8:00 P. M. hearing was declared open on the application of J. Willard Hayden for permission to Hayden maintain a three car garage at 110 Shade Street. Mr. garage Hayden appeared and stated that he did not have his plans hearing. with him but had filed them with the Building Inspector. No persons appeared in opposition. Mr. Clark moved that the permit be granted subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. At 8:02 P.M. hearing was declared open on the Martin application of Thomas Martin for per-isission to maintain garage a one car garage at 7 Rangeway Street. Mr. Martin hearing. appeared and presented plan of the proposed garage. No persons appeared in opposition. Mr. Clark moved that the permit be'granted subject to the approval of the Building'Inspector. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. J C 1 At 8:04 P.M. hearing was declared open on the application of Gerard Forand for permission to maintain a one car garage at 212 Lincoln Street. Mr. Forand and the builder appeared and presented plan of the proposed garage. No persons appeared in opposition. Mr. Clark moved that the permit be granted subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. At 8:06 P.M. hearing was declared open on the application of William P. Clark for permission to maintain a two car garage at 86 Middle Street. Mr. Clark appeared and presented plan of the proposed garage. No persons appeared in opposition. Mr. Clark moved that the permit be granted subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. At 8:08 P.M. hearing was declared open on the application of Emily Franks Morse for permission to maintain a one car garage at 72 Waltham Street. Mrs. Morse appeared and presented plan of the proposed garage. No persons appeared in opposition. Mr. Clark moved that the permit be granted subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Mr. Potter seconded the ' motion and it was so voted. At 8:10 P. M. hearing was declared open on the application of the Lexington Trust Co. for permissioh to maintain a one car garage at 76 Blake Road. Mr. 4emes F. Little appeared representing the Trust Co. and presented plan of the proposed garage. No persons appeared in opposition. Mr. Clark moved that the permit be granted subjgct to the approval of the Build- ing Inspector. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it -was so voted. At 8:12 P.M. hearing was declared open on the application of the Lexington Trust Co. for permission to maihtain a one car garage at 40 Preston Road. Mr. James F. Little appeared representing the Trust Co. and presented plan of the proposed garage. No persons appeared in opposition. Mr. Clark moved that the permit be granted subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. At 8:15 P.M., Mr. Knodell of the Edison Co., Mr. Roy Peterson and the Supt. of Public Works appeared before the Board relative to the petition of the Edison ' Company to erect and maintain two poles on the Cambridge - Concord Turnpike easterly from a point approximately 150 feet east of Blossom Street. Mr. Knodell stated that Forand garage hearing. Clark garage hearing. Morse garage 1 u hearing, Lex. Trust Co. Garage hearing. Lex. Trust Co. garage hearing. 498 >c if the poles were set back, the work would have to be done at the expense of Mr. Peterson at an estimated ' Poles on cost of $107.00. He said that in 1935 and later on, Concord other poles were installed on the highway so this would Turnpike. not be establishing a precedent. The Chairman asked if the Edison Co. was contemplating underground services and Mr. Knodell replied in the negative stating that they did not think the road would ever be a heavily congested road such as Mass. Avenue, for instance, where there are a great many houses. Mr.P;@terson said that he was in a hurry to get the poles up. They retired. Mr. Clark moved that the petition be granted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Ross appeared at 8:30 P. M. Mr. Thomas Montague of 21 Bedford Street appeared before the Board and wanted to know what the Board's objection was to the undertaker's sign which he has on his house and also why that sign should affect his Montague establishment at 25 Depot Square. The Chairman said re that one of the conditions of the Board of Appeals license. permit granting him permission to maintain his estab- lishment at Depot Square was that the only signs within the Town advertising his business were to be maintained at his business address. Mr. Giroux said that the Selectmen could not grant him an undertaker's license ' unless he complied with the Board of Appeals permit and that his quarrel was with the Board of Appeals. Mr. Montague said that he would take the sign down. Mr. Clark moved that Thomas M. Montague be granted an undertaker's license subject to the conditions of the Board of Appeals permit. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Commitment of water guaranties in the amount of Commitment. $77.62 and of water miscellaneous charges in the amount of $15.10 were signed by the Board. Mrs. Timothy Leary of Muzzey Street appeared before the Board and stated that she came in to see about Leary case. getting her husband out of the Westboro Asylum. She said that her mother-in-law was very anxious to get him out. The Chairman told Mrs. Leary that the Seledtmen had no right to say whether or not the man could be discharged, that it was up to the doctors. He said, however, that if there was anything the Board could do to help her, it would be glad to do so. She retired. The Clark was instructed to take the matter up with the Town Counsel to see if there was anything the Board could do on the matter. 1 Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Giroux, the following order was adopted by the Board; ORDER 01' TAKING BY THE TOWN OF' LEXINGTON OF AN SAS&MENT UNDEfi THE ACTS OF 1926 „ Chap. 263, WHEREAS by Shapter 663 of the Acts of the year 1926, entitled "An Act Relative to Improving the Surface and Ground drainage in the Town of Lexington and in Adjoining Towns." said Town was authorized, among other things, by the construction of drains or otherwise to divert any surface or ground water into any brook, stream, pipe, conduit or channel; and for the purposes aforesaid purchase or take, in fee simple or otherwise, land or any right or easement in land including any brook, ]stream, pond or water course or any part thereof; and WHEREAS the said Town of Lexington duly accepted said Act in the manner provided therein; and WHEREAS Charles E. Ferguson, Albert A. Ross, William G. Potter, Archibald R. Giroux and Philip M. Clark, citizens and residents of the said Town have been duly qualified and are now the duly elected, qualified and acting Board of Selectmen pursuant to law and the pro- visions of the Act above referred to; and WHEREAS the Town on the 22nd day of March, 1937, voted; That the sum of $19,600.00 be appropriated for the disposal of surface drainage by the construction of drains or conduits and for that purpose to take lands or easements by Eminent Domain as follows: In, private lands of Ellen B. Welch, Lulu M. Blake, Heirs of Hallie 0. Blake, and in Patriots Drive from the McIntosh drain at 24 iderriam Street to the manhole in the right of way off Hancock Street in the rear of land of Lena G. Dreselly; Reed Street and lands of Ernest E. MacPhee' and the Lexington Co-operative Bank; Locust Avenue,,Independence Avenue, and Massachusetts Avenue to Curve Street and in such other streets and locations as the Selectmen may designate. WHEREAS the Selectmen have determined the location of easements which are required for the purpose of pro- viding outlets for the surface water and underground water which will flow through or from drains to be con- structe' in Reed Street and any connections now or here- after t erewith as follows: - Beginning at the northeasterly line of Reed Street at a point about opposite Garfield Street, thence in a northwalsterly direction about 30 feet to a water course which is shown on a I'Plan of Reed Street Brook and Branch from Reed Street to North Lexingtcn Brook, Scale 1 inch - 100 feet, May 28, 1937, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer"; Im Reed Street Brook Basement. thence in a general northerly direction following the line of said water course across lands now or formerly of the Town of Lexington, Frank R. Brady, Nellie Winters, Andrew M. Purdham, Robert Drinan, Eugene Villemaine, Joseph Caselli, L. J. Whitten and N. G. Grafton, Nellie G. Whitten et als, the Boston & Maine Railroad, James M. Burr and lands of corners unknown to North Lexington Brook so called; together with an easement in land now or formerly of Andrew M. Purdham between the northeasterly line of Reed Street and the above des- cribed water course foll6wing in a northeasterly direction along a branch of said water course which is shown on the plan above referred to. WHEREAS the easement and rights hereinafter taken are necessary for the said purpose; NOW, THEREFORE, the said Board of Selectmen acting for and on behalf of the said Town under the authority of the said Chapter 263 of the Acts of 1926, and of every other power them thereto enabling, do hereby take an easement of drainage in the line of the location above described and shown on said plan, of sufficient capacity to convey the surface and underground water which will flow through and from drains constructed and to be constructed in Reed Street and any connections now or hereafter made therewith, including the right on the part of the said Town or its duly authorized agents from time to time to enter upon the lands adjacent to the above described location to the extent necessary to enable the said Town to deepen, straighten, widen and clean out and maintain the water courses free from obstructions and to install pipes or conduits in whole or in part as required and make connections thereto including the right to dis- charge surface or underground water into said water courses and to carry surface or underground water in said water courses and discharge the same into the said North Lex- ington Brook. We determine that no damages have been sustained and none are awarded. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said easement and rights to the Town of Lexington, its successors and assigns, to its and their own use and behoof forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Board of Selectmen haves hereunto subscribed their names this 22nd day of June, 1936' Charles E. Fergusoh William G. Potter Albert A. Ross Philip M. Clark Archibald R. Giroux 1 C 1 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Lexington, June 22, 1937 Then personally appeared the above named Charles E . Ferguson, Albert A. Ross, William G. Potter, Archibald R. Giroux 'and Philip M. Clark and severally acknowledged the foregoing instrument and statement by them subscribed to be their free act and deed and the free act and deed of the Town of Lexington, before me James J. Carroll Notary Public (Term - Mar. 11, 1938) Mr. Raymond informed the Board that there was a tree in front of 11 Charles Street which the owner thought was in,a dangerous condition. It is one-half on town property and one-half on private property. Mr. Raymond read a',letter from Mr. Garrity stating that he did not believe that the tree was dangerous although it was in a rather bad condition. Mr. Potter moved that the matter be turned over to Mr. Garrity for investigation. Mr. Rogs seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that there was a tree on Pleasant Street opposite the 1775 House which is in very bad con- dition, being about two-thirds gone. Mr. Seiler has been requested to remove the sign now up and this tree interferes with the new location of the sign. Mr. Potter moved that the tree be posted for removal. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr!. Raymond said that there was an eleven inch Elm tree located at the corner of Woburn and Lowell Streets In very bad condition. Mr. Garrity recommended that Irving 'Currier be given permission to remove the tree. Mr. Clerk moved that Mr. Garrity be instructed to take the necessary steps to have the tree removed. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond informed the Board that there was no requirement in the building regulations with respect to the elevation of houses coordinating with Board of Survey layouts. The Chairman said that a committee was appointed in 1929 to revise the Building Laws but that nothing had been done. He said he thought the Moderator ahould'be written onthe matter relative to dissolving the old committee and appointing a new one. Mr. Raymond said that Mr. Stevenson had spoken to him several times about water standing in the private way, Sheridan Street. The water has been running off Grant ' Street for a number of years. He said that he told the Health Inspector that it was up to the abutters to either stop the flow of water or take if off the private way, and the Chairman agreed that that was the thing to do. "I Trees Committee on Bldg. Laws. Water on Sheridan Street 502 r� Mr. Raymond reported that some time in May, while ' blasting on Independence Avenue, some damage was done Damage to to the Maurice Page house. He ordered Michael Shea Page house. to repair the damage, which amounted to $3.94, and he did this on his own time. He said that the Town Counsel had approved payment of the bill. Mr. Clark moved that the bill be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond informed the Board that Bridget V. Perry of 243 Lowell Street, Arlington, had originally Perry resented claim for blasting damages in the amount of claim. 231.00, and Marais estimate of the damage was $162.15. Mrs. Perry has finally agreed to settle for this amount. Mr: Raymond said that he had written the Town Counsel for his approval of such payment. Mr. Potter moved that the claim be settled for $162.15 subject to the Town Counsel's approval. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that occasionally certain emergency cases arose such as the damage to the Page house and the damage to the Barker house and he wondered, if the Board was going to continue the policy of paying, if it Small claims. would give him authority to have repairs made up to a certain amount. Mr. Giroux said that he had talked with ' Mra Searle of the Director of Accounts office, who said that Lexington was the only town around paying such claims and that it was illegal to do so. Mr. Clark said that it would not be illegal or the Town Counsel would not approve payment of the bills. Mr. Giroux moved that the Town Counsel be requested to discuss the matter with Mr. Searle and to report to the Board on the discussion. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that the Arlington Gas Co. wanted to install a main in School Street and he asked that Gas mains. the Board approve the location of the main. Mr. Clark moved that the location of the main be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Ross asked if it was necessary that the Supt. of Public Works ask the Selectmen each time for their approval of the location of a gas main. He wondered if the Selectmen could not give Mr. Raymond the power to approve such locations. The Chairman said that he did not believe the power could be delegated to an agent. Mr. Raymond said that he had two claims for damages Claims for as a result of blasting on Lincoln Street, ot1w from W. H. ' damages Hannam in the amount of $125.00 and the other from Lincoln St. N. M. Simonds in the amount of $85.00. Mr. Potter moved that no action be taken on these claims until a ' reply its received from the Town Counsel relative to the settlemjent of small claims. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that after the Clematis Brook ease- ment was taken in January, quite a lot of stones were excavated from the area and put on the Tahre land, and the owner has complained and wants the stones removed. Mr. Raymond said that it was not a practical thing to remove ,the stones on account of the ground being so sfift. However, he has instructed the crew working there to put the stones within the limits of the easement. When the easement was taken, the Town reserved the right to fill i the land within the limits of the easement. Tahre has on� year to file a complaint. No action was taken on the matter. 503 Clematis Brook easement. Mr,. Raymond informed the Board that the automobile fire and theft insurance policy expired on July lst Insurance through the office of Edwin B. Worthen. Mr. Clark moved that the policy be renewed through the same office, Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond re4d a letter which he had received from the Supt. of the ParkDept. relative to the spraying Spraying ' of trees. He recommended that trees on private property of trees. near the road be sprayed within the next week or ten days because of the fact that the moths are mush worse. this year than for some years past. He asked approval of doing this work. Mr. Potter moved that permission be granted Mr. Garrity to do this work. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond informed the Board that Mr. Grindle had asked how the town wanted to finance the construction of a granolithic sidewalk at the High School. Mr. Raymond said that if no more requests came in for side- Sidewalk wklks., there would be enough money to do this work. They at High want to have the gap filled in between the present walk school. and the grass strip. Mr. Raymond said that it probably would be legal if the School, Dept. paid one-half the cost of the work. Mr. Ferguson said that he did not think it would be legal. Mr. Clark moved that the sidewalk be constructed in front of the high school provided the School Department agrees'to have it done from the driveway on the westerly sidd of the property to the Cemetery drive, said work to be done subject to the usual betterment assessment and also subject to the approval of the Town Counsel. Mr. Potter seconded the motion. T#airman 1erguson and Mr. Giroux voted in opposition. 504 No. Lex. Sewerage. Incinerator at dump. Sewing Project. Mr. Raymond informed the Board that he could make a progress report on North Lexington Sewerage when the Board wanted it although he did not have it in writing, Mr. Giroux informed the Board that William H. Bramhall wanted to know if the fires at the dump on Lincoln Street could be put out at night and Mr. Raymond said that the fires could not be put out at night. Mr. Giroux asked if it would be possible to build a large incinerator out of second-hand brick. Mr. Raymond said that if the material was not burned, it would be necessary to keep one truck going into the dump at least once a day to keep the material from blow- ing away, to keep off odors and to keep rats down. He said that someone suggested that a small service pipe be put in there and that the dump be wet down every day but the Board did not think that the water would do any good. The Chairman requested Mr. Raymond to bring in a report as to what an incinerator would cost and an opinion as to its practicability. Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works stating thgt according to the latest information, there is to be a 40% cut in the personnel of the W.P.A. sewing project, bringing the unit down to twenty workers. There is no assurance that this number will be continued or that the project will be continued for any considerable time. Assuming that the project would continue with twenty workers, Mr. Raymond estimated that the cost for materials would amount to about $300.00 per month. He asked what proportion of this, if any the Town would share. Mr. Raymond said that he was afraid that the personnel would be cut down more if the money was not approved. Mr. Giroux moved that one-third of the estimated montbJJ expenditures for materials be paid by the Town on the W.P.A. sewing project, the same to be paid from W.P.A. Labor and Materials account. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was fo voted. Request Mr. Ross stated that Edward L. Tyler of 31 Maple for sign. Street had spoken to him about erecting a sign at the corner of Maple Street and Mass. Avenue directing people to his tourists' home. The Chairman told Mr. Ross that the Board had no right to grant such a permit to anyone. c� X 1 The offer of E. J. Weldon Morrison to purchase lot 31, Farmhurst, section 3, for the sum of $75.00 wqs Purchase of again discussed bjr._,the Board. Mr. Potter said that he ' property had intended to look over the property but had neg- lected to do so. Mr. Giroux moved that the matter be left in ,the hands of Mr. 'otter and Mr. Ferguson to decide on the price. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letters were received from the Town Counsel rel- ative to settlement of the various Ryder drainage cases, containing concession -s which he thought the Ryders should make. Mr. Potter moved that the Board go on record as approving settlement of the various cases for the sum of $22,500.00, this amount to be credited to outstanding taxes and that the Town Counsel write the letter to the Ryders making the offer and listing what the Board expected ih return. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Ryder cases. Notice was received from A. A. Marshall and Son to the effect that a fire insurance policy under blaknet schedule in the amount of $20,000. expired on July 13th. Insurance Mr. Clark moved that the policy be renewed for a period of five years through the same office. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. On October 27, 1936, the Board of Survey plan of Sherburne Road submitted by the Lexington Estates Trust was referred to the Planning Board and Town Engineer for further study. Tonight Mr. Cosgrove submitted a plan of Sherburne Road entitled "Plan and Profile of Proposed Road from Vine Brook Road to Winthrop Road, Horizontal Scale - 1 in. - 40 ft., Veetical scale - 1 in. - 4 ft., Roland 5.. Barnes and Henry F. Beale, Civil Engineers - Newton and Waltham, August, 1936". The Supt. of Public Works had received this plan on March 3, 1937 and the Town Engineer approved it. Mr. Cosgrove also submitted a plan entitled "Sub -division of Land in Lexington, Mass., belonging to Lexington Estates Trust, Scale 1 in. - 40 ft., June, 1937, Roland H. Barnes and Henry F. Beale.,, C. E's., Waltham and Newton". Mr. Clark moved that the Selectmen, acting as the Board of Survey, approve both plans. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Board of Appe is permit granting Frank A. Napoli permission to maintain a roadside stand at Marrett Road and Middle Street and Board of Appeals permit granting Hbward Munroe permission to maintain a pony riding school at the junction of Woburn and Lowell Streets, were received. Letter was received from the Town Counsel enclosing check for $100.00 in settlement of the townts claim against'the estate of John F. Holdway. He said that at the time he received the check, he received the full amount of the tax claim against the estate. Mr. Clark moved that the check be accepted and turned over to the Town Treasurer. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Sherburne Road plan. Board of Appeals orders. Holdway claim 506 C X Mr. Clark moved that the following permits be I granted: William C. Lappin - 1781 Mass. Ave. - Overhanging Sign Samuel Stacchi - Laconia Street - Eight swine George W. Bean - 359 Bedford Street - Sunday Golf Est. of Annie Bunzel - East Street - Slaughter House Franklin J. Hammer - 63 Hancock Street - eeddlerts Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Clark informed the Board that Leonard Jellis Drinking had asked if a drinking fountain might not be installed fountain. at the North Lexington tennis court. She said that Mr. Garrity thought it would cost about $300. and that there were no funds available for this at the present time. No action was taken on the matter. Upon motion of Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Potter, the following sidewalk orders were adopted: BEDFORD STREET June 22, 1937. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. That the Board of Selectmen and Public Works of ' Lexington, Massachusetts, in regular session duly assembled on the 22nd day of June, 1937 did adopt an order for the construction of a granolithic sidewalk on the southwesterly side of Bedford Street, a public way in said town of Lexington, at property at 10 Bedford Sidewalk Street, and as designated by Engineerts stakes, in form order as follows: It is hereby adjudged by the Board of Selectmen and Public Works of the Town of Lexington that public con- venience requires that a granolithic sidewalk be con- structed on the southwesterly side of Bedford Street, a public way of the Town of Lexington, at property at 10 Bedford Street, and as designated by Engineerts stakes. It is therefore ORDERED that a granolithic sidewalk be constructed on the southwesterly side of Bedford Street, a public way of the Town of Lexington, at property at 10 Bedford Street, and as designated by Engineerts stakes, and that one/half of the cost thereof be assessed upon abutting estates, all under the provisions of Chapter 83 of the General Laws, and of any amendments thereto so far as applicable. ' NOW, THEREFORE, this statement of their action is now made to be recorded in the Middlesex South District 507 Registry of Deeds, that all assessments made or charges imposed under Chapter 83 of the General Laws and any amendments thereof upon any land which abuts upon said sidewalk, shall constitute a lien upon such land from the time this statement is recorded in said Registry of Deeds. Given under nY hand and the seal of the said Town this 22nd day of June, 1937. Eleanor M. Lowe, Clerk of the Board of Selectmen Of Lexington. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss. June 22nd, 1937. Then personally ap,eared the above named, Eleanor M. Lowe,' Clerk of the Board of Selectmen of the said Town and made oath that the foregoing stat-ment subscribed by her is true, before me, James J. Carroll Notary Publid (Term - Mar. 11, 1938) SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED BETTERMENTS ' REFERRED TO IN THE FOREGOING ORDER 10 Bedford Street. Owner as of Jan. 1st, 1937, Assessment. Helena C. Ryan et als $45.00 BEDFORD STREET June 22nd, 1937 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the Board of Selectmen and Public Works of Lexington, Massachusetts, in r-gular session duly assembled on the 2nd day of June, 1937 did adopt an,order fob the construction of a granolithic sidewalk on the southwesterly side of Bedford Street, a public way in said Town of Lexington, at property at Bedford Street, and as designated by Engineer's stakes, in form as follows: It is hereby adjudged by the Board of Selectmen and ' Public Works of the Town of Lexington that public con- venience requires that a granolithic sidewalk be con- structed'on the southwesterly side of Bedford Street, a public waycof the Town of Lexington, at property at woo Bedford Street., and as designated by Engineer's stakes. It is therefore ORDERED that a granolithic sidewalk be constructed on the southwesterly side bf Bedford Street, a public way of the Town of Lexington, at property at Bedford Street, and as designated by Engineers stakes, and that one/half of the cost thereof be assessed upon abutting estates, all under the provisions of Chapter 83 of the General Laws, and of any amendments thereto so far as applicable. NOW, THEREFORE, this statement of their action is now made to be recorded in the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds, that all assessments made or charges imposed under Chapter 83 of the General Laws and any amendments thereof upon any land which abuts upon said sidewalk, shall constitute a lien upon such land from the time this statement is recorded in said Registry of Deeds. Given under my hand and the seal of the said Town this 22nd day of June, 1937. Eleanor M. Lowe Clerk of the Board of Selectmen of Lexington Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss. June 22, 1937 `hen personally appeared the above named, Eleanor M. Lowe, Clerk of the Board of Selectmen of the said Town and made oath that the foregdng statement subscribed by her is true, before me, James Carroll Notary Public (Term - Mar. 11, 1938) SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED BETTERMENTS REFERRED TO IN THE FOREGOING ORDER Bedford Street Owner as of 'fan. lst, 1937 Assessment LeRoy S. Brown $15.00 WAS4t.+aq 1 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE ' June 22nd, 1937 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the Board of Selectmen and Public Works of Lexington, Massachusetts, in regular session duly assembled on the 22nd day of June, 1937 did adopt an order for the construction of a granolithic sidewalk on the southwesterly side of Massachusetts Avenue, a public way in said Town of Lexington, at property at Massachusetts Avenue, and as designated by Engineer's stakes, in form as follows: It is hereby adjudged by the Board of Selectmen and Public Works of the Town of Lexington that public convenience requires that a granolithic sidewalk be constructed on the southwesterly side of Massachusetts Avenue, a public way of the Town of Lexington, at property at Massachusetts Avenue, and as designated by Engineer's stakes. It is therefore ORDERED that a granolithic sidewalk be constructed on the southwesterly side of Massachusetts Avenue, a ' public way of the Town of Lexington, at property at Massachusetts Avenue, and as designated by Engineerts stakes, and that one/half of the cost thereof be assessed upon abutting estates all under the provisions of Chapter 83 of the General Laws, and of any amendments thereto so far as applicable. ]IOW, THEREFORE, this statement of their action is now made to be recorded in the Middlesex South District legistry of Deeds, that all assessments made or charges imposed under Chapter 83 of the General Laws and arjy amendments thereof upon any land which abuts upon said sidewalk, shall constitute a lien upon such land from the time this statement is recorded in said Registry of Deeds. Given under my hand and the seal of the said Town this 22nd day of June, 1937. Eleanor M. Lowe, Clerk of the Board of Selectmen of Lexington. Commonwealth of Massachusetts ' Middlesex, ss. June 22, 1937 'then personally appeared the above named, Eleanor M. Lowe, Clerk of the Board of Selectmen of the said Town and made oath that the foregoing statement by her sUbset%ibed is true, before me, James J. Carroll, Notary Publiq. 510 �c SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED BETTERMENTS ' REFERRED TO IN THE FOREGOING ORDER. MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE Owner as of Jan. lst, 1937 Assessment Frank R. and Annie I'. Shepard $170.00 Mr. Clyde E. Steeves, Chairman of the Board of Assessors, appeared before the Board and stated that there was a balance of $36.00 left of the money that Miss Ready's they had appropriated for the services of an extra $.alary. clerk. He said that Miss Ready did not get an increase this year the same as everyone else and he wanted to know if he could not give her $1.00 a week increase for the balance of the year. The Board felt that it was not in a position to recommend an increase due to its policy of not increasing salaries after the annual appropriations have been made. Mr. Clark moved that the vote of April 27th author- Hglp for izing the Town Accountant to hire help from the Town National Youth Administration be rescinded. Mr. Potter Accountant. seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr: Clark then moved that the Town Accountant be authorized'to hire such temporary help as he wished. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Board discussed the matter of holding a Town Vine Brook Meeting for the purpose of giving the voters an Drainage - opportunity to vote on the Vine Brook drainage question. Town The Chairman said that there was no money in the E. & D. Meeting. account now so that it was impossible to appropriate money forthepreliminary work. It was thought best to transfer money from the E. & D. account for soundings, etc., priarL to asking for a bond issue. Mr. Giroux moved that the matter be held over for two weeks. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Request was received from the American Legion Use of Hall. Auxiliary for the use of Cary Hall for the afternoon and evening of either November 8th or 9th for the purpose of holding its anhual fair. Mr. Giroux moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Jury List was adopted as follows: Name Occupation Address Allen, M. Lawrence Auto Repairs 22 Outlook Drive Avery, Fred L. W. P. A. 11 James Street 1 1 7 1 Jury List (wont.) Bailey, George J. Balduf, George J. `�Barnes, John E. Barton, George S. Blake, Charles M. Blake, Kenneth P. Bond, Raymond A. Borella, Samuel A. Bowker, William H. Bramhall William S. Briggs, �larence E. Britton, Frederick S Buckley, ',Joseph Burnham, William I. Buttrickxx Edward F. Carter, 4yon Childs, Calvin W. Clarke, Richard A. Cochrane, Ralph Coleman..Franklin W. Collins,, William A. Cronin, ornelius P. Cronin, aniel A Culbertson, Francis Cumming,,J. Everett Custancel Howard 10. Emery, L4land H. ' Faulkner, Frank A. Figenbaum, Ernest K. Garmon, Boland E. Greeley, 'William R. Guthrie, James A. Hall, Irving G.,Jr. Hathaway, Alton H. Hauck, Carl Herrick, Frank P. Hill, Converse Hunneman Frederic Ingalls,,Roger Jackson, C. Henry Johes, C rl B. Kelley, urner C. Kenego, Kettell,Intho_ Russell H. Kew, Harld W. Kinneen,i,Timothy LaGoff, William K. Lambert, Frank Landry, Arthur J. Lawrence, Louis H. Barry, Jahn D. O�c upation Address Farmer B. 168 East Street Carpets 445 Marrett Road Plumber 15 Barnes Place Com.�Designer 15 Bloomfield St. Manager 69 York Street Antiques 19 Oakland Street Broker 37 Somerset Road, Barber 22 Garfield St. N.E.Tel. & Tel.Co.2184 Mass. Ave. Salesman 25 Parker Streit Organ Dealer 75 Outlook Drive . Adv. Manager 8 Bedford St. Plumber 364 Marrett Road Gardener East Street, Clerk 996 Mass. Ave. Banker 39 II.arrett Road auto Dealer 6 Chandler Street Retired 91 Simonds Rd., Carpenter 67 Bridge St. Real Estate 13 Somerset Rd., Machinist 39 Woburn St. Salesman 14 Utica Street Manager 49 Forest St., - B. Inspector 62 Harding Rd. Electrician 20 Vaille Ave. Contractor 2 Tewksbury 'St,_ Lumber Merchant 5 Stetson St. - Carpenter 68 Winter St. Draughtsman 22 Cliffe Ave. Janitor 737 Mass. Ave. Architect 1948 Mass. Ave. At home 283 Mass. Ave. Steamship Agent 73 Merriam St. Merchant 25 Oakland St. Wood Carver 14 Harbell St. At home 173 Waltham St. Insurance 2101 Mass. Ave. Salesman 7 Parker Street Salesman 33 Reed St. Florist 40 Clarke Street Mason 306 Lowell St. Broker 2151 Mass. Ave.. Carpenter 33 Brandon St: Teacher 10 Eliot Road Unemployed 705 Mass. Ave. Plumber 156 Vine Street Manager 60 Cliffe Ave°. Estimator 23 Lowell St. Unemployed 51 Lowell St,., Retired 960 Waltham Street ;Electrician 22 Bow Street R Jury List 512 Jury List (Cont.) Sale Occupation Address Locke, Arthur E. Salesman 64 Farm Crest Ave.. ' Longbottom, Walter Uonductor 16 Independence Rd. Loring, Selden W. Artist 55 Bloomfield St. Lowe,, George H. Retired 419 Marrett Rd. Maddison Arthur N. 'John Real Estate 15 Winthrop Rd.. Manley, F. Salesman 20 Parker St, Mara, Robert C. Clerk, 22 Muzzey St. Marshall, Wm. J. Shipper 9 Independence Ave. Marsolais, Charles H. Contractor 37 Parker St. Martin, Ernest C. Druggist 11 Eliot Rd. Martin, Herbert A. Foreman 12 Lee Ave, Mayo, Robert D. Salesman 6 Oakmount Circle McAllister, Frank B. Clergyman 17 Edgewood Rd. McCormack, Charles A. Tel. Engineer 35 No.Hancock St. MCDelitt, Charles P. Farmer 1 Grove Street McDonnell, Michael E. W.P.A. 7 Curve Street McKenzie, James' Unemployed 9 Hayes Lane Merriam, Robert C. Real Estate 4 Oakmount Circle Milam, Robert P. Post Office 19 Byron Ave. Miles, Charles H. Manager 35 Merriam St. Milne, Alexander R. Plumber 9 Utica St. Moore, Robert H. Moore Mach. 1445 Mass. Ave. - Morey, George P. Salesman 90 No.Hancock,St. Morse, Clayton M. Clerk 29 Sherman St. Mulliken, William E. Coal Business 225 Waltham Street. Muzzey, Clifford L. Salesman 90 No.Hancock St. Needham, Harold B. Salesman 40 Fern Street Nickerson, James A. Real Estate 15 Vine Brook Rd. O'Dell, William H. W. P. A. 30 Moreland Av. Ormond, Frederick S. Nursery Business 104 Bedford St.. Page, Vernon Plumber 12 Independence Ave. Parks, Joseph A. Salesman 4 Hillside Terrace Peirce, Albert K. Engineer 129 Spring St. Pierce, L. Ellsworth None 14 Locust Ave. Potter, Murray T. Foreman 19 Walnut St. Pratt, James A. Carpenter 9 Webb St. Readel, Arthur C. Bookbinder 20 Maple St. Ready, Francis H. Merchant 33 Parker St. Redman Lester T. kelsey,G. Salesman 10 Hayes Ave. Reed, Cotton finisher 10 Franklin Rd. Rhones, Edward F. Laundry 34 Winter St. Richards, Gordon D. Contractor 3 Hancock Ave. Ripley, Harry M. Publisher- 2 Audubon Rd. Robertson, Peter Retired 39 Somerset Rd. Rowse, Richard E. Salesman 24 Adams St. Rycroft, yeter Foreman 142 Woburn St. Oherburne, Richard R. Insurance 24 Percy Rd. Sherburne, Warren Auditor 34 Hancock St. Slocum, Curlys L. Instructor 92 Blossom St. Smith, Arthur L. Stand Keeper 388 Bedford St. ' Smith, James W.,Jr. Salesman 16 Franklin Rd. Spellman, James E. Bus Operator 25 Shirley St. Spidel, Clarence E. Mason 31 Vaille Ave. 1 513 Welfare Jury List (Cont.) Name Occupation Address Stevenson, William H. Salesman. 21 Oakland St. Steeves, Clyde E. Steamfitter 24 Hilltop Avenue Stevens, Rupert H. Contractor 86 Merriam St. Stone, Everett Time study 64 Bloomfield St. Thomas, Fred N. Furniture 40 Fletcher Ave. Thompson, Frank J. Cabinet Maker 4 Sqrth Street Timothy, John E. Taxi Business 20 Kendall Road Tullar, Fred H. Salesman 98 Hancock St. Tyler, Edward ''. Real Estate 31 Maple Street Valentine, John S. Insurance 16 Stratham Rd-. Viano, Eugene J. Dealer 9 Reed Street Washburn, George E. Teacher 21 Parker St. Wellington, Herbert A.Salesman 2139 -&ass. Ave. Whalen, John P. Furniture Bus. 29 Eliot Rd. Wheeler, Harry A. Treasurer 31 Somerset Rd. Whipple, Paul Shoe Salesman 15 Belfry ,Terrace Whitney, Robert Insurance 10 Round Hill Road Wilson, Walter Farmer 5 Pleasant St. Wood, [George H. Painter 36 Waltham Street The Welfare Agent discussed welfare matters with the Board. ' The meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. A true rdCord, Attest: Clerk. 1 513 Welfare