HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-06-15Ryder cases. SP2UTAL WZ CTMBNt S M=1 -NG JUNE 15th,- 1937, A special meeting o -f the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectments Room, Town Office Building, at 1:30 P.M. Chairman Ferguson, Messrs. Potter, Giroux and Ross were present. The Clerk was also present. At 1:30 P.M., Mr. C. W. Ryder appeared before the Board to discuss the matter of a compromise in the varica a Ryder drainage cases. Letter was received -from the Town Counsel to which Bill in was attached his bill in the amount of $101.50 for. Smith case. services and disbursements in the mandamus cases of Smith vs. Lexington. Mr. Potter moved that the bill be approved. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. is 1 A copy of Chapter 277 of the Acts of 1937 was re - Act re ceived from the W Xfare Agent, This Act providea that Welfare. in towns of more than 10,000 inhabitants, applicants for relief shall be interviewed privately in a room from which shall be excluded all persons other than the applicant and the Welfare Agent, Chapter 90 Letter was received from the State Dept. of Public work. Works advising that the Commissioners had approved the work done on Lincoln Street in 1936 under Chapter 90. Letter was received from J. Willard Hayden request- Ha4yden ing that when the water main was extended in Shade request for Street, two hydrants be installed, one opposite the hydrants. drive to Journey's End and the other at the other entrance to the contemplated building to be used in connection with the boyst project. Wo action was taken on the matter. Letter was received from U. S. Representative Sol U.S. Con- Bloom requesting that a committee be appointed for th+s stitution UoS. Constitution Sesquicentennial celebration. mr. Sesquicen- Giroux informed the Board that the Lexington Allied tennial Veterans Council had already done some work on this and Celebration. suggested that they be appointed to the committee. Mr. Ross moved that the Lexington Allied Veterans Council be appointed to represent the Selectmen for the celebration. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Giroux moved that the use of Cary Memorial Hall be granted free of charge on the evening of Sept. 17th for the celebration. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received -from the Town Counsel to which Bill in was attached his bill in the amount of $101.50 for. Smith case. services and disbursements in the mandamus cases of Smith vs. Lexington. Mr. Potter moved that the bill be approved. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. is 1 140 ' Letter was received from the Town Counsel containing Legal his interpretation of Chapter 413 of the Adts of 1936 Opinion relative to aid to mothers with dependent children. The re Aid Clark was instructed to send copies of the letter to each member of the Board. Application for an Auctioneer's License was received from Arthur H. MCLearn of 1387 Mass. -Avenue. Mr. Potter License, moved that the license be granted. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond informed the Board that Arlington wanted Lexington to take over the piece of water main in Hibbert Street. There are two houses entirely in Lexington that are being served by Arlington's main. The main has been out off at Mass. Ave. and Arlington has installed a gate Water Maiz near the line and wants to abandon the main in Lexington Hibbert and have Lexington take it over. It is a six inch main, Street forty years old and there are no hydrants connected to it. Mr. Raymond said that Mr. Albert Ross suggested that the Pipe be connected with the 16 inch pipe on the other side of Mass. Avenue, and he thought that that was a good sug- 8stion and that the expense would not be greater than 00.00. The Chairmansaid that the main would have to be accepted by the Town at a Town Meeting even if Arlington deeds the pipe to Lexington. There was some discussion on this and the Chairman saidihe thought this matter should be "tak*U-zipwith the T€iwn Counsel, Mr. Ross moved that the matter be left with the Supt. of Public Works to take up with the Town Counsel and that the Board go on record as being in favor of taking over the main provided it is legal. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that he wanted to discuss the matter C'f the sidewalk and curbing at Berman's property Berman on Masse Avenue. The curb was installed and it does sidewalk not fit the sidewalk that is in there which was apparently constructed by a private contractor. It does $bt fit the sidewalk in front of the other Berman property but that man is not ready to go ahead and have his sidewalk con- structl, *It was therefor decided not to replace the sidewal in front of the first Berman property until the other Berman is ready to go ahead-wT-th his. Mand if the sidewalk should be installed ;at proper grade"'w-moire It has 'b*0n:.aPplied.fvr' it.will not fit the sidewalat the adjacent lot but will require a ramp or a step Moor orfive ihahes : high. Thel meeting adjourned at 2:35 P.M. A true record, Attest: J�. ;. r14