HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-05-04420 e� SELECTMEN T S MEETING MAY 4th, 1937. ' A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.TJ. Chairman Ferguson, Messrs. Pot''-er, Giroux, Clark and Ross were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 P.M., the Town Clerk appeared for the Juror. drawing of a juror to serve on civil business at Cambridge, beginning June 7th, 1937. Robert L. Lowe, Foreman., of 419 Marrett Road, was the juror drawn. At 8:00 P.M., hearing was declared open upon the application of Lewis L. Hoyt for permission to maintain Hoyt a one car garage at 30 Locust Avenue. Mr. Hoyt appeared Garage and presented plan of the proposed garage. No persons hearing. appeared in opposition and it was voted upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Clark, to grant the permit subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. At 8:05 P.M.` hearing was declared open on the Hill application of Converse Hill for permission to maintain Garage a one car garage at 2101 Mass, Avenue. Mr. Hill appeared hearing. and presented plan of the proposed garage. No persons appeared in opposition. Mr. Clark moved that.the permit be granted subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. At 8:10 P.M. hearing was declared open on the application of Melissa E. Hunt for permission to Hunt maintain a two car -garage at 9 Adams Street. Mr. Garage George Swanson, the builder, appeared and presented hearing. plan of the proposed garage. No persons appeared in opposition. Mr. Ross moved that the permit be granted subject to the approval of the Building Inspect r. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Town Accountant to which were attached three bills rendered by the Warren Pipe Co. of Mass., Inc. for twelve inch cement lined water pipe. The bills totaled $2268.00 and had been sib - Bills for mitted for payment out of the account for Water Con - pipe struction Replacement of Hlains. The Accountant asked if the purchase of the pipe had been authorized by the Board inasmuch as the purchase involved the expenditure of an amount exceeding $1,000.00. Under the By-laws, on all expenditures exceeding 01,000.00 proposals shall be solicited. Mr. Russell asked for advice with reference to payment of the bills. Mr. Raymond stated that contrary to his belief, bids had not been taken on the pipe. The Chairman requested Mr. Raymond to solicit bids and it was decided to hold up payment on the bills until the bids were received. Letter was received from the Town Accountant to which was attached a bill rendered by Burbrec Nurseries, Inc. for Pin Oaks and Rock Maples at 12.50 each and totaling t177.50. Mr. Russell said that he had not been notified that this expenditure had been authorized and requested the Board's advice with reference to payment of the bill. Mr. Raymond said that Mr. Garrity took bids on the trees and that Burbrec Nurseries was the low bid.. Mr. Ross moved that the bill be approved for pay- ment in the amount of $177.50. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Chairman requested that the white lines for the L. H. Truesdell. 112 board signs CJM.8i comp ete `— - 112 board signs C ;2.06 painting and lettering only, boards to be furnished by Highway Department - Arthur Thyng. vJithout boards: 45 - 18" signs @ ' 01.25 each 32 - 21" signs @ j1.35 each 35 - 24" signs C 11.45 each With Boards: Add 75¢� each $314.72 230.72 Bill for trees. Traffic on Muzzey Street - Bids on Signs. cross walks be .painted, and Mr. Raymond said that he thought there was enough paint on hand to do the work. The Chairman asked Mr. Raymond to determine what the matter was with the traffic signs on Muzzey Street, ' inasmuch as people were parking where they were not supposed to. The Chairman said that if Mr. Raymond` thought more signs were needed, he thought he should be authorized to erect them. Mr. Ross moved that such authority be given Mr. Raymond. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Clark asked Mr. Raymond to study the question of making Muzzey Street a one way street from Mass. Avenue and to make a recommendation on it to the Board. Mr. Raymond said that he had received bids on private way street signs as follows: Paul S. Woods. 03.50 per sign, including lumber 2.75 per sign, without lumber L. H. Truesdell. 112 board signs CJM.8i comp ete `— - 112 board signs C ;2.06 painting and lettering only, boards to be furnished by Highway Department - Arthur Thyng. vJithout boards: 45 - 18" signs @ ' 01.25 each 32 - 21" signs @ j1.35 each 35 - 24" signs C 11.45 each With Boards: Add 75¢� each $314.72 230.72 Bill for trees. Traffic on Muzzey Street - Bids on Signs. 422' �e Mr. Raymond said that he did not know what kind of ' work Thyng did but he would like to have him make up a few signs to see what they were like before he gave Bids on him the contract for the whole lot. Mr. Potter said that street he thought Mr. Thyng should be allowed a little more signs. money for the few signs that he is to make now due to the fact that he might have to pay more for his materials in small lots than if he were buying materials for the whole job. Mr. Clark moved that Mr. Raymond be authorized to have Mr. Thyng makeup a few signs and determine whether or not they were suitable and to make whatever arrange- ments regarding payment he could. Mr. Ross sedonded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that he had a figure from Fiske Alden for furnishing a second-hand Fordson tractor with new motor for $1200.00. He said that he would like assurance that he could go ahead on a rental basis of $200.00 per month. His idea was to pay for this out of Drain Construction and W.P.A. Labor and Materials. Tractor. He thought.that the machine would be good for a number of years. There was no recommendation on this before the Annual Town Meeting. The Chairman asked how much use he would have for the machine during the balance of the year: Mr. Raymond said that it could be used the , next two or three weeks on Independence Avenue, it could be used on Clematis, Mill and Brown Brooks and could be used on Reed Street for two or three weeks, and he thought that $600. or $700. worth of rental would be eaten up. Mr. Ross moved that the Board approve the rental of the tractor and that Mr. Raymond be authorized to come in later on with his recommendation as to its purchase, it being understood that the rental price of the machine,if the Town decided to buy it, was to be applied to the purchase price. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that Mr. Ambler of Brandon Street and someone else had complained to him about the holes in Fottler Avenue and Brandon Street which they thought were caused by Town trucks working on the trunk line Damage to sewer and Mill Brook drainage, and they felt that it Pottler Ave. was up to the Town to fill in the holes. Mr. Raymond and said that he was not hereat the time this work was Brandon St. done, so could not say whbther or not the Town was responsible for the holes. Mr. Ross said that the Town did damage the street, but that there were a great many holes there before the Town went in there. Mr. Ross moved that Mr. Raymond be authorized to ' repair the damage to Fottler Avenue and Brandon Street caused by the Town. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. rim Mr. Raymond requested authority to spend about $25. Street ' for the W.P.A. sewing unit for patterns, pins, etc. W.P.A. Mr. Potter moved that the request be granted and the sewing expense be charged to the 7I.P.A. Labor and Materials. unit Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. materials. C 1 Mr. Raymond said that the IN. P. A. Authorities had asked for approval for the erection of a marker to be set up on the Mill Brook project in recognition of Federal aid on the work. The marker would be paid for by the Federal Government. Two types of wording were presented. Mr. Ross moved that type two be approved. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Marker for Mill Brook project. Mr. Raymond said that he had received a letter from P.W.A. re the State Director of P.W.A. asking a lot of questions Vine Brook regarding the Town's application for the Vine Brook Project. project. Mr. Giroux moved that Mr. Raymond be requested to furnish the information. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that Mrs. Brown of Waltham Street ft. was requesting the Town to go in on her property and Brown flush the pipe that a Mr. Cerullo laid across her land. request re Mr. Raymond said that he could not find that the pipe flushing was laid on Town land at all and told Mrs. Brown so. pipe.. Mr. Potter moved that the request be denied. Mr. Ross .80 seconded the motion and it was so,voted. 5.00 each Mr. Raymond said that he had told John F. Dacey he thought that the Board would approve a surety bond in the amount of $500.00 on his contract for sidewalk Bond on construction. sidewalk Mr. Clark moved that the bond be approved. Mr. construction Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Chairman requested Mr. Raymond to find out if Dacey would givea bond guaranteeing his work for a five year period if the Town paid for it,, and Mr. Raymond agreed to do so. The following bids were received for curbing: Curbing bids 7x18 stright curbing 7x18 curved curbing 5x16 straight curbing 5x16, curved curbin Corners 2' radius 7x18) Corners 2' radius (5x16) Curb Tzlets (7x18) Morris Bros. Rollstone Arthur Granite Co. DeCarteret. X0.87 ft. X0:90 ft. �0:85 ft. - t.-1.08 1, 08 " 1:20 " 1.00 it .63 't :78 " .65 re :84 " 1.08 " .80 " 5.00 each 6.00 eacr 3.75 each 4.00 " 5.00 " 3.00 " 9.00 " 12.00 " 9.00 " Mr. Raymond said that he thought DeCarteret's bid would be the most beneficial to the Town. Pair. Ross moved that Decarteret's bid be accepted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. 424 Tax Rate Mr. Clyde E. Steeves, Assessors, appeared before tax rate for 1937 would be Chairman of the Board of ' the Board and stated that the $33.50 per thousand. At 8;15 P.M., the Building Inspector appeared be- fore the Board to discuss the matter of the Roger Brown zoning violation. The Chairman read a letter which the Building Inspector had written to the Town Counsel last Saturday informing him that he called at the Brown place on that day and found three times as many bricks stored there as when he last reported. The Chairman asked if the Building Inspector could summon Brown into Court and Mr. Long - bottom said that he had turned the matter over to the Town Counsel Mr. Wrightington appeared and said that he wrote two lettdrs to Brown who answered the first one but not the second. The question then arose as to whether or not Mr. Trask, whose buildings Brown is renting, had a Brown non -conforming use. If the building was being used for Zoning business purposes before the enactment of the Zoning Law, Violation. Trask had the right to use the building for a different business provided he was granted that right by the Board of Appeals. However, Mr. Wrightington said that that did not excuse Brown for using the other buildings. Mr. Wrightington said that he had not followed up Brown because he was waiting to find out about the Trask property. He asked if he should start proceedings against Brown to enjoin him from using the garage owned by the Highland Trust Co. Mr. Giroux moved that the Town -Counsel be instructed to take immediate action against both the Highland Trust Co. and Brown to enjoin them from using the garage for the building supply business. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Supt. of Public ';forks discussed Mrs. Cutler's claim that the Town had closed up the entrance to her property by removing the bridge over Clematis Brook. Cutler She said that she was willing to settle for $200.00 claim. or if the Town could do it cheaper, she was willing to allow them to replace the road. Mr. Raymond thought that it would cost about $200.00 to do the work, but he did not think that the Town had the right to go in on her property and build a road. Mr. Giroux moved that the claim be settled for $200.00 and that the expense be charged to the W.P.A. Labor and Materials Account. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond read a letter whidh he received from the Supt. of the Water and. Sewer Division requesting 1 The Board discussed the matter of additional space for the Town Accountant. Mr. Clark moved that no action Space for be taken on changing the present quarters of the Town Town offices but that the Chairman get suggestions as to en- Accountant larging the present building to fill the requirements. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Clark said that his motion did not include the expend- iture of money such as bills for plans, etc. It was suggested that Mr. Roger Greeley be con- tacted. increases for the following employees: said that Clarence Dalry=mple had Sale of C. Cuccinello from 65� per hour to 70� per hour; Increases ' George Ryan from 50� per hour to 55-. per hour; for Water Fred Iodice from 55� per hour to 60 per hour. Dept. employ - the was Mr. Giroux moved that the increases be approved. ees. Mr. Raymond Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. that he had received bids on paint Mr. Raymond submitted a bond written by the Em- 16yer's Liability Assurance Co, in the penal sum of Supt's. 1,000.00 covering himself. Mr. Potter moved that the bond. bond be approved. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Giroux said that Mr. J. Nillard Hayden had talked with him relative to the extension of the water main in Shade Street. The water main comes to the Andresen lot and he wants to have it extended from there Water main to his own driveway. Mr. Ryder owns all the land on the extension other side of the street, and Mr. Giroux assumed that he in Shade would not want the extension but Mr. Hayden said that Street. he did not want to pay for the whole thing himself. It would cost him twice as much to extend the main from Weston Street. The Chairman said that the only thing he could see to do would be to take the matter up at the next Town Meeting and then if the Town voted to install the main, Ryder would have to pay his betterment. ' Mr. Raymond said that he had been studying the matter of a rest room at the Town Offices and he said that one could beset up in the hall upstairs and it would cost about 250. for the partitions. He had Rest thought of using the corner of the Water Dept. office Room. where Mr. Ross's desk- is, but thought the corridor would be better. The Chairman suggested that he have a skAtch made up of the proposed room and that bids be requested on the construction. The Board discussed the matter of additional space for the Town Accountant. Mr. Clark moved that no action Space for be taken on changing the present quarters of the Town Town offices but that the Chairman get suggestions as to en- Accountant larging the present building to fill the requirements. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Clark said that his motion did not include the expend- iture of money such as bills for plans, etc. It was suggested that Mr. Roger Greeley be con- tacted. Mr. Raymond said that Clarence Dalry=mple had Sale of offered $10.00 for the hay at the Town Farm. Mr. Hay. Potter moved that the motion and it the was bid -he accepted. Mr. Ross seconded so voted. Mr. Raymond said that he had received bids on paint as follows; 4ND BIDS ON PAINT XHJHT9 Wave- erTey , Hardware Co. Can inen a Products Co. Warren Custance tier-erY Lawrence e ng on Lumber Co. iversi a Paint & Var. Co. Sherwin- Williams otivn Part and Suppler Ce. Black Enamel $2.50 gal. .12.25 gal. $1.90 gal X1.70 gal. 2.40 zal. 2.25 Mal w3.28 gal. lie gal Chrome Green 2.50 2.75 2.40 1.89 2.95 2.75 1.90 2.25 Red Implement 2.50 3.05 3.20 2.72 2.50 2.25 3.33 2.50 Orange Implement 2.50 2.95 2.95 2.70 2.50 2.25 2.85 2.50 White Traffic 1 gal. lots 1.90 1.35 1.24 1.69 1.65 5 gal. lots 1.80 1.37 1.25 Barrel " 1.65 1.20 1.10 Red Traffic 1 gal. lots 2.25 2.15 1.50 1.75 2.10 2.54 2.00 5 gal. lots 2.00 1.95 1.90 Spar Varnish 1.75 2.75 2.80 2.18 Exterior 3.10 3.00 3.00 Interior 9400 2.00 2.00 Linseed Oil .87 .87 .95 1.25 1.02 1.12 .°0 l,'dhite Lead (100#) 12.50 12.50 13.00 13.00 9.85 12.5C Lead & Zinc Paste, (100#) 13.20 Aluminum 2.25 3.25 2.64 1.65 2.75 2.38 2.25 Paste 3.20 Powder 3.05 XHJHT9 C 1 Mr. Giroux moved that the choice of paint be left in the hands of the Supt. of Public Works. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that the Arlington Gas Co. wanted to install a main in Mass. Avenue from Summit Avenue to the houses that Mr. Ross is building, a dis- tance of 1700 or 1800 feet. He said that because of the reconstruction of Mass. Avenue, the Town did not know just where the water main is, but the Gas Company's engineer had agreed to locate the water main. Mr. Giroux moved that the Board approve the installation of the gas main subject to that company submitting a plan satisfactory to Mr. Raymond. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. A letter dated March 16th, 1937, relative to blast- ing damage claims during Mill Brook drainage construction was received from Mr. Raymond. Six claims for damages have been settled and these totaled $204. as compared with the sum of $231.00 which was originally claimed by these parties. Five were residents of Arlington and one a resident of Lexington. There are three unsettled claims which have been investigated totaling $801.00, namely that of Frank E. Tucker, Pars. Mary A. Perry and Mrs. George Barnes of 265, 243 and 269 Lowell Street, Arlington, respectively. In each case, the claim is considerably in excess of the amount which the Town investigator has estimated that it will cost to repair the damages. His estimate is $277.00. Mr. Raymond listed the dates that the various claims were presented. Mr. Raymond said that he had talked with the various people and only one, Mr. Frank Tucker, had agreed to reduce his claim, and he reduced his by $20.00. Mr. Raymond suggested that the Tov n engage a Lexington man in the house furnishing and decorating business to visit the premises in company with the Town investigator and present estimates of the cost of remedying any damage which could reasonably be contributed to any vibration or shock from our blasting operations. Mr. Giroux moved that Mr. Raymond's recommendation be approved and that Mr. Edward H. Mara be engaged to make the estimates. Mir. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter, was received from Freeman L. Nelson of Somerville, suggesting that he be allowed to draft or re -write traffic ordinances for the Town of Lexington. No action was taken on the matter, Letter was received from the Supt. of the Park Division listing his recommendations for appointments to positions at the playgrounds for the coming summer. It was decided to re -nest Mr. Garrity to appear at the 427 Gas main in Mass. Avenue. Mill Brook blasting claims. Tbaff is Ordinances Playground appointment: 428 Mr. Giroux moved that the Civil Service Commission Examination be requested to a' for position to the late Mr. Bain might be selected. Mr. Clark of Plumbing seconded the motion and it was so voted. Inspt. Mr. Giroux -meeting next Tuesday to discuss the matter before making "In respect to the appointments. , for twenty-four Letter was received from the Town Engineer advising half mast. Lexington, it that Harry Johnson had presented the proper plans of of his funeral, his development known as Brick Village. Mr. Cosgrove submitted the Board of Survey plans to be signed. Mr. Cosgrofe said that Johnson had straightened out the matter satisfactorily. Mr. Cosgrove appeared before the Selectmen and the Chairman asked him if Johnson had laid out the streets on the ground and Cosgrove said that the lots - were'staked out to the street lines to Johnson his satisfaction. Board of Mr. Ross moved that the Board, acting as the Board Survey of Surve , approve the plans entitled as follows: approval. 'Plan & Profile of Taft Avenue, Lexington, Mass., Scale: Hor. 1" - 401, Ver. 1" - 61, May, 1937, G. B. Nobthrup, C.E."• "Plan & Profile, Taft Avenue, Lexington, Mass., Hor. Scale, l in. - 40 ft., Ver. Scale 1 in. - 6 ft., April 14, 1937, Jos. Selwyn, Civil Engineer, 86 Clark St,, nN Belmont"; "Plan & Profile, Daniels Street, Lexington - Mass., w' Ho. Scale 1 in. - 40 ft., Ver. Scale 1 in. - 6 ft., C April 14, 1937, Jos. Selwyn, Civil Engineer, 86 Clark St., Belmont"; "Plan & Profile of Cherry St., Lexington, Mass... Scale ' Ho. 1" - 40t, Ver. 1" -'61, May 1937, G. B. Northrup, C.E."; "Plan & Profile, Cary Street, Lexington, Mass. Hor. Scale 1 in. - 40 ft., Ver. Scale l in.' -61, April 14, 1937, Jos. Selwyn; Civil Engineer, 86 Clark St., Belmont", Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Chairman suggested that Mr. Raymond bring in next Tuesday whatever requests had been received for water and sewer extensions in the development. The Chairman said that he had ordered flowers for Flowers for Mr. Andrew Bain, who had passed away on May 3rd, 1937. Mr, Bain. Mr. Giroux moved that the Chairmants action be approved and that the $5.00 expense incurred be charged to Unclassified. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted, Mr. Giroux moved that the Civil Service Commission Examination be requested to hold an examination so that a successor for position to the late Mr. Bain might be selected. Mr. Clark of Plumbing seconded the motion and it was so voted. Inspt. Mr. Giroux moved that the following order be adopted: "In respect to the memory of the late Andrew T. Bain, Flags at for twenty-four ' years Plumbing Inspector in the Town of half mast. Lexington, it ordered that on May 5th, 1937, the day of his funeral, the flags on all municipal T ope rty 1 1 LN shall be flown at half mast from sunrise to sunset". Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Town Clerk suggesting that dogs taken to the clinic for inoculation should be checked and if they are not licensed, their owner's attention should be called to the fact. Mr. Giroux moved that the recommendation be adopted. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. I M Dog licenses. Letter was received from the Town Clerk advising 1937 Reven- that the revenue authority for 1937 was 758,252.56. ue Authority. Deed of lot 51, Farmhurst, Section 2,, on Kendall Deed to lot, Road to Cha'rles.Apollonio was signed ry the Board. Kendall Rd. Letter was received from the Town Counsel stating that he was holding the deed from Harriette W. Smith of the land adjoining the Parker School and he said that a discharge of the mortgage was available on payment. Mr. Smith is to obtain from his mother an order signed by her authorizing him to receipt for the consideration. Mr. Wrightin_ton's letter contained instructions as to the distribution of the $1500.00 to be paid for the lot. He said that when the distribution was determined and satisfactory to Mr. Smith, he was then to sign an order on the Town satisfactory to Mr. Russell for the payment of the $1500, in checks payable as Mr. Wrightington described. The Clerk was instructed to put through vouchers as recommended by the Town Counsel and proceed in accord- ance with the instructions contained in his letter. Abatements of Valley Road highvW betterment assess- ments were signed as follows: Harriet W. Smith (T.T. Town of Lex.) $92.62 George F. Smith 102,52 Harriet W. Smith (T.T. Town of Lex.) 123.90 Letter was received from Elmer A. Lord x Co. advising that the boiler insurance for the Town expires on May 17th and that company had just completed a survey of all boilers and similar objects subject to explosion owned by the Town. There are no changes in the boilers as they are insured under the e xpiring policy. The renewal contract to be issued is for a three year period with a premium of $487. as contrasted with 482.50 under the expiring policy. The Town has been insuring all boilers under a blanket policy in order to obtain a saving in costs, and boilers that were insured by other agents were included in the Elmer A. Lord & Co. Policy with the understanding that full commission would be allowed to such agents. The letter requested an order Smit h property Valle y Rd. Abatements. Boiler Insurance 430 ConM X for renewal. It listed the way the insurance had been I allotted. Mr. Clark moved that the policy be renewed and that the prevailing arran ements for distribution be con- tinued. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Chief of Police rel - Complaint ative to the complaint of Newell V. Barrett of Saugus. re The Chief said that he had talked with Patrolman George officer. C. Barry who was the officer that Barrett complained of and Barry denied that he had any unnecessary talk with Barrett. Letter was received from Robert C. Lee of 18 Lock - Insurance wood Road requesting that he be allowed to write some of the Town's insurance. It was decided to place the letter on file for future consideration. Commitment of Water Liens in the amount of $38.17 Commitment. was signed by the Board. Upon motion of Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Giroux, I the following licenses were granted: Letter was received from the Town Counsel relative to a surety bond to guarantee for a term of years the quality of sidewalks built for the Town by private contractors. Mr. Wright ington said that he found no Statute prohibiting this and the By-laww provide that the Town may require a bond with satisfactory sureties for the faithful performance of any contract. Mr. ' Bonds for Wri htin ton said that the contract could include a g g sidewalk promise by the contractor that the quality of the work construction. would be such that no defects would appear for five years and then a surety bond guaranteeing performance of that clause could be required. The Chairman had asked Mr. Wrightington if the Town could enforce a surety bond given at the beginning of the year by a private contractor guaranteeing the performance of any con- struction that might be awarded to him by the Town during the year. He saw no reason why a bond of this character should not be enforcable. Mr. Giroux moved that the matter be referred to the Supt. of Public Works to see how much it would cost and if,i would be pradatieable, Mr. Clark seconded the motion and t was so V e . Letter was received from James Irwin offering to Purchase buy certain lots on Charles Street and lot 50 on Bowker of lots. Street. It was decided to hold the matter over for one week to find out what the lots were last assessed for. Commitment of Water Liens in the amount of $38.17 Commitment. was signed by the Board. Upon motion of Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Giroux, I the following licenses were granted: ' John Sullivan 2407 Mass. Ave. Trans. of Garbage Thos. M. Montague 21 Bedford St. Public Carriage William A. Johns 101 Grove St. it It Frank Mara 856 Mass. Ave. Sunday Sales Mary Augustine 4 Dow S�reet It it Joseph Douglas Crosby Road, Bedford Trans. of Garbage A. Mercadante Lowell Street r► " " John H. McCarthy Muller Rd.,Burlington rr rt n Pattison Bros. Middsx. St, it Dennis J. Kelley Hartwell Rd.,Bedford M. Fitzpatrick & Son Cambridge John Sullivan 2407 Mass. Avenue Keeping of Swine Jane Foley 414 Marrett Road Common Victualler Min.Man Golf Club - Concord Avenue " " Mrs. E. M. Mitchell 1736 Mass. Ave. Intelligence Office John N. Connors Lincoln Trans. of Garbage L 1 The Chairman explained to the Board that Patrick J. Maguire could not legally be appointed Dog Officer and receive compensation for this office inasmuch as he is receiving a pension. Mr. Giroux moved that Edward C. Maguire, his son, be appointed Dog Officer as of May 1st, 1937. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Licenses Dog Off is er . Mr. Giroux moved that Edward W. Taylor, Norman C., Hooper and Edward F. Buttrick be appointed fire engineers Fire in the Town of Lexington under Chapter 48, section 45 G.L., Engineers for a term of one year from May 1st, 1937. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was gQ voted. Mr. Clark moved that the Board of Selectmen, acting as the Board of Survey, approve the plan of land in the rear of Walter Black's property on Highland Avenue, entitled as follows: "Plan and Profile of Proposed Street, Lexington, Mass., May 4, 1937, Scales - Hor. 1 inch - 40 ft., Vert. 1 inch - 4 ft., J. Bruce Lewis, Civil Engineer" and "Plan of Sub -Division of Land owned by Walter Black, Lexington, Mass., Apr, 27, 19371, Scale 1 inch - 40 ft., J. Bruce Lewis, Civil Engineer". Mr. Ross seconded t1-@ motion and it was so voted. Approval of Black Board of Survey plans Board of Appeals order denying the petition of Childs Calvin W. Childs for permission to maintain a salesroom Bd, of at the junction of Watertown Street and the Concord Appeals Turnpike was received. order. The Welfare Agent discussed welfare matters with the Board. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.N. A true record, Attest: Clerk. Welfare.