HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-04-20SELECTMEN'S MEETING APRIL 20, 1937. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Ferguson, Messrs. Potter, Giroux and Ross were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 P.M., Mr, James J. Carroll, Town Treasurer., appeared and submitted the following bids on the $100,000. loan in anticipation of revenue, notes to be dated April 210 1937 and payable December 3, 1937: Second National Bank - .78discount R. L. Day & Co. - 084%" Whiting, Weeks & Knowles - .79% " Merchants National Bank - .74% " First Nat. Bank of Boston - .84� " Lexington Trust Co.- .76� " Faxon Gade Co. .87� " Mr. Ross moved that the bid of the Merchant's National Bank of .74% discount be accepted. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. At 8:00 P.M. hearing was declared open on the appli- cation of Sidney G. Leslie for permission to maintain a one car garage at 187 Woburn Street. Mr. Leslie appeared and presented plan of the proposed garage. No persons appeared in opposition. Mr. Ross moved that the permit be granted subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. At 8:05 P.M. hearing was declared open on the applidation of Albert A. Ross for permission to maintain a one car garage at lot #4 Mass. Avenue. Mr. Ross appeared in favor of the petition and no persons appeared in opposition. Mr. Giroux moved that the permit be granted subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. At 8:10 P.M. Mr. James J. Sullivan, Chief of Police, appeared before the Board. The Chairman told the Chief that the Board wanted to get his reaction to some of its recommendations. He told the Chief that the Board had received complaints from persons on the tm ffic violations in the center of the town, particularly with reference to the "U" turn and parking in restricted areas. He asked what could ' be done about it. The Chief said that the only thing that could be done was to keep after the offenders and he said that he had told the officers to enforce the "U" turn regulation. The Chairman asked if people were Bids on Loan. Leslie garage hearing Ross Igarage hearing Police Dept. 404 r� �c complying with the time limit on parking and the Chief said that the officers did not check on that. The ' Chairman said that he thought they should. The Chief said that the business men themselves were the worst offenders. The Chairman asked how often the day and night men were shifted and the Chief stated that he never shifted them. He said that in the past sometimes the men themselves requested that their hours be changed. He stated that of his twelve years as Chief, this bad been the smoothest year he ever had put in. Mr. Giroux asked what the result might be if.the men were shifted around, say once a month, so that each man would have about the same hours of work. The Chief said that he did not know what the result would be. Mr. Potter said he thought that the majority of the men would be better off if they were changed around occasionally as their work and hours would be more diversified. The Chief said that there were no choice jobs in the department. Air. Ross said that he would like to see the men shifted around once every so often and the Chief said that he could not very well shift Maguire, Neal and Buckley as they did special work. The Chief said that he would be willing to shift the men around. Mr. Ross asked how soon he thought.he could put the change into effect. Mr. Giroux suggested that the change be effected some- time around the first of May. The Chairman asked if the routes would be shifted when the.working hours were changed, and the Chief said he thought they would. He retired. Mr.. Giroux moved that the Chairman instruct the Chief that beginning May 1st or thereabouts, the Board would like the hours of duty for the members of the Polio force changed about once every month and that ,arrange- ments be made so that each officer work one month on each of the three shifts; this change to affect all officers with the exception of Neal and Buckley. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Supt. of Public Works appeared before the Board Supt's, and asked approval for the renewal of his bond with the bond. Employer's Liability Assurance Corp. Mr. Giroux moved that approval be granted. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that he thought it would be all right to change over the Selectmen's meeting night from Meeting Tuesday to Monday if the week ended on Thursday rather night than on Saturday. He said that the first week the men would be one day and a half short but this would be compensated in part if they received their pay on Wednesday rather than on Thursday. No action was taken I on the matter. 405 ' Mr. Raymond said that he had written to the Commissioner of the State Dept. of Public Works and the County Commiss- ioners to see if they would allow the Town to start work Watertown on Watertown Street. He read a letter from the Chairman Street of the County Commissioners stating that their share of the cost would be available when the work was completed. Mr. Raymond said that he would like to start this work as soon as Robbins Road was completed but he did not know if the allotments would be made at that time or not., but he would like to take a chance on it. The Chair- man said he thought it would be best to see how things were going when Robbins Road was completed. Mr. Raymond said that he had received an applica- Use of tion from the Stockbridge Alumni Association for per- Hall, mission to use Cary Hall on November 20th, 1937, for a dinner dance. The Board felt that it would like to have more information regarding the organization before the use of the hall was granted. Mr. Raymond said that the Lexington Drum Corps would like to continue to use the room and stage in Cary Mem- Drum Corps orial Hall for practice until May 30th, 1937. Mr. Giroux use of moved that the request be granted. Mr. Ross seconded hall. the motion and it was so voted. ' Mr. Raymond said that Harry Johnsonts engineer had sent in a Board of Survey layout of Brick Village and he had covered everything that he owned very nicely but he did not send in any plans on any of the land that he: had sold, and the Town Engineer told him that he would have to do that. The Board felt that the plans should be sent back and that Johnson should be required to furnish exactly what the Town Engineer requested, that is, a plan of the whole development. The Chairtan said he thought that stakes should be put out in the ground also. Mr. Raymond reported that Mr. R. H. Stevens stated that he could not comply with the Board's request to authorize the Town Treasurer to deduct 25% from payments to be made him for materials purchased and 10% from money to be paid him for rental of equipment. However, he didsin a letter authorizing the Town Treasurer to deduct 1076 from the amounts to be paid him by the Town whenever the amounts exceeded $300.00 per week. The Board felt that this was not acceptable. Mr. Ross moved that the vote of last week authorizing the Town Treasurer to deduct 25% from materials money and 10% from equipment rental money be rescinded. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Potter moved that it would be satisfactory if ' Mr. Stevens would authorize the Town Treanurer to deduct 10% each week from the money to be paid him up to $600. and that he deduct 15% from everything over $600. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Johnson property Stevens payment of bills. 406 CD Position in Mr. Raymond reported that the position in the Eng. Dept. Engineering Department had been accepted by William H. Kearns at $34.00 per week. Mr. Raymond asked the approval of the appointment Foreman of James Guthrie as a foreman on welfare projects on Welfare (under Article 52), at $0� per hour. Mr. Ross moved projects. that the appointment be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond read a letter from the Supt. of the Park Dept. Park Department calling the Boardls attention to the increases. fact that in the budget he provided for increases for two men, John McEnroe from $.50 to $.55 per hour and Charles Brenton from $25. to 028. per week. Mr. Potter moved that these increases go into effect as of April 19th, 1937. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that Anthony Waters of Hill Ave. owed $93.00 for water rates and paid $75.00 today Waters - leaving a balance of $18.00. He is a farmer and wanted water rates.the water turned on. Mr. Potter moved that the Board approve the turning on of the water. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Dr. James J. Walsh appeared and stated that he wanted a legal permit for the raising of $150. by the sale of chances. The;; money is to be raised for charity, Request for He showed some tickets used by the YD club of Boston permit to and he stated that his plan would be similar'to that sell chances.used by the YD Club. They operate under a permit. There is a smoker which actually takes place and one prize is awarded. Dr. Walsh wanted to run a smoker for one drawing and have one set of tickets printed. The tickets would be issued in the name of the V.F.W. but he would take entire charge of the project. The Chairman said that he would talk the matter over with the Chief of Police and advise him. Letter was received from A. Randall Soderberg, Resignation. tendering his resignation as a member of the Approp- riation Committee, term to expire in March, 1938. It was decided to hold the matter over for one week. Letter was received from the Building Inspector advising that he had instructed the Town Counsel to enjoin Mr. Roger W. Brown from using his garage and Mr. Trask's sheds for the storage of building materials because it is a violation of the Zoning Laws. He said that Mr. Wrightington advised him that the complaint might be withdrawn and he suggested that the Board M-4 contact Mr. Wrightington for any further information. The Chairman suggested that a letter be written to the Town Counsel asking him the status of the Brown case. Mr. Longbottom reported that the removal of gravel Removal of from Frank Reeds pasture on Lowell Street had been loam stopped stopped at his request. Letter was received from the Mass. Selectmen's Association stating that since the defeat of Senate Bill -A75, that organization was considering the advis- ability of naming a committee to study the matter of billboard legislation for more concerted action next year when bills will be filed. The letter inquired if a member of the Board would be willing to serve on the committee. The Chairman said that he thought the Town Counsel would be a very good man to serve on this committee because of his experience with billboard legislation. Mr. Giroux moved that the Town Counsel be contacted to see if he would be willing to serve on this committee. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Committee re billboard legislation, Letter was received from the Treasurer of the Lafayette Club requesting the use of Cary Hall on Monday, ' May 10th, for a play. The letter stated that the pro- Use of ceeds were to be used for charity and it was requested Hall. that the use of the hall be granted subject to the reduced rate. Mr. Giroux moved that the use of the hall be granted subject to a fee of $15.00. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Town Counsel stating that the Building Inspector had advised him that Leo Boynton had removed all the junk from his premises on Sylvia Street and was no longer carrying on his junk business there. The Town Counsel has therefor dismissed the contempt proceedings which he started against him. He enclosed his bill for services in this case in the amount of $325.60. Mr. Potter moved that the bill be approved. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from Mr. Robert H. White thanking the Board for his appointment as Consulting Supt. of Streets for the ensuing year. Letter was received from.Rev. R. Eliot Marshall thanking the Board for the use of Cary Hall on November ' 18th at the reduced rate. Boynton case Letter of thanks Letter of Thanks 408 Hall request Letter was received from Irving G. Hall, Jr. re- questing that he be given consideration with respect to for insurance. He said he noticed that several policies insurance. were expiring in May, June and July. Mr. Giroux said that Mr. Hall told him that he had no connection whatsoever with the shipping business now and depended entirely on his insurance business. It was decided to place the letter on file for future consideration. Board of Health Abatement in the amount of $56.00 Abatement was sinned. This was a charge against the County Commissioners for vaccine treatments which was disallowed. Contract Radio contract with the Town of Arlington was signed. Burgess Application for the admission of Mrs. Albert T.B. Burgess of 9 Sunnyknoll Avenue to the Middlesex County case. Sanatorium was signed. Upon motion of Mr. Giroux, seconded by Mr. Ross, the following permits were granted: John W. Leary 45 Waltham Street Pub. Carriage (2 cars) Mrs. Martha Dinsmore 18 Winn Street, Woburn - Common Victuallers Arthur A. and Ralph H. Marshall - 1844 Mass. Ave. - Undertaker ' Marie A. t1iller - Marrett Road — Sunday Sales Swenson Bros. - Allen Street - Keeping of swine Carroll Bros. .Chester A. Fogg - 239 Woburn St.- Ryder's Stock Farm - Maple Street - n n n William B. Powers - Lowell Street- Trans. of Garbage Chester A. Fogg - 239 Woburn St. - " It " Licenses A. S. Duren - Bedford Road,Carlisleft - " "n �� n A. C. Bierenbroodspot - Wood St.,Bedford - Ernest K. Ballard - 148 Wood Street -n rt Manuel Silva, - Lincoln, Mass. John A. Janse, 26 Greenwood St., Newton- Frank Dias -388 Concord Ave.,Lexingtcn - Frank P. Reynolds - South Rd., Bedford - Cornelius Shea - Lincoln - Carroll Brothers - Allen Street - Mass. Reformatory - West Concord - Ryders Stock Farm,Inc. - 83 Cary Ave. - n n n John Glennie, Inc. - 1745 Osgood St.,No. Andover George Callahan - Crosby Rd., Bedford John McHugh - Lincoln, Mass. Legislative Mr. Giroux said that he would like to know if there I Districts was any truth to the talk that the Legislative Districts were to be charged. He suggested that the County ' Commissioners be written to see if there was any truth to the story that Lexington might be included in a different Legislative District with some other town instead of with the Town of Arlington. H H 1 Mr. Giroux moved that the Chairman write a letter Letter to to the Mayor of Philadelphia introducing the Lexington Philadel- track team which will go down to the Penn Relays. phis. Request was received from the Lexington P.T.A. for the use of Estabrook Hall on N?ay 21st from 1;00 to 4:00 Use of o'clock in the afternoon and from 7:00 to 9:00 in the Estabrook evening for educational purposes. Mr. Potter moved that Hall the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Board siped commitment of water serviceconnections in the amount of Q55.56 and commitment of sewer service Commitments connections in the amount of $312.69. The Welfare Agent discussed welfare matters with the Board. Nelfare The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk.