HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-04-12393 SELECTMEN'S MEETING APRIL 12, 1937. A regular meeting of the Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Ferguson, Messrs. Potter, Clark, Giroux and Ross were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 P.M., Mr. James J. Carroll appeared before the Board for the drawing of a juror to serve at the Juror. criminal session in Cambridge beginning Monday, May 3rd, 1937. Mr. James W. Lowry, electrical engineer, of 36 Charles Street, was the juror drawn. At 8:00 P.M. hearing was declared open on the appli- cation of. Mrs. Hermina Marsolais for permission to main- tain a one car garage at lot #181 Calvin Street. Mr. & Marsolais Mrs. Marsolais appeared in favor of the petition. Mr. Garage Marsolais said that he wanted to change the plan a little Hearing. bit and that instead of putting the garage on the side, it was to be put in the back of the house. The Chairman told him to take the matter up with the Building Inspector. Mr. Ross moved that the permit be granted subject to the ' approval of the Building Inspector. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. At 8;05 P.M. hearing was declared open on the appli- cation of Vernon T. and E. Irene Robinson for permission Robinson to maintain a one car garage of wooden construction off garage Columbus Street. ]yrs. Robinson appeared in favor of the hearing. petitim. No persons appeared in opposition. Mr. Potter moved that the permit be granted subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Potter moved that the Dog Clinic be held from 2:00 to 6:00 P.M. on May 5, 6, 7 and 8. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Dog Mr. Potter moved that the Board of Selectmen, Clinic. acting as the Board of Health, adopt the -following regulation: "No person residing in the Town shall allow any dog belonging to him to run at large in the Town unless said dog shall have been.vaccinated against rabies at some time during the previous twelve months; this regulation to remain in effect until December 31, 1937". Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. At 8:10 P.M. hearing was declared open on the petition of the New Eng. Tel. & Tel. Co. and the Edison Pole Electric Ill. Co. for a joint location of poles on the location. northwesterly and westerly sides of Lincoln Street. 394 Linney re water in Shade St. Mr. Busby of the New England Tel. & Tel. Co, appeared in favor of the petition.. No persons appeared in opposition. Mr. Potter moved that the permit be granted, Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. A Mr. William Linney appeared before the Board and said that he came in to see about an extension of the water main in Shade Street, which extension had been turned down by'the Town at the Annual Town Meeting. He said that he had built a house and had to have water. Before he purchased his lot, he asked for a petition for an extension of the water main and he signed it along with Neil McIntosh and each lot owner on his side of Shade Street. He said that the Water Dept. put a connection at Shedd and Weston Streets preparatory to putting a main in Shade Street. He said that someone from the Water Dept. went by his lot and told his men that they were going to put in water soon. He asked what would have to be done to have water installed. The Chairman said that the matter could be taken up at the next Town Meeting; the owners of the street could pay in full for the installation of the main and take their chances on the town's taking it over and reimbursing them later on; that he probably could have the extension put in under the guarant7. system, or he could put in an artesiAn well. Mr. Linney -said that he believed a great many more people would build if there were w6ter in the street. Mr. Ross asked when Linney purchased the land and he said that he purchased it-laa*-November. Mr, Rose asked if Mr. McIntosh guaranteed him water and he stated that he did not but that he did agree to sign the petition for the extension. Mr. Linney asked where he could get water if he had to carry it: and the Board said that he probably would have to get it from his neighbors. He said that he would try to get in touch with J. Willard Hayden to see if he would come in with him on the extension. He retired. Mr. N. S. Richardson, Jr. appeared before the Board 1 U and said he was representing the Watch Tower, Jehovah's Witnesses. In placing.the Gospel before the people, he Watch Tower said it was not a commercial enterprise but to encourage request Bible study in the homes. He said that the organization for sound wanted a permit to operate a sound car through Lexington car permit. and that nothing would be broadcast to antogonize the people. Mr. Ross asked when they would use the trucks and Richardson replied that they would use the trucks whenever the authorities would allow them to do so. The Chairman asked how long they would want to usd the trucks. He said that they would not use them more thorn three days a week at the very most and in the summer they might be out until 8.30 in the evening but not in the winter. They cover Boston and its suberbs and are 1 U Mr. Raymond said that the Scott agreement gave the heirs of Scott the right to locate two roads acroos the Park land and the matter has not been settled yet. The Ryders now own the land end the Town Counsel has given his opinion that the right that Scott reserved now vests in the Ryders. Mr. Potter said that he would like to include this matter in the settlement of the drainage cases. Mr. Raymond said that the ways had never been laid out and defined and apparently the Town and the Ryders would have to come to some agreement. Mr. Raymond presented a plan showing the playground and Ryder prop- erties and said that this was a plan of Barnes (Ryders' engineer). It was supposed to be in conformity with the old plan of Shurtleff. The Chairman said that the thing to do was to make the layout with the roads as shown on Barnes' plan and to get an agreement from the Ryders. Letter was received from the Town Treasurer stating that on April 30th, 1937, the sum of $100,000.00 was due to be paid by the Town on notes. Mr. Potter moved that bids be taken on Tuesday evening, April 20th, 1937 at 7:30 P;M. on the borrowing -of $100,000.00 in anticipation of revenue, the bids to be dated April 21, 1937 and payable December 3,'1937. 'Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it -was so voted. 395 Cover on Parks' cesspool. Ryder property near Park land. Loan. now operating in Roxbury. They had a sound car in Bed- ford yesterday. Mr. Ross asked if any towns had ever refused them a.permit and Mr. Richardson said that that happened very seldom. They have a permit in Cambridge and are going to try to get a permit from Arlington. He said that short sermons, taking about four and a half minutes, were broadcast. The Chairman told him that the matter would be taken under advisement and he retired. Mr. Giroux moved that the request be refused on the grounds that it has been the custom of the Board in the past to object to sound cars. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that in 1923 the County made a layout of Bedford Street near North Hancock Street and there was a taking made at the Parks property at 265 Bedford Street. The cover of the Parks' cesspool isout on the right of way and the cover is not very heavy so that boys could easily remove it and a car might go over it and be damaged. The Town Counsel thought that a very heavy cover should be put on it. The Chairman . asked if Parks should do this or if the Town should do it. Mr. Raymond said that Parks never placed a claim for damages but if he was forced to do this -work now, he might open up his claim. Mr. Ross moved that Mr. Raymond ' be.authorized to have the heavy cover put on. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that the Scott agreement gave the heirs of Scott the right to locate two roads acroos the Park land and the matter has not been settled yet. The Ryders now own the land end the Town Counsel has given his opinion that the right that Scott reserved now vests in the Ryders. Mr. Potter said that he would like to include this matter in the settlement of the drainage cases. Mr. Raymond said that the ways had never been laid out and defined and apparently the Town and the Ryders would have to come to some agreement. Mr. Raymond presented a plan showing the playground and Ryder prop- erties and said that this was a plan of Barnes (Ryders' engineer). It was supposed to be in conformity with the old plan of Shurtleff. The Chairman said that the thing to do was to make the layout with the roads as shown on Barnes' plan and to get an agreement from the Ryders. Letter was received from the Town Treasurer stating that on April 30th, 1937, the sum of $100,000.00 was due to be paid by the Town on notes. Mr. Potter moved that bids be taken on Tuesday evening, April 20th, 1937 at 7:30 P;M. on the borrowing -of $100,000.00 in anticipation of revenue, the bids to be dated April 21, 1937 and payable December 3,'1937. 'Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it -was so voted. 395 Cover on Parks' cesspool. Ryder property near Park land. Loan. 396 The Board discussed the matter of bids for shovel ' work. The bids presented last week were as follows.- ollows;John JohnA. Gaffey - $5.17 R. H. Stevens - 5.50 University Excavating Co. - 51.65 Mr. Raymond said that he had a letter from Mr. Stevens stating that his bid provided for wages in accordance with the State regulations and payment of Shovel the trailer charges one way. He also had a letter from bids. John A. Gaffey stating that he would pay wages in accordance with State regulations and the transpottation one way would have to be paid by the Town. If the shovel is taken from the Town while it is being used, Gaffey will pay for the transportation. In response to Mr. Ross's inquiry.. Mr. Raymond stated that last year a total of $21,693.50 was paid R. H. Stevens by the Town of Lexington. Mr. Potter asked how many hours the shovel would be needed this year and Mr. Raymond said that he did not have a very definite idea of that but he believed it would not be over 300 hours* Mr. Ross said that he was in favor of giving the contract to Stevens but he thought his money should be held up until the bills owed the Town were paid. Mr. Giroux ,suggested that the Chairman discuss the matter further with Mr. Stevens to see what he would do about it. Mr. Raymond said that he wanted to use the shovel tomorrow, ' Mr. Clark asked whythe contract should not be awarded to Gaffey as he walow, and Mr. Raymond said that it was because of the transportation cost. Mr. Clark moved that the shovel contract be awarded to R. H. Stevens, the details of the collection of money to be worked out by the Selectmen. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. The following bids were received for sand and gravel: to . o aio $4 n m Bids for m H m rd 0 o b 0 0 �' .P Sand and m ,a r. .v 9 CO Gravel am �`�0 2�m •$t .0 40 �d� > x x M 0v av�c�� �z a Fine Sand $1.25 $1.05 $1.10 $1.15 $ .85 Coarse Sand(1/8 to 3A 1.15 1.05 1.00 1.00 .85 ix - Peastone e 1.75 1.55 1.60 1..50 1.20 #1 Stone 1.65 1.45 1.45 1.50 1,10 #2 -Stone 1.65 1.45 1.45 1.50 1.10 Rough Bank Gravel .65 .80 1.00 .40 ' Crushed Bank Gravel 1.15 1.15 1.25 .90 Spreading Charge 920 ,25 .20 Mr. Clark moved that the contract be awarded to R. H. Stevens, the low bidder. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Potter moved that 25% be deducted from the money to be paid Stevens for the purchase of sand and gravel and 10% be deducted from the money to be paid him for the hire of equipment, and that the money deducted be paid toward his account for outstanding water bills. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that he had received an application for the use of Cary Hall on Thursday, November 18th, from the Church of Our Redeemer for a fair and supper. Mr. Clark moved that the use of the hall be granted subject to the minimum fee of $15.00. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that he had received two applications for the position in the Engineering Department, one from W. S. Mariner, 82 High Street, Canton and one from William H. Kearns of Wachusett Drive, Lexington. Mr. Raymond said that he had interviewed both of the applicants and he thought them both qualified for the position. Kearns is 46 gears old and Mariner is 31. He recommended that Mariner be employed at the rate of $34.00, which is the ' salary that the Board stated it would be willing to pay. Mr. Clark suggested that the job be offered to Kearns at $34.00 and if he refuses, that the job be offered to Mariner at the same rate of pay. Both applicants were approved by the Board, but it was felt that the job should be offered to the local resident first. The following bids were received on the two ton truck with special body for patching; F. K. Johnson $1198.35 -Calvin W. Childs 1242.00 International, Model D.30 1439.73 Colonial Garage, Inc. G.M.C. - T.16-H.B. 1480.23 Sterling - Fed. 15 1497.38 -Reo 1560.65 International - Model D-35 1662.97 M. S. O'Brien - Dodge 1734.50 Mack, Jr. 2064.94 Mr. Raymond recommended that the truck be purchased from F. K. Johnson. Mr. Clark moved that the Supt's. recommendation be adopted. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. The following bids were received for furnishing a ' Sedan for the Engineering Department: 397 Stevens - payment on bills. Use of Hall. Employment of Engineer. Bids on Truck Bids on Sedan for Eng ine eri ng Dept. Bids on '.Coupe for Highway Dept. Town Garage - Plymouth Less Allowance Net price (Fed. tax to be deducted) F. K. Johnson - Chevrolet Less Allowance $267.25 Less Fed. Tax 17.25 Calvin W. Childs Less Allowance Less Fed. Tax Colonial Garage , Less allowance Less Fed. Tax Net Pr c� a �- Ford 85 $225.00 13.51 Net Price Pontiac $272.00 13.51 Net Price $660.00 325.00 3336eOO $664.50 284,50 4390,00 $649.00 238.51 $806.00 285.51 Mr. Potter moved that the bid of the Town Garage be accepted. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. The following bids were received on furnishing a Coupe for the Highway Department:_ F. K. Johnson - Chevrolet $628.50, Less allowance $292.05 Less Fed. Tax 16.45 308050 . Net Price 6320.00 Calvin W. Childs - Ford Less allowance $265.00 Less $44. for 60 H.P. 44.00 Net"Price Less allowance Leas Fed. Tax Town Garage Ford $265.00 12..00 Plymouth Less allowance $275.00 Less $5. for black 5.00 Less Fed. Tax 12.47 Net Price $634, 00 309000 $634.00 277.00 5:50 $625.00 292.47 -`§33.5 Colonial Garage - Pontiac $780.00 Less allowance 330.00 9 =o Mr. Clark moved that the Coupe be purchased from F. K. Johnson, but it was not carried. Mr. Ross said 1 Letter was received from the Supt. of the Highway Division requesting that the following wage increases be granted; Name From To. WallaceeW s nger.6�r hour 4.65 per hour Andrew Hammarbeck .55 60 " " Frederick Maloney .50 & $1.00 $.60 & $1.00 John Wood 8.50 .55 John Sweeney .55 .60 Mr. Ross moved that the increases be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Giroux stated that Miss McCaffrey called him with regard to the fence on her property at Parker Street and he told her that the matter would probably be taken up at the next Town Meeting. The Chairman said that he told her the same thing in his letter to her. Mr. Giroux said that Miss McCaffrey also complained that the Town had,damaged her property on Mass. Avenue when that street was rebuilt. The damage to other properties was repaired but hers was not. Mr. Raymond said that the Town had a license from Miss McCaffrey to maintain a water pipe to the playground through her land, which license reads that the pipe shall be taken out when the McCaffreys request it, and she says that if the fence is not fixed the Town will have a request for the removal of the pipe. The Chairman said he thought the Town could take an easement there inasmuch as the pipe was already installed. Mr. Raymond said that he would look into the matter of the damage to her. property on Mass. Avenue. 399 Highway Division wage increases McCaffrey fence and damage to property Mr. Giroux stated that Katherine Harrington requested one hour parking on her side of Clarke Street. The Parking Chairman suggested that a report on the matter be on Clarke requested from the Chief of Police. Street. Letter was received from Mr. A. B. Tenney relative to the traffic lights at the junction of Watertown Street and the Concord Turnpike. He asked if it was possible ' that the Board was changing its policy of last year, as it was the policy then to purchase the trucks from Childs and the pleasure cars from Johnson, and the Board was now awarding both trucks and pleasure cars to Johnson. Mr. Giroux said that he was inclined to agree with Mr. Ross that the business should be split up. Mr. Raymond said that they had no car for Mr. Beach and he had been using the Supt. of Public Works' car which worked out satisfac- torily in the past few months but which would not do much longer as construction work would be in progress. Mr. Clark again moved that the Coupe be purchased from F. K. Johnson. Mr. Potter seconded the motion. Mr. Ferguson voted in favor and Messrs. Ross and Giroux voted in opposition. The motion was carried. 1 Letter was received from the Supt. of the Highway Division requesting that the following wage increases be granted; Name From To. WallaceeW s nger.6�r hour 4.65 per hour Andrew Hammarbeck .55 60 " " Frederick Maloney .50 & $1.00 $.60 & $1.00 John Wood 8.50 .55 John Sweeney .55 .60 Mr. Ross moved that the increases be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Giroux stated that Miss McCaffrey called him with regard to the fence on her property at Parker Street and he told her that the matter would probably be taken up at the next Town Meeting. The Chairman said that he told her the same thing in his letter to her. Mr. Giroux said that Miss McCaffrey also complained that the Town had,damaged her property on Mass. Avenue when that street was rebuilt. The damage to other properties was repaired but hers was not. Mr. Raymond said that the Town had a license from Miss McCaffrey to maintain a water pipe to the playground through her land, which license reads that the pipe shall be taken out when the McCaffreys request it, and she says that if the fence is not fixed the Town will have a request for the removal of the pipe. The Chairman said he thought the Town could take an easement there inasmuch as the pipe was already installed. Mr. Raymond said that he would look into the matter of the damage to her. property on Mass. Avenue. 399 Highway Division wage increases McCaffrey fence and damage to property Mr. Giroux stated that Katherine Harrington requested one hour parking on her side of Clarke Street. The Parking Chairman suggested that a report on the matter be on Clarke requested from the Chief of Police. Street. Letter was received from Mr. A. B. Tenney relative to the traffic lights at the junction of Watertown Street and the Concord Turnpike. He asked if it was possible ' 400 Letter was received from Mrs. L. F. Ellis, to Speeding which was attached a copy of letter she had written the on Chif ofhPolice r,lhative to tle pleding on Waltham Street, her Waltham St. as ouse6 a requeste tia something be done to emer:?otm� 6Snthat a "Slow" sign be set up and that the Police Department be requested to enforce the speeding regulations and that Mrs. Ellis be so advised. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. ' to readjust the timing of the Ught.s so that people Letter of thanks was received from Matthew Steven - thanks. coming from Watertown onto the Turnpike and those increase in salary. Lights at coming from Lexington onto the Turnpike could enter it at Invitation ington-Encampment, to attend an athletic night on Watertown different intervals of time. He also suggested that an Street & arrow be placed so that people coming from Cambridge' Request was received from Ina A. Dovm.s, Deputy Concord along the Turnpike toward Lexington could turn to the permit o Turnpike. right into Watertown Street without having to stop. the 19th of April at the following locations: The Chairman said that the arrow had been installed 1736 Mass.' Ave. - Residence of L. H. Truesdell. since about one month ago. Mr. Raymond said that the Mr. Clark moved that permission be granted. Mr. matter had been discussed with the traffic engineer for the State, who said that tYs re was no reliable timing device allowing for the delay of -one of the lights at the present time but that they were working on such a device and hoped that it would be perfected soon. Mr. Giroux suggested that Mr. Raymond advise Mr. Tenney what had been done on the matter. Letter was received from James A. Guthrie applying Application for a position as foreman on Public Welfare, Labor and for Superintendence. Mr. Raymond said that Guthrie spoke to position as him about the job and he asked him for a letter stating foreman. his qualffibations but he had not received it. The Chairman stated that he thought the matter should be turned over to the Supt. of Public Works to pick out his own foreman. Mr. Giroux,moved that the Chairmanrs ' recommendation be approved. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from Mrs. L. F. Ellis, to Speeding which was attached a copy of letter she had written the on Chif ofhPolice r,lhative to tle pleding on Waltham Street, her Waltham St. as ouse6 a requeste tia something be done to emer:?otm� 6Snthat a "Slow" sign be set up and that the Police Department be requested to enforce the speeding regulations and that Mrs. Ellis be so advised. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. ' Letter of Letter of thanks was received from Matthew Steven - thanks. son for his appointment for the ensuing year and for his increase in salary. Invitation was received from the I*0,0,F., Arl- Invitation ington-Encampment, to attend an athletic night on Monday, April 26th. It was voted to accept the in- vitation with thanks. Request was received from Ina A. Dovm.s, Deputy Girl Sc is Commissioner, Lexington Girl Scouts, that the Lexington permit o Girl Scouts be granted permission to sell cookies on sell cookies. the 19th of April at the following locations: ' 1888 Mass, Ave. - Residence of Rev. Marshall; 1736 Mass.' Ave. - Residence of L. H. Truesdell. Mr. Clark moved that permission be granted. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. iff The Chairman said that he had received a letter from the 19th of April Committee statin{ that the Committee was not in favor of granting a permit to Mr. John A. May Permit of the Mass. State Guard, Lexington Unit, to operate a for stand stand on the .19th of April. Mr. Giroux moved that the request be refused. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Town Counsel stating Pierce that the attorney for Mr. Pierce in the case of Pierce case. vs. Lexington had agreed to settle for $37.50. Letter was received from the Town Counsel stating that he had collected $420.00 from D, J. OlConnell in Settlement settlement of an execution against him in the case of of water Lexington vs. Yereadante et al. Mr. 111rightington said guaranties that this completed work on the water guaranties which he was instructed to collect in March, 1935, and he enclosed a bill in the amount of $409.80. Mr. Wright- ington collected nearly $31,000,00, Mr. Ross moved that the check be accepted and the bill approved. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and -it was so voted. ' Letter was received from the Town Counsel stating that he found no authority for the election of Field Drivers and Fence Viewers. He said that General Laws, Appointment Chapter 49, Section 1 says that the Selectmen shall of Field annually appoint two or more fence viewers and Section Drivers. 22 provides that the Selectmen may appoint Field Drivers. He suggested that the Selectmen incorporate in their records, an a-.)pointment of the same officers that were elected at the Town Meeting and that hereafter the appointments be made by the Selectmen each year and that no further votes of this character be made by the Town. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Giroux, it was voted to grant the following licenses: C. Ee Barnaby, 1804 Mass. Avenue - Bowling Alleys Lowell Rendering Co-*', Lowell - Trans. of Garbage License Licenses The Salvation Army, Boston - Junk Collector=s License Hyman Weiss, Stoneham, " if " L. J. Reynolds, 1736 Mass. Ave.- Overhanging Sign " F. K. Bgllat4p 148 Wood Street - Keeping of Swine Western Union, Mass. Avenue - Overhanging Sign Marion B. Holt, 844 Mass. Ave. i Intelligence Office ' Mr. Giroux suggested that the Chairman write a Letter of letter of thanks to Allan Adams for the bound copies thanks of the Town Report. MY Fhe meeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk., 1 1 1 The Board discussed the matter of changing the Chnnge of meeting night from. Tuesday to Monday and the Chairman meeting said that.the week would have to end on Thursday night. instead of Saturday and that the first week the lab- orers would lose one and a half days' pay. The Chair- man suggested that the Supt. of Public Works get the reaction of the laborers to this change. Mr. Ross stated that he wanted to discuss the Police Police situation. He suggested that the Chief be Dept. requested to shift around the day and night men. The Chairman suggested that the Chief be invited to appear at the next meeting to discuss the matter. Mr. Giroux moved that the Chief of Police be Junk written a letter requesting him to prosecute persons Licenses, collecting junk without a license. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Brown Mr. Ross stated.that he had received a call about Zoning the Roger Brown violation of the Zoning Law on.Marrett Violation. Road. The Chairman said that the matter had been turned over to the Building Inspector for action. The Welfare Agent discussed welfare matters with the Board. Fhe meeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk., 1 1 1