HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-03-30367 SELECTMEN'S MEETING MARCH 30, 1937. A regular meeting of the Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Ferguson, Messrs. Potter, Giroux, Clark and Ross were present. The Clerk was also present. Mr. Leo A. Boynton appeared before the Board. He statedthat he hada junk yard on Sylvia Street which it was necessary for him to maintain because he always had some surplus that he had to throw off and always had some junk that he had to store. At the time that he got his junk license in Arlington his mother-in-law had this yard in Lexington and it was previous to the enactment of the Zoning Law. He said that when he took over the property the yard was in a terrible condition and he spent a great deal of money fixing it up. Boynton said that no one ever objected to the yard ex- cept Emil Zacharias, who got some people to sign a petition asking to enjoin Boynton from maintaining the yard. Boynton said that he had tried his best to get a yard in another Town but has been unsuccessful. He tried to get two places in Arlington and one in �woburn. He wanted to know if something could be done so that Boynton he could stay in his present location. He said that re junk he understood that he had lost the case but it was yard. impossible for him to establish himself in any location. If he had known when he started the business that it was necessary to get a license to store junk, he would have got it and if he had, he would not have lost the case. He said that he had been in his present location for fourteen years. The Chairman said that there was nothing that the Board could do inasmuch as the case was decided in favor of the Town and the Board could not very well turn around and go against the judgment of the Court. He said that the neighbors had objected to the maintenance, - of the yard and were still objecting; the Judge had madd his finding which was that Boynton was violating the Zoning Law; and that was all there was to it. The Chairman said that the Selectmen understood that Boynton'_s lawyer knew that he had to get another yard. Mr. Boynton retired. At 8;10 P.M. hearing was declared open upon the application of William A., Philip and R. Lockwood Tower for, the approval of the Board of Survey of a layout of land known as the Tower Estate consisting of 113 acrds of land on the southeasterly side of Pollen Road. The notice of the hearing was read by the Chairman. 368 c� x Mr. Louis Reynolds and Mr. Franklin W. Coleman appeared in favor of the granting of the petition. Mr. Kimball, representing the Planning Board, the Town Engineer and the Supt. of Public Works were also present. Mr. Reynolds said that he was representing the Tower Estate. M.r. Cosgrove presented two plans, one made up in 1932 and the other in 1937. He said that .the only extension that did not exist at least on paper,' was Richard Road. Locust Avenue was accepted through to Follen Road in 1930 and Lexington Avenue was approved by the Board of Survey when the layout of the Smith property was approved about five years ago. Mr. Cosgrove said that all the Towers wanted to develop now were the lots on the easterly side of Follen Road and those lots on the westerly side immediately abutting on Follen Road. Mr. Reynolds said that it -was the intention to build houses that would sell for about $15,000.00. Mr. Cosgrove said that Richard Road would 4 simply be extended and this and Lexington.Avenue would probably have the same names. Mr. Kimball stated that Tower. the Planning Board had approved the layout as shown on Board of the plan. Mr. Clark asked what size water main was in Survey Follen Road and Mr. Cosgrove stated that it was an eight Hearing. inch main but that there was no sewer in there. However., the lots on both sides of Follen Road could be served by the present sewer system. No persons appeared in opposition and the hearing was declared closed at 8:25 P.M. Messrs. Coleman and Reynolds retired. Mr. Potter moved that the layout as shown on the plans entitled "Proposed Development, Westerly of Follen Road, Scale 1 in. - 100 ft., March 15, 1937, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer", and "Proposed Development, Easterly of Follen Road, Scale 1 in. - 40 ft., Jan. 11, 1932,, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer", be approved. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. The final plan will show the property on the easterly side of Follen Road and the lots on the westerly side immediately abutting Follen Road and will contain a development title inasmuch as the development has not as yet been named. The Supt. of Public Works read a letter received from Francis Burke dated December 9, 1936, stating McCaffrey that Mrs. Mary F. McCaffrey of Lincoln Street had con - claim sulted him on the matter of damages to her property growing out of the widening of that street. Mr. Ray- mond said that he contacted Mr. Burke on the matter at the time the letter was received and Burke just called last week to discuss the claim. Mr. Raymond said that the County Commissioners plan on the widening of Lincoln Street said that an indefinite area was taken 1 1 1 no from the McCaffrey land. He showed Mr. Burke the plan and told him that he could not tell from the plan that there was any taking and if there was, it was probably not more than 100 feet. Mr. Burke requested that the matter be taken up with the Selectmen to see if they wanted to make an award. Mr. Potter moved that no action be taken on the matter. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond asked the Board's approval for turning in an old sprayer toward the purchase of new equipment. Turning in Mr. Potter moved that the matter be left in the hands old spray - of Mr. Raymond. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it er, was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that he had talked to two men about the position in the Engineering Department. One was a Lexington man and the other lives in Canton. The first man is now employed and does not want the position and Mr. Raymond thought that the second man would make an excellant man for the job. Mr. Giroux moved that an advertisement be inserted in the local paper for an engineer. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond asked the Board what salary should be paid and he recommended that the man be paid $40.00 per week for the balance of the year. The matter was held over for one week. Mr. Raymond wanted to know what the Selectmen wanted to do about the purchase of the Highway truck and car and the Engineering car. Mr. Giroux moved that Mr. Raymond take bids on the equipment and that it be left to his discretion as to whom he should get bids from. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond reported that Waltham had done quite a lot of work on the Hardy's Pond Brook. He said that Waltham had a culvert which would take all the water Lexington could give it. He said that there was a nest of boulders in the line which could be removed without any considerable expense - say for a few hundred dollars. However, he did not see that there was any real obliga- tion on the part of the Town to.do the work as he thought the boulders were a natural obstruction. The Chairman asked if he thought there was any obligation on account of the Town dumping surface water into the brook and he said that he was not sure. He thought the land would be improved materially if this was done. He said that the work could be done out of the miscellaneous drainage appropriation. Mr. Clark moved that TIr. Raymond study the matter Man for Engineerin@ Department Purchase of cars Hardy's Pond Brool 370 Billboards. Town Painter. Bookcase. further and that he be given authority to go ahead and have the work done if he sees fit, provided he obtained releases from Cutler and the other owner be- fore the work was done. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Notice of applications was received from the State Dept. of Public Works for permits to maintain billboards at the following locations; - Permit 1#1586 - On Route 2A - 5 miles east of Concord; It #70 it {#3352 - " " " - 2 miles west of Arlington. The Clerk was instructed to find out if these billboards were still standing with permits previously granted and discuss the matter with the Town Counsel to see if there was anything that could be done to refuse the maintenance of the Boards. Mr. Raymond. asked the Board what he was to do about a Town Painter and it was decided not to make any decision in the matter but to leave it to Mr. Raymond's discretion. Mr. Raymond said that he would like to -buy a steel bookcase out of the Unclassified Account. The Board felt that it was much_ too early in the year to be charging things to this account. The Chairman asked if there was a carpenter on Welfare that could do this work and Mr. Raymond said that he would check up on the list. Mr. Raymond said that he could get a dump body with a hand hoist for about $205. (for the Water Depart - Hoist for ment). He said that he had received a complaint from Water the Insurance Company about the condition of the old' Department. hoist and he told the company that the Town was going to buy a new one. Mr. Ross moved that the purchase of the dump body with hand hoist be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that he had talked with Peter Canessa who said he owed a great deal of money. He Canessa's owes the Telephone Company over $20. and says that telephone. just as soon as he gets a check from Cambridge he will pay that bill and have a telephone installed. He expects to get a check by the 10th of April. He told Mr. Raymond that he did not want the job in Lexington and then in the next breath he said that he did. Mr. Giroux moved that the matter be left in the hands of Mr. Raymond to straighten out with Canessa. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. u 1 u Mr. Giroux moved the officer in charge until May 1st, 1937. and it was so voted. that Peter Canessa be appointed of the odorless cart to serve Mr. Potter seconded the motion Mr. Raymond asked if there was any work that could be done and charged to the 5,000. appropriated under Article 52 in the Warrant for the Annual Meeting. The Chairman suggested that he submit a list of jobs that the hien might be used on and he said that the Board was going to get a list of men on Welfare from Mr. Mitchell. Mr. Raymond said that Thomas Doherty was supervising welfare mem at the Golf Links and,e wanted to low if his wages were to be charged to this account or to the Public Works Labor and Materials appropriation. It was felt that Mr. Doherty?s wages should be charged to Labor and Materials. Mr. Raymond said that he had in mind putting four Welfare men to work five days a week cleaning_ streets and paying them from this new appropriation. The Chairman wondered if the Board could authorize this inasmuch as it was regular Town work. The Clerk was requested to check with the Town Counsel on the matter. ' Mr. Raymond showed -the Board samples of work done by Fleming the printer. Included was stationery on which Fleming had used the old Town seal. The Board felt that the work should be done over. 371 Appointment of Canessa. Welfare men to work under Article 52 Printing Mr. Giroux stated that the Florence Crittendon League would like to use Cary Hall some afternoon early Use of in May for a charity affair. Mr. Potter moved that the Hall use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Ross said that he heard that the Briggs Class wanted to use Cary Hall on Sundays up until the 19th Use of of April. The Chairman stated that T. A. Custance told Hall by him that the Briggs Class would be willing to pay Briggs $5.00 per Sunday for the use of the hall. Mr. Giroux Class. moved that the matter be left in the hands of the Chairman to settle as he thought best. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Giroux stated that he had received a complaint from Katherine Harrington about the parking on Clarke Parking on Street. She wanted to know if she could have a "No Clarke St. Parking" sign after 8;30 P.P11. It was felt that it would ' not be proper to puha sign at this location. The Board discussed the matter of traffic violations In the center of the Town. The Chairman said that the 372 �c flagrant disregard of traffic regulations had been called ' Traffic to his attention, particularly the violating of the violations "No U Turn" and double parking regulations. in center. Mr. Ross moved that a letter be sent to the Chief calling his attention to the matter and requesting that the officers enforce the regulations rigidly. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Giroux asked if the Board would consider allow - Flag in ing the Lexington Public Health Association to put up center - flags in the center of the Town in the holes provided Pub. Health by the Town for the flags usually flown on holidays. Assoc. The organization would provide the flags and would like to erect them one week prior and during the week of its campaign. The Clerk was instructed to check with the Town Counsel to see what the liability of the Town would be in case of an accidant. It was decided to hold the matter over for one week. Letter was received from Miss Helen McCaffrey of 33 Parker Street complaining of the condition of the fence between her property and Parker Field. Miss McCaffrey McCaffrey claimed that her property was damaged fence. greatly by persons crawling through the fence and trespassing on her property. She requested that the Town do something about the fence. ' Mr. Raymond said that he thought about 75 feet of fence would be needed and that it would cost less then $100.00. It was decided to request Mr. Raymond to check up on the matter and find out how much it would cost to havd the fence fixed up. Heywood - Board of Appeals findings granting permission to Bd. of Appealer S. B. and M. Vi. Heywood to make an addition to the Order. property at 271 Marrett Road was received. Letter was received from Judge Pierre A. Northrup acknowledging receipt of the BoardTs letter offering to purchase the Barnes property at 1557 Mass. Avenue Barnes for the sum of $25,000.00. Judge Northrup said that property. the heirs realized that the Board's offer was merely a formality necessitated by the vote of the Town on March 22nd and was not made with _any expectations that the offer would be accepted. Judge Northrup said that acting as attorney for the heirs, on their behalf and on their instructions, that the offer of the Town of Lexington to purchase the property at 1557 Mass. Avenue was refused. Letter was received from the Town Counsel request- ' ing that the Board advise him what disposition was to ' be made of betterment assessments on the Smith property as a result of the construction of Valley Road. Smith says that his offer to sell the plot of land adjoining this Parker School to the Town involved an abatement of the betterment assessment and that at the time of conveyance, he wanted some assurance that this would be done. Mr. Clark moved that the betterment be abated and that a release be obtained. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Town Counsel relative to the case of Pierce vs. Town of Lexington brought to recover damages to hot water boiler which collapsed when a water main break occurred. The Appellate Division has reversed the decision of the District Court and sent the case back for a new trial in the District Court. The reason given by the Appellate Division was that the trial judge should have ruled that the Town was not responsible for negligence of employees of the Road Commissioners, the work having been done in the course of constructing a newly laid out highway. The damages assessed in the first trial was $50.00 and the attorney for the plaintiff urged Wrightington to persuade the, ' Board to settle the case now since the plaintiff has been without hot water since the accident nearly two years ago. Mr. Wrightington said that the case had already cost more than it was worth and that the present decision of the Appellate Division did not decide any- thing about the proper interpretation of the Water Regulations or the Plumbing By -Law as applied to this situation. He thought, however, on the basis of the ruling of the Appellate Division that the Town could reasonably expect decision in favor of the Town in the next trial, as there was no evidence of any negligence of the Water Department and in street construction the Selectmen act as Road Commissioners. Mr. Giroux moved that the Town Counsel be instructed to take the matter up with Pierce's attorney to see if Pierce would settle the case for $25.00. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Town Counsel stating that he had told Mr. Owen that the Selectmen would approve a payment to the Ryders of $10,000, in settle- ment of the Vine Brook Drainage cases in addition to recommending the construction of the conduit from Vine Brook Road to Hayes Lane. Mr. Owen asked if the whole of the $10,000, would have to be applied to payment ' toward arrears of taxes and he said he thought it could be arranged so that $4,000. would be paid through him so that he could secure his counsel fee. Mr. Owen said that he would talk with Mr. Ryder but Mr. Wright- ington has heard nothing from either. 373 Smith property Pierce case Ryder cases. 374 Letter was received from the Town Counsel relative to the Board's letter about the Town issuing releases Releases when betterments were paid. He said it had not usually of been the practice of cities and towns to record final betterments. diseh argds of them. The usual practice of conveyancers is to obtain from the Town Clerk a certificate of the payment or existence of ordinary tax and betterment liens. He thought that for the present the Collector's certificate was all that was necessary and said that this could be obtained by any person interested for a nominal charge. The following letter was received from the Health Officer; March 25, 1937. Board of Hea It h Lexington, Mass. Gen t lem en : D u On March 17, 1937 at the suggestion of the Clerk of the Board, Miss Lowe, I made a visit to the home of Frank S. Blondiet, 18 Vine Street, Lexington,'f or the purpose of ascertaining the conditions under which his family were living. The house in which they live should be condemned because it is so old and out of repair, having man y broken and patched windows, no door latches and many other such necessities lacking. There is no heat on the upper floor and the first Letter floor is heated with oil and coal. The condition of the from Dr. floor was such that one would not want to walk across Crumb re it without rubbers and still an infant less than a year Blondiets. old and two other small children were playing on it. There was filth and refuse strewn all over the place. The mother is very definitely a moron who does not keep herself or children in any semblance of cleanliness. The father is working on the W.P.A. and they receive assistance from the Lexington Welfare Department. The conditions under which this family live are so poor that the family as a whole are a definite health hazard to the community. This was very aptly illus- trated by their failure to comply with the Health Reg- ulations when recently quarantined for Scarlet Fever. Under the present conditions there is nothing to prevent the mother from continuing to bear children of the same unhealthy and deformed type as those she has. I strongly recommend that this family be placed in the hands of the Child Welfare Society and that the D u 1 C 1 mother be institutionalized for treatment. Respectfully submitted, (s) Harold J. Crumb, M.D. Health Officer. The Clerk explained that the School Nurse, Miss Weltch, and Miss Eastman had discussed the matter with her and requested that the Health Officer make an investigation of the premises. Mr. Giroux moved that the Board, acting as the Board'of Health, adopt the recommendation of the Health Officer that the children be placed in the hands of the Child Welfare Bureau and that the mother be institution- alized for treatment. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Lexington Co-op. Bank calling the Board's attention to the condition on the property of William'.MacDonald, 320 Waltham Street, on which the bank holds a mortgage. The letter said that apparently the surface water from Wachusett ., Drive flows across the lot at this point over the front lawn and washes out the dirt along the front foundation. The letter said that temporary relief was obtained by a small bank of earth being placed on the side of the street in an attempt to divert the water down Waltham Street. The Bank asked that the matter be looked into immediately and that action be taken. Mr. Giroux moved that the matter be turned over to Mr. Raymond for investigation and recommendation: Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. 375 MacDonald property Mr. Clark moved that the Clerk►s bond, issued Clerk's by the National Surety Corp. of N. Y. in the penal sum bond. of $1,000.'be approved. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Clark moved that Matthew Stevenson be appointed Slaughter Inspector to .serve until March 31st, 1936. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Slaughter Inspector Letter was received from Whitman and Howard'. Engineers, requesting that the Board consider that -firm . Engineers, when undertaking any municipal improvements in the line request of drainage, sewerage or water works. Mr. Giroux moved for that the matter be referred to the Supt. of Public Works. considers- Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. tion. Letter was received from Clarence S. Walker.accept- Retire - Ing his appointment to serve as a member of the Retire- ment Bd. ment Board. 376 Commitments. Licenses. ROBBINS Road Order. The following commitments were signed: Water Rates - j;5586.27 Water Miscellaneous charges - 42.23 Upon motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by Mr. Potter, it Was voted to grant the following licenses: H. P. Hood & Sons, Inc. - 1729 Mass.'Ave.-Overhanging Sign Eugene H. Partridge - 1709 " to �- !1 • it William Viano - 1794 If n - n n Ernest C. Martin - 1793 itI It E. A. Pero - 1786 It It D. F. Ross - 1789 e u D. F. Ross - 1765 Gabf'iel Baker - 1741 Theatre Pharmacy, Inc. - 1792 Chin Lee - 1784 New Eng. Tel. & Tel. & E. E. I. Co. - Joint pole loca- tion - Smith Avenue - Remove one pole - set one pole. New Erg. Tel. & Tel. & E. E. I. Co. - Joint 1 cations - existing poles - Cambridge -Concord Highway LL 4 poles. The Board signed the order of layout of Robbins Road as follows: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Town of Lexington At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington held on the 30th day of March, 1937, it is ORDERED: Whereas the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, having determined and adjudged that common convenience and necessity require that a town way be laid out in the location hereinafter described and having complied with the requirements of law relating to notice, did on the 16th day of February, 1937, lay out as a town way the way known as Robbins Road, from Locust Avenue to Lexington Avenue, a distance of approximately 790 feet, accordingly and duly filed their report of such laying out with the boundaries and the measurements of the same in the office of the Town Clerk of said town on the 25th day of February, 1937, and whereas at tL Town Meeting duly called warned and held on the 15th day of Marchand adjourned to the 22nd day of March, 1937, in accordance with the provisions of law applicable thereto, it was 1 n VOTED: That the Town accept the layout as a town ' way of Robbins Road, from Locust Avenue to Lexington Avenue, a distance of approximately 790 feet, as laid 377 ' out by the Selectmen, under the Betterment Act, and shown upon a certain plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated January 16, 1937, and to take by eminent domain the necessary easements therefor, and for the ' purpose of constructing said street the sum of $5400:00 to Road, be appropriated and assessed. Lexington, Mass., Scale Hor. 1 NUN.4 THEREFOR, we, the undersigned, being a majority of the Board of Selectmen of the said Town of Lexington, duly elected, qualified and acting as such, do hereby under and by virtue of the provisions of Chapter 79 of the General Laws and of any and every other power and authority us hereto in any way enabling, take the right or easement to use for all the purposes of a town way for the use of said town of Lexington, the land in said town bounded and described as follows: The easterly line of Robbins Road begins at a point in the southerly line of Locust Avenue, said point being westerly and distant 100.44 feet from an angle point in said southerly line of Locust Avenue, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 25.00 feet radius distant 32.84 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 20 261 33" W distant 342.77 feet to a point of curv- ' ature, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 214.31 feet radius distant 281.55 feet to a point of Im ngency, thence S 770 421,501f UJ distant 164.97 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 25.00 feet radius distant 32.84 feet to a point in the easterly line of Lexington Avenue. The westerly line of Robbins Road begins at a point in the southerly line of Locust Avenue, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 25.00 feet radius. distant 45.70 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 20 261 33" W distant 319.14 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 174.31 feet radius distant 229.00 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 770 421 50" W distant 141.31 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 25.00 feet radius distant 45.70 feet to a point in the easterly line of Lexington Avenue. The above described lines are parallel with and distant 40.00 feet from each other with the exception of the curved intersections at Locust Avenue and Lex- ington Avenue. ' The above description is a plan entitled "Plan and Profile intended to conform of Robbins to Road, Lexington, Mass., Scale Hor. 1 in. - 40 ft., Vert. 1 in. - 10 ft., January 16, 1937, John T. Cosgrove, Town 378 x Engineer", which plan is on file in the Town'Clerk's ' Office in said Lexington and a copy of which will be recorded with the South Registry District for the Land Court of the County of Middlesex, with a copy of this order. The above described land owned by: Percy C. Smith Reg. Land Cert.No. 28231 John J. & Mary A. McSweeney to it it " X0841 Eugene L. & Alma T. Morgan " " It " 33452 Eugene A. & Alma• Thayer Morgan " " it " 29528 Stanley I. & Margaret A. Phalen " tt " " 33413 Katherine F. Cameron " it It " 34562 Allan G. & Mary S. Galt it it it It 36521 William N. Robbins, Tr. it t° " it 39631 It it n It u rr n rr 39631 Henry & Antoinette W. Brask rr rr n rr 33638 William N. Robbins, Tr. " " " " 39631 William N. Robbins, Tr. " °' 't '° 39631 Benjamin J. Jr. & Mytttle L. Mayo rr ft 11 It 32867 Steele Lindsay it It ° 1129531 James McDevitt it it " " 89816 n n it It rr " 28235 Roland C. & Minerva E. Warner it n rr r' 40050 Homer J.& Helen G. Potter It "' " it 28233 Douglas T. & K. Mildred Gleason- " " " " 32681 All trees, if any, upon the land taken are included in this taking. Betterments are to be assessed for this improve- ment. The area which it is expected will receive benefit or advantage other than the general advantage to the community,, from such improvement is described as follows; The same being lands now or formerly of Percy C. Smith, John J. and Mary A. McSweeney, Eugene L. and Alma T. Morgan, Eugene A. and Alma Thayer Morgan, Stanley I. and Margaret A. Phalen, Katherine F. Cameron, Allan G. and Mary S. Galt, William N. Robbins, Tr., Henry and Antoinette W. Brask, Benjamin J. Jr. and Myrtle L. Mayo, Steele Lindsay, James McDevitt, Roland C. and Minerva E. Warner, Homer J. and Helen G. Potter, Douglas T. and K. Mildred Gleason, as shown on a plan entitled, "Plan and Profile of Robbins Road, Lexington, Mass., Scale Hor. 1 in. - 40 ft., Vert. 1 in. - 10 ft., January 16, ' 1937, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer". 379 The said area comprises the several lots shown upon the plan hereinbefore referred to, which are des- ignated in the schedule hereto annexed and made a p art hereof. We estimate the betterments that will be assessed upon each parcel of land to be as shown in the schedule which is hereto annexed and made a part hereof. We determine that no damages have been sustained and none are awarded. WITNESS our hands at Lexington aforesaid this thirtieth day of March, 1937. Charles E. Ferguson SELECTMEN Philip M. Clark of the Archibald R. Giroux Town Albert A. Ross of William G. Potter LEXINGTON. SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED BETTERMENTS REFERRED TO IN THE FOREGOING ORDER. ROBBINS ROAD Lot No. Owner,as of Jan. 1st, 1937 Reg. Land Assessment Cert. No. 4 Percy C. Smith X8-31 . $75.00 5 John J. & Mary A. McSweeney 30841 430.00 12 Eugene L. & Alma T. Morgan 33452 430.00 13 Eugene A. & Alma Thayer Morgan 29528 520.00 14 Stanley I. & Margaret A. Phalen 33413 430.00 15 Katherine F. Cameron 34562 290.00 16 Allan G. and Mary S. Galt 36521, 430.00 18 William N. Robbins, Tr. 39631 290.00 19 William N. Robbins, Tr. 39631 290.00 20A Henry and Antoinette W. Brask 33638 310.00 26B William N. Robbins, Tr. 39631 320.00 27 William N. Robbins, Tr. 39631 280.00 28 Benjamin J. Jr. & Myrtle L. Mayo 32867 280.00 29 Steele Lindsay 29531 290,00 30 James McDevitt 29816 290.00 31 James McDevitt 28235 290.00 32, Roland C. & Minerva E. Warner 40050 290.00 37 Homer J. and Helen G. Potter 28233 175.00 85 Douglas T. and K. Mildred Gleason 32681 85.00 ' The Board signed the order for the extension of the sewer in Vine Street as follows: 380 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Town of Lexington WHEREAS, the 'Town of Lexington at a Town Meeting duly called and held on March 15th, 1937 and adjourned to March 22nd, 1937, duly adopted under Article 17 of the Warrant the following vote: "Voted: That the Selectmen be authorized to install sewer mains in such accepted or unaccepted streets as may be applied for during the year 1937, in accordance with St. 1897, Ch. 504, as amended, or otherwise, and to take by.eminent domain the necessary easements therefor, and for the purpose of said install- ation the sum of $1700.00 be appropriated and transferred from the Sewer Assessment Fund', and at a meeting of the Board of Selectmen held on the 30th day -of March, 1937, it was voted to authorize the extension of the sewer in Vine Street, from the present end near Hayes Lane to a point northeasterly and distant about 110 feet, under the provisions of General Laws, Chapter 80, as follows: VOTED; By the Selectmen, acting as a Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners under the authority con- ferred by Statute 1897, Chapter 504 and Acts in amend- ' ment thereof and in addition thereto, and of votes of the Town of Lexington pursuant thereto, that a sewer be constructed in Vine Street, from the present end near Hayes Lane to a point northeasterly and distant about 110 feet, substantially in accordance with plan made by John T. Cos grove, Town Engineer, dated March 18, 1937, and entitled "Plan of Proposed Sewer in Vine Street, Lexington, Mass., Scale 1 in. - 40 ft., March 18, 1937, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer". Betterments will be assessed for this improvement in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 221 of the Acts of 1926. The area which it is expected will receive benefit or advantage other than the general advantage to the community from such improvement is described as follows: That portion of those properties on each side of Vine Street from the present end near Hayes Lane to a point northeasterly and distant about 110 feet. The names of the registered owners of the regis- tered land taken or affected and the certificates of title thereto are as follows: ' Name Certificate No. Elizabeth A. McDonnell 27068 381 ' The said area comprises the several lots shown upon the plan hereinbefore referred to which are designated in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. We estimate the betterments that will be assessed upon each parcel of land to be as shown in the schedule which is hereto an:�exed and made a part hereof. Witness our hands at Lexington aforesaid this thirtieth day of March, 1937. Charles E. Ferguson Selectmen Philip M. Clark Archibald R. Giroux of William G. Potter Albert A. Ross Lexington SC_DULE OF EST INIAI'ED BETTERMENTS REFERRED TC IN THE FOREGOING ORDER. Vine Street (From the present end near Hayes Lane to a point northeasterly and distant about 100 feet). ' Owner as of Jan. 15 1937 Reg. Land Approximate Cert. No. Assessment. Elizabeth A. McDonnell 27068 $245.00 Mary E. Reardon 180.00 Letter was received from John J. Garrity advis- ing the Board of the fact that the Lexington Grange had Meeting selected Tuesday, the 13th day of April, to stage its minstrel show. Mr. Potter moved that the meeting for that week be held on Monday evening, April 12th rather than on Tuesday the 13th. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Application for the admission of Robert S. Sanford Sanford of 132 Grant Street to the Middlesex County Sanator.ium T.B. was received. Mr. Clar<: moved that the application be application approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Town Treasurer to which was attached two subpoenas for appearance in Superior Court at Cambridge on Monday, May 1st, 1937, to answer to a petition for assessment of damages to Subpoenas,. ' the University Trust Co. Mr. Ross moved that the matter be turned over to the Town Counsel for his attention. Mr. Potter -seconded the motion and it was so voted. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.A. A true record, Attest: Clerk. Mr. Potter moved that Ralph Ivarshall be appointed Special as a Special Police Officer to serve until March 31st, police. 1938. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was s o voted. Meeting re It was decided to meet next Tuesday afternoon at welfare 3:30 to discuss welfare matters. The Welfare Agent discussed welfare matters with Welfare the Board. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.A. A true record, Attest: Clerk.