HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-03-16I SELECTMEN'S MEETING MARCH 16, 1937. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Ferguson, Messrs. Potter, Clark, Giroux and Ross were present. The Clerk was also present. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Ross, it was voted to adopt the following order; The Board of Selectmen of Lexington, acting as a Board of Health, after receiving a report from Matthew Stevenson, Health Inspedtor, as to the condition of the cesspool on the premises at #3 Lowell Street, Lexington, find that said cesspool is a menace to the public health and a nuisance by reason of its overflowing and its filthy condition, and therefor, the Board adopts the following order under the authority of G. L., Ch. 111, sec. 123 and every power enabling it to do so. ORDERED that William Joseph and Katherine Hall, of #3 Lowell Street, Lexington, in the County of Middlesex, the owner of the premises at #3 Lowell Street, Lexington, at their own expense remove the nuisance and source of filth thereon consisting of an overflowing cesspool, within three days from the date of the service of this order. Charles E. Ferguson Board Philip M. Clark of Archibald R. Giroux Selectmen Albert A. Ross of William G. Potter Lexington. The Clerk reported that the Briggs Class had requested permission to use Cary Memorial Hall on Sunday, March 21st for one hour beginning at 12:00 o'clock. Mr. Giroux moved that the request be granted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Invitation was received from Rev. Crawford 0. Smith to attend the meeting. The Clerk was instructed to accept the invitation with thanks. AM Hall, Board of Health Order. Use of Hall and Invitation Request was received from the Secretary of State for a statement of character on J. Willard Hayden and @ort. of ' N. Blanche Hayden who have applied for a certificate Incorpor- of incorporation under the name of Josiah Willard Hayden ation. Recreation Centre, Inc. The Board,signed the statement of character. 350 Mr. Wrightington appeared before the Board and discussed the Ryder drainage cases. 'He said that the Town. Clerk had reported that the taxes due on the various Ryder Ryder parcels amounted to approximately $30,000.00 as Drainage of April 1st and this amount did not include 1936. cases. Last years' taxes amount to $3362.00 so that would make about $33,500.00 outstanding. Mr. Ross moved that the Town Counsel be authorized to pay the Ryders $10,000. cash to settle the various cases on the basis that the Town was going to build the culvert under Mass. Ave., etc. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Wrightington said that in the meantime he would go ahead and prepare the bill of exceptions. The Chairman said that the Town By -Laws provide that the polls are to be kept open from 6:00 A.M. to Town 8:00 P.M. for each Annual Election and he asked the By -Laws. Town Counsel if this could be changed. P,Zr. Wrightington said that any By -Law could be changed by vote of the Town. The Chairman requested him to draw up a vote to be presented at the next Town Meeting so that the Selectmen could determine what hours the polls are to be kept open. The Chairman told Mr. Wrightington that the Board Town thought it would be a good idea if the Town Accountant Accountant could be made a Town Meeting Member at Large. Mr. Wrightington said that it was a matter that would have to go before the Legislature. He said that he would talk the matter over with Senator Cotton to see if it could be brought up this winter or next. Application was received from Max Sulkin of 132 South Junk Street, Waltham, for the transfer of Arey Greenblott's License. junk license to his name. Mr. Giroux moved.that.the application for a transfer be granted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Bond of the Tax Collector in the amount of Bond of $47,300.00 which had been approved by Tax Commissioner Tax Long was received. Mr. Clark moved that the bond be Collector. approved. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Giroux moved that the Board approve the Chair - Bond of man's action in approving the Town Clerk's bond in'the Town Clerk. amount of 47,300.00. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the State Director of Retirement Accounts advising that the organization of the local Board. retirement Board should be provided immediately in 1 1 1 order that the Board might collect data and make prep- arations for the operative date of July lst, 1937. It' was decided to hold the matter over for one week. Upon motion of Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Giroux, the following licenses were granted: Jay 0. Richards - 1774 Mass. Avenue - Auctioneerts Louis J. Reynolds - 1736 " " - It F. K. Johnson - 39-41 Bedford Street - Overhanging Sign Edison Elec. Ill. Co. - 1727 Mass. Ave. - it " Mr. Ross moved that a permit be granted to David Murray of 22 Grant Street, Dorchester, to distribute hand bills on Thursday and Friday of this week. Mr. Raymond read a letter which he had received from the Town Counsel relative to the Anderson service on Lee Avenue, which is leaking. He asked if it would be practicable to install a meter where the service pipe connects with the main. He said that the Town apparently had no right to enter upon private land and dig it up for the purpose of making repairs. Mr. Wrightington said that he thought it would be well for the Selectmen to revise the Water Department Regulations by adding a regulation requiring owners to keep in repair the service pipe extending from the street mains to the houses and definitely stating that the water would be shut off if this was not complied with. He also advised revising Regulation 6 so that it would be unmistakable in case of accidental break in mains or interruption of tater supply for any other reason, that the Town was not to be held liable for any damage caused to water takers. Mr.. Ross moved that the suggested revisions in the Water Department Regulations be made. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Board discussed the matter of the Anderson serlice which is leaking. The Chairman suggested that Mr. Raymond talk with Anderson and find out if he would repair the pipe or authorize the Town to repair it, and if he would not do either, to tell him that a meter would be installed at the curb to register all the water passing through it. If Anderson agreed to have the Town do the work, the Chairman suggested that he sign a statement to that effect. He asked Mr. Raymond to advise him what action Anderson had taken so that if necessary, the Board could write him a letter. Mr. Raymond said that a W.P.A. project for library work was submitted in August 1935 and had been approved for some time. Miss Kirkland had not agreed to employ 351 Licenses Permit. Anderson water service. Water Dept, Regulations. Anderson water service. 352 oa �e anyone on the W.P.A. list at that time and Mr, Raymond W.P.A. said that he had received a letter from the W.P.A. Library authorities asking if the Town wanted to withdraw the Project. project. It was decided not to withdraw the project but to hold the matter over for a week or two. Mr. Raymond said that the playground project had been returned for the second time because the authorities W.P.A. say that it can not be completed by June 30th. They Playground said that it could be re -submitted if it could be Project. completed by June 30th. Mr. Allard, the Field Engineer, advises holding it up until May and then submitting it as a four month project and he believes that it will then be approved. Mr. Ross moved that the project be re -submitted in May. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that prices on typewriters were Highway going up on April 1st and that the Highway Department, Dept. needed a new typewriter. He wanted to know if it would Typewriter. be all right for him to order a typewriter now and the Board said that it would be. Mr. Raymond said that Mr. Cavanaugh of Grant Street wanted to know if the residents on that street could ' Rental hire the HighwEy grader, with an operator, to smooth of grader over the street provided the residents paid for it. for Grant Mr. Raymond said that the rental could go to the Road Street. Machinery Account. Mr. Ross moved that the residents be allowed to hire the Highway grader at a rate of $25.00 per day, the money to be paid in advance and the residents to pay the operator direct. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that Mr. Beach had to do jury Beach on duty and he asked the Board what they wished him to jury duty. do for the three weeks Beach was away from the job. The Board told him to handle the matter in any way he could. Meadows, Mr. Raymond said that Jesse Meadows did not wish pay as to act as the foreman on the Tree Project for the foreman. same amount of money that he is receiving now. No action was taken on the matter. Mr. Raymond said that the contract for maintenance on the Puro contract (water coolers in Town Offices) Puro was expiring. The cost is now $10. a year and this contract is being increased to $15.00 a year. Mr. Raymond ' said that he did not think it was worth it. Mr. .Giroux moved that the matter be left to Mr. Raymond to 1 decide. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was to voted. Mr. Raymond said that one of the Water Department compressors had been disassembled and is in need of quite a lot of work. One firm made an estimate of making the repairs for $325.00 but he is going to get another figure. He asked approval of having the compressor repair work done. Mr. Clark moved that the request be granted. Mr.,Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Giroux said that Mr. E. B. Worthen suggested to him that one of the streets in Town should be named after the Harrington family and he suggested that Elm Avenue be named Harrington Road if the abutters have no objection. Mr. Worthen also suggested that the proposed street between Hancock Street and Merriam Street be named Buckman Road. No action was taken on the matter. Mr. Giroux said that the Public Health Association wanted to know if the Board would write a letter ' commending the work being done by them to be used for publicity purposes. Mr. Clark moved that the Chairman be authorized to write such a letter. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Clark, Seconded by Mr. Ross, it was voted to make the following appointments for the period ending March 31st, 1938 unless otherwise specified; Board of Appeals (Mar.31,1942) Board of Appeals (Associate Members) 'ridge Charitable Fund Trustee (Mar. 1, 1940) Building Inspector Burial Agents Clerk, Selectmen Agent, Board of Health Constables Dental Clinic Committee Fence Viewers ' Gammel Legacy Income Trustees (Acting with Dept. of Public Welfare) Health Inspector Charles E. Ferguson John A. Lyons Errol H. Locke Howard S. 0. Nichols Fred W. Longbottom Arthur A. Marshall James F. McCarthy Eleanor M. Lowe Eleanor M. Lowe Charles E. Moloy Roland Garmon Mrs. William G. Potter Mrs. Frederick B. James Thomas S. Grindle Frank P. Cutter Bartlett J.Harringtan Mrs. Kenneth P. Blake Lawrence G. Mitchell Matthew Stevenson 353 Water Dept. Compressor Names of streets. Letter re Pub.Health Assoc.work Appointments 354 Health Officer Dr. Harold J. Crumb Lockup Keeper James J. Sullivan , Measurer of Grain Albert Bieren Measurers of Wood, Bark and John E. Kelley Manure Harold I. Wellington Milk Inspector Matthew Stevenson Old Age Aslistance Bureau William G: Potter Luther Putney Albert A. Ross Park Superintendent John J. Garrity Plumbing Inspector Andrew T. Bain Posture Clinic Committee Mrs. Edith M. Kelley Mrs. William G. Potter Mrs. Robert P. Trask Miss Margaret E. Kettel 1 Miss Margaret B. Noyes Public Welfare Agent, also Agent, Bur. of Old Age Assistance Lawrence G. Mitchell Registrar of Voters (Mar.31, 1940) George H. Lowe Sealer of Weights & Measures Charles E. Hadley Supt. of Streets William C. Paxton, Jr. Supt. of Street, Assl't. John F. 0?Connor Supt. of Streets, Consulting Robert H. White Town Counsel Sydney R. Wrightington Town Engineer John T. Cosgrove , Weighers (Public). William E. A. Mulliken John E. A. Mulliken Jacob Bierenbroodspot Harold I. Wellington Albert Bieren William Bieren Peter Stevens Rupert Stevens John E. Kelley Lillian McClure Leo Duma Paul M. Wagner Wire Inspector Louis W. Bills Agent def the Selectmen to Administer Soldiers' Relief, Military and State Aid Lawrence G. Mitchell Dr. James J. Walsh appeared before the Boardand Money said that the 19th of April Associates were falling for short in their drive to raise money. He read a letter April 19th which Roland Garmon had drawn up which it was proposed to send out to townspeople and others requesting'funds and he requested that the Board of Selectmen authorize ' the Associates to use their names as endorsers of the movement. Mr. Ross moved that such permission be 355 I granted the 19th of April Associates. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Welfare Agent discussed welfare matters with Welfare the Board. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. A true record, Attest: F 1 Clerk.