HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-02-23313 SPECIAL MEETING ' FEBRUARY 23rd, 1937. A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Bui}ding, at.4:00 P.M. Chairman Ferguson Messrs. Potter, Giroux and Ross were present. The Clem was also present. Mr. James H. Russell, Secretary of the Appropriation Committee appeared before the Board and informed the Board that the Appropriation Committee had discussed the bud- gets submitted by the Selectmen and had acted on them as follows: Salaries. Dept. Name Recommended Approved by Selectmen by Approp. Committee. Selectmen's Eleanor M. Lowe $32.00 or - " Elinor Moakley 24.00 22.00 It was decided to discuss Miss Moakley's salary with the Appropriation Committee again on Wednesday evening. Accountant James H. Russell $3100.00 $3100.00 it Elsie Comeau 16.00 16.00 Assessors 1 (No increases recommended by Board) Town Counsel S. R. Wrightington $962.50 $962.50 Supt. of Public Works Office (No increases recommended by Board) Salaries Town Offices Charles Moloy $37.00 $37.00 it it John A. Murray 25.00 25.00 Engineering Stanley Higgins 44.00 44.00 " J. Bruce Lewis 34.00 34.00 " Albert A. Miller 25.00 25.00 " John Litchenberg 18.00 18.00' Police Chief Sullivan 3000.00 3000:00 " Sergeants 43.75 45.00 " Patrolmen 7'VRestored Mr. -Potter moved that the Police Dept. employees be given no increases in pay other than the 7.21% res- toration with the thought that next year the Board would recommend making more distinction between the salary paid the Sergeants and the Patrolmen. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Fire 7-21% restoration made. Building Insp. Sealer of Weights and Measures Charles E. Hadley $500.00 $500.00 Moth (No increase requested). The Appropriation Committee recommended an increase in automobile allowance from 1250. to $300. The 314 Chairman stated that one reason the Selectmen , .recommended $250. for car allowance was.that the the Board wanted to keep the automobile allowances on the same basis. Mr. Giroux moved that the Supt. of Parks' car allowance remain as originally approved for $250.00. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Slaughter Insp. Matthew Stevenson $800.00 $700.00 Mr. Giroux moved that the salary of $800. originally approved for the Slaughter Inspector by the Selectmen stand. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. It was decided to discuss this further on Wednesday evening. Plumbing Insp. Andrew Bain tNo change recommended) Water & Sewer Joseph A. Ross $45.00 $2300.per yr. The Appropriation Committee recommended that Mr. Ross's salary be put on a yearly basis of $2300, per year of which $900. is to apply to Sewer and $1400. to water. Mr. Giroux moved that Mr. Joseph A. Ross's salary be set at $2300.00 per year. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Ruth Hayes $13.00 $13.00 Isabelle Harvey 18.00 18.00 Highway Wm. C. Paxton, Jr. 50.00 $2300. per yr. Mr. Giroux moved that the salary of the Supt. of the ' Highway Division be set at $2300, per year. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. John O'Connor 30.00 30.00 Robert H. White 1200.00 1200.00 Mary Corcoran 15.00 14.00 It was decided to discuss this item with the Approp- riation Committee on Wednesday evening. Park Doris Ohlson 14.00 14.00 Welfare Lawrence G. Mitchell 40.00 37.50 George V. Morse 30.00 25.00 Gertrude Mitchell (No change recommended) Muriel Edkins 15.00 14.90 It was voted•to discuss the salaries in the Welfare Department with the Appropriation Committee on Wednesday evening. Pub. Works Bldg. Frank Barry $35.00 $35.00 Pub]. Works - Labor and Materials Supt. of Projects 28.00 25.00 Supervisor 27.50 27.50 Selectmen's Budgets. Reduced to 42862.67 on account of the reduction of Miss Moakley's salary. ' 315 ' Assessors Reduced by $115.00. The expenses were reduced from $715.00 to $600.00 due to the fact that the postage and office supplies expended in 1936 was $75.00 and $200. was Assessors requested this year. The Chairman explained that it would be necessary to have several new forms made up for this year. Mr. Russell said that most of the forms would be charged to the State Audit Account. Law Department The Appropriation Committee voted to set up a separate account for Personal Services and Expenses and Law Dept. to include in this the salary of the Town Counsel and special fees paid to the Town Counsel. Town Offices and CarZ Memorial Bldg. e salary or Me Ass t. Janitor was figured Town erroneously and so was reduced to $1226.68. The item for Office & extra service was reduced from $200.00 to $91,84. Cary Mem. Engineerin�Department Included in this budget was an item for George Harrington's salary and this was also included in the Water Dept. appropriation. Mr. Russell asked Mr. Ray- mond about it and he said that he wanted the salary* left in both places because he did not know when he would shift Harrington back and said that the item probably should be Engineering called "Extra Engineering" and that he would like to have Dept.' it remain in. The extra engineering requested was $1500, and the Appropriation Committee reduced this to $500.00 and eliminated the $1450. for the draftsman. Mr. Ross moved that the draftsman's salary of $1450.' and the $1500. for extra engineering stay in as originally approved. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted, Police Department Police This account was increased by $70.00 on account of Dept. the recommended increase to the Sergeants. Fire -Department The expense account was increased $400.00 for additional rooms for the two new men. The Chairman said Fire that he would talk to Chief Taylor on this matter. Mr. Dept, Russell said that the Appropriation Committee approved the salary of the two additional men as of July lst and not May lst. Mr. Ross moved that the salaries of these two men be approved as of July 1st. Mr. Potter seconded ' the motion and it was so voted. Insect Suppression Insect The Se ectmen approved $3200. and the Appropriation Suppression. ' Committee eliminated the extra labor for spraying and 316 Sidewalk Sidewalk Cons. - Sundry Streets Cons.= The Appr-o-pr-fa-Flon Committee reduced this from X1.000. Sundry to $500. because of the fact that there is a balance of Streets. $900. left from last year, making a total of $1400. available. Snow Snow Removal. Removal.e e ectmen recommended $10,000.and the Approp- riation Committee cut this to $7500.00. Traffic Traffic Regulation and Control Reg.& Con. Re ucqd from 41500. to U400,00. Street Lights The Appropriation Street for increased lighting Lights* to the Arlington line. It was decided to Raymond at the evening Committee refused to allow $1000. on Mass. Avenue from Woburn Street discuss this matter with Mr. meeting. u 1 1 creosoting, and approved the account for $2900.00. It was decided to discuss this matter further with Mr. Raymond at the evening meeting. Wire Wire Inspect�i_o�n_ Inspection The Appropriation Committee approved $75.00 for automobile allowance for the Inspector. Shade Shade Trees Trees Tiepropriation Committee reduced this from $2637.00 to $2500.00. Sewer Department Sewer Me selectmen's recommendation was increased because Dept. of charging more of the Superintendent's salary to Sewer and less to Water. Dumps and Ashes. The A propriation Committee reduced this item from Dumps. & $2100. to 1900. Mr. Giroux moved that the appropriation Ashes stay at $2100.00. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Chairman stated that he had received a request from George B. Sarano that the Board look into the matter of the town's collecting ashes. It was decided to discuss this matter with Mr. Raymond at the evening meeting. Highway Department Highway Tb_ personal services account was reduced on Department account of the salary reductions for the Superintendedt and Clerk. Sidewalk Sidewalk Cons. - Sundry Streets Cons.= The Appr-o-pr-fa-Flon Committee reduced this from X1.000. Sundry to $500. because of the fact that there is a balance of Streets. $900. left from last year, making a total of $1400. available. Snow Snow Removal. Removal.e e ectmen recommended $10,000.and the Approp- riation Committee cut this to $7500.00. Traffic Traffic Regulation and Control Reg.& Con. Re ucqd from 41500. to U400,00. Street Lights The Appropriation Street for increased lighting Lights* to the Arlington line. It was decided to Raymond at the evening Committee refused to allow $1000. on Mass. Avenue from Woburn Street discuss this matter with Mr. meeting. u 1 1 317 Public Works Bldg. - Equipment 0 Pub.Works The Ap ropriation Committee reduced this amount from Building $890.00 to 403.000 eliminating the service car. Mr. Ross Equipment moved that the sum of $890 originally approved stand. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Piiblic Works - Labor and Materials. Reduced from o $4000. Mr. Russell said that Public the Appropriation Committee had voted to set up separate Works - accounts for personal services and expenses. He said Labor & that provision had been made under salaries for only one Materials clerk and the extra clerk working part time was not mentioned. It was decided to discuss the matter further with Mr. Raymond at the evening meeting. Unclassified TFe Appropriation Committee reduced this from $700. Unclassified to $500. eliminating the $200. for small claims. Water Department Water e personal services item was reduced by the amount Dept. by which the Superintendent's salary was reduced. Registration of Voters Reg. of Reduced from .22 to $505.92 by reducing the Voters. clerical assistance item from $100. to $50.00. Traffic Lights in Center Traffic The Appropriation Committee eliminated this item Lights entirely. (3215.80) Park Department Underground The electmen approved $2000. for this item and Reduced from $15,129.83 to $14,500.00. the Appropriation Committee approved the sum of $3975.00. The Approp- riation Committee recommended that the tennis court at Park The Selectmen East Lexington be eliminated. Mr. Giroux moved that Dept. Committee approved the $1200. originally approved for the tennis court be would receive $300.00 for the old left in. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Insurance. Public Works Bldg. - Equipment 0 Pub.Works The Ap ropriation Committee reduced this amount from Building $890.00 to 403.000 eliminating the service car. Mr. Ross Equipment moved that the sum of $890 originally approved stand. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Piiblic Works - Labor and Materials. Reduced from o $4000. Mr. Russell said that Public the Appropriation Committee had voted to set up separate Works - accounts for personal services and expenses. He said Labor & that provision had been made under salaries for only one Materials clerk and the extra clerk working part time was not mentioned. It was decided to discuss the matter further with Mr. Raymond at the evening meeting. Unclassified TFe Appropriation Committee reduced this from $700. Unclassified to $500. eliminating the $200. for small claims. Water Department Water e personal services item was reduced by the amount Dept. by which the Superintendent's salary was reduced. Registration of Voters Reg. of Reduced from .22 to $505.92 by reducing the Voters. clerical assistance item from $100. to $50.00. Traffic Lights in Center Traffic The Appropriation Committee eliminated this item Lights entirely. (3215.80) Fire Dept. underground Cable Underground The electmen approved $2000. for this item and Cable. the Appropriation Committee approved the sum of $3975.00. Fire Dept. Whistle Apparatus Fire Dept. The Selectmen approve 5180000 and the Appropriation Whistle Committee approved $1500. because Chief Taylor informed Appnratus that Board that he would receive $300.00 for the old apparatus. Insurance. This item was reduced by eliminating the automobile, Insurance fire and theft and public liability insurance that is to be charged to the various departments. WE, Public works Building and Repair Re used rom . to 0. Road Road N3achinery Machinery heppropriat ion Committee reduced this account from 08225. to 6725. because the $1500. for equipment hire was already contained in the Highway Maintenance appropriation. Town Meet- The Appropriation Committee elimited the $75.00 ing Members veque,sted.for the Adv4sory Committee of the Lexington Assoc. Town Meeting Members Association. Smith The Appropriation Committee eliminated the $1500, property approved by the Board for the purchase of the Smith land adjoining the Parker School. Barnes The Appropriation Committee recommended the purchase property of the Barnes property. The meeting adjourned at 5:45 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk. t'r'J 1 1 1 SELECTMEN'S MEETING ' FEB. 23, 1937. 1 u A regular meeting of the Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Ferguson, Messrs. Potter, Giroux, Ross and Clark were present. The Clerk was also present. At 8:00 P.r'. hearing was declared open on the appli- cation of Leonard B. Colwell for permission to maintain a one car garage at 15 Bartlett Avenue'. Mr. Colwell appeared and presented plan of the proposed garage. No persons appeared in opposition. Mr. Potter moved that the permit be granted subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. At 8:05 P.M. hearing was declared open on the appli- cation of James Irwin for permission to maintain a one car garage at 16 Bowker Street. Mr. Irwin appeared and presented plan of the proposed garage. No persons appeared in opposition. Mr. Giroux moved that the permit be granted subject to the approval of the Buildirg Inspector. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. At 8:15 -P.M. Mr. Michael Shea of Westminster Ave. and Mr. Raymond appeared before the Board. Mr. Giroux stated that he asked Mr. Shea to come in concerning the question of a Town Painter. Mr. Shea has spent con- siderable time with Mr. Raymond on the matter. Mr. Shea said that he went around with Mr. Raymond one day and told him of a great many things that should be done on the Town Office and Cary Memorial Buildings. He said that a man could be employed the year round doing paint- ing work and the Town would save money. Mr. Clark asked how much it would cost to hire such a painter. Mr. Shea said that painters were earning $1.10 to $1.20 per hour,'but working for the Town, he thought $5.00 or $6.00 a day would be sufficient. He said that Arlington employs six Town Painters and several smaller towns employ them. He said that he had done work for Mr. McCarthy on Bedford Street and Mr. Arthur Parker on Follen Road and various other people in town. Mr. Clark asked what condition the Town equip- ment was in, and Mr. Raymond said that it was not Very bad but that it did not get painted when it should. Mr. Raymond said that the Cary Memorial Building was going to pieces very rapidly and when he was asked why this was so, he said that it was because the weather wqs getting to it. The door panels are beginning to warp and crack, the windows are in a bad condition, etc. 319 Colwell garage hearing. Irwin garage hearing. Town Painter 320 Sidewalks on Robbins Road. Mr. Ross asked how much it would cost to buy the necessary equipment, such as ladders, brushes, etc. and Mr. Shea said that it would cost about $36.00 to start. The Chairman asked how much it would cost the Town to hire one or two painters a year, plus equipment, etc. Mr. Shea said he did not believe it would cost more than $4,000.00: Mr. Raymond said that in the Winter, only one man would be needed. The Board informed Mr. Shea that the matter would be discussed further, and he retired. Mr. Raymond stated that the Selectmen's Records of February 16th contained a statement to the effect that the Chairman said that the estimate for Robbins Road included rough sidewalks and he stated that the people should be advised that the estimate did not include rough sidewalks. The Chairman stated that he thought sidewalks should'be included in the estimate. He said that if they were built under the betterment act the Town has to pay 50% of the cost, but if a rough walk is figured in a betterment street, the abutters pay the whole cost. The Chairman requested Mr. Raymond to instruct the Town Engineer to call on the persons who were present at the meeting held on February 16th and to inform them that sidewalks were not included in the estimate. The Chairman discussed with Mr'. Raymond the Engineering Department budget and informed him that the Appropriation Committee had eliminated Harringtonts Engineering salary because it was included in the Water Dept. Budget. budget and had reduced the item for extra engineering from $1500.00 to $500.00. He asked if Mr. Raymond intended to replace Harrington with another man and use the $1500. for extra work or if $2900. was needed for extra engineering. Mr. Raymond said that $2900.00 was needed for extra engineering. The Chairman requested Mr. Raymond to make up a list of the projects he intended to have worked up and what he figured the cost of the engineering work on them would be. The Chairman informed Mr. Raymond that the Approp- Insect riation Committee cut the apropriation for Insect Suppression. Suppression from $3200. to 12900. Mr. Raymond said that the $3200. provided for the extra sprayer and he also said that Mr. Garrity considered conditions much worse now than formerly as this work has been getting ahead of him. The Chairman requested more detail on the budget. 1 321 Health menace - Lennon store Ashes & Dumps. Pub.Works- Labor and Materials Mr. Walter H. Lennon appeared before the Board and ' stated that he had received a notice to abate a health menace caused by stagnant water in the cellar of his store on Bow Street, at the corner of Mass. Avenue. He said that this store was about five feet lower than the others. He has had it waterproofed and has built a dry well and filled it with stone. The waterproofing was unsuccessful and the dry well served for a short while. A hole has been dug on the lot next to his property in which water is stored and since this hole, 30 feet long and eight feet deep, was dug, it holds the water. He said, however, that he could and would comply with the Board of Health order, but he could not promise to keep the water out. He did not know how much the hole had to do with the water in his cellar. It was waterproofed two feet on the floor and two feet on the side at a cost of $120,00 and the Chairman said that if it did not work, he probably would have a.come-back on the company. The Chairman informed Mr. Lennon that if the person who dug the hole has increased his trouble, he could take legal action against him. Mr. Lennon asked why stagnant water lying on the lot was not just as much of a health menace as in a cellar. The Chairman said that he would have the Health Inspector look into the matter. The Chairman informed Mr. Raymond that the Approp- riation Committee cut the Appropriation for Dumps and Ashes frem $2100 to $1900. Mr. Raymond said that the, additional labor was requested to keep the dumps levelled off. He said that, the grader and a crew of men had to go to the dumps now and help out Mr. Collins, The Chairman said that the Appropriation Committee considered Public Works, Labor and Materials, and went on the theory that only $4,000. was needed this year because there was a balance on January lst of $7900. and of this amount $3..000 is to be used for the culverts under Vine Brook. Mr. Raymond said that after the work on the culverts was"started and the $3,000 could be used, an additional $6,000. would be needed. If the culverts were included in the Vine Brook job, $4,000. would be sufficient. Mr. Raymond said that nothing could be done on the culverts until after the Vine Brook Committee"report"ed and of course he had no way of knowing how the Committee would report: He said that cost of equipment, etc. on Mill and Clematis Brooks was costing the Town about 100 of the Federal contribution, but on a culvert job this would run about 75%, He said ' that he did not think the Town could spend 3,000. to a greater advantage than by doing the culvert job. He raid that he would prefer having the $6,000. appropriated. The Chairman said that if the culverts were not done and if $6,000. were appropriated, the chances were that 321 Health menace - Lennon store Ashes & Dumps. Pub.Works- Labor and Materials 322 the Board would not have to ask for any more money during the year. Mr. Raymond said that if the culvert job was done, it would be necessary to take $2,000: out of the $6,000. appropriated to add to the $32000. set aside for the job. It was decided to discuss this matter fur$her with the Appropriation Committee Wednesday evening. The Chairman requested Mr. Raymond to split up the Labor and Materials appropriation between Administration and Expenses. Mr. Raymond informed the Board that Mr. Nortdn said Water to that he would give the Town the right to lay a pipe Childs' across his land to supply Calvin Childs with water. property. Mr. Ross said that there was enough room on the shoulder of new Watertown Street to lay a water main. Mr. Clark moved that the Board proceed in accordance with Mr. Raymondts recommendation to lay a service pipe across private lands at a cost of "approximately $450.00. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Space for The Board discussed with Mr. Raymond the question Town of office space for the Town Accountant and decided to Accountant do nothing on the matter until after the Town Meeting when some action had been taken on the purchase of the Barnes property. Mr. Raymond discussed the matter of installing water and sewer in Patriot's Drive. He said that if the Town Patriotts allowed Mr. Merriam to have this work done by a private Drive - contractor, it would cost him less money. Later on Sewer End when the Town accepted the mains and even now, when water Merriam would be having the use of the Metropolitan Sewer, he would be benefitting greatly. In the first place he would not have to pay the high betterment assessment charge because of expensive sewers constructed in rocky streets and he would not pay for the use of the trunk line sewer. If the sewer and water work costs more than the $6.05 per foot that the Town would get out of it, it would be all right. Mr. Ross said that he thought this sewer would be expensive on account of ledge. Letter was received from the Supt, of Public Works suggesting that the following accounts be charged for road machinery or highway equipment: Highway Maintenance, Chapter 90 Highway Construction, Chap.90; Waltham Street Road Highway Construction, Chap.90, Watertown St. Machinery Sidewalk Construction Snow Removal Traffic Regulation and Control Street Signs" Public Works, Labor, Materials & Expenses cn X 1 1 ' Highway Construction - Robbins Road Curbing Drain Construction Highway Construction - Reed Street He recommended that the road machinery account be charged for gasoline and tires required by the Highway Division whether used on Highway Maintenance or other construction work and charging the cost of repairs to equipment of the Highway Division. Mr. Ross moved that Mr. Raymond's recommendations be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. 1 1 Mr. Raymond informed the Board that the Highway Dept. had been using the Water Dept. hoist and broke it. Nothing,was said about it until the Water Department wanted to use it. Mr. Raymond wanted to know if it would be all right to buy a new hoist and the Board advised that he refrain from purchasing it until after the Town Meeting. Mr. Raymond said that the hole they had dug on East Street near the Wright property for drainage pur- poses seemed to be working out all right although he did not know if it would last very long. He asked if the Board would approve installing two filter catch basins. Mr. Clark moved that the installation of the catch basins be approved. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Ra and asked if the Board was going to approve the sum of 9100. per year for the maintenance of the Fletcher Avenue traffic lights. Mr. Giroux moved that the appropriation for traffic Regulation and Control be increased from $1500.00 to $1600.00 to take care of these lights. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. 323 Purchase of Hoist. East Street Catch basins. Traff is Reg. and Control The Chairman asked Mr. Raymond to make his recommend- Town ation regarding the employment of a Town Painter Painter. The list of streets to Town Engineer was gone over approved as follows: Street Name to Change Blake Avenue Cary Street Elm Street Franklin Ave. Glen Road Hayes Lane Highland St. Hill Avenue Hillside Ave. be renamed submitted by the and the recommended changes (Cont.) Change Name to Patriots Drive Gray Street Tophet Street Lowden St. Fiske Road Estabrook Road Cone Street Amos Avenue Sidehill Road Approved street name changes. 324 Independence Road Lee Street Locust Street Oak Avenue Oakland Avenue Robinson Street Smyth Street Summit Ave. Hillcrest Street Mount Inderendence Rd. Clay Street Jay Street Hale Avenue Lewis Avenue Davis Road Thompson Street Newman"Street High Street. The Chairman requested Mr. Raymond to submit an I!, Collection estimated cost of the collection of ashes and rubbish of per year and also a figure on the estimated cost of same Garbage, from October through April. Fuller re Bus Stop. Letter was received from Harry L. Fuller requesting that the Selectmen change the bus stop from the south side of Slocum Road on Mass. Avenue to the north side. Mr. F ullerclaimed that the bus stop was a nuisance and was damaging his property. After discussing the matter, Mr. Giroux moved that the Chairman advise Mr. Fuller that the Board felt that the safety factor was of extreme importance and that the stop should not be changed and further that if his property was being damaged on account of school children trespassing, that he should contact the School Department. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. u 1 1 A bill was submitted in the amount of $103.40 by Old Adams the Town Counsel for registaring the title to the Old School lot- Adams School lot.. Bill. Mr. Potter moved that the bill be charged to the Law Department appropriation. Letter was received from the Appropriation Committee stating that that body had voted to increase the Police Dept. personal services budget by $70.00 due to the fact that the Appropriation Committee was to recommend that Police beginning July lat. 1937, the salaries of the Police Budget. Dept. Sergeants be increased to $45.00, khereas the Selectmen recommended an increase to $43.75 per week, which was a restoration of the balance of the pay out, The Committee felt that there was too little difference between the pay of a Senior Patrolman and a Sergeant. No action was taken on the matter inasmuch as it was discussed at the afternoon meeting. Letter was received from the Appropriation Committee Meeting requesting that the Selectmen meet with that body Wednesday evening, February 24th, and it was decided to attend the meeting. Fuller re Bus Stop. Letter was received from Harry L. Fuller requesting that the Selectmen change the bus stop from the south side of Slocum Road on Mass. Avenue to the north side. Mr. F ullerclaimed that the bus stop was a nuisance and was damaging his property. After discussing the matter, Mr. Giroux moved that the Chairman advise Mr. Fuller that the Board felt that the safety factor was of extreme importance and that the stop should not be changed and further that if his property was being damaged on account of school children trespassing, that he should contact the School Department. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. u 1 1 325 ' Letter was received from the Metropolitan District Commission advising that that body had recommended to the Legislature in House Bill #35, the extension of the North Metropolitan Relief Sewer in Medford, Chelsea Sewer and East Boston (House Bill #38), involving an estimated expenditure of $4,5009000. If this Legislation is authorized, the assessment on Lexington is estimated at $99,615.60 if the entire cost is assessed•on the sewer district and $59,769.36 if a Federal grant of 40% is obtained. Letter was received from the Director of Accounts stating that phamplets explaining the Contributory Cont. Retirement Laws could be purchased for about $2.70 per Retirement hundred. Mr. Giroux moved that 200 be ordered and Laws. charged to the Unclassified Account. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from Dr. C. R. Hardeastle resigning his position as Town Physician, effective Town as of March 313 1937. ::r. Giroux moved that the resigna- Physician's tion be accepted with regret. Mr. Potter seconded the Resignation motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from Pierre A. Northrup relative to the Barnes property. Mr. Northrup said that mhen he appeared before the Board, he said that Mrs. Barnes had never offered the property for $25,000. and had never agreed to accept such sum, and that $29,500. was the lowest offer acceptable to the heirs. Mr. Northrup said that he was informed that it was the intention of the Board to present the matter to the Town Meeting and to recommend 25,000. as the purchase price. Mr. Northrup said that it mightbe expected that he would endeavor to obtain a price of 029,500. from the Town Meeting Barnes Members, but that such was not his intention. He property said that the Town Meeting Members had confidence in the Selectmen and he would not consider urging a single Town Meeting Member to disregard the Board's recommend- ations. He said that it was therefor evident that the Board and the heirs could not come to terms. In view of the fact that no agreement was reached on the purchase price he advised the Selectmen, on behalf of the heirs, that all offers to the Town of Lexington were withdrawn and so far as the Town of Lexington was con- cerned, the Barnes property on Mass. Avenue was not for sale. Judge Northrup requested that no article be put in the Warrant to purchase this property at any price. The Board decided to discuss the matter with the Appropriation Committee on Wednesday evening. Letter was received from the Town Meeting Members, Barnes Precinct Three, advising that it was the sense of a Property 326 yc recent meeting that the Selectmen be requested to ' negotiate with the heirs of the late Dr. Barnes for the purchase of their property on Mass. Avenue. Law re Letter was received from the New England Council trailers, regarding laws on trailers. No action was taken on the matter. Letter was received from the Chief of Police ad - Police - vising that the following officers were qualified'as shooting. sharpshooters: Knapp; Lima; Day; Maguire; John Barry; George Barry; and Smith. 11 The Chief suggested that the Board thank Mr. Ralph Dale for his efforts in supervising target practice. The Chairman said that he would write a letter of thanks to Mr. Dale. Mr. Giroux recommended.that the procedure at Procedure Town Meetings be changed a little and that a table be at Town placed directly across the hall from vh ere the Meetings Selectmen's table is placed for the use of the Appropriation Committee. He suggested that the Town Accountant sit at a separate table. He suggested further that the first five rows on either side be re- moved and also the seats in the rear under the balcony ' so that there will be seats enough on the floor to take care of about 260 persons. Mr. Giroux moved that these ideas be adopted. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. It was decided to discuss this matter further next Tuesday evening. Welfare. The Welfare Agent discussed welfare matters with the Board. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk. 1