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NOV. 2nd, 1936. '
A regular meeting of the Selectmen was held in the
Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7;30 P.M.
Chairman Ferguson, Messrs. Potter, Giroux, Clark and Ross
were present. The Clerk was also present.
It was decided to hold the weekly meeting next week
Meeting. on November 9th rather than on November 10th due to the
Public Health Association entertainment which is being
held on that night.
At 7,30 P.M. Chief Edward W. Taylor appeared before
the Board and said that he had received a bill of $1020
for insurance and wondered why he got it. He asked Mr.
Raymond who told him that the different departments were
going to tarce care of insurance. This particular bill
covered fire and theft insurance on fire apparatus. Mr.
Taylor had made no provision in his budget for insurance
and he did not'see how he was going to pay the bill, He
said that the Selectmen thought it would be a wise thing
to have the insurance and the Fire Engineers decided that
they would be very glad to carry it if they could -get a
transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account to pay '
for it. The Chairman asked Mr. T sylor if there was any
Chief possibility of getting the money from the Fire Department
Taylor re appropriation. Chief Taylor replied that he did not know
insurance. at the present time how he was going to come out this year
but he thought the best thing to do was to profit from
past experience. Last year he had a very easy year as
far as fires went and his expenses were lighter than he
had estimated and he therefor had some coney left over with
which he purchased two oil burners. He was asked by a
member of the Board of Selectmen where he got the money
to purchase them and he told him that he had a balance in
his appropriation. The Board of Fire Engineers thought
that the oil burners would result in a saving on the coal
bill and for the first time, the fire houses would be
properly heated. He appeared before the Appropriation
Committee and was given a call -down for expending money
for an item for which no provision had been made. This
year he has been trying to live within the specified items
in the budget. The Chairman asked Mr. Taylor if the
insurance on the buildings and contents covered the
apparatus while it was in the buildings and Mr. Taylor
said that it was not covered anyway. The Chairman then
said that it was necessary to take out a special policy
to cover the apparttus and it was the feeling of the Board
at the time the policy was placed that it was the wise '
thing to do in view of what it cost to insure it and
The Chief said that he would like to take up at some Fire
time in the near future, the question of employing more Dept.
permanent men. He retired. men.
taking into consideration the types of buildings that we
hearing was declared
have for fire stations. He said that as nothing was said
to the Fire Engineers regarding insurance, there was no
Olsen for permission
reason for them to include an item to cover it in the
budget. Mr. Taylor said that he was running very close
Bertwell Road. Mr.
on his appropriation but if the Board felt that they should
pay the bill, they would do it, but if he ran over on
the proposed garage.
his expenditures at the end of the year, the Board would
know the reason why.
The Chairman told him the Board would discuss the
matter further and advise him.
Chief Taylor said that in 1929 or 1930 the Board of
Selectmen asked the Board of Fire Engineers to give
preference to men who were working for the Town when they
were appointing call firemen. They complied with that
request and got along very well until recently. The Chief
said that he had aim ays believed that a f ire was an emergency
but he found out that he was mistaken as the present Supt.
of the Highway Department feels that that is not so. Some
two or three years ago a member of the Board complained
because he had too many call men and finally the Board of
Fire Engineers and the Appropriation Committee came to an
agreement whereby the number was to be reduced. No men Call
were discharged but as they left they were not replaced Firemen.
so that the call men were reduced from 38 to 30. This
year on two occasions there were fires and town men were
working near the scene of the fire but did not respond to
the alarm and a second alarm had to be put in to call help
from other towns and Mr. Taylor did not think that that
was right. He is unable to get enough call men in town.
The minimum pay is $125. per year and 80% of the fires
must be attended in order to get this amount.
Mr. Ross said that he thought the reason for Mr.
Paxtonts ob jeetion was that v+hen a fire broke out and his
men were working on the outskirts of the town, they expected
to be driven to the fire in a truck and that this held up
the job.,
Mr. Taylox0 submitted a schedule of the time put in by
Highway men in the past three years. He said that frequently
the town men were dismissed before the all-out signal. The
Chairman told him that the matter would be discussed with
the Supt. of Public Works.
The Chairman requested the Supt. of Public Works to
discuss the matter with the Supt. of the Highway Division
and report on the matter next week.
The Chief said that he would like to take up at some Fire
time in the near future, the question of employing more Dept.
permanent men. He retired. men.
At 8:00 P.M.
hearing was declared
open on the appli.
cation of Paul W.
Olsen for permission
to maintain a one Olsen
car garage at 15
Bertwell Road. Mr.
Olsen appeared and garage
presented plan of
the proposed garage.
No persons appeared hearing.
in opposition. Mr. Clark moved that the permit be granted
subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Mr.
Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted.
The Chairman stated that Chairman Houghton of the
School Committee had telephoned him and stated that the
painting work on the various schools was nothing that the
School Committee was particularly interested in but the
project for
members understood that there were some painters on the
W.P.A. who might do this work that would not be done
otherwise. It was entirely up to the Board of Selectmen
whether or not they wished to submit a project. If it
is not done by the 1N.P.A., it will not be done at all.
Mr. Clark moved that no action be taken on the painting
project for the schools. Mr. Potter seconded the motion
and it was so voted.
The Chairman reported that he had received a request
Tag Day. from the Salvation Army for permission to have a Tag Day
on Saturday, November 7th. Mr. Clark moved that the
permit be granted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it
was so voted.
Letter was received from the Health Inspector stating
that he met Mr. Scott and a Mr. Miller at the Central
Block to discuss the health situation. Mr. Scott agreed
to have the front hall washed and cleaned, glass put in '
Central upstairs and down, cellar door locked, back yard kept
Block. clean and the rubbish taken away twice a week. The
Meadows apartment where most of the trouble existed was
looked over and Mr. Scott said that he would give him
notice to vacate. Someone is to -sweep the halls and
stairs everyday and take care of the back yard.
'No action was taken on the matter.
Letter was received from Mrs. N. E. Stockhaus stating
Use of that the Middlesex Salon 161, 8 and 40, felt that they
Hall. were unable to pay $10. for Estabrook Hall on November 9th
and ti.erefor would not use it.
Letter was received from the Town Treasurer stating
Loan, that he hdd received and acceted a bid from the Lexington
Trust Company on the loan of 100000. of 1% discounted,
payable October 29th, 1937 at the National Shawmut Bank
of Boston.
A letter was received from the heirs of Dr. Wm. L.
Barnes stating'_that on October 29th, 1936, they terminated
Barnes and cancelled all agreements, exclusive and otherwise, for
Property. the negotiations for the sale of property at 1557 Mass.
Avenue and Fletcher Avenue, Lexington. The letter was I signed by Esther R.J. William L., Jr. and Arthur W. Barnes,
a majority of the heirs.
No action was taken on the matter.
Letter was received from the Planning Board stating
that on October 16th plans for.a proposed development of
the so-called Goodwin property were submitted by 1r. Robert
Merriam. Mr. Merriam stated in his letter that the layout
showing a street connecting Merriam Street and a Board of Goodwin
Survey layout known as Blake Avenue was acceptable to the property
Town Engineer and the Supt. of Public Works. The Planning
Board voted to approve in principle this same layout. In
view of the controversy which developed at the hearing held
October 27th before the Board of Survey, the Planning Board
desired to review the entire block enclosed by Yeriam Street,
Edgewood Road, Hancock Street and the railroad right of way
and to submit a further recommendation.
Notice of a hearing to be held on Monday, November 9th
at 2:.15 o1clock was received from the Dept. of Public
Utilities on the application of -:Alton Yd. White of Maynard Bus Line
for a permit to operate a bus from the Lincoln -Lexington Hearing.
line over the Concord Turnpike to Waltham Street on Route
128 and on Waltham Street to the Lexington -Waltham line.
The Selectmen voted last May to give 11r. White a permit to
operate a bus over this route provided he did not pick up
or discharge passengers. The Clerk was instructed to advise
the Middlesex & Boston Street R.R. Co. of the hearing.
The Board discussed the claim of Mrs. Gertrude White
for damages sustained when she tripped on a defect in
the sidewalk on Woburn Street. She claims damages in the
amount of $25.00 on account of loss of work, etc. The
Town Counsel said that if it was an old defect which the White
Town should have taken care of, it would be cheaper for claim.
the Town to settle. Mr. Raymond said that it was an old
Mr. Giroux moved that the claim of Mrs. Gertrude
White be settled for $25.00 in accordance with the advice
of the Town Counsel and that a proper release be obtained,
the same to be paid out of the Law Department appropriation.
Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted.
The Board discussed with 11r. Wrightington the claim
of Elizabeth Sullivan for damages sustained from an alleged
defect in the sidewalk in front of 52.Waltham Street. Mr. Sullivan
Potter moved that the case be turned over to the Town claim.
' Counsel. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so
Town .Counsel appeared before the Board and the
case of
the purchase of the Barnes property was discussed.
Board discussed the matter of blasting damages
with the
Town Counsel.
The Board discussed the claim of Mrs. Gertrude White
for damages sustained when she tripped on a defect in
the sidewalk on Woburn Street. She claims damages in the
amount of $25.00 on account of loss of work, etc. The
Town Counsel said that if it was an old defect which the White
Town should have taken care of, it would be cheaper for claim.
the Town to settle. Mr. Raymond said that it was an old
Mr. Giroux moved that the claim of Mrs. Gertrude
White be settled for $25.00 in accordance with the advice
of the Town Counsel and that a proper release be obtained,
the same to be paid out of the Law Department appropriation.
Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted.
The Board discussed with 11r. Wrightington the claim
of Elizabeth Sullivan for damages sustained from an alleged
defect in the sidewalk in front of 52.Waltham Street. Mr. Sullivan
Potter moved that the case be turned over to the Town claim.
' Counsel. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so
Letter was received from the Town Counsel stating '
that the attorney for Leo A. Boynton had filed a motion
Boynton for a new trial on the ground of newly discovered evidence
case. and it will be heard in East Cambridge on November 9th.
Until that is disposed of, Mr. Wrightington cannot have
a final decree entered pursuant to the finding which was
made last summer in fagor of the town.
Yadwish The Board discussed the Yadwish case with the Town
case Counsel who said that he would submit an opinion on the
Mr. Raymond brought up the question of plowing snow
Snow plow- in private ways. The Town Counsel said that it could be
ing in made legal by making them public ways or by petitioning
private the Legislature for an amendment to the Statute. Mr.
ways. Giroux suggested that Senator Cotton be invited to attend
a meeting of the Board within a few weeks to discuss the
Mr,. Raymond stated that Calvin W. Childs wanted the
Town to install a drain from the westeray side of Water-
town Street across his land to the easterly side of the
Drain on new Concord Turnpike. Mr. Raymond said that street water
Childs' went through the property and the Town could install a
property. drain under Chapter 263 of the Acts of 1926. He thought '
a 12" pipe with one manhole would be needed and he
estimated that it .would cost about $275.00. He said that
if the drain was not installed that Nortonts land would
be flooded. The Chairman asked who would be responsible
if the drain was not installed and Norton's land was
flooded, and Mr. Raymond said that the person who stopped
up the drain, Mr. Childs, would be •responsible.
Mr. Giroux moved that the request be denied due to
the fact that Childs had requested that the drain be
installed at the town's expense. Mr. Potter seconded
the motion and it was so voted.
Mr. Raymond said that the W.P.A. project for build -
Building ing six new snow plows was progressing satisfactorily
Snow PlIws- with the exception that George Stygles, who is working on
W.P.A. them, has put in all the time on the W.P.A. that he can
until December. He would like to have Stygles work two
weeks more which would cost about 60.00. Mr. Ross
moved that Stygle s be hired to work two weeks building
snow plows and that his wages be charged to the Snow
Removal appropriation. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion
and it was so voted.
Mr. Raymond reported that the W.P.A. quota had been '
W.P.A. reduced from 175 to 160., Nine men have been let off and
have been complaining. Mr. Giroux suggested that in
cases where men object that they be heard before the
Advisory Board.
Mr. Giroux suggested that he be allowed to r esign
as the Selectments representative on the Lexington Lexington
Advisory Board, Mr. Ross moved that Mr. Giroux's Advisory
resignation be accepted. Mr. Clark seconded the motion Board.
and it was so voted.
Mr. Giroux moved that Mr. Raymond be made Chairman
of the Lexington Advisory Board. Mr. Ross seconded the
motion and it was so voted.
Mr. Raymond brought up the question of complaints
from. Arlington and East Lexington residents on account of Blasting
blasting on Mill Brook. Mr. Giroux mar ed that the Board complaints
take no action on these complaints at this time. Mr.
Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Mr. Raymond said that there were quite a number of
sidewalks with defects and many were much worse than the
two discussed tonight. There is no money to make repairs.
The Chairman stated that he thought the Town should
provide funds in next year's budget to repair these Sidewalks.
defects. As no money was provided this year for repairing
the sidewalks, Mr. Raymond thought the appropriation next
year should be twice as much as was asked for this year.
No action was taken on the matter.
Mr. Raymond informed the Board that the hold-up
insurance policy in the amount of $10,000, expired on Hold-up
October 18th, 1936, Mr. Giroux moved that the policy be insurance
renewed and that the bill of 45.00 be paid from the
Unclassified Account. Mr.. Potter seconded the motion
and it was so voted.
Mr. Clark moved that fire insurance policy under
blanket schedule in the amount of $5,000. expiring on
November 6th through the office of George H. Gibson be
renewed through the office of Robert B. Sturtevant. Mr, Insurance
Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted.
-Mr. Clark moved that fire insurance policy under
blanket schedule in the amount of 10,000. expiring on
November 6th through the office of Robert B. Sturtevant
be renewed through the same office. Mr. Ross seconded
the motion and it was so voted.
Mr. Clark moved that fire insurance policy under
blanket schedule in the amount of $5,000. expiring on
November 6th through the office of Leslie A. Bull be re-
newed through the same office. Mr. Potter seconded the
motion and it was so voted.
Mr.. Raymond said that he thought .the Town ought to
submit the verification of its Chapter 90 requests for Chapt.90
1937 right away. He suggested that the Board ask the work for
' Town to appropriate $3,000. for Chapter 90 maintenance if 1937.
it was the intention to ask for no more construction work
than on 'Naltham Street. Mr. Giroux moved that the Town
be asked to appropriate 43,000.00 for Chapter 90 Maintenance.
Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Mr. Raymond reported that only a small portion of
Watertown Street could be constructed with the $3100.00
Mr. Raymond reported that Frank Barry had been ill
for three weeks and had taken his two week's vacation
during that time. He expects to be back to work in one
more week. He has been carried on the payroll and Mr.
Raymond asked approval of this. Mr. Clark moved that
Mr. Raymond's action in carrying Frank Barry on the
payroll daring his illness be approved. Mr. Potter
seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Mr. Raymond reported that Neil McIntosh was com-
plaining about the drain again. He called on him and
McIntosh told him that if he would give written permission, he
j drain. would have the men raise the manhole to the level of the
lawn and clean out the pipe. Mr. McIntosh agreed and
wrote out the permission which Mr. Wrighting.ton said w as
all right as far as the permit went. Mr. Raymond had the
work done. Mr. Clark moved that Mr. Raymond's action be
approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so
Mr. Clark moved that the blue print of the town
Photos to office and Cary Memorial •buildings and photographs of
Washington. same be forwarded to Washington.. Mr. Potter seconded the
motion and it was so voted.
Mr. Raymond said that a salesman had called on him
about a Ruc'kstall two. -speed axel for a Ford or Chevrolet
truck and he thought that one would be ver good for snow
plow work. He can have one installed for 195.00. The
Purchase of company has one installed on a Standard 1935 Ford with a
truck. Ruckstall rear end with booster brakes, pair of eiht-
leaf auxiliary springs, etc., which sells new for 11200.
or so. This car has 6,000 miles on it. The truck is for
sale and they are asking $650.00 for it. Mr. Raymond
would like to be authorized to offer $500* for the truck
or a maximum of $600. The Chairman said he did not think
that the trucic should be purchased and charged to the
Snow Removal appropriation as no provision had been made
for it in the budget. No action was taken on the matter.
Mr. Raymond discussed the case of John J. Kelley who
is working on the W.P.A.. and is getting about $15..00 per
week. Kelley thought he should receive an increase in pay
as he was working in the same capacity as a foreman. He
Went into Boston about it and the papers show that there
was provision made for a mason -foreman under which category
Kelley believes he falls. The Boaton� Office told Kelley
that he could have the pay of a mason -foreman if We Beach
and the W.P.A. Engineer approved. The W.P.A. engineer,
Mr. McCarthy, was very much put out because Kelley went
into Boston on the Matter and he would not recommend that
Kelley be granted a job as a mason -foreman as he was not
fitted for it. The Board took no action on the matter.
The Board discussed the matter of installing traffic
lights at the junction of Meriam Street and Mass. Avenue.
Mr. Giroux moved that an estimate of the cost of synchron-
izing the traffic lights in Le:�ington Center from Waltham
Street to Elm Avenue including the proposed traffic lights
to be installed at T.Teriam Street be presented by Mr. Ray-
mond. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Traf f is
The Board decided to look over the proposed con- 1937 con-
struction work for 1937 on Friday, Nov. 6th, at 1:30 P.I.I. struction.
Application was received from Norman G. McGowan for
a license to sell hIethyl Alcohol at the filling station Alcohol
at the corner of Waltham Street and Marrett Road. Mr. license
Giroux moved that the permit be granted. Mr. Clark
seconded the motion and it was so voted.
The Board of Appeals findings denying the apl)lica- Board of
tion of A. J. Silva for permission to enlarge the existing Appeals
roadside stand at 643 Waltham Street and granting the findings.
application of the Tower Brothers for permission to erect
three large real estate signs,w ere received.
The Chairman reminded the members of the Board that
Mr. Raymond's term expired on November 11th. Mr. Giroux Appointment -
moved that John W. Raymond, Jr. be reappointed. Su,t. of Supt. of
Public Works to January 1st, 1938 at the rate of 14200. Pub. I.Vorks.
per year. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so
Mr. Raymond reported that Mrs. Hamilton of Taft Ave. Hamilton
had x"40. which she could pay down on her sewer connection. sewer
The Board advised him to do as much uvork as he could for connection
the $40. and then to wait until he received more funds.
The Welfare Agent discussed Welfare matters with the
Board. VVe7f are
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
A true record, Attest: