HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936-09-01SELECTMENtS MEETING
SEPT. 13, 1936.
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held
in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7;30
P.M. Chairman Ferguson, Messrs. Potter, Giroux, Clark
and Ross were present. The Clerk was also present.
The Welfare Agent reported that Mr. Beach had already
taken fifty to seventy-five applications for W.P.A. work
and that the assignments could not be made until the
applications were certified. Mr. Mitchell thought that
there should be an investigator to look into these appli-
Mr. Giroux stated that he had talked with District
Engineer Williams who told Mr. Giroux to go ahead and
certify the applications and send them in tb the W.P.A.
office in Boston. He stated further that it was not a
requisite that a man must be a fit case for relief in
order to obtain W.P.A. work, as if a man had been working
and was out of a job, the President's belief was that he
was entitled to a job. Mr. Giroux moved that the Advisory
Board be authorized to certify these cases with the
information available. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and
it was so voted.
At 8;00 otclock P.M. hearing was declared open on the
application of Harry E. Johnson for permission to maintain
a one car garage at 10 Taft Avenue. Ivar Johnson appeared
and presented plan of the proposed garage. No persons
appeared in opposition. Mr. Clark moved that the permit
be granted subject to the approval of the Building
Inspector. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so
At 805 oiclock P.M. hearing was declared open on the
application of Harry E. Johnson for permission to main-
tain a one car garage at 33 Taft Avenue. Ivar Johnson
appeared and presented plan of the proposed garage. No
persons appeared in opposition. Mr. Clark moved that
the permit be granted subject to the approval of the
Building Inspector. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and
it was so voted.
At 8-10 otclock P.M. hearing was declared open on
the application of Dean F. Burleigh for permission to
malmtain a one car garage at lot no. 124 Fair Oaks Drive.
Mr. and Mrs. Burleigh appeared and presented plan of the
' proposed garage. No persons appeared in opposition.
Mr. Clark moved that the permit be granted subject to
the approval of the Building Inspector. Mr. Potter
seconded the motion and it was so voted.
At 8:15 o'clock P.M. hearing was declared open on
the application of June E. Chelland for permission to '
maintain a one car garage at 220 Lincoln Street. Mr.
Chelland A. C. B. Benson, the builder, appeared and presented
.garage plan of the proposed garage. No persons appeared in
hearing opposition. Mr. Ross moved that the permit be granted
subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Mr.
Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Letter was received from the Middlesex County San-
atorium. with reference to the case of Mrs. Mary Yodwish
of 8 Mass. Avenue, who was re-examined on August 25th.
The examination and .x-ray findings showed a case of far
Yodwish advanced pulmonary tuberculosis. Sanatorium admission
T.B.case, was again advised and it was also advised that the
patient's children should not be allowed to return to
her. Sanatorium treatment had been advised three years
Ago for Mrs. Yodwish but was refused.
Mr. Giroux moved that the Board of Selectmen, acting
as a Board of Health, approve the hospitalization of Mrs.
Yodwish and further to force hospitalization under the
provisions of Section 95, Chapter 111 of the General Laws
if Mrs. Yodwish again refused sanatorium treatment. Mr.
Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted.
The Warrant for the Primary Election to be held on '
September 15th was signed.
Mr. Clark moved that the polls be open on Sept. 35th
from 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Mr. Ross seconded the
Primary motion and it was so voted.
Election. Mr. Clark moved that all of the tellers serve at the
Primary Election and that the Election Officers be paid
the same rate of pay as at the Annual Election. Mr. Ross
seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Mr. Potter moved that the expenses in connection with
the Primary Election, that is printing of the warrant,
postage, etc., be charged to the Elections and Registra-
tions Account, Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was
so voted.
Mr. Ross moved that Arthur L. Hanson of 36 Percy Road
Election be appointed a Teller in Precinct Two for the ensuing year
Off icer. to fill a vacancy. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it
was so voted.
The Supt. of Public Works informed the Board that
the insurance policies have compensation insurance for
clerks but do not cover the superintendents and he did
Compensation not see why one should be covered and not the other.
insurance. Mr. Potter suggested that Mr. Raymond talk the
matter over with Mr. Worthen and see what it would cost I
to cover the superintendents, and if it was not expensi$e,
to include them in the cover€�ge.
Mr. Raymond stated that the public liability policy
included clerks. The Chairman told him to check this
matter with Mr. Worthen and report to the Board.
Mr. Raymond stated that there was going to be a charge
as a result of the audit on the Highway Department pay
roll and this charge will amount to $428.00 and will cover
$7000. additional labor. Mr. Raymond asked Mr. Hill if
the insurance could not be charged from January 1st to
January 1st so that the audit would be made in January
and so that the Board would know what the advance premium
and the cost as the result of the audit would be before
the Annual Town Meeting. He is going to look into the
Mr. Raymond said that Mr. Hill had authorized him
to defer payment of the $3834.53 advance prekium on all
departments until November.
Y. Insurance
r beaff�§� d stated that he had talked with Mr.W tingtal
b lbey8 isfied if the Town will take care of the
drainage near his lot in the following manner: Beginning
at a point on Washington Street about half way between Drainage,
Eliot Road and Highland Avenue and extending to a manhole Highland
on Highland Avenue thence southerly on Highland Avenue Avenue.
Extension about 100 feet from whence the water will flow
into an open ditch and thence into an open field. The
cost of doing the work in this manner is estimated at
Mr. Giroux moved that an article be inserted in the
Warrant to cover this item. Mr. Ross seconded the motion
and it was so voted.
The Supt. of Public Works informed the Board that the
Lexington Trust Company wanted the Town to install hydrants
and water services to the curb line in Blake and Preston
Roads. He estimated the cost of installing two hydrants
on Blake Road and one on Simonds Road near Preston Road,
together with connections to the curb line, at $1160.00.
Mr. Ross stated that there were twenty-two lots and the
Bank would like to have the services installed to the
curb line before the street was built so that it would
not have to be patched after completion. The estimated
cost of the services if $600.00 and the balance is for
Mr. Ross moved that twenty-two water services be
installed to the curb line in Blake Road and Preston Road
and that two hydrants be installed in Blake Road and one
on Simonds Road and that the expense incurred be charged
to the Water Construction, Sundry Streets Account. Mr.
Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted.
' The Supt. of Public Works stated that he had received
an inquiry as to the reason for the clause in the garbage
proposal stating that the garbage was to be disposed
outside of Lexington. Mr. Ross moved that the clause
Blake and
about disposal of garbage be omitted from the proposal.
Garbage Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. ,
proposal. Mr. Giroux moved that the bids be received by the
Selectmen acting as a Board of Health. Mr. Ross seconded
the motion and it was so voted.
Mr. Giroux moved that the specifications be drawn
up in accordance with State Laws as to hours of work and
wages to be paid. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and -it
was so voted.
Mr. Potter left the meeting at 9:10 P.M.
The Supt. of Public Works informed the Board that the
The Supt. of Public Works reported that no one had '
Removal appeared at the hearing on the removal of the tree at the
of tree, corner of Forest Street and Mass. Avenue and that inas-
much as there was no objection, the tree would be
The Supt. of Public Works reported that a Shade Tree
conference would be held in Boston on Wednesday, Thursday
Shade tree and Friday of this week. The Supt. of Parks and Shade
conference. Trees would like to attend. The total expenses were
estimated at about $10.00.
Mr. Clark moved that Mr. Garrity be authorized to
attend the conference and that the expense incurred be
charged to the Shade Tree Department. Mr. Giroux
seconded the motion and it was so voted.
The Supt. of Public Warks stated that Loomis Patrick
was requesting the extension of approximatdly 250 feet
Sewer of sewer main in Blake Avenue and Wadman Circle. The
extension- estimated cost is $800, and the total assessment will
Blake Ave. be about $1080.00.
and Wadman Mr. Ross moved that an article be inserted in the
Circle. Warrant for the Sept. 21st Town Meeting for the extension
of the sewer in Blake Avenue and Wadman Circle. Mr.
Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted.
The Clerk was instructed to check up with the -Town '
Counsel to see if it was legal to extend the sewer in
these two ways.
State and County money for Chapter 90 Maintenance work
Loan for
had not come through and that the bills and pay rolls
Chapter 90
alreadyexceeded the town's appropriation.
Letter was received from the Town Accountant stating
that the Town had a right to borrow money to pay bills
incurred on Chapter 90 maintenance work provided that when
the State and County money is received, it will be used
to discharge the loan.
Mr. Ross moved that the Board authorize the Town
Treasurer to borrow $3500.00 and issue notes therefor for
a period not to exceed one-year from date. Mr. Giroux
seconded the motion and it was so voted.
The Supt. of Public Works reported that no one had '
Removal appeared at the hearing on the removal of the tree at the
of tree, corner of Forest Street and Mass. Avenue and that inas-
much as there was no objection, the tree would be
The Supt. of Public Works reported that a Shade Tree
conference would be held in Boston on Wednesday, Thursday
Shade tree and Friday of this week. The Supt. of Parks and Shade
conference. Trees would like to attend. The total expenses were
estimated at about $10.00.
Mr. Clark moved that Mr. Garrity be authorized to
attend the conference and that the expense incurred be
charged to the Shade Tree Department. Mr. Giroux
seconded the motion and it was so voted.
The Supt. of Public Warks stated that Loomis Patrick
was requesting the extension of approximatdly 250 feet
Sewer of sewer main in Blake Avenue and Wadman Circle. The
extension- estimated cost is $800, and the total assessment will
Blake Ave. be about $1080.00.
and Wadman Mr. Ross moved that an article be inserted in the
Circle. Warrant for the Sept. 21st Town Meeting for the extension
of the sewer in Blake Avenue and Wadman Circle. Mr.
Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted.
The Clerk was instructed to check up with the -Town '
Counsel to see if it was legal to extend the sewer in
these two ways.
' Mr. Raymond stated that the Water and Sewer Depart- Bill for
ment was receiving quite a few bills from the Highway trench
Department for trench repairs and the Acting Supt. thinks repairs.
that there should be a separate appropriation to take
care of this expense. However, Mr. Raymond thought it
was sufficient to include an amount for trench repairs
in the appropriation. No action was taken on the matter.
Mr. Raymond requested that an article be inserted in
the Warrant for the transfer of $529.51 from the Trunk Trunk Line
Line Sewer Construction Account to the Trunk Line Repairs Sewer
Account. Mr. Clark moved that the request be granted. Account -
Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Article.
Mr. Raymond reported that he was correct in his
estimate of $5000. for installing drainage in Simonds Road,
Burlington and Grove Streets. He did not think that a
drain should be laid in Simonds Road to Kinneen's Pond. Drainage,
Mr. Ross asked if this drainage project could be done as Simonds Rd.
a W.P.A. project and Mr. Raymond said that it could be Burlington
but that it would cost about $3000. or $4000. for and Grove
materials and that he would not favor a project of this Streets.
kind. He thought it would tie up the streets too long.
Mr. Giroux moved that an article be inserted in the
Warrant for the installation of drainage from the junction
' of Preston and Simonds Road to Burlington Streets, thence
northerly on Burlington Street to Grove Street, thence
northwesterly in Grove Street for a distance of 380 feet,
thence northeasterly 150 feet to a ditch. Mr. Ross
seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Mr. Raymond remarked that he thought that he could
get along with $3000. for snow removal but he wanted the Snowy
Board to buy two trucks for the Highway Division to have Removal,
them ready f or snow work.
Mr. Raymond stated that Joseph Ross's appointment
expired on October 1st and he recommended that he be
appointed Supt. of the Water and Sewer Division at a
salary of X50a per week. Most of the increase would
come out of Water Maintenance, but if the same propor-
tion was used as at present, about $30. would have to be
added to the salaPy allotment in the Sewer Maintenance
A c count .
Mr. Clark moved that Joseph A. Ross be appointed
Acting Supt. of the Water and Sewer Division until March 1,
1937, at his present rate of pay. Mr. Giroux seconded the
motion and it was so voted.
The Supt. of Public Works asked the Board if it would
' again take up the matter of an increase in the salary of
the Water Registrar. The Chairman told Mr. Raymond that Salaries
the Board believed that Miss Dalrymple's salary should be
J increase and that the salaries of several other clerks should
be increased, but that in view of the attitude of the ,
Appropriation Committee and the Town as shown at the
Annual Town Meeting, the Board did not feel that it would
make any salary increases.
The Board discussed with Mr. Raymond the matter of
reappointing him on October 15th when his present appoint.
Supt. of ment expires. Mr. Raymond told the Board that he would be
Public willing to stay in his present capacity if he:were paid
Works. a salary of $4200. per year and was allowed to continue
to live in Beverly and have his transportation furnished
by the Town. The Board told Mr. Raymond it would discuss
the matter and he retired.
The Board discussed the matter and it was left with
the Chairman to discuss with Mr. Raymond before the next
Letter was received from the Lexington Field and Garden
Article Club stating that it was estimatedthat it would cost $500.
re Depot to improve Depot Park in conjunction with that Club. Mr.
Park. Ross moved that an article be inserted in the Warrant for
the improvement of Depot Park in conjunction with the
Lexington Field and Garden Club. Mr. Clark seconded the
motion and it was so voted.
Letter was received from the National Constitution '
'Constitution Day Committee requesting that the Town properly observe
Day. that day on Sept. 17th. Mr. Giroux moved that the matter
be feferred to the Lexington Allied Veterans Council.
Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Request was received from the Planning Board that an
Article article be inserted in the Warrant to see if the Town
re map, would approve the purchase of a map to be used at Town
Meetings, the estimated cost to b�e A125.00. Mr. Clark
moved that the article be inserted in the Warrant. Mr.
Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted.
,Article re Letter was received from D. J. O'Connell requesting
change in that an article be placed in the Warrant for the Town
zone - Meeting to see if the Town will vote to change from a
O'Connell. residential to a business zone, the triangular puce of
land at the junction of Woburn Street and Fletcher Avenue.
Mr. Clark moved that the article be inserted in the
Warrant. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Article re Letter was received from Sarah A. Cutler requesting
change in that an article be placed in the Warrant to change from
zone - a residential to a business zone the property at the
Cutler. corner of the Concord Turnpike and Pleasant Street. Mr. '
Clark moved that the article be inserted in the Warrant.
Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Mr. Clark moved that a Theatre License be granted to Theatre
William Viano to do business at 1794 Mass. Avenue. Mr. License.
Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Military Aid return in the amount of $25.00 and Returns.
State Aid return in the amount of $22. were signed by the
Commitment of water rates for Section one in the
amount of $8018.52 and commitment of water service house Commitment
connections in the amount of $61.58 were signed by the
The Board signed abatements of water rates in the
amount of $53.83.
The Welfare Agent explained that the Bureau of Old
Age Assistance could consist of two members of the Board
Bureau of
of Selectmen but that the third member must be someone
Old Age
not connected with Town affairs. Mr. Clark moved that
Messrs. Ross and Potter be appointed to the Bureau of
Old Age Assistance. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and
it xas so voted.
It was voted to hold the meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 8,
at 6:30 P.M.
The Welfare Agent discussed welfare matters with the Welfare.
The meeting adjourned at 11:20 P.M.
A true record, Attest: