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' MAY 26, 1936.
A regular meeting of the Selectmen was held in
the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M.
Chairman Ferguson, Messrs. Potter, Giroux, Clark and
Ross were present. The Clerk was also present.
Mr. James F. Little appeared before the Board and
presented a plan showing that part of Nichols Road that
links up Blake and Simonds Roads. The Lexington Build- Nichols
ing Trust is planning to build the road themselves and Road.
would like the plan of the road approved by the Select-
men .
The Chairman told Mr. Little that it would be
necessary for him to apply for a Board of Survey layout
of the street.
Mr. Ross moved that Patrick J. Maguire be appointed
Dog Officer from May 1, 1936 to April 30, 1937. Mr.
Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted.
At 8:00 P.M. hearing was declared open on the
application of Mrs. C. R. Reed to maintain a one car
garage at 40 Wachusett Drive. No persons appeared in
favor or in opposition and no action was taken on the
At 8:05 P.M. hearing was declared open on the
application of John A. Murray for permission to maintain
a one car garage at 17 Theresa Avenue. Mr. Murray
appeared and presented plan of the proposed garage. No
persons appeared in opposition. Mr. Clark moved that
the permit be granted subject to the approval of the
Building Inspector. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and
it was so voted.
Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works
stating that about one's -half a carload of 15 inch pipe
would be required for a drain at the skating rink. Also,
Mr. Wrightington has notified the Supt. that a IS inch
drain is required at the Shea property in East Lexingtbn Drain
in accordance with an easement granted by the owner, pipe.
The following prices on 15 inch pipe were obtained:
Eastern Clay Goods CO. - $1.80 per ft. Less 68% - $.576
Portland Stone Ware Co. - it tt
Lexington Lumber Co. - $.574 per ft. less 2% cash ten days.
Thp pipe may be unloaded by W.P.A. labor and a
considerable saving will be effected. As ten days is
required between the placing of the order and the
' arrival of the car in Lexington, Mr. Raymond ordered a
car through the Lexington Lumber Co. in order not to
delay the work at the skating rink and he asked the
Boardta approval of his action. He also requested, the
504 01
Board's approval to place an order for 375 feet of 12
inch pipe for another drain at the skating rink from
the New England Concrete Pipe Corp. at $.38 per lineal
foot. Mr. Clark moved that Mr. Raymond's action in
ordering a car of pipe through the Lexing#on Lumber
Co. be approved and that he be authorized to order the
12 inch drain pipe for the skating rink. Mr. Potter
seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works
W.P.A. stating that the W.P.A. Insect and pest control project
Tree had reached the stage where it was doing little good
trimming because the caterpillars are leaving the tents and
project. cannot be destroyed economically. Messrs. O'Connor
and Garrity have suggested that this project be
developed by trimming some of the large shade trees
in Town and felt that this work should be supervised
by an experienced tree worker. The projoct now has
seven men and under the W.P.A. rules, a non -relief
man cannot be carried on the W.P.A. payroll. It was
suggested that Joseph T. Ferry be put to work at
the expense of the Town and be paid $.60 per hour.
Mr. Clark moved that Joseh T. Ferry be put to
work at the specified rate of 9.60 per hour.
Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works
relative to the property on Taft Avenue formerly owned ,
by John Stanley. The upper stories of the house were
destroyed by fire and the first floor was roofed over
and building paper was applied. For some time some-
body lived in the two or three rooms in the basement,
Stanley but for the past two or three years, the property has
property. been unoccupied. The children in the neighborhood
have been playing among the furniture and debris. The
place is a hazard tothe health and safety of children
and Mr. Raymond recommended that it be condemned and
the woodwork pulled down and the furniture and bed -
clothing moved and disposed of.
Mr. Ross moved that Mr. Raymond be instructed to
contact Mr. Wrightington to find out what the Board's
action should be in this case and to proceed in
accordance with his instructions. Mr. Potter seconded
the motion and it was so voted.
Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works
stating that Carl Hauck bad requested that a photograph
of the statue of the Lexington Minute -Man which he has
Photo of carved be taken., It would cost $5.00 Per such a
statue, photograph as he desired. Mr. RW mond asked whether
or not the Board approved paying for such a photograph
Inasmuch as there is no account from which such bill
might be paid, Mr. Giroux moved that no action be I
taken. Mr. Potter.seconded.the motion and it was so
Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works
stating that Mr. Scamman, former Supt. of Public Works,
was of the opinion that Mr. White had promised to fix
up the Tocio driveway but that it was overlooked. Mr.
Raymond planned to have the matter attended to as soon
as convenient.
Mr. Ra and informed the Board that there was a
deficit of 937.88 already in the appropriation for
the construction of Richard, Plymouth and Tower Roads,
and Mr. Paxton estimated that the total excess would
amount to $1500.00.
The Chairman stated that he thought the Board was
entitled to an explanation as to the difference in the
estimate and the actual cost. Mr. Raymond stated that
it had been customary to install 8 inch drain pipe
before Metcalf & Eddy presented their report, but
in that report they recommended strongly that 12 inch
pipe be installed and .12 inch pipe was installed in
these streets.
Mr. Clark moved that a detailed statement be
furnished the Selectmen as to the reason that the cost
of the construction of these streets exceeded the
Deficit in
construct -
appropriation by such a large amount. Mr. Giroux seconded
the motion and it was so voted.
Mr. Giroux suggested that when Mr. Raymond had Engineering
sometime, he look into the workings of the Engineering Department.
Department'to see that it was functioning satisfactorily.
The Chairman stated that in the Town of ,Arlington
before a house is started, it is necessary for the
builder to go to the Town Engineer who checks the grade
of the sill and he makes a charge of $2.00. Before
the Building Inspector issues a permit, he must have
a certificate that the sill and the grade are O.K.
and the Chairman suggested that it might be a good
plan for Lexington to adopt such regulations.
Mr. Giroux moved that a letter be written to
the Town Counsel to see if the Town could establish
such regulations. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and
it was so voted.
Mr. Ross suggested that the Town Engineer and
Mr. Raymond supply the foreman on the Mill Brook
project with a detailed plan so that the project might
be worked out satisfactorily, Mr. Ferguson thought
that the Town Engineer had a plan that was approved by
the railroad giving the Town the right to install the
pipe under the railroad and that this plan included the
bead walls. Mr. Raymond stated that such a plan would
probably fill the railroad requirements but that he did
not call the construction of the head wall an efficient
hydraulic construction. No action was taken.on the
Brook -
The Supt. of Public Works informed the Board that
it would cost approximately $175.00 to fill in the
ditch at the Lexington Home for the Aged, assuming that
Drainage, the work would be done by the Highway Division employees.
Lex. Home Mr. Raymond said that he had not heard from Mr. Rowse
for Aged. wince writing him on May 15th requesting permission to
fill the ditch in. Mr. Potter moved that the matter be
held over until Mr. Raymond heard from, Mr. Rowse, Mr.
Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works
stating that Mr. Paxton had reported that no con—
struction was done on Fern Street or Independence Road
which would in any way result in an increase in the
amount of storm water which would flow onto the Needham
property and cause damages such as have been claimed.
The water pipe which Mr. Needham referred to is a one
inch pipe installed in 1928 to the house of Oscar
Needham and is located in a right of way.to land of
Oscar Needham as shown upon a plan on file in the
Registry of Deeds. The entire cost of the service was
paid for by Oscar Needham and presumably the service
pipe is his property and not that of the Town.. Therefor
if the right of way through which the pipe is laid is
the property of Mr. Harold Needham and he wishes its
location changed, it is a matter for him to settle
Needham with Mr. Oscar Needham and not with the Town of
complaint. Lexington. In view of this fact, it was Mr. Raymond's
opinion that there was no liability on the Townes part
for -damages which Harold Needham claimed. Mr. Raymond
thought that it would be useless to build a driveway
for Needham anyway unless a very heavy pavement was
Mr. Ross moved that Mr. Raymond's opinion be
accepted and that Mr. Needham be notified that the Town
was not liable for damages to his driveway. Mr. Potter
seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Mr. Raymond stated that he understood that it had
been the policy here that the Town was liable where
water came from an unfinished street onto private
property. In Needham's case, the damage was the result
of an abnormal rainfall and he did not think that the
Town was liable.
Letter was rdeeived from the Supt. of Public Works
stating that in order to avoid excessive amounts of
filling along Lowell Street some distance northerly
Drainage, of Haskell Street and provide a suitable slope to
Lowell St. the roadway shoulders to insure satisfactory drainage,
it seemed best to install about 150 feet of 12 inch
drain and provide two catch basins in the low area.
There is enough pipe on hand to do this work and he
instructed. the Supt. of Highways to install the nec-
essary drain and asked the Boardts approval of this
Mr..Raymond stated that the State Engineer had
action. Mr. Clark moved that Mr. Raymond?s action
in the matter be approved. Mr. Ross seconded the motion
and it was so voted.
Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works
stating that the area to be taken from the Belmont
that her property had been damaged and that she should
Springs Trust for widening Watertown Street was -11,700
square feet and the assessed value of this land is about
$107.00. Using the same ratio that Mrs. Hatch was Taking,
release. She would be satisfied with a cattle fence.
awarded, that is 5.5 times the assessed valuation of Watertown
the property, he said that it might be expected that an Street
award of about $590, might be made the Trust. 'This
Towns refusal to erect this fence would be that it
estimate did not take into account the possible claim
that the remaining land to be used for the golf fairway
might be depreciated because of the taking, which results
additional State projects.
in a somewhat lesser distance from the edge of the highway
to the direct line of play and the claim that more balls
might hit into the highway than before the taking. Mr.
next meeting and that in the meantime Mr. Raymond talk
Raymond did not think that the estimate of land damages
would justify the Town constructing an underpass at an
estimated cost of $3000.00.
and it was so voted.
No action was taken on the matter.
Mr..Raymond stated that the State Engineer had
The Supt. of Public Works? report for the week
dnding May 23rd was received. Report.
Mr. Raymond informed the Board that Lexington had
been requested to reduce the men on W.P.A. from 235 to
Mr. Clark moved that the local paper be requested
to give this matter due publicity and ask the cooperation W..P.A.
of business men in securing employment for the men who
are dropped from the W.P.A. rolls. Mr. Potter seconded
the motion and it was so voted.
' Application was received for the use of Estabrook
Hall -by the Lafayette Club on June 2, 1936. Mr. Clark Use of
moved that the Club be allowed to use the ball on that Hall
date at a charge of $5.00. Mr. Ross seconded the motion
and it was so voted.
requested that the Town obtain a release from Mrs. Cutler_
where the State had come in on a State Highway project
cutting trees, sloping banks, etc. Mr. Raymond took
a release over to Mrs. Cutler to be signed, but she felt
that her property had been damaged and that she should
have a fence along her property and would not sign the
release. She would be satisfied with a cattle fence.
The only reaction that Mr. Raymond could see from'the
Towns refusal to erect this fence would be that it
might be thrown back on the Town when they asked for
additional State projects.
Mr. Potter moved that no action be taken until the
next meeting and that in the meantime Mr. Raymond talk
with Mrs. Cutler again. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion
and it was so voted.
The Supt. of Public Works? report for the week
dnding May 23rd was received. Report.
Mr. Raymond informed the Board that Lexington had
been requested to reduce the men on W.P.A. from 235 to
Mr. Clark moved that the local paper be requested
to give this matter due publicity and ask the cooperation W..P.A.
of business men in securing employment for the men who
are dropped from the W.P.A. rolls. Mr. Potter seconded
the motion and it was so voted.
' Application was received for the use of Estabrook
Hall -by the Lafayette Club on June 2, 1936. Mr. Clark Use of
moved that the Club be allowed to use the ball on that Hall
date at a charge of $5.00. Mr. Ross seconded the motion
and it was so voted.
Mr. Raymond stated that he thought the Board could
get more prompt action from the W.P.A. if they could
have some man to contact the officials in Boston -and
keep them interested in Lexington projects and he thought
that if some member of the Board could find the time to
do this, the Town would derive a great deal of benefit.
Mr. Ross moved that Archibald R. Giroux be
appointed contact man for the W.P.A. Mr. Potter seconded
the motion and it was so voted.
Mr. Raymond said that he had received word that the
Lincoln Street approval had come through and that he
thought work would probably start next Monday.
The Supt. of Public Works informed the Board that
it would cost approximately $2200.00 to repair Reed
Street and this expense would have to be charged to
the gighway Maintenance Account. Mr. Clark asked if it
would be better to fix the road temporarily or to wait
until next year and have the job done right. The
Chairman stated that of course the right thing to do would
be to reconstruct the street but the money would have to
be appropriated.
Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Raymond contact 'some of
the people on Reed Street who are complaining of the
conditions and explain the matter to them and inform
them that the Board would advocate the construction
of the street next year very strongly. Mr. Giroux
seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Mr. Raymond informed the Board that he thought the
indexing of the Selectmen's Records for the past five
years could come under the W.P.A. project for copying
old records.. etc.
Mr. Raymond said that there were some gasoline
pumps at the curb line on Bedford Street where the new
sidewall¢ is to be constructed. He said that the
Bedford St.
Selectmen probably granted permission for the maintenance
of the pumps but he thought that they should be moved
back onto private property. The Chairman told Mr.
Raymond to check up on the'vote as he thought that the
sidewalk was to go only as far as the Newcomb & Dade y
Garage and not pastit,
p .
Mr. Raymond stated that the State Engineers
Mill Brook thought that the Mill Brook project was a very good
Project. one and they wanted to take photographs of it showing
various parts of the job. They would wgnt three sets,
one for the Town one for the'State and one to be sent
to Washington. Mr. Ross moved that the Supt. of Public
Works be authorized to have such pictures taken. '
Mr. Potter seconded the motiom and it was so voted.
Mr..Raymond wanted to know if it could be arranged
to break in George Harrington on a sewer study of the
Town. He would like to have a plan of North Lexington
and would like to find out where the leakage was, etc.
The Board told Mr. Rgy mond that he had authority to
arrange the men's work as he ddsired and that he did not
need any further authorization from the Board.
Letter was received from the Town Counsel stating
that Judge Duane of Concord had found in favor of
Harry W. Pierce in the amount of $50.00. He had
apparently ruled that the regulations of the Water Dept,
did not apply to an accidental break. With reference
to the Plumbing Laws, he refused to rule on the ground
that there was conflicting evidence. Mr. Wrightington
said that the Town had a right to go to the Appellate
Division which would be for the purpose of arguing on
errors in rulings made by the trial Court. He asked
if the Board wished him to go further with the case.
Mr. Giroux moved that Mr. Wrightington be advised
to carry the case to the Appellate Division. Mr. Ross
seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Letter was received from the Town Counsel stating
that Mr. Kilham, attorney for Brousseau et als, did not
' believe that his clients would give a.bond in the amount
of $5000. but would let the Town enforce its rights.
Mr. Wrightington wanted to know if the Board wished
him to try and enforce the contract if Kilham's clients
did not undertake to furnish a $5000. bond.
Mr. Giroux moved that Mr. Wrightington be advised
that the Board wished him to enforce the contract. Mr.
Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Letter was received from Robert C. Merriam outlining
the program for the Police Emergency Highway First Aid. Police,
Mr. Giroux moved that the Chairman handle the matter in First Aid
whatever manner he saw fit. Mr. Potter seconded the
motion and it was so voted.
Letter was received from the Town Counsel with
regard to the 01d Agams School property. Mr. Wrightington
has been unable to discover anyi deed to the Town of
this property although the Town has evidently occupied
it since 1860. At one time, it was thought that Mr. Holt
-could obtain a deed to it from Miss Ellen A. S one but
he did not. Mr. Wrightington has not had.the title
examined sufficiently to determine whether or not a 01d Aoams
deed from Miss Stone would be sufficient. He thought School
that the most effective way to deal with the situation Property.
would be to file a petition for registration of title
claiming title by adverse possession. Miss Stone would
then have notice and an opportunity to be heard if she
desired to oppose the Town's claim, and if a decree
510 01
was entered, it would settle the Town's claim. He '
said that in many deeds of schoolhouses to the Town
given at about the time this school was constructed,
conditions were inserted in the grants which resulted
in a foreclosure if the land were not used for school
purposes. Mr. Wrightington said that inasmuch as no
deed has.been found so far, the Town is not affected
by such a condition but the possibility of the evidence
of such a condition has made it hesitate to use the
building for anything other than school purposes.
If a complete registration of title can be secured,
any doubt on this score will be eliminated.
Letter was received from Robert C. Mara stating
Request for that he hadrecently opened a real estate and insurance
Insurance. office in L,exington and he would like to be considered
when some of the Town's policies were being placed.
The Board decided to place the letter on file and to
advise Mr. Mara that he would be given due consideration.
British Letter was received from the British Naval and '
Veterans Military Veterans stating that they wished ,to change the
date of their annual pilgrimage to Lexington to June 7th.
The Bond of the Supt. of Public Works in the
amount of $1000.00 furnished by the American 13nployers
Assurance Corp. was approved by the Board.
Letter was received from the Fawcett Stoker Co,,Inc.
giving a report on the survey of the hearing apparatus
in the Cary Memorial and.Town Office Buildings. They
estimated that with Stokel Automatic Firing, the total
fuel cost saving would be $524.25 per year. The cost
of the Stokol instdllation is 11700.00. No action
was taken on the matter inasmuch as there are no funds
available at the present time.
Letter was received from Charles Alger of 162
Lowell Street stating that he would like to purchase
Sale of
lots #32,33 and half of 34 in Rosemont. The Clerk
advised the Board that the Town had not actually fore-
closed on these lots. The Clerk was instructed to find
out when the Town Clerkwas going to foreclose on them
and to advise Mr. Alger that,they would be foreclosed
and request him to make an offer for them.
Letter was received from Jay 0. Richards to which
was attached a bill for a binder of $5000.00 which was
placed on the first of ,April, 1935. The bill had not
previously been rendered. The Chairman stated that
the only way this bill could be paid would be by
inserting an article in the Warrant for the next Town
Meeting and the Clerk was instructed to so advise Mr.
Letter was received from Robert C. Mara stating
Request for that he hadrecently opened a real estate and insurance
Insurance. office in L,exington and he would like to be considered
when some of the Town's policies were being placed.
The Board decided to place the letter on file and to
advise Mr. Mara that he would be given due consideration.
British Letter was received from the British Naval and '
Veterans Military Veterans stating that they wished ,to change the
date of their annual pilgrimage to Lexington to June 7th.
Mr. Potter moved that, they be advised that this date would
be agreeable to the Board. Mr. Ross seconded the motion
and it was so voted.
Mr. Ross moved that the Board's vote of May 19th
to rescind the vote of April 28th relative to Mr. Ray-
mond's car allowance be amended so that the vote would
stand as follows: "the vote of April 28, 1936 to pay
John W. Raymond, Jr., six cents per mile for trans-
portation to and from Beverly during the trial period
of six months be revoked as of May 22, 1936, and that
from that date, Mr. Raymond is to use the Town car for
transportation to and from Beverly". Mr. Giroux
seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Upon motion of Mr. Clark seconded by Mr. Giroux, the
following permits were granted:
Alexander H. Cameron - 42 Carville Ave. - Peddler
Clarence E. MacPhee - 14 Baker Avenue - Sunday Sales
James T. McGann 120 Woburn Street - Public Carriage
Mr.' Clark moved that the Ryder permit to keep 1000
pigs on Maple Street be granted provided this number Ryder
was not an increase over the number they were allowed pigs,
to keep last year. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and
It was so voted.
Commitment of Water Liens and Old Age Assistance
Commitment were signed by the'Board. Commitment.
Mr. Giroux stated that Walter Rose had complained
to him that the Learyse, on Waltham Street were operetIng Complaint
two cars for public hire when they were licensed for re Leary's
only one. Mr. Clark moved that the complaint be taxi.
referred to the Police Department. Mr. Ross seconded
the motion and it was so voted.
The Board signed an agreement in duplicate for the
settlement of the water guaranty case against D. J.
O'Connell as surety for Antonio Mereadante.
The Welfare Agent discussed the case of Mrs. Elissa
Jane Cady of 12 Greenwood Street, an Old Age Assistance
case. Mrs. Cady is 76 years old and is qualified to
receive Old Age Assistance. He recommended aid in the
amount of $4, per week. Mr. Clark moved that the
recommendation be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the
motion and it was so voted.
The meeting adjourned -at 12,05 P.M.
A true .record, Attest: