HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936-03-03343 SELECTMENtS MEETING ' MARCH 3. 1936. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Ferguson, potter, Giroux, Clark and Mr. Albert A, Ross, the newly elected member, were present. Thee Clerk was also present. Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Charles E. Ferguson be Organiza- appointed Chairman for the coming year. Mr. Giroux tion. seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Giroux moved that the expenditure of $5.00 for flowers which were sent upon the death of Mr. Hallie C. Bill for Blake, former Selectman, be approved and charged to the flowers Unclassified Account. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from George Foster, Secretary of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, stating that for several years the Arlington Spanish War•Veterans had been invited to join in Memorial Day exercises in Lexington, but for the last two years, the invitation was not accepted. He stated that their organization intended to invite the Arlington Camp to join with them this year with the understanding that the Lexington organization would provide the wreaths and flowers. Mr. Foster stated that the amount appropriated for Memorial Day had been Memorial the same for many years, namely $250.00, but that the Day. number of graves had increased until now they decorated 185 gravels of Revolutionary War Veterans, the War of 1812, Civil War and.Spanish-American War and 30 American Legion graves. The continued increase had been met first by using only a wreath instead of a bouqueb and wreath and then by purchasing less expensive wreaths. Mr. Foster stated that his organization needed the full amount of the appropriation but would invite the organization to join with them. It was the consensus of opinion that the Arlington organization should work in conjunction with the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil. War. Application was received from Middlesex County San- Becker atorium for the admission of Mrs. Rhoda Becker, age 28, Z,B. of 49 Outlook Drive. Mr. Clark moved that the application case* be approved. Mr. Giroux meconded the motion and it was so voted, Letter was received from the Town Counsel with regard to the Board's inquiry on thea game of Beano. Mr. Wrightington stated that the Statutes of 1934s Chapter 371, exempted the game from criminal prosecution provided 344 Town Counsel's opinion. re Beano Hearing on layout of Tower, Richard and Plymouth Roads. "the proceeds of the charges for participation in, such game are charitable, civic, educational, purposes" and provided the game license of the selectmen and on ditions as they may prescribe. admission to and/or donated solely to fraternal or religious is conducted under such terms and con - Judge Field has recently decided in Comm. v. O+Connell, that the following proceeding preliminary to the operation of the game was a lottery and illegal. The managers printed a lot of subscription books entitled "Charitable Donative Subscriptions". Subscribers paid fifty cents for the subscription entitling them to ad- mission to the hall and whether they went or not to participate in a drawing of names the twenty-five winners of which were entitled to play the game by proxy. One- third of the proceeds was distributed in prizes, each participant. getting some prize for ten consecutive games. In this case the prosecution agreed that the proceeds were all devoted to charity so that the court'did not have to pass on that feature of it. What the court decided was that although the game itself might be legal, the preliminary drawing of names of participants was a lottery. Mr. Wrightington stated that he understood that the promoters of the game in Lexington expected to receive 50 percent of the proceeds for the use of their machines and therefor conflicted with the language above quoted which requires that the proceeds for admission and participation be donated solely to charity. He thought that if the proposed arrangement is of that character, that it should not be licensed. Mr. Giroux moved that the request of the Legion for a permit to operate a Beano game be refused due to the fact that such operation was contrary to law. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. At 8:00 P.M. hearing was declared open on the layout as town ways of Tower, Richard and Plymouth Roads. Thirteen residents of the neighborhood were present. Messrs. Gnash, Cosgrove and .Arnold informed the Board that they were in favor of the layout of the streets, The Chairman asked if any persons were opposed to such layout and construction,, and there was no one. The Chairman asked what percentage of the owners signed the petition and Mr. Cosgrove replied that more than 75 per- cent of the owners signed and that none were opposed to the matter. The Chairman stated that he had received a letter from the First National Bank advising that it was in favor of the renstruction of the streets. He also remarked that the Misses Harvey of 6 Plymouth Road were in favor of the construction. The Chairman infofted the group that the Board could merely approve the layout of the street and it would be up to the Town Meeting to vote on the construction. Mr. Cosgrove stated that Mr. James R. Smith wished to be recorded in favor 1 1 1 1 J of the construction. The Chairman asked what the approximate valuation of the houses in the vicinity was and Mr. Cosgrove replied that there were 16 houses on the three streets which were valued at $139,000. Mr. Ross asked what the assessments would amount to and Mr. Cosgrove replied that $3.85 per foot of frorrt- age was what the assessment would be. Mr. Cosgrove stated that the construction of the roads included drainage, a twenty-four foot roadway and three foot tree lawn between the edge of the travelled way and the sidewalk. The Board informed the group that the matter would be discussed further and the people retired. Mr. Giroux moved that the layouts of the three streets be approved as shown on the plans. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Clerk reported that Violet Smithers had declined to accept the appointment as Deputy Inspector in Precinct Three. Mr. Giroux moved that Mark L. Dodd be appointed in her place. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from Sherman W. Reed declining the appointment as Deputy Clerk in Precinct Four. The matter of filling the vacancy caused by his resignation was he Id over for one week. Letter was received from Clarence S. Walker, Treasurer of the Lexington Trust Company, advising that the Executive Committee had voted to accept the Board's offer of settlement of the bankts claim for damages incurred by the construction of Valley Road, by paying $100, and cancelling the betterments assessed against the property. The Chairman instructed the Clerk to advise the Bank that the necessary papers would be prepared and that an article would be inserted in the Warrant for the next Town Meeting to settle the claim. Letter was received from the Lexington Taxpayers Association advising ,that that organization was sponsoring an open meeting to, be held in Estabrook Hall on Monday evening, March 9th, to discuss the articles in the Warrant. The -letter requested that the Selectmen be present to answer questions that might be asked relative to the articles. Mr. Giroux suggested that the Chairman of the Planning Board be requested to be present to answer questions on the articles in regard to zoning.• The Chairman suggested that the Town Counsel be requested to be present also. 345 Election Officers a Lex. Trust Co. settle ment of Smith Suit. Meeting, Taxpayers Assoc. At 8;30 P.M., hearing was declared open on the Layout of layout of Hibbert Street. No persons appeared in -favor Hibbert or in opposition. Street Mr. Clark moved that the layout be approved as 1346 shown on the plan. it was so voted. y Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and LZ Letter was received from the Town Clerk to which Juror was attached writ for the drawing of one juror for drawn. Superior Court for the transaction of criminal business to be holden at Cambridge on the first Monday of April, 1936. Mr. Harry Sorenson, mechanic, of 116 Woburn Street was the juror drawn. Letter was .received from the Town Treasurer recommending the borrowing of $200,000. in anticipation of revenue. Mr. Clark moved that the Town Treasurer be Loan authorized to ask for bids on a loan in the amount of $200,000. in anticipation of revenue,the bids to be received March -10V 1936 and dated March 11, 1936. The loan is to be payable as follows: $100;�000,p on October 23, 1936 and $100,000. onDecember4, 1936. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Middlesex County Senatorium on the School Clinic held in Lexington as follows: School Clinic Final Report. School Population, Grades 7-9-11 590 (inc. 1 child in other grade) Children Tuberculin.Tested 33£3 School Percent Tested 57.3 T.B. Children Reacting to the Test 61 Clinic. Percent Reacting to the Test 1810 Children X-rayed 64 Result of Physical Examinations: Number of Children Examined 13 Observation Cases 13 Negative Cases 1 14 (One child was absent at time of physical examinations and was classified from X-ray findings). Mr'. Clark moved that the report be accepted and placed on file. T"r. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Commitment of Water Liens in the amount of $71,96 Commitments. and Commitment of Water Rates in the amount of $4923.07 were signed by the Board. Mr. Trask appeared before the Board to discuss the budget for the Police Department. He stated that $400. had been allowed for equipment for men and sundry items and he showed that $439,70 more was needed for 1 1 1 these items for the f ollow1ng; Revolvers - $150:00 Installation of telephones - 25.00 Power Lights 7.70 Batteries, bulbs and. flare lights - 50.00 Camera Supplies - 50.00 Summer shirts for officers 64.00 Day bed for Police office - 25.00 Repairs to typeerriter - 18.00 Locker for new police officer 25.00 It was decided to allow V=.00 for new shirts and $150. for revolvers, making a total of $185.00 to be added to the $400, already allowed for equipment for men. The other items as requested were allowed lus the sum of $50. to come and go on, making a total of 304.70 to be allowed for sundry items. The approval of these items meant the addition of $489.70 to the Police Dept. budget making the total amount•.approved $39,056.01. Mr. Giroux moved that. the Police Dept. budget be - approved in that amount. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Board discussed the budget for the Town Offices and Cary Memorial Building. Mr. Trask stated that $25.00 had been allowed for extra labor and most of that amount had already been spent. The Appropriation Committee had reduced the item for telephones from $2100 to $1500. and the Chairman suggested that the Board concur with the Appropriation Committee on this item. Mr. Potter thought that there was no sense in approving only $1500. when it was known that the telephone's were going; to cost more than that. It was decided to allow the sum of $1800. for telephones. Mr. Trask suggested that the item for extra labor be increased to $75.00. The amount previously approved by the Board was $10,400,48 and due to the reduction of $300, on the item for telephones and'the increase of $50.00 on the item for extra labor, the budcet was finally reduced to $10,150.48. Mr. Giroux moved that this budget be approved for that amount. Mr. Ross eeconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Trask reported that his attention was called to the fact that the American Legion was holding a vaudeville show at the County Council meeting to be held next Sunday and that the individual who spoke to him thought that this should not be allowed on the Lordts Day. The W.P.A.-is going to furnish the talent. Mr. Ross thought that someone should find out what the show was going to consist of and instruct the Legion that they should not allow anything contrary to what should be shown on Sunday. Mr. Giroux moved that the Board advise the American Legion that the entertainment on Sunday was to be confined to a concert of a nature which would be suitable for Sunday. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. It was then decided that Mr. Trask should advise the Legion of the Board's feelingin the matter. 347 Police Dept. Budget. Town Offices & Cary Mem. Building Budget. Legion Vaudeville Show. Mr. Giroux stated that the Middlesex Turnpike Associates would like to use Estabrook Hall on Use of Wednesday, March 18th, for a meeting of Lexington Hall. citizens interested in the new°road prior to the meeting at the State House which is to be held on Thursday, March 19th. Mr. Clark moved that the Middlesex Turn- pike Associates be allowed to use the hall on that date. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Giroux moved that the Patriot's.Day appropria- Patriot's tion be reconsidered. Mr. Potter seconded the motion Day and it was so voted. •Mr. Giroux then moved that the Budget. appropriation be approved in the amount of $500. -Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Drainage, Mr. Giroux moved that the sum of $3000. be approved Bloomfield for drainage in Bloomfield Street. bIr. Potter seconded Street. the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Clark voted in opposition to the•matter. Mr. Giroux moved that the appropriation for the Fletcher installation of warning signals atthe Fletcher Avenue Avenue. railroad crossing be. disapproved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Clark moved that the sum of $2000, be approved Hibbert for the construction of Hibbert Street unddr the Street. Betterment Act when and if Arlington improves that part of the road within the confines of the Town of Arlington. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Ross moved that the sum of $7800. be approved Betterment for the construction of Richard, Plymouth and Tower Streets. Road's under the Betterment Act. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Messrs. Giroux and Clark voted in opposition to the matter. `Nater Con. Mr. Giroux moved that an appropriation of 02500a for the installation of water mains in Blake and Preston Roads be disapproved. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Giroux moved that the vote approving the Lights at installation of traffic lights at Meriam Street be Meriam rescinded. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was Street. so voted. Mr. Giroux then moved that the appropriation for the installation of the lights be disapproved at this time, due to the study of the signal system on Mass. Avenue which is being made by the State. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Street The Chairman asked Mr. Trask what it would cost to Lights. keep the street lights on all night and he replied that it would cost $6000. Mr. Giroux moved that Article 16 in the Warrant to see if the Town would vote to"keep the 1 u Mr. Trask asked the Board for instructions with regard to the contact man for W.P.A. He stated that John O'Connor was busy in the Highway Dept. and did not have time to do the work. He stated that Clayton Beach was doing a good job. Mr. Trask stated that he thought the heads of the departments could supervise the projects satisfactorily and it was decided to have the work handled in this manner. Mr. Trask reported that the Busa?s from Lowell Street had called his attention to the fact that they were unable to hire men to work for them on the farm as most of the men are working 21 hours a week on the W.P.A. and earn more money than the farmers would pay them. Mr. Giroux thou -ht that it might be a good idea to have the Chairman write the Government with regard to the condition. Mr. Potter thought that it might be well to take the matter up with the Public Market Gardeners? Association. No action was taken on the matter. 349 Street Lights.. Watertown Street. Claim for Damages. W.P.A. Complaint re W,P.A. ' Mr. Ross stated that during his campaign, he had Haskell appeared before people who live on Crescent Hill Avenue Street and they were wondering if the Town could do aiything on Haskell Street. Crescent Hill Avenue is an accepted street lights on all night be disapproved. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Trask stated that the Board had voted to remove the street lights on Old Watertown Street. He had received a:letter from the Edison Co. stating that the poles were owned by the Telephone Company. The Edison Co. proposes to build a new pole line on the neer section of the street between Hatch's Pond and the Turnpike and relocate the three existing street lights from the abandoned section of the street to whatever locations on the new pole line that the Town mi -ht designate. Mr. Potter moved that the Edison Company's offer be accepted. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Trask reported that he had received a letter from tile. Brownie Oil and Ice Co. stating that its truck hit a manhole cover on Mass. Avenue in front of Emerson Hall on Saturday, February 29th. The cover flew up and damaged the car. A bill was presented in the amount of 011.05. Mr. Trask stated that the manhole in front of Emerson Hall was a telephone manhole but the claimant identified a sewer manhole. Mr. Trask stated that he and Mr. Potter went down to view the street and they could not find any loose cover. Mr. Potter moved that the matter be passed. Mr. Giroux seconded the ' motion and it was so voted. Mr. Trask asked the Board for instructions with regard to the contact man for W.P.A. He stated that John O'Connor was busy in the Highway Dept. and did not have time to do the work. He stated that Clayton Beach was doing a good job. Mr. Trask stated that he thought the heads of the departments could supervise the projects satisfactorily and it was decided to have the work handled in this manner. Mr. Trask reported that the Busa?s from Lowell Street had called his attention to the fact that they were unable to hire men to work for them on the farm as most of the men are working 21 hours a week on the W.P.A. and earn more money than the farmers would pay them. Mr. Giroux thou -ht that it might be a good idea to have the Chairman write the Government with regard to the condition. Mr. Potter thought that it might be well to take the matter up with the Public Market Gardeners? Association. No action was taken on the matter. 349 Street Lights.. Watertown Street. Claim for Damages. W.P.A. Complaint re W,P.A. ' Mr. Ross stated that during his campaign, he had Haskell appeared before people who live on Crescent Hill Avenue Street and they were wondering if the Town could do aiything on Haskell Street. Crescent Hill Avenue is an accepted 350 1 street, but Haskell Street°is unaccepted. The Chairman stated that nothing could be done on Haskell Street ' until it was accepted by the Town and. the only thing to do would be to put an article in the Warrant to see if the Town wished to accept the street. Mr. Mitchell asked the Board's authorization for Drury the filing of a claim against the estate of Norah E. claim. Drury. Mr..Potter moved that the authorization be granted. Mr. Giroux, seconded the motion and. it was so voted. The Welfare Agent discussed the case of Henry A. Jenks Jenks and son, who is 19 years old. He.state.d that case. Jenks was now eligible for State Aid and he believed that the man should be transferred and receive aid under Old Age Assistance, and aid the boy from Public Welfare. He recommended that the father be aided in the amount of $7.00 per, week and the boy in the amount of $5.00 per week. They are both State cases. Mr. Potter moved that the recommendation be approved. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Welfare Agent discussed the case of Peter Palermo Palermo who is trying to get tack on 0I.P.A. He caseasked authorization to increase aid from $6. to $9. per week. Mr. Giroux moved that the authorization I be granted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Mitchell reported that the vote authorizing aid from the Beals Fund to Mrs. Anna C. Breed expired Breed on December 31wt. He asked the Board to vote to case. continue aiding Mrs. Breed in the amount of $10,00 per month from the Beals Fund for the year 1936. Mr. Potter moved that Mrs. Breed be aided in the amount of $10,00 per month from the Beals Fund for the year 1936. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Mitchell discussed the case of Frank Hart of Hart 1847 Mass. Avenue. Hart has been under the care of case. Dr. Pyle for a week and the doctor arranged for him to go into the hospital and he might have to have an operation. Pending the decision, Mr. Mitchell recommended that Hart be aided in the amount of $11. per week. Mr. Giroux moved that the recommendation be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Welfare Agent discussed the case of Willis McLean of 610 Lowell Street. The man has worked for McLean Ryder for some time, was laid off three weeks ago ' casee and hopes to return to work later on. He has a Medford settlement. Mr. Mitchell recom,.77ended that McLean be aided in an amount not to exceed $5. a week. Mr. Potter n 351 moved that the recommendation be appoved. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Welfare Agent discussed the case of Edward McCullough of Concord Avenue, an unsettled case. He McCullough lives with his brother who is going to lose his house. case. Mr. Mitchell recommended that he be aided in the amount of $7.00 per week. Mr. Giroux moved that the recommendation be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Welfare Agent discussed the case of Robert F. Meek of Bacon Street who has a wife and three children. He fell from the roof of his house and fractured his shoulder and will be laid'off for three weeks. He had been working on W.P.A. Mr. Mitchell asked the Boardts authorization to X ovide food if necessary. Mr. Potter moved that the authorization be granted. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and .it was so voted. The Welfare Agent discussed the case of William G. Collins. Collins has been working in St. Petersburg but has now lost his job and is on his way home. Mr. Mitchell asked authorization of the Board to aid him under Soldierst Relief in the amount of $15,00 per week. Mr. Clark moved that the authorization be graited. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Meek case. The Welfare Agent discussed the case of Sadie A. Ginn who lives with Mrs. Wheeler on Valley Road. Mrs, Ginn is blind and is allowed $20. per month from the Commission of the Blind. The State visitor will acknowledge the case as unsettled. Mr. Mitchell recommend- ed that Mrs. Ginn be aided in the amount of $5.00 per week. Mr. Clark moved that the recommendation be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. The meeting adjourned at 10:;7 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk. Collins case.