HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936-02-111292 Traffic at Meriam St, SELECTMEN'S MEETING FEB. 11th, 1936. ' A regular meeting of the Se7_ee.tmen.was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:.30 P.M. Chairman Ferguson, and Messrs. Lyons,. Giroux and Clark were present. The Clerk was also present. At 8: P.M.. a group of people from the Meriam Hill section of the Town appeared before the Board to discuss the matter of installing traffic lights at the junction of Meriam Street and Mass. Avenue. Mr. Lawrence Burnham was spokesman for the group. He submitted to the Board a petition signed by 132 people requesting that immediate steps be taken to protect the lives of the citizens at this point by installing automatic signal lights to be.connected with the Fire Dept. headquarters so.that same might be operated when the apparatus reported to an alarm. Mr. Burnham stated that there was a danger on account of the apparatus entering and leaving the firehouse, and also.that there was great.difficulty in entering Mass. Avenue on account of the traffic as there was a green arrow which allowed the people to,go up Bedford Street ' without stopping. He stated that pedestrians could not go across,Mass..Avenue at Clarke Street as there was either a green or red light at all times. The Chairman asked if -Mr. Burnham thought that the 45o angle,parking made the entrance to Meriam Street any more dangerous and if parallel parking would eliminate the danger. Mr. Burnham replied that he believed that the angle parking did cause danger and that parallel parking would not relieve the situation. Dr. Clarence Shannon asked if the Board had any information as to the traffic count which was made at this corner some time ago. He stated that not only the streets but also the sidewalks were staggered at this junction, which was a bad factor and that the situation could not -be bettered until the Central Block was torn down. The Chairman stated that the Board would have to petition the State Board of Public Works for a traffic count at Meriam Street and Mass. Avenue before anything might be done and he informed the group that such a petition would be submitted and the group retired. The Board discussed the matter with the Supt. of Public Works who stated that there were traffic lights within 200 feet of the junction in question and that if additional lights were installed, they would have to be synchronized. He stated that there ' were five types of traffic at this point now; there is southerly traffic on Bedford Street and Mass. Avenue and northerly traffic on Bedford Street and Mass. Avenue, and traffic on Meriam and Clarke Streets. He stated that the State Board of Public Works had already been requested to make a traffic count and make its recommendation on the whole situation. C 1 Letter was received from Mr. T. A. Custance pro- testing against certain actions of the Police Department with reference to the tagging of two cars which were parked in the driveway in front of Cary Memorial Hall while the owners were attending the services at the Baptist Church. • Mr. Custance stated that he did not think such tagging was necessary from a traffic point of view and as far as he knew, there was no regulation prohibiting parking in this driveway.: He stated that within an hour and a quarter after these two cars were tagged, there were several more parked there which were not tagged and he asked why the two cars in question were discriminated against. Mr. Custance stated that he would be pleased to work with the Board on any plan for the better care of traffic and also invited the Board to attend the sessions of the Briggs Class which are held each Sunday from 12 to l o'clock. The matter was.discussed with the Supt. of Public Works who stated that he knew about the tagging of the.cars and thought that it was all right as it was his understanding that the Board had requested the pastor of the Baptist Church to advise his parishoners that there was to be no parking in the driveway. The Board advised Mr. Trask that the pastor of the church had merely been requested to suggest to his parishoners that they park in the rear of the Cary Memorial Building rather than in the driveway. However, it was the feeling of the Board that parking should be allowed in the driveway in front of the Cary Memorial Building for business purposes only, and Mr. Giroux made a motion to that effect. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. 293 Parking in Driveway, Cary Mem. Building, Mr. Russell B. Allen and Mr. E. H. Ballard appeared before the Board to discuss the matter of a water guaranty which Mr. Allen had signed for the extension of a water main on Wood Street and which Mr. Ballard signed as surety. Mr. Allen has paid nothing on the a'eeount,and at the present time there is over $400.00 due. He informed the Board that he had been sued by the Town Counsel for $25,000.00. Mr. Allen stated that when he filed the bond, he was told that everybody on the street was going to sign it, but they did not. The Chairman asked who gave him that idea, and he replied that Mr. Custance and Mr. Trask did. The Chairman asked if Mr. Allen had talked the matter over with 294 Letter was received from Eugene J. Viano, Chair- man of the Traffic Committee of the Lexington Board of Trade, requesting that the Board give consideration to the following suggestions: 1. That the zone of one hour parking be extended from the Colonial Garage to Clark Street on the westerly side of Mass. Avenue and from Grant Parking Street to Meriam on the easterly side of Mass. Ave. the Town Counsel and he replied that he had not and 2. That no U turns: -bb permitted on Mass. Avenue 'Traffic that the property was out of his hands now. regulations. Allen Mr, Ballard stated that he understood that no one extending.the one hour parking zone for the following Water could get water unless they signed a bond but that Guaranty. several people had been given water without signing. want to park her car in back of the Town Office Building, He stated that he realized that he was legally responsible if he was going to have a haircut. However, the for the bond but he did not think that it was fair. Board felt that.it would be a good idea to extend The.Chairman suggested that they see the Town Mr. Trask stated that. the Police were in favor Counsel to see.what kind of a settlement they could ' of having no U turn between Grant Street and Meriam make with him. Mr. Allen asked if Mr. Wrightington had the authority to make any kind of a settlement that he wished, and the chairman informed him that he did and they retired. Application was received from Roberta Green of 1377 Mass. Avenue for permission to use Cary Memorial. Use of Hail on Friday, Mareh 27th, for the purpose of holding Hall. a 1 cture. Cdr, Giroux moved that the Su t. of Public Works instructed lecture be to•find out the nature of the and re- port on the matter next week, and it was so voted. The Clerk stated that Mrs. Mary D. Hatch of Watertown Street had telephoned to find out what the Board was going to do in the matter of her land damages and stated that she would not accept less than 0650. The Chairman explained that the Board had previously voted to pay Mrs. Hatch not more than $400. for damages. Mr. Clark moved that Mrs. Hatch be notified that the Board had not changed its mind and that $400. was what the Board was prepared to offer. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from Eugene J. Viano, Chair- man of the Traffic Committee of the Lexington Board of Trade, requesting that the Board give consideration to the following suggestions: 1. That the zone of one hour parking be extended from the Colonial Garage to Clark Street on the westerly side of Mass. Avenue and from Grant Parking Street to Meriam on the easterly side of Mass. Ave. and 2. That no U turns: -bb permitted on Mass. Avenue 'Traffic between Meriam Street and Grant Street. regulations. The Chairman stated that he was not in favor of extending.the one hour parking zone for the following reasons: if a wp omen came up on a rainy day, for instance, to have her hair done, she would not want to park her car in back of the Town Office Building, or a man would not want to have to walk that distance if he was going to have a haircut. However, the Board felt that.it would be a good idea to extend the zone. Mr. Trask stated that. the Police were in favor ' of having no U turn between Grant Street and Meriam Street as there had been several near accidents. 1 1 -295 Mr. Giroux moved that the following amendments to the Traffic Regulation be adopted. Mr. Lyons, seconded the motion and it was so voted: SECTION 14. PROHIBITED ON CERTAIN STREETS. Amend by striking out Bedford Street. On the easterly side from Hancock Street to Johnsonts Garage. And inserting Bedford Street. On the westerly side from Hancock Street to the southerly entrance Amendments. to Newcomb & Dailey's Garage. SECTION 17. TIME LIMITED IN DESIGNATED PLACES. No person shall park a vehicle for longer than one hour at any time, between the hours of nine a. m. and six p. m, of any day except Sundays and public holidays in the following des- cribed streets or parts thereof: - On the easterly side of Massachusetts Avenue from Grant Street to Meriam Street. On the westerly side of Massachusetts Avenue from the northerly entrance of the Colonial Garage to Clarke Street. On the northerly side of Muzzey Street between Massachusetts Avenue and the rear entrance to Lexington Trust Company. On both sides of Waltham Street from Massachusetts Avenue for a distance of one hundred and fifty feet. Mr. Trask stated, that he had been asked by the Board of Trade to insert an article in the Warrant to see if the Town would vote to set aside a section of Depot Park for highway purposes to be used for a park- ing'area. He stated that it would cost about $2000. to excavate the area and get it in shape and that the parking space wold be increased so as to accommodate 75 cars where it can now accommodate only 40. The Board of Trade thought that this would solve the park- ing problem for the next ten years. Mr. Trask stated that there was a moral obligation involved in that Depot Park was purchased by private individuals but was deeded to the•Town direct from the railroad and that there was a 199 year clause limiting it to be used for parking purposes which was to be kept by mutual agreement between the Town and the railroad. Parking, Depot Sq. 296 Articles re purchase of Depot Sq. He had also been requested to insert an article in the Warrant to see if the Town would vote to take by purchase or byEminent Domain, land now owned by the Boston & Maine Railroad for highway.purposes, the same being the entrance and exit to the railroad station at Lexington Center. He thought that the land would cost approximately $3000.00. The Chairman stated that the Town would expend $5000. and would lose $3000, or $4000. worth of tax- able property and would have to put in lights and main- tain them, and he thought that there was a question as to whether or not the parking situation was so acute at t he,present time that the Board should recommend the purchase of the property. He stated that he would prefer, if the Board of Trade thought that the parking problem was so acute, that they put the article in the Warrant themselves. Mr. Clark moved that no action be taken on the matter at the present time in view of the Board's efforts to keep the tax rate down. Mr. Lyons seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Chairman asked what the feeling of the Board was in -regard to inserting the articles in the Warrant. He stated that he would like to have the articles inaerted in the Warrant and then when people complained of the parking situation, the Board could say that the voters turned the articles down. Mr. Giroux felt that a letter should be written to the Board of Trade stating that the Board was not in favor of inserting the articles in the Warrant as they were endeavoring to keep down the .tax rate. The Board felt that when this had been done, the Board of Trade would know how the Selectmen felt and if they wished to petition that the-artieles be inserted in the Warrant, they could. Mr. Trask asked the Board what they wished done about the sanding of unaccepted streets. Mr. Giroux Sanding asked what had been done in the past and Mr. Trask unaccepted stated that a few had been sanded. Mr. Clark moved streets. that unaccepted streets be sanded and that Mr. Trask be instructed to use his own judgment on the matter as to when the streets are to be sanded. Mr. Lyons seconded the motion'and it was so voted. 01 Mr. Trask -asked the Board's opinion as to when water should be shut off for non-payment of rates and when a water lien should be recorded. The Board felt Shutting that the water should be shut off before liens were off of filed and that Mr. Trask should use his own judgment Water, in the matter and that the Board would sustain his judgment. Mr. Lyons moved that Mr. Trask be requested to submit a list on April 6th of all water takers who were more than six months in arrears and that the Board take action on the matter at that time. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted, 01 ' Mr. Trask informed the Board that a few years ago the price per foot for the installation of water services was reduced to $1.00 per foot if the Town did all the work and $.45 per foot if the owner did his own digging. In the past couple of years, however, the cost had been running higher and the flat rate is not covering the cost to the town, He stated that the principal troublo was that the applicant did not give the correct distance when he made out his application, that he would usually give the distance from the lot line rather than from the street line. Mr. Trask recom- mended that the price per foot be increased to $1.50 provided the town did all the work and to $.75 provided the owner did his own digging. Mr. Clark moved that Mr. Traskts recommendation be approved. Mr. Lyons seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Trask reported that Toros & Bedros Bashian wished to deed to the Town the property on which the Haywood Pump was located which they now own. However, Bashiants divorced wife has an interest in the property and they would like. to straighten the matter out so that the property could be deeded to the Town. They had asked that the Town Counsel getintouch with their lawyer to straighten out the matter so that the. ' Town's interest would be protected. Mr. Giroux asked how much land w -as involled, and Mr. Trask stated that there was a quarter of an acre. Mr. Giroux asked if the Haywood Pump was authentic and Mr. Trask stated that it was. Mr. Giroux then moved that the Town Counsel be requested to contact the Bashians' lawyer to learn the details of the legal situation involved in the transfer of the property and report to the Board. Mr. Lyons seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Trask submitted a bill in the amount of $8.75 which had been submitted by Miss Helen Ready for damages to her car sustained when she hit a boulder while driv- ing through Park Drive. The running board and fender of her car were damaged. Mr. Trask stated that Miss Ready showed him the car and he thought that the repairs would amount to only a couple of dollars and that there would be no question about the .Town's paying it. How- ever, the repairs amounted to $8.75. He stated that Park Drive was a private way and that Miss Ready had no right to be driving through there. Mr. Lyons moved that the matter be passed. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. 297 Rate for installing water services. Haywood Pump to be deeded to Town. Damage to Miss Ready+s car. ' Mr. Trask stated that he had received a letter from Mr. John B. Sawyer, Attorney for the Boston and Maine Railroad, with reference to the crossing at Fletcher Avenue. Mr. Sawyer stated that he had authority Fletcher Avenue crossing. to say that the railroad would go along with the peti- tion for the installation of lights provided the Town would pay for said installation and the maintenance of the signals and that he had so advised the Town Counsel, but Mr. Wrightington had refused to agree and stated that he would ask the Commission to order such instal- lation at the expense of the railroad. Mr. Sawyer stated that he had been instructed to close the cros- sing but to give the Town a reasonable time in which to make highway adjustments. Mr. Sawyer asked that he be advised what the .Town would offer to pay for the installation and maintenance of warning signals at the crossing. Mr. Lyons asked what.it would cost to install the signals and Mr. Trask stated that it would be $1500, plus $100. per year for maintenance. Mr. Lyons asked what right the Board had to authorize the expenditure of this money for the benefit of some thirty families. Mr. Trask stated that Fletcher Avenue was a public street and that people other than the families living there used it. He stated that it would cost between $8000. and $10,000. to build a street to Woburn Street, at an angle, and not cross the railroad tracks. Mr. Trask requested that the matter be held uver for one week so that he might make a study of the situation, and it was voted to do so. The Supt. of Public Works submitted his report for the week ending Feb. 8th, 1936. Letter was received from Mr. Bayard F. Snow which stated that under the will of the late X. Henry Sewer Goodnough, a report of the Sewer Committee for a Report. system of Sewerage in the. Town of Lexington for 1896-97 had come into his possession. Mr. Snow stated that he would be glad to turn over the document to the Town if the Board so desired, postage collect. Mr. Lyons moved that the offer be accepted with a suitable letter of thanks from the Chairman. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted, Mr. Trask stated that he had an opportunity to purchase a 1934 chassis with cab for $575. which cost Purchase of $702.00 when new. He -stated that the Water Dept* new truck owned a 1929 truck which was almost beyond recall but that could be made to run another year by having the mechanic work on it constantly. Mr. Lyons moved that Mr. Trask be given authority to purchase the new truck. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Chairman stated that the Traffic Rules and Orders provided that there should be no parking on the easterly side of Bedford Street from Hancock Street to the Johnson's Garage, but that the "No 53+ 1 1 1 Parking" signs were on the westerly side of the street ' and that the westerly side was where the people desired no parking. Mr. Lyons moved that the present regula- tion prohibiting parking on the easterly side of Bedford Street from Hancock Street to Johnson's garage be rescinded, and made a motion that the traffic Rules and Orders be amended so as to provide that there be no parking on the westerly side of Bedford Street 299 Traffic Rules & Orders. from Elm Avenue to Newcomb & Dailey's garagegand it was do voted. Mr. Trask recommended that the Traffic Rules and Orders be amended so that parking be prohibited on both sides of Waltham Street from Mass. Avenue for a distance of 150 feet. Mr. Lyons moved that the recommendation be approved. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Petition was received from five property owners for the installation of street lights on that part of Kendall Road running in a northeasterly direction Street from Marrett Road, The Supt. of Public Works stated Light on that he thought that one light two poles down from Kendall Rd, Marrett Road and one light at the corner of Grapevine Avenue would be sufficient. Mr. Lyons moved that an article be inserted in the Warrant for the instal- lation of one street light on Kendall Road. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted, Water Department abatements in the amount of $215.98 were signed by the Board. Letter was received from Charles L. Parker in which he submitted his resignation as Chairman of the 19th of April Committee for 1936. Mr. Parker sug- gested that Charles A. McCormack be appointed Chairman. April 19th, Mr. Lyons moved that the vote of January 14th, 1936 Committee. appointing Mr. Parker Chairman be rescinded and that his resignation be accepted and that the Committee be allowed to elect its own Chairman. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from Tracy W. Ames representing the Sachem Council confirming his verbal report to the TM effect that the appointment of Malcolm E. Clifford as representative of the Council was satisfactory to that organization. Application for a license to peddle was received from Ernest W. Folsom of 15 Lake Street. Mr. Lyons peddler's moved that the application be approved. Mr. Giroux License. seconded the motion and it was so voted. ' Application was received from George N. Watson for the position of Supt. of the Water and Sewer Application Division. No action was taken on the application. for position. 300 Rosendorn dog case. Tax title property Letter was received from the Town Counsel stating that the appeal of Eugene Rosendorn against the Board's order.for the disposal of his two dogs had been heard, and the Judge had sustained the Board's order. Mr. Wrightington stated that if Rosendorn did not dispose of the dogs within a reasonable time, the Board would be entitled to proceed in the District Court criminally for the imposition of a fine or imprisonment. Mr. Wrightington stated that he thought a hearing in a case such as this should be a little more formal and elaborate than the Rosendorn hearing and that all neighbors who.know anything about the situation should be present. He stated that his reason for saying this was that the District Judge was inclined to con- fine his hearing to a determination of whether or not the Selectmen had before them sufficient evidence to justify their findings regardless of what other facts there might have been that the Selectmen did not hear. He suggested that the owner of the dog be invited to attend such a hearing. Mr. Wrightington stated that in this case, many citizens who knew the facts and who had complained to the Police expressed unwillingness to go to Concord unless summoned. Sergeant Russell served the summons? and as witness fees were not supplied, Russell told the people that Mr. Wrightington would supply the fees the next day. Mr. Wrightington talked over the matter of witness fees with the people and suggested that they should not oblige the Town to pay them for attending the hearing which they had initiated and they finally agreed, although reluctantly. Mr. Wrightington left it to the Board to decide if the witnesses should be paid fees in the amount of $2. apiece. He stated that Sergeant Russell made no return of service. Mr. Lyons moved that no action be taken on the matter of witness fees and Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Clerk submitted a.bill in the amount of $5.00 which had been received from Sergeant Russell for serving summonses. Mr. Lyons moved that the bill be approved. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Town Counsel suggesting that an article similar to that used last year author- izing the Selectmen to sell tax title land to be fore- closed by the Town, be inserted in the March Warrant, and that a new vote be passed giving the new Board of Selectmen this authority. Mr. Wrightington stated that there had been some uncertainty as to what fund should be charged with the expense of the registration of title and that in the past such expense had been charged to Unclassified. He recommended that in future sales, the purchasers be obliged to pay to the r� 301 Report of the Slaughter Inspector for November, December, and January was received and approved. Report. Letter was received from the Appropriation Committee advising that Mr. Carroll, Town Clerk and ' Town -Treasurer, had protested the fixing of his salary at $2675. and the Appropriation Committee had recon- sidered the matter and voted to recommend the salary of the Town Treasurer at $950.00 per year, and this Town the expense of registration. • He stated that the purchaser might be unwilling to do this in the ' first instance and that it might be necessary to obtain funds from the Town Treasurer for that purpose. Mr. Wrightington wondered if, in view of this, there should be an appropriation or an authorization to charge it to the revolving funds for Tax Title Fore- closures which Mr. Carroll has. Mr. Lyons moved that an article similar to the one used last year be inserted in the Warrant for the Annual Meeting authorizing the Selectmen to sell foreclosed property. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Lyons moved that an article be inserted in the Warrant to authorize charging registration of title to Revolving Funds for Tax Title Foreclosures. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Commissioner of Civil Service stating that it was possible that there would be four persons eligible for Police service in the Police Town of Lexington from the State-wide examination eligible recently held and if so it would be unnecessary to list. hold a special examination. He stated that as soon as the results from the examination were known, he ' would communicate with the Board and he expected that the list would be ready about Ilay 1st. Letter was received from the Supt. of Schools stating that the School Committee had granted the Boards request for the use of a room at the Adams Voting at School for Election Day, March 2nd. The Committee Adams asked that any work connected with locating and re- School. moving of the booths be provided by the Board and that extra Police protection be furnished at times when the children are passing to and from school. Mr. Lyons moved that the Chief of Police be requested to provide extra police protection as requested. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Clerk reported that Mr. Grindle had inquired if the Board would -pay the janitor the usual $3.00 extra for his services, and Mr. Lyons moved that . this amount be paid. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Report of the Slaughter Inspector for November, December, and January was received and approved. Report. Letter was received from the Appropriation Committee advising that Mr. Carroll, Town Clerk and ' Town -Treasurer, had protested the fixing of his salary at $2675. and the Appropriation Committee had recon- sidered the matter and voted to recommend the salary of the Town Treasurer at $950.00 per year, and this 302 O amount together with the amount previously recommended Town Clerk's of $1775. for Town Clerk made a combined salary of salary. $2725. now recommended. Mr. Clark moved that the recommendation of the Appropriation Committee for the increase in the Town Clerk and Town Treasurer's salary be approved. Mr. Lyons seconded the motion and it was so voted. Notice was received from the Police Co-op. Committee Notice, of the Mass. Civic League advising that there would be a hearing on the Police Training -School Bill at the State House on Monday, February 17th, at 10 A,M. No action was taken on the matter. Letter was received from the Town Counsel stating that ,he had tried the case of Lexington vs. David H. Governar Govenar with respect to the maintenance of his sign case* advertising his profession as a lawyer in front of his residence, in the Superior Court in Cambridge on February 4th. The Court decided in favor of the Town and a decree will be entered enjoining the main- tenance of the sign. The following annual reports were received: Annual Committee on Cary Lectures; Town Accountant; Town Report's Treasurer; Tax Collector; Selectmen, ' Letter was received from the Town Clerk to ` which was attached a circular from the Mass. Forest (Dead & Park Assoc. requesting that the Town.insert an elms. article in the Warrant for the removal of dead or dying elms on public streets, No action was taken on the matter. Letter was received from the Lexington Trust Co. with regard to the suit which Charles F. and Harriet Smith have against the Town of Lexington as a result of a taking which the Town made some time ago. The Trust Company recently acquired title by foreclosure to the Smith property on Valley Road. The letter stated that the writer had been authorized to withdraw the pending suit if the Town agreed,to pay $150. for Smith suit land damages and cancel the betterment assessment. Valley Rd, Mr. Lyons moved that the suit be settled for the amount stipulated and Mr. Clark seconded trB motion. Upon further discussion, however, Mr. Lyons withdrew his motion. The Board felt that it would be better to discuss the matter further and Mr. Lyons moved that it be held over until Tuesday, February 25th, and that Mr. Clarence Walker be requested to appear before the Board on that evening to discuss the matter. ' Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from Soma Weiss, M. D., in- quiring if the Board was satisfied with the arrangement the Town has with Middlesex County Sanatorium. The Board felt that -Dr. Weiss should be notified that the Town's arrangement with the Sanatorium had worked out very satisfactorily. The Board voted to rescind its vote of August 6th, 1935 appointing the following Election Officers: Precinct One. D - Mary A. Rowland Deputy Warden D - Donald Cameron Deputy Inspector R - Frank A. Cook Deputy Inspector R - Mabelle S. Peavy Deputy Clerk R - Precinct Three. Deputy Clerk R - Samuel,W. Wellington Deputy Warden R - Emma Hovey Deputy Inspector it Precinct Four. D - D - Agnes Hall Deputy Clerk, The Board voted to appoint the following Election Officers: ' D - Precinct One. John D. Barry Deputy Warden D - Michael E. McDonnell Deputy Inspector R - Frank Lambert Deputy Inspector R - Mary E. Stankard Deputy Clerk R - Frank A. Cook Teller D - Mary A. Rowland it D - Donald Cameron R - Mabelle S. Peavy " Precinct Two. R - Lucius Austin Teller R - William S. Bramhall it D - William E. Manley It D —Jesse Condinho It Precinct Three. R - Clayton F. Beach Deputy Warden R - Violet A. Smithers Deputy Inspector D - John Corcoran Teller D.- Maurice E. Woodward " R - Samuel W. Wellington it R - Emma Hovey " Precinct Four. ' D - D - Sherman W. Reed Joseph Cosgrove Deputy Teller Clerk R - Robert Cady It D - Agnes Hall R - Madeline Peterson " 303 Letter re San. Election Officers. 304 01 Cn Upon motion of Mr. Giroux, seconded by Mr. Clark, it was voted to grant the following permits subject ' Licenses to the approval of the Building Inspector: William C. Lappen - 1781 Mass. Avenue Overhanging Sin Waverly Hardware Co. -1756 it Letter was receivedfrom the Planning Board stating that the Board had discussed the draft of a Billboards. proposed By-law for billboards as drawn by the Mass. Billboard Law Defense Committee, and the Planning Board was of the opinion that the present Lexington By-laws provided ample protection to the Town and it was the recommendation of that Board that no action be taken at the present time, Mr, Giroux reported on the Women's League for, Peace & Peace and Freedom and,recommended that the application Freedom for permission to maintain a stand in Lexington be League. refused and he so moved. Mr. Lyons seconded the motion and it was so voted. Application was received from George E. Glawson of Winter Street, representing. the Jehova Witnesses Permit for of the Watch Tower, which requested that the organiz- sound car ation be given permission to operate a sound car in denied. Lexington on Feb. 22nd advertising a world-wide broad- cast which will be sponsored on February 23rd by the Watch Tower. Mr. Clark moved that the request be denied. Mr. Lyons seconded the motion and it was so voted. Request was received from Lois M. Marshall for License the transfer of her Common Victualler's License to transferred. Mary F. Jaynes. Mr. Giroux moved that the request be granted. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted, The Chairman brought up the fact that at the present time Miss Lowe and Miss Moakley were operating Switchboard. the switchboard, and that if one were out ill or if they were very busy, it made things difficult in the office. It was suggested that other girls in the hall, such as Miss Corcoran and Miss Ohlsou, learn to operate the switchboard so that they might help out when necessary. Mr. Giroux moved that the suggestion be approved. Mr. Lyons seconded the motion and it was so voted. Next It was decided to hold the meeting next Tuesday Meeting. at 4 P,M. The Supt. of Public Works advised that he had made the following revisions in the Highway Maintenance Budget: Locust Avenue, cost $283,50, had been omitted by request of the Appropriation Committee; the follow- ing re -tread jobs had been omitted: Bennett Avenue, 1 C 1 L Barer Avenue Chase Avenue, and Taft Avenue, reducing the item to J4538.60. The item for the oiling of streets had been revised so that it was now planned to put only one cover of oil on Weston Street and the item had been reduced from $1132. to $100. The item of 41'375.50 for sidewalk maintenance was omitted entirely. The building of granolithic sidewalk in front of the High School was omitted reducing the item for granolithic maintenance to 6750. Gravel walk maintenance, 4400. and loaming and seeding grass plots, $400.00, were also omitted. Mr. Trask stated that he had reduced the budget from $50,053.'to $43,800.00. He stated that the item for curbing on Mass. Avenue from Sickle Brook to Pleasant Street had been eliminated, but that he had left in the item of $900. for curbing on Bedford Street along the granolithic sidewalk which had been requested by the citizens. He stated that he had also omitted side- walk construction on Mass. Avenue from Sickle Brook to Pleasant Street, making the total saving on these two items $1342.00. He informed the Board that the cost of the drainage in the Percy Road section would be about $8900. Mr. Lyons moved that the Water Construction and drainage in Bloomfield Street, Eustis Street, etc., be disapproved. The motion was not seconded. Mr. Giroux moved that the total allowance for highway maintenance be set at $42,000. to be worked out by the Supt. of Public Works. The motion was seconded by Mr. Lyons, and Mr. Clark voting in the affirmative, it was so voted. Mr. Ferguson wished to be recorded in opposition to the matter, Mr. Giroux amplified his motion by stating that he meant that items 1 to 9 in the Highway Maintenance Budget submitted in the amount of $65,000. be out to $421#000.00. 305; Highway Maintenance Budget, Mr. Lyons moved that the vote of last week ap- proving the expenditure of :10,000. for drainage con- Drainage struction be rescinded. 'Mr. Clark seconded'the'motion budget. and.Mr­Giroux veting.in the affirmative, it .was so voted.. ,Mr..Ferguson wished to be recorded in op- position to the matter. Mr. Lyons moved that the vote of izing the expenditure of $19,000. for of water mains in Bloomfield, Eustis be rescinded, . Mr. Clark seconded Mr. Giroux voting in the affirmative, Mr. Ferguson wished to be recorded in the matter. last week author the construction Streets, etc., Water the motion, and Con. it was so voted. opposition to 306 (Spring St. Mr. Lyons moved that the expenditure of $2760.00 for the resurfacing of Spring`Street be disapproved, this amount to be deducted from the $43,800. to which Mr. 'Trask had already cut the Highway Maintenance budget. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion,and Mr. Clark voting in the affirmative, it was so voted. Mr. Ferguson wished to be recorded in opposition to the matter. Mr. Lyons moved that Mr. Giroux's motion approving $42,000* for the Highway Maintenance appropriation be Highway rescinded. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion, and Mr, Maintenance Clark voting in the af'irmative, it was so voted. Mr. Ferguson voted in opposition to the mat"ter. Mr. Giroux then moved that the sum of $41,092.60 be ap- proved for Highway Maintenance budget for 1936. Mr. Clark seconded the motion, and Mr. Lyons voting in the affirmative, it was so voted. Mr. Ferguson voted in opposition to the matter. !i Mr. Giroux moved that the vote passed some time ago approving the sum of $6000. for the construction 'Locker of a locker building at the Center Playground be Bldg. reconsidered. Mr. Lyons seconded the motion and it disapproved. was so voted. Mr. Giroux then moved that the appropri- ation of $6000. for the construction of the locker building be disapproved. Mr. Lyons seconded the motion, and Mr. Clark voting in the affirmative, it was so voted. Mr. Ferguson voted in opposition to the matter. Mr. Clark moved trat-the Board disapprove the `Water replacement -of the four inch mains in the Percy Road Con., section this year, and that the previous vote approv- Percy Rd. ing an appropriation of $19,000. for this work be Section. rescinded. Mr. Lyons seconded the motion, and Mr. Giroux voting in the affirmative, it was so voted. Mr. Ferguson voted in opposition to the matter. Mr. Clark moved that the matter of the Waltham Street Chapter 90 construction be reconsidered. Mr. 'Waltham Lyons seconded the motion and Mr. Giroux voting•in Street. the affirmative, it was so voted. Mr. Lyons moved that the vote approving the construction of this street be rescinded. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and Mr. Giroux voting in the affirmative, it was so voted. Mr. Ferguson wished to be recorded in opposition to the matter. The Board then considered the Fire Dept. budget whtcli was submitted iii` the amount of $39,984.33. Fire Dept. Mr. Lyons moved that the budget be approved as sub - budget. mitted, Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Clark moved that no action be taken on any of the recommended improvements. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. MV 1 1 1 1 Mr. Clark moved that the bu gget for the Forest Warden's Dept. in the amount of L570. be approved as submitted. Mr. Lyons seconded the motion and It was so voted. 307 Forest Warden. Mr. Giroux moved that the vote approving the appropriation of $30000 for the Law Dept. be rescinded Law and then withdrew his motion. Dept. Military Aid returns for January in the amount Returns of $20. and State Aid returns in the amount of $16. Signeds, were signed by the Board. The Welfare Agent appeared before the Board and the Chairman asked him why it was impossible for him to give Donald Tiiiothy a 600 slip to work on the W.P.A. Mr. Mitchell stated that it was impossible for anybody to give out 600 slips now and that Timothy could register in Arlington. However, Mr. Powers Timothy of Arlington refused to register him because his cases family was in a financial condition to take care of him. Timothy is not living at home. Mr. Mitchell stated that the Assignment Office at Boston issued all as- signments,and that the line was 'drawn as of November lst, 1935, and Timothy did not go on Welfare until December. The Chairman asked Mr. Mitchell to have Timothy and Mr. Morse go down to Arlington and straighten out the matter with Mr. Powers, The Welfare Agent discussed the case of John L. MacKinnon of 304 Marrett Road, a Lexington settled MacKinnon case. Mr. Mitchell recommended aid in the amount case. of $7. per week until the man can find work. Mr. Giroux moved that the recommendation be approved. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Welfare Agent discussed the case of Harry Green of Bedford Street, who has been out of work for three weeks. He has a wife and one child. Mr. Mitchell recommended aid not to exceed $12, per week plus fuel. * Mr. Giroux seconded the motion, and it was so voted. * Mr. Clark moved that the recommendation be approved. The Welfare Agent discussed the case of Joseph Vitale. He has a mother, a wife and one child and another child is expected in three weeks. Vitale has just gone on W.P.A. Mr. Mitchell recommended that supplementary aid in the matter of fuel be given. Mr. Clark moved that the recommendation be approved. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Green case. Vitale case. 308 y The Welfare Agent discussed the case of Gordon W. Jacobson, who has a wife and two children and is Jacobson living with the Armstrong's on Homestead Street. case. Mr. Mitchell recommended aid in the amount of $12. per week. Mr. Giroux moved that the recommendation be approved. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Welfare Agent discussed the case of Philip Leaf of Cottage Street. He was examined by Dr. Leaf- Hardcastle who recommended that an X-ray be made of case* his left hip joint. Mr. Mitchell recommended that Leaf be given medical attention. Mr. Lyons moved that the recommendation be approved, Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. The meeting adjourned at 12:30 A.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk.