HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-12-30217 SEIE CTMENtS MEETING ' DEC. 30, 1935. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectments Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Messrs: Ferguson, Potter, Lydans, Giroux and.Clark were present. The Clerk was also present. Letter was received from the Town Accountant thanking Letter of the Board for the confidence placed in him by appointing thanks. him Town Accountant for the period ending January 1, 1939. At 8.45 P.M., Mr. William G. Murphy of 109 Mass. Ave. appeared Wore -the Board to discuss his application for a Second Class Dealer's_ License. No persons appeared in Murphy opposition. The Chairman asked Mr. Mur phy if it was his Dealer's idea to store cars outside of the building, and Murphy license. replied that -he would do this only when he was over- crowded. He stated that he had had such a license for the past twenty years. Mr. Lyons asked him when the last time was that he had dealt in second-hand cars and Murphy stated that it was about two years ago. He thought that he would handle about 15 or 20 cars in six months - He stated that there would be no oars in public view on Mass. Avenue and if any cars were left out, that they ' would be stored in -the hollow in the rear of his property. Mr. Giroux moved that the license be granted. Mr. Lyons seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received -from the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission stating that the following applications for licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages for the year 1936 had been approved: Package Store. Joseph Trani, (All a coo c�ieverages) 1787 Mass, Ave. Approval Of Package Store liquor (Wines and Malt beverages) licenses. Max Berman 12 Massa Ave. Lexington Fruit Co., Inc. 1740 Adolph Labes 35 Woburn St. Club (Wines =n mmalt beverages) Minute Man Golf Club, Inc. Concord Ave. & Pleasant St. Letter was received from Mr. A. H. Edkins of Hamblen Street which stated that for the last time he was asking Street the Board to reconsider the reinstatement of the street light* light on Hamblen Street in front of his house. Mr. Giroux moved that the matter be passed. Mr. Potter seconded the ' motion and it was so voted. 1218 Letter was received from the County Commissioners Hearing, which stated that the Commissioners had set down Tuesday, Waltham January 14, 1936,9 at 10 A.M., for a hearing on the Board's Street. petition with respect to the specific repairs of Waltham Street. The Chairman instructed the Clerk to request the Supt. of Public Works to be present at the hearing. Letter was received from the -Radio Television Amplifying Industries Corp. suggesting that the Board approve its system, suggestion that a survey of the Cary Memorial Building be made and a definite quotation -for supplying a public address system furnished. Mr, Giroux moved that no action be taken on the matter at the present time. Mr. Zyons seconded the motion and it was so voted, Annual Report of the Trustees of the Cary Memorial Library Report. for the year 1935 was read by the Chairman. The following applications for licenses were received: Alcohol - Denatured. "Calvin W. Childs 409 Mass. Avenue =Waverley Hardware & Supply Co. 1756 Mass. Ave .Newcomb & Dailey 34 Bedford Street .Lexington Lumber Co. 59 Bedford Street 'Country Side Inc. 400 Lowell Street •Frederic' K. Johnson 39.=41 Bedford Street .Anselm C. Mullin 301 Mass. Avenue Colonial Garage, Inc. 1668 Mass. Avenue. Alcohol - Methyl Rdward Gorgette 789 Mass. Ave. -Colonial Garage Inc. 1668 Mass, Ave. -Calvin W. Childs 409 Mass, Ave. Arthur B. Field 851 Mass. Ave, -D. F. Ross 3 Depot Square C6tftdfl Victualler's -Hattie E, A, Peckham 37 Hancock Street ` Country Side Inc. 400 Lowell Street -Caroline A. Harrington and Phoebe E. M. Hutchins 1640 Mass. Ave. Mike & Christy -Hallos 1715 mss. Ave. -Edson A. Pero . 1788 Mgss. Ave. Grace & Arthur Smith 386 Bedford Strut Marina Gardella 150 Lowell Street Sidney B. Heywood 271 Marrett R6ad Application for the position of Supt. of Water & Sewer was Kearns received from Wm. H. Kearns of Outlook Drive. Mr.. Kearns? application Letter was read by the Chairman, and it was voted to place It on file for future consideration. 1 1 1 Agent's Licenses - Classs I. ' F.E. Johnson 39-41 Bedford Street Colonial` Garage, Inc. 1668 Mass. Avenue Calvin W. Childs 409 Mass. Avenue D. F. Ross Rear 1775 Mass. Ave. Liquor_. Rudd's Market 1845 Mass, Ave. Hairdressing. Josephine E. Lumsden Waltham Street. Mr. Lyons moved that the licenses be granted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. * The Board also received application from John J. Rudd for -a license to sell all alcoholic beverages not to be drunk on the premises at 1845 Mass. Avenue, Mr. Lyons moved that the license be approved subject to the approval of the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. 219. Licenses granted. Rudd T s Liquor License. The Board.discussed again the request of the Town of Arlington that the Board give consideration to the acceptance of Hibbert Street from Mass. Avenue to the ' Arlington line. Mr. Clark reported that he had driven up the street and that it was in a very bad condition and Hibbert he thought that inasmuch as the. Town of Arlington is going Street. to spend a considerable amount of money for constructing that part of the street in Arlington, the Town of Lexington would be justified in spending the money required iso construct that small portion of the street which is in Lexington. It was decided that the Chairman should talk with the Town of Arlington to see how important the construction of the street is to.Arlington, and report to the Board on the matter at the next meeting. The Board discussed again the request of the Lexington Public Health Association that the Board approve an approp- Pre- riation.'for pre-school clinics. Mr. Lyons stated that.he Sehoo4 had talked with several types of citizens, both thosewho clip . have donated generously to the Association"in the past and those who have been attended by the Public Health Association, and invariably the person he talked to made statements derogatory to Miss Eastman. Mr. Giroux stated that the question in his mind was not the $500. alone, but it was what UJaight-lead to, although he did feel that the work of the ©linics would be very beneficial to the children. He stated that many people would not contribute to the Public Health Association as long as it was being handled as inefficiently as it is now. Mr. Lyons remarked that Miss Eastman had never received a salary out, 1220 Ow 1 Mr. Giroux moved that the request of the Lexington. Public Health Association for an appropriation of $500; for pre-school clinios be denied. Mr. Lyons seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Town Counsel submitted a bill in the amount of $34.20 from Raymond C. Allen for work done in the Ryder Drainage Case. Mr.-Wrighington stated that there were Law Dept* no funds left in the Law Dept, appropriation to meet the bill, bill and that he had informed Mr. Allen that it would have to be post-poned until the March appropriation. Mr. Lyons moved that the bill be approved and that the $34.20 he added to the $1500. already approved to meet the 1936 expenses in the Ryder case. Mr. Giroux wemodded the motion and it was so voted. The following commitments were signed by the Board; Water Rates, Section II - $7,289.19 Commitments. Water Service House Connections - 339.59 Sewer Service House Connections - 579.54 Water Miscellaneous Charges - 759.45 Abatements in the amount of $759.45 Ond $21.82 were submitted by the Water and Sewer Dept. The reason for the abatements as listed was "to offset charges owed Highway Department by Water & Sewer Department". The Chairman asked Mr. Trask to explain the abatements. Abatements. Mr. Trask stated that the Wgter &-.-Sewer .D#pt. owed the Highway Dept. about $3000, for work done -and that the Highway Dept, owed the Water & Sewer Dept; the above amounts and that the amounts were being committed and abated in order to keep -a record of the transactions. They were merely bookkeeping entries. The Board voted to authorize the abatements. The report of the Supt. of Public Works for the week Report. ending December 28th, 1935, was received. The Chairman -stated that trucks coming across Elm Trucking Avenue did not see the "No heavy trucking'! sign on on Hancock Street as they went above the sign. He asked' Hancock Mr. Trask what he thought of making Elm Avenue a one Street. way street and he replied that he did not. think there was enough traffic on Elm Avenue to warrant it. The Chairman suggested that Elm Avenue be made one way from Bedford Street to Hancock Street. Mr. Trask thought that the easiest thing to do would be to eliminate the "No left Turn" on Elm Avenue and to move the "No he&Vg trucking" sign on Hancock Street. Mr. Potter moved that this recommendation be approved. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Ow 1 The Chairman stated that a man from Homestead Street had telephoned him and wanted to.get some cinders, and ' he asked Mr. Trask if there were any available. Mr. Trask stated that it had been the policy of the Town not to give the okders to private citizens as there were not enough to go around and the Town needed them to level off dumps. He stated that at the present time Mr. Garrity wanted three or four thousand yards for making a cinder track at the playground. The Board felt that it would be best to continue with the present policy of not distributing cinders to private'eitizens inasmuch as the Town needs them. The, Supt. of Public Works stated that the Chief of Police agreed with him that the use of the shooting range in the Public Works Building should be limited to Police Officers. He stated that the Chief was drawing 'up reg- ulations on the use of the range and that these would be submitted next week. Mr. Trask reported that life-saving devices were being installed at the Reservoir. Mr. Lyons asked Mr. Trask if he could to any work o n Tower Pond, that a great many children in the neigh- borhood skated there. Mr. Trask stated that the Pond'ivas ' being used by people of all ages, but Mr. Lyons thought that after the boys had gone back to prep. schools, etc., that only the small children would be using it.' Mr. Trask stated that the Park Department had to take care of Kinneen}s Pond,, Hatch's Pond, the _Reservoir and.a small pend at the playground and that it did not have enough men to take care of Tower Pond, Mr. Lyons asked him if he couldntt spare a couple of men to flood the pond. He replied that if it were possible to take card of the pond after the others had been taken care of, that he would do so' It was suggested that if necessary, a couple of men be taken from the Highway Department to help with the work. Mr. Trask remarked that the garbage contract expired on October 1st, 1936, and he thought that it would cost the Town more money under a new contract. The Board felt that it would be best to appropriate the same amount of money and if necessary, to have a transfer made later on. Mr. Trask suggested that the health Irispector be given an additional $100. in 1936 for the use of his car as he thought that Mr. Stevenson was under -paid. Mr. Lyons moved that an additional $10U. be ' in in the Health Dept. budget for the Health Inspectorts car. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. 221 Cinders. Shooting range. Report re Reservoly, Ponds foi skating. Garbage account. Health Inspectorta cars 222 Mr. Wask suggested that the Ashes & Dumps be made part of the Heal-th Dept, appropriation and he also stated that he thought it would be necessary to hire more men ' this year to take care of the dumps. Mr. Ferguson stated Ashes & that he thought that Ashes & Dumps should come under Dumps, either the Highway or the Park Department, Mr. Trask stated that in the future the Highway Dept. was going to charge for the use of its trucks on Ashes and Dumps, and that this should be given consideration when the budget is being made up. The Chairman stated that if that was so, that the Highway Dept. budget should be decreased as much as the Ashes & Dumps budget was increased. It was finally decided that the Ashes & Dumps should come under the Highway Department appropriation. Mr, Trask informed the Board that Mr. Clifford Pierce wanted the Town .to abate his assessment for sewer Pierce betterments in EustisStreet in the amount of $191.72. request for Mr. Trask stated that the sewer did reach his property_ abatement. but that if he wished to connect, that a farther extenVion would have to be made and that therefor there was no benefit to the land at the present time. Mr. Lyons -stated that the sewer did reach the property and that it therefor was benefitted and as in the past it has been -customary to charge a betterment assessment if -the sewer passed any property for a short distance only, he thought the same policy should be continued. He therefor moved that Cdr, Pierce's request be denied, Mr, Potter seconded ' the motion and it was so voted. -Mr. Trask stated that Mr. William H. Ballard would Kinneen like the Assessors to abate the tax on the Kinneen abatement. property for the length of time that -the Town has owned the property. Mr. Potter moved that -the Board of Assessors be requested to abate the tax on the Kinneen property in the amount of $32,89. Mr. Lyons seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Supt. of Public Works submitted a statement of Waltham the expenditures on Waltham Street under Chapter 464 Streeto showing a balance of $,20 in the account. He stated that it would be necessary to spend this $.209 The Board signed the statement, Mr, Lyons asked the Supt, of Public Works if there was anything that could be done to curb the speeding on Mass, Avenue. Mr, Trask said that the Police Department should enforce the Traffic Regulations, but that Officer Neal was the only officer on the day shift who had nerve enough to stop anybody. The Chairman asked why this was so and Mr. Trask stated that he didntt know, that it was up tl the Chief of Police, The Chairman stated that it was up to Mr. Trask himself to see that the Police Dept, enforced the law inasmuch as he had been given the supervision of this Department when he was appointed. u 0 Mr, Trask asked if the Board wanted him to take direct charge of it and see that it was run properly the same as he ran his own department. The Chairman stated that that was exactly what he was supposed to do. Upon request of Mr. Lyons and Mr, Ferguson, the Clerk produced the record of April 2nd at which meeting the -Supt. of Public Workst duties were fixed by the Board. Mr, Lyons stated that there was a great deal of apeeding on Mass, Avenue past his house -and that he for one would like to see it stopped. Mr. Trask asked Mr. Lyons if he thought that there wouldn't be a great many attempts to °fix up" cases of persons violating the regulations and Mr, Lyons replied that he thought that the offenders should be prosecuted and that there should be no "fixing up". Mr, Giroux stated that there was a great deal of speeding on Concord Hill and on Bedford Street and he also thought that offenders should be prosecuted. Mr. Trask then stated that if it was the Board's desire for him to supervise the Police Dept,.that he would do so,> Mr, Potter moved that the Supt, -of Public Works.be written a letter stating that numerous.complaints had been received by the Board with regard to the violation of the Traffic Regulations and that inasmuch as the Police Department was under his jurisdiction, the Board would like him to take measures to see that the Traffic Reg- ulations were enforced, and that a copy of the letter be given to the Chief of Police. Mr. Lyons seconded the motion and it was so voted. 223. Supt . of Pub. Works to supervia Police Dept, Mr. Lyons stated that he heard that the Mohawk Club was running again, and that there was going to be a Now Year's party there on December 31st which 40 or 50 couples were, going to attend and for which admission would be charged. The Chairman stated that he had not heard anything about it but that he would speak to the Chief of Police on the matter. The Chairman stated that the Board had not determined whether a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises would be for six or seven days. Mrg. Lyons moved that such licenses be granted for six Fees for days only, Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was Liquor so voted. Licenses, Mr, Lyons moved that the following flies be established:. Taverns: All alcoholic $750.00 # Beer and wines 500.00 Hotels: All alcoholic 2500,00 Beer and wines 1000,00 Mr, Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted, Mr. Mitchell reported that he had talked with Dr,.Cosgrove about Vido Videttits teeth and that he had Videtti ' also talked to John O'Connor -on the same matter. Dr, case, Cosgrove stated that he was not in a position to determine just what loosened the tooth, but said that it was some kind of a blow. OtConnor said that he was unable to prove 224 Umbrello case. that Videttits accident loosened his teeth. stated that it would cost $15.00 to replace Mr. Clark moved that the Town pay the cost the tooth. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion so voted. Dr. Cosgrove the tooth* of replacing ' and it was Mr. Kitchell discussed the case of Anthony Umbrello of Walthsin Street, who has a wife and five children. Umbrello has been working as a spare man on the Highway Department. Tonight one child was rushed to the Waltham Hospital as an emergency case of appendicitis. Mr. Mitchell asked for authorization for medical attention. Mr. Clark moved that such authorization be granted. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Mitchell discussed the case of John Amato of Pleasant Street who has a wife and three children. Amato case. This is an unsettled case. Mr. Mitchell recommended that Amato be given supplementary_ aid in the amount of 04.00 per week. Mr. Giroux moved that the recommendation be approved. Herr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Welfare Agent discussed the case of Mrs. Margaret Ivusick which he thinks is an unsettled case. Ivusiek Mrs. Ivusick called at his office last Friday and case* fainted there. She and her two children are now stay- ing at 410 Mass. Ave. with Mrs. Doe, Mrs. Ivusick is going to the Middlesex Co. San, tomorrow for examination. Mr. Mitchell asked for approval of aid in the amount of $6. or $8. per week. Mr. Clark moved that the approval be granted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Welfare Agent discussed the case of Frank Cuccinello of Ward Street who has a wife and six children. Cuccinello -This is a State case. Cuccinello is now paying $36 per case* month rent and has been given one order for groceries. Mr. Mitchell asked approval of supplementary aid for .fuel and food. Mr. Potter moved that the approval be granted. Mr. Giroux seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Welfare. Agent discussed the case of Eanle Johnson who has a wife and five childrdn. Mrs. Johnson has been operated on but has to go to the hospital once or twice Johnson a week. This is a State ease but the State has refused case, to provide a woman to take care of the children whoa ,Mrs. Johnson goes to the hospital. Mr. Mitchell stated that he thought it would be best to get a woman, possibly from the Welfare rolls, to take care of the children once or twice a week,and the Chairman told him to get a woman if it was possible. The welfare Agent discussed the case of Harry Fisher whose boy is ill with pneumonia. Fishaer.needs attention to his eyes and Mr. Mitchell asked for authorization to ' have the eyes taken care of Mr. Giroux moved that the authorization be granted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Mitchell discussed the case of Anthony Moretti, who has been receiving aid in the amount of $9.00 per week. He has a wife and one child. He has been living with his father but has now engaged a tenement at $15, per month. Mr. Mitchell recommended that the amount of aid be increased to not exceeding $11. per week and f_ue1, biro Giroux moved that the recommendation be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted, Mr. Mitchell asked for the authorization of the Board to pay rent for the month of December for George J. Burke, a State case. Mr. Potter moved that the authorization be granted. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. A true record, Attest: 1 k. C 225 Fis her case. Moretti case. Burke ease: