HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-06-251 1 525 S MEETING JUNK 25, 1935. A regular meeting of the Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7.30 P.Y. Messrs, Ferguson, Gilcreast, Lyons, and Potter were present. The Clerk was also present. lk%% Nathan Bidwell appeared before the Board, together with representatives of all but two of the abutters of the floberts property at 38 Adams Street. These people appeared to protest against the issuing of a permit to Mr. Arthur M. Roberts to keep poultry. Mr. Bidwell stated that all of the neighbors were represented with the exception of two; one was Mr. Clarence R. Horton, who lives on Coolidge Avenue. Mr. Horton had made the statement that if the permit were issued that he would sell his property and move. The other was Mr. Chiesa of 42 Adams Street, the owner of the property immediately adjoining the Roberts property. Mr. Bidwell presented a protest against the issuance of a permit which was signed by nine property owners. Mr. Chiesa did not sign the petition because he was Roberts' neat door neighbor and did not wish to have ar.p trouble with him. Mr. Bidwell stated that he owned all the land. from Meriam Street to Woodland Road. The neighbors were going to claim a breach of the Zoning Protest By -Law and a Nuisance if the permit were granted. The on property is in an R-1 District and should be strictly Roberts residdutial, and the business of raising poultry, selling poultry poultry and eggs, was a violation of the Zoning By -Law. yard. The Nuisance would be a nuisance of odor, noise, and injury to property. Mr. Bidwellhad in mind - the fact that -Mr. Roberts wished to add to his income, but he thought that he should use the land back of his house for his poultry rather than the land in front. He stated that under the decisio handed down by the Courts, the question of nuisance more value than is thought. From 1682 to 1921 it was obl gatory on the part of the Board of Health to examine premises that might become a nuisance, and if there was a nuisance, it had to be abated. Howver, since 1921 this action on the part of the Board has become discretionary. Mr. Bidwell felt that all of the property would be injured, and that if the permit were granted that the neighbors would no doubt ask the Town for an abatement on their taxes, In the past, Towns have been obliged to abate 25% and =' 19% on account of nuisances. Mr. Walter Rowse of 17 Winthrop Road stated that he owned 20,000 sq. dt. of land immediately adjoining the Roberts property, and he felt that the property would be valueless if the permit for the poultry farm were granted. He stated that he thought that there would be no objection if the chicken farm were located in the rear of the property. 526 Cn c� Mr. Harry E. ,Baker" of the Arlington, Five Cents 8a-VIngs Bank wished to be recorded in opposition to the granting of the permit. Mr. Richard Rowse of 24 Adams Street stated that'he thought it very odd that Mr. Roberts had put his b:enhouses as near the other houses on the street when he had plenty of land in the rear of the house. Yrs. Nathan Bidwell stated that she owned the lot opposite the Roberts property and she felt that the lot would be valueless if the permit were granted. The Board advised the people that the matter would pe taken under advisement. The Board decided that they would go up to Adams Street and view the Roberts property before taking action on the petition. Hearing was declared open at 8:00 P.Y. on the Trimble application of Mary Trimble for permission to maintain Garage a one car garage of concrete blocks at 395 Bedford Street, Hearing. Lexington. Mrs. Trimble appeared and presented a plan of the garage, and stated that the height of the sidewall had been changed from 91 to 81. No persons appeared in opposition and it was voted to grant the permit subject to the approval of the Building Inspector.. Hearing was declared open at 8:05 P.M. on the Ed. glee, application of the Edison Electric Ill. Co. for permission ' Ill. Co. to erect and maintain seven poles on the new Concord turn- app. to pike, these being necessary to furnish service to erect poles. Mrs. Mary D. HU*ch. Mrs Hatch appeared in favor of the application. It was duly moved and seconded that . the application be approved, and it was so voted. Bars. Hatch informed the Board that she had sold some of her lots to a Mr. Konkite, who had applied to the Hatch - Town for a 'dater main extension. Mr. Konkite was told Board of that the Town could not make a water main extension Survey until the Board of Survey had approved the layout of Layout. the Hatch property. Mrs. Hatch then told the Board that she would like to apply for a.Board of Survey Layout, and it was voted to have a hearing on receipt of Mrs. Hatch's written application for the Layout. Hearing was declared open at 8:15 P.M. on the application of the Lovell Bus Lines, Inc. for permission Petition, to operate busses over the new Concord Turnpike from the Lovell Bus Lincoln -Lexington bine to the Arlington -Lexington Line. Lines. Mr. Lovell was represented by his son-in-law, Mr. John W. Payton, and by Mr. Day Baker. The notice of the hearing was.read by the Chairman. Yr. Fayton stated that it was planned to operate busses from Concord Center to Harvard Square. The ' Towns of Concord and Lincoln have already granted permits for the bus line, and the town of Arlington and the city of Cambridge have made no decision as yet. The Vusses 1 L n 527 wott14 run every hour and would pick up passengers on the new highway to the Cambridge Line, and from that point to Harvard --Square would be express. The fare would be twenty cents from Lexington to Harvard Square. Mr. Baker stated that Mr. Lovell was a member in good standing of the Bus Association of New England, and that he had the lowest- possible rate of insurance due to the infrequency of acciddnts-on his Bus Lines. No persons appeared in opposition.. The Board informed Mr. Lovellts representatives that the matter would be taken under advisement. The motion was duly made and seconded that the :Chairman contaet.the Arlington and Belmont Selectmen, and the Mayor of Cambridge, to see what action would be taken by their Boards. Mr. T. A. Custance wished to be recorded in favor of granting the application. The Board voted to advertise a hearing to be held on Harland the application of the Holland Bus Lines to operate busses Bus from the Woburn Line to Lexington Center as soon as Lines, formal application had been madb by Mr. Holland. Mr. Thomas S. Grindle, Mr. Frederick L. Fisher, and Mr. Randall B. Houghton, and Mr. A. Edward Rowse appeared before the Board to discuss the matter of the construction of a new school building as a P.W.A. project. Mr. Houghton stated that the School Committee was preparing a recommenda- tion to have in the hands of the Town Meeting members before the next Town Meeting with reference to a site for the new high school. He stated that the School Committee wished to get the motion before the voters so that the lax might be purchased and the application for a P. W. A*,. project made and voted on at the fall Town Meeting. Mr. Houghton stated that there were now three hundred more pupils in the High School than it was originally planned for. Mr. Lyons inquired if the out-of-town pupils did not have a-,grekt deal to do with the crowded conditions of our schools. Mr. Houghton replied that the School Committee regarded the out-of-town pupils as a very good paying proposition. The Town receives $25,000, a year for these pupils, and if they were dropped that the Town would lose approximately $15,000. per year. He stated that Woburn would be very glad to get the Burlington pupils back, and Bedford would probably build a new high school. However, if the out-of-town pupils were dropped the building of the new high school could not be postponed mor& -than two or three years. Mr. Rowse stated that he did not think that the Committee was looking far enough ahead. He felt that eventually there should be a junior high school at tithes end of the Town. The School Committee decided to prepare articles for -the warrant for the Town Meeting to be held in July to School Committee on P.W.A. Project for now school. Amendment to Zoning By-law. Charitable Institfition, Taylor property, appropriate money for the purchase of the land; to. proceed with the plans of appointing a Building Committee; and to appropriate money for the use of the Building Committee. It was suggested that the sum of $500. be appropriated for the use of the Building Committee, and also that the balance in the account appropriated for the Committee on Increased High School Accommodations be transferred to the Building Committee account. Mr. Roland Greeley appeared before the Board and presented an amendment to the By -Laws which the Town Counsel had suggested, as follows: wVoted: That the ' Lexington Zoning By;Law be amended by adding to Section 4, R-1 Districts paragraph 6, the following paragraph: a)-_RXcavatU and removal from the premises of any owner of real estate for the purpose of sale or profit of azo sod, rock, sand, gravel, clay or quarried or crushed stone, except when incidental to and in 'connection with the construction of a building for which a permit has been issued in accordance with the Building By-laws, and except as permitted under paragraph numbered "4• in the paragraphs headed 'In R.l districts.t" The Board felt that "for sale or profit" should be a*cluded`from the amendment, and that the Board of Appeals should t decide whether or noa permit should be granted for any removal of loam, etc. It was voted that Mr. Lyons should confer with the Town Counsel :and work out an amendment to the Zoning By-law. Letter was received from James D. Henderson is Son which stated that that office was negotiating for the purehase.of the Taylor Estate at #85 Bedford Street. Their customer is the Armenian Women's Welfare Associatlton of Mass,, and the purpose of the 'acquiring of the property Is to establish a home for aged Armenian people. The writer wished to know the attitude of the Board on the occupancy of the property. The Board felt that the Henderson Company should be informed that the establishment of this type of an institution did not come under the jurisdiction of the Board of Selectmen, but that an application for 'a hearing to vary the application of the Zoning By -Law might be made so as to permit the maintenance of a charitable institution. Letter was received from the Town Counsel stating that he was endeavoring to complete his work in the two Town Couns- cases of Shea v. Lexington which the Supreme Count last el, partial spring decided favorably for the Town. He has not yet payment, succeeded in getting from Mr. Friend, the present owner Shea case. of the premises, the grant of the easement for extension, of the'surface drain which he and his counsel have both promised and which he still expected ultimately to get. Mr. Wrightington is holding an execution for costs of over $150. against the Sheas, but has not been able to 1 5 discover any assets which would -warrant a"levy. Mr. ' Wrightington stated that there might be some delay in these matters, and requested that he be paid $1,000. on account. It was duly moved and seconded that the Town Counsel be paid the sum of $1,000. for partial payment on account of the Shea case, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter received from Mr. HenryJ. Wood, owner of the property at 508 Bedford Street which was damaged by blasting. Mr. Wood stated that the only satisfactory way to settle the matter was for the Town to pay for the repairs inside of the house. He stated that the house must be repaired at once as it was months since the damage was done. The Board instructed the Chairman to contact Mr. E. 8 Mara and to obtain a figure for making the repairs And to submit the offer to Dr. Blakely. If the offer was not satisfactory, H. J. Wood might sue the Town. The Chairman advised the Board that a fire insurance 529 Damages to Blakely: house, Letter was received from the Town Accountant stating that there would be a meeting of the Appropriation Committee on Thursday evening, June 27th. The committee was going Appropra- to go on a tour of inspection of town projects now in the tion process of completion and of other proposed projects, with Committee Mr. Trask conducting the tour. The letter invited the meeting. Board to attend the meeting, and stated that the committee would be pleased to receive any communications which the Board desired to submit. ' The Chairman read the report of the Board of Appeals Bd. of findings on the application of Grace J. Palmer to sell Appeals 4n#iques at 777 Bedford Street. The Board of Appeals Palmer voted to grant the permit for a period of one year from application. policy under blanket schedule in, the amount of $10,000. expired on July lst. The insurance had been placed through the office of Edwin B. Worthen, and the Board Insurance voted to request Mr. Worthen to place the policy on a ' binder until_ the completion of the insurance appraisal* Th4'Chairman advised the Board that the automobile policy in the amount of $7,550. also expired on July lst. This insurance'had also been placed through the office of Mr. Edwin B. Worthen, and the Board voted to renew the policy through the same office. A Dr. Edward C. Smith submitted an application for Miss Helen Foley of 33 Butler Avenue to be admitted to the giddlesex County_Sanittor3um. The Board instructed Helen Foley the Clerk to inform Miss Foley that it would be necessary T.B. cte, for her to go over to the sanitorium for a check-up and obtain, the Supt.ts recommendation before her application might -be approved. Letter was received from the Town Accountant stating that there would be a meeting of the Appropriation Committee on Thursday evening, June 27th. The committee was going Appropra- to go on a tour of inspection of town projects now in the tion process of completion and of other proposed projects, with Committee Mr. Trask conducting the tour. The letter invited the meeting. Board to attend the meeting, and stated that the committee would be pleased to receive any communications which the Board desired to submit. ' The Chairman read the report of the Board of Appeals Bd. of findings on the application of Grace J. Palmer to sell Appeals 4n#iques at 777 Bedford Street. The Board of Appeals Palmer voted to grant the permit for a period of one year from application. 530 CP June 10, 1935, and to allow the maintenance of a.sign not to exceed six square feet in area. , Bd. of The Chairman read the report of the Board of Appeals Appeals, findings on the application of the Lexington Estates Trust Lex. Estates to maintain an office building on the development at the Trust. corner of Waltham Street and Winthrop Road Extension. The Board voted to permit the maintenanee of the existing real estate office, for a period of one year. LeCain Application was received from Lawrence LeCain of application Woodland Road, Lexington Park for permission to keep to keep 100 chickens and two-s*ine. lex. Potter agreed to view poultry, the property and the Board voted to approve the application subject to tAe approval of Mr. Potter. Application was received from Louis Palermo for a Palermo, Sunday Sales License to 'do business at the corner of Sunday Sales.Mass. Ave. and Bow Street. The Board voted to approlie the application. Application was received from Mario Zarella for a Zarella, Sunday Sales License to do business at the corner of Sunday Mass. Avenue and Sylvia Street. No action was taken Sales. on. the application. The Chairman read a Tetter which he had received Dr. Piper, from Dr. Fred S. Piper of 20 Clarke -Street w1th regard traffic to traffic regulations traffic signs, and "No Parking" complaint signs, and inquiring if the Police Department ever enforced the regulations. No action was taken on the matter. The Chairman read a letter which he had received from Scott reply the Scott Tea Co. stating that Mr. Scott would be very to condi- glad to cooperate with the Board of Health by trying to tion of eliminate the condition in the alley in the reaerof the alley. Central House. • He will also have a sign posted in the rear of the building. The motion was duly made and seconded that there be '!No heavy no heavy trucking on North Street from Adams Street to trut*ing" Lowell Street, and it was so voted. It was also voted on North that the regulation be properly advertised and the approval Street of the State Dept. of Public Works be secured. The question of convicting on the law regulating Speed of traffic of vehicles weighifig more than four tons travelling trucks. at a speed not to exceed fifteen miles an hour was dis- cussed with Sergeant Rycroft. Rycroft stated that he did not believe that the judges in this court or in arty court would convict a person on this charge.. Town The motion was duly made and seconded that a Town ' Meeting. Meeting be held on Monday, July 22nd, and it was so voted. 531 The Supt. of Public Works stated that the abutters Article, on Somerset Road wish to have an article inserted in the sidewalks, ' warrant for the construction of grarmUthic sidewalks. Somerset The Board voted that an article be inserted in the warrant Road. requesting an appropriation for this work. Countrq Club should The Chairman read a lettev from the Chief of the Fire Approp. Dept. requesting an additional appropriation of $400. for for Forest the Forest Warden. The Board voted to insert an article Warden. in the warrant to take care of the appropriation. President of the Club to go The Chairman read a letter from the Town Accountant Approp. recommending that an additional amount of $1500. be for provided for the Soldiers? Relief Account, and the Board Forest voted to insert an article in the Warrant requesting an Warden. appropriation for this ancouht. Mr. Lyons made a motion that the Board insert an Approp. article in the Warrant for -the Town Meeting to see if the for A.Ross Town will vote to pay Anthony Ross & Son the sum of & Son. $908.60 for -work done for the Park and Highway Depts. in 1929 and 1930, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from Mrs. Mabel Damon of Watertown, who -owns the property at li York Street. Mrs. Damon stated that when she acquired the property the cellar was dry, tzut that there were springs in the Water in immediate vicipity of her cellar, and that the waterway cellar, from these springs flowed onto what was formerly the Damon Stack property bear Grant Street. Mr. Stack obstructed house, this waterway, and as a consequence the water drained into York St. Mrs. Damon's cellar. She claimed that the Town was responsible for the condition of her cellar and requestdd that the Board correct the condition. The Supt. of Public Works was'instructed to investigate the matter and make a report to the Board. Persons The motion was duly made and seconded that the Police entering Dept. be instructed not to allow persons other than Town hall after Employees in the Town. Office Building after office hours. office =hour The Supt. of Public Works reported that he had received a request from the Sacred Heart _Church to be allowed the Adam: use of the Adams School grounds on Saturday, June 29th, School for a Field Day, and the Board voted to grant the request. Grounds. The Supt. of Public Works read a letter which he had received from a Mr. Keville stating that the matter of Land land takings at the Belmont Springs Countrq Club should takings, be taken up with Presidenttof the Club. The Board Belmont suggested that the Chairman make an appointment with the Springs. President of the Club to go over the matter of land ' takings. 532 BITS STOPS. Westerly side of Massachusetts Avenue at the southerly side of Slocum Road. The Supt. of Yublie Forks reported that the Police and Fire Dept. employees were not receiving their increases at Police and the same time, and he felt that they should inasmuch as Fire Dept. they were doing the same type of work. salaries. The Fire Dept. employees reach the maximum salary at the end of the fourth year, and the Police Dept. employees reach the maximum salary at the end of the fifth year. The Supte recommended that the Police Dept. employees be planed on the same salary basis as the Fire Dept. employees, and it was so voted. Hinkley The Supt. of Public Works reported that the Hinkley Damages. damages had been settled for $80.00. The Supt, of Public Works reported that John F. Shaw of Arlington had spoken to him regarding the drainage on his property at Bow Street, Lexington. Jerry Cataldo rents the property for a farm. Mr.'Trask reported that a brook runs onto the Shaw property and always will until Drainage the Town of Arlington does something about lowering the agreement other end of it: Arlington is proposing to dothis work Shaw as an�E.R.A. project, but does not know when the work property. will be done. The Supt. stated that more water would enter the land on accouht of the drainage work on Bow Street. Mr. Shaw requested that the Town install a. drain pipe from the manhole on Bow Street along the line of. Bow Street and emptying into the brook on the southerly, portion of his land, and subditted an agreement stating that upon due notice given in writing by Shaw, the, Town, would remove the pipe and leave the premises in the same condition as it was previous to the installatiod of the drain.. The Board voted to refer the agreement.to the. Town Counsel for his approval. The Lexington Gas Company made application for Permit to permission to make excavations for installing gas mains Excavate, as follows: Middle Street, 5001 of 3" gas main; Lincoln Street, 440' of gas main (3401 of 3" main, 1001 of 20" main); Weston St,, 2501 of 2" main; Meriam Street, 40 main. The Board voted to approve the application. The Supt. of Public Works submitted a list of traffic amendments. The Board voted to approve the following amendments: AMENDMENTS TO TRAFFIC REGULATIONS. Acting under the provisions of Chapter 400 Section 22 of the General Laws and Amendments, the traffic reg- ulations of the Town of Lexington, adopted January 15, 1935, are amended by the following additions: - BITS STOPS. Westerly side of Massachusetts Avenue at the southerly side of Slocum Road. Strike out "There shall be no parking on either side ' of Pleasant.Street between Massachusetts Avenue and Water- town Street" and amend as follows:- "There shall be no parking on the southerly side of Pleasant Street from its junction with Massachusetts Avenue to a point opposite Fern Street and there shall be no parking on the northerly side of Pleasant Street for a distance of fifteen feet from its intersection with Follen Road." 1 533 All traffic entering and leaving Pleasant -Street at its junction with Follen Road and Massachusetts Avenue shall pass to the right of the island. FOLLEN ROAD. All traffic entering and leaving Follen Road at Its junction with Massachusetts Avenue and Pleasant Street shall pass to the right of the island. Traffic Regulations WATERTOWN',STREET' There shall be no parking on either side of Watertown Street between Pleasant Street and the Belmont Line. NORTH STREET' Tha shall be no heavy trucking on North Street from Adams St et to Lowell Street. LL, REVERE, NORTH HANCOCK AND WESTVIEW STREETS AND CONCORD AVENUE. Amend by the following additions after "the Board° of Selectmen hereby authorizes the erection and maintenance of an official stopsign or stop signs' so as to facet' Westbound drivers on North fiancock - Street at' B'edf'ord- fat . Northeastbound drivers on Westview Street at Bedford $t. Charles E. Ferguson Board, William G..yotter Of John E. Gilcreast Selectmen. John A. Lyons. The Board discussed the matter of restoring the 7*% wage cut to employees on July lst. The Board'voted to establish the following salaries as of July 1st, 1935: James W. Russell Town Accountant- $2775.00 per year. Fred J. Spencer Asst. Assessor 2600.00 " Helen B. Ready Clerk, Assessors 24.00 " week 534 Salary Restor- ations. Fred Longbottow Byron C. Earle, C Stanley Higgins A J. Bruce Lewis C S. R. Wrightington Marian P. Kirkland Helen E. Muzzey Dorothy B. Wentworth Katharine Buck Horace M. Howard Helen E. Spender Cecilia Maguire Francis Barry Eleanor M. Lowe Elinor Moakley Philip P. Leaf Building Inspector ollector, Water Rates sstt. Town engineer lerk, Engineers Town Counsel Librarian Clerk, Libraries n n � n Janitor Clerk, Pub. Welfare Clerk, Pub. Wks. Dept. Public^Works Bldg. Clerk, Selectmen Clerk . Assyt Janitor $1045.per year 832.50 per yr. 40.70 per wk.. 31.45 8 x 925.00 per year. 1665.00 a 13$7.50 ft 1221.00 ee 1140.00 a e 1110.00 " a 16.00 per wk. 19.00 ft 32.38 NNO0 n 19.00 n 23.10 " Jury List. Name Allen, M. Lawrence Ames, Tracy W. Bailey, Fred Bailey, Georgge J. Barry, John D, Bartlett, Fred B. Barton, George S. Beach, Clayton F. Bean, George W. Bevirgton, Alfred J. Occupation Automobile Repairs Insurance Retired Farmer Electrician Golf Dr. Range Com. Designer Plumber's Supplies Golf Range Farmer Address 22 Outlook pr. 2 Highland Ave. 507 Waltham St.' East St. 22 Bow St. 104 Bedford St, 15 Bloomfield St. 24 Oakland; St . 358 Bedford' St. 130 'Marrett. Rd. 1 71% of the salary cut made in 1933 is to -be returned to the Fire and Police Department -employees. The 'Nupt. of Public Works reported that the Supt. of Salary Streets had requested that his assistant be given an_ increase, increase of $1.00 per week. The assistant, O'Connor., is John now receiving $25.00 per week. The Board felt that-inas- �OtConnor. much as OtConnorts salary was established at -$25, per week on January lst, and the employsew in other departments were receiving 7a% of 'their wage cuts back, that 6tCvnnor should receive an increase of approximately 706 1The Board voted to establish John O'Connor's salary at the rate of $27.50 per week beginning July lst, 1935. Transfer to The motion was duly'zMe and seconded that a letter pay Ins. be written to the Finance Committee requesting the Appraisal transfer of $1500. from the Reserve Fund for payment .of bill. the Insurance Appraisalbill. The Board voted to adopt the Jury List as follows: LIST OF JURORS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BOARD OF SBLECTMER OF THE TOWN OF LEXINGTONp 1935. Jury List. Name Allen, M. Lawrence Ames, Tracy W. Bailey, Fred Bailey, Georgge J. Barry, John D, Bartlett, Fred B. Barton, George S. Beach, Clayton F. Bean, George W. Bevirgton, Alfred J. Occupation Automobile Repairs Insurance Retired Farmer Electrician Golf Dr. Range Com. Designer Plumber's Supplies Golf Range Farmer Address 22 Outlook pr. 2 Highland Ave. 507 Waltham St.' East St. 22 Bow St. 104 Bedford St, 15 Bloomfield St. 24 Oakland; St . 358 Bedford' St. 130 'Marrett. Rd. 1 r 1 Jury List (Cont.) Name Briggs, Clarence E. Burnham, William I. Buttrick, Edward F. Casey, William P. Childs, Calvin W. Coleman, Franklin W. Collins, William A. Connor, Fredetick A. Cronin, Cornelius P. Cummiag., J. Everett Custance Howard E. Dailey, Sohn P. Dailey, William E. Duncklee, Lester A. Early, Frank F. Emery, Leland H. Faulkner, Frank Figenbaum, Ernest K. Bitzgerald, Thomas W'3 Giroux, Archibald R. Greeley, William R. Guthrle, James A. Hadley, Frank R. Hall, Irving G., Jr. Haley, William J. Harrington, Bartlett J. Hathaway, Alton H. Hauck, Carl Howard, Harry F. Hunneman, Frederic B. Ingalls, Roger Jackson, C. Henry Jdt=4 Miles L. F. Kelley Turner C. Kettell, Russell H. Kinneen, Timothy Lawrence, Louis H. Lawrence, Thomas 0. Locke, Arthur E. Longbottom, Walter *Love, Donald Maddison, Arthur N. Manley, William E. Marshall, William J. Marsolais, Charles H. Martin, Ernest C. McDevitt Qaarles MCDonneli, Michael:�E. McDonnell, Paul F. Milne, Alexander R. Morey, George P. Morse, Clayton M. *Lowe, George H. Occupation Organ Dealer Gardener Cotton Business Mechanic Auto. Dealer Real Estate Machinist Merchant Salesman Electrician Contractor Contractor Chauffeur Mech. Engineer Salesman Salesman Carpenter Store Manager Mason Broker Architect At home Proofreader Steamship Agent Farmer Contractor Bakery Business Wood Carver Advertising Salesman Salesman Florist Retired Broker Teacher Teacher Retired Salesman Salesman Conductor Broker Real Estate Meat Business Shipper Contractpr Druggist Farmer Clerk Type Setter Plumber Salesman Clerk Retired Address $6 Outlook Drive East Street 996 Mass. Ave. 9 Maple Street 6 Chandler St. 13 Somerset Rd. 39 Woburn Street 282 Marrett Rd. 14 Utica Street 20 Vaille Avenue 2 Tev&sbury St. 250 Marrett Rd.' 300 Radford St. 2 Hill Street 18 Butler Avenue 85 Meriam Street. 68 Punter Street 20 Cliffe Avenue 5 Parker Street 6 Stratham Rd. 1948 Mass. Ave. 57 Taft Avenue 502 Mass. Ave. 73 Meriam Street Bacon Street 11 Curve Street 25 Oakland Street 14 Harbell Street 4 Rowland Ave. 7 Parker Street 33 Reed Street 40 Clarke Street 440 Mass. Avenue 2151 Mass. Avenue 10 Eliot Road 156 Vine Street 906 Waltham St. 24 Theresa Avenue 64 Farmcrest Ave. 16 Independence fid. 1361 Mass. Avenue 15 Winthrop -Road 15 Parker Street 9 Independence Ave. 718 Mass. Ave. 11 Eliot Road 1 Grove Street 7 Curve Street 28 Vine Street 9 Utica Street o90 No. Hancock St, 29 Sherman Street 419 Marrett Rd. 535 536 Jury List. (Cont.) Name Occupation Address. Mulliken, William E. Coal Business 225 Waltham Street Murphy, H. Dudley Artist 12 Summit Rd. ' Murray, John A. Machinist 13 ThesaftAvenue Muzzey, Clifford L. Salesman 14 Glen Road Noonan, Louis E. Teamster 2 vine Street Norris, Dana T. Office Ass1t. 7 Winthrop Road O'Connor, John E. Bus Operator 72 Waltham Street O'Donnell, Bernard Machinist 20 Shirley Street Ormond, Frederick S. Nursery Business 5 Smith Avenue Parks, Jogpph A. Salesman 4 Hillsidd Terrace Partridge, Ashley W. Bakery Business 274 Marrett Road Pierce, Clifford W. Salesman 1 Eustis Street Pratt, James A. Tree Surgeon 9 Webb Street Redman, Lester T. Salesman 10'Hayes Avenue Rhones Edward F. Laundry 34 Winter Street Richards, Gordon D. Contractor 19 "ple Street Ripley, Harry M. Publisher 2 Audubon Rd. Ross, George M. Salesman 48 Harding Rd. Rowse, Richard E. Salesman 24 Adams Street Ryan, Christopher S. Manager 10 Bedford Street Rycroft, Peter Laborer 12 Utica Street Sandison, William A. Gas Station 46 Reed Street Sargent, Edward HI Secretary 27 Oakland Street Jury Shepard, Frank R. Retired 1386 Mass. Avenue List. Sherburne, Warren Auditor 34 Hancock Street Simonds, George A. Mechanic 16 Adams Street ' Slocum, Curlys L. Instructor 92 Blossom Street Smith, Allen C. Dry Goods 5 Forest Street Sorenson, Harry Mechanic 116 Woburn Street Spellenberg, Frederick Retired 494 Lowell Street Steeves, Clyde B. Steimfitter 24 Hilltop Avenue Stevens, Rupert H. Contractor 86 Meriam Street Teague, George S. Candy Maker 9 Valzey Road Thompson, Frank J. Cabinet Maker 4 Smyth Street Tu1Tur;Fred H. Salesman 98 Hancock Street Valertine, John S. Insurance 1698 Mass. Ave. Warrington Lester B. George Engineer Bernard St. Parker Street Washburn, F. Teacher 21 Wellington, Herbert A. Salesman 2139 Mass. Ave. Whalen, John P. Furniture Bus. 21 Eliot Rd, Whipple, Bertram F. Bank Clerk 9 Chase Ave. Whipple, Paul Shoe Salesman 15 Belfry Terrace Williams, Harry A. Designer 24 Woodland Rd. Wilson, Donald Engineer 33 Bloomfield St. Wilson, Walter H. Farmer 15 Pleasant St. Wood, George H. P ainter 86 Waltham Street Breed Upon recommendation of Mr. Gilereast, the Board voted to Aid. authorize the payment of $6.00 per week to Anna C. Breed of 60 Bloomfield Street from Old Age Assistance. , 537 Upon recommendation of the Supt. of Public Works, the ' Board voted to insert an article in the Warrant for the Article Town Meeting to see if the Town would vote to appropriate for and transfer the sunt of $2.,000. for surface drainage in drainage Lowell StreetandWestminster Ave. by the construction of drains or conduits. Commitment of additional water rates in the amount Commit0ent, of $164.17 was signed by the Board. Water Dept Water liens were signed, as follows: Daniel J. OtConne, Woburn St. $16.23 Elinor J. McCabe,Iiancock Street 19.38 Water Lias Constr. Finance Corp., Highland Ave. 21.10 signed. August Young, Laconia Street 83.77 State Aid commitment in the amount of $6.00 for State Aid. Isabella -Wright was gigned. The meeting adjourned at 1:00 A.B. A trU@ record, Attest: Clerk. 1