HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-03-19355 SELECTMEN'S MEMING MARCH 199 1935. A regular meeting of the Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Boom, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P. M. Messrs. Ferguson, Trask, Gilcreast, Lyons and Potter were present. The Clerk was also present. Commitment of sewer services in the amount of $19.75 Commitment. was approved by the Board. Abatement of Old Age Assistance charges in the Old Age amount of $284.67 was signed also abatement of $22.50. Abatement. Welfare Charges. Mr. Ross came before the Board and presented let- ter in which he stated the projects for water and sewer that had been voted. upon favorably by the Town Meeting and abked whether or not the Board desired to have him use machinery. He stated that if the work was done by machinery that the jobs will be cleaned up about the first of September. Mr. Ross recommended that it would not be economical for the Town to undertake any of these jobs .bar hand owing to the soil -conditions. The Board therefor voted to approve of Mr. Ross's recommendation. Machinery Mr. Ross was also instructed not to hire any men outside for Water of the regular men. and Sewer After discussing the matter it was voted to instruct Project. Mr. Ross not to install the water in Summit Road just at present, but to proceed with the installation in Pinew6bd Road, Bedford St. Mass Avenue. asscheduled by him. Mr. Ross was informed that the town did not vote to appro- priate money for the Blake Avenue and Wadman Circle Sewer. Mr. Ross presented list of water guarantees which have not been paid representing $813,746.95 exclusive of the 1934 guarantees not billed yet. 90% of the guar- antees are over four years old. The Board inquired why there was not something done about these guarantees before this and he stated that Mr. Wrightington did have the Bridge St, case upon instructions of the Board and afterward he informed him that he wanted Water to see him about other guarantees but the Counsel went on Guarantees. his vacation at that time. He is now working on the Her- bert Keene case. The Board could not see why Mr. Wright- ington should not bring suit for a lot of cases at one time. After discussing the matter, Mr. Ross was requested to refer water guarantees to the Town Counsel with in- ' structions to proceed to collect same. 356 Letter was received from Mr. Ross in which he called CA c� n 1 1 attention to the fact that in 1934 the hydrant which was located at the junction of Clarke St. and Mass. Avenue was damaged by an automobile. The hydrant was damaged beyond repair and inasmuch as the large elm tree inter- ferred with the operation of the hydrant, the hydrant was removed and the hydrant branch disconnected. He reeom- Installation mended that a new hydrant be installed on the norther -1y of Clarke side of Massachusetts Avenue about opposite Clarke Street and Mass. and connected with the twelve inch main. Mr. Ross stated Avenue. that it was necessary to have this hydrant to protect the Library, Buckman Tavern and also the Central Block, and would cost approximately $175.00. The Board voted to accept the recommendation of the Supt.- and approve the installation. The Town Engineer brought before the Board the pro- posed plan of Pleasant and Watertown Streets and showed the new lines of the layout as studied and decided upon the County after they had abandoned the study made by our Town Engineer which was practically a straight line. A second line had been suggested by the State but the County felt that this line should not be approved owing to the fact that it would mean the elimination of a green of the Belmont Country Club and would cost about $10,000. Watertown more. The proposed lines suggested widening the eux+ves Street, of the present layout so -that the travelled wit-wbuldtbe from thirty to thirty six flet. The Town Engineer stated that he did not believe that the lay out would be hazard- ous. Mr. Trask stated that the Planning Board would not be in favor of this layout. The Town Engineer stated - that he still favored .the proposed lay out made by him following along the line of Sickle Brook but the County would not approve this lay out. After discussing the matter it was voted to approve the lay out as shown on the plan indicated by red lines and as laid out by the County. Mr. Judkins and two other representatives of the Townsend Club came before the Board relative to the sug- gestion that they be allowed a hearing to explain that they were riot a political club and should not be denied the use of Estabrook Hall for their meetings. Mr. Judkins read from the. charter of the organiza- Townsend tion and from the donstitution of the New England Fed - Club Use of erasion showing that the constitution is broader than Estabrook only supporting the Townsend Plan. The New England Fed - Hall, eration is incorporated and the incorporation includes even athletic purposes. Anyone can join the club and pay the membership fee of $1.00. They propose to give foreign lectures and get people interested and they are interested in other legislation of State and National interests. He felt that many members of the club would CA c� n 1 1 ' drop out if the Old Age Pension law passes. At the pre- sent time in Washington there area number of bills which have been filed proposing different amounts to be paid under Old Age and the club is interested in giving the members information. The American Legion he felt is in a position of interest in bills in Washington and they use the Cary Hall for meetings and he felt that the Town- send Club were entitled to use the hall as much as the Legion. The Club was not incorporated. C 1 357 The names of the following were sent in by Dr. James 3. Walsh as being suggested by the Allied Veterans Co4ncil and the Board voted to appoint the following as the April 19th Committee: April 19th Chanes L. Parker, Chairman Edward L. Child Committee. William F. Young "John A.,Lyons Frank J. Thompson The bonds of the Collector and Town Treasurer both 5,000. in the amount of $47,300. being issued through the Am- Bonds. erican Employers Liability were certified to by the 35,000. Board on certificate provided by the Department of Corp- 5,000. orations and Taxation. 200000. The Board discussed the matter of the use of Cary 15,600. Hall and Mr. Trask reported that the Town Counsel felt it would be hard to prove that the organization was Use of political. Hall. The Board therefor voted to grant the use of the hall for the meetings of the Club. Approval of the nomination of. Dr. Chester L. Blhkely as Animal Inspector was received from the Department of Animal Agriculture. Dr. Blakely's approval makes his appoint- Inspector. m ent to March 31, 1936. Application was received from Elmer A. Lord & Co. for permission to renew $35,000. blanket fire insurance expiring April 15th and from A.A. Marshall for $15,000. expiring April 1st. Other -insurance coming due under blanket schedule during April is as follows: Hubert D. Broderic J. 0. Richards Neil McIntosh Edward W. T ylor Robert Sturtevant Edwin B. Worthen April lst $109000. lst 5,000. 14th 20,000. 15th 35,000. lst 5,000. 15th 200000. 15th 15,600. Letter was received from L. D. Willcutt & Sons Co. 146 Summer St, in which it was stated that they would Insurance. 358 Licenses. adjust the buildings for $30. each and a careful estimate would be done for $200, per building. The Board discussed the matter of whether or not they would have an appraisal made and voted to have it . done, having in mind that it probably will not cost over $1700. the amount of the appraisal of John Duff. It was therefor decided to bind all of the above mentioned insurance temporarily, through the agents Robert Whitney to bind this insurance. of $15,000. It was voted to grantethe following licenses: Calvin W. Childs Overhanging Sign Leslie J, Wood 101 Webb Street Arthur H. McLearn 1387 Mass. Avenue Resignation Letter was received from John J. Rudd in which he of John Rudd sent in his resignation as a member of the Appropriation Appro. Com. Committee and Sas accepted by the Board. Police The Chairman was requested to ask the Civil Service Appointment. Department for a copy of the certified list of men avail- able for the position of police officer of this town, Letter was received from the Civil Service Depart - Dentist, ment in which attention was,called to Chapter -112., Sec- tion 44, General Laws, which calls for the registration of dentists in the employ of the town, with the State Board, Dr. Morrill was to be notified of the law. Moth Dept. Application was received for the position of Tree Application. Warden and Supt. of the Moth Department from A. Thomas Miallesex Notice of a hearing on the Middlesex County San - Co. Hearing. atorium alterations on Thursday, March 28th at 10:30 A. M. in Room 489, State Offices M LO 1 I Perry. No action was taken on the application. Letter was received from Paul Bowser in which he stated that he would like to have the two lights that Lights at are already up in front of his place remain, this being" Paul Bowser. in addition toone recently installed. The Supt. of Public Works stated that he intended to have the lights already installed all remain as placed. Mr. Bowser was to be notified to that effect. It was voted to authorize the Chairman to proceed Dog Clinic. to establish a Dog Clinic for t1m immunization of dogs as voted.by the Town. Miallesex Notice of a hearing on the Middlesex County San - Co. Hearing. atorium alterations on Thursday, March 28th at 10:30 A. M. in Room 489, State Offices M LO 1 I 359 ' Francis Kelly appeared before the Board and request- ed that he be given the use of Cary Memorial Hall for a olass of calisthenics.in which about thirty women parti- Cary Mem. cipated. He had two classes of men, one on Tuesday and Hall, one on Thursday and the High School Hall is not available for the women's class. He was allowed the use of the hall this evening! but the Board considered that inas- much as the hall was not a benefit to the public as a whole that it should not be granted to Francis Kelley, Mr. Trask stated that he would see the Planning Board relative to their suggestions on the lay out of Kinneen the Kinneen property. Property. No action was taken relative to the examination of the title. Letter acknowledging the check of the Town rebat- ing sewer assessment illegally made against Mildred Sewer Wyman of Locust Avenue of $304.48 including interest Assessment. was received. The Chairman read the letter he had written to Mr. Flaherty Resident Engineer of t? -,,e Federal Rnergency Sewer Administration relative to the report of progress on Progress, the sewer. The letter enclosed copy of Mr. Ross's ' detailed report, ,Peddler's License application of Russell E. Me- Peddler s Makin of 39 Grandview Ave. who is employed by the License. Happy Home Bakerz was signed by the Board. Letter was received from.the Commissioner of Pub- lic Works of the State in which it was stated that Highways. their engineers would make a report regarding the dam- age alleged to :have been done to certain streets in the town. In reference to the letter of Michael E. McDon- nell of 7 Curve St. applying for the position of stock- man, it was decided to inform him that this year it was Stockman, decided to establish only a stock account for the sewer and water departments but not to employ anyone to car = for it, It was decided to notify Mrs. George.E. Simmons of Plymouth Rd. that the Board di not make a practise Trees. of planting shade trees on unaccepted streets, and therefor would not plant them on Plymouth Ed. Letter was received from the State Department of ' Public Health reporting that Mrs. William H. Hannam of Dogs. 23 Lincoln St. complained to their office of the exces- sive barking and stench of the dogs owned by Hubert 4, 360 ERA Delega- tion and Yodwish Case. Grieves of 16 Audubon Road. Hearing was given sometime ago to Mrs. Hannam rela- tive to the same complaint and Mrs. Hannam was advised to take the matter to Court inasmuch as the investiga- tion made by the Health Inspector did not prove that there was any stench and Mrs. Hannam seemed to be the only person complaining in the neighborhood. A delegation of ERA workers came before the Board headed by George Douglas. He called attention to the fact that an investigator had been here from the -ERA office, and the men are being cut':off the ERA. A large percentage of the men have been put back to work under protest. He stated that he had seen men come to the job without any dinner and he had seen men complaining of what they got for lunch. He stated that some of the workers had been ordered out of the town by the Selectmen and they felt they had .a right to live here. They felt that if the Board did not want to recognize their organ- ization they would endeavor to enforce recognition, as their organization has been recognized b?r the State Administrator and by the government. He stated that two cases had been attended to but they were bringing up a case they desired the Board to listen to. Mr. John Yodwish of 32 Mass. Ave. stated that he came to town in May 18, 1929 and when he lost his job he.applied for welfare. He was told to go back to Boston. Finally his four children were taken from him by Mr. Mitchell, he claimed. He had been put in jail when he was selling booze to try to support his family, and when he got out of jail he was asked to go back to Boston to live. He was receiving $8. per week on E.R.A. and was paying $5. per week rent leaving $3. for food for him- self and his wife. Mr. Douglas stated that he did not know that Mr. Yodwish's wife had tuberculosis and this was all the more reason why he should receive more money. Mr. Yodwish stated that his two boys were found not to be sick at the Westfield State•Sanatorium where they were committed and that they are going to school there and when he had sufficient to pay their board they could be taken out. Mr. Mitchell made a report of his story on the matter and stated that hewas abidingt"the wishes of the city of Boston, After he gave his story Mr. Douglas presented a Bill for the establishment of unemployment,,Old age and social insurance, and for other purposes, which he requested that the Board support. The case was discussed by the Board and it was voted to allow Mr. Yodwish $2.00 cash more per week from the Welfare Department. 1 1 1 1 Maurice A. Page came before the Board and presented tax bills for land that he had taken over from the Town of Arlington on tax title for the years 1933, 1934 and 1932 for $25.20, $26.40 and $24.80 respectively. e also presented sewer bill in the amount of $410. He asked that these bills be abated. The Board felt that even though the building on the land had been order- ed down on account of being dangerous that the taxes on the land should not be abated. It was decided to look up the sewer bill and find out what the right of the town were in the matter before taking any action. Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works calling attention to thl blasting damages on Waltham Street to the house of rs. V.T.Hinckey of Marrett Rd., and that she wanted to paint and -lie -pair the house soon. The report of the Town Engineer was laid before the Board previously and no action was taken. After discussion on the matter it was voted to deny any responsibility for the damages alleged to have been caused by blasting, to the Hinckley house. Bid on the crawler type gasoline crane and back hoe was received from Hedge and Mattheis Co. of 285 Dorchest- er Avenue, Boston as follows: 1 Used l yard General Crane and Back -Hoe Machine, com- lete with 251 crane boom, fo.b. Staten Island, N. Y. 2500. 1 New 2 yard Paige Dragline Bucket, f.o.b. Cleveland Ohio,.„ $325.00 less 10%. 1 Fair ead assembly complete for use with Dragline Bucket, weight approximately 535#, f.o.b. Marion, Ohio, -.$165. 1 New Shovel attachment complete, if desired, with 18t boom, 13t 2" dipper sticks, z yard dipper, f.o.b. Marion, Ohio, - $1420.00. The freight• and handlitg',:charge on the crane and backhoe from Staten Island to Lexington would be $225. The Board discussed the matter and felt that the machine should be seen by someone at New York. '` It was finally decided to lay the matter on the table until such time as further information is obtained. 361 Maurice Page Tax Bills. Hinckley Blasting Damages. Crane, Letter was received from the State Department of Public Works in which it was stated that the Board's re- Streets quest in reference to having certain streets in the town Repaired. repaired owing to the construction of Concord Avenue highway was referred to their engineers for report. Letter was received from the Board of Registrars in Elea. and regard to their appropriation in which they stated that Regis. 362 n the appropriation should have been $1,000. when only ' one election was approved. The Chairman stated that the sheets for all depart- ments should be submitted to the head of the department for the estimates. The clerical hire which is now being charged to this department was not requested and that is the reason for brir_ging the matter to attention at this time. In regard to the request of Mrs. Simmons of Plymouth Trees on Road for trees on her lot, it was decided to inform her Plymouth Rd. that the custom has been not to plant trees on unaccept- ed highways. In 1935 it is necessary to perambulate the town I,Perambula- bounds it being a requirement of the law. It was de- 'tion. tided to notify the Towns surrounding, making appoint- ments for the Town Engineer to perambulate the bounds. An unsigned letter relative to dogs on Hilltop Dogs -Hilltop Avenue and a tropical fish business being operated in a Avenue. residential district was signed by the Board. It was decided not to take any action on the matter. Letter was received from Dr. Chester L. Blakely acting for Mr. Wood owndr of the house in which Dr. Chester ' Blakely live#, requesting consideration in regard to the Blasting blasting damage which they still feel was caused by the Damage on blasting done by the Town on. Winter Street. He stated Blakely Houseethat he had been authorized to­consnit an_attorney on the matter. It was voted to request the Chairman to make an -in- spection of the premises and report to the Board next week. Mr. Mitchell reported having had application from Mr. Arthur J. Landry of 803 gass.Avenue for assistance Landry Aid. The man►s wife is over seventy years of age and has ap- plied for Old Age Assistance. Mr. Mitchell recommended allowing $9. per week until the application for old age assistance has been considered. It was so voted. John Dose, Jr. made application for additional aid. He has a wife and three children. Mrs. Wilson also limes there. Mr. Mitchell recommended that he receive $6.'per week in addition to the $12, received on ERA, and it was so voted. Mr. Mitchell reported an application for payment of bill at the Children's Hospital &f one of the children of Sebastiano Paladino who is a regular employee of the ' �Sebastiano Water Department but who has been laid off. He has a Paladino. mortgage with the Lowell Bank. The Board felt that this man would be back to work and Mr. Mitchell was requested to find out about the mortgage. ' Mrs. Whittemore, the Clerk of the Board, was requested to hand in her resignation, inasi-auch as the Board _stated that it was not their intention to reappoint her, ion April lst, the reason given being that she was married, and it was felt that with single girls out of work -and criticism having been received, of employment of a mar- ried woman that they should take this action. Mrs. Whittemore felt that after being employed with the town for a period of twenty one years that more con- sideration should be given that to receive a notice of less than two weeks. Furthermore with the office force having been out down records have not been copied or read and signed by the Clerk for a long time and she did not care to leave the"' office with records in this shape 1 1 Mr. William S. Scamman, Supt. of Public Works, came before the Board and stated that he had been requested to resign to take effect on April lst. He did not see why he should resign as he had served the town for twenty two years and eleven of that as Superintendent of Public Works. The Board informed him that they felt that he had been inefficient. Mr. Scamman stated that the Board has not backed him up since he had been here. In 1934 he was told not to come into the meetings except when called. He was not informed of the work going on. For instance he did not know anything about the drainage job.until Mr. Ross said that the•eontractor was in there doing the work. He stated that he felt he should have been provided with a car and he had no means of getting around except with the other superintendents. He had served the town to the best Interests and to the best of his ability. He had no property and nothing to fall back on and he did not know what he was going to do if relieved of his job. He asked the Board for further consideration. Mr. Scamman stated that the State was anxious to have the gravel provided from Ryders pit for the con- L. struction of Pleasant Street and Ryder wants 12V a yard. Mr. Scamman was requested to try to get the grav- el for 10� a yard. The Supt, was authorized to make negotiations with Mr. Ryder for the purchase of the gravel. The attention of the Supt. was called to the ous condition at the corner of Lowell and Woburn at the entrance to Laconia St. Meeting adjourned at 12:25 A. M. A true record, Attest: Clerk. 363 Request that Mrs. Whitte- more Resign. Request that Mr. Scamman Resign. Supt. of Public Wks, danger -Dangerous Streets Condition at Ldwell&Laconia Streets.