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FEBRUARY 5, 1935.
A regular meeting of the Selectmen was held in the
Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P. M.
Messrs, Trask, G11creast, Ferguson, O'Connell and Lyons,
were present. Elinor Moakley, Clerk Pro -tem, was also
Mr. Lawrence G. Mitchell came before the Board and re-
ported that he had received an application for Soldier's
Relief from Warren Hayes of Hill Street aWorld War vet-
eran. He recommended that he be given 6. per week Sold-
iers' Relief and askedto work two days. The Board voted
to approve the recommendation.
Mr. Mitchell also reported in regard to the case of
Marie Iovino, James Street. Her son Domonic works for
the Water Dept. and has six children. There is a mortgage
on the house of $BOO. which cost about $15. per month.
Her husband recently died and the $275. received_'forfun-
eral expenses. Mr. Mitchell felt that they needed a lit-
tle aid for food and recommended $3, per week. The Board
voted to approve the recommendation.
Warren Hayes
Mr. Fred Longbottom came be6ore the Board with Mr.
George Sonberg. Mr. Longbottom explained that Mr. Son -
berg owns property on James Street and he has built a
building without a permit which is an accessory building:
He has no house on the lot but intends to use this build-
ing as a garage when he constructs a house.' He has already
built one good house on another lot in which his sox is now
living and he desired to be allowed to finish the work.
Mr. Longbottom stated that he could not give him a
permit for an accessory building but he has already start-
ed the building without a permit and desired to akk the
Board to allow him to continue and finish constructing the
Mr. Sonberg stated that he intended to build a house
on this lot but did not have the money at this time so he
statted building the garage. He intended to get a permit
bud did not do so. He stated that he would not put any
car in the garage until after he had constructed the house;
but would only use the building to store tools and would
never use it as a dwelling or anything of that sort. He
stated that he did not like to have to demolish the build-
ing, nor did he desire to leave it in its present unfin-
ished state, but asked that the Board allow him to finish
constructing the garage.
The Board considered the matter and decided that they
had no legal right to allow him to continue building on the
296 a'
garage. However, they felt that they would not issue an ,
order to demolish the building, but that it should remain
as it is until application is properly before the Board
for their action.
Mr. Albert A. Ross came before the Board in regard to
his appropriations. He stated that he would need $2000,
more in the Trunk Line Sewer Account to complete the job.
$46,000. was the original estimate. He explained the rea-
sons for the increase, stating that in the original set
up in the application.to the Government for the grant, no
provision was made to pay interest on the $46,000. as it
was expected the Government would give the town cash.
It so happened that all of the $46,000. had to beborrowed
which made an increase of $963.72 for interest. The Gov-
ernment also insisted upon a watchman being hired at an
expense of750. 'inasmueh as pipe was being broken by ,,
children. nother additional cost was the construction of
Trunk Line thr'es7extra manholes which was $245. Then the railroad
Sewer:- insisted a fence be erected from Arlington -Lexington line
through to Bottler Avenue and this cost $212.74. There
was another cost of $175. to install two corrugated iron
culverts to take care of a brook just south of Bow St.
This was put in at this time as it was cheaper to do the
work now than later and at some future time it would be
necessary to lower the channel of Sickle Brook: In re-
gard to excavation, 300 yards wasrovided for but actual-
ly 444 yeards was removed costing 6691.20. There was also
a wall built on the southerly side of Bow Street 1. one by
town labor but charged to the project, $112.92. nother
item was the increase in the Inspectorts salary of $600a
due to additionAl time. Damage for pipe in transit from
the railroad yard to the site of the work, the Government
d 11 not allow claim of $337.23. The job is practically
completed -'here being only about 60 feet left to finish
and $2000. would be enough to complete the job.
F Mr. Ross stated that the area in back of Bow St,
where they dumped material needed to be graded, but it
was felt that this might be done under an'E.R.A. project.
Mr. Ross stated that $5000. more would be needed to
complete the drainage channel job. There was an appro-
priation for this of $24,000. and they would have complet-
ed the job for this if they carried it along according to
the Metcalf and Eddy Plans, but they did more than they
Drainage proposed to do and they have hhd frost conditions to eon -
Job, tend with. They built retaining walls -and graded the land
and put a culvert in Bow Street. The walls-and
felt that
there would be cri.tisiem of the fact that this money
stated that there were about fifty men going along fine
and they ran into ledge. He had to bring them back and
work in that area below the ledge.* They also ran into
quicksand. About 800 yards will have to be removed to pre-
In regard to Water Stock Account approved at a pre-
vious meeting, an additional $3000, was being requested, Water
This was to start a new system of checking all the stock Dept.
used so they would know where, it was being used. this Stock
would be a revolving stock account as -they would have the Aeeou#t,
stock and it would be charged to the job for which it was
used and credited to stock account. It was voted to ap-
prove $7500. to establish the Water Dept, Stock Account.
It was voted to approve $6000, for the (o nstruction
of an 8 inch water main in Blake Road for a distance of Blake Rd,
1460 feet on request of the owners of the property and to Water.
Insert an article in the warrant requesting this amount.
It was voted to approve the following amounts for
sewer construction: Sewer
Wadman Circle - $1750. Accounts.
Blake Avenue - 3665.
It was voted to approve the Water Dept, Sundry Ex- Water.
tensions Account in the amount of $7000.
The Board considered the abatement of a bill owed by
Ouatance Bros to the Water Dept. in the amount of $143.36
for services and stock. Mr. Ross explained that he under- Custanee
stood that Custanee Brothers had gone into bankruptcy. Bill.
The Board did not vote to grant this abatement inas-
much as they were of the opinion that there had been no
liquidation and there may be a dividend paid.
Mr. Edward W. Taylor came before the Board in refer -
to the Fire Department appropriation. The Board had
previously approved an item of $1685. for separating the Fire
tapper cirouits from box circuits and Mrl Taylor explained Dept*
that there should have been an item of $989.50 included in
this estimate to complete the estimate.
The Board discussed with Mr. Taylor in detail the
advantages of making these improvements at this time. Mr.
pare a foundation. There is approximately 4000 yards of
earth to move yet, and there is two feet of frost now.
He figured it would cost $1.00 per yard to remove the
quicksand, 800 yardd being $600.00. Back would be
$1.50 per yard, $1350. The repairs to the Bow Street
culvert cost $593.25. They have removed 538 yards'of
ledge. There was 300 or 400 yards of backfill for the
trunk line sewer and the Board felt Mr. Ross should biting
in f1gures of what was placed in the trunk line sewer so'
that it could be charged to that account and the money
requested from the 'Town Meeting for that purpode. Mr.
Ross stated that- there was 80 feet of culvert pipe, exca-
vation and tunnelling under the tracks and wall, and re-
moving the quicksand which would cost $5417.00.
In regard to Water Stock Account approved at a pre-
vious meeting, an additional $3000, was being requested, Water
This was to start a new system of checking all the stock Dept.
used so they would know where, it was being used. this Stock
would be a revolving stock account as -they would have the Aeeou#t,
stock and it would be charged to the job for which it was
used and credited to stock account. It was voted to ap-
prove $7500. to establish the Water Dept, Stock Account.
It was voted to approve $6000, for the (o nstruction
of an 8 inch water main in Blake Road for a distance of Blake Rd,
1460 feet on request of the owners of the property and to Water.
Insert an article in the warrant requesting this amount.
It was voted to approve the following amounts for
sewer construction: Sewer
Wadman Circle - $1750. Accounts.
Blake Avenue - 3665.
It was voted to approve the Water Dept, Sundry Ex- Water.
tensions Account in the amount of $7000.
The Board considered the abatement of a bill owed by
Ouatance Bros to the Water Dept. in the amount of $143.36
for services and stock. Mr. Ross explained that he under- Custanee
stood that Custanee Brothers had gone into bankruptcy. Bill.
The Board did not vote to grant this abatement inas-
much as they were of the opinion that there had been no
liquidation and there may be a dividend paid.
Mr. Edward W. Taylor came before the Board in refer -
to the Fire Department appropriation. The Board had
previously approved an item of $1685. for separating the Fire
tapper cirouits from box circuits and Mrl Taylor explained Dept*
that there should have been an item of $989.50 included in
this estimate to complete the estimate.
The Board discussed with Mr. Taylor in detail the
advantages of making these improvements at this time. Mr.
Taylor ekplained that it would be a saving to install the
underground cable in Mass. Avenue from Woburn Street to
East Lexington Fire Sthtion and separate the tapper cir-
cuits from the box circuits at the same time and would
recommend that it be made on the $2500. appropriation for
new bones. The Board decided to approve this additional
Mr. Williasd C. Hill came before the Board at the
Boardts request in regard to insurance. The Board de
sired his advice in connection with the suggestions made
by Mr. Robert Whitney at the last meeting of the Board.
Mr. Hill explained in detail the present method of hand-
ling the•townta insurance and advised the Board that he
felt it would be unwise to make a change at the present
time due to the fact that changes would require prepara-
tion of a new schedule which might involve the. additional
rates which are included in the schedules of 1932 and
The Board thanked Mr. Hill for appearing before them,
and after considering the matter decided not to make any.
change in the present schedule of insurance.
Mr. William G. Paxton, Jr., Supt. of Streets, and
William S. Scamman, Supt. of Public Works came before the
Board in egard to appropriations for the Highway Dept.
Mr. axton presented the budget for the Highway Main-
terance Account and explained to the Board the work he
intended to do in this department during the coming year.
The Board voted to approve the Highway Maintenance Appro-
priation in the amount of $51,490.
It was decided to approve an appropriation of $9000.
for Watertown Street to be constructed under Chapter 90,
and $12,000. for Lincoln St., also to be constructed under
Chapter 90,
The Board considered the appropriations for drainage
Drainage. and voted to approve $3800. for drainage in Hancock St.
and.Hancock Avenue and $4000. for drainage in Lowe&l St,
Farm Crest It was voted to ask for an appropriation of.$10,000:
Ave. and for the construction of Farm Crest Avenue and Kendall Rd.
'Kendall Rd. under the Betterment Act.
The following appropriations were also approved;
Appropria- Oakland Street resurfacing (including drainage)- $8100.
tions. Reed Street resurfacing. - 100000
North Hancock Street Drainage - 3500.
Pub. Works It was voted to approve the appropriation for the
Bldg. Oper- Public Works ouilding Operation Aecount in the amount of
ation Acelt.$7000. this to includd the salary of the blacksmith form-
erly paid by the Water Dept.
It was voted to
approve the appropriation
for the , Town
Town Office and Cary
Memorial Building Account
in the amount
of $9500.00.
The Supt. of Public Works reported in regard to the
truck that was burned that it would cost $160. to repair
it. The Board felt that it might be better to purchase Truck,
a new body for the truck and requested the 6upt. to bring
in prices for a new body.for this truck at the next meet-
The Supt. of Public Works was asked to investigate
the traffic lights on Waltham Street and Marrett Road to Lights,
find out why they were not turned on. They had been turned
off during the heavy snowstorm, but it was felt that they
should be turned on again as this is a dangerous location.
The Supt. of Public Works was also requested to see
whether or not the street711ghts were now being turned
off at one otelock again, they having been left on all Street
night during the snowstorm. Lights.
The Supt. stated that the lights were now being
turned off at one otclock.
The Chairman reported in regard to purchasing
Hatchts Pond on Watertown Street for a skating rink that
he was to have an appointment with Mrs. Hatch to find
out what price she would ask for this property. Mr. Pond
Gilcreast suggested that pictures be taken of the pond for
in its present condition. Skating.
In regard to the Kinneen Pond on Burlington Street,
the Chairman reported that this pond is now being used
by about 150 to 300 citizens. He stated that the area
to be considered consisted of 421 acres going back to
include the crest of the hill for tobaggan slides, etc.
He stated that he believed Mr. Kinneen might be anxious
to sell this piece of property to out down on his mort-
gage and asked that the various members of the Board
view the property before the next meeting and advise him
what offer they felt should be made. It was felt that
$1000, might be a fair offer,
The matter was therefor laid on the table for one
CommitXment of water liens was signed as follows:
Water Liens.
Rose Delfino, Hinchey Road $29.35
Stephen & Margaret A. Deveau, 22,37
Lexington Farms
' It was voted to grant the use of Cary Memorial Hall Cary Hall.
to St. Brigidts Parish for their annual reunion on March
5th at the reduced rate of $25.00.
Upon request of Frederick Spencer and other., it was
Waruant. voted to insert in the warrant for the Annual Town Meet-
ing, a question in regard to the use of steel traps.
Letter was received from the `town Olerk enclosing
Warrant, article prepared by Theodore N. Waddell re: borrowing
money to be inserted in the warrant.
Letter was received from Mass. State Guard Veterans
calling attention to the coincidence of the 19th of
April 19th. April falling on Good Friday this year and asking that
the Town cooperate. -and have the celebration on Saturday,
the 20th of April.
The letter was referred to the Lexington Allied Vet-
erans for'their attention.
Signed agreement `was received from Mr. and Mrs. Law
Lecain ranee Lecain in which they stated that they would demol-
Shack. ish the building in which they are now living on or be-
fore June 11, 19350
Letter was received from the Waltham Co-ops Bank in
regard to the petition for the modification of restric-
tions on the Lincoln Street area developed by Neil McIn-
tosh in which they asked that the Selectmen give their
St. restr-
assent to this petition.
The Chairman reported that the Town Counsel felt
that any action on the part of the Board would not be
binding without a vote of the Town Meeting. However,
the Board voted to go an record as in favor of the mod-
ification of the restrictions.
Report was received £rom.Matthew Stevenson, Health
Inspector in regard to the property owned by Mary Iovino,
James Street, in which he stated that he inspected the
property and found it to be in fairly good condition,
clean, and not unfit t o live in.
Letter was received from H. A. Williams, 46 Wood-
land Road, in which he complained of the zoning viola-
tion by V. W. Mason who raises dogs for sale on his .
property at 38 Woodland Road which is in a residential
district. Mr. Williams stated that he had seen nine
dogs on the premises and they were a nuisance to him.
It was voted to refer the matter to the Building
Inspector for his attention.
Letter was received from Barry Mead in regard to
tilled -)damage to his car as a result of a hole on Bedford
Street, in which he stated that he would be willing to
settle the case for ten dollars; otherwise he would take
it to Court.
No action was takaa.on the matter.
' Letter was received from the County Commissioners
calling attention to Chapter 140., G.L. as amended by Dogs.
Chapter 289, of the Acts of 1932 and Chapter 320 of the
Acts of 1934, relative to damage by dogs.
Letter was received from the Detex Watchc_lock Cor-
poration in which they stated that it has been two years
since the portable watchman's clock has been cleaned and Clock,
asking if the Board wished to have the repairs estimated.
No action was taken on the matter.
Copies of the Rad16 Oontract for the year 1935 were Radio
received from the Chief of Police of Arlington. These Contract,
were signed by the Board.
Letter was received from the League of Massachusetts
Municipalitibs asking that the Board support House Bill Bill #799
#799, being a request for appropriations for the League,
whose purpose is to promote sound municipal government.
The Board did not take any action on the matter.
Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works
in which he stated that the cost of a new door at the
Public Works Building to replace the one which was par-
tially destroyed by fire would be $270.48 and an allowance
of 030.00 will be made for the.old tracks.
The Board discussed the matter and felt that the Supt.
should request bids from some other companies to see if
a better price could not be obtained inasmuch as they
felt that this was an excessive price.
Door at
Public Wks.
Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works
' in whEth he sl.zggested that the Board declare an emergency Snow
in the Snow Removal Account, in order to make payments Removal.
The Chairman signed statement relative to accounts
of Howard S. 0. Nichols in connection with his bond as
Trustee of Public Trusts.
Report was received from the Governor's Committee
on Street and Highway Safety of recommendations made by
Route #2
them in connection with traffic conditions at New Route
#2 and -Watertown Street.
Letter was received from Representative Hollis M.
Zoning of
Gott in which he stated that he would support the bill
relative to the zoning of Concord Ave. turnpike. He
also stated in regard to bill #610 re: the sale of alcoho-
lic beverages on Sunday, hearing would be held Feb. 10,
Room 249, State House at 10:30, The date for the hear-
ing on the petition of Edward G. Wheaton had not been
Letter was received from the League of Massachusetts
Municipalitibs asking that the Board support House Bill Bill #799
#799, being a request for appropriations for the League,
whose purpose is to promote sound municipal government.
The Board did not take any action on the matter.
Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works
in which he stated that the cost of a new door at the
Public Works Building to replace the one which was par-
tially destroyed by fire would be $270.48 and an allowance
of 030.00 will be made for the.old tracks.
The Board discussed the matter and felt that the Supt.
should request bids from some other companies to see if
a better price could not be obtained inasmuch as they
felt that this was an excessive price.
Door at
Public Wks.
Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works
' in whEth he sl.zggested that the Board declare an emergency Snow
in the Snow Removal Account, in order to make payments Removal.
Snow Re-
The Board therefor voted to instruct the Town Account-
ant that an emergency was declared in the Snow Removal`Ac-
Letter was received from the State Bureau of Old Age
Old Age. Assistance in which they recommended that Mrs. Rose. A.
Malloy be increased from $4.00 per week to $6. per week,
Old Age Assistance, and the Board so voted.
The Chairman reported that the Appropriation Commit.
tee had voted to approve the appointment of two new police
officers. He stated that the Civil.Service eligible list
Police, expired on March 10th. The Board therefor instructed the
Chairman to see if the time can -be extended until April
1st on the eligible list and if so that the request be
The Chairman reported that he talked with Dr. Blake-
ly in regard to establishing a dog clinic, and Dr. Blake-
ly informed him that figuring on 800 dogs, he would be
wilting to do the job for $25. a day, handling about 150
dogs per day. He would also have to have assistants, but
he felt that $600. would do the job and he is willing to
undertake it and make the arrangements for this amount
of money.
Report of the Supt. of the Moth Dept. and Tree War -
den and Supt. of the Park Department was received and ap-
proved for publication in the annual Town Report.
*The Board discussed the matter of controlling dogs
that had not be(ninoculated and tagged and considered .
passing a regulation of some sort to take care of this .
Dog Clinic.
question but no action was taken. It was voted to insert
an article in the warrant requesting $600. for a free dog'
A Mr. Gallagher came before the Board and stated that
once before he appeared and requested that an article be
placed .in the Warrant asking to have portraits made of
soldiers in the form of permanent tablets and this sugges-
tion was endorsed by the Legion. He left the article
signed by some of the Legionaires in the Selectmen's Of-
fioe, and asked that an article be placed in the annual
Town Warrant.
The Board informed him that if the request had_bsen
filed in proper form, they would place the article in
the Warrant, but that he should have someone present at
the meeting to present the vote.
Letter was received from the Wire Inspector in which
Wire In-
he requested that he was asking for an appropriation of
$835.00, $600. for salary, $200. for use of car and•$35.
for incidentals.
The Board considered the appropriation and voted to
approve $635. for the Wire Inspector's Account, $600 for
salary and $35. for expenses.
It was voted to approve the estimate for the Middle-
sex County Tuberculosis Hospital in the amount of $2566.57.
The Chairman reported that he attended a meeting with
the Appropriation Committee and School Committee and they
passed an unanimous vote to recommend that 72f per cent
of the salary cut made in 1933 be returned to the town em-
The Selectmen considered the salaries of employees
and voted to make the following increases:
James H. Russell
Mary J. Spencer
Frederick J. Spencer
Helen Ready
Fred Longbottoin, Bldg., Inspector
James J. Carroll, Town Clerk
Byron Earle, Tax Collector
Mildred Thompson
Mary Fitzgerald
Dental Clinic employees
Town Engineer
StanleZ Higgins
Bruce ewis
Albert Miller
Fire Dept. employees
William°C: Paxton
John O'Connor
S. R. Wrightington,
Library employees
John J. Garrity
Andrew Bain
Lawrence Mitchell
Helen Spencer
William S. Scamman
Cecilia Maguire
Frank Barry
Helen Whittemore
Elinor Moakley
Charles Moloy
Philip Leaf
Albert A. Ross
Doris' Dalrymple
Eleanor Lowe
Byron Earle
Wire Inspector
Town Uounsel
7% returned.
increase to 015. wk.
increase bf 100. yr.
increase to 24. wk.
7 3. returned.
increase to $is. wk.
Remain $20. a wk.
72g% returned.
increase of $100. yr.
n n
Increase previously made.
71,% returned.
Increase to $40. wk.
Increase previously made.
71% returned.
Remain as is,
ee n n
7-,W% returned.
$32. per wk. including car.
Increase $1. wk.
$3400. per yr.
Increase $1. wk.
7.12% returned.
Increase to,123,
29. wk.
Increase of 1. wk.
Increase to 35. wk.
Increase to wk.
3100. per week,
15, per week.
26. per week.
7.1 returned, for water
$600. per yr.
' The Board discussed the matter of .complying with the
new By-law by keeping the Town Office uilding open for
four hours on Saturday morning, and voted that the build-
ing should be open from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. on Saturdays, Hours of
each office to be properly manned, so that the employees Office on
could..:; alternate in keeping the various offices open and Saturday.
therefor it would not be necessary for every employee to
stay until one every Saturday.
The Board signed notice of intentign to lay out Farm
Crest Avenue from Waltham,Street to Stedban Road approxi-
mately 1425 Feet, and also layout of Kendall Road from
Farmc:Crest Avenue to Marrett W6ad approximately 266 feet,
and also Kendall Road from Farm Crest Avenue to Hill Top
Avenue approximately 325 feet.
The meeting adjourned at 12:04 A. M.
A tihle record, Atsest:
ell A
Clerk, Pro -tem.
Layout of
Farm Crest