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NOVEIMER 20, 1934.
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held
at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P. M.
Messrs. Trask, Gilereast, Ferguson, O'Connell and Lyons were
present. The Clerk was also present.
Hairdressing license was --ranted to Jessie B. Barker
to operate a 1neauty parlor at #4 Waltham Street.
Abatement of the Public Welfare Department was signed
in the amount of 4405.53 cover -1 -ng the cases of Arthur Silva,
Clifford Endres, Dwig'-t Allen and Ralph Pomposo.
Board of Health Abatement was signed in the, amount of
X27. on the E.A.Cross case which had already been paid by toe
County Commissioners.
Hearing was declared open on the joint etition of the
New England Te. & Tel. Co. and the Edison Elec. I11. Co. for
the location of one pole on School Street. No persons ap-
peared to object and it was voted to rrrant the permit.
The Board voted to authorize the abatement by the
Assessors of the sewer assessment tax on the propert of
Mary A. Walsh at 2243 Mass. Avenue in the amount of 113.66
And interest at 44.92, on 1934 tax bill, owing to ,the f act
that she is a widow and unable to pay the tax.
The Board verified the granting of an Auctioneer►s
License to Jay 0.!Richards of 31 Hancock Street owing to the
fact that license was granted on Saturday to Mr. Richards
by permission of three members of the Board so that he
could do business on Monday morning.
Letter was received from the Middlesex County Sanator-
ium relative to the establishment of a Chadwick clinic in
the Lexin-ton Schools and stating that Dr. Martin would com-
municate with the Chairman in reference to the natter. The
Clerk talked with Dr. Martin and he stated in brief, that
the clinic would be established in the hil-h school building
Clinic in
free of charge and that all the children from the ages of
twelve to eighteen would be examined with the permission of
the parents. Owin- to the fact that al * f the children of
this age are in the one school building, there would be no
transportation cost and that the Tubercular test is the
only test made and having done over one half million and
having ha6 no danger from the tests, the School Department
were anxious to have the clinic established and after the
examinations are mdde, the underweight children are closely
followed up. The Board voted to sign the letter requesting
the establishment of this clinic in the Lexington Schools.
Letter was received from the Supt. of the Water and
Sewer Department in which he called attention to the fact
that in the past local plumbers had been accommodated by
selling to them pipe, brass goods, and other plumbing sup- Stock
plies and he recommended that the -practice be discontinued Sold to
owing to the fact that the stock is paid for out of the Plumbers,
appropriation and it diminishes the stock. Also that the
plumbers complalin of the trice owing* to the fact that the
Town uses a heavier type of brass goods than they use and
they expect to have the pipe sold to them for a purchase
price upon which the Town receives no return for the mants
time in giving out the stock and making•a record of his
The Board voted to acept the recommendation of the
Letter was received from Mr. Ross in which he stated
that Annie T. Malone of Cambridge signed a guarantee bond
for the Bridge Strect Extension and has paid 5-� years
guarantee. The total amount paid to date is "67.85 and the
balance due is $5031. She informed the iWater Department Malone
that she was forced to tern over her lot of land to Neil Request
McIntosh 'as she was unable to keep up the payments and Abatement.
she therefore has no interest in the lot and requested an
The Board felt that it might be possible that Mr.
McIntosh would return the lot to her at a later date and
therefor did not feel ti:at the water guarantee should be
abated, and it was decided to so inform the Supt. of the
Water and Sewer Department.
Letter was received from the LexinF�-ton Cooperative
Bank req,a.esting an a':Iatement of the highway betterment as- Eaton
sement at 23 Eaton Road of $1BO.42 owing to the fact that Road
the bank was put to the expense of $800. for retaining Assessment.
walls on the street line and had to lower the garage under
the living room two feet and place new -ramps on'the front
piazza and a new ramp on the garage.
The Board decided to tal-;e the matter up at the next
meeting when the Town Engineer would be present.
The figures prepared by the Town Engineer on the cost
of constructing Farm Crest Avenue and Kendall Road were pre- Farm
sented, the total cost of the construction being $9772.33 Crest Ave.
and showing the individi?al assessments to be made. KendallRd.
It was decided to ;send this to the owners of the
property for their signatures so that a hearing can be held
on the application for the acceptance of these streets.
Letter was received from Paul 'e^1. Dempsey calling at-
tention to the "Children -Go Slows' signs that he desired to
have placed near his property on Spring Street inasmuch as
Slow Signs. he had six children goinC to the Lexington schools and it
is a continuous source of danger on account of the high
speed that the automobiles pass by his house.
The Board voted to request the Supt. of Public Works
to have the signs erected as requested by Mr. Dempsey.
The Board considered the matter of renewal of dena-
tured alcohol licenses in accordance with the new 'ruling
of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission that a bond
of $200. must be filed with the Town for any license is-
s_..ed. Owing to the fact that that Lawr_as been amended
to require the renewal of these Licenses on January lst
rather than on April 30th, and most all of the applications
for alcohol ha -!e been renewed, it was voted to renew the
Alcohol remaining renelals of all licenses and not .require a bond
Licenses. to be filed until December 31st when the renewal applica-
tions are ar;aln taken up.
It was voted therefor to renew the following licenses:
M. J. Aruda, 329 Pflass. Avenue; Richard Whittemore, corner
of Lincoln Street and Marrett Road; C. H. FaulkinEham,
3 Bow Street.
In regard to the applicat'on of the Town Paint and
Supply Co., this being a new application, it was voted to
require that a bond be filed before the license was granted.
Letter was received from the Town Counsel in which he
gave a report of the dec'_s ion in the blary E. Lowe case on
the violation of the Building Law and reported that the
Court did not order the demolition of the building eccupied
as a dwelling but did order the removal of a shed which
Lowe Case. was constructed this year in the rear of the dwelling. As
the shed constructed was a,;"arently on someone else's land,
he did not believe that the Board should enforce this part
of the Court rder to have her remove this shed. as it was
only used as a woodshed. The Town Counsel,, however,did
sug^est that when the Building Laws are amended that they
provide that no building; erected for a purpose other than
that of a dwellinr, all thereafter be used for the purposes
of a dwellln,M eJitho;zt a permit. The Building Committee was
informed of the Counsel's suggestion.
Let! -ler tiaras received from the To,,in Counsel in which he
enclosed checl of ;113£3..20 for the costs which he collected
Smith Case* in the Harrison E. Smith case, violation of t'_ie Zoning Laza,
and in : e gave statement of witness fees in the amount
of .$40'.:.40 which wire to be pald by the Board.
Bill in the amount of $212. for Counsel's services in
the Harrison E. Smith case was approved.
Letter was received from the Totvn Counsel in reference
to the Pasquale Moretti case. He enclosed a bill for $51.75
for services in this cae. He stated that owing to the fin-
ancial conditior_ of the family, he ,:ado the bill small and
he has also collected that a,ount from the defendant which
he will turn over to the To -,.,.,n.
The Board voted to ap��rove the bill of 'i'31.75 for ser-
vices in this case.
Letter was received from ti --e Town Counsel in which he
stated that lie had delivered the check of 40400. to Guiserpe Chiuccar-
Chiuccarigllo and had recorded the deed from him to the Town iello
for the land at the corner of Bow Street whi-ch the Town Property.
voted to acquire for park purposes.
Memorandum was received from the Supt. of Public Works
giving the report of the Asst. Town Engine%r on the damage
by blasting to the house owned by "Villiam D. MacDonald on Blasting
Waltham Street. Damages.
It was voted to deny any responsibil'ty for daraages
in this case.
. Report of the Health Inspector on slaughterin• for the Slaughter.
last three months was received and placed on file. Report.
Application was received from Philomena A. Pero of the
Home Dining Room, requesting that a coYr.:on victuallers per-
mit for the sale of ber.r and wl ies be granted at 1781 Mass.
Ave. License
The Board discussed the matter and it was decided to for the
have Mr. Lyons check up with `_ie Alcoholic Beverage Commis- Sale of
sion as to •.;;het'ier or not if the Board of Selectrien reject a Beer &
license what grounds their objection should be on and if an Wines.
application was rade to t e Alcoholic Bevera e Cortmiission
that may grant the license over the Selectmen's a,_thority.
11r. Scaimlan reported in rer7a_r-d to the 7;-o� ting before
the Metropolitan District Cor:_*^.fission that it was intended
to have another ?neet'nM owing to the fact tl:,at only fifteen Meeting
towns attended the r eetin<r and ei},t were in favor of the 0 on Viater.
change in the method of proced-re ar_d seven a;;ainst. The
proposal was to M're a flat rate charge for the a7bunt of
water used by each town rat]=er t' an basing the charge on
the valuation.
Application was received from John F. Lovell, Treas-
urer of the Lovell
Bus Lines, Inc.
for permission to op-
erate busses on the
following route;
At the junction of Applicatior.
Mass. Ave. and Pleasant
Street in
East LexinF-ton over for Bus
Pleasant Street to
Lexington line.
the neva Concord
Highway to Arlington- Line.
The Board felt
that no permit
should be given until
after the Pleasant
Street highway
was constructed and it
196 Cn
voted to lay the matter on the table for the present. '
It was voted to authorize the Town Engineer to ranum
bar all the streets in the Town except Mass. Avenue which
has already been renumbered.
Letter was received from the Supt. of the Water and
Sewer Depart, in which he called attention.to the, -fact that
a fire occured at 3 A. M. on November 17th in the building
used for storage at the_Cickle Brook drainage job, and the
Fire'to building costing approximately $100. was destroyed, also a
Water Dept.great many tools and clothing belong to some of the men.
Building. He estimated the loss to the Town approximately $500, and
stated that they are now constructing another building of
the same size and desired to know whether it was advisable
to place -fire insurance on the building.
The Board -discussed the matter of placing insurance..on
the building and decided to leave the matter to the Chairman
to find out what the cost would be.
It was voted to renew the following insurance:
Elmer A. Lord & Co: - $300000 on blanket fire insurance ex-
piring December 5th;
$12,000. Sprinkler leakage expiring
December 17th.
Robert Whitney - $20,000. fire insurance expiring on
December 5th.
In regard to the renewal of $20,n00. fire insurance
formerly issued through the office of A. A. Marshall & Son,
expiring on December 5th, it was voted to give this to W.
Benjamin C. Meady.
The Clerk was also requested to report to the Board
the.amount of insurance taken away from Mr. Marshall in-
quired how much more the Board was going to take off his
account. The Board felt in view of the circumstances, that
Mr. Marshall had a considerable share of the Town's insur.
ance and that they could still afford to reduce his schedule.
In regard to the fire insurance of $101,000. expiring
through the office of Neil McIntosh on December 5th, it was
voted also to give this renewal.to W. Benjamin C. Mead -y.
Cobb, Old
Old Age Assistance application of Bessie B. Cobb was
referred to Mr. Gilcreast for his attention.
Request was received from Mr. Robert E. Durant for ad -
Old Age.
ditional Old Age Assistance. No action was taken on the
The Chairman reported that the U, S. Dept. of Agricul-
ture were willing to expend funds to destroy the elm leaf
beetle in Lexington, and a survey of the Town was made and
' designated on a plan prepared by the Supt, of the Moth Depart-
ment -,showing the infested areas. In accordance with General
Laws, Chapter:132., Section 25, the _Selectmen may authorize
the Supt. of the Moth Department to go upon private property Elm Leaf
to destroy the elm leaf beetle, and in order to have the Beetle.
work done as mapped out the Board voted to authorize the
Supt. of the Moth Department to destroy the elm leaf beetle
within the limits of the Town.
The Chairman called attention to the fact that the
Bedford Band had been granted considerable free use of the
hall during the winter months and it would be necessary to
carry heat all day long in the Cary Memorial Building.so
that it will_be warm enough for the evening, and that only
about 200 children had been attending the concerts. It
was felt that if the concerts continue, that the Board
should not grant the free use of the hall owing to the cost
of heating and lighting it.
It was decided to check up on the concert to be held
on November 21st to see whether or not any further allow-
ance of the use of the building would be made.
Mr. William Dailey came before the Board and stated
that he got his letter in regard to the fire hazard of the
place occupied by him, and owing to the fact that he was
' put to considerable expense he did not feel that if the
Board made a mistake in granting him the license that he
should be out the cost of the tables, which stood him about
$350 or $400. He stated that he found out the tables could
not be moved without being stripped and it would cost him
between $120, to $130. to have the tables covered if they
were moved and he could not seem to find another suitable
place in the town. He stated that he appreciated the
Board's granting him the lieense in the first place, but
only operating for one month he could not get his money
back. He asked whether or not the firemen could not still
keep a watch on the place and allow him to go on. He stated
that he was making a little money but he could not get his
money back in one month.
The Chairman reported that he would take the matter
up again with the Chief of the Fire Department to see what
could be done.
Mr. John D. Rollet' of 85 Taft Avenue came before the
Board and presented communication from the Supt. of the
Water Dept. in which he gave him in a letter dated April
12., an estimate of $90, for the connection of his property
to the sewer. Two weeks after that he got another letter
dated May 1st in which he was informed that the assessment
for the sewer had already been made on one side of the pro-
perty and he would therefore pay $55.80 to have the sewer
service. On this ground he made application for the sewer
service and the matter.was taken up in a warrant for a town
Us a of
Cary Hall
for Bed-
ford Banda
for use
of Hall,
meeting and the sewer connection was made on the Tarbell
Avenue side and he received a further letter dated_ in Oct-
ober informing him that the. sewer assessment would be
$60. He paid the cost of the.sewer__connection and was very
much surpirsed when he received a bill assessing him $108.81
and after taking the matter up with Mr. Ross, he received
a letter stating that Mr. Ross would take the matter up with
the Selectmen this evening. Mr. Ross apparently had forgot-
ten about the matter and was not on hand to make a report.
The Board informed Mr. Polley therefor, that they would
take the matter up next week when Mr. Ross would be present,
Mr. Ernest Martin came before the Board and stated that
he desired to request a reduced rate of the $150* paid by
druggists for liquor licenses, owing to the fact that they
were not making sufficient money to pay this fee. He stated
that he understood the Town of Beverley were making a out
In the rate charged to druggists and most people go to pack-
age stores except on Sunday when they have to have a prescrip-
tion. He stated that he felt the fee of $150. was too much
and $50. was sufficient to pay. He gave figures starting
with Jan. 1st each month of the amount of the business he_.d1d,
&aking'a total of approximately $2200, out of which his gross
profit was approximately $682. Taking out the license fee
and various taxes that he would have to pay would leave him
a gross profit of approximately $482, for the year. Out of
this there should be taken either 27 or 28 per cent for over-
head. He called attention also to the fact that New Hampshire
is selling liquor a great deal cheaper than Massachusetts and
a great many persons go to New Hampshire to purchase their
The Chairman called attention to the fact that the Little
Theatre Guild used the hall on the 19th and the Clerk informed
him that the bill for the use of the hall had not been paid
although they agreed to pay for it on that date. Instructions
were then given to the janitor to collect the money before
the show went on and he -himself came to the hall to find out
if he had been paid and the janitor had not received anp
money. He therefore told him to close the doors until the fee
for the use of the hall was paid and finally they were able
to obtain $27. and the doors were opened leaving it to the
janitor to get the balance of the amount out of the receipts.
In view of the circumstances,, it was voted that -all pay-
ments for the use of the hall should be made 48 hours in
advance unless it is to be.used_by local persons known.to the
The Chairman
scouts desired the
and asked for the
It was voted
called attention
use of Estabroo
reduced rate.
to grant the use
to the fact that the girl
k hall on December 12th
of the hall for $3.00.
' Mr. Mitchell reported in regard to the case of John E.
Barnes.that Mr. Barnes' son son is__now. at Fryeberg Academy
without any expense to ,the family and that $25. per month
rent is being paid for the family so that the bank will not
press the foreclosure on the property and they received $9.
cash aid. He stated that owing to the fact that the son is
not,now with the family, he feels that the budget of $5. for
food is sufficient and therefor recommended that no fuel be
granted in this case in response to the request for fuel.
The Board voted that fuel be not granted in this case.
Mr. Mitchell reported that he went to see Mrs. Sarah
Devine twice and was not able to get any response. She is
being aided $6, per week, Old Age Assistance, and request
had been made for fuel. He stated that he received applica-
tions from her son for welfare aid. He recommended granting
fuel to the son, Lawrence Devine, and the Board so voted.
Mr. OtConnell reported that Mr. John.H. McHarg of 31
No, Hancock Street has a daughter Grace, who had been sent
in to the psychopathic hospital and they turned her out.
There appears to be no question but what she is mentally
not right. His son lives in New Hampshire and is willing
to take the father, but will not take the daughter.
The matter was referred to Mr. Mitchell to look Into
the matter to see whether or not the daughter can be com-
mitted som;ewhereefor care.
The meeting adjourned at 10.10 P. M.
A true record, Attest: