HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-11-060 SELECThTEN' S MEETING. NOVEMBER 6, 1934. A regular meeting of the Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:.30 P. M. Messrs. Trask, Gilcreast, Febguson, O'Connell and Lyons were present. The Clerk was also present. It was voted to grant the use of Cary Memorial Hall to Cary Hall. Marcia W. A. Dane for a public dance to be held on November 30th for the benefit of the High School football players, at the reduced rate of $15. Abatement of the Public Welfare Department in the amount Abatement. of $488.01 was signed by the Board, 110. of this amount is for a bill of John J. O'Donnell ag.` ainst the State and 478.01 for .a bill of Henry J. Atkins against the State which has now been billed to Everett. Application for a special license as a hawker and ped- dler was received from Frederick P. Whalen, 250 Mass. Ave. Licence. It was decided to lay the matter on the table owing to the fact that none of the members of the Board knew Mr. Whalen. Letter was received from the Building Inspector in which Emerson he stated that Mr. Emerson had moved his dogs from the old Dogs. Aldrich place to Bed0ord and the place is now vacant. It was voted to vrant an Auctioneer's License to Robert Murray at Simonds Farm, Grove Street. Letter was received from Fletcher W. Taft of 4 Upland Road in which he called attention to the fact that although the Supt. of Public Works changed the street light at the corner of Meriam Street and Glen Road it then left the sec - Street tion below Glen Road so dark that it is a menace and he felt Light. that another street light should be placed there. The Board authorized the Supt. of Public Works to in- stall another light, and Mr. Scamman stated that he would communicate with Mr. Taft so that there would be no question as to the proper place to locate the light. Approximate figures were Nichols reportinm as follows: 9.00 in the Funds for 9.00 If It Battle 15.00 " n Green. 200.00 received from Howard S. 0. Taylor Tree Fund ' Flag It Redman Battle Green Fund Fiske Battle Green Fund 01 Cn n 1 1 1 181 The Supt. of Public works felt that there was no need of using this money this Fall, and it was felt that the money could be well used in the Spring for the Battle Green. Decision of the Board of Appeals on the application of John L. & Bertha V. Pi_chette and Maurice P. Ahern of 48 Broad- way, Arlington, for permission to erect and maintain a super service station consisting of a garage, oiling and greasing Pichette buildi.nr and gasoline and oil station with rumps at 847-865 & Mass. Avenue, was received by the Board. Ahern The Board of Appeals denied the application on the Garage, grounds that it was not necessary for public convenience and the location was not suitable for a filling station. The Board of Selectmen voted to concur with the decision of the Board of Appeals on this matter and to so notify the applicants. The amendment to the Zoning Law adopted at the Town Meet- ing held March 26th, 1934, is as follows: "Section 16. There shall be a Board of Acpeals of five members who shall be al -pointed by the Selectmen for terms of five ,years each, the term o3' one appointee to expire each year. The terms of .the members of the Board first appointed after the adoption of this by-law shall expire in such order as the Selectmen shall designate. The Se- Board of ' lectmen shall also appoint annually two associate members Appeals of the Board of Appeals one or both of whom may be desig- Appoint- nated by the Selectmen from time to time, to take the place ments. of a regular member or members of the Board of A^peals as to cases arising under this by-law in case of vacancy, in- ability to act or interest". To comply with this By-law which was approved by the Attorney General August 7th, 1934 and published in the Lexington Minute -Man on October 11, October 18 and October 25th, 1934, the Board voted°to anpoint the following for the respective terms set against their names: Howard W. Robbins - term expires March 31, 1936 Charles E. Ferguson - " " " " 1937 C. Edward Gl:,rnn - " " " " 1938 Arthur N. Maddison - " ° " " 1939 Owing to the fact that George C. Hatch, Jr. has moved from town, he was unable to serve as a member of the Board and therefor, it was voted to a,point Edward W. Kimball to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Hatch. Clyde B. Stoeves - Associate Member -Term Expires T;iarch 31, 1935 John A. Lyons - Same as above. 182 E.R.A. Project. Letter was received from Alber A. Ross, Supt. of the Water Department, in which he surpested that now that the Town has decided not to demolish the old standpipe, that the lot of land on which the standpipes are located. should be cleaned up and f-raded and that some work should also be done on the removal of the twelve inch main leadinrr to the old standpipe as there still remains considerable trench excava- tion in exposing the twelve inch pipe in order that it may be removed from the trench. He also suggested that the link - belt fence that they have stored at the Public 71orks Building be erected arou;id the standpipe. The Board authorized the E.R.A. administrator to re- quest funds to have this work done as E.R.A. project. Letter was received from Mr. Ross in which he reported in regard to the painting of the standpipe that after an inspection of the standpipe by Mr. Riddle of the McClintic Standpipe. Marshall Corp. and Mr. Cottle of the DuPont Co., it was agreed that another coat of paint would be applied before final pay- ment was made on this project. Mr. Riddle a7reed to verify this in writing. No conclusion was arrived at as to the reason for the appearance of the final coat of paint although Mr. Cottle, chemist for the DuPont Co., tho-ght it might be due to the poor mix of the paint. Letter was received from Frederick H. Capper in which he enclosed a letter from a Mr. A. J. Dionne, one of his tenants th the double house at 327-329 Marrett Road and also Blasting claiming damages to his own house at 341 Marrett Road from Damages. blasting which has been done in the vicinity. The Supt. of Public Works requested the Engineering Department to report on the matter and made the following report;. 327 Marrett Road -Downstairs (Dionne) Rock hit steps -broke lattice work Rock hit side of house -knocked pic- ture down in living room, Cracks opened in ceiling of living room and kitchen. 329'Marrett Road- Upstairs (Miller) Cracks opened in ceiling of kitchen 341 Marrett Road -(Capper) The lady of the house said she knew of no damage done by blasting. The Chairman of the Board stated that he recalled cracks being in the ceiling of the two apartments at least 10 ,years ago and he did not believe that the present cracks were caused by the blasting. 1 1 183 It was felt that the steps w_iere the lattice ,work was broken should be fixed but -that any other liability for dam- ages should be denied and the Board decided to notify Mr. Capper to that effect. The Chairman reported that the Town Accountant stated that owing to the fact that the funds were not forthcoming from the Government on the P.W.A. Standpipe project, that it would be necessary to borrow the balance of the loan of 5000. Ntr. Gilereast stated that he did not think it would be advisable to secure bids on such a small loan and suggested that the Treasurer be requested to secure a bid at the best figure on the market to the advantage of the Town. Question Loan arose as to whether or not there was anything in the Law that Standpipe. would prohibit this being done, and it was decided to leave the matter in the hands of the Chairman to authorize the Treasurer to secure the bids if necessary and otherwise to instruct the Treasurer to secure the lowest bid possible without advertising for bids. Mr. Mitchell came before the Board and reported in re- gard to Chester R. Banks of Ridme Road whose family consists of man and wife and five children. In five weeks he had Banks given him aid to three �p•rocery orders and he requested per- Case. mission to continue until the man could get work for himself. This case is chargeable to the Town of Arlington. This was agreeable to the Board. Mr. Mitchell reported having had application from Ed- ward Ferry of Banks Avenue for additional aid about the E.R.A. assistance of $12. per week. The family con&fists of a ,vife and three children and the budget figures out to be $16. per week. The matter was discussed quite completely as to ,what should be done about cases of this kind and it ,was felt that if one case was alloaied additional aid there would be a great number of cases come before the Board for additional assistance. Mr. Mitchell felt that althou,rh a man might not be the kind of a person to aid., the children could not be cold and therefore recommended the fuel be granted in this case. Mr. Mitchell also reported. that George Freeman who has a wife and three children and his father with him, has re- ceived in addition to his three dal, *s E.R.A., medical atten- tion. His brother-in-law, William Jackson whose case is an unsettled case, i.s also receiving E.R.A. The Freeman case is a case similar to the Ferry case and it was felt that additional aid would have to be granted by the Welfare Dept. Ferry Case. Freeman Case. In regard to the application of Alfred. N. Di.Vecehio, who DiVecehio has a Watertown Settlement, the man applied for E.R.A.. He Case. 184 r� c� n had an operation last summer for hernia and his father owns ' two or three houses in Watertown. Mr. Mitchell felt that he should go to Watertown do live, but realiested that the Board allow an order of groceries of 85.00 and request him to move back to Watertown. The meotinI7 adjourned at 8:25 P.M. A true record,Attest: Clerk. 1