HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-10-091 SELECTMEN T S MEETING OCTOBER �, 1934. A regular meeting of the 13 of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P. M. Messrs. Gilcreast, Ferguson, O'Connell and Lyons were.present. The Clerk wQs also present. Mr. Gilcreast was elected temporary Chairman in the absence of Mr. Trask. The Board signed the application of Mrs. James J. Burton for permission to board two infants at her home at 2 Francis Street, Lexington. James M. Ahearn, 69 Woburn Street, was drawn as a juror for the civil session at Cambridge on November 5th. Commitment of water rates for the second section amounting to $8320.14'was signed by the Board. Water guarantee abatement for the McIntosh property as a- greed upon at the meeting of the Board on October 2nd was signed by the Board in the amount of $467.97. Statement approving the transfer from Cemetery Sale of Land account of $1000. to Westview Cemetery Maintenance Account was signed by the Board. Bids were received on Drainage Loan of $18,000. as authorized by Town Meeting February 20, 1934, said loan to be payable $3000. each year as follows: Lexington Trust Co. Burr & Company E. H. Rollins Blythe & Company Writing, Weeks & Knowles R. L. Day Tyler Buttriek Co. Inc. Estabrook and Company 100.07 100.30 21%;_ 2f 100.067 100.153 U 100.523 21 21 100.199 2 100.355 U 100.029 2" It was voted to approve the award of the bid by the Treasur- er to Tyler Buttriek Co. Inc. at their bid. of 100.355, 2q;o. The return of Patrick J. Maguire as Dog Officer was made by him and the bill of $50, for his services was a_.,proved for pay- ment. 137 License. Juror. Commit- ment. Abate- ment. Transfer. Drainage. Loan. Dog Officer. It was voted to grant the Edison Electric Ill. Co. and New England Tel. and Tel. Co. permission for a joint location of pole Pole on Marrett Road and School Street, to set one pole and remove one Location.. pole. 138 n Cn c� Dow Clothing. Letter was received from Middlesex County Sanatorium in , which they requested pajamas and slippers for Kenneth Dow who is a patient at the Sanatorium. There b6ing no relative to furnish the same, it was voted to authorize the hospital to furnish them at the Hospital and send the bill to the Board of Health. In regard to the letter written by Mr. Donaldson and Mr. and Mr. Snee requesting two lights on Fair Oaks Drive, the Supt. of Public Works reported that he felt that one light Street was sufficient. The Board requested Mr. Scamman, however, to talk with the applicants and find out why they desired to have Lights. two lights there and to place the request for either one or two lights, whichever was decided upon, in an article of.a Warrant for a Town Meeting. Letter w9s received from the Supt. of Public Works in which he reported in regard to the cost of replacing Mass. Mass. Ave. Avenue and Bedford Street if the Middlesex and Boston St. & Bedford Railway Co. car tracks were taken up. He stated that -there was Street. 5850 feet of track in Mass. Avenue and Bedford Street and about 7800 square yards, costing approximately 82-P! cents per square yard, that would be excavated and re -laced,, making a total of $6,355. It was voted not to take any action on the matter of re- questing the removal of the tracks at the present time as it , was felt that the cost of replacing the highways was excessive. Letter was received from the State Dept. of Public Work* acknowledging the letter of the Selectmen requesting assis- tance in 1935 for the construction.of Pleassnt Street, Water - Highways. town Street, and Lincoln Street, and also stating that if the Town was interested in making a provision to build the high- way formerly suggested by Selectman Custance, that they make provisions to build it under Chapter 90. Letter was signed by the Board for the Emergency Finance 'Grant. Board requesting the approval in the change of the Grant of $40,000. from the term of twenty years to ten years in con- nection with the standpipe loan. The Supt. of Public Works reported in regard to the let- ter of Dr. Barnes stating that Fred Burgess was forcibly hit Burgess by the end of a log thrown against him.carelessly by a fellow Injury. employee and forcing him to the ground receiving a bruised thigh, that he did not believe that Mr. Burgess had any in- tention to bring suit against the town. Letter was received from the Town Engineer in which he Richard. Rd. stated the situation in regard to the Richard Road sewer as - Sewer* sessments that the lots numbering 38 to 42 on the northeast- erly side of the street slope quite sharply to the rear and L 1 and b4sement fixtures in any house that would be built thereon would be too low to connect with the existing sewer. It would be necessary to install cesspools or septic tanks, cost of instal- lation being approximately $100. He felt there being no houses on the lots at the present time that the Town would be obliged to abate the assessment inasmuch as the houses could not be con- nected. He suggested that the amount of .41.00. (the cost of piping and installing cesspool or septic tanks) be deducted so that the corrected bills would be sent out as follows: Lot Number Assessment 24 _ . 52 36 85.72 38 69.80 39 83.38 40 65.43 This procedure would eliminate the abatement either in whole or in part and also subsequent arrangements for assessments if and when houses are built thereon. The Board discussed the matter quite completely and suggest- ed that possibly the best arrangement might be to assess the full amount and then abate the assessment against these properties. The Town Engineer felt, however, that the Town would get more income out of it if they handled it in the manner which he suggested. Mr. Lyons felt that the Town perhaps should not have instal- led the sewer in this street if they were to lose $500. on ac- count of these lots, but the Town Engineer explained that the sewer had to go in this street to give service to the residents of the development on the top of the hill. It was finally voted to assess the property as suggested by the Town Engineer providing an agreement was signed by Mr. Smith in regard to the assessment. The Building Inspector came before the Board and stated that Mr. Trask had requested him to make a report in regard to the dogs kept at the Aldrich property. He stated that some time ago, Mr. Emerson informed him that they were making arrangements to remove the dogs. Mr. Emerson, however, called attention to the fact that Mr. Aldrich had a kennel on the property probably ten years before the Zoning haw was effective. The Board felt, how- ever, that Mr. Aldrich raised the dogs for show purposes, and not for commercial purposes and also that the lapse of time since it was used as a kennel would not give Mr. Emerson per- mission to continue keeping dogs on the property. Mr. Longbot- tome stated that Mr. Biggi, of Bedford, was also interested with Mr. Emerson in the dogs and they requested a continuance for the rest of the month and then at the end of the month they would dispose of the dogs. The Board agreed to allow this extension of time. 139 Aldrich Property Kennel. 140 The Building Inspector called attention to the fact that Mr. Luigi Ferazzanni of Waltham Street has been maintaining a roadside stand on Waltham Street adjacent to the property of Augustus J. Silva who also has a roadside stand but who has operated the stand for the past ten years. He has written a letter to Mr. Ferazzanni of Waltham Street to apply for a Board of Appeals hearing, but he has not complied with the re- quest. Mr. Silva complained that the cars came into his road- side stand and drove in the driveway, and when they drove out, Ferazzanni Mr. Ferazzannits-ttandowas close.to the highway whebe•.care Zoning Law, going out of his place could not get an opportunity to drive Violation. out of the driveway. The Building Inspector suggested that the Board write a letter to Mr. Ferazzanni prior to turning the matter over to the Town Counsel as it cost a great deal to try the cases in Court, and he felt that at least he should"be given one other notice and perhaps a forcible notice from the Board would bring action on the part of Mr. Ferazzanni, and the Board voted to have the Chairman send a notice to Mr. Fer- azz,anni telling him to abate the violation of the Zoning Law on or before Saturday, October 13, otherwise the Building Inspector would be instructed to take action against him on Monday Morning, October 15. The Board voted to instruct the Building Inspector to in- spect the plumbing at the Moretti house on Melrose Avenue in- Moretti asmuch as they have requested a hearing to be allowed to main - House. tain a two family house in that location and the Court order provided that the plumbing be removed from the house on or before October lst so that th@ house would be a one family house. The Building Inspector called attention to the fact that he has been put to additional expense by attending Court cases in Building that he had to use his ear and get meals at Cambridge and that Inspector he also had to make extra time in going about to get evidence Court Fees. for the cases. Therefor he felt that he should at least be en- titled to witness fees. The Board felt that he'should be entitled to the regular witness fees that`an-Y witness `is-entitled to,fbr~attendingffturt and voted.tb-instruct the Town Oounsel.to>.see that the:witiaess fees were paid to Mr:'Longbottom. Letter was received from the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission in which it was stated that all applications for Alcohol permission to transfer a business being conducted under a li- Licenses. cense to sell alcoholic beverages on one location to another, must be submitted to and receive the permission of the Commis- sion before the authorization is granted. Ernest W. Martin of Follen Road came before the Board with his son, Ernest W., Jr., and his son explained the accident that happened at the corner of Pleasant Street and drew a dia- gram showing how he came to the intersection and slowed down and that a car driven by an unknown person came by him travel- ling at a rate of 45 miles per hour and he pulled out to avoid having an accident with this car and doing so, struck the hydrant, ' ,for which he received a bill from the Water Dept. in the amount of $72.44. He had with him two other boys in the car at the t me it happened and their stories corroborated with that of Martin's. The Board felt that owing to the fact that the accident was not caused by any negligence on the part of said Martin that the Bill of $72.44 should be abated and voted to notify the Water Department to that effect. Mr. Mitchell came before the Board and reported that he had received application from Chester R. Banks, a carpenter who lives on Ridge Road. He had given him a grocery order in the amount of $6. The matter was left to the judgment of Mr. Mitchell to grant further groceries if necessary. Application was received from Mary E. Reardon of 22 Vine Street whose brother was formerly employed on the Water Dept. and who Mr. Mitchell states is now not in physical condition to work. She owns property assessed for x;1100. She has $200. in the Arlington Savings Bank. She is 64 years old and unable to work. It was voted to allow $6. per week in this case granted to Dennis Reardon, but made payable to his sister. 141 Banks Case. Reardon Case. ' Application was received from Agnes Stetson, who gets her Stetson rent from the Scott Tea Co. free of charge for care of the build -Case. ing. It was voted to grant her •$3. per week and fuel. In regard to the application of Byron A. Russell, who is suffering from Asthma, Dr. Hardeastle recommended treatment at Russell the Peter Bent Brigham hospital, and it was voted to grant med- Case. ical aid in this case. The meeting adjourned at 9:21 P. M. A true record, Attest: Clerk.