HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-09-18118 Richards Sewer Bill. Hall Garage. Talia- firro Garage. SELECTMEN'S MEETING SEPTEP.TBER 18, 1934 A regular meeting of the Selectmen was held in the Select- men's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Trask, Gilcreast, Ferguson, O'Connell, and Lyons were present. The Clerk was also present. Mr. Jay O! Richards came before the Board at the Board's request relative to bill for sewer service laid in 1926 at the roperty owned by his wife at 31 Hancock Street, amounting to 179.18. The Board inquired of -'ir. Richards why the bill had not been paid and Mr. Richards stated that he had never received any bill. He stated that the property was in the name of his wife and that the estate may have received a bill but he never knew anything about owing the Town this amount of money. He stated that the only thing he did owe the Town was $3.75 for a water =bill. The Board informed '"'r. Richards that they would have Mr. Ross communicate with him and find out why the bill had not been sent. Hearing was declared open on the application of Charles Hall for permission to maintain a two car garage of wooden construc- tion at 5 Stratham Road, Lexington. ,Mr. Louis J. Reynfllds appeared and presented the plan of the proposed garage. e stated that although one garage already existed at this location, that it was found to be so flimsy that it would be necessary to build another substantial garage, to replace the one now there. No persons appeared to object, and it was voted to grant the permit subject to the.a,pproval of the Building Inspector. Hearing,was declared open on the application of Richard Taliafirro for permission to maintain a one car garage of wood- en construction at, lot 6 and 7 Nichols Road, Lexington, Mr. Burgess appeared before the Board to represent the petitioner and presented a plan showing the proposed garage which was approved by the Building Inspector. It was noted that the distance between the property line and the garage was only seven feet and according to the B::ilding Law it should be 7. feet, Mr. Burgess stated that this could be corrected, and with the exception of calling this matter to the attention of the Building Inspector, it was voted to approve the permit. State Aida State Aid pay roll in the amount of $6. for the month of August was approved by the Board. Letter was received from Middlesex County Sanatorium in , 119 *hich they requested that the Board approve the payment of $4.25 Glasses, ' for new lenses for the glasses of Kenneth Dow who is a patient Dow, at that hospital. The Board voted to approve the sane. Abatement of water charges in the amount of $137.26 and Abatement. sewer charges in the amount of $285. was signed,by the Board. Letter was received from Town Counsel in which he enclosed a statement of receipts and disbursements on the sale of the ;ohn Devine property to Henry W. French. Ccunsel disposed of Devine the property for a purchase price of 1900. Bill for the Coun- selts services in the case was $217.04. The Board approved the Counsel's bill for services. Alcohol License to sell denatured alcohol was granted to Shell Eastern Petroleum Products, Inc. to sell alcohol at the License. station at the corner of Mass. Avenue and Maple Street. Application was received from Samuel Bornstein for the transfer of Junk License recently granted to Edward Hoffman. Mr. Bornstein wrote a letter stating his financial condition, that he had to support some of his daughters, and that his taxes Bornstein were not paid on his house since 1931. He also enclosed a let- Junk ter of notice of foreclosure. License. The Board felt that Mr. Bornstein in the past had had a bad record and did not believe that it would be goodpolicy to grant him a Junk License. It was therefor voted not to grant Mr. Bornstein a Junk License. The petition of the Edison Electric 111. Co., and the New England To. and Tel. Co for the removal and setting of one pole on Bow Street was granted by the Board. This removal was nec- Pole essary on account of the request of the Board. This removal was Location necessary on a^count of the request of the Board to have a light Bow St. moved on Bow Street so that it would not interfere with the sig- nal installed by the Boston and Maine Railroad Co. at Bow Street. Verbal notice of a claim for damages fromlblasting on Blake Road was received from G. B. Gosbee, Kenneth Clarke of Simonds Road and "illiam Pierce of Blake Road. Information was to be obta_,.ned in regard to claim for the Claims damages for the benefit of .the Board. for The Board, however, discussed the matter of blasting dam- Damages. ages -and felt that these houses were a considerable distance from the blasts and that too many claims were being received for damages and that something should be done in regard to these and future claims. Letter was received from Mr. Neil McIntosh setting forth McIntosh I information in regard to payments made by him on water guaran- Water tees. Inasmuch as Mr. Ross was attending the Waterworks Conven- Guarantee. tion and would be unable to be present at this meeting, it was 120 01 co decided to lay the matter on the table for one week. Bow St. Supt. of Public Works reported that the Sewer Department Sewer. were now ready to proceed with the installation on Bow Street of the sewer and the Board approved the action. Letter was received from the Supt. of the Water and Sewer Department in which he stated that it was necessary to extend Water a six inch water main in Chase Avenue for a distance ofa`250 Blain, feet to provide service for C. H. McIntosh and Mrs. Beesie 6hsee.Ave. Ducey, the estimated cost of which would be $750., the exten- sion was to repldce a one inch pipe that had been laid many years ago and was of no nirther use. Mr. Gilcreast reported that there are some holes on 'Pleasant Pleasant Street that should be patched and owing to the fact Street* that the street is not going to be reconstructed at the present time on account of the trucking to the new Concord Avenue High-, I way, Supt. Of Public Works was requested to fix up the holes temporarily. Letter was received from the Supt. of the Water and Sewer Department in which he called attention to the fact that the Trunk Line Sewer Account was.running very low and that he figured it cost the Town about $100.0. a week for the construc- tion of the sewer at the present rate of progress. A memorandum was also received from the Town Accountant (Trunk in which he also called attention to the balances in the Trunk Line Line Sewer Account and the Non PWA Sewer Account and also to the Sewer, fact that it was still unknown when any portion of the Grant would be received from the Federal Government. There being $10,000. remaining in the Trunk Line Sewer Account that has not been authorized, it was decided to request the Town Treasurer to obtain bids on notes of $10,000. dated , October lst and payable in two years the same to be in accord- ance with the authorization under vote of the Town Meeting August 14, 1933, and the Trunk Line Sewer appropriation. Letter was received from the Concord Board of Selectmen enclosing copy of letter from John F. Wilde of St. Paul, Minn - Complaint esota, calling attention to misinformation alleged to have been re _Guide given by a guide in Lexington relative to'the midnight ride of Paul Revere. The Concord Selectmen'- called attention to the fact that they understood one of the guides in Lexington has been misinforming people in this respect and feel that the mat- ter needs attention. A copy of a similar letter was received from Mr. Wilde by this Board and quotation was sent to him from Hudsonts History. The chairman rep&rted that Mr. Frank Mara was. willing to Mara settle the loss to the stock in his cellar from the damage Claim. caused by the water flooding the cellar for the sum of $125. The Board voted.to settle with Mr. Mara for that amount. Mr. Gilcreast reported that there are some holes on 'Pleasant Pleasant Street that should be patched and owing to the fact Street* that the street is not going to be reconstructed at the present time on account of the trucking to the new Concord Avenue High-, I way, Supt. Of Public Works was requested to fix up the holes temporarily. 121 The attention of the Supt. was called to the fact that the Street Street light on Belfry Terrace which was authorized by Town Light. Meeting, had not been installed. The Supt. stated that he had already ordered the light. Supt. of Public Works reported that Mr. Joy now wants a fence adjoining his land setting off the Town property, and he informed him that the Town did not have the money now to put Joy in the fence although they did have the money previously when Fence. they offered to put the fence in and at that time Mr, Joy did not want the fence. The Supt, was requested to talk with Mr. Joy to see whether or not he desired to stand one-half the expense of the fence. Mr. Samuel Clow called attention to the fact that he had not had any satisfaction from his report to the Supt. of Public Works and former letter to the Board of Selectmen relative'to the entrance to his driveway. He stated that conditions were such Clow that cars could not enter his property without being damaged. Property, The Board decided to request Mr. Paxton to report the con- dition of his findings and recommendation in regard to fixing the entrance. The Board viewed another suggestion of the Back Bay Elec- trotype and Engraving Co. for the Town Seal but were not satis— Town ' fied with the suggestion and decided that a photograph should Seal* be taken and reprinted. Letter was received from John W. Duff report-, in regard to, an insurance appraisal, made at Taunton recently wherein he Insurance made a saving to the Town over and above the amount paid for Appraisal, the appraisal, saving $8,333. for a period of three years. It was voted to renew insurance expiring on October 7, through the office of Elmer A. Lord and Co., on Town of Lex- ington Blanket Fire schedule in the amount of $20,000. Insurance. It was also voted to renew policy on llanket schedule in the amount of $10,000. issued through Richard Whittemore. Letter wqs received from Richard Whittemore calling atten-' tion to the fact that the Highway Department was not covered by Public Liability Insurance against suit by reason of in- juries., although the Water and Sewer Department was. This was shown by a survey made by the Employers' Liability recently. The charge for $510,000. limits would be $250. and for $10/ 20,000. limits, $300. Insurance. Supt, of Public Works felt that we should have this form of insurance on the Highway Department. Supt. of Public Works also inquired whether or not some form of insurance could be carried to cover cases where a ' falling limb might fall to the sidewalk and injuries result from the same. It was felt that one accident might cost as 122 Spencer, Joint Hearing. much as the premium for this policy and that it should be car- ried by the Town. It was voted to authorize the placement of the Pu&lie Liability Insurance on the Highway Department for $5/10,000 limits. Joint hearing of the Board of Appeals and Selectmen was held on the application of Susan A. Spencer for permission to maintain a gasoline filling station 3000 gallon capacity, at 16 Waltham Street, The Chairman of the Selectmen called the hearing and the Clerk of the Board of Appeals read the notice of the hearing as printed in the Lexington Minute -Man. Mr. Spencer, the applicant, stated that he would like to have the hearing postponed, that he was not ready to present his application and that he had nothing to say at the present time. The Board informed him that the hearing had been duly called and it was therefor necessary to file the evidence pre- sented both for and against the application. No other persons stated that they were in favor of the application. Mrs. Sarah Comley representing the estate of L. A. Thurs- ton whose house was directly opposite, stated that she objected to a filling station at this location. Miss Marion McLeod stated that she was a tenant in the house of the L. A. Thurston estate and she objected to a fil- ling station being erected. Letter was received by the Board of Selectmen from Errol H. Locke representing Mrs. Bennett, owner of the house this ,side of the proposed station, objecting to the granting of the permit. Letters were received from the following persons by the Board of Appeals objecting: Errol H. Locke, representing Mrs. Bennett, Olive Myers, Daniel J. O'Connell and Freda R. Bond. Mr. Maddison informed Lir. Spencer he should tell what he had in mind in regard to a filling station inasmuch as they did not feel they could postpone the matter if he did not have any explanation and no plans at the present time. The Board ex- plained to him that it would be necessary to advertise another hearing and notify the abuttors so that they would be given an opportunity to be heard on the application if he desired to postpone the matter. No further evidence was offered, and the hearing was ad- journed. Lir. Mitchell came before the Board and Mr. O'Connell called attention to the fact that Sebastiano Collentroppo of Cottage Street has not received any rent from George Wilson Collen who has been living in his house for some time. tropne. Mr. Mitchell. stated that he checked up with the E.R.A. payrolls and found that for a period of 10 weeps, Mr. Wilson earned an average of $8.50 whereas he was entitled to earn $12. per week. , ' Owing to the fact that Mr. Wilson is not on the Welfare payrolls it was felt that it would not be the proper thing to do to pay his rent. When he was on the Welfare payroll the rent was paid to Mr. Collentroppo. It was felt under the circumstan- ces that Mr, Collentroppe should give him an order to get out of the house inasmuch as the Board did not feel that the rent should. be authorized, The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. A true record, Attest: 1 L Clerk, 123