HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-07-0368 n SELECTMENIS MEETING ' JULY 3rd, 1934 A regular meeting of the Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M' Messrs. Trask, Gilereast, Ferguson, O'Connell and Lyons were presett. The Clerk was also present. The Board signed the deed to Ernest S. Glawson to straighten out the title of the property purchased by him on Mass. Avenue Glawson at the corner of School Street, the Board having been granted Deed authority by the Town at the Town Meeting on June 25th. Agreement was received from the Town Counsel for the pur- chase of ]and of Guiseppe Chiuccariello. The Board decided to send the agreemwnt to Mr. Chiuoeariello for him and his wife to Chiuccar-sign prior to the Board's signing the same. This is an agree- iello ment to purchase the land through which the sewer and brook Property takings have been made. Hearing was declared open on the applicagtion of George ­ H. Spellenberg for permission to maintain a two car garage on property owned by his father on Laconia Street Mr. Spellenberg was present and stated that all of the ' plans were in the hands of the Building Inspector. The Board Speller- of Appeals having approved the granting of the permit to Mr. berg Spellenberg to carry on an express business at this location Hearing in a garage to be constructed, the Board voted to grant the permit subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Water main orders were signed by the Board for the install- ation of a ten inch main in Taft Avenue, and six inch mains in Cary Street and Cherry Street as follows: Taft Avenue, from Massachusetts Avenue to Daniels Street, Water approximately 890 feet; Mains Cherry Street, from Taft Avenue in a northerly direction approximately 180 feet; Cary Street, from Taft Avenue in a northerly direction approximately 270 feet. The Board signed a Warrant to the Dog Officer, Patrick J. Dog Maguire, in accordance with General Laws. The'list prepared jOfficer by the Town Clerk showed 353 unlicensed dogs. State State Aid payroll in the amount of $6. was signed by the Aid Board. Overhaning sign license was granted to Edward L. Child '. to maintain a sign at 1775 Mass. Avenue. 69 ' Common Victualler's License was also granted to Edward L. Child to do business at Child's Old Coffee Shop, 1775 Licenses Mass. Avenue Complaint was received from Miss Freda Bond in reference to the cackling of hens on one side of her property and the barking of a large collie dog on the other side. Miss Bond operates a hospital at 29 Waltham Street and stated that her patients were annoyed. Upon investigation, it was found that Mr. Samuel Clow had only six hens and it did not seem that these could be very Bond annoying. From the records, however, it was not possible to Complaint find o ut who maintained the large collie dog she complained of. Therefor it was decided to communicate with Miss Bond and request her to be more explicit in regard to her complaint. Letter was received from the Town Counsel in which he enolosed,a copy of the opinion of Judge Morton on the Shea Shea Case Case. Letter was received from the Town Counsel in which he stated that inasmuch as he would be away during the month of July and .also the Building Inspector would be away during that Moretti period of -time, that as soon as he returned, he would take up Case the matter of the Moretti violation and institute contempt peo- cedure against Moretti unless otherwise instructed. The Chairman explained that during the week the Town Counsel desired authority to proceed in the case of Kenneth Littlewood Littlewood vs the City of Medford so that the Town's interest Case could be protected, and he authorized procedure. The following commitments were signed by the Board; ' hater rates, second section, in the amount of $6"y145.97 Water lien charges and costs, section two 82.72 Commitments Plater abatements in the amount of 189.28 Sewer abatements in the amount of 49.88 Letter of thanks was received from Mrs. Charles Peavey Insurance for the placing of blanket fire insurance with her. Letter was received from Dr. Chester L. Blakely in which he gave notice of his desire to protect the interests of Henry J. Wood, owner of the property at 387 Bedford Street which is occupied by Dr. Blakely, on account of the damages alleged to have been done by the blasting on Winter Street. Blasting It was decided to acknowledge the letter and inform him Damages ' inspection would be made of the condition of the house. The Clerk reported that Mr. WDrthen stated that he had; a rough draft of the water rate report ready for the Board's information. Water rate It -was decided to request him to come before the Board Report to discuss the matter. Letter was received from the Town Counsel in which he enolosed,a copy of the opinion of Judge Morton on the Shea Shea Case Case. Letter was received from the Town Counsel in which he stated that inasmuch as he would be away during the month of July and .also the Building Inspector would be away during that Moretti period of -time, that as soon as he returned, he would take up Case the matter of the Moretti violation and institute contempt peo- cedure against Moretti unless otherwise instructed. The Chairman explained that during the week the Town Counsel desired authority to proceed in the case of Kenneth Littlewood Littlewood vs the City of Medford so that the Town's interest Case could be protected, and he authorized procedure. The following commitments were signed by the Board; ' hater rates, second section, in the amount of $6"y145.97 Water lien charges and costs, section two 82.72 Commitments Plater abatements in the amount of 189.28 Sewer abatements in the amount of 49.88 70 r� Letter was received from Mr. Edwin B. Worthen calling attention to the expiration of the fire and theft insurance on all cars expiring July 1st; also $15,000. blanket fire insurance expiring July 9th. Insurance It was decided to renew the automobile fire and theft insurance expiring on July 1st, but the blanket Vire in- surance was granted to Irving Hall. Letter was received from the Health Inspector in which he stated that he received a complaint about the sewerage from the Partridge Ice Cream Plant, draining into the brook that runs across the meadow in the direction of Bridge Street, and that the odor was very bad caused by the stagnant water. Partridge The only suggestion that he had to make was that the brook Ice Cream be cleaned and the refuse picked up, and he felt that Mr. Plant Eartridge should be willing to stand the expense or part of Drainage it owing to the fact that the drainage is coming from the ice cream plant. The Board voted to request Mr. Partridge to clean out this brook at his expense. Memorandum was received from the State Dept. of Public Rabies Health in regard to treatment of rabies. The Chairman reported having received a complaint from Mr. Hannam in regard to Hubert Grieves' dogs which are sew , Complaint being kept outdoors, and he informed him that he would have re dogs to present his complaint in writing to the Board. Complaint was received from Richard Whittemore in -re- gard to the conditions existing at the Nash agency operated by Harry B. Stearns on Marrett Road, caused by the practiee of parking automobiles in front of his place of business in a manner that the cars protrude against the property line into the street without number plates and without lights, causing a menace to life and property and being unsightly. Complaint,The Chairman reported that Mr. Stearns had been making a re pactice of parking the cars out to the street 1 ine within. Stearns the last two weeks, and h e is now setting them back to the twenty foot line, and.he'parks on both sides of the line be- tween the Whittemore property and the Trask property. Thee Chairman stated that he would talk with Mr. Stearns to find out whey he started thisp raetice and endeavor to have him discontinue the practice. It was voted to authorize the installation of a fire alarm tapper to the Police ,Station in accordance with the Fire Alarm bid of Louis W. Bills under date of May 4th of $110. One Tapper half the expense of the i nstallation is to be borne by the Police Department and the other half by the Fire Department 71 The Chairman stated that there was an Edison pole located near Cliffe Avenue and Bow Street that would interfere with the traffic signal being installed by the Boston and Kline R.R. Go., and a meeting wash eld at thelocation and it was decided that the pole should be moved so that the danger signal could be effective. The Boston and Maine representative agreed that the pole could be moved upon their property. Edison The Board therefor voted to authorize the relocation of Pole the pole to some o ther point in that vicinity where it will not interefere with the signal. Pictures belonging to Mr. T. A. Custance showing the improvement in Hastings Park prior to the grading of the Park were W esented. Mr. Custence suggested that p ietures Pictures of all projedta be made prior to the improvements The Board felt that the pictures should be made especially of the streets prior to the construction of them when accepted in of claim for damages at a later date. The Chairman reported that he had written a letter to the The Chairman stated that he felt that it was time that the work be done on the Sherman Street Bridge. ' Supt. of Public Works suggested that Mr. Burgess, who was now constructing the wall at Vine Brook and a bridge for Dr. Barnes, will be through this work in a short time, and he felt that a good bid could be received from him for this 'construction work. The bridge now being constructed Metropolitan District Commission requesting permission to Met. enter the Metropolitan trunk line sewer at the Arlington line Trunk Line owing to the fact that the residents of Cliffe Avenue and Sewer Theresa Avenue have been having trouble with their cesspools ' and desire to be allowed to connect at an early date. Agreements were signgd by the Board granting permission to the dept. of Public Works to construct drains and catch basins on Waltham Street and to discharge water from a drain- age system to be constructed within thel imits of the State highway, and granting permission to enter upon Waltham Street at any time far the purpose of constructing and maintaining said system of drainage and catch basins; one agreement being for a point opposite station 81 to said Waltham Street at or Drainage' near station 86 & 50, and the other agreement being for the construction of a drain on property of the Town of Lexington kn6wn as Shade Street situated across the State Highway at or near Station 115 & 50, and to discharge water through said drain through said Town property, and enter upon psid property at any time for the purpose of donstructing, repairing and maintaining said drain. The Chairman inquired of the Supt. of Public Works as to the salary being paid to Alexander Quinn who operates the . steam roller. Quinn Mr. Seaman stated that he was paid at the rate of $25. Salary per week, but was only paid.for the time which he worked. The Chairman stated that he felt that it was time that the work be done on the Sherman Street Bridge. ' Supt. of Public Works suggested that Mr. Burgess, who was now constructing the wall at Vine Brook and a bridge for Dr. Barnes, will be through this work in a short time, and he felt that a good bid could be received from him for this 'construction work. The bridge now being constructed 72 by Dr. Barnes is the one that Dr. Barnes's requested the Sherman Town to construct and is being done in accordance with the- he St. St. Bridge Town Engineer's specifications. Mr. Dacey was also -'Po give a•bid on this construction work. The Chairman called attention to the fact that the Supt. of -Public Wb3+ks had expended $2100. for fixing the tar sidwalks when the allowance made for this year was only $1000., The Supt. of'Public Works stated that it would cost Sidewalks $6000. to fix all the sidewalks in the'Town that needed repair. The Board felt that the Supt. should get al ist of the sidewalks of the Town that remain to be fixed and submit it to them at the next meeting. Brogna C The Supt. of Public Works reported that he had now suf- Property ficient fill planed on'the Brogna property an Wood Street. Supt. of Public Works was instructed to inform the later _ Department that a separate agreement is to be received from Harry Johnson on each lot of land where the water is installed in the Johnson development. The agreement has been sighed.by Mr. Johnson, but the Johnson Board has not yet received the bond, and therefor the water Water main orders would not be filled until the bond is filed with ' the Board. Mr. Willard C. Hill came before the Board at the Boardfs request to discuss the matter of appraisals presented to the Board by John Duff & Sons. Mr. Duff agreed to furnish appraisalw without charge to the Board to shag the work done by him provided the same was returned to him provided he made a saving for the Town. He presented estimate of the Munroe School as the first appraisal as follows: Present sound value: $770545. 8insurable value of building: 623,036. 8 a a n Insurance attached furniture: 1,15'7. .Appraisal Total insurable value, 80% $63,193. The value upon which the Town is now carrying insurance on the Munroe School is $950000. After receiving this appraisal, the Board decided to request Dir. Duff to do another of the Town buildings, and It was suggested that he do the Hancock School under the same arrangements. The following is the estimate given by him: ' Present sound valuer 80 per cent insurable value of building: 80 per cent insurable value of attached furniture: 80 percent total insurable value LI 1 $68,244. 54,595. 448. $55,042. The amount being carried by the Town: at the present on this building is $850500 Mr. Hill felt that the appraiser had done a very good job itemizing the quantities, etc. owned by the Town in each of these buildings, but he felt that Mr.'Duff apparently did not have very much experience in settling insurance losses in the manner in which he depreciated the value of the build ing. He felt that it would be a very good thing for the Town to have a set-up such as Mr. Duff had in the items, presented inasmuch as it was very much more in detail than the previ-ous appraisal made by the Industrial Appraisal Co. He did think, however, that it would not be of any value to the Town to have an appraisal summarized as. Mr. Duff has summarized the apprai- sal on the last page of his summary as this would be a detriment to the Town in the event of a fire loss. He felt that he should be allowed tp talk with Mr. Duff and have him make a dif- ferent summary of the appraisal.. The Board felt that this would not be proper inasmuch as Mr. Duff either should be able to make the appraisal and do it properly or not, and that if the figures presented by Mr. Duff were of no value for insurance purposes, the appraisal would therefor be of no value to the Town whatever. It was therefor decided to have the Chairman inform Mr. Duff that the Board would not be interested in securing any further appraisals of the Town Buildings. Mr. Hill called attention also to the fact that many of the Town buildings are new and we have a great deal of the data in connection YA th the buildings so that it does not leave many buildings remaining to be appraised. He would, however, like to see an appraisal made giving detail such as this appraisal does. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. T rue record, Attest, Clerk. 73