HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-06-19SELECTMENIS MEETING JUNE 19, 1934 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen Was held in the Selectmen's Roam, Town Office Building; at 7:30 P.M. Messrs, Trask, Gilcreast, Ferguson, O'Connell and Lyons were present. The Clerk was also present. The following orders were received from the Board of Appeals; Order of findings in the case of Annie Bierenbroodspot who was granted permission to build an addition of two rooms and a bath to her house on Ridge Road; Order of findings in the case of Cyril A. Wood and Carl Patterson who were granted permission to operate a golf driving range at Marrett Gardens on Marrett Road; Order of findings granting George H. Spellenberg permission to erect a two story building on Laconia Street to be occupied for living quarters and a garage for his express business; Order of,findings refusing to grand permission to the Community Club of East Lexington to erect a club house on Baker Ave. 55 Board of Appeals The application for a Peddlers License of Manuel Silva of 11 Grandview Avenue to peddle bakery products in Lexington License was approved. Letter was received from the--Bu+l�ing Inspector in which he asked for a leave of absence for a period of approximately five weeks beginning July 1st and in which he suggested the appointment of Parley Tibbetts. Building The Board voted to grant the leave of absence to Mr. Inspector Longbottem for the period requestedfand also.to appoint Mr. Tibbetts as Building Inspector during the absence of fir. Lohgbottom. The Clerk reported that Dr. Nell C. Crawford was .not satisfied with the report of the Board in regard to the drain- age of the ditch that runs through her property, and stated that she had received the same report for the past twenty years. She felt that if nothing could be done, that she was entitled to some consideration on her taxes. The Supt. of Public Works was present and stated that this same ditch had been in existence for the past twenty years and owing to the fact that they did not have any funds, he did not see what could be done. Dr. C. Reginald Hardeastle came before the Board and pre- sented information furnished by the State House in reference to immunizing dogs for rabies. He stated that the State Dept, was anxious to have the dogs immunized owing to the fact that Crawford complaint re drainage 56 there were five people bitten last year in Lexington and at the present time they were having considerable trouble with rabies in the Town of Winchester and if dogs come from that town and bite dogs in this town, rabies will spread very easily. They suggested that a free clinic be set up with a doctor and assistant in charge with a nurse to fill the syringes. Dr. Harde stle felt that some of the Boy Scouts and some of the E.R.A. men could assist in this work. He stated that it would cost approximately fifty cents per dog.to cover the cost of the services of the physicians and the treatment. The Board informed Dr. Hardeastle that they would consider the matter andinform him what they would do at a later date. Rabies The circular stated that the towns of Natick, Framingham, Watertown, Belmont, Newton and Melrose had set up clinics for the immunization of dogs. It was to be noted, however, that the owners of son -licensed dogs do not bring them to the alinic. There are approximately 900 dogs in Lexington and it would cost at least $300. or $400. to have this work done, and owing to the fact that the Warrant for the Town Meeting on June 25th was closed, it was decided to lay the matter over until the next Town Meeting, Alcohol Alcohol license was granted to Arthur B. Field to sell license alcohol•at,851 Mass. Avenue Juice -List It was voted to lay the matter of revising the jury list on the table for one week. The Chairman explained that Mr. Ross had extended.an Invitation invitation to the Board to attend the N.E. Waterworks Field Day on Wednesday, June 27th. Letter was received from Irving Hall requesting consid- Insurance eration of any insurance revision that might be made in the near future. Letter was received•'from John J. McDonnell of Vine Street calling attention to the'eondition of Vine Street in whish he stated that there was considerable broken glass, nails' to spikes, sharp stones and holes in the.street causing him .receive several flat tires. Vine St. The Supt. of Public Works stated that he would do`seme work on Vine Street within the next two or three weeks inas- much as the regular maintenance work would have to be done on this street. Letter was received from Clayton Mores in which hejsalled attention to the fact that there were no street signs for Street Sherman Street at Grant Street and at Fletcher Avenuse Signs ' Supt. of Public Works was requested to attend to the matter. 5? The Board signed the original regulation prohibiting park- Parking ' ing on either side of Watertown Street as adopted at the last Regulation meeting of the Board. The Supt. of Public Works was requested to have the signs prohlbUng parking on this street ppt up as soon as possible. L 1 Memorandum was received from the Town Accountant in which he called attention to the Fact that Mr. Byron C. Earle, Colleeter-ef Taxes, has placed Miss Mildred Thompson on a weekly basis of $16. per week. She previously had been paid at the rate of $.40 per hour receiving $15.20 per week. Letter was received from William J. Dodd, National or- ganizer of the Disabled American Veterans of the World War, asking for the tree use of Cary Memorial Hall on Julyi9th, 1934, from 8 P.M. to 11 P.M. to conduct a specddl meeting of all service-oonnected disabled veterans of Lexington and sur- rounding towns. The. Chairman called attention to the fact that it was not the custom to allow the free use of the hall to outsiders, but if there were any local people interested in the affair, they might be given considergtion. It was decided to leave the matter with the Chairman to check up to find out if there was any local interest in the organization and if so, the Chairman was to grant the use of the hall if he saw fit. Circular letter was received from the Dept. of Corpora- tions and Taxation calling attention to Chapter 44 of the General Laws and the effect the National Recovery Administra- tion Cede #141 of Fair Competition and Investment Bakers`as adopted on March 23rd, 1934 by President Roosevelt had in ref- eronce to present and future issues of town and district notes. Clerk Free use of Cary Hall FXiT.r Circular letter was received from the Alcoholic Beverage Alcohol Control Commission calling attention to the fact that after Licenses July lat, applications for licenses or permits shall be approved by the Commission before being granted by the Town of Lexington The Chairman reported that Joseph Chiuccariello, who was before. the Board at a previous meeting relative to fixing up his property, will now have an open ditch through his property at least ten feet wide in addition to the sewer taking made through hisproperty, and it does not leave very much for him to build upon. The Chairman recommended that the Town purchase the land Chiuocar- for drainage purposes rather than endeavor to pay him for iello damages, or fix up the lot for building purposes. Property The Board therefor voted to leave the matter to the Chair- man to secure an agreement of purchase for the land. The land was assessed for approximately $300. 58 Cn tZ c-� Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works in which he called attention to the fact that the Highway ' Department has had to hire a drill compressor and will con- tinue to do so for sometime on account of the great an)unt of ledge and boulders encountered in the construction -of streets and sidewalks. He stated that if a compressor is hired from the Water and Sewer Department it is liable to cause a delay,in the work of that department. He recommended that a compressor that had been used very littleandhad been out of the factory for ten weeks, and only used for five weeks, be purchased.on a rental basis. He stated that the machine, when new, sold for $1880. and could now'be bought for $1700.00 It would.be hired for $210. per month and the cost of hiring the machine could be credited to the purchase. Compressor The Board discussed the matter, and Mr. Fergusonfelt that a second-hand machine -might be bought for a lower price from some other contractor going o ut of business thattwould be just as good and he Tilt that for the slight.saving it would be better to purchase anew compressor. Mr. Sdamman stated that there'were not sufficient funds to make a purchase of a new compressor. It was felt however, that a new compressor could be purchased on the basis of fifty per cent during ,1954 and the balance next year, and the Board voted to authorize the Supt. of Public Works to purchase a new compressor for the highway department on this basis. Mr. John Duff and son came before the Board and -pre - s ntod an appraisal of the Hancock School. Appraisal It was decided to refer this appraisal to Mr. Ferguson and request that he report in regard to the matter. The Chairman reported that he and the Town Engineer, Tax Collector and Clerk of the Board attended the hearing before the Dept. of public Utilities and the Town Counsel was present and pleaded for the layout of a pib lie highway over Fletcher Avenue. He stated that Mr. Roland Sawyer, Fletcher Attorney for the Boston and Maine railroad, requested that Avenue the grade crossing at Fletcher Avenue be abandoned. The Town Counsel requested that the Dept. of Public Utilities Commission visit the location inasmuch as they could then see that it would not be possible to abandon this crossing. The Supt. of Public Works called attention.to the fact that he felt that the water pipe under Blossom Street would Water have to be lowered on account of the new Concord Avenue high - pipe way for a distance of five or six hundred -feet. Mr. Mitchell came before the Board and reported that he received word from John J. Kelley that Mr. Viano had served , notice upon him that he would evict him for non-payment of rent. The rent on the house is $25. per month and Mrs. Kelley works in the block and for her compensation the rent was reduced to $17.00 per month. Mr. Kelley iso n F.F.R.A. ' receiving $12, a week and he had one boy getting $2. per week. His daughter is not working. Mr. Mitchell stated that the money received in the house was less than the State budget and recommended that the rent of $17. per month should be paid. The Board felt that Mr. Mitchell should check up with Mr. Viano and find out if he actually intended to evict Mr. Kelley and if so, they would authorize the payment of $17. per month rent, Mr. Kelley to work out the rent. ft`the recommendation of Dr. Hardeastle, the daughter of John Cotter needed some dental work done &n her teeth and ae- cording to Dr, Shannon, the replacements would cost $15. Mr. Cotter is on the F.E.R.A. earning $12. per week. He stated that he "dere -to get the work done at either Harvard or Tufts Dental and they informed him that they were not doing any more work this summer. The Bard requested Mr. Mitchell to find out whethercr not he could get the work done by Forsythe Dental or the ye and Ear Infirmary. Mr. Mitchell stated that the State authorized the work done mly to the extent of relieving pain, but Dr. Hardeastle feels that the replacements should be made so that she can get the benefit of her food as she is not a well girl. 59 Kelley Case Cotter Case Mr. Mitchell reported that Mrs. Paul McDonnell stated that she needs clothes and the District Nurse also finds that McDonnell she needs clothes for herself and children. Case No action was taken on the matter. Mrs. Pasquale Moretti came before the Board with her daughter and presented a notice which had been served upon her relgtive to the violation of the Zoning Law by maintaining a two family house on Melrose Avenue, and asked what she was going to do about it. The Chairman informed her that she would have to do what the notice said she would have to do. Moretti Sht Stated that she had two bath rooms in the house and Zoning that her son lives in one tenemant. The Chairman asked her if violation she had not heard about this violation before and she stated she had not. He inquired whether or not she had taken the bath room out before when she was informed she could not use the house for two families, and she stated that she had not taken the bath room out but she did take the set tubs in the kitchen out. Shs stated that she did not know anything about the Zoning Law and she wanted to know why she wars not stopped years ago instead of letting her go on all this time. Her daughter stated that no one would take the house over and pay,$50. a month rent for it and.this Money has to be paid to ,the bank inasmuch as the house is not entirely owned by them. The daughter called attention to the fact that other resi- dents of the vicinity should have to vacate their houes if they had to inasmuch as they were also violating the Zoning Law by maintaining two families. She called attention to Mr. Aquaro's house and to the fact that Mr. Aquaro secured a permit to remodel his one family house into a two family house. She also stated that Mr. Joseph Vitale's sister was just married and they have made over their house for two families. The Dattolis have also more than one family living in their house and several others in this district haVO the same circumstances. The Chairman informed her if there were any other vi&lations in the district that they would be investigated, but in the meantime she should follow out the order served upon her. Mrs. Moretti stated that her son was 1 iving in the hoxv e and she would not evict him. __._:_........ , , Th1 meeting adjourned at 9:07 F.M' A true record, Attest: Clerk.