HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-06-0539 SELECTMEN+.s MEETING JUNE 5, 1934 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Office, Town Office Building, on Tuesday evening, June 5th, at 7;30 P.M. Messrs', Trask, Gilereast, Fer$a$on, OtConnell and Lyons were present at the meeting. The Clerk was also present. Peddler's License was signed for Carl Francis Chesley Peddlers of 242 Lincoln St. He is employed by the Hathaway Bakerr-Co, License Letter was received from Mayor Russell of Cambridge Invitation. in which he enclosed ten tickets' so that the Board may attend Harvard the StadivA Festival on Saturday, Jude 9th. A part of the Stadium program will be a tribute to Cardinal O'Connell. Letter was received from the Ford Motor Company of Ford Plant Somerville inviting the Board to attend'the Open House at Open House the Somerville Assembly Plant on Wednesday, June 6th. Letter of thanks was received from the Adams Parent ' TeachersAssociation thanking the Board for the use of, Cary Hall free of charge on May 18th for the International Teachers Bight entertainment. Mrs. Luther A. Putney also called Assoc. - attention to the fact that the director of the Portuguese Cary Hall choir stated that he had been in may halls in the country and no hall in the country was so well equipped for putting on a program of this kind. Abatements on Welfare charges amounting to $68.50 were Welfare signed by the Board. Charges Licenses were granted to John A. Sellars for a Sunday's Sales License at the corner of Waltham St. and Concord Ave., Licenses also to sell Alchohol at that same address. Common Victuallers License was granted to Mike and Christy Hallos to do business. at 1715 Mass. Ave. This license is a transfer from 1761 Mass, Avenue. Commitment of water Hera -charges in the amount of $94.40 Nater Lien wax signed by the Board Charges Owing to the'faet that a hearing will be held on the application of Cyril Wood and Carl Patterson by the Board of Appeals on Friday next for 'permission to operate a driv- ing range, it was Voted to authorize the Chairman to grant Driving ' a permit to these two men if and when the Board of Appeals Range deeide to grant a paermit for the driving range. The purpose Permit of this action being that the men were anxious to $et the season started at the driving range. Application was received from James Moakley of 1686 Mass. Ave. for permission to use Cary Memorial Hall on June 15th at the reduced rates for a Radio Revue of the children of 1934. Cary Hall It was voted to grant the use of the hall, but owing Rental to the fact that it was not for +a charitable purpose it was voted to charge the regular rates. Mr. Stanley Cliff came before the Board in ref- erenes to his application for permission to maintain a two car garage of second class construction at Simonds Rd, - Mr. Cliff apologized fair not having been able to be present at the last meeting when the hearing was advertised. Cliff He stated that the plans were filed with the Building In - Hearing spector owing to the fact that the garage was a wing of the house. It was voted to approve the license subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Yr. Barry Z. Johnson came before the Board in reference to his six applications for permission to maintain one ear Johnson garages at lots 219 39 40 5j 6 and. 7 -Taft Avenue. Hearing Mr. Johnson presented plans of the proposed garages and it was voted to approve the same subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Mr. John Duff &"�- Son came before the Board and pre- sented the appraisal they made of the Munroe School, Appraisal This appraisal was turned over to Mr. Ferguson so that he might check the figures given in the appraisal and report to the Board. The Appraisal given was $63,000. and the Town is now carrying $95,000. on the Munroe Schoen Building. Joint hearing of the Board of Appeals and the Board of Selectmen was declared open on the application of Fanny P. Crown for permission to have a gasoline filling station at 859-863 'Mass. Avenue, at the corner of Curve St, The Chairman of the Selectmen opened the hearing and the Clerk of,the Board of Appeals read the notice of the hearing of the Board of Appeals. Mrs. Fanny P. Crown of Curve Street was present and stated that the land owned by her father was in the busi- ness zone and was a corner lot and he desired to get some revenue from the property having paid taxes on it for ' quite a number of years. She presented plan showing what would be proposed to be placed on the lot providing the petolt was granted. She stated that they planned to lease the property and have someone construct the building thereon. Ur, Maddison called attention to the fact that a similar petition was filed one year ago and inquired of Mrs. Crown if the conditions had changed there any since she had made her previous application which the Board refused. 41 She stated that there were no changes, simply that the property was in'a business zone and her father would like to be reimbursed for some of the ekpans.es of holding the property and she thought that there was no objection to the permit.being granted. She stated, also, that stores could hardly be placed there because there were alrea0y sufficient stores across the street. Mr. Maddison called attention to the fact that the more filling stations there were, the more objection there would be relative to the safety of children. Crown - Mr. Roland Baldrey of 1Q95 Mass. Avenue appeared. Joint and stated that he would like to register his objection Hearing to the granting of the permit. He felt that this applica- tion.was a perennial event and he did not think conditions were any different than they were before. He also called attention to the fact that the applicant opposed the fill- ing station of Pichette and Ahern. He felt that there be- ing a lot of traffic that it would be a detriment to the neighbors. He felt that although the land is in a business district that there is a residential district adjoining and he felt that in objecting that he was objecting for the In- terests of the town as a whole. No other persons appeared in favor or againstand the hearing was declared closed and the matter taken under advisement by the Boards. Hearing was declared open upon the application of Lyle J. gorse of 46 Locust Avenue for permission to maintain a two car garage of concrete construction. MoPse Mr. Morse was present and presented plan of the Garage proposed structure. No persons appeared to object and it was voted to grant the license. Program of the British Naval and Military Veterans Assoc. was received by the Board. The Chairman agreed to Veterans greet them on June _10th as is the usual custom. Association Letter was received from Harry L. Coolidge in which he complained of the violation of the Zoning Law by Pasgmals Morettln maintKining a two family house at 2 Melrose Ave. Zoning in a single residence district. Violation It was voted to refer this complaint to the Build- ing Inspector and authorize him to proceed against fir. Moretti for violation of the Zoning Law. The Chairman reported that the State Accountants reconmended that the bond of the Treasurer of the Cary Memorial Library be changed inasmuch as it was not a proper bond, and also recommended that the Clerk of the Selectmen and the Treasurer of the Trustees of Public Trusts be bonded. Bonds It was voted toparry out the instructi&ns of the Accountants and have bo ds issued for the persons stated. and Mr. Gilcreast agreed to attend to the matter of obtain- ing the bonds at $1000 each for a period of one year, 42 Field Day John A. Lyons came before the Board and requested the use of Parker Field on July 4th for the Drum Corps for a Field Day. It was the intention of the Corps to start off the morning with potatoe races and various events of that kind and in the evening to have fireworks. He stated that the Chief of the Fire Department was to ar- range about the fireworks. They also intended to have a donation fuUd to cover the expense of the fireworks: He stated that the: Drum Corps were very much in need of un- iforms and'that they had new applicants who did not -have any uniforms coming into the Corps all the time and there- for they wanted to run the Field Day to get funds far the Drum Corps, The Board votedito grant the use of the Field for this purpose provided the Town was indemnified for any damage that might occur from the fireworks. CO fl 1 1 In reference to the application of Country Side Filling Station, Inc. for an Entertainment License, re- Entertain- port was received from the.Chief of Police -'recommending ment that this license be not granted. License The Board decided, therefor, to accept the recom mendation of the Chief and it was voted not to grant the license. The Board voted to incur the expense of printing the By -Laws proposed By -Laws for the coming Town Meeting and to ask for an appropriation to cover the expense. Edward L. Kelley came before the Board and stated that his name was on the list Waiting admission to Middlesex County'Sanitorium. He stated that there were ways, he under- stood, of getting a name on ,the list to be admitted at an earlier date inasmuch as he could not be admitted for six Kelley or eight weeks. Case The Board informed him that they would find out if there was any possible way that he could be admitted at an earlier date. Letter was received from the Dept. of Public Works -in which they enclosed a list of renewable permits for.adver- tising signs, the same being as follows: Permit Nov 4831 A sign 8 x 5 feet, filed by Lexington Lumber Company and located on north side of Marrett Street; 3/4 mile west of Lincoln Street, on land of Wm: P. Martin, 9769 A sign 50 x 12 feet., filed by John Donelly & Sons Billboards and located at 11-19 Massachusetts Avenue, on lot. 11352 A sign 25 x 12 feet, filed by John Donnelly & Sons and located on south side of Massachusetts Ave. near Route #2, opposite and across new cut- off from Pole 64/198, E.F.I. CO fl 1 1 43 The Board voted to disapprove all of these applications. and.so notify the Dept. of Public Works, and also to notify the Town Counsel in reference to permit #113520 the same be - Ing the sign that he has protested to the Dept. of Public Works so that the Donnelly & Sons Co. could not erect this sign on Mass. Avenue near Marrett Road on -the Gavin property, and ask that he further oppose the erection of this sign. Supt. of Public Works presented a street sign made of aluminum which he wanted to get the approval of the Board .on. He stated that if he could get at least ten of these signs he probably co,41d get a 10 per cent discount. The Street regular price of a single sign is'5.75, aluminum painted Signs with blue and white letters. He stated that the cost of the signs he is now using is $4.50. The Board voted to authorize the Supt. to try out these signs, It was voted to sp point Paul M. Wagner and Leo Dumas of the Lexington Sand and Gravel Co. as Public Weighers.for the year ending March 31, 1935. It was also voted that the Public name of Edward F. Smith appointed as a Weigher in March, be Weighers stricken from the list, inasmuch as he is not employed by the Lexington Sand and Gravel Co. ' Mr. Ross and the Town Engineer came before the Board to discuss the matter of extending water in the Johnson development. The Chairman presented an agreement prepared by the Town Counsel for Johnson to sign in consideration of the town laying the water main in Taft Avenue and in Cherry Street a distance of 200 feet from Taft Avenue and he agfeed that the town would be indemnified and that he would do the work on these and adjacent streets so that he coarse gravel or stones would be washed or carried into and deposited upon Mass. Ave. Johnson The agreement of the Town Counsel was discussed, and Water -it was felt by Mr. Lyons and O'Connell that this agbeement was not binding.. Mr Lyons felt also that the Board should discourage any development of this kind by not giving water to thle developer. He felt that the Board should insist that the developer put in all public utilities. He felt then that other developers who desired to come here would know what is required in the town. After discussing the matter it was voted to lay the matter on the table for one week. Mr., Johnson inquired of the Board what action was taken acid was informed that he could come to the meeting next Tuesday evening at 8:15 P.M. and the.Board would give him an answer relative to the same. Mr. Johnson stated that owing to the fact that he did not have any water caused a loss to him of ;4000 already. He had a temporary water eonnedtion from another house. 44 " The Chairman presented an agreement drawn by th* Town Counsel of Arlington in reference to the Mill Brook, , agreeing to allow the Town of Lexington to perform the; work of widening, straightening and extending Mill Brook which crosses land in Lexington and land of the Town of Arlington, the Town of Lexington agreeing to takeall necessary precautions to prevent any water by seepage or otherwise to pass to or from the Great Meadows and_if at any tite seepage shall develop, the Town of Lexington shall take immediate steps to stop the same. The Town of Arlington also reserved the right to withdraw the permission at any, time within thirty days. Some of the members of the Board expressed the feeling that they felt that this agreement was too rigid on the part of the Town of Lexington and it was decided to refer the , Mill matter to the Town Engineer to check and also to take'up Brook with the Taw n Counsel tolpbtain his advice in regard tck the agreement. The Town Engineer stated that from his conversation with the Town Engineer of Arlington, the Town of Arlington was .afraid of losing their water rights and that is wb they desired to have this agreement signed. Mr. O'Connell stated that they had had these water rights for a great many years Wand there would be no`danger of their lapsing their title. _ Mr. Ross reported to the Board that there were five families on Cliffe Avenue that were taking water from a;-• Water Main 4" main: and he felt that if there was to be a Town Meeting that a3 request for an appropriation should be made to re- lay a main a distance of 650 feet in Cliffe Avenue. The Chairman reported that Mrs. John B.Quinn of Spring Street served: notice that she desired to have a water main installed in her property next spring. she went to the State Dept. of Public Works and was informed by them that they desired to have the towns through which Concord A,vexno, the new State.highway, is to be constructed,. put their water pipe under the new highway owing to the fast that water main permission will not be given to open up the highway for, a period of five years. Mr. Ross stated that connection should be,made under the crossing at Spring Street, Watertown Street, Blossom Street and Wellington Lane Avenue, and that a ten inch pipe should be put in. This he estimated would 'cost $2500..Axd he felt that the appropriation should be made at the coming Town Meeting in order that the work may be done before tete highway is constructed. The Supt. ct Public Works reported in reference to the complaint of Dr. Nell Cutler Crawford relative to the drainage .from Granny Hill that runs through her -yams anal where there is a manhole cover which rises off the manhole 1 n 11 from the storms, that this.drainage system was'put in many years ago when this property was farm property and that no change had been made. He stated that it might be possible that the lower end of the pipe was clogged and he would en- deavor to find out if that was so and have it cleaned out. He would not recommend that any change be made, however, owing to the fact that a drainage survey is being made by Metcalf and Eddy, Engineers, and he felt the Town should wait. He stated, however, that the Highway Department would replace the manhole cover whenever it was washed up. It was decided to forward this information to Dr. Crawford. Letter was received from John H. Devine in which he called attention to the condition of the Highland Avenue and Winthrop Road drain which is apparemtiy clogged up with leaves, sticks and stones so that the water does not pass freely through it; also that the bed of the brook had stagnant water which is a breeding place for mosquitoes. Supt. of Public Works recommended as a permanent jeb that a 12e p1pe be laid with three manholes installed so that the pipe may be cleaned when necessary and the pipe connected with the culvert in Highland.Avenue, and if the pipe is laid, to fill in the ditch with coarse gravel and loam and this would do away with the mosquitoes breeding in this section. The cost of doing this work would be $1100. The Board felt that they could not see their way clear to making an appropriation of $1100. at this time to com- plete this work. Therefor the Supt. of Public Works was authorized to clean out*the brook and spray sDme oil to kill the mosquitoes and in the spring an appropriation would be requested to do this work. 45 Crawford Drain Complaint Devine Camp la int re Drainage Letter was received from Albert A. Ross In which he recommended that in the future the entire cost of install- Garden ing temporary services for gardens be borne by the applicant. Services The Board voted to accept the recommendation of Mr. Ross in regard to this matter. The Bond of Walter J. Rose for a Public Carriage Bond License was approved by the Board. The Supt. of Public Works reported that Leslie J. Wood, who was employed on the removal of snow during the winter, furnishes horses and men to plow snow from the sidewalks. on February 3rd, 1934, he was plowing in Colony Road toward York Street when the plow struck a stone in the street which being covered with snow could not be seen and the shock of the collision threw Mr. mood off his plow and he fractured several ribs and caused injury to his back. Ee went home and called Dr. W.W. Harrington and was ,confined to his bed for twenty-five days. He has n ot'been able to work since the accident and is now under the care of an osteopath. /e Wood Accident Manhole Covers Cesspool Broad Case Mr. Soamman recommended that a special policy of compensation insurance be provided to cover accidents of this kind in the future. He suggested also, that if the Board was of the opinion that Mr. Wood should -reactive compensation as a result of the accident, that it might be done by a special appropriation. The Board decided to find out if the highway. compensation carried covers em- ployees on Snow Removal. It was felt that any responsibility of the Town for the injury to Mr.,,Wood should be denied, but no definite action was taken in regard to the matter until the Informa- tion nforma-tion is received relative to the insurance carried. Letter was received from William F. Covil of 44 Inde- pendence Avenue calling attention to the wag the penetration was put on the highways sealing up manhole covers"And then calling for work of men to dig them out. Supt. of Public Works stated that if the manhole covers were loose, complaints would be received about them in that condition and he felt that it was easier to dig out those necessary to be dug out than to have this complaint. Letter was received from Edward Lynch of 132 Vine St, complaining that the cesspool at that address should be cleaned out' Mrs. Bridget Leary was notified to have the cesspool oleaned out by the Health Inspector and she agreed to have it done and notified Mr. Lynch that she would give him an allowance on his rent for cleaning out the cesspool. This he refused to do, and the Board therefor felt that there was no further action for them to•take in regard to the matter. Letter was received Prom the State Bureau of Old Age Assistance disapproving of the Old Age Assistance voted by the Board last week for Mrs. Anna C. Breed of 44 Bloomfield. Street inasmuch as they stated that even though she had only $200, equity in the house, the expense of the mortgagee on the hoose amounted to $50. a month and they would not approve Old Age`Assistance for anyone payjio out this,amount for rent. Mr. Gilereast stated that he would see the Old Age Assistance Bureau in regard to the matter and explain to them that application had been made to the Home Loan. The Clerk reported that Eugene Partridge staffed that Sewer if possible he would like to have the sewer extended to the Extension corner of Waltham Street and Marrett Road inasmuch as he was having trouble again with the cesspools on the Partridge property. F The Chairman called attention to the fact that the Board of Trade desired to have some sort of a regulation , drawn up to prevent persons coming in and hiring stores for the 4th of July for the sale of fireworks and such things on 47 specific days owing to the fact that the regular persons in the Town having stores do not have an opportunity to get the profits cn a day of that kind. The matter was discussed quite completely from the angle of the store owner and it was finally decided that Peddler's it was a fair proposition to adopt a regulation making transient vendors pay for the privilege of coming into Licenses Town for a day or two•and it was therefor voted to adopt ate. the following regulation: TRANS IBNT VEM aRS "Every person licensed as a`transient vendor shall pay to the Town of Lexington for the use of the Town, the sum of $100." The matter of requesting peddlers who have a State License to obtain another license from the Board of Selectmen was also discussed: The sections of the law in regard to this matter were reed and it Iras finally decided to refer the matter to the Town Counsel for his opinion. ' The Town Accountant called attention.to the fact that Nosephine Ahearn, temporary clerk in the Assessor's office, was raised from $12. to_$14, this week by order Assessor's of the Chairman of the Board of Assessors. Clerk The Board df Selectmen took no action in regard to the matter. The Town Accountant also called attention to the fact that there were two additional persons on the sup- Accountant's pression of insects pay roll, and to the fact that the memorandums School Committee will inform the Selectmen as to whether or not they will use the balance of the Adams School and Franklin School accounts toward the new High School Addition - It was voted to hold a hearing on the Board's inten- tion to layout Gleason Road, from Simonds Road to Fuller Road a distance of approximately 617 feet, on Monday.. June 18th, 1934 at 7:30 P.M. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. A true record, Attest; Clerk.