HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-05-2933 Letter was received from the Joint Committee on Municipal Finance of Boston Chamber of Commerce and the Boston Real Estate Exchange of 80 Federal Street in which attention was called to House Bill 1144 being a bill for the acquisition of land in the city of Somerville for park purposes at a maximum cost of $350,000 and from which an assessment will be made to the towns and cities in the metropolitan district. This bill has already passed the house and request was made that it be House opposed by our Senator. Bill The assessment to Lexington would be $1116.and it was 1144. voted to notify the Senator to oppose the bill. Letter+ was received from the Planning Board in which it was stated that a hearing will be held at the Selectments SELECTMENIS MEETING ' MAY 290 1934 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Office, Town Office Building, on May 29, at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Trask, Gilereast, Ferguson, O'Connell and Lyons were present. The Clerk was also present. The following commitments were signed by the Board: Water Repairs and Miscellaneous Charges 68.13 Water & Water Rates, First Section 6767.46 Sewer Com - Sever Rates, First Section 580.59 mitmenta• Sewer Services and Rentals 13.90 Water Rates 10.00 Water Service Charges 48.20 State Aid Pay Roll in the amount of $16 was signed for the month of May. State Aid Sunday golf Entertainment License for all Sundays in Sunday Golf the month of June was signed by the Board, for G. W. Bean, Bean for the driving range on Bedford Street. At 8 P.M. hearing was declared open upon the applica- tion of Pasquale Luongo of 57 Pleasant Street for permission to maintain a two car garage of block construction at 57 Pleasant St. Mr. Luongo and his son appeared and presented plan of the proposed garage. No persons appeared to object and it was voted to grant the permit subject to the approval of ths. Building Inspector. A hearing was advertised on the application of Stanley E. Cliff for permission to maintain a two car garage at lots Cliff 15, 16 and 17 Simonds Road, Lexington. The applicant did Garage not appear, therefor no action was taken on the application Letter was received from the Joint Committee on Municipal Finance of Boston Chamber of Commerce and the Boston Real Estate Exchange of 80 Federal Street in which attention was called to House Bill 1144 being a bill for the acquisition of land in the city of Somerville for park purposes at a maximum cost of $350,000 and from which an assessment will be made to the towns and cities in the metropolitan district. This bill has already passed the house and request was made that it be House opposed by our Senator. Bill The assessment to Lexington would be $1116.and it was 1144. voted to notify the Senator to oppose the bill. Letter+ was received from the Planning Board in which it was stated that a hearing will be held at the Selectments 34 Room on June 11 on two proposed amendments to the Heating Zoning Law, both being to remove the business dis- Zoning Law trict on Mass. Ave.,from Fletcher Ave. to Grant St. and Winthrop Road to Wallis Court. Peddler's License was granted to Charles Heath Peddler's of Grant 3t., Lexingtah by signing approval of the License Board. Dr. Hardeastle stated that Ncr man Pero, Jr. should go to bed for one month an account of a reoccurence.of his tubercular condition. His sister, Mrs. Richards; stated that he needed certain foods and wanted an allow- ance for the food. Mr. Mitchell requested that an itemized cry 7 Mr. Mitchell came before the Board and reported a request was received from Leo Dattoli for assistance. One son is living with his father and is working on the Water Dept, and pays $20. per month rent. The father is old and hardly able to work on welfare work. The man owes a water bill of $23. and made application as he was unable to pay the bill. He is now five months in arrears in his Dattoli payments to the bank on the mortgage. The mortgage has Case been reduced to $2800 and the property is assessed for $4950. Mrs. Peter Palermo, their daughter, whose husband is in jail, receivei $4. per week groceries. The Board felt that the son working should contribute more to the house as the property will become theirs in the future and voted not to authorize any aid in this case. Mr. Mitchell requested authorization to, send Miehael O'Connor O'Connor who is bogtding with Mrs. Latter, to�he Eyre and Case Bar Infirmary owing to the fact that he Is now getting deaf and Dr. Hardcastle recommended that he be sent there for treatment. Mr. Mitchell recommended the payment of one month's Farnham rent for Leight V. Farnham -of 958 Mass. Ave. until Mr. case Farnham is placed on the B.R.A. The Board authorized the payment for one month. Mrs. Paul McDonnell again applied for additional assistance to Mr. Mitchell. Mr. O'Connell reported that the case,of Mrs. McDonnell McDonnell was in'Court again and her husband, Paul, offered again to Case take the children, but she would not allow him to do so. The Judge also stated that she was getting all she was'sn- titled to gat. The Board voted to approve the authorization of $15. Archibald paid by Mr. Mitchell to move Frank Archibald of 42 Forest Case St. to Lowell. Dr. Hardeastle stated that Ncr man Pero, Jr. should go to bed for one month an account of a reoccurence.of his tubercular condition. His sister, Mrs. Richards; stated that he needed certain foods and wanted an allow- ance for the food. Mr. Mitchell requested that an itemized cry 7 35 statement be sent in of the foods necessary. He would Pero Case .bring the statement in for approval later. Application for a peddler's license was approved by Peddler's the Board for Gene H. Luongo of 57 Pleasant St. License The Clerk reported that Dr. Hardeastle stated that one of the Dowling children at the Morang house on Highland Avenue was ill with a cold and has a possible ease of measles. The water was turned off last Friday at this house owing to the fact that Mr. Morang owed approA mately $60. Mr. Ferguson reported that Mr. Dowling, son-in-law of Mr. Morang, informed him that he would be responsible for the water used while he lives or his fam- ily lives at the house if it was turned on for him. The Board therefor voted to allow the water to be turned on providing he paid a deposit of $10. The Board approved the application for admittance of Jacob Cohen of 40 Sylvia Street to the Middlesex County 3anitorium. Since the last meeting Mr. Cohens residence was checked up and found to be in -Lexington and he was therefor sent to. Tewksbury temporarily inasmuch as Dr. Hardeastle recommended that he be sant there. The Board approved of this application and signed the same. Application was also signed by the Board for the admission of Edward L. Kelley of MUBsey St., Lexington to the Middlesex County Sanitorium. Morang Water Cohen Case Kelley T.B. Case Latter was received from George V. Morse thanking the Board for his appointment as Tennis Instructor. He Tennis suggested, however, that it might be possible that some Instructor other work might be provided for him in the mornin'gw. Hearing was declared open upon the application of Wm. Roger Greeley of 1948 Mass. Avenue for the approval of a proposed circle at the end of Belfry Terrace. It having been found that Belfry Terrace was never laid out from Forest St. it was decided to Include the entire street in the Board of Survey layout. Mr. Greeley stated that he had no objection to the entire street being laid out. .Mr. Greeley and,Mr. Waldo F. Glidden whose properties abut on this proposed circle were both present with the request that that circle be laid out. Mr. Greeley stated that it was their desire to have a circle so that cars could turn around at the and of the street and felt that this would be a better arrangement than having a dead and It would enable Mr. Greeley and Mr. Glidden to both each Have a lot of land available for building purposes that would be of legal size according to the zoning law. The circle would be 70 feet in diameter and would not have grass plot in the middle. Board of Survey 36 n Mr. Glidden stated that there was nothing further to add other than what was said by Mr. Greeley. ' Mr. White, resident of Belfry Terrace, stated that he and his wife owned land there and he wanted to see a plan of the proposed layout-. The plan was presented by the Town Engineer and viewed by those present at the hearing. Mr. Wm. W. Ferguson inquired what the width of the back of the lots were and was informed by Mr. Greeley that the lots average 88 feet with a 75 foot frontage; his own lot was 150 feet on the back. Mr. Ferguson inquired if there was any restriction on the lot, and he was informed that there were no restrictions other than those set down by the town. Mr. White felt that these lots called for three houses all hunched up in the middle. Mr. Greeley informed,him, however, that there were only two lots. Mr. White felt that allowing this layout would not improve the surroundings around the common. Mr. Ferguson called attention to the ninety-nine year lease that did not allow streets to come out on to land adjacent to the battle green, therefor he did not believe that this street could be laid out to Mass. Avenue as that was what he was informed when he originally laid out Mass. Avenue. Board of Mr. Whipple also objected and Mrs. White stated that survey they.did not want a circle there as they did not waist traffic ' turning on the street. Letter was received from the Planning Board in which they stated that they approved in principle the layout of the proposed street but preferred to reserve final approval of any scheme of development in this area until the Town Engineer had made a study of the rear portions of the lands belonging to Mr. Webster also. The Town Engineer was present and stated that he had made a study which was indicated in red on the sketch show- ing how the Webster land could be developed making another circle similar to that on Belfry Terrace. He recommended .the approval of the Greeley plan. The Board'oonsidered'the matter and felt that the objections presented were more or less of a selfish nature, owing to the fact that one owner now only has a twelve foot frontage on Belfry Terrace and the houses owned by these persons were small houses, while the lots proposed by Mr. Greeley meet with the requirements of the Zoning Law, The Board therefor voted to approve the plan of the Belfry Terrance and circle when the proper plan 3s presented by Mr. Greeley for approval. Plan of the proposed sewer in Blobmfield St. Extension Bloomfield was presented by the Town Engineer. He had also the figures ' St. sewer on the cost to the abuttors for this extension. It was u deolded to send the information to Mr. Arthur L.,Graves so that he may -decide whether or not he and the other abutters desire to have the sewer extended. Mr. Gilcreast reported having investigated the applica- tion of Mrs. Anna C. Breed of 44 Bloomfield St. for Old Age Assistance and recommended $7. per week Old Age Assistance. It was voted tdgrant $7. per week in this case. In reference to the complaint of Br. Murray that.his tenants would not remain in the house owned by him off Laconia Street owing to the.fact that Mr. August. Young was keeping pigs on his premises, the Health Inspector reported that he did not find that Mr. Young made a practise of keeping pigs, and that he did not have a building in which to keep them. He sometimes had a few there for sale or to slaughter. He did not find any odor about the premises and he also talked with the tenant in Mr. Murray's house and was informed by her that she was not bothered by the odor of pigs. She did state, however, that she would not stay on the property an- other winter because on account of the snow she was unable to send her children to school. After receiving this report the Board decided to notify Mr. hurray that they had received a satisfactory report from the Health Inspector and that apparently no nuisance existed. Application was received from the Country Side Inc. for a Common victuallers Entertainment License at the corner of Woburn St. and Lovell St. Last year when this license was requested the Board informed them that if the back end of the lot was fended in the Board would consider granting the license. No action was taken and therefor no permit granted last year, It was decided therefor to refer the application to the Chief of Police for his recommendation. Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works in which he stated that the old tar sidewalks replaced with gran©lithic would cost $1.68 per square yard and driveways would cast $2.12 per sq. year. The sidewalks could be re- surfaced with asphalt concrete composition for 80 to 95 cents a square yard. With the appropriation of $1000 for this work between 1100 and 1200 feet could be constructed with the concrete composition and on1�§75 feet with grano- lithic. The Supt. stated that the sidewalks that were done over with the asphalt composition for the past four or five years have been very satisfactory both in appearance and wearing. It was therefor voted to authorize the Supt. to have the tar sidewalks fixed with concrete eompostion. Bid was received from the Lexington Townsman, Inc. in reference to printing the town by-laws. For furnishing 4800 copies of the by-laws for circulation - $30; for 37 Old Age Complaint Pigs Country side Entertain- ment License Sidewalks 38 01 c� printing 2500 booklets including cover, $100.and for the by-laws in the Minute Man three times, 11blishing 02.75 for the first issue,and $68.50 for each sub- sequent issue. Bid was received from John Worley Co. of 166 Terrace -St, Boston for photographing 4800 copies, booked, at 410. Owing to the fact that the Lexington Minute Mau will have to print the by-laws their bid is lower than that Bp -Laws of `ohn Worley. It was decided tohavethe Lexington Minute Man fur- nish the flat copies for the town meeting. Letter was received from Dr. Clarence Shannon of Fdgewoo6 Rd. in which he stated that he has paid $1.88 an Sewer his sewer rental bill. It was decided not to take any Rental action on his request until the information of the full amount of his sewer rental bill was obtained. Letter was received from the Town Accountant in whish he called attention to the fact that the Board of Assessors Office have a temporary clerk. Letter was also received from the Town Accountant is which he called attention to the extra warrant.prepared,to• pay bills incurred for sewer damages in the amount of 071.00 to Patrick F. Dacey for damages approved by the Board. that occurred in the vicinity of Bedford and Shirley Streetst ' Since there were no funds in the sewer account, an emergency would'-. have to be declared to pay these bills. Sewer The Board felt that inasmuch as another town meeting Emergency was to be held in June that an appropriation could be made at that time and therefor took no action relative to de- elaring an emergency. Figures were received from Spaulding Moes Co. for fur- nishing three maps of the town mounted on a roll for the Menus of sum of $17.50 each. The Board expressed the thought tiskt Town this was expensive, but decided to leave the matter with the Chairman to decide. Discussion relative to transient vendors was to be Vendors laid on the table until. the Chairman was present to discuss the matter. The Chairman left the meeting during the session to Reception attend the reception of Rev. R. Mitchell Rushton of the Baptist Church, who is leaving Lexington to go to Winchester. The Supt. of Public Works reported that from C.W.A, and F.E.R.A. funds the town has received $45,200 to date. The meeting adjourned at 9;20 P.M. ' A true record, Attest: Clerk.