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FEBRUARY 27, 1934.
A regular meeting; of the Board of Selectmen was held
at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Tuesday
February 27, 1954, at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Trask, Gilcreast,
Ferguson, and O'Connell were present. The Clerk was also
Mr. Albert A. Ross came befoi°e the Board to discuss
Trunk line tre matter. of ,pack filling on the trunk line sewer job.
sewer Mr. Ross suggested that this work be done by the unemploy-
ed men in the town and that some of th�� work be done by
machinery. He stated that we would ha77e to apply for an
additional loan on this project as it is not in the con-
tract. It is, however, included in the grant, and request
,Mould ha•.Te to be made that the matter of back fill be taken
from the request of the grant. The Board therefore voted
that the back fill to ile taken from the grant, request, and
the Strte Engineer be notified on the matter.
Silt sto McClintic Marshall Corp. celled the attention of Mr.
p, Ross to the fact that the standpipe is constructed so that
standpipe there may be a silt stop if the Board sees fit to out one
in. This will give opportunity to clean the standpipe if ,
Mr. Ross presented letter relative to an agreement of
Morang William F. Mnrang to pay $5. per month on his water bill.
Mr. Morang paid one installment on his water bill, and the
water Board agreed that he should continue monthly payments, but
if he does not continue the Board gave authority to Mr. Ross
to shut off the water without coming before the Board again
in regard to tine matter.
Nater ''ept. Mr. Ross presented furter details in reference to
the time the men on the Water Department worked during the
time freeze ups. The Board, however, decided to lay the matter
of paving extra pay for this work on the table until Mr.
Lyons was present.
Mr. Ross presented report in reference to the viola-
tion of the thirty hour rule on the se-rer contract, and it
PUPA appears that the violations made were approved by the In -
violations specter, Mr.. Barstow, extent in one case where there was an
error on the part of the timekeeper.
At 8:05 P.M. the bids we-oe opened on the proposal for
Bids stand- erecting a concrete foundation for a steel standp9_pe in Lex-
' i.ngton in accordance with the notice to contractors published '
Pipe found& -three times in the Lexington Times Minute -Man, and specifi-
tion cations furnished by the Board of Selectmen.
' Bids were received as follows:
Patrick F. Dacey, 18 Muzze�T St., Lexington $2298.00
Patrick Ross, 55 Park Avenue Ext., Arlington 2420;00
Simpson Bros. Coro. 193 Hanover St., Boston 2690.00
Areese Construction Co., llz12 Adan.s St., Newton 4750:00
Williams & King, 14 Jerome St., Dorchester 3423.00
John MacDonald Construct'on C-.215 Calif. StNewton3945;00
Chandler Censtructi nn Co. Inc. 45 Neln✓')ury St " 3290;00
James Cheserone, 915 Chestnut St., Waban 2850.00
E. C. Blanchard & Son, 50 Picks ing St. Danvers 3774.00
Bond Bros., Everett, Mass. 3243.00
Certificate of compliance was signed in all cases ex-
cept i.n case of Patrick Ross. Mr. Ross was present and
thought that he had signed what was nec(-ssary, and was
willing to sign if he received the bid. Certified checks
were also received _n all cas s.
The Board voted to accept the bid of the loweFt bid-
der, Patricir F. Dacey, of 18 Muzze7T Street, Lexington at
his bid of $2298.00.
Water Liens against the following properties for the
following amounts were signed as follows.
Louise Edgar
Mass. Avenue
Chis. G. Camouges
68 Cliffe Ave.
Mary Murphy
74 Cliffe Ave.
Willens McDonald
Moreland Ave.
Lialian N. Wil' ins
Follen Road
John P. Daile,,r
Marrett Road
Anna E. O'Connell
& Mary J. Marshall
Marrett Road
Ernest Foley
School Strut
Helen B. Sarano
Lincoln St.
Helen B. Sarano
Marrett Road
Roger W. Brown
Outloc]; Drive
Mater liens
It was voted to rebate to Mrs. Philomena Pero of Beer 3.2
12 Waltham Street the sur.: of 20 due her for two months license
on the 3.2 beer license which she held and which the Board
voted to cancel on March lst.
Circular letter was received from the Town of Fram- Public utili.
ingham )° lative to public Uti_]ity Rates. No action was ties
taken on the matter.
Letter was recei.ved from the Suot. of Pul)l_ic Works
in which he stated that he com-run_i_cated with the Arlington
' Gas Co. relative to the possibil9ty of having further leaks
on Coolidge Ave. as comp'_a'_ned of by Mr. Tinlcham, and was
informed by them that the two le.. -s mentioned were caused
by a broken standpipe, and .,i -en the frost is out of the
ground, permanent repai-s will be made so that there will
be no further trouble.
Gas leaks,
The Chairman reported that the District Nurse talked '
with'him in regard to the report of the Town Ph7*sician, in
which he stated that there should be moi°e nursing done.
Nursing The district nurse felt that he would give a more definite
statement as to what work he felt was necessary. The Dis-
trict Nurse has felt for some time that there should be
another nurse employed and the Chairman agreed to get a
further statement from the Town Physician to find out how
much work he felt should be done in addition to what is
now being done.
The Building Inspector came before the Board and
str;ted that he had notified some of the persons violating
the Zoning Law and the following action had been taken:
Mr. C. B. Daniels, 881 Mass. Ave, removed his sign;
Frank Gibson, 812 Mass. A,7e., removed real estate sign at
Lockwood Road.
coning Dr. Ivan G. PVIe, 11 Muzzey St., Dr. Robert H. Wells, 1430
'violations Mass. Ave. & Dr. C. Reginald Hardcattle, 57 WA ltham St.
applied for hearings before the Board of Appeals for
permission to maintain physician's offices.
Dr. N. Ellard, 1355 Mass. Ave, has removed his dentists
Robbins & Smith are maintaining a real estate sign on Mass. ,
Ave. and have applied for Board of Appeals hearing.
Mr. Scott of Grove St. has removed "is sign advertising
Mrs. Jos. Swan, 23 Bedford St., has removed real estate
Walter E. Jones of Winter Street removed his sign main-
tained advertising dog kennels.
T -he case of Malcolm W. Hampton of 26 Par'rer St., who main-
tains a shop on the Bean premises, and the sign maintained
by Thomas Montague at 21 Bedford St, were referred,by the
Building Inspector to the Town Counsel.
Mr. Longbottom inquired of the 3oard whether or not
they desired to have him proceed against the four plumbers
who are operating plumber's shops from their homes, namely
Lester Andrews, Robert Watt, Joseph Buckley and Cha:. Collins.
Mr. O'Connell suggested that -it procedure is made again-
st any it should be made against all or to leave t•he'persons
alone who are endeavoring to make a living;.
The Board discussed the matter as to whether or not
they would proceed against any of these parties, and it was
decided to lay the matter over until all the members of the
Board were present to discuss the matter.
Hearing was called at 8:30 o'clock on the B'oard's not- '
ice of intention to lay out Bla1�e Road, from Simonds Road
to Eaton Road a distance of approximately 210 feet, Eaton
Road from Bertwell Road to Blake Road a distance of approxi-
mately 792 fejt, and Gleason Road from Simonds Road to Wil-
liams Road a distance of approximately 658 feet. Owing to
the fact that there were ,iot very many present, the hearing Hearing,
was called on the three streets together. Blake Eaton
Mr. Little presented signatures of almost 75% of all & Gleason
the properties represented agreeing to pay their proport- goads
ionate share of the highway betterment tax on these streets
and stated that he would get one more signatu,e before Fri-
day next that would bring the amount over 75%.
The Town Engineer was present to answer any questions
in regard to the proposed construction of the streets.
The Chairman explained that the cost of it 1:°✓as reduced
to the minimum amount by making the travelled roadway only
24 feet instead of 27 feet, the tra'Telled width of Harding
The Town Engineer explained that. they intend to have
two five foot sidewalks of GaTTel_ on either side of the
street; also that there rad been no change in the layout
which was made several ye.�rs ago a_nJ that the grade is the
same as the existing grade.
Mr. Hazen Hamlin inquired wh«tether or not there will
be anything done in regard to fixing the property where they
cut the, edges and the Town E=I neer stated that there will
be nothing done on the properties. Mr. Nickerson was pre-
sent and inquired whether the grade would be changed or not.
Mr. 11ells inquired whether or not tT-e storm surface water
would be taken care of.
The Town Engineer informed him that he thought there
was only a small amount of drainage there to be taken care
of. Mr. Little explained that there had never been any
trouble with drainage in that section except at one time
when the drain in Gleason Road was plug -ed up and flooded
into the cellars. He stated that Mr. Blake,had some men
put in there and they found that the drain pipe had been
plugged up by roots of a willow tree which had blocked the
pipes up and after this was dug out and fixed and the water
flowed, there was no more trouble.
Mr. Parker was present and stated that he would like
to have Bertwell Road accepted inasmuch as he lived on the
corner of Eaton Road and his house faced nn Bertwell Road.
He felt that if that small sec -ion of Bertwell Road could
be accepted to Simonds Road, that it should be done. Mr.
Little stated that he found that there were now several
people on Bertwell Road that would like to haTre Bertwell
Road accepted and that he would be very glad to see what
could be done about putting through this proposition.
Mr. Parker felt, }.owover, that if anything happened
that they could not obtain the signatures of sufficient
persons on Bertwell Road to put the street through, that
the small section that spoke of should be nut through.
The Board informed him that there would probal-ly be '
a Town Meeting sometime during June, and the Board would
endeavor to see what coi,ld be done about accepting that
section of the street.
The hearings were declared closed and the Board voted
to sign an order for the layout of Blalre Road to Simonds
Road to Eaton Road a distance of approximately 210 feet,
for the layout of Gleason Road from Simonds Road to Wil-
liams Road a distance of approximately 658 feet, and for
Eaton Road a distance of approximately 658 feet, and for
Eaton Road from Bert -well Road to Blake Road a distance of
approximately 792 feet.
The Town Engineer and the Supt, of the Water & Sewer
Department wee before the Board and the Chairman read the
report of Metcalf & Eddy on drainage in the vic1nity of
the Shea property in East Lexington.
After reading the report the Board discussed whether or
not they wound asl= the Town for $24,000 which would be the
cost of doing the drainage work to relieve the Shea pro-
perty for which an award of damages had already been made
in the amount of ap,,roximately $9000. to Mr. Shea for the
water run into his property or • hether th?•r 17nn1d e.,pend
$10,000 as they had estimated prior to receiving this re-
port and complete the work next year.
Ware regi-
Report was received from the Health Inspector in ref- '
erence to the condition of the house in which Mrs. Flora
Ware, recipient of Old Age Assistance, lives. This was
referred to him for inspection owing to the fact that the
visitor from the State House objected to the conditions at
the house.
The Inspector reported that he found that Mrs. Ware
lived upstairs and was unable to come downstairs and while
the odor of dogs was noticeable, he did not think it was
objectionable and he found that they raise one litter of
dogs each year and they are only kept in the house in the
extreme cold weather as they provide a ,yard for them out-
Mr. Gilcreast felt that when he went there, that the
odor of dogs was very obj^ctionable, -Mt it was voted to
leave the matter with the Clerl, to take up with the visitor
from the State Dept. of Old Age Assistance to find out what
they desire to have done -in regard to the matter.
Letter ,was received from the British Military and Naval
Parade Veterans Association in which they requested permission to
nave their usual parade and exercises on the Battle Green
on Sunday, May 27th.
It was voted to grant tT,_is permission.
Shelalea In regard to the divislon to be placed on the insur- ,
house ance on the Shelales house on the barn and the house, it
was decided to place $300 on the barn and. $1700 on the house.
' The Chairman reported that Chief Taylor informed him
that he was able to Fet the boiler at the Central Fire Sta-
tion insi�ected and it was therefore voted to have this Boiler
boiler :insured lander the blanket insurance policy carried
through the office of Elmer A. Lord & Co.
Letter was i,ecelved from the Rutland State Sanatorium
In which they stated that Nelson S. Dwyer, formerly of Cedar
Street, Lexington, was diagnosed as second stage case of
pulmonary tuberculosis and that they considered the disease Dwyer TB
quiescent and therefore lie was not in need of hospitalixa- Case
tion at Rutland. They asl-ed that sometir�7 be done about
his removal.
It was decided ".o make an effort to locate some of
family and to see whether or riot they would take him
before making any arrangements for his removal.
It was voted to grant a First Class Agent's License License
to the Lexington Automobile Co., Wil -Ilam G. Murphy, to do
business at_97 Mass. Avenue, at the sales room at that lo-
Circular letter was received from Dr. Henry D. Chadwicir
relative wo prevelance of measles and deaths caused by Measles
this disease and sug;;ested that every effort be made to
' Provide adequate medical care and nursing care for children
when exposed to measlos.
It was voted tolair over the matter of appointment of April 19th
the Aoril 19th Committee until the next meeting of the Committee
Mr. Trask felt that they should start the proposition
by shutting in a steam shovel and perhaps get as far as Fot-
tler Avenue this year and as1, for th, balance of the appro-
priation this ,year. He felt that owing to the fact that
the Appropriation Commit';ee are against bonding the Town,
that thelT would riot cooperate with the Board on an issue
of 'bonds for this proposition.
Mr. Ferguson felt that :if part of the work is done
this year, that we would still have the same condition ex-
isting as we had previously for which the Town had been
sued and he felt that the job should be completed.
The Board decided to lay the -matter over for one week
for further discussion.
The Chairman reporter''_ in regard to the he2ring on
Ple sant Street that he and the Town Engineer attended the pleasant
hea Ing and Mr. Custance was also there reporesenting the
' Hatch property. Street
The proposition presented apparently .was agreeable to
the County Commissioners, "-ut Mr. Kendall, County Engineer
sta ed that he did not like the grade of the street where
it would meet the proposed concord avenue highway. He
thought that the layout of the old road was good enough.
Mr. Trask, however, called attention to the curves in
the present highway, and finally the matter was left with
that the Cl_airman of the Board and the Town Engineer to
try to zjet them to change the grade of the new state high-
Letter was received. from Mr. Ross in which he stated
that he comilunicated with the Metropolitan Sewer Commis -
Cesspool sioners in regard to disposal of cesspool material in the
material trunk line sewer and they objected to the material being
dumped into the server unless the material is diluted.
Mr. Ross sug,,ested that a special manhole be constructed
with a trap and a flush valve in order that the material
may be diluted. This manhole would have to be constructed
adjacent to a manhole in the trunk line sewer. This would
cost approximately $300.
The Board felt that this was a large sum to expend for
this proposition and felt that the Town was still a rural
Town and that theT,e could be some places found for dumping
the material that would not be objectionable.
Letter was received from the Town Accountant in which
Snow removal he called attention to the fact that tYi� exnPnditures in
& WaterMaintthe Snow Removal Account and Water Maintenance Account ex -
accounts ceeded the amount allowed and it Twos therefore necessary to
declare an emergency in both of these accounts, and it is
therefore voted, under authority of Chapter 44 of the Gen-
eral Lavas, to declare an emergency in the Removal_ of Snow
Account on account of the excessive gilow storms recently,
and in the Water Maintenance Account on account of the
freeze-up in the water mains caused by the intensive cold
Mr. Gilcreast reported that he had made an investi-
Light ongation of the light situation in that section of Waltham
Waltham t, Street between Allen St., and Blossom Street and he felt
whereas he had also talked with Miss Carroll in regard to
the matter, and he gathered from her that alti-ough she did
not actua"ilv want that, but she really wants a light at
the foot of her steps alt=iough she did not admit it. The
Board formerly informed her that if she desired to have
this light near her steps, she could have it upon payment,
of $10 for -.loving the pole. He stated that Miss Carroll
also called attention to the fact teat there cars parking
along there in the summertime that were disturbing.
Mr. Gilcreast felt that he could not recommend that
additional lights be put in inasmuch as there was sufficient
light in this section, but h^ felt that the matter of parking
cou d be viewed in the summertime to see whether or not
there was anything objectionable that would warrant the
change of any of the street lights in this section.
Mr. Gilcreast reported in regard of the application
of Henrietta Dow th�:t h= ;vould recoml end $5, per week in
this case. The Board tberefore voted to grant $5. per
,reek Old Age Assistance In this case.
The Clerk reported that the Government coal allotment
to the Town ,vas nov wi-thdrarin and upon the apnroval of Mr.
Gilcreast one half ton of nti_, codLl was granted to Mr. Henry
Walker on Feb. 24th. Parr. Walker hard previously had one ton
of Government coal on Jan. 9th.
In the case of Michael Cardillo, he received one ton
of Governemt Coal on Jan. 5tl,, and he was formerly given
an increase of t. w -el: for fuel. It was decided, there-
fore, to no,rT grant him $1.00 a weep increase to provide
for his fuel.
In regard to the case of Mrs. George W. Makechnie, it
was decided to give iter $2. a weep extra to Mas,- lst to pro-
vide for her coal. Also, in the case of Mrs. Harah Devine
$2 a week extra was allowed for coal. It was decided not
to make any additional allowance in the case of Mrs. Flor-
ence Mann.
The Chairman reported that he had put in considerable
time on the holiday and all Fridasz morning getting ready
the applications for the Civil Works Projects in the pro-
per forms. He also stated that telegram requesting that
ten per cent of the men be laid off was received, so that
the applications had to be changed to meet this new re-
quirements. Telegram was also receliTed stating that they
were ready to grant new projects where necessary,. and there-
fore he attached the statement to the applications that the
Board would agree that they would supply materials on the
projects out of Town Funds i_n accordance with the projects
formerly discussed before the Board.
Old Age
Civil Works
Mr. Mitchell reported that application was .received
from Robert Morrison who lives in one of George Bailey's
houses. The man has a niece who lives frith him 'eeping Morrison
house and was a watch repairer. He has lived in Lexington case
for many ears and has .a settlement here. The Board voted
t'o grant a week in this case.
Application was received from Rby Peterson of Blossom Peterson
Street, who has been on the C.W.A. The man has a wife and case
one child, and lives in house owned by his mother. He has
a settlement in Waltham. No aid was granted as yet in this
Mr. Mitchell called
W. Stygles of Oak Street
at home has been laid off
partment. His son George
zens Camp.
The Chairman stated
the C.W.A. work.
at enti_on to the fact that Mr. G.
who has a 'wife and six children St7gles
the C.W.A, work on the Moth De- case
also was sent home from the Citi-
th.,.t hewould place him baclr on
Application was received frim Esther Marie Wright,"who '
`s a sister of Mr. Johanson, who lives on Sylvia Street.
She is divorced from her husband and has one child who is
Wright with her grandmother in Bedford. At the present time the
Case worian has a settlement through her husband in Somerville.
The Board felt that inasmuch as the woman was only 22
,years old, that aid should not be granted in this case at
the present time, inasmuch as the woman formerly worked and
it was felt that she might secure a position again. Mr.
O'Connell reported that when she obtained her divorce, she
did not request any alimony.
T'he Chairman reported that the Chief of the Fire De-
partment informed him that he felt that he would hale to re-
sign his position as Chief of the Fire Dept. as it was taking
Chief,Fire up too much of his time for the ,ompensation he received.
Dept. He is now receiving $500. per year salary and $200. for the
use of his car. Mr. 'Traylor has been in that office since
1913 and it was felt that the Town has for a long time had
his services at a very low ra''e and it was therefore voted
to increase his salary to $1200 a year and not to make any
allowance for the use of his car. This amount was to be
subject to the apnroval of the Anprorriatinn Committee.
The matter of recognition of the services of Robert H, '
White as Supt. of Streets for the past fifty years was dis
- cussed and it was felt that due to the fact that Mr. White
will still be consulted by the Supt, of the Highways, that
at this time, the Chairman should write him a letter of ap-
preciation of his service to the Town.
Letter of appreciation was received from the Lovell
Bus Lines, Inc. on the assistance rendered them by snow plow
service of the Town, to enable them to keep their bus sche-
Notice was receivo,! from the Dept. of Education of the
State in which they stated that they approved the application
of Bertram Sibley of 14 Forest Street, for admittance to the
Cambridge Evening Industrial School.
The Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
A true record, Attest: -