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February 26, 1934.
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at
the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building on Tuesday, Feb-
ruary 20, 1934, at 7:30 P. M. Messrs. Trask, Uilcreast, Ferguson,
O'Connell and Lyons were present. The Clerk was also present.
At 7:45 P.M. bids were opened on the $35,000 serial loan
for the financing of the construction of A one million gallon Loan
water tower. The loan is to be payable in ten years as
1st two years, 055,00oeeabh
3rd year 40000 n
Remaining 7 years 3,000 n_
`his loan is to bear interest at the rate of 31% and bids
were received as follows:
Stone & Webster & Blodgett,
First Corporation of Bosto
R.L. Day Co.
Whiting, Weeks, Knowles
' Estabrook & Co.
Lexington Trust Co.
Newton Abbe Co.
F. S� Mosley Co.
E. H. "ollins & Sons
Tyler Butterick Co.
It was voted to award the
Inc. The Warrant for the Annual
Inc. 101.58
n 101:318
bid to Stone, Webster & Blodgett,
Town Meeting was signed by the
Abatement of Public Welfare Charges in the amount of
$15. was gigned by the Board.
It was voted to appoint John A. Murray as a Teller in
Precinct 1. to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation
of Viola Harkins.
of Teller
Letter was received from the Old Age Assistance
Bureau of the State in which they recommend that the Old Old Age
Age Assistance of John H. Ready be reduced from $8. per Assistance,
week to $6. per week. they also recommended that they should Ready
obtain lower rent. It was voted to accept the recommenda-
tion of the State Department.
Letter was received from the Old Age Assistance Bureau
' of the State in which attention was called to the unhealthful Old Age
condition$ of the house of the children of Flora A. Ware, who Ware
in an old'age recipient, and who lives with her children.
It was decided to leave this matter to the Health Inspect-
or to look into.
Old Age Letter was received from the Old Age Assistance Bur -
Collins eau of the State in which they recommended the reduction of
the Old Age Assistance bf Qlizabeth J. Collins from v6. per ,
week to $5. per week. It was voted to make this reduction
as recommended by the State.
Old Age Letter was received from the Old Age Assistance Bur-eku
Canisius of the State in which they recommended that the assis-
tance of Bernardini Canisius be redeevW from 08. to $6.
per week, owing to the fact that she is now living with
her daughter, it was also voted to accept this recommendation.
Old Age Mr. Gilcreast reported that he investigated the applica-
Jones tion of Stephen Jones, who is now living with his daughter,
Mrs. Fred Burgess, and whose settlement is in Gloucester, and
he recommended that he be paid 05. per week until April 1st,
when he will return to Gloucester to live.
Old Age Dow Application for Old Ape Assistance was received from
Henrietta J� Dow and was referred to Mr. Gilcreast for his
Trans. Com. Mrs. Philomena Pero of 12 Waltham Street req jested
Victualler's that her license as a Common 'ictualler be transferred to
License 1781 Mass. Avenue.
The Board voted to grant the transfer to that location. ,
Duffy House Mr. Trask reported that the lowest bid on the work to
done on the Duffy House on Tewksbury Street was the bid of
Frank H. Tobin of $45. Phis bid includes furnishing the
paper. It was therefore voted to award the bid to. F. H.
obin at $45.00.
Taxes 1934 The Board idscussed the matter of payment of taxes in
advance in 1934 with interest being paid, and owing to the
fact that ohly 07500 was paid in advance last year, it was
voted to discontinue the practice,of receiving taxes in ad-
vance this year in accordance with authority contained in
Chapter 99 of the Acts of 1933.
Sheleles It was voted to place $2000 insurance on the aheleles
house House, so called, located on the Westview Cemetery property,
through the office of Irving Hall.
Sunday In response to the request of the Board for an opinion
Movies from the Town Counsel, he advised that the Board did not
need any authority from a voteu of the Town Meeting to grant
a permit for Sunday Movies, that this was in the hands of the
It was felt that if nothing more pressing than the re-
quest filed with Mr. Trask by Wm. piano, who operate the I
theater, was made, no action would be taken.
The Health Inspector called attention to the fact that
there is objection to the refuse from the cesspool wagon
being dumped on property, and the suggestion was made that Dumping
Mr. Canessa be allowed to dump this material in the sewer. oesspool
The Town Engineer was present and stated that under ordinary matter
conditions this practise would not effect the sewer. It into sewer.
was felt that dumping could be made below Bow Street in
the trunk line sewer, and it was decided to so advise Mr.
At B-15 P.M. hearing was dc�clared open on the Board's
notice of intention to lazT out Valley Road from 3edfoild St.
to the North Lexington Bron'-. Mr. George Smith and Mr.
James A. Akers, abutters, were present. Mr. Smith was re- Valley Ad.
presented also by an Attorney, Mr. Dolan, who stated that Hearin
he represented also Mr. Smith's mother and fatherTs estate g
consisting of three -parcels of land, and stated that they
objected to the layout and anything being done. They con-
sider this their private property and the -7 appreciate that
the Town may be taking the property for its own use and the
use of the public but they wanted to register their ob-
jections and to request damages. They did not want to state
what t',.eir objection was, but they felt that they owned the
place and they do feel that they own the fee in the road and
that they kr_ow the Town pr--osed to make this entrance to
the playground. The, ,T take pleasure in their own place and
they do not want the people coming down there and they feel
that the street is not to their benefit. Of course they
realize that the Selectmen feel that it is for the benefit
of a greater number if the Town makes the taking and they
would be within their rig} -its. However, the hearing was
gilren for an opportu,iity for the owners to express their
opinions or the subject and then desired to register their
objection to the street beini,, changed into a public wa77 and
feel that they have b een burdened cons 1d-rable by takings
previously made and called attention to the jutting out of
land on the side of the school house lot. Therefore if this
highway is taken for public good, they will seek damages and
opnose any betterments. Mr. Dolan stated that they discus -,,ed
as to ^✓hat thelT would be satisfied with and he thought that
he was safe in saying for the three tracts of land repre-
sented, by the three owners, the mother and fatherTs estate
and Mr. Smith's estate, that they ,ould give a deed of the
public fee in the right of war and release any rights they
may have.for the sum of $1000. and a discharge of any better-
ments,. He thought that might also include a discharge of
betterments on the McNamara propert,7, but Mr. Smith stated
that he did not thin! that it would be included.
The Town Engineer was present and stated that he did
not feel he could tell the exact amount of taking would be
owing to the question as to .vheth.e.r or not the title went
to the wall or whether the property had title in the entire
highlway. On the edge of the Charles F. Smith property he
stated, however, there would be a giving of approximately
1600 feet and on the property of George F. Smith, the pro-
posed line came practically along the line of the present
travelling way. At the property at the norner of Bedford
Street, he would estimate a taking of 5000 square feet.
Mr. Smith stated that they owned to the wall and that
the deed of Mr. Avers also read ownership to the wall. He
called attention to the fact that the requirements of the
zoning law no,. -,r bein,; seventy-five foot frontage rather than
fifty foot f ontage, it meant that he would lose one lot.
Therefore, he felt that the land ,,,,as worth the price of the
Mr. Akers staked that he was of the same opinion as Mr.
S�r'th and he opposed t'�e taking and f elt that he was entitled
to damages. He stated -that he used the land for farming and
that he did not intend to build and that he understood that
the deed gave him ownership to the wall.
Mr. Dolan called at'.ention also to the fact that the
Parr: Department .,=as now filling in the land at the rear of
the Parker School and that they were crossing a part of the
land owned by Mr. Smith, and while Mr. Smith did not have
any particular objection, he did not want to have the Town
feel that this land belonged to them and should obtain rights
to go over the corner of his land.
The hearing was declared closed and it was voted to esta-
blish an order making a layout of Valley Road from Bedford St.
to the brook a distance of ap,roximately 1050 feet.
Hearing was declared open on the Bbardrs notice of in-
tention to lay out Fletcher Avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Parks and one other owner of pro-
Ave.hearingiperty we °e present and st; ted that they -were in favor of the
street being laid out.
A petit' on was presented with over se-enty-five per cent
of the owners signatures and no persons appeared to opnose the
lay out. Mr. Paru,s inquired for his own information in re-
gard to the assessment of betterments on his property and it
was explained to him by the Town Engineer.
The hearing; was declared closed, and the Board voted to
lav out Fletcher Avenue from Mass. Avenue a distance of appro-
ximately 1500 feet.
Letter was received from Mr. Ross in regard to the thawing
Frozen grater
of water services and pipes diuring the last cold spell giving
a very detailed report of the work done, and it appeared that
the mem worked day and night to do tIis work and Mr. Lyons
offered the sugFestion that instead of getting regular pay
that then be given time and a half for the overtime.
Mr. Trask suggested that they might be given a bonus,
and it was decided to talk the matter over with Mr. Ross be-
fore taking any action.
Mr, Mitchell reported that; he had made arrangements
with the Waverly Co-o-oerat_i_we Bank relative to the payment Nieosia
of rent for the family of Ant- 'ony Nicosia in the amount of ease
$25. per month and this was approved by the Board.
Application was received from Leonard Meek of 30 Cot- Meek case
tape Street for assistance. Mr. Mi�_c',ell was t.o find out
'�"hether or not he •egistered on the G.W.A. for emplot7ment.
The Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
A true record, Atte2t:-
Cler'- .