HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-02-06W: Old County Road SELECTMEN'S MEETING FEBRUARY 6, 1934. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Town Office Building, Selectmen's Room, at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Trask, Gilereast, Ferguson, O'Connell and Lvons were present. The Clerk was also present. Mr. Carl Hauck of Harbell Street came before the Board and inquired whether or not the Board intended to do any- tliing about the construction of Old County Road. The Board informed him that the only manner in which it could be done would be to assess betterments and it ap- parently appeared from the expression of opinion of those present at the meeting, that they were not in favor of hav- ing betterments assessed on their property. Supt, of Public Works was present and explained that the cost of building an 18 foot roadvray would be approxi- mately $4800. The labor costs would be approximately $800 and the distance would be 1600 feet. The Chairman explained to Mr. Hauck that he did not believe that the Town would vote to expend $4000 to build this highway for 1600 feet. Mr. Hauck then asked whether or not the Board would entertain an article to be inserted in the Warrant to re- establish the road as it was in 1875. It was explained to Mr. Hauck that the read in 1875 went through the Nellington land out onto Mass. Avenue and that to reestablish it as it was in 1875 would mean to reconstruct it for the full dis- tance of the highway. He then asked whether or not they would entertain an article for the Warrant to reestablish a part of the road, and the Board informed him that they would be opposed to the expenditure of this amount of money for a street that was not a through street and that would accom- modate such a few people. Mr. Lyons inquired as to the con- dition of his ovin street which is beyond the Old County Road, and Mr. Hauck explained that this street was also in the same condition but that he would be willing to pay his share to have this street fixed up also. The Board informed him that they would not favor any appropriation made under an article of this kind and there- fore Mr. Hauck withdrew the article which he had prepared to be inserted in the Warrant. Miss Helen Bertini came before the Board and stated Water.. Hill -that she had made every effort possible to communicate with crest Ave. the other persons on the petition for Hillcrest Avenue but was unable to do so owing to the fact that the Assessor's office did not have any other addresses. In regard to the land owned by Mr. Kazmanskis, she stated that she understood from the Town Treasurer that he had not paid the taxes on this property for a period of five years and she therefore 1 1 5 ' stated that she would be willing to aseume the taxes on this property and also the water assessment so that they could obtain water. She ,,,could not, however, want to as- sume the responsibility unless she was certain that water was to ?-:e installed. Miss Bertini also stated that Mr. Egan would not sign the petit' -on but he stated that he would not or>oose the payment of the tar,. After Miss Bertinir.etired, the Board discussed the matter and felt that she had exl-iausted every effort to ob- tain the signatures representing 75 per cent of the pro- perties and agreed to insert the article in the Warrant requesting the installation of water mains in Hillcrest Avenue provided she would sign an aFr�ement agreeing to pay the water assessment on the Kaxmanskis property. The Board signed the following water liens:- Margaret A. & Stephen DeVeau, tenants' by enimety - $17.16 Antonio Nicosia & Florence - 39.76 Water lie ns Figures were --resented by the Town Engineer showing the cost of the construction of Gleason Road from Simonds Road to Williams Road a distance of approximately 658 ft. at a cost of $3425.00; of Eaton Road from Bertwell Road to Street C n Blake Road a distance of approximately 792 ft. at a cost of structio ' $4188.00; and of Blake Road to Simonds Road to Eaton Road a distance of approxima'ely 210 feet at a cost of $844. Lex. Manor Mr. Trask explained that Mr. Little requested that figures be made out on the streets in the Lexington Manor to be built in accordance with the same manner that other streets had been built in that section. He did not ask that any assistance be given under the C'W.A. The Town Engineer stated that he explained to Mr. Lit - tel the manner of construction of the streets and that the figures were based on taking care of the necessary drain- age and gravel fill of four inches. He stated also that the cost would be not more than 67 per cent less to have gravel instead of crushed stone. It was suggested that the Town Engineer make an esti- mate for Mr. Little on the same basis of the construction of Simonds Road. It was voted to set up hearings on these applications for the construction of these streets under the Better- ment Act. It was also voted to set up hearings on Fletcher Ave. Fletcher Av and Valley Road. & Valley Rd the Chairman explained that application was received from Mr. Judkins for the acceptance of Woodland Road. ' Figures were therefore presented by the Town Engineer Woodland giving the cost of constructing thy.§ street from Fork St. Road to Hayes Avenue a distance of approximately 880 feet at a cost of $4000. 510 c� +-c The Chairman felt that it might not be possible for ' Mr. Judkins to secure the signatures of the owners on that street inasmuch as he desired to have the street accepted so that it would help his development. Petition was received from the residents of Bois St., Cliffe Avenue and Theresa Avenue, headed by J. J. Donovan Bow Street requesting the installation of a sewer in those streets. sewer The Town Engineer was requested to secure figures on the installation of this sewer and present the: to the Board. The Chairman reported that he had had a conference with Harry Johnson in regard to building of streets in the development proposed near the Arlington Town Line and Mr. Johnson's idea of building the street was that it Johnson should be built similar to the construction made by the water residents of Downing Road. mains It was voted therefore to inform Mr. Johnson that the Board desired to have hir. construct streets in his development that would meet with the aporoval of the Sel- ectmen before action would be taken to install utilities. Letter wass received from the Supt, of Public Works in which he explained that he had located the location at ' which the B. E. McElroy Co, of Worcester stated that they had.an accident, causing damage amounting to $12.45 to Damage to their truck, and found that at this location the Water Dept. truck had a call in the night when it was not possible to secure a permit from the State to open the highway and that it was at this point that the soft fill put in on the street caused the damage to the truck, and he recommended that the Town pay from the Water Maintenance Account. It was therefore voted that this bill be paid as sug- gested by the Supt. The Board approved of the form of advertisement pro - Standpipe posed to be published in the Lexington Minute -Man for bids for the concrete foundation of the steel standpipe. In reference to the recommendation of the Town Counsel that $200 damames be paid on the claim of Judge Beaudreau for land taken on Mass. Avenue between Wood Street and Beaudreau Marrett Road, the Town Engineer presented the plan snowing case the taking and the lines appeared to be almost identical with the lines of the old highway, and therefore the amount of land taken would not be sufficient to warrant the granting of any award of damages. The Board therefore voted not to offer any settlement of $200 in this case and so advised the Town Counsel. ' Letter was received, from the Chief of Police in which A ccident he reported the accident to the pcIlice car when the car skidded into a hydrant guard opposite Pleasant Street. 511 Letter was also received from Patrolman George E. Smith in,which he called attention to an injury to his Accident right focyt while on duty December 15, 1933, at about 1;40 in the morning, on Edgewood Road. The streets were very icy on this morning and he desired to have the injury re- corded. Mr. Roy Ferguson came before the Board and presented an article adopted by the American Legion on which they desired to have action taken on the placement of the Ger- German Field man Field Piece. The Board agreed to insert the article in the War- rant with some changes. The Chairman reported that he had received request from William Viano to have Sunday movies. Warrant It was voted to insert an article in the Warrant re- questing the action of the Town on the Sunday movies. A copy of the decision on the application of George M. Ross for permission to alter a shed and garage located Ross appli- on Fern Street into a simple dwelling, was received from the Board of Appeals. The permit to make the alteration cation was denied. Request was received from Mrs. Meehan for Govern- ment coal.- Mr, & Mrs,s(gehan receive $16 a week Old Age Meehan, Old Assistance, and it watherofelt if she desired the Age Assist- 1_doal that she should pay the delivery charge of $2.50 for ante the coal. Dr. Hardeastle reported that he felt John Ready of Theresa Ave, receipient of Old Age assistance, needed fuel, inasmuch as he called upon him recently for medical care, and the house was very cold. Mr. Gilcreast reported that the Old Age Visitor in- tended to reduce the Old Age Assistance rendered to this man, and therefore no action was taken at present. Ready, Old Age "ssist- anee Contract for the Police radio was signed by the Board, Police the contract runs with the Town of Arlington. Radio Bill for $7.50 being for dues of the Selectmen to the Middlesex County Selectmen's Association was approved. Notice of hearing on Old Age Assistance bills was received from Mr. Zetterman. selectmen's ssociation Old Age pills Verbal complaint was received from Dr. Harry B. Osgood Bus Jtop relative to the bus stop established in front of the taxi ' stands. He informed the Clerk of the Board that he felt that the town should not establish a stand there inasmuch as it does not give the people using the busses protection 512 c� as they cannot stand on the curb to get the bus. He felt ' that the town would be liable for any accidents to persons on the ground that they have to stand out in the highway to get the bus. In the report of the Committee of the Lexington Com- munity Recreation Association, it was recommended that cer- Article tain lots in the rear of the Parker School be taken for for playground purposes. It appears from report of the Town 6arrant Treasurer that lots 61 7 and 8 in Block 70 ar_ now town pro- perty. It was voted to insert an article in the Town Warrant to request the use of lots 4, 59 6, 7 and 8 of Block 70 park purposes. ggfor u pp Pblicf The Board discussed the mater of salary of the Supt. �vorks of Public Works and voted to grant a salary of $3200 with - Salary out the $200 which has been paid for the use of his car in the past. The Board discussed the method of charges on the Water 16ater Dept. and Mr. Fer,,uson suggested that the Water maintenance Accounts should pay for the purchase of equipment and that the equip- ment should be rented to the water construction department and the rental credited to the Water Maintenance Account. An executed grant agreement was received from the Fed- t Standpipe eral Emergency Administration of Public Works in Washington in connection with the construction of the Standpipe. Letter was received from the Federal Emergency Admin- istration of Public Works, office of Charles R. Gow, in which it was stated that they examined the summary of bids Standpipe received on the erection of the steel standpipe and they - approved of the award of the contract to the McClintic Corp. of Bethleham, Pa. at their bid of $22PO98. It was stated that it would be necessary for them to approve the company's selected surety for both the coAract and the labor bond. The Board therefore voted to award the contract to McClintic Marshall Corp. at their bid of $22,098. Letter was received from the Holy Ghost Hospital in which they advised that Patrick Cavanaugh has been at their hospital for the past eight years where he paid his board Cavanaugh and asking that the Town now do something for him. Owing to case the fact that Mr. Cavanaugh is in Cambridge, it was decided to advise them that he should apply to the Welfare Dept, of the City of Cambridge for assistance. Pleasant Figures were received from Mr. Dalton, State Engineer, Ston the cost of constructing Pleasant Street. He stated that ' he estimated the cost of Pleasant Street from near Mass. Ave. 513 to Watertown Street at $22,500 and Watertown Street from Pleasant Street to t'e proposed State Highway 15,000. The Board decided to vecuest the Town to apj-'ropriate $7500 for the construction of Pleasant Street under Chap- ter 90 providing the State and County would contribute a like amount, and it was decid-.d also to ask the State if they would be willing to contribute. Letter was received advising the Board that they should propose C.W.A. work so that the Town matT make appropriations for this work. The Board therefore discussed various Civil Works pro- jects and other special projects for the Town that might be done. Civil In regard to the relocation of Grove Street, the Town Works Engineer reported In regard to the hearing before the And County Comriissioners. The Town Engineer estimated approxi- ial projects mately the total_ cost of construct`ng Grove Street as a gravel road $9000. for 9000 feet. In this he figures only the hauling of gravel from the Public Works property. The Chairman suggested that $5000 be appropriated on this project under Civil Worlts and the Board voted to ap- prove the construction of a gravel street from Burlington Street to a point at the end of the cutoff and to have ap- plication made for allowance under the Civil Works. The Board voted to request an application of $2800 for the construction of Valley Road. It was also voted to request an appropriation of $4000. for material for the construction of Fletcher Avenue, the labor to be requested under Civil Works. Supt, of Public Work's stated that he would need $3000 to cor..plete the Winter Street job and five or six hundred dollars for the Mass. Avenue job. The matter of constructing a sidewalk on Woburn Street from the railroad crossing to Lowell Street was discussed and Mr. Scamman stated that there already was a sidewalk although not a good one, on the left hand side of the high- way. -He also felt that it would not be necessary to carry the sidewalk any further than Webb Street and that the sidewalk now existing could be fixed and about $1200. was needed on this project. The matter of accepting the remainder of Grant Street was also discussed but no action talren. Mr. Scamman stated that it was necessary to have $200 to finish up the Walt' -am Street sidewal_lr project; $200 to finish the playground Civil Works project, and he reported that the Easy- Street project was now practically all fin- ished and nothing further �o,,ould be needed for expenditure, $1200 would be needed on Vine Street and he also had some work to be done on Blossom Street. It would take 3000 ' to finish Lincoln Street. The Town Engineer reported that the Planning Board desired to have a 400 scale map made and in order to do s9s if he had four groups at work for one .year and a half and 514 c� �c three men in the office, it would. take all of this time -)efore they could start to compile the larger map. He Civil ��orks stated that Mr. Warrington who was on the Civil Works and b and who was a graduate of Tufts College, has done 15 per cent ped al Pro- more work than he expected of him. With the continuation jects of Civil Works employment of engineers, they will be able to accomplish considerable for the Engineering Dept. He stated that it would cost approximately $1200 to continue the men he now has. The Board therefore voted to approve $1200 for Civil works projects for the Engineering Dept. It was voted to approve $500 for playground in East Lexington. The Board discussed the matter of constructing a new fire station and inasmuch as the Board consists of the Com - Proposed mittee to consider the construction of the fire station, fire it '.vas decided to reque^t the Chairman to get a bid on the Phelps Land on Bedford Street. The Chairman stated that station Mr. Taylor was agreeable to this location and It was the least expensive of any of the proposed layouts. Mr. Taylor requested an appropriation of $3000 for re- pairs and additions to the Fire station which will be nec- essary on account of the employment of additional men. He estimated a new fire station would cost $8o,000. Mr. Taylor requested an appropriation of $3000. for repairs and additions. Mr. Ferguson felt that a four door fire station to meet the requirements of the Town of Lex- ington could be built for $45Y000. Figures were received from the various concerns on the purchase of an ele-.trio cooler. Cooler Mr. Scamman stated that he was ati.aiting further infor- mation and the Board therefore requested him to bring in the information at the next meeting of the Board together with his recommendation. Supt, of Public Works attention was called to the Coasting fact that Locust Avenue should be sanded on one side on account of the coasting all over the street. The Board voted to insert an article in the Warrant Sherman St. requesting an appropriation for $1200. to fix the Sherman Street bridge and culvert. Supt, of Public Works reported that all. of the snow plowing in the last storm was done with the new plough. and Snow work the grader. He stated that he considered that $400 would be paid out to employ outside trucks for that storm and this was saved by the new plow recently purchased. He felt that all of the snow storms could be taken care of if an- other plow was purchased and it was voted to authorize the purchase of another snow plow to be attached to one of the Town Trucks. The Board discussed the matter of constructing a new fire station and inasmuch as the Board consists of the Com - Proposed mittee to consider the construction of the fire station, fire it '.vas decided to reque^t the Chairman to get a bid on the Phelps Land on Bedford Street. The Chairman stated that station Mr. Taylor was agreeable to this location and It was the least expensive of any of the proposed layouts. Mr. Taylor requested an appropriation of $3000 for re- pairs and additions to the Fire station which will be nec- essary on account of the employment of additional men. He estimated a new fire station would cost $8o,000. Mr. Taylor requested an appropriation of $3000. for repairs and additions. Mr. Ferguson felt that a four door fire station to meet the requirements of the Town of Lex- ington could be built for $45Y000. ' Question as to whet'-.er o not this should be done as a P.1,1I.A. project was considered and it was felt that it should not be done as such. The Chairman reported that at the Selectmen's Association Meeting other towns were not in favor of P.W.A. projects inasmuch as there is so much red tape necessary than approximately only five per cent is saved on the entire contract, to the Town. The Chairman was requested to get a stretch of the Phelps land and secure an option on the property for the next meeting. It was also decided to get sone sketches frog Mr. Greeley of a proposed fire station so that the matter might be brought up at the Annual Town Meeting. Mr. William G. Potter and Eugene Buckley came before the Board and requested the reduction to be made to the Minute -Boys and Gl_rls Athletic Club for the use of Cary Memorial Hall. They stated th,,,t $75. was made the first night of the show and tonight $32.50 was the total of the receipts, and out of that the coach would have to be paid. The Chairman informed them th•.t they have already re- duced the charge to the Association to the Charity rate of $25. and their would not make a charge for the rehearsal. 515 Use of hall Appropria- tions The Chairman presented the following list of addi- tional appropriations to the regular appropriations to be considered at the Annual Town Meeting: Johnson water $4000.00 Blasting 1288.00 Blaci- Bill to '.Nater Dept. 159.60 Mass. Ave. '.Dater (Childs Gar- age to Pleasant St.) 9500.00 Sherman Street Bridge 1200.00 Water Gates 3200.00 County Tubercular Hospital 3042.87 Chapter 90, Pleasant St. 7500:00 Grove Street 5000.00 Valley Road 1000.00 Fletcher Avenue 4000.00 Blake Road 900.00 Eaton Road 4200.00 Gleason Road 3425.00 Woodland Road 4000.00 Drainage East Lex. 10000.00 Unpaid Bills 3744.32 Fire Alarm Box6s 2500.00 it it RepeLter 3000.00 Conduit 3160.00 1 74819.79 515 Use of hall Appropria- tions 516 C4 n ►-d Highway Letter was received from the Governor's Committee on Safety Street and Highway Safety asking; the town to enroll. Letter was eceived from Albert A. Ross in reference PWA to payments on P.W.,�. projects. Application was received from Arthur J. Landry who lives with Mrs. Willard Cnok, 430 Mass. Avenue. Man came Landry to Lexington two years ago and agree: to furnish their food and pay 45. a week to Mrs. Cool. They have no insurance or real estate and the settlement is in Everett. The man ' is 58 years of age. Mr. Mitchell recommended that he be given $6. a week, which was approved. Letter was received from the Commissioner of Public Health in which he enclosed a card to be sent to families Diphtheria- with children six months old advising them of immunization of diphtheria. It was decided not to take any action on this matter, Letter was received from the State Public Welfare Dept. advising that social workers would be put on Civil ,ocial Works projects and that they would '-)e available to the Workers Town of Lexington for such check-up, work. The Chairman advised the Commissioner of Publid Wel- fare that two women could be used in the Town of Lexington for such check-up. It was voted to ap?)rove the action of the Chairman in. Ulerk employing Miss Helen Spencer to work in the Public Welfare Dept. at a salary of $15 per week beginning Jan. 2.8, 1934. Renewal of the insurance on the Shelalis house $2700 ' expiring March W5, 1934, through the office of George Gib - Insurance son was considered. This house is located on the cemetery land and is occupied by one of the emplozTees of the Ceme- tery Dept. It was felt that it might not be necessary to carry $2700 insurance on this house and it was therefore decided to lay the matter over for one week. Mr. Mitchell came before the Board and stated that he had received application from William H. Derrah, 50 Derrah Bowker Street, who has a Lexington settlement, for assist - case ante. The mortgage on his property is held by the Mer- chant's Co -on. Bank to which he pays $18.50 per mont',_. The man is over 70 years old and he pays $18.50 and is not ' a citizen. His wife's sister lives with him and pays $5. per week for her board. They have now exhausted their money having borrowed on the $2000. insurance policy. He rendered aid to Federal coal and recommended giving them $5. or $6. a week, which was approved by the Board. Application was received from Arthur J. Landry who lives with Mrs. Willard Cnok, 430 Mass. Avenue. Man came Landry to Lexington two years ago and agree: to furnish their food and pay 45. a week to Mrs. Cool. They have no insurance or real estate and the settlement is in Everett. The man ' is 58 years of age. Mr. Mitchell recommended that he be given $6. a week, which was approved. 517 ' Application was received from B`,yron A. Russell, 927 Mass. Avenue. Mr. Russell injured his thumb and was un- able to do any work. He had Tendered an order of gro- Russell series amounting to $4, and one ton of coal. He would ' later c'sl-ec1- up with the Sav'rtgs Bank in regard to the equity in his house. In regard to the applicat'_on of William F. Morang of 11 Highland Avenue, Mr. Mitchell stated that he had ren- dered aid to groceries. Mr. Morangts son is now in Florida where he and his Swife are running, a private school and is not in a position to help his father. His son-in-la,,,,r, Mr. Dowling, who lives with his mother in Somerville is working in a garage and last week made $6. which he contributed to the support of his wife and children who are living with Morang Mr. Morang. The house has been taken over by the mortgagee and Mr. Morang has not paid any rent. Neither has he paid the water bill. The Board felt that the w_, ter should be shut off in- asmuch as the landlord had requested that it be shut off and Mr. Morang has continuously not made any effort to help himself. Mr. Lyons desired to be recorded as voting against shut- ting off the water to Mr. Morang. ' Application 1,ras received from Benjamin G. K. Geyer who worked on the Cutler Farm on Concord Avenue. Mr. Mitchell rendered coal to him. It was found that his son works on the C.W.A. at the State Hospital, and was getting $12 per Geyer week. Mr. Mitchell stated that he would see Mr. Geyer and inform him that it was up to his son to contribute to the support of the house. The Meeting adjourned at 11:40 P.M. A true record, Attest: C Clerk.