HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-01-16475 SELECTTJMN' S MEETING JANUARY 16, 1934. The regular meeting of the Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.'.7. Messrs. Trask, Gilcreast, Ferguson, O'Connell and Lyons were pre- sent. The Clerk was also present. Notice was received from the County Commissioners rela- tive to a hearing to be held at their office on January 30, Drove at 10 A.M. on the Board's petition to .relocate Grove Street. Street Letter was received from Harry Johnson of Arlington in which he requested that the Board insert an article in the Sewer & Warrant for the extension of water and sewer mains in Taft Water Avenue from Mass. Avenue to Daniel Street a distance of 890 mains. feet, Cherry Street from Taft Avenue 160 feet and Cary Street from Taft Avenue 230 feet. The Board agreed to insert an article in the warrant covering Mr. Johnson's request. Letter was received from the E.E. I. Co. of Boston in "which they called attention to the fact that there is a decayed pole on the Part:,er School property wh6,ch should be replaced. Edison The estimated cost of replacing the pole was $40. pole It was decided to refer this matter to the School Com- mittee owing to the fact that the pole was on school property. Letter was received from the Mass. Forest and Park Asso- ciation in which they suggested that the Board of Selectmen appoint an official Committee to cooperate with the Mass. Forest and Park Association in eradicating the Dutch Elm Dutch • Disease. him It was decided to refer this _letter to the Field and disease Garden Club. Report was received from the -Town Treasurer of the bal- Sewer ance on hand on the Trunk Line Sewer Construction Account of Account $4621.06. Letter was received from the Supt, of the Water and Sewer Dept, in which he r.alled attention to the bill of $1288.16 that was rendered to the Highway Dept. in accordance with the vote of the Selectmen stating that"ibis bill cannot be paid from the 1933 accounts. Mr. Ross stated that the Highway State Accountants suggested that an article be put in the Dept. bill Warrant to cover this item. owed The Board therefor°e voted to insert an article in the Water Lept Warrant requesting an appropriation for this amount for the Water Dept. In this connection the Supt, of Public Works was instructed to charge the Water Dept. for any work done in the future in repairing streets after the 'Tater Dept. have put in water mains. 476 �c Supt, of Public Works reported in regard to the re- ' quest of Miss Annie T. Carroll that an electric light be placed on the pole near her house on Waltham Street that the nearest light to this pole is only 125 feet away. He Street stated, however, that if she deisred to have the light Light moved to the pole near her }.souse that it would cost $10. The Board decided to inform Miss Carroll that there are sufficient lights in this section of the highway, but if she desired to have the lights placed near her house, the Board would be willing to have this done if she would pay the charge of $10. Bids were opened at 8.05 P.M. on the finishing and erecting complete a steel standpipe on the foundation pro- vided by the Town. Sepcifications were sent to all those dasiring to bid art_ notice to contractors was inserted in the Lexington Minute -Man in the issues of December 28th,1933 and January 4th, 1934. Bids were received from the following: - Tippett and Wood, Phillipsburg, N. J. $28,880. - work to be completed in 125 days. Bids on standpipe Lancaster Iron Works, Inc. Lancaster, Pennsylvania $30,000. - work to be completed in 140 days. Chicago Bridge and Iron Works, C'ricago, Ill. $220650. - work to be completed in 60 days. Walsh Holyoke Steam Boiler Works, Inc. Holyoke, Mass. 335970. - work to be completed in 150 days. Graver Tank & Mfg. Corp. East Chicago, Indiana. • $345810. - work to be completed in 80 days. Pittsburgh -Des Moines Steel Co., N. Y. City, N.Y. $231200. - work to be completed in 145 days. McClintic Marshall Corp. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania $229098 - work to be completed in 100 days. The Board voted to award the contract to the lowest bidder, McGlintic Marshall Corp., at their bid of $22,098 subject to the approval of J. R. Worcester & Co. engineers employed by the Town to check the specifications, and also subject to the approval of the engineers of the office of Colonel Gow. John J. Fitzgerald, to whom notice was sent that he would have to discontinue the sale of milk on his property at 66 Hancock Street, came before the Board and stated that " Fitzr-qerald he owned the property at this location but that his father property did the work on the property, and his father being of the 477 Fitzgerald property ' It was voted to grant the use of Cary Memorial Hall to the Market Gardeners Association on Jan. 31st at the rate of Rental $25. It was also voted to rant the use of the hall to St. Cary g Brigid's parish on Feb. 9th at the rate of $25. Hall The aoard signed the water lien statement in the amount of $174.49, and water commitment in the amount of $7406.01 Commitments and also certified to the water assessment charges for Simonds Road, Gleason Road, Pine Knoll Road, Eaton Road, Blake Road, Outlook Drive and Fair Oaks Drive in the amount of $3452.36. John J. Donovan of Theresa Avenue came before the Board and complained that although the Board promised to put some filling in Theresa Avenue after the Water Dept, had damaged the condition of the street, nothing had been done since he was before the Board previously. Theresa Mr. Scamman was present and stated that Mr. Ross had Ave. been down there three or four times and had put in all the filling that he could. He had, not, however, put in any cinders and he only got one toad a week from the school de- partment. He felt that Mr. Donovan was requesting too much to be done in an unaccepted street. The Board, howevdr, requested the Supt. of Streets to put in three loads of cinders in Theresa Avenue and informed Mr. Donovan that was -all that could be done. ' Mr. William J. Pierce of Blake Road came before the Board and stated that his request that the rocks that the old type, 3t was hard to tell him what he should do, and had he known that the conditions were as they existed, he would have gladly cooperated. He stated that he knew the property was not a proper place to '-eep cows and that his intention w-1- to get rid of the cows in the spring and clean the place up. However, at the present time there is no market for the sale of cows and he desired to continue the sale of milk until he could clean up the situation. He stated that he does not live in Lexington all the time, but that he lives in Harvard Square with his wife, but he does come to Lexington week -ends. The Chairman informed him in regard to the work done by a C.W.A. group whitewashing barns and cleaning them up and informed him that this fact was made clear to his father but he would not cooperate and have the barn cleaned up. Mr. Fitzgerald stated that he was not aware of this fact and that he would gladly cooperate and have the work done by the C.W.A. The Chairman informed him that all they desired was to have cooperation in cleaning up the place and they would gladly notify Mr. Prescott that the sale of milk could be resumed again as long as Mr. Fitzgerald would cooperate and clean up the place. 477 Fitzgerald property ' It was voted to grant the use of Cary Memorial Hall to the Market Gardeners Association on Jan. 31st at the rate of Rental $25. It was also voted to rant the use of the hall to St. Cary g Brigid's parish on Feb. 9th at the rate of $25. Hall The aoard signed the water lien statement in the amount of $174.49, and water commitment in the amount of $7406.01 Commitments and also certified to the water assessment charges for Simonds Road, Gleason Road, Pine Knoll Road, Eaton Road, Blake Road, Outlook Drive and Fair Oaks Drive in the amount of $3452.36. John J. Donovan of Theresa Avenue came before the Board and complained that although the Board promised to put some filling in Theresa Avenue after the Water Dept, had damaged the condition of the street, nothing had been done since he was before the Board previously. Theresa Mr. Scamman was present and stated that Mr. Ross had Ave. been down there three or four times and had put in all the filling that he could. He had, not, however, put in any cinders and he only got one toad a week from the school de- partment. He felt that Mr. Donovan was requesting too much to be done in an unaccepted street. The Board, howevdr, requested the Supt. of Streets to put in three loads of cinders in Theresa Avenue and informed Mr. Donovan that was -all that could be done. ' Mr. William J. Pierce of Blake Road came before the Board and stated that his request that the rocks that the Water Department left in Blake Road be removed has not been attended to. He felt that the Board should also put in .several five ton loads of cinder fill in the street and he slake nd. stated that the one wheelbarrow load that was but in the rocks street was a disgrace. Mr. Scammari stated that the rocks that were put there by the Water Dept. were taken away, but Mr. Pierce differed and the Chairman agreed to meet him there tomorrow morning and go over the situation with him. He was informed that nothing could ba done on an unaccepted street except to cor- rect the damage that might have been done by the Water Dept. Hearin; was declared open on the annlication of Miss Bertini and her father for the installation of a water main Hillcrest in Hillcrest Avenue. Ave. water The Board notified all persons interested to appear before them at this meeting to express their ideas as to whether or not they felt a water main should be installed in this street. Miss Helen Bertini stated that her father owned seven lots of land with a twenty-five goot frontage on each lot. She stated that she was informed by the Moretti family that she could speak for them as they were in favor of the installa- tion of the water. Mr. Louis C. Mariette had two lots of fifty feet frontage and he was in favor of the water being installed. Mr. Dominic Rancati of Cambridge stated that he had a fifty foot frontage and he was in favor of the project. Mr. Nicholas Takkel of Sharon stated that he had six lots twenty-five foot frontage, with no buildings on the same and that he had not worked for two years and found it hard enough to get along without paying the adsitional assessments for the installation of the water. He did not intend to build in the near future. Mrs. Gertrude Lipsitz stated that she lived at the cor- ner of Fottler Avenue and that she already had the water and was not in need of it. She stated, however, that she did not want to say anything against the project. Miss Bertini stated that Mr. Brennick of Arlington also authorized her to speak for him and that he was in favor of the water beim; installed. Mr. Rancati had a cellar built and was ready to go ahead with the'house if he could 'get water. Miss Bertini stated also that two of Mrs. Moretti's daughters would take water if it were installed in the street. The Board informed the persons present that they would be notified in the future of the exact amount of assessment to each of the owners so that they could sign up for the betterment assessment. The Board again considered the matter of bus stop estab- lished on Novemb-,r 14th in front of Martin's Drug Store and Bus stop voted to revoke the establishment of this bus stop and to establish one on the esterly side of Mass. Avenue directly opposite the passageway between the property of Meyer Rubin and Harry G. Seligman and Edith G. Wilson. n 1 n ' Letter was received from Howard S. 0. Nichols repre- senting the Lexington Field and Garden Club in which a pro- test relative to any change in establishing a parking space at Depot Park was made. The B oard decided_ to inform Mr. Nichols of the fact that the Board of Selectmen has no intention at this time of making any change to establish parking in Depot Square. The Board discussed the matter of doing some work on Valley Road inasmuch as the tennis courts will be estab- lished on the Parker School grounds and it will be nec- essary to make an entrance from Valley Road to the grounds. It was consdiered whether or not the Board should accept the street as a public highway and build it as such or whether the road should be fix --d up under Civil Works pro- jects. The Supt, of Public Works was requested to bring in �j s6ine at the next meeting of the Board in connection with the matter. The Board decided to discus- the matt^r of the con- struction of Fletcher Avenue at the next meeting. Mr. Fred Longbottnm, Building Inspector, came before ' the Board and read his report on the list of violations of Zoning Law presented by the Committee appointed by the Seledtmen to investigate and list the violations. The lst violations are as follows: There being some doubt about some of the violations reported having been permitted by the Board of Selectmen before the Board of Appeals was established, the Clerk was requested to investigate the records and report to the Board any action taken relative to these violations. Lexington Board of Selectmen, Lexington, Mass. Gentlemen: The following; is a brief was appointed to Investigate Zoning Law. Parking Depot q. Valley hd. iletcher Ave. report of the committee which apr)arent violations of the The committee has held threemeetings and has rade a complete survey of every street in the Town. It has drawn upon the knowledge of the individual members of the com- mittee and others for information of violations which were not visable by inspection. ' The committee wishes to express its appreciation of the valuable assistance given by Mr. Bruce Lewis of the Engineering Dept. Zoning violations 480 c� oil Attached hereto is a list of apparent violations:- ' 24 Adams St. Oak Knoll Dairy 16 Baker Ave Small. Store 28 it It Starr Mfg. Co. Sporting Goods Agency 21 Bedford St. Undertaker T.M.Montague 23 " It Real Estate J. Swan 60 " " Undertaker J.F.McCarthy 223 " " Tavern Antique Shop 224 "" Tourists -Meadow Brook Poultry Farm 259 It IT Tourists Mary Alice `tItFurniture repairing C.N.Shaffer It" Tourists Rose W. Smith Concord Avenue Dairy John A. Sellars East St. cor. Ridge Rd. Watch & Clock maker R. Morrison it n Florist Carlson & Brown 31 Fletcher Ave. Jefferson Union Co. 74 Forest St. Plumber C.M.aollins &Co. Grant St. Hair -dressing M:M.Heath ' Grove St. 1st house ) Cars polished & Sim. beyond Robinson Rd.) Hancock St. ) Factory Louis Bill cor. Coolidge Rd. ) Highland Ave. ) Contractors imple- cor. Slocum Rd. ) ments in rear. 12 Independence Ave. Plumbing Vernon C. Page 20 Kendall Road Timothy Taxi Co. Itt' Holland rurnace Co. Laconia St. Sign "To the Market" Gus Young 6 Locust Ave. Painter Hiram H. Dearborn Lowell. St. Small store " tt lst left ) Super Service Exp. off Woburn St. ) Maple St. Tourists Mr. Tyler cor. Mass. Real Estate %.H.Schoffield ' 15 11" Oil Burners Philip A. Nelle 1 I 1 Marrett Road. Dairy - It 11Gas. Ste. -one pump " it Tourists The Old House « rr �+ Plumber r' 2501 from) England Novelties Spring St. } Marrett Rd. 225' from) Store Spring St. ) 445 Mass, Ave. Many junked cars 475 1? it Milk Dealer 485 it r' Antiques 542 n " GaraFe 561 rr Tourists 582 " " Tourists -Junk Dealer 611 r' " Tourists 812 " " Sign -Lex. Heights 904 rr " r` Many junked cars 1778 " Plumber 2227 " 'r Store opp. fire sta.Sign-Lex. Heights near Maple St.A.&P• Store and Maple St. Shell Gasoline Sta. Standare Oil Co. North St. It it ext. Oak St. Oakland St. Old County Rd. 26 Parker St. 26 It it 49 IT 50 Percy Road 60 Pleasant -St. It u 12 Reed Street 53 It rr 60 It rr It n It if School Street I Ii Swenson Bros. Sidney Hayward J .W.Buckley McIntosh 0, A.Cummings Frank Perkins D. Healy Mis Jacobs F. hamberlain Canessa W. H. Burke Breslin Robbins & Smi Station W L E Y Highland Sand & Gravel Lex. Minuteman -Printers Merriam Plant Tourists Cabinet Making Express Furniture Repairing Wild Acre Inn Revolutionary R Colonial Shop J. A. Bean Paul Ringland Gravel Pit -Milk Dealer P. Shanahan Roadside Stand Mr. Luongo 3 family house Contractor Contractor Electrician Store Auto & Laundry Mchy. Repaid Auto Repairing J.J-Waldron , Gorman P.C.Tibbetts J. Carmichael C.G,Eaton F.E.Bougi8 A. R. Davis ?st. 482 n �c Sheridan St. 11" (end Landscape Gardening CO. R. McDonald of) J. L. Douglas & 40 Silvia St. Junk Yard " Sign-Herlihy Milk - Birch Sign Cao. 43 Spring St . 2 family house 45 It 2 family house 11 Summit Rd. Contractor Wm. A. Cann Utica St. Painter & Decorator Wm. Jones " " Stevens Sand & Gravel Co " "(court) Many junked cars) Traviano ? Socony Sign ) 24 Vinebrook Rd. Insurance Agency "laltham Street Antiques Mrs. T.I.R.111right Coning Violations 71est View ,ve. Pigvery-near Bedfo_-d lane ,int v Street Doi Kennels Jones " La-Lindry Slue Seal Winthrop Rd. Advertising Wm. E. Torey 73 Wobprn Street Electrical Contractor J. L. Smith 92 " Granite Auto Repair Shop it" between) Bookkeepers' Supplies. Webb & Utica St.) Woburn St. cor. Webb Burgess Block Plant Wood Street Piggery E. K. Ballard 48 Woodland Rd. Clock Repairing H.E.Manning Radio Service Farrington Near Grand Stand-playgrounds - Minute -Man Kennels & Piggery J 1 1 Board of Selectmen Lexington, Mass. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report on violations of Zoning Laws as given on a report by the Planning Board Committee. I have investigated all cases mentioned in the report and those not down in my report were doing business before the adoption of the Zoning Laws. Starr Mfg. Company, 28 Baker Avenue Found a house vacant at said address. T. M. Montague, 21 Bedford Street Undertakers sign displayed on house. J. Swan, 23 Bedford Stre9t. Mr. Swan died recently. His wife informed me that he maintained a real estate office on Mr. Willard (Antique Shop) 22 Bedford Street. Given Board of Appeals permit for 1933. Place now vacant. G. N. Shaffer, 80 Bedford St. (Furniture repairing) No evidence of business. He informed me he main- tains a shop out of town. John A. Sellars, Concord Avenue Conducts a dairy business at this location. Granted permit to erect in 1927 in violation of Zoning Laws. R. Morrison, East Street (Clock Repairing) Signs displayed on house and grounds. Promised to remove same. C. M. Collins & Co., 74 Forest Street, Plumbing shop conducted in his cellar since 1927. No signs displayed and no evidence of business outside. Mrs. M. M. Heath, Grant Street. Hairdressing conducted in her home. Informed me shy was given permission by Selectmen. No signs displayed. 1 Mr. Scott, Grove Street. Auto polishing in his private garage. Large sign displayed his work near street line. Promised to remove sign and discontinue business. Zoning �iolati s 484 twon oil Louis Bills, Hancock Street. ' Machine shop erected 1929 in violation of Zoning Laws . Walter G. Black, Highland Avenue. Contractor was maintaining a small shop connected with his private garage. Made application to en- large and was refused by Building Inspector. Then appealed to the Board of Appeals who also refused. Then made addition without a permit. Vernon C. Page, Independence Avenue. Granted plumbers license about 1918. Opened shop in his barn at that time. Worked for other plumbers at different times but always kept his shop open. Timothv Taxi Co. Kendall Road Found no sign displayed on premises. Keeps taxi in yard. Zoning William Murphy, Kendall Road (Holland Furnace Co.) violations Found no one home, no evidence of business on pre- mises. Gus Young, Laconia Street Has sign displayed at corner of Laconia and Woburn ' Streets for past five years. H. H. Dearborn, 6 Locust Avenue. Runs a painters business in Cambridge. No evidence of business on premises in Lexington. Mr. Spellenberg, Lowell Street. Has-moved'to Avon Street. Express sign still dis- played at above address. He promised to remove same. Phillip Nelles, Maple Street.. Dealer in oils. Keeps tank car in garage. No oil sold on premises. Given premission to carry on business by Selectmen. Sidney Heywood, Marrett Road Maintains Tavern known as "Old House". Has served meals for last four years. Obtaining Victuallers License from Board of Selectmen. J. W. Buckley, Marrett Road. A plumber who beeps his tools on truck in his gar- age. No work done on premises or sign displayed. George Balduf, Marrett Road. Displays Jig saw novelties on his ]lawn during sum- , mer months. No signs displayed, and promised to refrain from further business. I The Antique Shop, 485 Mass. Avenue Shop vacant, no signs displayed. Miss Jacobs, 582 Mass. Avenue Rents her barn to Mr. Sheffres, junk dealer, who informed me he had permission to carry on business from Selectmen. Mr. Gibson, 812 Mass. Avenue Has a large Real Estate Sign displayed at corner of Lockwood Road and Mass. Avenue. Promised to remove same. W. H. Burke, 1778 Mass. Avenue Operates a pl.u-�bers shop. He never had a Board of Appeals hearing and is therefore violating the Zoning Laws. Robbins and Smith, Mass. Avenue Have a large real estate sign displayed. Lexington Minute -Man, cor Oa',� St, and Mass. Avenue Building erected without a hearing. Violation of Zoning Laws. Zoning Revolutionary Rest, Old County Road violati Have removed tourist sign but now display ken- nel signs. M. W. Hampton, 26 Parker Street (Bean, Express) Mr. Bean rents part of barn to Mr. Hampton since 1932 who maintains a cabinet makers shop. No machinery. Paul Ringland, 49 Parker Street A furniture repairer who maintains a shop in Cam- bridge. No signs displayed. Evidence that re- pairing had been done there at some time. Daniel Gorman, 53 Reed Street For past 11 years owned and operated a shop on Sunnyknoll Road. Recently moved into a paint shop next door. His own property owned by McDowd of I%dford who maintained a paint shop in said building for past nine years. Perley C. Tibbetts, 60 Reed Street. Contractor at this location since 1922. Keeps light truck in his garage. No advertising on pre- mises or truck. 486 had done auto repairing on premises, but was nm operating a shop out of town. Mr. Tralrino pro - Zoning mised to clean up the place immediately. No. violations signs displayed. Insurance Agency, 24 Vine Bronk Road. c� Called several times. Could not see any one. �-c Russell MacDonald, Sheridan Street , Landscape Gardener. No evidence of any business Mr. Jones, Winter Street on premises with exception of I-eeping a light truck in garage. keep dogs unddr sufferance. J. L. Douglas & Co. Off Grant Street Contractors shop, granted. permit by Board of Ap- peals, 1924. Sign, Corner of Mass. Avenue and Sylvia Street. Mr. Lundergan informed me he was given permission to erect same by Selectmen fire or six years ago. William A. Cann, 11 Summit Road A contractor who stores light truck and cement mixer in his garage. No other evidence of busi- ness on premises. Mr. Travino, Utica Street Court Has many junk autos in yard. Admitted his son had done auto repairing on premises, but was nm operating a shop out of town. Mr. Tralrino pro - Zoning mised to clean up the place immediately. No. violations signs displayed. Insurance Agency, 24 Vine Bronk Road. ' Called several times. Could not see any one. Place is a single house. No signs displayed. Mrs. M. R. WriF,it, Waltham Street Place vacant. Antique sign displayed on grounds. Mr. Jones, Winter Street Maintains dog kennels and has a sign near street. Informed me he had permission from Selectmen to keep dogs unddr sufferance. He promised to remove sign. Mr. Rhotnes, Winter Street, (Blue Seal Laundry) Business located in Medford and drives his light delivery truck home each evening. No signs dis- played. Wm. E. Torey, Winthrop Road. Has moved away ff om Town. House now occupied by another party. Burgess Block Plant Built without permit since adoption of Zoning Laws. , e H. E. Manning, Woodland Road. Clock repairer who has retired. No evidence of business. The following cases not mentioned on Committee's list I have investigated and submit for their condiserationi Lester Andrews, Hill Street. Plumbing contractor sd)liciting b-3siness at above address. No signs, trup.k or other evidence on Zoning premises. violat Robert Watts. Bedford Street. Plutabing contractor. Maintains advertising truck, tools and supplies kept in same. No shop or other evidence on premises. Mr. Daniles, cor. of Mass. Ave. and Curve St. Maintains tinkers shop. Has sign displaired on garage. Promise? to remove sign immediately. Respectfully submitted, Building Inspector. J 488 c� pot There bein;-, some doubt about some of the violations reported having been permitted by the Board of Selectmen before the Board of Appeals was established, the Clerk was requested to investigate the records and report to the Board any action taken relative to these violations. Letter was received from Mr. Hallie C. Blake in which Picture he gave estimate of $60 for repairing the picture and frame Cary Hall in the Cary Memorial Building recently damaged by a freeze up of a radiator pipe in one of the rooms. Circular notice was received from the State Depart - Diphtheria ment of Health giving the 1933 rate of diphtheria cases in Lexington 9.5. Letter was received from Miss Margaret Noyes of 5 Tewksbury Street in which she called attention to the fact Tewksbury St -that there were other items such as p(e64ering in the estimate Moyes housel%given by Mr. Bentley and given in the estimate of the Town Engineer, that were not approved by the Board. It was voted to approve the other items mentioned in her letter for payment. The Chairman stated that he had discussed with the Valuations Chairman of the Board of Assessors the subject of lowerin e � valuations inasmuch as that Board had received so many re- quests for abatements on taxes and suggested a reduction of 10% on all buildings. It was decided to request the Board of Assessors to meet with the Selectmen on next Tuesday to discuss the mat- ter of revaluations. In reference to the Grant Agreement received from the Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works for the United States of America, it was voted to pass the fol- lowing resolutions: Standpipe Resolved: That the Board of Selectmen approve the Agreement agreement submitted by the Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works for the United States of America relative to the construction of a 1,000,000 gallon elevated steel tank and the installation of approximately 3,000 lineal feet of 10 and 12 inch water mains, in the Town of Lexington Massachusetts, under the National Industrial Recovery Act, and authorize the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen of Lex- ington, Massachusetts, to execute and deliver said agreement on behalf of the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts. The Agent of the Welfare Dept. came before the Board Measham and reported that he had rendered aid to Mrs. Milda Measham case of Moreland Avenue as a tuberculosis case. The woman's son works in Lynn and he intended.to communicate with the bank to see what aid would be necessary. It was decided to refer the matter of handling aid to Mr. Mitchell. 9 Mr. Mitchell reported having visited Mrs. Viola Oliver who lives in the Boston & Maine Depot house at North Lex- ington. Her compensation ,*Jas out down to $12. per month. liver She has one son �korking at the First National Bank who pays case her $10. a week. She has a daughter who has not worked for over t,wo years. He recommend=d allowing, some of the Government coal in this case and the Board decided to leave the matter to his judgment. Application was received from John J. Kelley of 8 Muzzey Street who has a wife and seven children. He worked for a great many ,years at a filling station in East Lexington and Kelle on account of change of ownership lost his position. He has case* one boy who gets $6. a week and his wife gets $4, a week and he pays $25. per month rent. The Board suggested that he might be put to work on the C.W.A. Mr. Mitchell recom_ended nontinuance of the case of John E. Barnes. The interest is being paid at the bank, Barnes coal furnished and food. Application was received from Blanche Lavinge who he ' had aided to $4. groceries. Further information was to be Laving dbtained in this case. The Board approved $15. Soldiers Relief Allowance to Raymond F. To!'A n, Cameron Avenue, Cambridge. Tobin Application was received from Frank Thompson of Smith Avenue who was formerly employed by Irving Casson, and the Thomps man is not able to do pick and shovel work. He has lived in Lexington for fifteen ,years and has equity in two houses. The case was left with Mr. Mitchell to decide upon. Application was received from George F. Cogs�,rell who Co swe7J1 has been employed b7,, the Cemetery Commissioners. The matter g was left to Mr. Mitchell. The Agent reported thaf he furnished one ton of coal to Mrs. Graziano. He reported having had other requests for the Government coal where the persons were willing to pay goal the $2.50 delivery charge, one from Arthur Linfield, Mrs. Patrick Kelley of Woburn Street and James Roche of 10 Bart- lett Avenue. The Board felt in cases where any of the men are working that coal should not be furnishes' -inasmuch as there would be more requests that could not re granted. ' It was decided not to furnish coal to Mrs. Kelley on application of Henry Meade wrio works on the C:W.A. and boards with her. 490 Janusas Application was received from Mrs. Janusas of 22 Tucker Avenue. The matter was left with Mr. Mitchell for his attention. The Board voted to grant the following Garbage lic- enses: The Meeting adjourned at 12:03. A true record, Attest: Clerk. 1 Carroll Brothers, Allen Street, Lex. Robert A. MacAdoo, Strawberry Hill Road, Concord. Chester A. Fogg, Woburn Street, Lex. Garbage Ryders Stock Farm 24 Maple St., Lex. Licenses John Glennie, Inc. 1745 Osgood St., North Andover Lowell Rendering Co. Lowell, Mass. A. C. Biererbroodspot,Wood St., Bedford Frank Reynolds, South Road, Bedford Cornelius Shea, Concord Ernest K. Ballard Wood.Street, Lex. Mass. Reformatory, Concord, Mass. Wm, G. Potter Wa�nut St., Lex. Mr. Wm. C. Hill came before the Board in reference to the policies on sprinkler insurance amounting to $49,,000 on the Cary Memorial Building. He read correspondence to the Board of Selectmen on the placing of this insurance at the Sprinkler time the building was completed and explained that the dec- leakage orated ceiling in the building would be a costly item to re- insurance. place. Question of whether or not the Town would receive $49,000 for replacement of damage also arose and was dis- cussed, and Mr. O'Connell felt that the claim for that amount of damage would have to be proven otherwise the al- lo�aance would not be made. Mr. Hill stated that he did not know whether or not $49,000 worth of damage could be done from the sprinklers, he would be unable to say, but, however, he felt that if the damage amounted to that much, it would be paid in any claim made. He felt also that it did not cost a great deal more' to carry that amount of insurance. Mr. Hill called attention to the fact that while he was present, that some years o he called the attention of Mr. Locke who was Chairman of he Finance Committee at that time, to the saving that could be made on placing; insurance and presented the correspondence which he had on the various buildings, and he felt that the time he put into these pro- jects should be appreciated by the Selectmen as he understood there was some criticism of the amount of insurance carried by him. The matter of appraisal of the Town property was also discussed and he suggested that a thorough appraisal should be done and he suggested the name of John Duff whn con- structed the Cary Memorial Building as a likely person to make the appraisal. The Meeting adjourned at 12:03. A true record, Attest: Clerk. 1