HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-12-05I SELECTMEN'S MEETING DECEMBER 5, 1933. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Tuesday December 5, 1933 at 7:30 P. M. Messrs. Trask, Gilcreast, Ferguson, O'Connell and Lyons were present. The clerk was also present. Mr. John J. McCormack of 39 Grant Street was drawn as ,juror to serve at the Grand. Jury session at Superior Ct., Cambridge. Certificate of the character of Frances G. Scott of Wood Street as an incorporator of the Eastern States Hair- dressers Association, Inc.,, was signed by the Board. Certificate of the sewer assessment charges amounting to $3172.16 was signed by the Board. The Board voted to transfer the Common Victualler Lie.r�se-and Beer License held by Frederick Connor to do • bu-, el(s at 314-316 Marrett Road to Marshall L. Tebhetts. ' Hearing was declared open upon the application of Swenson Soothers and signed by Henning W'. Swenson for per- mission to install a 500 gallon gasoline tank for private use at 210 Marrett Road, Lexington. The tank was to be 'located 100 ft. from the street. Mr. Henning W. Swenson appeared to present his peti- tion. No persons appeared against the petition, and it was voted to grant the permit subject to the approval of the Fire Chief. The application of Stephen Donnellan to peddle bakery products was signed by the Board. The Chairman reported that the Chief of the Fire Dept. would appear next week with his budget of 1934. Mr. Albert Ross and the Town Engineer came before the Board to discuss the matter of specifications for the stand- pipe prepared by J. R. Worcester. Mr. Ross stated that the specifications were not suf- ficient, and presented copy of specifications prepared by Metcalf and Eddy for the Town of Swampscott standpipe which is similar in constru^tion to the one proposed here. The Town Engineer stated that he communicated with the Town Eng- ineer of Swampscott and was informed by him that in addition ' to Metcalf and Eddy's preparation of thespecifications, he also worked on them that it was perfectly proper to use them if Lexington so desired. The Chairman stated that J. R. Worcester Co. asked $100 433 Juror. Cert. Incor- poration. Sewer Ass Itmt Charges. Tebbetts Licenses. Gasoline Permit. Swenson. Peddler's License. Fire Dept. Budget. 434 cs for the preparation of the specification consisting of two ' pages, and he informed them that he did not contract to pay for the specifications. It was decided that Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Ross and Mr. Cos- grove should go over the spec'fications and bring in a spec- ification to the Board that could be sent to J. R. Worcester for checking. Telegram was received from the office of Charles R. Gow State Engineer, of Public Works, Administration, advising that the grant of $11,000 for the construction of the stand- pipe was approved. The Chairman stated that when the specifications for the standpipe are properly checked there is no reason why bids should not be received on the construction of the stand- pipe. Mr. Ross presented list stowing when he considered it payments would be due on the trunk line sewer job as follows: Dec. 151rh. $159000. Jan. 15th 10,000. Feb. 1st. 7.9 500. Mar. lst Balance He stated that due to the weather conditions it was hard to estimate the progress of the work. With these figures before the Board it was decided to instruct the Town Treasurer to secure bids on serial notes in the amount of $25,000 under authority of the vote of the Town authorizing the loan of $46,000 for the construction of a trunk line sewer. Notes to be in denominations of $2,000 for five .years and $3,000 for five years. The Board signed agreement presented by the Boston & Maine Railroad Co. in which they granted the use of the rail- road property for the construction of the trunk line sewer provided the town protects their interests and indemnifies the railroad against damage, expense and personal injury. Mr. Ross stated that he still had a list of water mains to be laid if the Board desired to have them included in the civil works program. Mr. O'Connell called attention to the fact that he believed that Mr. Lidberg wanted the water extended to his property on Adams Street. Mr. Ross stated that this ex- tension would probably cost about $6000. No action wt:s taken to extend the water. Mr. Ross again called attention to providing a job for a white collared man to obtain records of all of the meters ' in the town. The Board stated that this would have to be a ' separate application to the Civil Works. Mr. Bertini and his daughter of Hillcrest Avenue came before the Board relative to obtaining water to their home. Mr. Bertini was informed that he would have to get the signatures of ten of the abutting owners on the street, be- fore action would be taken, these owners must agree that they want the water installed in the street. He•also was informed that Board of Survey plan would have to be approved before water is installed. He stated that he filed a plan with the Town Engineer for approval and has heard nothing from it. He was urged to see the Board of Assessors to secure the names of the owners of the abutting property on the street. Miss Bertini also requested that some filling be put in to their street as it is almost impossible to walk in the street in muddy weather. She also called attention to the fact that they have no street lights on the street. Mr. Lawrence G. Mitchell came before the Board and stated that he had received an a -plication from Mrs, Anna Archibald of 42 Forest Street for assistance. Her husband was injured recently in an automobile accident, and although the man has returned from the hospital he has been requested to remain quiet and not to return to work until Jan, lst. He was formerly employed by Sheldon Robinson at the nursery, but he was not ready to say that he would be able to employ him again when he is able to work. The man received $21 per week and pays $30 rent. He is in arrears in the rent $55. He has been aided to $3.00 for groceries. The Agent recom- mended continuance of food until such time as the man can return to work, and the Bfoard so voted. The Supt. of Public Works came before the Board and presented a list of streets that could be widened and straightened by civil works employees, Mr. O'Connell suggested tht Woburn St, at Sorenson's place should be fixed. Mr. Lyons suggested that Maple St. should also be repaired. The Supt. of Public Works, however, stated that these jobs could be done only in warm weather. Mr. Lyons suggested that Oak Street be widened out to its full width, giving more room for cars to pass, especially in slippery weather. After discussing the advisability of work on the streets suggested by the Supt, it was voted to ,request civil works aid on the following streets; East, Blossom, Lincbin, and Vine Streets. All of the members of the Board intend to view Oak St. again and the matter of including this street will again be ' considered at the next meeting. 435 Hillcrest Avenue Water, Archibald Applica- tion. for Aid, 436 QA �c The Chairman reported that he visited the Civil Works ' Administratior Office, and was informed that they would approve projects for labor but not for materials. Telegram was also received in which it was stated that all prior limitations of men and money would be disregarded and with the request that more projects be brought in by Friday. The Board also voted to submit the project of con- struction of a sidewalk on Woburn Street and on Mass. Ave. from Cedar Street on the right hand side to School Street. The Chairman explained in regard to the temporary loan which was authorized of $175,000 that it was decided to use the $50,000 loan recently requested to pay off on the $175,000 loan due December 5th. He communicated with the Lexington Trust relative to a bid on the $125,000 and upon inquiry in Boston it was found that a bid of around 3% could be had. The Lexington Trust Co. agreed therefore to take the loan at the rate of 2.75 at private sale. The Chairman felt also that accepting this bid would save explanation on the recent vote passed at the town meeting. The Board therefore voted to approve the action of the Chairman in awarding this bid. The Supt, of Public Works reported that there was not ' sufficient money in the Snow Removal Account for the bal- ance of the year. The Board there for voted to declare an emergency on the removal of snow and expend whatever becomes necessary for expenses in this account. It was voted to approve the bill of $41.27 for drain- age maps to be charged to the Unclassified Account. These maps were outside of the regular charges of the Engineering Department, and therefore it was decided to make the change in the department charge. The Supt, of Public Works presented a list of 289 sewers not connected. He suggested formerly that some arrangement might be made to connect these houses with the sewer by civil works em- ployment. He felt after having the list had been taken off there were too many to make arrangements for. The Supt, of Public Works presented letter in refer- ence to his investigation of the conditions over the brook at Sheridan Street where Dr. Barnes requested the cooperation of the Board in covering the brook. The conditions are as follows: The street is an unac- cepted street and the brook is crossed by a wooden bridge maintained by Dr. Barnes. He desires to rebuild the upper 437 part of the wall with stone and cement and cover it with Brook. a reinforced cement slab, and wants the town to build up Sheridan the walls and to share the expense. The Supt, stated it Street. would be better to build up the walls and cover with con- crete than to lav a pipe in the brook as a pipe of suffi- cient size could not be laid without tearing down the walls and excavating. Dr. Barnes, however, thinks that a thirty inch pipe is large enough. The question arose as to whether or not the town would be liable if they did go in on this private street and do any construction work, and it was decided to ask the town counsel, for an opinion on the matter. Letter was received from Dr. Henry D. Chadwiclr, Com- Diphtheria missioner of Public Health, in which he asked whether or Immunization, not the Board of Health wol:ld be willing to have nurses work in the town to promote diphtheria immunization through a house to house canvass. In this manner it is their in- tention to use unemployed nurses in this community. The Board voted to cooperate with the State Department of Health in this matter. The obligation on the part of the board would be to maintain clinics for this work. Latter was received from Mr. Reiss in which he advised ' that in the construction of Concord Avenue relocated, there will be a number of street crossings in which water mains should be laid prior to the construction of the new road. He recommended that an appropriation be made for this pur- pose, and also that a list of other street crossing con- nections be made by the Town Engineer. No definite action was taken on the matter. The Board requested the Supt, of Public Works to have the shack owned by Mary Toomey and located at the corner of Ward and Center Streets, torn down on Monday, December 4th. Mrs. Toomey came in on Saturday and stated that the Building Inspector was in error because on Nov. 11th they had torn down the back part of the building, and the out house. She also stated that on Saturday next her husband would be out of work and she desired an extension of time to finish the job, as she had no money to reimburse the town for taking it down. Mr. Scamman took her to the location and found what she had said was true and she was therefore granted an ex- tension of time to December 9th to hove the building removed. Ap--)lication for a bill board to be located by Donnelly & Sons on land of Gertrude E. Chase near the corner of Spring Street, on Marrett Rd.. was received during the week ' and forwarded to the Town Counsel. Letter was received from the Town Counsel in which he stated that he had made application for a hearing on the request. Water Mains. Toomey Shack. Bill Board. 438 3 +-C The Board voted to disapprove of a bill board being 1 located on the land of Mrs. Chase. Application was received f rom Edgar J. Thivierge of Liquor the Colonial Drug store for permission to sell liquor in Lteenses. package goods. Applications were also received from the Lexington Fruit, and Edward Berman for license to sell liquors. The Board decided not to take action until they re- ceive an official copy of the law, and the aprlications were therefor laid upon the table. Mr. Dunham who intends to purchase the Ross place on Fern St. Fern Street came before t -he Board to find out if the street would be widened as stated by Mr. Wm. F. Green, who was be- fore the Board at the last meeting. The Board informed him that they had no intention of widening the street and if the Building Inspector gave him a permit that was all that was necessary. Mr. Gilcreast reported that the reason why Mrs. McEnroe Old Age. saved her checks on Old Age Assistance was to pay the mort- gage of $40.50 a month and the taxes of $76.00. He re- quested her therefore to cash her checks every three weeks. Request was received for fuel from John J. Mann. It was voted to grant $1.00 per week additional for fuel in this case until May 1st. The Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P. M. A true record, Attest: Clerk, John J. Mann. 1