HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-10-03373 I SELECTMEN'S MEETING OCTOBER 3, 1933. A regular meeting of the Selectmen was held at the Select- men's Office, -Town Office Building at 7:30 P. M. Messrs. Trask, Gilcreast, Ferguson and O'Connell were present. The Clerk was also present. Order allowing the assessment of betterments for the instal- Water lation of a water main in Outlbok Drive from Wachusett Drive Main easterly, a distance of approximately 100 feet, was signed by Order. the Board. Hairdressing license was =ranted to Lillian E. Hill to do Hairdress- business at 4 Waltham Street, Lexington. ing. Commitment of water charges in the amount of $342.92.was Water signed. Cnarges. Hearing was declared open upon the application of Oscar Sette E Sette of 33 Huron Avenue, Cambridge, for permissidn to erect Garage. a one car garage of wooden construction. Mr. Sette appeared also Donald Cameron who is to construct the garage. No persons appeared in opposition, and it was voted to grant the permit subject to the approval of the Building In- spector. Hearing was declared open upon the application of James A. Wilson Wilson of 27 Pleasant Street for permission to erect a one car Garage* wooden garage at his house located on the corner of Mass. Avenue and Pleasant Street. Mr. Wilson appeared and presented his plans. No persons appeared to object and it was voted to grant the permit sub- ject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Hearing was declared open upon the application of W. G. Rivera Rivera for permission to erect a two car garage of brick construc- Garage, tion at 47 Summit Road. Mr. Burgess appeared representing Mr. Rivera and present- ed plans. No persons appeared and it was voted to grant the permit subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Mr. Glawson appeared before the Board representing his Glawson wife, Florence W. Glawson, whose hearing had been advertised Garage, to be held on September 19th. He presented plans showing the lay out. No persons apr_eared and it was voted to grant the permit, subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Lester r'. Ellis, civil engineer, representing the J. R. Standpipe ' Worcester & Company came before the Board and presented spec- Base. ifications and plans for the concrete base of the standpipe. The Town Engineer and Supt. of Water & Sewer Dept. viewed the 374 plans and felt that after viewing the ground they might make suggestions that would alter the specifications. It_waa there- fore decided to view the location -in the morning, and the Board voted to authorize J. R. Worcester & Company to send out the requests for bids on the specifications presented, subject to the revision of the Town Engineer and Supt. of the Water and Sewer Dept., the same to be received by the Selectmen on Tues- day evening next at B.P. M. Sewer Three copies of the contract for the trunk line sewer were Contract. not signed, inasmuch as it was decided to refer them to the Town Counsel to look over, and decided whether or not contract should be signed by Anthony Ross & Son or Anthony Ross and Edward F. O'Brien as partners. Vaille The Building Inspector came before the Board and presented Avenue letter he received fron the Town Counsel in reference to the Complaint.complaint of residents of Vaille Avenue of the trucking business carried on by Harrison Smith, also as resident of Vaille Avenue. Mr. Smith agreed with the Building Inspector that he would not carry on the trucking business or change over boxes to other trucks at his home, but he would like to keep nis trudk.,in his yard over the week end to'avoid paying garage rent. The letter of the Town Counsel allowed nim to rule as to whether he thought the keeping of the truck over night would constitute business in a residential district. Mr. Longbottom therefor felt if he eliminates all the causes of annoyance complained of, that he would allow him to keep his truck in his yard over the week end. It was decided to inform the petitioners of the decision of the Building Inspector. Toomey The Building Inspector also called attention to the case Snack. where Mrs. Lary Toomey of Cambridge, signed an agreement to vacate the shack that she lived in at the corner of Ward and Centre Streets on September 15th. She Is not living in the shack but she did not demolish the building as she was ordered to do, although the Building Inspector stated that he had writ- ten her, and letter was not returned. The Board authorized the Building Inspector to refer the matter to the Town Counsel for the proper action. Doran The Building Inspector called attention to the fact that Mr. Roadside Doran of East Street asked him what he would have to do to get St^nd. a permit to build a roadside stand, and he informed him that he would have to apply to the Board of Appeals. He stated that he was not anxious to pay the fee of $10. each year to get the permit. Mr. Longbottom next was informed by his neighbors that Mr. Doran had the stand erected. Mr. Doran informed the Building Inspector that he sold flowers and farm produce there before the Zoning Law was in effect, although he did not nave a regular stand he then used a table. The building he built is about 10 ' feet by 12 feet. The Building inspector stated that the land upon which the stand is located belongs to Mr. Doran's sister, 1 but Mr. Doran raises the The Board suggested and his sister that they Law otherwise they will products of the land. that the Inspector notify Mr. Doran must make appli-ation under the Zoning nave to remove the stand. The Chairman reported that he and the Down Counsel had a conference with the Planning Board. This Board is of the opinion that the Building Inspector does not look into the violations of the Zoning Law as he should. Mr. Duffy, the Chairman, particularly called attention to a violation by Mr. Tyler on Maple Street of furnishing meals to tourists. The Chairman informed them that a wilding Inspector would have to be employed full time to inEipect the entire town re- gularly to find all of the violators, and he suggested that a committee be appointed to report the violations in the resi-' 375 Committee for Building Inspection. dente districts. It w -as felt that a committee of five, one of which would be the Building Inspector should be appointed. It was therefor voted that a committee of five be appointed to make a study of the business carried on in residential areas, and to request them to report at the earliest pos2ible moment. Mr. Lester B. Warrington, Mr. William B. Hallett and Mr. Bernard Nelson residents of Bernard Street, Sunnyfield development, came Street. before the Board and requested that the town dump gravel or do some work on their street so thal they can get into their houses. The Chairman informed them that the only way the town could do the work would be to have a peition filed to have the street accepted on a 100% basis. They stated that Mr. McIntosh agreed to pay a part of the cost. The Board agreed if they filed the petition to have the Town Engineer present the figures to them of the cost, then they could decide whether or not they desire to have the work done. Hearing will be held at the County Commissioners Office on October 5th at 2 P. M. at which time the proposals for highway work would be received by the Commissioners for the 1934 work. The Board discussed whether or not they would present the proposition of Woburn Street or Pleasant Street with the out off of Mass. Avenue, and it was finally voted to present the Pleasant Street job with the cut off inasmuch as Concord Ave- nue project is being carried out by the State now and this will connect tp with that project. The Chairman reported that the Town Accountant informed him that he would pay the $500. damages to the Holton estate, that is being claimed by Vincent Brogna on Wood Street lay out and relocation, out of the regular Wood Street appropriation. The Supt. of Public Works was therefor instructed to reduce the cost of labor on Wood Street, as given in his estimate to com- plete the job to the Bedford line, $500. and to use the Unem- ployed labor to take care of this sum. Its was therefore voted to pay the $500. damages from the Wood Street account, for damages to the Holton Estate as agreed to by Vincent Brogna, attorney and the `Down Counsel. Pleasant Street Project to be Presented to County. 376 �c Wallen The erupt. of Public Works reported that there was no water Drain. running through the drain on the property of Mr. Wallen on Merriam Street and therefor Mr. Wallen could build upon the lot ' with no danger of water from the drain. He stated also that Mr. Merriam must have changed the drain sometime ago. Police The Supt. of Public Works agreed to find out about the Box price of installing a new police box that could be operated Play- May 1st to December lst at the centre playground. ground. The Chairman stated that Mr. Ross and Mr. Barry reported that the runabout with the pick up body operated by the Water Department was not of any further use, and advised that the truck body be put on the back of the cherolet coupe now run by Mr. Ross and that the motor of the old truck be used on a pump, and that a new car be purchased for Mr. Ross, The Supt. of Public Works therefor secured bids on a new car as follows; F. K. Johnson Business Coupe $528.55 Sport Coupe 564.60 Calvin W. Childs Ford V8 546.30 Master Service Plymouth Business Coupe 550.00 Station Deluxe Coupe 684.00 Colonial Garage Pontiac Sport Coupe 645.75 Sport Coupe with Rumble Seat 675.00 , The Chevrolet car being the lowest price, it was voted to purchase a business coupe for the Supt. of the Water Dept* at the price of 528.55 from F. K. Johnson. Wall at, Letter was received from Miss Mary Carroll of Allen Street. Carroll's in which she asked that the town,proceed immediately to clear place on away the debris in front of her new house on Waltham Street and Waltham also that the Town build a stone wall on the town property. Street. The Board decided to inform her that they would not build a stone wall along her property as it would interfere with a sidewalk at a later date. Clematis The Supt. of Public Works stated that he would have a crew Brook. at work on Clematis Brook tomorrow. The man had also cleaned out the brook so that the water runs clear from Hancock Street in back of Hancock Avenue. Street Mr. Gilcreast reported that he recommended that the electric Lights. light requested by John J. Donovan of Theresa Avenue be placed on Cliffe Avenue at the corner of Theresa Avenue inasmuch as it is a very dark place and there are many houses in that vicinity. In regard to the request for street light of Virge Babcock on Gleason Road, he did not feel that a light was necessary there inasmuch as there is only one house where the light is requested. ' The Supt. of. Public Works was requested to order the light at Cliffe Avenue. Mr. Gilcreast reported that the committee on electric lights are now gathering together information gained by their review of ' the entire town at various intervals during the entire summer and would be ready to report very soon to the Board. 1 377 Letter was received from the Edison Electric Illuminating Lamp Posts Company of Boston calling attention to the following decayed Replaced. lamp posts which should be renewed with #4 concrete posts at a cost of $44.83 each or $179.32 for the four. Lamp,Post #030 Elm Street 100 e. p., n sr 041 Hancock St. rr rr n n 037 Bedford " n re n rt 040 n It It n The Supt. of Public Works was authorized to have the lamp posts replaced. Letter was received from Metcalf and Eddy in which they Drainage stated that they would prefer to see an appropriation of $1000.Survey. made at the next town meeting rather than ;500. toward the drainage survey, but they would be willing to apply the $1000. on their bid of 16000. for the work of the entire survey of drainage in the town. It was decided to give some time for discussion of the Water Water Dept. report made by Mr. Worthen's committee at an Report, early date. Letter was received from Edward McGonagle, Attorney, of Garbage 24 School Street, Boston stating that he had been retained by Contract. Mr. Thomas Carroll of Burlington, Mass. as attorney to pro- secute his claim against the town regarding the garbage con- tract. Mr. Gilcreast reported that he recommended $6. Old Age .Old Age. Assistance for Richard I. Lakeman of Dowhing Road, whose legal residence is in Newton. The Supt. of Public Works stated that he knew Mr. Lakeman for many years and that he worked for the Middlesex & Boston Street Railway Company for thirty years and was laid off. Mr. Scamman felt that he was in need of assistance. The Board voted to allow $6. a week in this case. Report was received from Mr. Mitchell in reference to the application of L. B. Warrington of Bernard Street for employ- ment in the emergency planning and research bureau. After reading the report it was decided to notify the bureau that Mr. Warrington was in need of the work, but he ap- peared to be optimistic about accepting this kind of work as he felt he should Obtain something with a larger income. L.: B. Warrington Engineer- ing Bureau. Mr. Mitchell reported that Charles R. Moloney desired to Moloney get off the unemployed list by estahlishing an oil route and Case. desired to have some trade of the Welfare Dept. 378 c� �c Ferry Mr. Blake informed the Agent that he did not want to have Case. the Ferry family living in with the McDonald family ' on Banks Avenue, and that he would put -them out. The matter was left with Mr. Mitchell to arrange for rental of a place for this family. Applica- In regard to the application of Anthony Santuosso and Ivan tion for H. Smith, it was voted to lea,,e the matter to Mr. Mitchell to Aid. give aid if needed. Also the application of Alfred Dattoli was left with the Agent. ,George It was voted to allow George Rudd two days, he having been Rudd. discharged from the Reforestattift Camp. Robert P. Application was received from Robert P. Millan of Mass. Millan. Avenue. This was laid over for one week. Coolidge. No action was taken on the application of Roscoe Coolidge, John It was voted to allow one more day to John Lichtenberg Lichten- until he obtains a job on the sewer as the Town Physician re - berg. commended more nourishment for his child. John E. In regard to the application of John E. Barnes of Barnes Barnes. Place, for work, it was felt that he was unable to work and Mr. Mitchell was authorized to do what he saw fit in this case. ' Ralph Mr. Mitchell was authorized to make arrangements in regard Tebbetts. to the rent of Ralph Tebbetts. Meeting adjourned at 0:45 P. M. A true record, Attest; Clerk. 1