HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-09-26366 �c SELECTMEN 18 MEETING SEPTETMER 260 1933. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Town Office Building, on Tuesday, September 26, 1933 at 7:30 P. M. Messrs. Trask, Gilcreast, Ferguson, O'Connell and Lyons were present. The Clerk was also present. Bids were presented by the 'Town 'Treasurer on emporary Loan of $175,000. dated September 28, 1933 and pay�ble April 12, 1934 as follows$ First National Bank x.97 aiscount Faxon Gade Co. 3.23 ^ S. Moseley 3.24 " First National Bank 2.47 " Lexington Trust Co. 3.07 " The Board authorized the Treasurer to accept the bid of the First National Bank of Boston. Harrison 'Mr. Harrison smith of Vaille Avenue came before the Board Smith relative to the petition of the residents of Vaille Avenue in Complaint.which they complained of his doing business and changing loads over at his house and annoying them. ' The Building Inspector reported that Mr. Smith was to see his attorney and he gave him reasonable opportunity to do so. The Chairman read the petition to Mr. Smith and he agreed that he would eliminate the annoyance except that he desired to know if he could keep his trucks in his yard to save storage over the week end. The Board informed him that he should communicate with the Building Inspector and have him obtain an opinion from the Town Counsel on the matter. Glawson Mr. Glawson again did not appear in regard to her application Hearing. for permission to erect a garage at the corner of School Street and Mass. Avenue. The hearing was again laid over. Sheffres Mr. Gilcreast reported that he visited the Sheffrest place Junk. and talked with John kus�-ell, Jr. who works for Mr. Sheffres and Business. was informed by him that Mir. Sheffres did not sell any junk from his place at Lizbeth Street. He also saw Mr. Sheffres and he claimed that he did not do any business there. Mr. Gilcreast then directed a letter to be sent by the Clerk to Mr. Sheffres informing him that he could not store junk or do any business at Lizbeth Street; another letter Bras directed to Mr. Dooley informing him that Mr. Sheffres was.not to do any business at that place and still another to the police depart- ment asking them to watch to see if Mr. Sheffres does carry on any business at all. The Chairman stated that Mr. Sheffres objected to being told 367 ' that he could not store the metal in his cellar and he then took up the matter with the Town Counsel and was informed by him that he could store the metal in his cellar provided he was not selling the same. Mr. Sheffres had to call the police depart- ment to escort him to and from his house inasmuch as the Dooley family annoyed him so. It was felt that this was a family feud and as far as the Board way concerned they would not take any other action at the present time, but the letters written were to stand. At 8 P. M. the bids on the construction of a trunk line Sewer sewer were open with the following results Bid Awarded. M. J. OtHearn, Inc. 129 Washington St. Brookline $37,364.00 John Williams . 8 Beechwood St. Dorchester 33,432.00 C & R. Construction Co. 75 Bradeen St. Roslindale 28,938.50 Anthony Ross & Son Bedford St. Lexington 28,828.00 The details of the bids were taken off and discussed and it was finally voted to award the bid to Anthony Ross & Son at their bid of $28,828.00. Owing to the fact that the town has appropriated only the sum of $8000. this part of the work can be started next week. Mr. Ross was to be informed that the town would not be bound in a sum exceeding $8000. unless the National Industrial Recovery ' Board approved the award of `46,000. for the construction of the trunk line sewer. Mr'. Raymond of Metcalf and Eddy came before the Board to- Drainage gether with the Supt. of Public Works, Supt. of Water & Sewer Survey. Dept., and Town 2ngineer, to discuss the matter of drainage survey. Letter was received from this firm giving estimate of $6000. rot A ;compldt6'-survtay^indg rdport of -the entire' d'riindge of the town, but it was felt that since the tax rate was established and no money could be appropriated that the Board could not spare this sum of money at the present time, but wanted to consider mak- ing a part of the appropriation. The Town Engineer stated that he could furnish about every- thing necessary to do the work at Sickle Brook with about two days field work. Mr. Raymond stated that he felt that they might make a dent in the work for $500. but if it could not be complet- ed for less than 800. there would be time lost. At the present time they charge 150. a'day with lower rated for other assistance, and they would do this work on that basis. He felt that having done the sewer and water surveys they were more familiar with the town than any other concern. The Town Engineer stated that he had been over the proposi- tion with Mr. Raymond and they took in all sections of the town except the Grove Street section where he felt the development is ' very remote and when it is developed there might be changes that would alter the plans. The Board did not take any definite action as to how much they would regiest from the town for this work. 368 Shea The Town Counsel came before the Board and stated that he ' Drainage, felt that a study of the situation of the Shea drain shouid`be made and that any work done would not affect the case against the town at present. He felt that whatever work is done should be of a permanent nature inasmuch as any pipe put in on the Shea property will take the water off the avenue but it will,then spread upon the land in the rear. The brook fills in each year causing additonal work of keeping it clear. Smith Mr. Lawrence U. Mitchell came before the Board and reported Case. that Mr. Alexius smith was not quite satisfied with the report that there would be some sewer work in the near future and he desired to talk with the Board. The Board later talked. with Mr. 6mith and informed him that the Board was awaiting the contract for sewer construction and undoubtedly he would have an opportunity to secure some work on the sewer. Mr. Smith stated that he was getting only two days a week and he had three children in his family. He had paid no inter- est on his mortgage for a couple of years and had not paid his taxes. Nelson. Mr. Mitchell reported that Carl Nelson, who gets $9. a week to care for himself and contribute to his family, requested additional assistance inasmuch as he is under a probation officer. Upon checking up the matter, it was found that he has I paid $5. per week to his family during the months of July, August and September. It was decided not to take any action on this case. Edward Application was received from Edward F. Ferry for additional Ferry. assistance inasmuch as he stated that he had been living at the home of his wifets parents and the two children that were away have returned home and therefore there was no room for him. It was found that he lived in this house during last winter when the other children were home. Mr. Mitchell stated that he could secure the Lassof tene- ment for this family, but the Board felt that he should remain where he is and decided ndt-to take any action: ,. Yodwish. The Agent reported that in regard to Mrs. Mary Yodwish, who he has attempted many times to send back to Boston, Mr. Wagner of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children stated that he hoped to get some action this week on the case if he could get Mrs. Yodwish to go to the City Hospital for a possible slight operation and from there he hoped to get her transferred to the Mattapan Hospital on account of her tubercu- lous condition. The City of Boston agreed to reimburse for rent, and Mr. Mitchell felt that he should pay some rent to Mrs. Born- stein, the landlady, while they remain here. The Board decided to leave the matter to Mr. Mitchell to decide what to do in this case. 1 L C 0 Mr. Mitchell report -d in regard to Walter Burke, that the Burke. Commission for the Blind probably will give him a little more allowance. :r The Board decided to leave the matter to Mr. Mitchell to attend to. In regard to Thomas Heaney of Marrett Road who informed Heaney. Mr. Mitchell that he would not make application for unemploy- ment Relief inasmuch as he was a Soldier, and he desired em- ployment without applying for as.­istance of any kind, the Board decided that there had been many men who have been on the unemployment relief for a long time and who should be em- ployed on -the sewer and that Mr. Heaney should make his appli- cation for Soldiers Relief. The Board signed the Warrant for a Town Meeting to be held Town October 16th. Meeting. Petition for a street light at the corner of Cliffe and Street Theresa Avenues was received; also petition for street light Lights. at 14 Gleason Road. Mr. Gilcreast stated that he would investigate the re- quests and report back to the Board. It was voted to grant the use of Cary Memorial Hall on Cary October 8th to Miss Ellen Tower and others for a charitable Hall. affair free of charge. Mr. Ferguson reported that Howard S. 0. Nichols informed him that considerable damage was being done by boys at the East Lexington Library, and it was suggested that an officer might be p>>t there to stop the trouble before it starts. Mr. Ferguson also reported that sixty-five windows have been broken in the back of the Adams School. The Board decided therefore to request the Police Dept. to police this territory to stop the damage being done. Damage to Buildings. Notice was received from the County Commissioners Office Highway of a meeting on Thursday, October 5th, at 2 P. M. The meeting meeting. is to be held at the County Commissioner's Office on matters pertaining to highways. The Chairman stated that he would attend this meeting. Letter was received from Pottstown Scatter Tank Works, Inc.Standpipe. of Pottstown, Pennsylvania, requesting an opportunity to bid on the construction of the standpipe. The Board signed the contract fort he collection of gar- Garbage bage by Robert A. McAdoo, inasmuch as bond for full amount of Contract, the contract for one year was received. It was decided however, to make a stipulation relative to the renewal of the bond for the two additional years for which the contract runs so that the town would be protected if the bond was not renewed. 370 n bEc Wood I Notice was received from the State Dept. of Public Works 6f I (Street. the approval of grant for $5000. for continuation of the work on Wood Street. The Supt. of Public Works presented figures showing the expenditures to date of $22,165.01 and estimated cost to finish the work on Wood Street., $18.,720, He stated that there is still e $3000. to come from the County and $400. from each the County and the State, that is being withheld on the last allowance and this will practically complete the job of Wood Street construction. Letter was received from the Town Counsel in_whieh he asked if the award to Mr. Brogna of $500, for damages.on Wood Street could be paid out of Wood Street Construction Account. The Supt. of Public Works stated that the Town could not use the State and Countyts money for damages. It was therefore, decided rather than insert an article in the Warrant asking for $500. for damages, to pay the amount out of the Law Department, Warring- Application of L. B. Warrington of Bernard Street for em - ton ployment through the Emergency Planning and Research Board was Employ- referred to Mr'. Mitchell for investigation and report to the ment. Board. Welfare- Commitment of Welfare charges in the amount of $264.25 was Charges. signed by the Board. ' Federal The Chairman reported that he filed the applications for the Loans. loans for standpipe and sewer with Mr. Wardell, and he carefully looked over the applications and seemed to feel that they were in the proper shape to be acted upon and also seemed to feel that the Town would receive favorable action upon the applications. He stated that if they were approved, the money might be available within three weeks from the time of approval. Trunk The Chairman reported that he communicated with Mr. Sughrue Line of the Boston and Maine Railroad Company in regard to securing Sewer. approval of the company to allow the 'Town to construct a trunk line sewer within the railroad rights. He stated that he would again check up the matter so that approval might be received at an early date. Water Supt. of Public Works reported that he had received two Extension.applications for extension of water in Fair Oaks a total dis- tance of 475 feet, estimated at $2000. He stated that the parties making the application desire to purchase lots and build, but they did not want to purchase the lots unless they were sure that the water would be extended to them. It was decided to insert an article in the Warrant author- izing the extensions. The Town Engineer called attention to the fact that part ' of the property abutting on the street where the water is re- quested belongs to Charles W. Ryder and therefore the chances of recovering 100 per cent of the cost would be slight. 371 ' The Uhairman reported that he received a telephone call Wall on from Miss Carroll who was building a house on Waltnam Street, Carroll in which she asked that the Town build a retaining wall in Property, front of her new house and clean away the debris in front of the property. He therefore asked the opinion of the Town Counsel, and the Town Counsel came before the Board and presented his let- ter and opinion in whicn he stated that the Town -,would not have any right to go beyond the present street line that has been established and expend the Town's funds to build a wall on privately owned property. The Chairman recommended that the Board advise her, how- ever that they would go in there and clean away the debris on the Town property and would bring the land to grade and leave whatever stone that may be there for her to use if she desired to build a stone wall on her own land, and the Board so agreed. The Chairman reported that Vx. Wallen, who lives. on Wallen Cod>lidge Avenue, snme time ago purchased a lot of land on Drainage. Meriam Street next to Mr. McIntosn's and he desired to build upon this lot inasmuch as he has sold nis own house and in- tends to pass papers upon the place tomorrow. He finds, in looking over the lot, that there are some pipes that carry drainage water across the lot, and if these pipes are not re- moved., he will be unable to build. The Supt. of Public Works reported that when Mr. Mc Intosh built his house, the Town changed over the drainage pipes on his lot inasmuch as the pipes carry surface drainage. The Chairman felt that in all probability a good house will be built upon the lot and if the man could not get the work done that he might not decide to build. The Board discussed the matter and felt that they were not Inclined to do work of this kind on private property, but in view of the circumstances, they voted to authorize the Cn.air- man to expend up to $100. to pay a part of the cost of doing the work of changing the pipes completely, and the 'Town Engineer was requested to make up a sketen and estimate of the cost of doing the work on the Wallen property. Supt. of Public Works reported that he had been down to Drainage. the culverts at Moreland Averr)e and Wellington Lane Avenue and had the same cleaned out. He said it helped the water flow, but that he did not believe it wound help the situa- tion on the property of Haley, BevingtoA and Meek who com- plained of the situation, inasmuch as it�was too far back. He felt that a twenty inch pipe was necessary to be installed there and the 'Town Engineer stated that he had a profile of the entire section and that the pipes were too small; also that they needs>to be about three and one' -half feet lower. ' The 6upt. of Public Works stated that he would endeavor to get the men in there next week if the water recedes so that some work might be done in cleaning out the brook. 372 Drainage. In regard to the brook under the Pichette and Ahearn block, , the Supt. reported that he now was able to have the pipes cleaned out and the Town Engineer presented a sketch showing the location of the block and gave his advice as to two different ways that the water could be handled from this location. The Board felt that it might be well to wait for the study that is now to be made of the drainage proposition before any further money is expended inasmuch as the situation is cleared for the present. The Supt. stated, however, that Pichette and Ahearn were very much afraid that this trouble would occur agpin. The meeting adjourned at 10 P. M. A true record, Attest: Clerk. 1 1