HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-09-19360 SELECTMEN'S MEETING , SEPTEMBER 19, 1933. A regular meeting of the Selectmen was held on Tuesday, September 191, 1933 at 7:30 P. M. at the Selectments Room,Town Office Building. Messrs. Trask, Gilcreast, Ferguson and O'Connell were present. The.Clerk of the Board was also present. Garage Hearing was declared open upon the application of Florence of proposal for sewer bids were viewed by Glawson. W. Glawson of Winter Street for permission to maintain a one car and with some changes were approved. Bids are to be garage at the corner of Mass. Avenue and School Street, for 'Tuesday Mrs. Glawson did not appear and it was therefor decided to Brogna lay the matter over for one week. was received from the Town Counsel in which Garage Hearing was declared open upon the application of Virge F. vised that Babcock. Babcock for permission to.maintain a one car garage of wooden and also is construction at Gleason Road. old and This garage has already been built and needed only a per- mit to use the building. ivo persons appeared to object and it was voted to grant the permit. Alcohol Alcohol License was signed for the Standard Oil Company to License. sell alcohol at their station at the corner of Waltham Street and Marrett Road. Cottage Application for the renewal of the License of the Cottage I Hospital. Hospital at 572 Mass. Avenue was signed by the Board. Temporary Letter was received from the Town Accountant advising Loan. borrowing $175,000. dated September 28, 1933 and payable April 12tn, 1934. . It was decided to authorize the Treasurer to request bids on this loan to be received on Tuesday, neat. Shea Votice of suit. -.against the 'town of Lexington brought•by Case. Donald and Justin Shea for entry upon their property was re- ceived by the Town. The Chairman reported that the Town Counsel made appearance today and filed an injunction whicn was allowed by the Mudge. Later Mr. McLaughlin, attorney for Shea pointed out questions of law to the Judge and appearance has to be made again tomor- row. Town Counsel advised that the town go in on the property and put in two lengths of pipe, and the Supt. of Public Works was so instructed. Sewer Forms of proposal for sewer bids were viewed by the Board Bids. and with some changes were approved. Bids are to be requested for 'Tuesday next at 8:00 P. M. Brogna Letter was received from the Town Counsel in which he ad- Case. vised that he had made settlement with Vincent Brogna ' of $500. and also is to obtain a deed of the land between the old and 361 ' and new road and the town is to fill in the depressed area with gravel fill levelled off, but with no loan on top during the next winter. Bill of $50. for services of Neil McIntosh in this case was approved by the Board. The Supt. of Public Works was requested to come before the Haynes Board in reference to Mr. Alfred E. Haynes request that the Drain. drainage crossing the street on to the land he rents from Mrs. Tewksbury be cared for so that it will not destroy his garden. Estimate of the cost of doing the work was prepared by the Supt. in November, 1932 and the price was $100. to lay 117 feet of ten inch pipe. After the Board discussed the matter it was voted to auth- orize the Supt. of Public -Works to have the drainage installed, and he was requested to notify Mr. Haynes in person. Commitment of Water Charges.amounti4g to $536.77 was Water signed by the Board. Cnarges. Commitment of Miscellaneous sewer charges amounting to Sewer $339.74 was signed by the Board. Charges. Mr. Walter Spellman of 6 Shirley St, came before the Spellman Board and presented estimate of the cost'of repairs to his Ceiling. kitchen caused by the blasting during the installation of the ' sewer in that street. The figure made by Mr. Bloom was $41.50. He stated that the room was 16 feet by 1Q feet, and he removed the plaster that had fallen down himself. He stated that not only had the town done this damage, but they had torn away his garage, ruined an apple tree and flower beds, his wife had to - wade through the plaster for two weeks and for all this he was not asking anything, but he did believe the Board should pay him for putting up wall board in place of the plaster. He stated that the figure for plastering the room was 67.25. He also stated that his house was on a ledge and that the house Itself was moved by the blasting. He also called attention to the water bill of 1.90 over the minimum charge for water used by the men working on the sewer,job. The Board informed him that he could secure a rebate from Water Dept. for this amount. Mr. Spellman agreed to sign a relea a of damages up to Sept. 19, 1933 provided the Board paid him $41.50 for the re- pairs to his ceiling. He would not sigma release after that time as he stated he was unaware what mi ht happen from the work that still being done. The Board agreed to pay him $41.50 provided he signed the release. i Mr. Gilcreast agreed to see Mr. Shetfres to inform him Sheffreso that he could not carry on any more busit ess at his home on Lizbeth Street. 362 Clematis Mr. John Haley of Bacon Street, Mr. Bevington and Mr. Meek Brook. of Marrett Road came before the Board relative to cleaning out Clematis Brook. Mr. Haley claimed that the brook should have been cleaned out before when the weather was dry and now since the storm of last week it would be impossible to get in there to clean it out with hip rubber boots. Both he and Mr. Beving- ton had lost crops of celery and spinach from the water that rose from the brook and remained upon the land. Mr. Meek felt that it would help if the 2j foot pipe at Moreland Avenue was cleaned out and he thowght it could be done now. Mr. Bevington also stated that he understood there was a place on the old Lawrence Farm that was blocked up so that it would have to•be blasted out. The Board agreed to have Mr. Scamman go down to Moreland Avenue tomorrow morning to endeavor to clean out the pipe to see if that would help the situation and also to have the brook cleaned out as soon as it was possible, Mr. Scamman was also requested to nave the Town Engineer look the situation over., and make a report to the Board, Bound The Supt. of Public Works was requested to have the bound Stones. stones set back on the property of Herman D. Murphy on Follen Road. Catch Tne Supt. of Public Works was requested to have a catch Basin, basin put in on Bloomfield Street at property of Walter Black. Drain at The Supt: of Public Works reported that. during the last Pidette storm the brook under the stores of Ficnette and Ahern at the & corner of Independence Avenue and Mass. Avenue became plugged Ahern up and the water backed up into the stores almost up to the Stores. store floors. He explained that the trouble was between the sidewalk and the building and the department was endeavoring to locate the trouble. Mr. Ferguson inquired why the drain was not left in the cellar covered over so that it could be cleaned out. The Supt. stated that the trouble started in the cellar where an opening was left to clean out the brook. Mr. Ferguson suggested that an eighteen inch pipe might be put in to carry away the water, but Mr. Scamman felt that fif- teen inch pipe might be sufficient. Mr. O'Connell suggested that a release from damages be ob- tained from the owner and the tenants. Mr. Ferguson suggested that the owner pay for the work of fixing the drainage. The Supt. was requested to report to the Board next week heaps on the' .situation. Leaks & The Supt. was requested to have the ieaks in Emerson Hall Lights. fixed and the lights of broken glass replaced. Town It was decided to hold a town meeting on either the or 16th Meeting. of October, 1933. 0 1 1 n 1 It was voted to appoint the following elections officers for the four precincts. PRECINCT ONE. D Charles J. Dailey D YIrs. Mary A. Rowland D Bartlett J. Harrington R R George E. Foster R Alfred Hayward D Donald Cameran R Roland E. Garmon R Arthur W. Hughes R Ellese Schofield Sarah F. Healey R Miles L. F. Jones Viola Harkins PRECINCT TWO. R :Irving B. Pierce R Ezra F. Breed R 'Victor Harmon D Randall Richards R George V. Morse D Madeline J. Corbett D Jonn H. Dacey D Frederick Connor R Elizabeth Nourse R Clifford Pierce D Edward McGrory D Ruth Ray PRECINCT THREE, R Frederick Tullar R Bessie G. Davis D James M. Ahearn D Charles E. Moloy, Jr. R Emma Hovey D John Sweeney D James L. McKenzie R, Samuel W. Wellington 'George Jaynes R Estner Graham Katherine Vaughan R Mathew Stevenson Warden Deputy Warden Inspector Inspector Deputy Inspector Deputy Inspector Clerk Deputy Clerk. Teller R to , N Warden Deputy Warden Inspector Inspector Deputy Inspector Deputy Inspector Clerk Deputy Clerk Teller a n Pf Warden Deputy Warden Inspector Inspector Deputy Inspector Deputy Inspector Clerk Deputy Clerk Teller n n n 363 Election Officers. 364 n Cnase. Report was received from the Health Inspector relative to Lunch, the dirty conditon of the unubby Chase Lunch Room at 433 Marrett Road and he recommended that it was not a fit place to serve lunches in under the oonditinns that exist. It was voted to revoke -the license. Boarding It was voted to approve of the application to board infants Infants. of Ruth M. Woodward of 15 Dexter Road, the Clerk having reported conditons satiefaetory at that home to board infants. Boarding In regard to the application of Mrs. Sarah Doiron of Webb Infants. Street, it was decided not to approve this application to board Infants. 'Sewer Order for the lay out of the Trunk Line Sewer from the Arl- Lay Out. ington Line to East Lexington Railroad Station, a distance of ap- proximately 2900 feet, was signed by the Board. 'Rust Ex- Letter was received from J. R. Worcester & Company in which' p4nsion ofthey stated that they did not have any fear during the construe - Standpipe.tion of the new standpipe of rust causing expansion of the inter- ior of the concrete. PRECINCT FOUR. ' S Howard Custanc6 -. warden R William X&. Rulliken Deputy Warden R Harm -Frost Inspector D' Kazuorin'e -Kiernan Inspector R Irene Robinson Deputy Inspector George Hinchey Deputy Inspector D Frank Maguire Clerk D Margaret T. Kennedy Deputy Clerk D Agnes hall Teller D James J. Waldron " R Harry F. Howard " R J. Everett Cummings er 'N. R. A. Letter was received from the Natiohal.,,Reeovery Adkinistra-•': Building tion enclosing copy of letter sent to the Mass. Tax -payers' Program. Association relative to speeding up of town and city building programs. Gambling Letter was received from the 6ecretary of the State rela- Law. tive to chartered clubs and other organizations violating the liquor or gambling laws. Common An unsigned letter calling attention to violations of the Victual- law of both Mrs. Minnie J. Carr and her Ausband was received and ler. investigation of the reports were ' made by the Chief of Police. The Chief found that the man had been convicted on many counts, but the woman has only been fined for violation of the Building Law. It was decided not to take any action on the matter as the permit as a Common Victualler was granted to Mrs. Minnie J. Carr. Cnase. Report was received from the Health Inspector relative to Lunch, the dirty conditon of the unubby Chase Lunch Room at 433 Marrett Road and he recommended that it was not a fit place to serve lunches in under the oonditinns that exist. It was voted to revoke -the license. Boarding It was voted to approve of the application to board infants Infants. of Ruth M. Woodward of 15 Dexter Road, the Clerk having reported conditons satiefaetory at that home to board infants. Boarding In regard to the application of Mrs. Sarah Doiron of Webb Infants. Street, it was decided not to approve this application to board Infants. 'Sewer Order for the lay out of the Trunk Line Sewer from the Arl- Lay Out. ington Line to East Lexington Railroad Station, a distance of ap- proximately 2900 feet, was signed by the Board. 'Rust Ex- Letter was received from J. R. Worcester & Company in which' p4nsion ofthey stated that they did not have any fear during the construe - Standpipe.tion of the new standpipe of rust causing expansion of the inter- ior of the concrete. 365 The Chairman reported that he wasndeavoring to make Loans, ' another appointment with the Emergency Finance Board to take up the matter of loan for standpipe and trunk line sewer. The Board voted to authorize a study of the storm drain- Storm age of the town and decided to request Metcalf and Eddy to Drainage. report the cost of such a study so that funds could be ob- tained at the next town meeting. The Board voted to approve $10. a week Soldiers Relief Soldiers for Harold Cady which was recommended by Mr. Mitchell. Relief. Mr. Mitchell reported that he would. see Mr. Charles E. Wheeler Wheeler of Valley Road in regard to State Aid owing to the Pension, fact that Mr. Wheelerts pension was reduced from $72. per month to $30. per month. Mr. Mitchell reported application From Garret C. OtBrien O'Brien. of S Bartlett Avenue; family consisting of wife and four children; Boston Settlement. In regard to the rent of Marry Green, Lincoln Street, Green Mr. Mitchell was authorized to grant Mr. Green one extra day Rent. so that he may pay $20, a month rent to Ray Curtis, landlord. The Board approved three days for Elmer Cushman of Chase Elmer ' Avenue. Cushman. No action was taken on the application of James Keefe of James Woburn Street as it was felt that some work may be obtained Keefe. later. It was voted to grant two days assistance to James Mowat James of Waehusett Drive, who has been off thle list for three Mowat. months. In regard to the application of Alliexius Smith it was de- Alexius cided to await the sewer work that will come in the near Smith. future. Mr. Mitchell reported having given groceries to Alfred Alfred Datolli and recommended that he be giveln two days. Datolli. No approval was given on the applilcation of Ivan Harri- Smitn. son Smith, nor on the application of Anthony Santosusso. Santosusso. Mr. Mitchell reported that Tillia Le Goff desired to LeGoff. move back to Lexington. It was felt Nat no encouragement should be given him. Meeting adjourned at 10:35 P. M. A true record, Attest: Clerk.