HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-09-05348 c� SELECTMEN IS MEETING ' SEPTEMBER 51, 1933. A regular meeting of the Selectmen was held in the Select- men's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P. M. Messrs. Gilcreast, Ferguson, O'Connell and Lyons were present. Miss Elinor Moakley, acting clerk, was also present. Motion was made and seconded that Mr. John E. Gilcreast be appointed acting Chairman in the absence of Mr. Trask, and all actions or previous business transacted by him be approved, and it was voted. Trunk Mr. William S. Scamman, Mr. Albert A. Ross and Mr. John T. Line Cosgrove came before the Board in connection with the bids for Sewer the construction of a trunk line sewer. Persons interested in the bids were invited to be present at the opening of the bids, and Mr. Gilcreast then opened the bids presented. (The bids being in four sections, see actual bids for detail.) Eight persons were invited to bid on this project, but only two bids were received. Question arose as to whether or not the Town could let a contract with less than three bids sub- mitted, and the Board felt that the advice of the Town Counsel should be secured on this matter. ' It was also felt that no dee'sion could be made on which method the Town should pursue in doing the work until figures were presented showing the approximate cost of the project if the Town did the work. Mr. Scamman and Mr. Ross were requested to present these figures for the meting next week. The Town Engineer advised the Board that the sewer order signed by the Board at their last meeting was not in the correct form, and that he had received advice from the Town Counsel that the order should be in the same form as usual, assessing better- ments, and then the betterments should be formally abated at a later date. He was requested to have this information for the Board at their next meeting, also. The Town Engineer also pre- sented form drawn up by the Town Counsel to be signed by all persons owning land through which the 'Down would make a taking by eminent domain waiving all damages and providing for a future assessment. Mr. Ross was questioned as to the amount of work he had for the men on his department, and he stated that he had enough to keep them busy for about another month unless something unexpect- ed came up. He was asked whether or not he felt his department was competent to do the work of constructing the trunk line sewer, and Mr. Ross stated that he felt with the aid of some outside help, they could do it. However, he did not feel that he had enough skilled help to do the job entirely. He stated that on account of present conditions, he felt it might be wise to hire some extra ' skilled labor and do the job. Mr. Gilcreast asked h.im'how long,, 349 he th jZ it would take to do the work contemplated and he ' State hat it would probably take about three months. It`aas felt that it would probably cost one third more to do 'th-6 °ymk in that manner. The Board decided not to take any action on the matter until further figures were presented at thein neat meeting. Vatide'was reebived`-from the Emergency Finanoe Board -o€ -a Hearing hearing.on ,tke, T6wn*e,.petition for Pubilic °Workt prc jects on on September 6th at 2:30 o►clock, Room 240, State House. Public It was decided that Mr. Gilcreast, Mr. Scamman, Mr. Ross Works and Mr. Cosgrove would attend the hearing. Applications. Mr. Gilcreast brought up the matter of further complaint Sheffres' from Mr. Dooley in regard to Mr. Sheffres' alleged junk shop. Junk The Clerk stated that Mr. and Mrs. Dooley came into the office Shop and requested a copy of the record of the hearing held last week on the matter. Mr. Wrightington advised against giving any copy of the records, and it was felt it would be wise to have Mr. Dooley come before the Board. Mr. Gilcreast called on Mr. Dooley and invited him to appear. He stated that Mr. Dooley intended to bring court acti-on in regard to obtaining the records, and he also had been into the State Fite Marshall's office in regard to the fire hazard at Mr. Sheffres' place. Mr. Gilcreast also reported that he had visited Mr. Sheffres' place, and that ' althougn ne was undoubtedly storing junk in his cellar, it was very neat and clean. Mr. and Mrs. Dooley appeared before the Board and Mr. Dooley was asked to tell his story to the Board. He stated that his interest in obtaining the records was that he felt zoning law was being broken and he wanted to get protection in the matter. He felt that the Board was breaking the zoning law in allowing a junk shop'at this location and if there were no other way of stopping it, he would like the re- cords to go other places to get :it stopped, or get some satis- faction. Mr. Lyons asked whether or not they could prove that he was maintaining a junk shop at that location, Mr. Dooley presented a petition signed by several residents of Lisbeth Street re- questing that Mr. Sheffres be restrained from buying, selling or storing junk on property at 11 LisbethiStreet. Mr. Lyons felt that there should ire absolute evidence, and Mrs. Dooley stated that she had seen children bring junk there and receive money for it. She stated that he had been carry- ing on this business ever since the first of June and that there was hammering continually and it was vary annoying. The Board felt that Mr. Sheffres Was granted a junk license only to collect junk in the Town and t4 do a junk business in a residential district. He has a place of business on Mass. Avenue. ' Mrs. Dooley state) that the pounding and banging goes on all day Sundays and at any time they want to do it. 350 c.� c� owl Mr. O'Connell suggested that Mr. Gilcreast see Mr. Sneffres ' and inform him that no part of the business under the license which he holds is to be done at that address and if he does not remove all parts of the business done at 11 Lisbeth Street that his license be revoked, and that he be given one week to do this. This appeared to be satisfactory to Mr. and Mrs. Dooley. Commit- The Board signed commitment of water liens in the amount of ment, x$'212.01. License. Application of Lillian M. Sefton of 1 Fairview Avenue for a license to board two infants was approved by the Board. Bornstein Letter was received from the Health Inspector in regard to Property. the condition of Mr. Bornstein's property about which complaints have been received. He stated that the place was very unsightly and a fire hazard and that he recommended that some action be taken to improve the property. It was voted that the acting chairman inform Mr. Bornstein that the Board deems his property a nuisance and ask him to abate it within a reasonable time and that we ask his co-opera- tion in the matter. If nothing was done within the next two weeks, some action will be taken at that time. Letter was received from the Health Inspector in whien he stated that he made inspections of Ryder's piggery and found it 1 in very good condition. tie also inspected Fogg's piggery but did not find things as neat and clean as usual. tie wrote to him asking him to clean up his premises, and he stated that he would check up on the matter and report again to the Board. Complaint Complaint was received from Frank Serrilla and others in the re: Duxhp. vicinity of Baker and Ames Avenue of a dump at the corner of Baker Avenue and Ames Avenue. They stated that the site was un- healtnful, unsightly and infested with rats. This complaint was referred to the Health Inspector, and report was received from him that he inspected the land, and also called on C. E. MacPnee, owner of the property. Mrs. MaePnee stated that her husband had given permission to dump ashes on the land, but the privilege had been abused. Mr. Stev- enson requested Mr. MacPhee to have the dump covered up and to place a sign on the property prohibiting further dumping. He stated that he would make another inspection within a week. The Board decided to have Mr. Stevenson report again on this matter at their next meeting. In regard to application received from William Baragwanath to sell gasoline at rear of 1715 Mass. Avenue, the Board laid this matter over for one week until it could be ascertained whether or not a Board of Appeals hearing was also necessary on this application. The tank is in the capacity of 500 gallons, and gasoline has been sold there previously. Verbal request for the use of Cary Memorial Hall by the Grange for a Booste�rDay on Sept. 30th, was received. They ' desired to know if they might have the hall for the evening free of charge. The Board decided that the minimum charge of $15. should be made in this case, if they desired to use the hall. The meeting adjourned at 9:04 P. M. A true record, Attest: 1 Acting Clerk, 351