HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-06-20304 SELECTIM 13 WMTING JVJX Wo 1933W A r r maiting of the Selectmen was ,h&2A ett the Seleotments Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.W. Mas srs. Tra sk y G11a era st; Ferp son and O tConnell were present. ?her Clerk was also -resent. Water & Commitment of -sever charges in the amouht of #68.34 Sewer and•commitment of water charges in the amount of:t78W,24 Commitments. were signed by the Board. It was voted to approve the application of Praft A. Mid.Co. Ban. McCoubreg for admission to the Middlesex County Sanatorium . He at the present time is at Rutland as a private patient, ,application. but is not expected that he will be able to pay his board much longer. • In regard to the application for admission of nary Busa Busa of Lowell.3treet whose application for admission application, to the Middlesex County Sanatorium was received, the Chairman stated that he would see Mr. Busa about paying board for his daughter. Letter was received from the Town Counsel in which he stated that there were amendments to the Sunday Sports ' Sunday Sports Law but none of them affected the law accepted by the torn Law. and therefor the Board could grant a permit. The Chairman presented form drawn up by him of permit to be granted to the Minute -Man Sportsmants Club for a Rifle Range rifle range in the rear of Maple Street and to conduct License. rifle shooting contests on Sundays between hours of two and six P. M. License was approved and signed by the Board. The following permits were granted: Licenses. Transportation of Garbage - John F. MCGrath Sunday Sales Permit - John A. Sellars, Beer The application of Philomena F. Pero of 12 Waltham Street to sell beer was laid on the table until such time as the other permits are acted upon. Junk In regard to the application of Jacob Bornstein for License. a Junk Collectors License, it was decided not to grant the license. Special Special Police Commission was signed for Edson A. Police. Pero to do police work at the Paul Revere Golf $lam. Letter was rede#ned from Edwin B. Worthen in which ' he asked that all the flags in the town be raised on June 29th when the Rotary Convention will be held in 305 Letter was received from the Chairman of the County Oonieissioners i reply to the letter 'of the Board which was prd-tiare.d by the Town Counsel. The Chairman stated that any Wood damages recovered or costs and expenses are assessed upon Street the town. Also that the plan shows that more land reverts Damages. to the petitioner than is taken, and they doubt4d if any damages could be recovered as benefitetwould offset any damages. It was decided to send a copy of this letter to the Town Counsel. In regard o the complaint of Michael F, Costello of 7 Cook Street, Charlestown, It regard to the automobile graveyard maint#fined by Peter Caneasa at his premises on Maas.�e •Avnue and which hdjoins the back of his lots #74 ' and #75, Town C unsel advise& that inasmuch as Mr. Canessa ie not violating the Zoning Law; he sees no way that his property interferes with the public peace, health or safety. He adbised that the owner of the lots consult their own attorney. Complaint re Canessa property Lexbigton. E'r, worthe also stated that he desired to have the U58 of the Stat Flags for decorative purposes at the Con- Rotary vention Headquafrtsrs. Convention Permission was granted for the use of the flags with and the'`proviso that $1000, insurance be placed on the flAgs ,slags, during their absence from the Town Offices. 'The Town buildings were also to be :decorated for the ocodsL on on .e 29th. Application for permission to board two'ihfants at thi home of Vrs Sarah Doiron of Webb Street was received Boarding from the Board.', It was voted to grant approval of the Infants. application provided investigation proved satisfactory. Letters of1thanks were received from Kiltharine Buck Salary and William 016nnor for the action of the Board in not cuts. giving a 15% out in theittisalaries. The Chairn#n reported that he attended the hearing bWore the County Commissioners on the establishment of a New High new street to b laid out from Massachusetts Avenue along way near the,valley of 3ckle Brook to the new State highway near I Bowman St. Bowman Street, distance of approximately 3800'feet, and there was no ob ection to the plan. Mr. H. S. 0. Nichols ' at first protea ed but upon being shown a plan and having found that there would be betterments assessed upon his his property.he'did'not protest. The County'Commissioners appeared to be in favor of the,plan and will proceed to lap out the street by establishing the bounds. .Invitation to attend a' meeting at"the Middlesex County -Sanatorium on J�me 21st was received from Dr.. Sumner H. Invitaticn Remick. Letter was received from the Chairman of the County Oonieissioners i reply to the letter 'of the Board which was prd-tiare.d by the Town Counsel. The Chairman stated that any Wood damages recovered or costs and expenses are assessed upon Street the town. Also that the plan shows that more land reverts Damages. to the petitioner than is taken, and they doubt4d if any damages could be recovered as benefitetwould offset any damages. It was decided to send a copy of this letter to the Town Counsel. In regard o the complaint of Michael F, Costello of 7 Cook Street, Charlestown, It regard to the automobile graveyard maint#fined by Peter Caneasa at his premises on Maas.�e •Avnue and which hdjoins the back of his lots #74 ' and #75, Town C unsel advise& that inasmuch as Mr. Canessa ie not violating the Zoning Law; he sees no way that his property interferes with the public peace, health or safety. He adbised that the owner of the lots consult their own attorney. Complaint re Canessa property 306 The Superintendent of Public Works came before the Cn Board and stated that it was now his intention to go ahead Public with the work on Wood Street. He thought that there was Works time enoggh before school opens to get the foundation for reports on the sidewalk on Waltham Street done. work. The Curve Street drainage job would be started very Street Request for street lights on Fottler Avenue was lights. referred to ire ailcreast for his attention. some of the crew out brush on the highway as it is now The Chairman reported that Mrs. Ee Me Mallooh-a - ' The Supt* reported that he found the cause of mosquitoes 53 Bowker Street was suffering frog► exposure to poison' to be water in the meadow owned by Mr. Ryder off Waltham ivy which covers the property adjoining hers and her Poison 'physicians state that she is susdeptible if she, passes The Supt, was requested to 16ok into the conditlopkat Ivy the , and 'although having reoe ived inocculations, : sloe basin, Menace. ,ivy, does not receive relief, He inquired of the Town Cquns,el the cath basin and the basin gets clogged up. Cain whether or not this constituted a health menace and was property, stated that he informed Mr. Cain that the town would not In -formed by him that the town should not attempt to afford ' do anymore work until he did his part on his own land, a remedy to her but that she should consult her own counsel was decided that the Chairman write to Mrs Cain and inform in regard to the matter, Joy Deed conveying park property to Charles R. Jog was' Property. signed by the Board. This conveys two parcels of land to straighten out the line of the park property so that a fence can be built on the line. The Chairman reported having communicated with Hone Edith Nourse Rogers, congresswoman at Washington D. C,, relative to the possibility of the town obtaining a graft from the Public Works Administration on a trunk line sewer in Mass. Avenue. Mrs. Rogers stated that a District Administrator will be appointed for Massachusetts to whom appli:cat'ion should be made for the benefits under the act, , The Chairman has written a letter to Major P. Be Fleming to inquire about a formal application. The Superintendent of Public Works came before the Supt. of Board and stated that it was now his intention to go ahead Public with the work on Wood Street. He thought that there was Works time enoggh before school opens to get the foundation for reports on the sidewalk on Waltham Street done. work. The Curve Street drainage job would be started very soon. He will use one or two highway men and will hage a foreman. The Supt, stated also that he intends to have some of the crew out brush on the highway as it is now growing high. The Supt* reported that he found the cause of mosquitoes to be water in the meadow owned by Mr. Ryder off Waltham Street and stated that he would get some oil to put tin. He did not have a spraying machine, however, to do the job, The Supt, was requested to 16ok into the conditlopkat Catch the catch basin at Seeley's corner, It was thought thA the basin, ice cream salt and ice is thrown put so that it runs into the cath basin and the basin gets clogged up. Cain In regard to finishing the Pollen Road job, Mr,'S oamman property, stated that he informed Mr. Cain that the town would not Pollen Rd, ' do anymore work until he did his part on his own land, In order that there'may be no misunderstanding, it was decided that the Chairman write to Mrs Cain and inform him that the town will finish the work ' on time after theAh th of July so that this ample opportunity to do his work to meet established by the town. 1 L Follen Road some will give him the grade In rsgardrto the petition requestiAg that Allen Street from Waltham Street, which was named by the Board under date of May 170 1932 as Stedman Road, be restored to its original name,,the reeords showed that Allen Street from old Allen Street by the Franklih School a distance of 600 feet was named Allen Street by vote of the town. The Board therefore voted to rescind the vote of the Selectmen under date of May 17, 1932 whereby Allen Street from Waltham Street to old Allen Street was named Stedman Road and to Instruct the Supt, of Public Works to restore the original sign of Allen Street. It was further voted that at the next town meeting an article would be inserted in the Warrant to rename old Allen Street from Marrett Road to Allen Street, 4tedman Road.. Imre Mit11 came before the Board and reported in regard.to the ase of Warren S. Grant about which letter was received from Mr. Worthen, that the man was obtaining about twenty dollars each week from his work at the Jefferson Union Co and peddling ice, and although he may be in i arrears n his payments to the Lexington Savin#a Bank, if he were obtaining this such income he could not also receive public funds. It was decided that the Chairman notify Mr. Worthen to this effect. Mare Mitchell reported having visited Mrs. August Young In regard to t e application for employment of Henry butt, Jre Mer. Yo stated that hb was paying $12, per week to Nutt and givi him'a discount on meat and vegetables. He, however, was telling stories to the two men they hired and Mr. Young told him if he was to cause trouble he could get through. He promised him if he would keep quiet he might take him back In the fall. He is at present working at Bailey's and has not applied since for work. Sam. Moretti again applied for work, but it was decided not to'Igive any. George A.'Styglea lost his job with the Mellow Ripe Bananna Co*pan$' and again applied for employment. lar. Mitchell recommended paying his rent to his father of $6, a week, having the man work four days a week and give him two days pay, nd it was so voted. In regard to the application of William H. Johanson of 49 Bdwker S rest, the man is a painter by trade. He was aided in Arlington and has a settlement in Bedford. Suggestion was made that he be aided, but that he report to Mr. Garrityto do painting work. 307. Allen Street and Stedman Road. Grant case. Nutt. Moretti Stygles Johanson 308 Tn regard to the application of John L. Blodgett -of 775 Maas. Avenue, his sister earns $30. a week and therefore no work could be given with this income. Mr. Kitchell reported that the man at Camp Devens are now expected to go to Vermont. The meeting adjourned at 9 P.M. A true.record, Attests y t. A