HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-06-13v 299 SELECTMEN'S MEETING JUNE 13, 1933. I A regular meeting of the Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Room Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Trask, Gilereast Ferguson and O'Connell were prdsent. The Clerk was also present. Mr. Chapman' member of the Board of Trustees of the Cary Memorial Li rary, came before the Board and explained that he desired o get the approval of the Board on the proposed project of having a car for the library to deliver books in the north section of the town and the Marrett Road Library section, where the circulation is not as large as it should car. be. He stated that in New York this is done with success and owing to the ',fact that Mr. O'Connell offered his Packard car free of charge to the library for this experiment during July and August he felt it should be tried here. The question of purchasing a car later was also considered but no action taken He stated that he had the approval of Mr. Rushton. T�e Board also gave their approval of trying the experimmnt as long as Mr. O'Connell was to furnish the car and there would be no expense. Ernest S. Holton of Wood Street came before the Board relative to his application for permission to install a gas- Holton ' oline tank of 320 gallon capacity on his property on Wood Gasoline Street. i permit No persons ppeared to object and it was voted to grant the pa rmit. It was voted to grant the following licenses: Thomas M Montague - Undertakers permit Licenses Thomas Me Montague Publicarriage License Wm. C. Baragwanath Overhs ng sign. L Invitations were received by all members of the Board Invitatio; to attend the owing of the Board of Trade as guests of Eugene J. Viano.' The outing will be held June 21st. Certificate!as to the character of Joseph N. Guertin .Certificate of 133 Woburn Street of Lexington was signed by the Board, of the Chief of Police having certified that he was a man of Incorp- excellent character and had no police record. JosepLa N. oration. Guertin is one of the incorporators of the Belmont-Waverley Post No. 165 American Legion, Inc. The Chairman reported thatalthough he had requested the New Town Engineer to',attend the hearing at the County Commissioners High- Office to represt the Board, there now appeared to be some way persons interestd in the lay out and he felt he should hearing, attend the hearijjjjjjnnnnnngggggg himself. Soo CA Letter was received from Henning W. and Axel M. Clematis Swenson of Greenfield -Farm in which they requested that Brook. the Clematis Brook should be cleaned and lowered now as ' the conditions are right for the work. It was decided to inform them that the Board had already made arrangements to have this work done by the unemployed and the work would be started in the near future. Letter was received from Edwin B. Worthen, Treas. Grant Lexington Savings Bank, in which he called attention to the case, case of Warren S. Grant whom he felt should be entitled to Welfare assistance. It was decided to refer the case to Mr. Mitchell for investigation and report to the Board next week. Commitment Commitment for damage to sewer pipe in the amount of $7.70 was signed by the Board. Commitment of sewer rentals for the first section " amounting to $608.61 was signed by the Board. Petition was received from the residents of Allen Allen Street in which they requested that the name of Stedman Road Street. which was changed the Board, and which was formerly called j©y Allen Street, be changed back to Allen Street on account of business purposes. It was decided to lay the matter on the table for one , • week, until the status of the street could be ascertained. The By -Laws of the town state that names of streets shall remain until changed by vote -of the town. Letter was received from Michael F. Costello of 7 Cook Canessa Street Court, Charlestown, in which he complained of the Nuisance* auto grave yard on lots near x#74 and X75 which are owned by him in the Locust Avenue section. The cars belong to Peter Canessa who has had his place of business here before the adoption of the Zoning By -Law. Mr. O'Connell -suggested that the matter be feferred to the Town Counsel to abate the nuisance. Playground The Chair man reported that Miss Ruth Peabody has Instructor. resigned as an instructor of the playground owing to the fact that she secured a permanent position. The Board therefore considered the application of Marjorie E. Hyde of 19 Eliot Road and voted to appoint her to take the place of Miss Peabody for the period eight weeks at a salary of $16. a week. The Board decided to make the following adjustments on salaries in connection with the reduction of 15,%: Salaries Lawrence G. Mitchell - Salary $25. per week - No deduction Joseph Ross Reduce to W. per week from $31.50 301 Matthew Stevnson $1100 per year. No deduettdm William P. 0 Connor Reduce to $25, per week. ' William Fren h Reduct salary 15%. Thio above changes to date from July lst, 1933. It was voted to grant the Sacred Heart Church of East Field Lexington the use of the grounds near the Emerson H all Day. Building, East Lexington, on June 24th for the Field Day. Request fo a shade on the electric light in front of Light 10 Parker Street was received from Katherine T. Saltsgaver, Shade The letterlwas referred to the Supt. of Public Works for his attention. The Clerk eported that the Town of Arlington were Old Pub - removing the o1 public works building located on the East lie works Lexington Meadows, building. Bids were received on the printing of the Plumbing Regulations as follows: 90 first issue in paper 60 2 d issue in paper Plumbing 60 3 d issue in pa er By -Laws. 25. or 10000 and 18 for additions thousand. Tt was vot d to purchase 2000 -copies of the Plumbing By -Laws after they are published. ' Letter waslreceived from the Town Counsel in reference to the case of insley vs County of Middlesex, 1h which he Kinsley stated that mor than a year had expired before the entry case* of suit was mad and therefore the statute of limitations had run againstl,the petition. He stated also that if a letter notifying us previously from the County Commissioners relative to the suit was not received, that it may be possible to persuade the County Commissioners to pay any damages. Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works in which he called attention to the fact that Mr. Burrill who owns the house at 8 Spring Street has not paid any water rates, althoughlhis tenant Mr. McKay has paid his rent. Burrill Mr. McKay complained that he was not to blame for the rates Water not being paid he would be the one to suffer. Rates Underthe ilthough ircumstances, the Supt. of Public Works stated that as ong as Mr. Burrill agreed to pay at an early date, that he would give him until June 24th to pay the bill and if not paid'ithen, a lien would be placed on the property. The Supt. Of Public Works came before the Board and stated that he had received a letter from the State Department of P blic Works in which they stated that they would furnish $$000, the same sum appropriated by the town for the constI tion of Wood Street, and $3000. would be Wood ' furnished by th County. Mated Street. The Supt. that he would be able to finish the construction of'lthe street with that amount of money 302 c� available,.and that he would start the work after the 4th .of July. Follen Rd, The Supt..stated that the work on Follen Road had ' been finished. The Supt. alsp stated that he would start the drainage Drainage. job on Curve Street this month. The Chairman stated that the Town of Arlington requested permission to deepen and widen the brook that starts near Cleaning Comierios place and goes through Reed's place then into Brook the Town of Arlington. The project will probably cost from $12000.. to•$15000. The Chairman granted the permission gladly as this is the brook that Mr. Comierios has been requesting be cleaned by the Board. I The Minute -Man Sportsman's Club has requested permission to have rifle practise on Munroe's land on Sundays. Mr. O'Connell stated that according to the Sunday Rifle Sports Law accepted by the Town the Board could grant this Practise permit but limit the hours from 2 P.M. to 6 P.M. The License Chairman was requested to draw up a form of permit for the club. The suggestion was made, however, that a fence of some kind be built to protect the children going back and forth from the Winning Farm. Mr. Mitchell came before the Board and reported the Welfare total number of welfare cases now amount to 81 cases with ' cases. 333 persons being aided and 39 cases of unemployed with 125 persons, four cases of Soldier's Relief representing 20 persons. Mr. Mitchell reported that he again investigated the case of Mr. Fisher and found that his drivers license Fisher expired May 1st, 1933 and Mr. Fisher informed him that he has no car. He stated that the washing machine was put in his house by Dom Ross who placed it there on trial; he however, had no idea of purchasing a new one. He stated also that the man to whom he sold the car was Mr. Fisher's step -father. Henry Nutt, Jr. again applied for assistance. Mr. Mitchell was requested to check up with Mrs. Young. He Nutt. has two rooms in his father's house and is supposed to pay $5. a week. He expects to go back to Young's to work in September. In regard to the application received.from Patrick Zerrilla, of Mass. Avenue, he Hound that he rents a part Zerrilla of his house fns X28: and is working three days a week. He states, however, thathe will be laid off soon. Mr. Mitchell recommended that nothing be done until he is I laid off. Application was received from John Blodgett of 775 Massachuset•�ts Avrenue. ,leo investigation has been made as Applioatioo was received from Jobn R. Downey of 28S Masse Avonu*i but no investigMton .haw been made. ,+•. >_ Another application was, reooiaved fyom.-Jampo- FA*!e 'of Woburn Street. .His mortgage has mw been mdtused to $2200, and he receives $22. a month from two tenants who .are both on the(welfare department. His wifer is now .working bat he believes she will be laid off soon. Mr. 0►Connoll stated that Mr. Keefe recently collected some insurance money and did not believe he was in need of aide A true r*a rd, Attest. 0 Clerk, Seleatmen. 303