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MARCH 14, 1933, 1
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held
In the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7;30
P.M, Messrs, Trask, Gilereast, Ferguson, O'Connell and
Lyons were present. The Supt. of Public Works and Miss
Elinor Moakley were also present.
Mr. Lawrence G. Mitchell, Agent of the Board of Public
Welfare, came before the Board relative to welfare and
unemployment relief cases.
He stated that he received application for unemployment
relief from'Patrick MacKino of 540 Middle Street. He was
given three days ori unemployment relief last year. He has
Maxino had his co-operative bank payments on the mortgage suspended,
case* and now pays $17. per month. He has a wife and three
children. His wife has been working to help the family,
but has no work now. Mr. Mitchell stated that he had talked
to people who knew the family, and they considered this a
worthy case. He recommended that he be given three days
work a week, and it was so voted.
In regard to the application of John Keneally, he
stated that he had called twice to see him but no one was ,
Keneally home. However, he talked with Mr. George Smith in regard
case to Mr. Keneally's paper route and he was informed thathe
delivers 400 papers for which he gets a cent apiece. He
understood that he had no car, but hires a car from the
woman he boards with. He owes $84, for the board of himself
and his daughter,
. Mr, O'Connell requested that Mr. Mitchell investigate
and report to the Board whether or not the car he now hires
is the same car he owned last year.
In regard to Patrick McDonnell, now getting four days
a week on Unemployment Relief, Mr. Mitchell informed the
McDonnell Board that he is now applying for Soldiers Relief. He has
a mortgage -in the Woburn Co-operative Bank and pays $20,
per month. He receives $12. per month compensation from
the Government, and therefore applied for State Aid, but
it would not be granted unless the Co-op. Bank suspended
payments and allowed him to pay interest,
In regard to the case of Mrs. Faulhefer, housekeeper
for Mr. Thornton, who receives three days per week on
Faulhefer unemployed, Mr. Mitchell stated that she had thries children
and was divorced from her husband. He is supposed to pay
$5, a week for the support of the children, but is out of
employment and unable to do so. Mr, Mitchell stated that '
he talked with Mr. Copithorne, Public Welfare Agent of
Somerville, about the case, and as Mr. Thornton is also a
Somerville case, he suggested that the aid be given directly
to Thornton rather than the Faulherfer family as a separate
family. After considering the matter it was voted to grant
a $3. grocery order a week in this case.
Mr. Mitchell stated that in regard to a car being
operated by a welfare recipient on Cliffe Avenue, the only
family he knew of was the Stanbrook family. Mr. 'and Bars. Auto.
Stanbrook are being aided, and live with their son who
works for the Burroughs Adding Machine Co. and runs his car
back and forth to work.
In regard to the case of Thomas Danforth, Mr. Mitchell Danforth
stated that he had gone to Pawtucket R. I. to secure help .
from his uncle.
Mr. Mitchell reported that Jos. R. Lees, a single man
receiving $6. a week, asked for another day. Noaction was Lees
taken on this case.
Mr. Paul Callahan also requested another day. He Callahan
stated that his father was ill. There are two children in
the family. He was reediving t as days and the 'board felt
that there was nothing new in this case and did not take
gny action upon it.
Mr. Leonard Meek also requested another day, and no Meek
action was taken on the matter.
Mr. Arthur Green on LincolnlStrest was desirous of GtPeen
having another day so he could g$et milk for his child, but
thisapplication was passed up al o.
Mr. Mitchell reported to thBoard that he felt the
cases were beginning to drop off. He had seen 50 per cent Cheek4up
less people in the last few days. He suggested that this of old
would be a good time for him to eview the old cases and cases*
check up on them. The Board con idered this a good
suggestion and directed Mr. Mite ell to do so.
Mr. Trask Stated that there
'Unemployment Relief and Welfare
their checks recently. The Boar
voted to suspend any further pay
who had outstanding checks:- Ma
Frank Serrilla, Andrew Ready, Le
Mr. William G. Potter, Chai
came before the Board. He stat
making appointments at this time
few words to say about the Clerk
Spencer. He felt that Mr. Spene
outside the office made by conta
he felt that there might be cons
Board of Assessors if this were
After considerable discussi
Chairman of the Selectmen to spe
outside activities,
are a few people on the
yrolls who have not cashed Checks
considered the matter and outstand-
nts to the following men ins.
el Silva, Walter Brown,
and Meek, Mr. Dattoli.
man of the Board of Assessors,
d that as the Selectmen were
he would like to have a
of the Assessors, Mr. Frederick
r had business interests
is through the office and Assessors
derable criticism of the Clerk.
n it was left with the
k to Mr. Spencer about his
The matter of the number of hours Mr. Spencer puts in
at the office, as he takes his vacation in odd days rather
than two weeks at a time, was left with the Assessors to
decide upon.
Mr. Willard C. Hill came before the Board in regard to
insurance in the Town. He Lquggested that the present
insurance could be reduced 5% which would out off $77,340
insurance and save $989.95 in premiums during 1933. He
felt that there had been a depreciation since the appraisal
in 1931 so that this might be done. He suggested that if
5% were to be taken off, it ought to be taken off the
policies that are nearest expiration because you do not
suffer on the short rates so much. He stated that also
the contents policy was a blanket policy and could be
easily taken card of.
The Board voted to act on Mr. Hillis recommendations
to the extent of reduci -the amount of insurance on both
buildings and contents 5%.
The Board voted to reduce the blanket schedule by
$77,340. and that the redubtinns be made on the insurance
carried by the four agents who carry the largest amount of
insurance on the Town property.
Mr. Hill also stated that he felt that it would pay
the Town to have an apprAlsal about every five years.
Ne also called attention to the High School Building
and stated that installing sprinklers in this building
should be given consideration.
Mr. Albert A. Ross and Mr. John T. Cosgrove came
before the Board in regard to matters pertaining to sewers.
Mr, Trask explained that there was a bill in the
Legislature on the subject of Lexington becoming completely
a part of the Metropolitan Sewer District. The bill is now
awaiting the action. of the Town Meeting on the question of
whether or not the: -Town will support the action of the Boa3{d
in having it passed. He felt, however, that there was a
question of whether or not there was an,amergency at the
present time. It was felt that the emergency at Bow Street
had been taken care of. The Board also felt that it would
be good business to go ahead and construct trunk line
sewers in the Town and then enter the Metropolitan District
when they desired to and in that way avoid the yearly tax.
The Board therefore voted to postpone action on the
bill in the Legislature iddefinitely.
The question of sewer rentals was then discussed. It
was stated that Reading and Woburn already have in their own
sewer acts the privilege of making sewer rentals a lien on
Sewer property.
Rentals, After discussing the matter, it was felt that further
information should be obtained on the subject, and in the
meantime rentals could be charged in the same manner they
are now being charged. The Board therefore voted that
anything pertaining to sewer rentals be indefinitely post-
In regard to the hydrant dama
' the 011sen Taxi'Co., Mr. Ross stat
the Town Counsel, and that/ it was
case should be settled out of Cour
The matter was reconsidered,-
econsidered,refer the matter to the Town Couns
adjustment he can.
In regard to sidewalks, Mr. 0
that a sidewalk be constructed fro
Road and Waltham Street along the
Street in a southerly direction to
it be staked out forthat purpose b
all the work to be done with unemp
Mr. O'Connell also made a mot
constructed in North Lexington ext
tracks to the present terminus of
existing in front of the Kelley pr
street line. This motion was also
The matter of drainage was co
to have the Town Engineer get the
make a report in regard to the dra
d in East Lexington by
that he had talked with
s opinion that the
nd the Board voted to
1 to make the best
Connell made a motion
the junction of Marrett
asterly side of Waltham
Stedman Road, and that
the Engr'neering Dept.,
byed men, and it was so
on that a sidewalk be
nding from the railroad
he sidewalk already
perty on the 50 foot
.sidered. It
rades of the
nage at both
was decided
street and
Mr. Scamman was instructed to finish the work on the Pollen Rd
Pollen Road wall immediately. wall
Mr. George E. Smith, police o
the Board at the request of the Ch
payment of his contribution to Une
Smith stated that he had no intent
amount, but would like to be allow
this month and would make up the c
The Board granted this reques
In regard to the application
a pool room license to be transfer
decided to grant the license.'
License was granted to Walter
taxi in the Town.
Auctioneerts License of Arthu
this being a renewal.
facer, appeared before
irman in regard to non-
ployment Relief. Mr. Smith re
on of not paying the Contribu-
d to pay his tax bill tion.
ntribution next month.
Franklin E. Barnard for
to him, the Board
J. Rose to operate a
W. McLearn was granted,
Application for playground intractor fob the summer Play -
of 1933 was received from Sylvia S ett. The application was ground
placed on file until such time as ppointments are to be Inst etor.
Letter was received from the
the Board to appoint a member to c
to the proposed street from Lowell
Line. The Chairman was requested
'lanning Board, requesting' Proposed
nfer with them in regard Street
Street to the Winchester
;o confer with the Planning
Nominations, The Board signed nomination papers for Chester L.
Blakely as Animal Inspector and Matthew Stevdnson as
Slaughtering Inspector.
Letter was received from Edwin B. Worthen in which he
asked if the Board desired to confer with the Committee on
Water Dept. Finance before receiving their report. The
Board decided to inform Mr. Worthen that they would leave h
the matter entirely in the hands of the Committee until
report is submitted.
Letter was received from the State Forester approving
the appointment of John J. Garrity as Moth Supt.
Letter was received from Mrs. Ernest Co Martin requesting
that a street light be placed on Rowland Avenue.. As this
is not a street which has been approved by the Board of
Survey, the Board was unable to grant the request.
Letter was received from the Joint Committee on
Municipal Finance in regard to the budget for the Metropolitan
District. The letter was placed on file.
Old Age Assistance application of Charles S. McEnroe
was referred to Mr. Gilcreast,
The Board considered appaintmebts and voted to appoint
the following:
Board of Appeals
Clerk, Selectmen
Dental Clinic Committee
Fence Viewers
Forest Warden
Gammell Legacy Income, Trstees
acting with Dept. Pub.Welfare
Health Officer
Health Inspector
Lockup Keeper
Milk Inspector
Moth Dept, Superintendent
Plumbing Inspector
Public Welfare Agent
Public Works Supt.
Registrabs of Coters
Sealer of Weights & Measures
Arthur N. Maddison
Charles E. Ferguson
C. Edward Glynn
Roland W. Baldrey
Howard Robbins
Helen C. Whittemore
Charles E. Moloy
Charles A. Cummings
Mrs, John E. Gilcreast
Mrs, William G. Potter
Mrs, Thomas S. Grindle
Frank P. Cutter
Bartlett J. Harrington
Edward W. Taylor
Mrs, Robert P. Trask
Lawrence G. Mitchell
Dr, C. Reginald Hardcastle
Matthew Stevenson
James J. Sullivan
Matthew Stevenson
John -J. Garrity
Andrew T. Bain
Lawrence G. Mitchell
William S. Seaman
George M. Davis, 133.
Charles E. Hadley
Slaughter Inspector
Stone Building, Janitor
Supt. of Water & Sewer Dept.
Town Counsel
Town Engineer
Town Hall Janitor
Town Hall Janitor, Ass1t,
Town Physician
Matthew Stevenson
John E. Garmon
Albert A. Ross
Hydney R. Wright ington
John T. Cosgrove
Charles E. Moloy
Philip E. Leaf
Dr, C. Reginald Hardeastle
Mr. Ferguson raised the question of whether it would Wiring
be desirable for the Town to establ"Ish special By-laws for Regulations
the work of the Wire Inspector and it was decided that it
would not be necessary but to continue to use the National
xr. Ferguson reported that as yet he had not obtained Health
much material on septic tanks for the Health Regulations, Regula -
but that he would have more information at a later date, tions
and the matter was therefore left with Mr. Ferguson to
consult with the Town Counsel
The Board considered the Town Warrant, and voted to
meet at seven o'clock on Monday evening to go over the votes
before the Town Meeting,
The Chairman inquired what stand the Board Would take
on the vote of the Appropriation Committee to reduce the
Town Employees' salaries 20%, and it was the opinion of the
Board that they should not express any sentiment on the
article, having had their instructions in regard to a 10%
contribution last Fall.
The Chairman stated that he felt that the Board should
ask for $10,000* for the construction of a trunk line sewer;
$30,000. for Public Welfare; and $1500 for Soldiers Relief,
The Board discussed the appointment of a police officer,
and decided to invite the Chief to appear before the Board
at their next meeting with a report of the duties of the
officers now in the department.
The Supt. of Public Works presented a report of the
expenditures for printing last year by the various departments. needs
The Board requested that he get an estimate from each
department of their printing needs for the remainder of the
year to present at the next meeting.
The Board considered the matter of furnishing gasoline
Gas for
to the Supt, of the Park and Moth Departments, who uses his
own automobile, and it was voted to furnish him gasoline
from the Public Works Building for such use of his ear as
he gives to the Town of Lexington.
The Board signed the State Aid payroll for the month
of January in the amount of $6. and the month of February
in the amount of $6.
Joint location was granted to the New England Tel. & '
Tel. Co. and the Edison Elec, Ill. Co. for one pole
on Ward Street and sixty-seven poles on Mass. Avenue,
eaterly, westerly and southerly sides, commencing at firat
pole beyong junction of Marrett Road and extending southerly
to Lexington -Arlington Line.
The weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works was
The meeting adjourned at 11 o'clock P.M.
A true record, Attest:
Acting Clerk•