HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-02-07IT, SELECTMEN'S MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 1933• A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Office, Town Office Building, on Tuesday Febru�iry 7, 1933 at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Trask, Custance, Gilcreast, Ferguson and O'Connell were present. The Supt. of Public Works and Clerk were also present. Mr. Harry W. Eastman of Winter Street was drdvm as a Jurors Juror for the Criminal Session in March. Mr, Morton G. Hopkins of 9 Audubon Road was drawn as a Juror for the Civil Session in March. Peddler's License was signed for Charles A. Burbidge, License of 5 Banks Avenue, to peddle bakery products for the New England Bankery Co. 1 1 The Chairman reported in regard to Senate Bill #88 relative to Sewer Rentals that he and Mr. Wrightington Sewer appeared before the Committee on Judiciary and after Rentals appearing were entirely convinced that the bill will be thrown out. Other towns did not care to appear as they were not having any trouble. Also when informed that only $600. was involved as far as Lexington was concerned, they expressed the thought that it would not be proper t6 make a law for one town and involving only that amount. The lawyers also objected inasmuch as it would make extra work in looking up the titles. Inasmuch as Mr. Ferguson and Mr. O'Connell were of the opinion that sewer rentals should be waived, it was decided to discuss the matter again three weeks hence. Mr. H. E. Crocker of Watertown appeared to represent Mr. F. L. Green in reference to Mr. Green's application Green for permission to maintain a two car garage of brick Garage construction on Lots 10 and 11 on Bertwell Road. The plans were present at the hearing. No persons appeared to object when this hearing was first called for Jan. 24, 1933, and it was voted to grant the permit subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Invitation was received from Scoutmaster of Troop 24, Boy Scouts of American, W. F. Downe, to attend the twenty - Scout third anniversary of the forming of the Boy Scouts of America Meeting to be held in Conwall Hall, Baptist Church on Sunday.. Feb. 12, at 12 o'clock. common Victuallers License was ranted to Edward L. Child License to do a Victuallers business at the Daisy Doughnut Shop" 1775 Mass. Avenue. In view of the fact that the license will expire on April 30th, it was voted to charge a fee of $2.00 instead of the usual $5.00a 1 1 161 ' There were no articles presented to the Board from outside parties, although the Board advertised to draw the Warrant Warrant from 7:30 to 8 P.M. Invitation to luncheon on Wednesday, Feb. 8th, at the Hawthorne Hotel, Salem, Mass. from the F. L. Ley & Co. Invitatia Inc. who have acquire the rights of distribution of T.R. C. Cement, and who desire an opportunity to provide information on its merits was received. Letter was received from the Supt, of the Water and Sewer Dept. in which he stated that Miss Anstiss S. Hunt reguested an adjustment on her January water bill amounting to $34.74. The charge was made for water used from July 1st to January 1st. Her attention was called to the fact that there might Water, be a leak in the plumbing system, and the suggestion made that A. Hunt she have it checked up. A leak was found in the tank in the attic. The Board felt that the Town in no wag -was responsible for the condition and did not see how her bill could be abated or adjusted. The Supt. Was to notify her to that effect. Mr. Ross presented estimate of the cost of constructing a sewer in Summit Road from the present dead end and tieing ' in with the sewer already constructed in Pinewood Street, Summit a distance of approximately 460 feet as follows: Road Excavation and backfilling by hand $2760. Sewer Excavation by machine & backfilling by hand -2495. The Chairman stated that it was understood last year that the sewer would be put up only to the Ide property, that it would not be assessed upon the Bay State Holding Corp. inasmuch as they were not ready for the sewer. Mr. Ross stated that Mr. Van Dyke constructed a temporary cesspool and he felt that he would want the sewer. It was left with Mr. Ross to look into the matter and find out just•who wanted the sewer. Letter was r6ceived from the Socialist Party of 3 Joy Street, Boston, asking for the support of the Board on bills Tax to increase the taxes on profits of stock transactions. No increase action was taken on the matter. Inasmuch as the complaint in regard to the Fogg Piggery were informed that a ng would be held at which time they would be given an opportunity to be heard, it was decided to hold the hearing on February 14, 1933 at a P.M. The Town Counsel was requested to be present. It was voted to grant licenses to transport garbage ' through Lexington to the following, they having been approved by the Health Inspector: Ryder Stock Favm; -Eamuel Silva; A. Young. v Fogg Piggery Garbage License,gr It was decided to hold up the license of Chester Fogg until after the hearing on complaints relative to his piggery. 162 c� �c Report was received from the Supt. of Public Works in regard to Winter Street in which he stated that the ' records show the town accepted the street July 1, 1849 for a distance of 360 feet. He stated that to excavate for a Winter width of 40 feet and remove 800 yards of material by hand Street would cost $1200; filling the bank with gravel from town pit, 540 cu. yards, $700; grading rolling, building shoulders and outlin3Ag sidewalks, $250. The material will cost $2F-5.00, and the work will give six or eight men three weeks work. Suggestion was made that an eight inch water main be put in before the street is built, but the Supt, felt that it _could be put in on the side of the road at a later date.(41) The Board signed notice of intention to lay out Winter Street, Mr. Ferguson presented estimate of Edward H. Mara for fixing the ceilings in the home of James Truran, 1122 Mass. Avenue, estimate being $85.75. Mr. Ferguson stated that he did not feel that it could be proved that the cracks Truran were caused by the blasting. It might have been or it house. might not have been. After considering the matter, it was voted to authorize payment to Mr. T reran of $35. not admitting and expressly denying all liability for damages alleged to have been caused by the blasting. Mr. Morse, representing the First National Bank, and Mr. Hallie C. Blake came before the Board in regard to the lay out of a street over the former Lexington Park property. Mr. Morse presented the plan of the layout of the proposed street. The Town EnginIner, however, made certain tuggestions in regard to changing the location of this street as shown on the plan so that the property of Mr. Lex. Park Blake could be divided up with lots conforming.to the Zoning Property, Law which required 75 foot frontage and 7500 foot area. Board of Mr. Morse stated that Mr. Eugene G. Hamilton intended to Survey purchase the property and they wanted to file the plan of the layout of the street so that the propertycould be dis- posed of. The Board tentatively agreed upon the changes that were suggested by the Town Engineer and also agreed inasmuch as Mr. Morse was in a hurry to get the property registered to advertise a Board of Survey hearing as soon as possible. The Planning Board were also to be notified to give their opinion on or before the hearing. Mr. Custance brought up the matter of building Locust Avenue through to Follen Road inasmuch as the Town accepted Locust this street and it has never been laid out to Follen Road. ' Avenue He felt that this might be something that could be done by the unemployed which would give work that would have bo be done at a later date. 163 The Supt. of Public Works reported that a sidewalk such as they built in East Lexington made of asphalt could ' be built for $275. for a distance from the end of the Sidewalk present sidewalk down to the Munroe station. This would give employgent to six or eight men for three weeks. The Supt. was authorized to proceed with this construction. Mr. Custance called attention to the gutters on Adams Street and Meriam Street which should be removed as they are Gutters a cause of danger to the travelling public. The Supt. of Public Works was authorized to proceed with the work of taking away these gutters. Mr. Albert A. Ross and Mr. John T. Cosgrove came befon the Board to discuss the matter of trunk line sewer. Mr. Trask stated that $25,000. to $30,000. would be spent on Unemrloyment Relief this year and for that reason he thought the Board should discuss as to whether or not they desired to go ahead with the }proposition of centering the whole Town in the Metropolitan Sewer District or whether or not they desired to curtail matters until a'later date. Senate Bill #250 states that the Act will not become effective until it is accepted by the Town. Mr. Custance Sewer expressed the viewpoint that the Town should proceed with • ' the passage of the Act in the Legislature inasmuch as it would not become effective until accppted by the Town and if the Board desired to get the Act passed in the Legislature there might not be opportunity to secure its passage at a time when the request for a sewer might be made. Mr. Ross explained that the Bow Street and Charles Street sections were very badly in need of being sewered and the residents in the vicinity of Bow Street petitioned some time ago for the sewer. After discussing the matter, it was voted that the Board proceed to construct a trunk line sewer from the Arlington Heights line up to and beyond Bow Street, and ask for an appropriation not to exceed $20,000. Mr. Ross stated that 50 or 60 per cent of this work would be by hand labor and would provide about five months work for the man. When the Act is accepted by the Town there will be an additional assessment in addition to what we now have of $2200. After discussing the matter the Board felt that they should allow the matter to continue as it now is before the Legislature and then ask the Town Meeting to approve the action of the Board in submitting the Act to the Legislature. • Md. Cosgrove called attention to the fact that the Board does not want to lose sight of the fact that it would cost about $60,000. to bring the sewer up as far as the Adams ' School, The Board of Assessors presented an amended budget of $6045.00 instead of $6000. This would give them a little As ssors larger allowance for atttionery and postage. 0 -BiiMget The Board voted to approve the additional amount. A t 164 The Chairman brought up the matter that instead of having odd jobs done by the unemployed, that they be sent to work on the real projects such as widening and deepenl.ng Vine Brook from Hayes Lane to East Street as covered under ' section 1 by the program of Metcalf and Eddy and as recommended by the Committee on Vine Brook Drainage that this section be done first. Mr. Ross explained that there were three ways that this work might be done: 1st, by hand labor which he estimated would be about $1.25 a yard; 2nd, by using Vine some machinery estimated at $.40 a yard. 3rd, by blasting, Brook estimated at .61 a yard. He stated that there was a new dynamite now in use which he understood would throw the material up onto the sides of the bank in a very efficient manner. He has not seen it demonstrated as yet, but it was his understanding that it did a very fine job. Im addition to the widening of Vine Brook, there would be the necessity of building a culvert under East Street with he estimated would cost about $1675. After discussing the matter it was voted that the Board proceed to make a taking for the relocation and construction of that section of Vine Brook described as Section 1 in the Metcalf and Eddy Report and Report of the Committee on Vine Brook Drainage. Health Reg. No action was taken in regard to the Health Regulations, The Board voted to approve the following water guarantees ' for the year 1932, this in complaince with the General Laws: Street Guarantors Int. on Rates Guaranty Cost. East Russo,Thomas —TTff=. $$41.48 None Grant Bowser, Paul 63.98 16.81 $26.85 (88mos) Water Kimball Road McPhee, Ernest E. 37.94 None 9.48 3 n Guarantees. Larhwt Lane Mealey, Jos.H. 22.31 " 5.58 3 " Middleby Rd. Hannaford, Louise 37.04 5.19 10.26 5 " North Street Brown, Jernie E.H.318.18 191.04 None 6 " Stevens, Rupt.H. Willard, Edith W. Pinewood St. State Hold.Corp. 36.39 26.37 Stone 7 " Simonds Rd. Clarke, Kenneth 49.84 7.86 224'19 7 " The Town Engineer reported inregard to Grant Street that he was unable to make the figures check that were formerly made by two Engineers and therefore he did not know just how long, before he would be able to make the proper Fogg layout of this street. The Board at the meeting last property. Tuesday, decided to lay out this streetp from the end of the present accepted highway to the line of the Fogg and Forsythe properties. In view of the fact that the Town Engineer will not be ready for some time in the future, ' to have a hearing on the layout, it was decided to give informal notice to Mr. Blake and the Fogg Heirs that the Board intends to lay out this street at an early date ' inasmuch as the Fogg property at the present time is to be sold and it was hoped that no additional expense would be added to the cost of laying out the street by the new owner. C 1 165 Supt. of Water and Sewer Dept. presented a bid of $795 F.O.B., factory in Cambridge, from the Fisk, Alden Co. for a used Fordson tractor with new motor block, new clutch, rear end entirely overhauled, equipped with used dual pneumatic tires in the rear, two new front tires, Bosch Tractor magneto,,arane, winch, cable, and snatch -block. He also resented a bid for a new tractor equipped the same for 1811. He recommended that the Town accept the bid of $795. which will be guaranteed for a period of ninety days to be divided between Sewer Maintenance, Sewer construction and Water Maintenance accounts. The Board voted to authorize the Supt. of Public Works to make the purchase as recommended in the Supt. of Water & Sewer Dept's. letter. The Supt. of Public Works was authorized to proceed with the plans for doing the work and in the meantime the Board Winter voted to proceed to relocate and lay out Winter Street for Street a distance of approximately 360 feet, and to send out notice of intention. Letter was received from Mr. Wm. H. Ballard in which he stated that he would renew the insurance of $22000. on blanket town of Lexington insurance expiring Feb. 6, 1933 in the Insurance Quincy Mutual Insurance Co. unless otherwise instructed. This would make a return of 20% to the town. The Board approved of this action. Letter was received from the Department of Public Health, Dr. George H. Bigelow, Commissioner, in which he regretted that the town had abolished the office of milk Milk inspector inasmuch as his department would not have time Inspector enough to properly supervise the town of Lexington because their responsibility is limited to the supervision of pasteurizing plants. He felt therefore that the raw milk situation would not be cared for, properly. The Chairman reported that Dr. Lythgoe informed him that such a letter would arrive from Dr. Bigelow, but he still felt that sufficient inspection would be given by the State to safe -guard the town. Applications were received from A. Thomas Ferry, A. Russell MacDonald and verbal application from George F. Smith for the position of Moth Dept. Supt. and Tree Warden. It was decided to lay the applications upon the table for one week. Mr. O'Connell stated that William O'Connor also applied. Moth Supt. & Tree Warden. 166 daughter who had until recently been working as a bookkeeper Doherty was now laid off, and he requested another day. He is now getting four days a week and the Board decided not to grant any more. Mr. Walter Allen of 25 Bedford Street again arplied for c� assistance. He has lived in Lexington for six years, has �c Eustis St. Mr. Custance was to get information in regard to the sewer installation of a sewer in Eustis Street. ' Report. Revised report of the Supt, of the Park Department felt that this should be looked into as there appeared to be some doubt about this statement. The application was laid* was approved by the Board. upon the table. ' Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works. in regard to George D. Harrington, employed by the Water Department as Draughtsman. He explained that Mr. Harrington Harrington was injured in an automobile accident and was out of work for four weeks. He was not paid while recuperating from the accident. The Supt, felt that he should receive his pay from the insurance company. The Board felt that the Supt. was correct in his decision on the matter. Resolutions of the National Economy League were received but no action taken on them. Report The final draft of the Selectmens' Report was signed by the Board. Collins, Mr. Gilcreast reported that he would get additional Old Age. information in regard to the application.,of Elizabeth Collins of 14 Manley Court, who applied for Old Age Assistance. Mr. Frank Winn of Bedford Street came before the Board and asked for additional assistance. He stated that he had , Winn three children, that his wife only works one day a week, that he owns only one half of the house on Bedford Street where he lives. He is now getting only two days, and the food bill for the family amounts to $6.00. It was decided to find out where the money dranw from the Lexington Trust Co. was put when withdrawn before given any extra time. Mr. Mitchell reported that the Bagtaglia family who lived Bagtaglia.at Mr. Miskell's place were moved back to Watertown. Mr. Thomas J. Doherty reported to Mr. Mitchell that his daughter who had until recently been working as a bookkeeper Doherty was now laid off, and he requested another day. He is now getting four days a week and the Board decided not to grant any more. Mr. Walter Allen of 25 Bedford Street again arplied for assistance. He has lived in Lexington for six years, has six children; his wife's son works at the Atlantic & Pacific Allen Tea Co.; one girl 16 years old at home has bad eyes; three other children 12, 11 and 10 years are in school; one boarders pays $10 per week; man has given up all his insurance. He stated bh his application that he was a citizen, but it was felt that this should be looked into as there appeared to be some doubt about this statement. The application was laid* upon the table. ' Mr, Harry G. Fisher reported that his son-in-law who works ' for the A. G. Davis Ice Co. would pay $20. a month rent for the house in which they live which would bring their rent down. He is now receiving two days a week. It was decided not to grant any further aid and it was felt that he should get cheaper rent. In regard to William E. McLean, Valleyfield Street, Mr. Mitchell reported that he consulted with the man's former employer and was informed by him that if there was any work for him that he would be one of the first to be called. Mr. McLean was formerly aided. It was decided to give him three days. The Agent was, however, to find out about his car. Mrs. Chamberlain of Summit Road was interested in a young man by the name of Walter Alyward of 531 Mass, Avenue 18 years old. He applied for work. The three boys were brought up by their grandmother, their mother having passed away many years ago, and their father having dis- appeared some time ago. Their uncle owns the house in which they live. One boy worked at Breck's and has been put away to work out his fine for driving under the influence; another boy has spinal meningitis and was taken to the hospital. It was suggested that if aid was needed that it be given, btt Mr. Mitchell was also to consult with the Uncle to see ' if he desired to help the family. Application was received from Arthur Lynnfield of 17 Pleasant Street for assistance. He has one girl working at Houghton and Dutton's receiving $8.50 a week. He has been living away from Somerville for three years; settlement appears to be in Somerville. He has been out of work for two weeks; has one child 15 years of age who is in Juhior High School. It was decided to give him three days or $9. per week. 167 Fisher McLean Alyward Lynnf ield It was voted to give Frank M. Johanson of 12 Vine Street, who has a wife and one child, two days work. The rent is Johanson $20. per month, but no authiorization was made for this. The Agent reported that he visited the home of Gilbert Harris and found no one home. The man lives on Pearl Street, has three childrdn. His water bill has not been Harris paid; therefore the water has been shut off. Application was received from Amos D. GlaWson of Winter Street. No action was taken. Application of William E. Neal, Centre Street who is a sign painter, Mr. Mitchell reported that the man and his son ' worked at the Lexington Golf Club all summer, and with the small home they have, Mr. Ohlson stated that he should think they would have saved enough to run the house. Mr. Ohlson would also put the man to work in the spring. No action was taken on this application. Glawson Neal 171 Carl Olson living with Mrs. Kelly on Woburn Street again Olsen applied. No action was taken. Mr. Tony Watersof Hill Ave. applied for assistance; he Waters is to be sent to the hospital by Dr. Harrington for bladder trouble. In regard to the application of Peter Palermo, the Agent dtated that he visited the home of his wife at Mr. Leo Palermo Dattoli's at Bow Street and his opinion was that owing to the fact that the man had such a jail record he did not believe he should be aided, but the records of the State Department say that a man's jail record cannot stop any aid'he might need. No action was taken. In regard to the land that the Committee on the Park School Playground advised be annexed to the Parker School property, Mr. O'Connell stated that if furnished with the Parker property plan from the Town Engineer he would put this through School the land'court without any expense to the Town. He should also have the assessed value of the land from the Assessors. After considering the matter of the underground cables for the fire department proposed by the fire engineers, it Fire was decided not to recommend the expenditure of money for Alarm these projects; it was, however, voted to recommend the Boxes installation of ten new fire alarm boxes to replacd the old ones, the cost being $1250. After considering the matter of bond issues, the Board Bonds voted to go on record as opposing any bond issues for any department this year. Mr. Cust ante felt that if this practise is started it might continue so that in the future there might not be any bonded debt except that absolutely necessary. Meeting adjourned at 12:00 Midnight. x true record, Attest: Clerk. WC r� �c 1 C u