HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-11-1563 SELECTMENIS MEETING Application of Ernest L. Dunn of 8 Adams Street, Arlington, to maintain a one car garage at 282 Mass. Avenue, Lexington was considered, after hearing was declared open. Mr. Dunn did not appear. Mr. & Mrs. Dooley whose Dunn property adjoins appeared before the Board and objected Garage, inasmuch as they stated the garage would obstruct the view. The Board dediddd to lay the matter on the table for one week and request Mr. Dunn to bring in a plan of not less than one eighth inch scale showing the buildings and garage. Letter was received from William H. Hannam of 23 Lincoln Street, complaining of the three or four dogs belonging to Hubert C. Grieves. He stated that they were disturbing both ' from noise and odors. He also domplained of the dogs of Complaint W, H. Ballard, C. A.Hall and E. A. Chadwick. re dogs. The Chairman was requested to write to the persons named calling their attention to the town by-law prohibiting any owner from keeping a dog which by barking, biting or howling disturbs the peace or quiet of any person. NOVEMBER 15, 1932. A regular meeting of the Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Trask, Custance, Gilcreast, Ferguson and O'Connell were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. At 7:30 P.M. hearing was declared open upon the application of James Holt for permission to maintain a two car garage of wood construction at 1062 Mass. Avenue. Holt Mr. Holt appeared in favor of his petition and no persons Garage. appeared against. It was therefore voted to grant the permit subject to the approval of the Building Inspector.. Hearing was declared open upon arplication of Frances M. Caverly of 30 Moraine St., Waverly, for permission to maintain a garage at 5 Goodwin Road, Lexington. Mr. McNeil, brother of Mrs. Caverly appeared in favor of the petition. He presented plans of the house which were to be changed around. He stated that it was intenddd to put the garage under the porch. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Dressely and Mr. and Mrs. Mullen appeared at the hearing to inquire the intended location of the garage. Mr. Dresselly explained that there were res- Caverly ' trictions on their lot that prevented a building being built Garage. thirty feet from the back line. They commutteated, however, with Mrs. Skene who read the waiver to them given by Mr. E. P. Merriam on the lots. That was why they were interested in the location of the garage. Both parties were satisfied if the garage was under the house. The Board decided, however, to lay the matter on the table for one week and advise the applicant to bring in a plan not less than one eighth inch in scale showing the buildings and garage. Application of Ernest L. Dunn of 8 Adams Street, Arlington, to maintain a one car garage at 282 Mass. Avenue, Lexington was considered, after hearing was declared open. Mr. Dunn did not appear. Mr. & Mrs. Dooley whose Dunn property adjoins appeared before the Board and objected Garage, inasmuch as they stated the garage would obstruct the view. The Board dediddd to lay the matter on the table for one week and request Mr. Dunn to bring in a plan of not less than one eighth inch scale showing the buildings and garage. Letter was received from William H. Hannam of 23 Lincoln Street, complaining of the three or four dogs belonging to Hubert C. Grieves. He stated that they were disturbing both ' from noise and odors. He also domplained of the dogs of Complaint W, H. Ballard, C. A.Hall and E. A. Chadwick. re dogs. The Chairman was requested to write to the persons named calling their attention to the town by-law prohibiting any owner from keeping a dog which by barking, biting or howling disturbs the peace or quiet of any person. 64, v Parker Letter was received from the Supt. of Schools in which School he requested permission to have a light installed on one ' light, of the Edison Electric poles in front of the Parker School. It was intended that this light be used only for the school. It was voted to grant permission for this use. Hearing, Mr. Trask and Mr. Custance reported that they would Pleasant attend the meeting at the County Commissioners' Office on St. Nov. 18 at 10 o'clock. Letter was received from the Building Inspector in which he stated that he had complaint relative to A. R. Davis Davis of 3 School Street conducting an auto repair shop in an $a& Overhang- District. Mr. Davis produced rent receipts and bills for Ing 1/ sundires showing that he was doing business at this location. Sign. Mr. Davis, however, had an overhanging sign overhanging the highway which he refused to move back.. It was felt that he should comply with the regulations of the town, however, the matter was left with the Chairman to attend to. Tennis Letter was received from the Public Works Department of Arlingt6n in which they stated that they have boarded up the Arl. old windows of the Water Works Building and posted "No Public Trespass" signs endeavoring to keep people away from the Works building. They have no funds, however, in the Water Bldg. Maintenance appropriation and they cannot remove the building. Suggestion was offered that the Town might take the ' building down for the material in it and thereby saving the salary be paid to the Town Clerk for services as Clerk of the Town of Arlington the trouble. It was decided to forward this Reg. of suggestion to the Public Works Dept. of Arlington. Letter was received from F. L. Emery in which he The Board considered the matter and the suggestion was suggested that the town could get insurance and the Field Flores and Garden Club could not and the town could get the necessary tree. appliances for cutting down the large tree on the Flores It was left with the Ohairman to talk with Mr. Lowe in regard property at the corner of Massachusetts Avenue and Maple Street, The Supt. of Public Works stated that he would bring in the statement of the cost of removing the tree. Tennis 4 The Supt. of the Parks and Playgrounds furnished the Courts Board with an accounting of the use of the tennis courts from August 7 through October 16th. Letter was received from George H. Lowe, Chairman of the Board of Registrars of Voters in which he asked that a Salary, salary be paid to the Town Clerk for services as Clerk of the Reg. of Registrars. Voters, The Board considered the matter and the suggestion was made that a salary of $100. be paid beginning Jan. 1, 1933. It was left with the Ohairman to talk with Mr. Lowe in regard to the matter. Mr. Mitchell came before the Board in reference to the ' following welfare and unemployed cases; 65 The son of Henry Nutt of Ridge Road is -now at the Arlington Symmes Hospital and the hospital notifed Mr. Nutt ' Mitchell in regard to paying the bill. Mr. Nutt, the father of the boy, is now receiving unemployment relief. The Board felt that the boy's father could take care of the bill. n C Dr. Hardeastle recommended additional milk for Mrs. John Hhwley of Cedar Stbeet for her second baby. The Board John therefore decided to grant one additional day, making three Hawley days for her husband. Relative to Arthur Silva who lives in the Central Block, Dr. Hardeastle reports the child five pounds underweight. The State Visitor would approve additional food as long as Arthur this condition exists. It was decided to allow extra food Silva. in this ease. In regard to the application of Charles Harold 'Cavanaugh, carpenter, 90 Woburn Street, man has first papers; three children, 14, 12 and 9; came to Lexington August 23, 1923; Cavanaugh also lived at 111 Woburn Street, Waltham, Mass. and Now Jersey for one and Ve half years. Mr. Gilereast recommended three days and the Board so voted to allow him that as Welfare cid. Application was received from John Osgood, grandson of John Rose, of Muzzey Street, eighteen years old, applying for Odgood. employment. The Board decided not to grant any employment. Ralph Pomposo has now moved to Ward Street in the house of Mr. Defelice and is paying $15. per month rent. He again applied for work. It was decided not to grant him any employment. It was decided not to grant any employment to Frank Winn of 26 Bedford Street. Ralph Pomposo In regard to William J. Dalrymple of Hayes Lane, Mr. Mitchell stated that he had been put to work pending thq decision of the Board. He owes seven months rent, has two Wm. children living with him, two living with married daughter Dalrymple in Maine. It was decided that Mr. Mitchell should look into the situation of his daughters' living with him realizing that their father is often intoxicated. It was also decided to allow him three days work in the meantime, to be distributed $4. for rent and the balance in groceries, this to be charged to the Welfare Department. It was decided not to give any employment to Bernard Walsh Walsh but to aid his wife to the balance of her rent that she does not earn. In regard to Norman Pero, whollives at the home of Edson Pero at 12 Waltham Street, it was decided to pay his board Norman of $6* per week. The social worker at the Middlesex County Pero: Sanatorium felt that he should have milk and eggs if he is to become well. 66 01 r -C ..McDonald. It was decided to grant aid for board of Mrs. John A. McDonald who is boarding with Mrs. Arthur A. Mitchie in the amount of $7. per week as a State case. In regard to the application of William J. Hanna,'Mr, Hanna Mitchell was to get more iidformation as to his settlement. V° In reference to the case of Mrs. Paul McDoniQll, Mr. Mitchell talked with herhusband about working two days for the aid to his family. He informed Mr, Mitchell that he was Paul contributing $5. per week, through Mr. Delay the Probation McDonnell Officer. Mr. O'Connell reported that Mrs. McDonnell does cases not need a house as large as she has; that her sister stays with her. She is given vegetables and wood from her family in Lincoln and that she should not be given more than the $3, per week groceries. He felt that she should move into smaller quarters or go to work, ' The matter of attaching property of persons being aided Welfare by the town was considered. It was*felt that this would property, secure funds from the persons aided that otherwise would be attached, lost if they sold their homes and left town. It was decided to give the Town Counsel instructions to place attachments upon this property according to list presented by the Board. The Chairman stated that the Board should give consider- ation to whether or not a committee to solicit funds for , unemployment relief should be appointed, or whether or not after Jan. 1, 1933, the Board should place all persons applying for aid on the Welfare Department. It was decided to discuss this matter at the next meeting. Mr. Mitchell stated that he had received a letter from Community the Edison Electric I11, Co. in which they offered a sign for chest. the Community Chest. As there will be no cumminity chest in this town it will not be necessary to make use of the sign. Health The Chairman reported that the Health Inspector would Regula- call at the office this week to go over the Health tions. Regulations. , Mr. Gilereast reported that he consulted with Miss Dunham, Mooney of the Family Welfare Society and was informed by her Old Age that the King s Daughters were not unable to give $1. each Assistance. week for Mrs. Dunham and they only had one dollar left to contribute to the board of Mrs. Dunham of which the town pays $12. per week. He consulted again with Mrs. Chamberlain relative to decreasing the board, and Mrs. Chamberlain stated that she could not board Mrs. Dunham for less money. Mr. Gilereast felt that the town should be governed by the State in regard to the allowance, Request was received from John S. Valentine for additional Insurance. insurance. He was informed that his name would be on the list when any revision is made. The matter of attaching property of persons being aided Welfare by the town was considered. It was*felt that this would property, secure funds from the persons aided that otherwise would be attached, lost if they sold their homes and left town. It was decided to give the Town Counsel instructions to place attachments upon this property according to list presented by the Board. The Chairman stated that the Board should give consider- ation to whether or not a committee to solicit funds for , unemployment relief should be appointed, or whether or not after Jan. 1, 1933, the Board should place all persons applying for aid on the Welfare Department. It was decided to discuss this matter at the next meeting. 67 ' It was also decided to discuss the matter of water rates Water _ at the next meeting. rates The Clerk reported having had conference with the Old Age Visitor, Mr. Howard, and Mr. John Devine, in reference to the money paid to Mr. Devine since Jan. 1, 1931, Mr. Devine received $10, per week and out of that only paid $45 John within one year to the Lexington Inn for his board. Mr. Devine Devine could give no accounting whatever in regard to how or case* where he spent the money. It was decided to refer the matter to the Town Counsel to place an attachment on the Devine Property on Utica Strebt- to protect the town. Mr. Custance brought up the matter of being prepared for plowing the walks of snow. He felt that if horses enough could not be provided that the town chould purchase a tractor Tractor plow. He felt, too, that one tractor would be worth six or horses. The Supt. of Public Works stated that he thought Horses the town should have a tractor. The Supt. was requested for to bring in a report relative to the number of horses he could snow obtain for this work. plow. The Chairman stated that the Appropriation Committee had been promised some information on the town appropriations for Approp- ' their consideration. riationi Mr. 0ilereast stated that he would bring in information next Tuesday for the consideration of the Board. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk. L