HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-10-04E1 SELECTMEN'S MEETING OCTOBER `X40 1932. The Chairman reported that the Committee to consider the Russell House site, consisting of the Chairman of the School Committee, the Chairman of the Planning Board and Chairman of the Selectmen, considered the use of the Russell House property and the decision of the Committee was that it was not a location for a school house and not a location for a fire station, and it would be unfort- unate if there were stores there, and the only thing suitable to be placed on the lot they felt was an apartment house and they would agree to a change in the Zoning Law to have an apartment house on this property. C!i 1 C J A regular meeting of the Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Trask, Custance, Gilcreast, Ferguson and OtConnell were present. The Supt. of Public Works and Clerk were also present. Letter was received from the County Commissioners in which they called attention to a meeting on October 6 at 2 P.B. at their office, at which time it was intended to discuss highway construction for 1933. Mr, Custance suggested that aid should be requested under Chapter 90 on Pleasant Street inasmuch as traffic will be diverted. In that direction when the Concord Avenue project is completed. Mr. OtConnell and Mr. Gilcreast suggested that Woburn Highway Street from Mass. Avenue to Utica Street be constructed. construe- Mr, O'Connell felt that a sidewalk should be built also tion. because of the number of children on the street, Mr, -Custance suggested either an underpass or overpass at the Woburn Street Railroad crossing, After discussing the matter, the Board decided to request County Aid on Woburn Street and Pleasant Street, but they preferred to have Woburn Street done in preference to Pleasant Street, The Town Treasurer presented bids on Temporary Loan of $175,000 dated June 29, 1932 and payable April 18, 1933 as follows: Faxon Gade & Co. 1,58 discount Bid on Grafton Co. 1.72 Loan. Second Nat'l. Bank 2,09 Merchants Nat'l Bank 1.63 Lexington Trust Co, 2.73 " F. S, Mosley 2.81 The Board voted to award the bid to Faxon Gade Co, at their bid of 1.58 discount. Gorberg The Chairman reported that he had not interviewed case Mr, Earle relative to the Gorberg case. The Chairman reported that the Committee to consider the Russell House site, consisting of the Chairman of the School Committee, the Chairman of the Planning Board and Chairman of the Selectmen, considered the use of the Russell House property and the decision of the Committee was that it was not a location for a school house and not a location for a fire station, and it would be unfort- unate if there were stores there, and the only thing suitable to be placed on the lot they felt was an apartment house and they would agree to a change in the Zoning Law to have an apartment house on this property. C!i 1 C J Lis Hearing was declared open on the application of William F. McCabe for permission to maintain a two car wooden garage at Cedar Street. Mr. McCabe appeared and presented a plan which appeared Garage to be satisfactory. The Board therefore voted to grant License Mr. McCabe a permit for a garage at this location subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. It was voted to grant permission to the Lexington Gas Co. to install gas mains in Fdgewood Road for a distance Gas of 300 feet and in Summit Road a distance of 309 feet. mains Commi.ttment of water charges in the amount of $84442.64 Water was signed by the Board. Committment John F. McKearney of 155 Grant Street was drawn as a juror. Juror State Aid pay roll for the month of September in the State Aid amount of $6, was signed by the Board. I pay roll. Supt. of Public Works reported in regard to the bridge in the rear of the McDonough property, 241 Marrett Road, that thls land is part of the McIntosh development and is divided into thirteen lots and there are ten or twelve owners. He stated that considerable water runs into the McDonough McDonough lot. The land is unfit for building purposes complairt and would be so until drained. He did not see that there was anything that the Building Inspector could do to prevent the people from bridging the brook inasmuch as it did not cause any obstruction to the flow and there was nothing in the Building Laws covering this Issue. The Chairman stated he would write to Mrs. McDonough explaining the situation to her. The Chairman reported that he was to have a conference on Wednesday with the representative of the Lexington Gas Gas Company in regard to the gas rates and would report later rates to the Board in reference to the matter. Letter was received from Elmer A. Lord & Co. calling attention to various items that were not covered on the boiler policy of the Town and it would cost $499. for Insurance. three years to cover. The Board considered the matter, and decided not to place the additional insurance. Letter was received from the Supto of the Water and Sewer Dept* in which he called attention to the fact that the Boston & Maine Railroad Co. at one time were using large quantities of water at the Depot Square Station and it was Water voted to allow them the charge of eighteen cents per 100 cubic feet. They have now stopped using a large amount of water at this station and the October bill amounted to $2.30., He recommended that the regular rate be charged and .the Board so voted. ITI Letter was received from Mrs. Margaret Jackson in which she stated that she had had a conference with Mrs. Jack- Mr. Rupert Stevens, Chairman of the -Recreation Committee son re and he considered the time ripe for the type of work she community suggested and she was therefore going ahead with plans for chorus. the Community Chorus. She further mentioned the fact that she meant to start a Ceanity dostusme closet for costumes for the affairs to be held latera In regard to the request of Mr. Fellman'for drainage on Highland Avenue, this matter has been pending since Highland 1931. At that time the Board promised that there might be Avenue a -possibility that the Town would make an appropriation Drainage. to reimburse him for the pipe laid: The Board decided to lay the matter on the table indefinitely. Letter was received from the Town Counsel in reply to the Boardts letter inquiring whether or not he felt that Mr. and Mrs. VanderPloude were entitled to damages. He stated that he felt the question of damages was the comparison of the lot before the taking with the value after the taking. The elements of the private way and change of grade would be for the jury to consider and determine. Petition was also received from Pierra A. Northrup requesting the .abatement of Highway Betterment Assessment on the property of Louis & Hattie Vanderwoude, Vanderwoude Mr. OfConnell stated that Mr. Northrup informed him case* that next Tuesday night would be time enough to make the decision on the matter. The Board viewed the conditions on Tucker Avenue and discussed the matter as to whether or not the VanderWoude's received any betterment from the improvement. Mr. Ferguson suggested that the Town Engineer place upon the plan showing the contours of the present street, the contours of the street before changes were made, and the Board would then have the matter before them at their meeting next Tuesday evening. Mr. Pride, contractor for Mrs. Ide who is constructing a house on Summit Road, came before the Board about five weeks ago•to request that a sewer be put in Summit Road. After talking the matter over with the neighbors, he Sewer, decided to endeavor to get along with a septic tank. Summit Rd. However, he found the condition of the soil was a thick bed of rocks and after removing the rocks he found that it would not absorb the water and it would not be possible to have a septic tank to take care of the sewage. After finding that out, he talked with all but Mr. Hendricks, whom he could not get in contact with, and none of the abuttors on the line of the sewer would object except Mir. Murphy. The Town Engineer presented statement showing estimated cost of the sewer to be $2000, for a distance of 335 feet 1 LJ ` 11 ' to connect with the Ids property. Mr. Pride stated that Mr. Ida might be willing to past Mr. Murphyts portion of the sewer for the first and maybe the second payment until financial conditions were better with Mr. Murphy. He stated also.that Mr. Murphy informed him that he had to have a plumber twice each year on account of the overflow in his cellar. He felt therefore that Mr. Murphy was really in need of the sewer. Mr. Pride wanted to be assured that the Board intended to request the Town to appropriate money to construct the sewer so that be might go along with the construction of this house. The Board assured him that under the conditions, they would recommend the installation of the sewer to the Town. Letter was received from the Town Counsel in regard to the Meady case. He reported that the suit was not being brought be Benjamin B. Meady, son of W. Benjamin C. He Meady also enclosed interrogatories and answers which were read case by the Board. The Board decided to instruct the Town Counsel to handle this case as he desired for the best interest of the Town. Letter was received from the Bureau of Old Age Assistance calling attention to the fact that they have now made rules relative to the amount of insurance allowed Old Age ' on the lives of applicatns for Old Age Assistance, and the Assistance amount allowed to be paid by the applicant. Information in regard to the applicants now on hand was turned over.to Mr. Gilereast for his attention. Old Age Assistance application of Catherine F. Eloy of bard Street was referred to Mr. Gilcrdast for his attention. Letter was received from William J. Leary of 116 Vine Street in which he complained that he called attention of the previous Board of Selectmen to the condition of Vine Brook backing up through the ditches on his land and flooding his property making his land unfit for cultivation. He stated that in 1930 he received a letter from the Selectmen stating that the matter would be referred to the Committee on drainage, but nothing had been done and if he did not Complaint hear something at an early date, he would be obliged to re Vine start legal procedure. Brook. The Board decided to'inform him that they would put some of the unemployed in the vicinity to clear out what- ever obstructions might be in the brook. This would not be of a permanent nature but might relieve the condition os his premises. The Board discussed the matter of the construction of Downing Road and Outlook Drive by the contractor who agreed to construct the streets for the residents of that territory at a much less cost than the Town required. Mr. Custance felt that it should be made known to the public that the work as completed was not done 12 c-� �-c according to the specifications of the Town, that the Downing Rdo road did not have any base, was not built to grade, and ' and only had a light coating of oil. Outlook Dr. - After discuaslm# the matter, the Board decided to request the Supt. of Public Works and the'Town Engineer to make a report of the condition of the streets and to file this report in the records of .the Town for future reference. ' The Chairman reported that Mr. Bradley having informed the Ldkingto:ft-•Townsm;n about" the7`matter, the paper was good enough to consult him before printing the matter, and he advised them to make changes so that the public would not be misinformed. The Clerk reported complaint received from Mr. Fisher In regard to Mrs. Henry Atkins, who has Tuberculosis, Atkins that she did not look after herself in the proper manner cases so that his family was exposed to Tuberculosis. The Board had previously taken this matter up and considered the question of Mrs. Atkins? being sent to Tewksbury. She refused to go owing to the fact that the report of the Middlesex County Sanatorium did not state that she needed hospitalization and the State Guardianship Division did not feel that they had a right to take her child. The Board considered the application of Elizabeth ' C. Stephens for admission to the Middlesex County Sanatorium. He''husband, who was Works Manager of the Middlesex U. S. Gypsum Co., signed a statement that he would pay Co. San, the sum of $12,25 per week for her care at the Sanatorium. patients. The woman has no settlement in this State and the Board were asked to consider whether or not they would send these eases to the hospital. After considering the matter, the Board voted to send Mrs. Stephens to the Sanatorium. The Board also voted to send Nora Helena Moran, who is a State case to the Middlesex County Sanatorium. Election In regard to the Election Officers of Precinct One, Officers, it was decided to appoint Viola Harkins in the place of Arthur W. Hughes to balance the parties. The Clerk reported that Mr, Robert J. Kelley received a Highway Betterment Assessment on Smith Avenue and asked that the records be looked up to find out whether or not Highway there had been an -agreement of the Board of Selectmen not Betterment to assess this property. The Clerk reported looking up the records of the Board of Survey lines laid down for Smith Avenue and there was some mention of Mr, Harrington., who owns ' property on one side, in regard to his land being taken for Highway purposes. He stated that he should not be charged the better- ment. However, there was no record in regard to Hr. Kelleyts property, which was -formerly the Horgan property, being exempt from the Highway Betterment, and it was. decided to so. advise Mr. Kelley, The Clerk reported that all of the charges had been sent to the State on Old Age Assistance up to April 3019 1932, and that all cases had been approved except the Addie Palmer case, to whom $16, had been paid. The only other case which had been billed up to Old Age Assistance was henry Jenks, a State case, but this has been charged to the State as a Public Welfare case. The Board tbarefore abated the charge on Henry Jenks and $16. on Addie P&lmer on the Old Age Assistance Account. The Chairman stated he received a report from Jos. Brack & Sons which showed that they examined the shrubs and hedges in the Park Department. He stated the Hr. Hmery felt that some damage may have been done to the shbubs and hedges in the Park Dept, by the work done by the Superintendent, and that is why Hr. Robinson was requested to make this examination. A copy of the report was sent to Hr. Garrity and Mr. Emery. ' Hr. Hallie C. Blake, Chairman of the Committee on New Fire Station Sites, Edward W. Taylor, Chief of the Fire Dept., Albert H. Burnham, former member of the Board of Selectmen and John H. Devine, former -member of the Appropriation Committee, all of whom were on the Committee on New Fire Station Sites authorized in 1929, were invited to come before the Board. The Chairman explained to them that the Town Counsel was requested to rule upon whether or not the former members were still members of the Committee and hd felt he was unable, with the vote that was passed, to make any ruling. The Chairman read the sketches from the former records of previous meetings of the Committee and he informed them that the purpose of this meeting was on account of the desire of the Planning Board to have it definitely established whether or not the Committee were in favor of the plot of land located at the corner of Fletcher Avenue and Woburn Street for a fire station. Hr. Taylor.presented the plans that had been drawn endeavoring to place the fire station on this lot. He also presented the plan of a stAtion he felt should be erected in the Town with a view to the fuhure development of the Town. Hr. Blake stated that the Committee had considered two sites; that of the Phelps property on Bedford Street, ' and last evening he endeavored to communicate with Mrs. Phelps and he stated that her Attorney felt that she would be entirely reasonable if the Town wanted to purchase her land; the other property was the Leary property on Mass. Avenue near the corner of Fletcher 13 Old Age Assistance accounts Report on shrubs. 14 n �c Avenue, and he talked with Mrs. Leary and she stated that her asking price was $25,000, He asked her if she would accept $23,000, and she stated that she might. ' When the former meetings were held, the records show Mrs. Leary to have agreed to sell for $15,000. and the Committee deemed that at this time the property might be purchased at a reasonable price inasmuch as land values have been reduced, It was also felt that it might be well to consider building a building at this time New Fire . inasmuch as the building costs are so low. Station, Mr. Taylor felt that there would be need of the bungalow type of Fire station in different sections of Town wherever schools and communities developed. He felt, too, that if the Leary property were taken, that part of the Barnes property would also have to be purchased. After discussing the matter, the Committee unanimously voted that it was the sense of the Committee that the location at the corner of Fletcher Avenue and Woburn Street was not.the proper location for a fire station and they would not recommend it to the Town. It was also decided to have another meeting in two weeks to. consider further the plans for a building Mr, Mitchell came before the Board and reported that he had received bill of $56.98 for treatment of Mrs. Williams Charlotte Williams whose husband works for the Nighway case. Department. The Clerk had formerly denied responsibility , to the City of Boston for this case even though settlement is in Lexington, The Board did not feel that the bill should be paid by the Town. Application for employment was received from Vendel Lichtenberg of Hayes Lane. He stated that his daughter, Lichtenberg. 22 years of age, was working part time at Conrddst store in Boston. His home was free of mortgage. His wife worked two days a week. It was decided to give him two days employment a week. Application was received from Roger Franklin 'Williams of 94 Tarbell Avenue, who lives with his mother. His Williams brother works for the highway department receiving $16. .per week. Roger took out insurance three months ago when he was employed with the Cloverdale Creamery. The Board felt that a young man 21 years of age should secure some employment elsewhere. In regard to further information relative to Fred Sgrosso, Mr. Mitchell reported that he had received . $102.25 from Custance Bros. while working there, and out Sgrosso of that amount he was unable to find out where any but ' $19. was expended and that went to the Mass. general Hospital. It was therefore decided to. pass up this application at present, J 1 In regard to William H. Brown whom the Board voted to give one day last week, Mr. Mitchell reported that his Aunt Catherine Donavan was now moving from town .and that he was not going to leave town. He felt therefor that he should have more assistance to pay his board. The Board felt that he perhaps should go to live with .his father or with his Aunt and decided not bo give him any further aid. On the application of Ralph Tebbetts whose family consists of a wife and three children, for an extra day to pay for his milk, the Board felt that he was getting all he should be getting. The Clerk reported that there was at one time a tdnement that he could get for 20, per month rent located near where he is now living. Mr. Mitchell was requested to find out if this place was still available so that his funds could be conserved on rent and used for some other purposes. In regard to the application of Frank Faulkner of Winter Street, notice was received from Medford that they would not aid him further in that town on Soldiers Relief inasmuch as he was now living in Lexington for the past five years. He is now receiving five days a month on Unemployment to pay his Cooperative Bank payments of $15.45 per month. He was receiving $9.60 per week additional from Medford as Soldiers Relief, The Board decided to give him four days each week on the Unemployment Relief. In regard to the Alphonso Munroe family, Mr. Mitchell stated that they had secured three rooms in East Lexington at $18, per month rent. He arranged for some furniture to be moved from Somerville so that they could start housekeeping. He was to arrange to give him four days a week work. In regard to Bernard 4+Rourke, Mr. Mitchell reported that he found that he could not be deted no matter how many times he was arrested. 15 Tebbetts Faulkner Munroe O'Rourke The Board discussed the budget for 1933. The Chairman r sported that he had consAlted with the Chairman of the School Department relative to the reduction of salaries of the teachers for 1933 and 'lir. Smith did not believe that the salaries should be reduced. He thought the teachers should be allowed to give 10% instead of being decreased in salary. Salaries The Board considered the various items in the budget and made tentative reductions in some of the items, but decided to give the matter further consideration and to take up the matter of salaries at a later time. In this connection it was decided to ask the Supt. of Publie Works to bring in figures on the cost to maintain th*At�.ghway Department men on a five day week basis. aatias Mr. Scamman reported that he bad cleaned out Clematis a Brook and round many dams that were stopping the flowage. cars. The Supt* was request4d to check the record of saving on having a mechanic repair the oars f t that Towns dbOr of The Chairman reported that he was to suggest the prop* name of Frederic Fisher to serge on the appropriation mittee. Committee. P.J. fir. O'Connell reported that Mr. P. J* Maguire desired Maguire to retire on a pension. The meeting adjourned at 12t26 . A true record, Attests Clerk. 1